Balakalakar 2012

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AIESEC Chandigarh Balakalakaar „12

Date: 14th July | Time: 9AM to 2.30PM | Venue: Hallmark Public School, Sector 15 Panchkula Presented By: Sidharth Karwal Vice President AIESEC Chandigarh +91 981-568-1330

AIESEC Chandigarh | |

Event Objectives: 

To create awareness amongst the audience about the need to have direct impact for upliftment of underprivileged kids

Generating impact by getting attention and raising the agenda of “Supporting a Child” this summer

Providing a platform for volunteering youth to showcase impact by their actions

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Making our presence felt as a socially active youth enterprise by actions

Providing children knowledge about different cultures by making them interact with international interns

To help the NGOs to get support from companies, organizations and educational institutions to increase impact and be sustainable.

Awareness about innovative Internationally acclaimed campaigns aligning with uprising for social issues- Chandigarh Freeze (26th May) and One Day without Shoes (7th July)

To start new phenomenon of having pre-events to create impressive and significant impact

Key Highlights:  

Adoption of students for FREE Dance training by Jaison Academy, Mohali

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Coverage by 10 Print Media houses

500+ underprivileged children attended the event and experienced the change Coverage by Electronic Media Promotions via Newspapers and Online (Social Media) Appreciation to kids through gifts distribution Comfort provision of kids including Venue, Food AIESEC Chandigarh | |

Promotions: a) Promotion Activities a. Amongst the local committee of the organization b. Be a Volunteer Campaign c. Social Media d. CafĂŠ Partners e. Print Media f. Pre- Event promotions 3 Pre-events conducted prior to Balakalakaar within two months 1. Chandigarh Freeze (26th May) 2. One Day without Shoes (7th July) 3. Kiran (23rd June) b) Promotion Whereabouts a. Major student hangouts like Sector 17, Sector 35 and Sector 34 b. CafĂŠ Partners c. All popular hangouts throughout the city d. Institutions partnering with AIESEC for Lead Talks and other activities c) Registerations a. Externals: Non-AIESECers reached to contribute and volunteer for the cause b. Internals: AIESEC members and clients associated with AIESEC c. Alumni: Ex-AIESECers

Total registrations: 1. Chandigarh Freeze: 134 2. Kiran: 171 3. One Day without Shoes: 229 4. Balakalakaar: 350+ AIESEC Chandigarh | |

Chandigarh Freeze

Pre Event 1

Date: 26th May 2012 | Time: 7PM onwards | Venue: Sector 17 Plaza Adopted from an International Campaign in Grand Central Station, New York, the concept of “Freeze” is used to attract public attention in a crowded place. AIESEC in Chandigarh proudly presented the concept of freeze in India. On May 26th, 200+ volunteers dressed casually were scattered around at different locations at Sector 17 near the fountain area. At 7PM(approx.), all of them Froze for 5 minutes at their respective locations doing different things such as someone tying their shoe lace, someone drinking water, reading a newspaper etc. The idea behind “freezing” was to draw attention to a certain cause or issue. Flash Freeze Mobs are very popular around the world. Following the Freeze large dropdowns telling the onlookers about “Balakalakaar” were displayed.

Volunteers freezing as a part of Chandigarh Freeze act

AIESEC Chandigarh | |

Post the Freeze, Dropdowns telling about the cause and Balakalakaar were displayed


AIESEC Chandigarh | |


Pre Event 2

Date: 23rd June 2012 | Time: 9AM-5PM | Venues: NGOs (specified below) Kiran, a pre-event of Balakalakaar 2012, witnessed more than 500 children being impacted through 3 different venues. There were more than 100 volunteers present on the day, who served a DAY OF HAPPINESS to all the 500 under-privileged kids in the event. NGOs involved: 1. Yuvsatta 2. Hamari Kaksha 3. Theatre Age Venues Covered: 1. Hallmark Public School, Sector 15, Panchkula 2. Yuvsatta School, near Sector 26, Chandigarh 3. Government School, Sector 8, Chandigarh

Ongoing activities during “Kiran� at Hallmark Public School AIESEC Chandigarh | |

Children excited about “Goodie Bags” distributed


Presenting Partners

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Café Partners

AIESEC Chandigarh | |

One Day without Shoes

Pre- Event 3

Date: 7th July 2012 | Time: 5PM onwards | Venue: Sector 17 Plaza One Day without Shoes is adopted from an international event, originally started by Tom Shoes from United Kingdom. The event is first of its kind in the city, where a group of people walked barefoot to acknowledge the severity of situation of the absence of shoes in children‟s lives. The event saw approximately 200 volunteers along with few locals as well as international interns taking part in the event. The event was organized in the late evening of daytime such that more people were present to witness the event at the venue since the event aims to impact the general public also to understand their social responsibility towards the severe cause. The volunteers of the event were not limited to a certain age group of people, rather would be participated by people from different age group, representing various corporate and social sectors of the city. For this purpose, a massive “Be a Volunteer” campaign had already been launched from May 2012 so that more people get a platform to show their concern towards the cause. This event saw voluntary engagement from various AIESEC Local Committees: 8 Countries (Egypt, China, Canada, Mauritius, Argentina, Brazil, Morocco, Russia) 3 Local Committees (AIESEC Manipal, AIESEC Dehradun, AIESEC Lucknow)

AIESEC Chandigarh | |

Internationals and Passerbys join us for One Day without Shoes

People were distributed with flyers enlightening them about One Day without Shoes Concept and upcoming Balakalakaar

AIESEC Chandigarh | |

Balakalakaar 2012

Balakalakaar is an initiative taken up by the local office of AIESEC in Chandigarh. This event targets families, corporate houses, schools, colleges and the Chandigarh youth in general. Through this campaign we intend to bring underprivileged children from tricity on a common platform wherein they are provided an opportunity to explore and showcase their creativity through art expression.

Day Plan 7:45 PM: Pick up of children from respective stops. 8.45 AM: Arrival of children at the venue. 9.00 AM: Opening Ceremony. 10.00 AM: Starting of Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Global Village Dance Competition Singing Competition Drawing Competition Art and Crafts activity Nature Walk

7. Library Visit1.00 PM: Lunch 2.00 PM: Closing Ceremony 3:00 PM: Program Ends 3.30 PM: Children dropped back to their respective NGOs and schools

AIESEC Chandigarh | |

Event Pictures

Hallmark Public School, The Venue

Ongoing Activities AIESEC Chandigarh | |


Dance Activities

AIESEC Chandigarh | |


Interaction with interns during Global Village

AIESEC Chandigarh | |


Presenting Partner

Media Partner

Associate Partner

CafĂŠ Partners AIESEC Chandigarh | |

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