Gurin Pal Singh LCP Manifesto 2012

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Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh Applicant for Local Committee President 2012 AIESEC Chandigarh

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Section A | Opening Note The state elections are around the corner and the results are quite predictable. The present Government did not perform well and hence there would be a change of guard. The new Government, with a little bit of care and effort , can show improvement in most areas and ‗perform well‘. Similarly, in all organizations, it is easy to ‗perform well‘ when a new set of people take over from an average or poor team. Performance, like everything else in the postEinstein era, is relative.

So what do you do when you take over a great legacy? How do you ‗perform well‘ and improve an organization that is already at the pinnacle and has been hailed as one of the best in the world? That is the question that the new leadership of AIESEC Chandigarh would face. Charles Dickens was not confused when he said :

―It was the best of times and it was the worst of times‖.

The new leadership of AIESEC Chandigarh is going to understand that very soon. To take over the best organization would be everyone‘s dream but taking it further up on the scale of success and performance is going to be all the more difficult.

It is clear that AIESEC Chandigarh has to keep moving up and ahead; it is also clear that this would be easier said than done. When you are leading - your values ,beliefs and personality are driving your success- or your failureeven when you don‘t realize it. You have to be the prism that can converge varied ideas of different members into one guiding light for the organization and at other times be the prism that would break up the central Purpose of the organization into individual goals.

Any leader can succeed only if he or she blends with and is fully backed by the organization. The new leadership would have to realize that: ― It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit‖ – H.S.Truman

The new leadership would have to combine Passion to turn the organization‘s Purpose into Performance !

Gurin Pal Singh AIESEC Chandigarh Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Section B | Personal Information Full Name

Gurin Pal Singh

Date of Birth



House Number 1674, Sector 21 Panchkula




Academic Achievements and Qualifications : B.A Economic Honors, III Year, Panjab University Class XII 88.6% (CBSE, D.A.V. Model School, Sector 15, Chandigarh). Class X 92.8%(ICSE, St. Stephen’s School, Chandigarh)

Additional Achievements & Experiences

Completed a period of two years as National Service Scheme Volunteer from April 2006 to March 2008

Participated in theatre and street plays

Taken formal training in Western Classical Piano (Level II); won school level competitions in solo instrument (keyboard)

Completed a crash course in Film Making delivered by Institute of Moving Images, Mumbai

Skills & Interests Software

Skill Level


Windows Movie Maker


Windows 7



IE, Firefox, Chrome

MS Office


Word, Excel, Publisher, Powerpoint

Audacity (Sound editing)




Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Photoshop, Aviary, Corel

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Section C | AIESEC Experience 1.

List all positions held in AIESEC along with duration of the role. Also briefly elaborate on your contribution/performance, as well as the main learning you derived from each role.

GCDP Internship Kocaeli, Turkey December 2008—January 2009

The Start of Something New! Key Learning/Contribution : Adapting to an alien environment; Successfully overcoming various cultural and communication challenges; Representing my country, city, and local committee; Living Diversity The five weeks in Turkey working in a multi-national team in a school for special children had activated the change agent in me and the learning and the experience was easily worth a lifetime. My AIESEC internship was equivalent to an NLDS for a new recruit as it was here that I understood AIESEC in its purest and unadulterated form. This experience has given me my REASON to be in AIESEC and even though back then I was just a rookie, I somehow completely understood the real meaning behind the phrase, ―I am an AIESECer!‖ Exchange Coordinator Education Sector February 2009—August 2009

We all need some education!

Key Learning/Contribution: Working as a team member; being accountable for results; learning and facilitating the exchange process; Reception This was the phase when failures were constantly coming across my way, with nil success rate when it came to sales conversions or doing exchange. However, I was fortunate to learn how every unit of a team can contribute to achieve the team‘s success. This was also the time when I facilitated a number of trainee experiences of the department and after having undergone the same myself, I made sure all the trainees of the department felt that they were home. I was also very enthusiastic about initiating a new project (Project Manchtantra) which though did not see the light of day, the whole process of coming up with a detailed concept along with my team leader was quite an experience. Finance Member Core Organizing Committee June National Conference 2009 April 2009—June 2009

The Turning Point.

Key Learning/Contribution : ER Sales appointments; Crisis Management; Meeting timelines; Event management This experience redefined the word ‗pressure‘ for me. It was a turning point in my otherwise ordinary AIESEC career and gave it a completely different upturn. It led to my development on an individual basis, as a professional and as a team member. Moreover, the trust shown in me by fellow team members and my OC superiors was a huge boost to my self confidence. My endurance was continuously tested by the intensity and demands of my responsibility in the OC during the conference. I had learnt to defeat fatigue and not let the pressure crack me. Plus, I was beginning to find my interest in the field of financial management. Finance Manager August 2009—December 2009 Key Learning/Contribution : Financial management; Book keeping and accounting; Crisis Management; Logistical Management

The new found love!

Being a finance manager took my learning and experience to a whole new level. With the local committee doing huge volumes of exchange for the first time, it was a crazy ride being an assistant to the Vice President Finance. My job role required me to do everything ranging from catering to all the logistical issues of the trainee houses, to organizing GBMs and other forums, to looking for a suitable office, to handling cash transactions, to book keeping and what not. I had to put in alot of efforts to do justice to the demands of my job role and thoroughly enjoyed the new learnings I got from my role everyday. Alongside, I have also been a part of LCong OCs for the year. Being rewarded with the Demonstrating Integrity Award at the end of the year was the perfect end to my role.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Organizing Committee Vice President Finance & Logistics AIESEC Youth to Business Forum 2009 September 2009—October 2009

The „Glorious‟ Two Months!

Key Learning/Contribution : Activating Leadership; Budgeting; Work Delegation; Financial Management; Event management; Logistical Management; Decision Making This was my first leadership experience with two new recruits under me. Being their first endeavour in AIESEC, it was my first responsibility to mould their experience in such a way that they become as alligned, connected and attached to AIESEC as any mature member. It was also my responsibility to extract the best out of them and utilise their full potential. Being the OCVP F & L for an event very important for the LC required alot of committment, innovation, and strategic planning from my side. Cost cutting during times when we could not see the event raising sufficient funds till the very end was also a test of my financial management skills. In the end, we were able to pull off a productive and profitable event for the local committee. Vice President Finance 2010-11 AIESEC Chandigarh

The Year of Dreams!

Key Learning/Contribution : Financial Management of the local committee; Budgeting; Financial Strategizing and Investment Planning; Accounting and Book Keeping; Banking; Auditing; Planning and Strategizing as an EB member The moment I was placed in this role, I always knew I had big shoes to fill both as a VP of this local committee which had seen amazing leaders in the past as executive body members, and as the head of a portfolio which had grown in the previous few years as a result of hard work of previous vice presidents. Gradually, with the support of the whole EB, who are now family, everything started falling into place. This year, by far, has been the most intense and challenging year in my AIESEC career but, was also a channel for me to contribute to this local committee to the best of my capacities. The portfolio was able to support the local committee in attaining sustainable operations and deliver volumes of unique experiences. The year also saw the local committee being recognized as the Best in Finance in AIESEC India. Vice President Local Committee Development 2011 AIESEC Chandigarh

My Own Canvas to Paint On!

Key Learning/ Contribution: Planning and Strategizing to capitalize on new markets; Training and Induction; Looking after holistic growth of operations and culture in initiative groups The portfolio was a first of sorts for myself and the local committee. AIESEC Chandigarh had taken up four initiative groups to grow in the year, each with its own different realities to work on. Personally, the whole idea of taking AIESEC to newer markets and making more and more people experience and learn from it was an inspiration in itself to lead this portfolio. It was a slow start though, each entity is picking up pace towards a brighter future. Finance Manager National Support Team AIESEC India February 2011—June 2011

Finance Strikes Back!

Key Learning/ Contribution : Analysis, Support and Review of financial activities and processes of the LCs of Northern Region; Providing support to the National Office The short stint as the Finance Manager was much different that what I had experienced before. Now, I was looking at realities of six local committees and guiding them in bettering and sustaining their financial state. An LC visit as a part of my duties also gave me a lot of insight into different realities that a local committee exists in. 2.

Briefly describe your key achievements and failures in AIESEC in the past. Also mention your learnings from your failures and how they have affected your AIESEC journey. (Mention a max of three each)

I failed my way to success - Thomas Edison This quote is quite true for this organization. Being in AIESEC is one of the most fruitful form of learning for myself personally. It has been one platform where I am given the endless scope to improve and chances to make mistakes and learn from. Every achievement has been an awakening of my abilities and every failure has made me reflect on

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh how I can be better. Some of my key achievements are: i. The „Xâ€&#x; Factor : My first step in AIESEC, the internship in Turkey, was successfully completed having learnt everything one could learn from an AIESEC internship. It was something I had never imagined I would do in my life and I completely utilised this chance to fully avail the opportunity at hand. It was an experience that completely flipped my life and changed me as a person. I felt as an important element of the society. I represented my culture in the foreign land with pride and working with mentally handicapped children was an eye opening and a challenging experience. Having overcome all the challenges successfully of being by oneself in another country and ceasing the chance to extract the maximum learning out of it for personal development is and taking it forward for the coming years is something I regard as one of my biggest achievements in AIESEC. ii. Demonstrating Integrity : I believe that if there is one value that I have lived more explicitly than any other in and outside AIESEC, it would be Demonstrating Integrity. AIESEC revived the belief in me that sincerity and integrity always pave your way to success. I regard it as an achievement that I was able to demonstrate this core AIESEC value not just in my way of being but, also through my roles and responsibilities that I took up in the local committee. iii. Crisis Management : The year 2010 saw a sour beginning for the local committee due to various issues such as an outsourcing deal which went wrong, trainee issues etc. To adopt remedial measures, the local committee had to let go of huge volumes of cash. From thereon, quality has been one of the major focus areas for the local committee and finance as a portfolio has successfully contributed and supported various initiatives that were undertaken to ensure quality services to our stakeholders. This also led to the local committee being recognized as the Best Local Committee in Finance in AIESEC India. A few failures that I have faced in my AIESEC journey would be: i. The Balancing Act : Balancing everything in my life has been always been challenging for me. Initially, during my first executive body term, I would not be able to manage my time well which eventually led me to not pay much attention to other aspects of my life. However, after finally realising the harm being caused with such an approach, I started focussing on being more balanced and giving everything important the attention that it deserved. This helped me in executing a better Vice President role in 2011, alongside which I was also a better individual. ii. Not Achieving Exchange Goals : In the beginning of 2011, I had set too ambitious goals for myself which were to be achieved collectively by all the initiative groups. However, with time, as the ground realities started to play their roles, I soon realised that the goals were far from being touched. It was this that made me realise how ambition and expectations need to be grounded on reality as well. Having understood this, it became clearer to me what all was to be implemented to assure progress and development in each of the initiative groups with their realities considered.

There is no failure except in no longer trying. – Elbert Hubbard


List the Local/ National/ International conferences you have attended and in what capacity. Mention Year, Conference Name, Location and Role.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Year February 2009

Leadership Development Seminar

May 2009

Local Congress

June 2009

June National Conference






Organizing Committee


Core OC Member

October 2009

Local Congress


Organizing Committee

January 2010

Local Congress


Organizing Committee

January 2010

National Congress



May 2010

Local Congress



June 2010

June National Conference



August 2010

International Congress—India Night


Party Delegate

October 2010

Local Congress



National Strategy Conference



January 2011

Local Congress



January 2011

National Leadership Summit



March 2011




May 2011

Local Congress



June 2011

June National Conference


Executive Body Coordinator

November 2010



October 2011

National Strategy Conference



October 2011

Local Congress



Describe the experience of being a part of the Executive Body of AIESEC Chandigarh. How do you think other members on the team would evaluate your contribution to the team & LCs organizational direction?

My AIESEC journey comprises of two executive body roles and looking back, the two years have been diverse, eventful, challenging and immensely learning in their own way. Year 1 - The Dream Team AIESEC Chandigarh had ended 2009 with a record-breaking performance being Number 1 in the World. Being a part of a team with the responsibility of living up to these standards and infact surpassing them was both challenging and also gave an adrenaline rush. Apart from portfolio responsibilities and duties, learning how to be a Vice President was also a part of the game which involved being sure to lead by example and driving down the right elements of culture and attitude in the local committee. To add to this, all the eleven individuals in the team were some of the best people I had ever come across. This team had been there throughout for their endless support in work or outside work. This team brough out the best in all of us. According to me, the members of the Dream Team would view me as someone who was always available whenever it was needed, be it operational requirement or personal. As far as LC’s organizational direction is concerned, I feel my contribution was in patches and was more determined by the limitations of the portfolio that I was heading, always viewing prospects from a safer perspective. Year 2 - The Fellowship If 2010 was all about personal learning and gaining experience, being a part of The Fellowship compelled me to unlearn and gain a greater learning. Though personally, the year started with a sense of confidence of knowing the how-to-be’s and the what-to-do’s, I soon realised that learning never stops for anyone. This team is a unique mix of individuals who are as diverse as possible, and this is what made this team special and different. There were individuals on the team who shared a similar learning curve with me, and there were some who I had recruited and

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh inducted in the previous year, yet, I was learning so much from each one of them. Moreover, for the LC with a newer five-year vision in place, the present executive body has its own set of challenges to overcome and newer paths to define. Handling a crucial portfolio which was this year’s Best Case Practice for this LC enabled me to contribute to the local committee’s direction in a different level altogether. Even though the goals set in the year’s beginning for my portfolio could not be achieved, it did add to the local committee’s growth over all. To the team, my contribution has been more in terms of intellect support. In fact, everyone on the team has been too helpful and encouraging to me given the newer grounds on which my portfolio has been running.


What are your three basic Learnings/Values for life, which you have derived through your AIESEC experience? (Answer objectively)

There is not a single experience that AIESEC offers which doesn't add to your personal and professional learning. Reflecting upon the last three years, the following deserve a special mention in terms of avenues where I have changed the most towards a better self: i.

Having a Value System in place The core AIESEC values were a set of values that were being inculcated in me subconsciously by my leaders and the over-all environment of the local committee and its members. Soon, I realized how it was these values which made possible the healthy culture that an AIESEC entity carried with it. Today, these values are programmed in me in such a way that they have become a part of my being, my lifestyle and my personality.


Being Organized Being in AIESEC‘s professional environment, being in teams, being accountable for goals and timelines etc. made the lazy, laid-back college-goer that I was, an organized person through the course of my AIESEC journey. Being organized or disciplined no longer seemed boring but, a better state of being to me. And this is what I adopted in my lifestyle — from making a to-do list, to journaling every minute feeling or thought, from effectively communication to respecting time and managing it.


Culturally Sensitive The international AIESEC experience along with the countless interactions and friendships that I have built with internationals that I have known through AIESEC in the last three years have made me more open and receptive to different cultures that exist in the world. Knowing people from different backgrounds not just internationally but also nationally has made me respectful and knowledgeable of the diversity that is present all around. This has eliminated the stereotypes that one otherwise has and made me open to things, and this applies to not just people and culture but, also possibilities and opportunities. All in all, I can confidently say that my AIESEC experience has developed me into a Global Citizen with a broader perspective.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Section D | Motivation Why did you decide to run for LCP of AIESEC Chandigarh? What are the qualities required for this role & what makes you best suited for this role?


Before I go ahead and answer this question, I would first like to cite an incident which was also the first ‗meaningful conversation‘ I had in AIESEC. It was during my internship in Turkey, when the hosting local committee had organized a trip for all the trainees to a snow-clad hill station. I was still not aware of how AIESEC actually runs and how all the operations were carried on globally, nationally or locally. I was just surprised and amazed by the amount of passion and commitment that the AIESECers of the hosting local committee exhibited. During the bus journey, I was having the conversation with the then Vice President Incoming Exchange of the local committee. He was talking about how AIESEC as an organization enables young students to make a positive impact on the society, and how the organization has been empowering the youth to become great leaders later on. The very idea of students aged around 18 being passionate and having a purpose of doing something for a better state got me really interested. As I was discussing the prospects and opportunities available to myself back in my home LC, he said in his broken English, ―AIESEC Chandigarh is a good LC.

You should go back and work hard. You should apply for the EB and then go for LCP!‖ I will be honest! I hardly had any idea of what ‗EB‘ and ‗LCP‘ actually mean but, the phrase ‗go back and work hard‘ really did stick with me all along. Today, when I am actually running for the office of LCP, I look back to see it all coming together. There are a number of reasons why I am applying for Local Committee President, which are stated below:

The Purpose Me, AIESEC Chandigarh and The City Beautiful As a person, I have always looked for avenues through which I can impact the society in some way or the other and AIESEC came as one perfect avenue for me to do my bit for the society. AIESEC Chandigarh has been impacting lives of hundreds of people in and around the city both directly and indirectly. With new possibilities waiting to be explored, AIESEC Chandigarh will be touching huge volumes of lives in the coming years. Being an LCP for AIESEC Chandigarh will be the perfect opportunity for leading change not just in the organization but, in the city as well at a greater level.

The Passion Me, The Local Committee and The ‟Want‟ AIESEC Chandigarh has been the enabler for me since the time the local committee inducted me. The amazing internship, the friendly learning environment for a member, the number of amazing opportunities the LC‘s events provided, serving the local committee as an EB member, every experience that I undertook in the local committee contributed to my professional and personal growth. Passion, aspirations, commitment, challenges - everything now had a new meaning for me. But, all throughout there is one thing that has always remained constant, and this is, the ‗want‘. This is the ‗want‘ to give more and more to the local committee for every learning that it has been giving me through every role, position and opportunity, and it has been ever increasing all along. Having an intense membership experience for a year, along with two powerful and challenging executive body roles, I feel it is now time to take my contribution to the next level. I feel it is time for me to take up the biggest challenge that this local committee can provide, and that is leading it to greater heights in the next year. I am confident of being best suited for this prestigious roles because of the following:

Experience : The local committee needs a leader who understands the holistic functioning of the chapter, given all its realities and everything that works in its favor or against it. I believe that the three years in this organization handling some of the most crucial and diverse roles in the local committee have equipped me with the required knowledge and experience to take this local committee forward.

Passion and Commitment : Working for AIESEC Chandigarh has given me a higher purpose to work for

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh and brought out the passion in me to make a difference, to bring about a change. The coming year needs passionate and committed leadership to take the LC forward, retaining its leading position as it ventures into newer possibilities.

Value Driven : As an individual, I am always guided by my set of values and principles. As an LCP leading the local chapter, it is a must to be driven by certain values not just to ensure professional discipline in the organization but, to also nourish the right culture in the local chapter.


Please describe your career progress to date and your future and long-term career goals. How do you expect an LCP term to help you achieve these goals and why now?

Currently, I am in my final year pursuing B.A. Honors degree in Economics. However, owing to self-discovery I made during my time in AIESEC, I plan to pursue something completely different from what my degree has to offer. Even though my decision to apply for Local Committee President came out of my ’want’ to contribute to the local committee and not out of having a benefit in my career, however, an LCP role is perfectly alligned to everything I Short Term Career Goals

Be Local Committee President for AIESEC Chandi-

Long Term Career Goals


Complete my Bachelors Degree in May 2012.

Complete the on-going film making crash course with a good number of short films completed.

Pursue an intensive film-making course from one of the World‘s best Film Schools and specialize in the field

Open my own Entrepreneurial Start-up which involves film-making

To be a dedicated and contributing Alumnus to my Alma Mater—AIESEC Chandigarh

want to puruse as my career. Directing a film involves leading a crew of 200, sharing and making them understand your vision, and building a strong team which works to achieve that vision within a given deadline. This is completely identical to a role of a Local Committee President. Also, my long term goal involves having my own start-up in the same field, which clearly is a combination of entrepreneurial skills along with specialised knowledge. Therefore, my learning in the shoes of an LCP will take me closer to my career goals, along with enabling me to give my best to this local committee, which has always been my passion.


Highlight your time commitment throughout the whole of next year (till Dec 2012; Academic or otherwise). Ideally, how much time should an LCP give to his role?

As I am in my final year of my degree, the only time commitment I have is attending college till April 2012 and final exams tentatively till May 2012. However, thanks to the previous two EB terms, managing college with AIESEC is now programmed in my functioning and comes about naturally. As a Local Committee President, one is ideally supposed to be available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Since everything that happens in the local committee flows down from the LCP, he has to be ever available whenever the LC calls for his availability.


What is your vision for AIESEC in Chandigarh for the year ahead? What legacy would you want to leave behind?

AIESEC Chandigarh’s Vision statement laid out at NSC 2011”

First choice organization for delivering high volume of excellent stakeholder experiences through physical and virtual platform around the world. We are known for engaging and delivering socially responsible, culturally sensitive & entrepreneurial leaders around the world who create a cross generational impact on the society.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh I would like to leave behind a legacy where:

 Performance is driven by Purpose and Passion  The organization culture is such that everyone associated with it would always wish to come back to the local chapter Hierarchy is naturally respected The six AIESEC values are lived and not mugged

 


What are your three most substantial personal accomplishments (non-AIESEC), and why do you view them as such? Provide a candid assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. i.

Academically Sound : I have been a scoring student throughout and also, secured quite a good percentage in my boards. Even though my grades did drop a bit in the previous few years owing to lack of interest in the field, I am still on the safer side. I refer to this as an accomplishment only because a) it is a deemed Measure of Success for any student, and b) I managed to score such scores without being a nerd.


Creative Streak : I have always been more inclined to the creative side. In the earlier years I had taken up music and used to practice playing both a synthesizer and a guitar. Soon, I began performing on stage in schools and also participated in a couple of music competitions as a part of a music group. Though, I later ‗discovered‘ that my actual interests and passion lay in the field of film-making. I consider it an accomplishment to actually know where my heart lies when it comes to a career option and being able to purse it as one later in life.


A Better Individual : As teenagers, we are quite vulnerable to going astray and being influenced by the illfactors that exist around us in the society. Even though some of my friends were victim to such influences and took up a wrong path, the values, principles and constant guidance of my parents always made me always stay on the correct track. Moreover, retaining honesty and respect as part of my character‘s being is also I would regard as an accomplishment. Strengths


 Reliable - People around me find me to be reliable,  trustable and supportive.

 Simplicity in Approach - I follow a simple approach in everything I do which makes me efficient.

Tendency of being over-confident Difficulty in striking a balance in life, though, I have made considerable improvement in the same with scope for more.

 Dedicated and Passionate - I am passionate and dedicated in the endeavors that I take. My level of commitment is undoubtedly high.

 Innovative - I have an innovative approach to everything.

 Good Communication Skills - I have good verbal and written communication skills which make it possible for me to effectively communicate my thoughts and ideas to others.


What is your understanding of the term leadership? Describe your leadership style? Explain how your style will be suitable for AIESEC Chandigarh in it’s current state.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. --John Quincy Adams

This highly used quote in AIESEC best describes my own understanding of leadership. A leader is someone who is sure of a vision and act like a guiding light for his followers to work to achieve that vision, learning and developing themselves in the process. My leadership style has evolved quite a lot in the last three years considering some of my own traits as well as the positive influence of the style of the leaders that I myself have/had. My style of leadership has developed to be a form of Servant Leadership, which is, a leader who serves his subordinates/followers.

It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possessions‌ - Robert K. Greenleaf As such a leader, my highest priority is to encourage, support and enable my members to unfold their full potential and abilities. Being a voluntary organization with a high ambition and potential and whose members invest their time for a return of any form of learning, such a leadership is best suited for the local committee. A servant leader looks to the needs of the people and asks himself how he can help them to solve problems and promote personal development. He places his main focus on people, because only content and motivated people are able to reach their targets and to fulfill the set expectations.

I must follow the people. Am I not their leader? - Benjamin Disraeli

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Section E | LC Administration 1.

List down the different aspects of the job role of an LCP.

The Local Committee President, as the name suggests, is the administrative head of the LC. He/she is the ultimate decision-making entity of the local committee, driving down plans, strategy and culture along with being accountable and answerable to the General Body of the local committee at the same time. The various aspects of the role of the local committee president are:

Legal representative of the LC along with Vice President Finance

Responsible for developing year plans in accordance to the National Growth Strategy and ensuring its implementation and achieving its objectives.

Responsible for the LC‘s adherence to the compendium.

Leading and training the Executive Body for efficient execution of the

year plans

Representation of the local committee as well as the final accountable entity to all stakeholders such as LC members, Board of Advisors, Clients, etc.

External representation at forums, events, etc.

Representative of the LC in the National and International Association

Develop the culture, identity and brand of the local committee

Manage the Board of Advisors

Strengthen the management of the local committee to ensure efficien-

cy and sustainability of LC operations


Analyse the trends of the past three years (including 2011) of AIESEC Chandigarh's strategic direction (include performance & culture). How do you see the organization direction of AIESEC Chandigarh shaping up in the coming two years?

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Year 2009 - Living AIESEC: Undiluted Passion The local committee had taken up the ambition to end the year as best in the Global network. Exchange numbers increased manifolds and for the first time the local committee was playing host to volumes of internationals in the city. Alongside, Lovely Professional University was also initiated as an official expansion. In 2009, exchange support portfolios had also undergone developments with the LC also becoming financially secure and healthy after hosting a profitable national conference. The LC had highly motivated and emotionally driven membership as its asset, with an empowered management body facilitating high performance. AIESEC Chandigarh was a star LC at AIESEC India Awards Night at NatCong 2010, where the LC won Best Development Sector, Best Outgoing Sector, Most Progressive in Corporate Sector, Best Talent Management, Best Expansion Initiative and Best Local Committee in AIESEC India. Year 2010 - Elevating to Greatness Owing to large volumes delivered in the previous year, the local committee faced certain backfires in the starting of the year itself in terms of quality issues. Hence, the whole focus shifted to bringing about remedial measures and deliver quality services to all stakeholders. Organization structure was modified to incorporate TL Deliveries in the management body to ensure optimal delivery of experiences to all stakeholders. The LC sustained its performance in exchange and the exchange support portfolios established a concrete base in the local committee. Innovation was undertaken across all portfolios. The local committee sent representations to a few International conferences as well. Also, Lovely Professional University was declared an Independent Local Committee at JNC 2010. The culture and ownership towards the local committee was thriving and the performance was fuelled by innovative RnR campaigns such as Top Gun and Forty Days and Forty Nights. The local committee was leading in the national network in quality standards. AIESEC Chandigarh brought a number of Best Case Practices to the National Association as well. At NLS 2011, AIESEC Chandigarh won Best Talent Management, Best Finance, Most Progressive Communications and Information Management, Best Dual Experiences Delivered and Best Local Committee in AIESEC India.

Year 2011 - Dream Unlimited AIESEC Chandigarh focused on implementing the National Growth Drivers defined at NSC 2010 in this year. The size of the executive body increased so as to capitalize on the given market. VP LCD was introduced to take the AIESEC experience to places other than the Tri City. The local committee hosted the June National Conference and Summer Regional Conference in the year as well. The august recruitment of 2011 was one of the best recruitment done by the local committee, bringing in smart and fresh blood in the local chapter. The LC also has diverse and motivated membership in each of its initiative groups. It is worth mentioning that the local committee has visibly inspired other local committees in the national association to outperform each other as well, though, currently, AIESEC Chandigarh is leading in terms of absolute realizations! The Next Two Years‌ With the AIESEC 2015 vision in place and goals defined, it is time for the local chapter to replicate the leap that it took three years ago. The coming two years will see functionalities in the local chapter getting a stronger establishment for operational efficiency—in terms of exchange support operations especially to maximize output and outreach. 2012 will be all about breaking records yet again, delivering a large volume of experiences exhibiting absolute growth and at the same time, the organization structure will be settling in the year, with different functions and operations getting a stronger foothold to equip the local chapter with the expansion in operations and achievement of 2015 goals. The growth drivers set at NSC 2010 will continue to be a focus in the year as well to maximize growth.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh 2013 will be the year when AIESEC Chandigarh will again sustain its operations, ensuring stabilization of operations, along with exploring opportunities to further build upon its capacity for AIESEC 2015. The local chapter will also increase its external relevance in the city through collaborations and certifications.


What should be the Focus Areas of AIESEC Chandigarh for 2012-2013 and how will you implement them?

When you have more than three priorities, you don’t have any! - Jim Collins

AIESEC Chandigarh will focus on majorly 3 areas, amongst others, to embark a successful journey towards 2015. Recruitment and Training

 Recruitment is one of the most important projects of the Local Committee  Effective talent promotion will be done by VP CIM through LEAD, AIESEC Beta, campus and café partnerships   

etc. Talent Planning and Selection will be given proper attention by VP TM. Certain aspects of selection to be outsourced by VP TM and external training for the EB on conducting efficient selections The LC will thrive in terms of performance if all the members and team leaders are properly trained VP TM will design training model with external help for TLP and TMP. He/she will also engage externals in delivering trainings to members. Local Trainers Team will also conduct trainings for members as directed by VP TM

Developing Operations in Expanded Entities

 Moving towards the Umbrella LC concept is a major growth driver for AIESEC Chandigarh, and this includes  

developing the initiative groups initiated in 2011 Separate attention will be given to initiative groups which are to be retained as a part of the Umbrella LC concept, and to entities like Dehradun, which should grow and develop towards being independent LC VP LCD will tap on additional regions where membership and operational base can be set up [Refer to Section E, Question 7]

Enhanced External Positioning in the Student and the Corporate Sector

         

VP CIM will be overall responsible for increasing brand visibility VP CIM will synergize with VP F to set a sufficient budget for branding initiatives Student sector will be aggressively tapped through EwA activities such as LEAD, AIESEC Beta etc. Aggressive promotions will be done via campus partnerships, café partnerships etc Collaborating with other organizations, societies and event organizing committees will also enable the brand to be more visible, getting wider pool to tap on VP ER will take leads from BoA for network support in tapping prospective clients Showcasing corporate success stories through different medium of promotion in the corporate network. This will involve some investments Showcasing impact delivered by GCDP programmes to tap on companies for direct support as CSR initiatives Showcasing impact among students for promoting TMP, TLP and OGX VP TM will work on getting certification for TMP and TLP to increase the credibility of an AIESEC experience.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh 4.

List down action steps for AIESEC Chandigarh in 2012, with respect to the six elements of the National Long Term Direction, laid down at NSC 2011.

Expanding the AIESEC India Network •Focus on Dehradun as an expansion through LCVP Expansion •Working towards the umbrella LC concept and adding more initiative groups through LCVP LCD •Tapping onto promising private universities such as Amity for Multi-Dimensional Partnerships.


 VP F to be responsible for the Legalization project of the local committee

 Getting a Legal Advisor to help formulate and review financial policies of the LC

 The legal advisor will also help review contracts 

[Refer to Section E, Ques 7 for more]

Brand and Information Management

Collaborations Across Sectors  VP ER to have a Collaborative Partnerships Manager for cracking partnerships with other organizations carrying strong brand value andraising funds for them for a specified share. Example: Principal Summit, College Fests, Youth Fests etc.  VP CIM to have a Promotion and Partnerships Manager who collaborates with other organizations and societies with the objective of getting promotion opportunities and making the brand more visible.

Programme Delivery Efficiency AIESEC Experience Manager is responsible for overall tracking and facilitating efficient programme delivery in each exchange department. GCDP and GIP  Induction of trainees and exchange participants as guided by VP TM  AIESEC Experience Manager and QTF to focus on delivery  CRM processes to be followed  Running regular review and feedback mechanisms. TMP and TLP  VP TM will focus on making the TMP and TLP programmes more valuable through various initiatives.  Compulsory Intensive Training Model for every newly formed Middle Level Management Body  Engaging, skilled trainees and externals for provid-

used for partnerships with EPs and clients. Legal advisor to provide other legal services whenever needed, for example, ratification of authorised signatories of the local committee, etc.

[For action steps for external positioning of the brand, Refer to Section G, Communications and IM, Question 2]

 Ensuring implementation of Knowledge Management and Information Management Policies

 Regular Update of the LC Wiki with minutes of 

team, department and LC meetings Investment on an efficient information management facility like a Server for building capacity to store and manage huge load of data and also making it easily accessible to all the LC members

Financial Sustainability Driving Growth OGX will continue to be a major focus area in 2012, along with GIP ICX, so as to have favorable cash flows in the local committee. Being financially stable will increase the LC‘s capacity to grow in GCDP ICX exchanges as well. [Refer to Section F, Question 1(Logistical management) and Section G, Financial Management Question 2]

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh What is your vision statement for AIESEC Chandigarh from 2012-2015, keeping in mind the BHAG, and the direction the organization is headed towards, at the international, national as well as local level. Also, come up with a stand that the Local Committee will adopt for the year 2012 in particular, and explain it.


As stated earlier, AIESEC Chandigarh came up with the following vision statement at NSC 2011 for the coming years: Through External Positioning across all target sectors; Showcasing Impact

“First choice organization for delivering high volume of excellent stakeholder experiences through physical and virtual platform around the world. We are known for engaging and delivering socially responsible, culturally sensitive & entrepreneurial leaders around the world who create a cross generational impact on the society.”

Spreading and developing expanded operational bases—Entities, Collaboration, Engagement Focus on CRM; Training, competency development and review of members on TMP and TLP; Ensuring quality services to clients, EPs and trainees Delivering quality Experiential Leadership Development Programmes

For the year 2012, AIESEC Chandigarh will have the following stand:

“We are a stand for AIESEC Chandigarh to drive purposeful leadership to ignite the passion and drive performance!”

Propose the organizational structure that you plan to follow for the next year including the second level management, non-exchange roles & LC Entities.


Organizational Structure in 2012 LCP





VP OGX Out bound

VP OGX In bound


VP Expan –sion





A few notable changes in the Organizational Structure at the Executive Body level are:

Having one VP GIP ICX focussing on all education based projects such as Akshar, Build Your Future and GIP in language institutions, and the second VP GIP ICX focussing on capitalizing on MT/TT exchanges in the tricity.

Incorporation of VP Expansion to focus on and facilitate holistic development and growth of Dehradun in order to drive it to being an independent Local Committee over a period of the next two years. On the other hand, VP LCD will focus on Thapar University/Patiala, and the two Chitkara University campuses as initiative groups, driving growth in terms of exchange numbers, developing a strong membership culture, and

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh building a strong AIESEC brand in the initiative groups.

Having a single Vice President responsible for Communications and Information Management.

Having Exchange Support teams in each of the portfolio for focus on and efficient execution of all the aspects of each portfolio.

Second Level Organisational Structure Incoming Exchange

 Conserve has ESI as a major client along with Deeksha—a new client providing financially sustainable exchanges

 Worldview will be implemented in outstation markets

 TL ASK would be made later on in the year nearing the right period for ASK exchanges to happen. Also, the TL will focus on getting Learning partner or a funding partner.

 TL Rural Development will be focusing on capitalizing on the capacity of doing sustainable exchanges, majorly with EduCare (high results with less investment). Also, the team can tap on the market in Punjab for running sustainable exchanges

 Project Footprints has Balniketan, Hamari Kaksha, YTTS along with number of other clients

 Genesis as a project can pick up again in 2012, after a drop in 2011, majorly with Haryana SACS and Punjab

 Akshar will happen in tricity schools and the Worldview city clients also pitched Akshar as a program with greater value proposition.

 Language institutions provide a lot of scope for growth in the tricity. A good client base has been established which can further be expanded in the coming year.

 Team Leaders will be given different market sectors to look upon, as directed by the Vice President

 Apart from hospitality and tourism sectors, the year should also try to penetrate other possible areas like

 Build you Future will be run majorly in outstation colleges along with Triniti as a major client. The TL will work in synergy with OGX Outbound whenever required while approaching a common potential/existing client.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Outgoing Exchange

 OGX Inbound will focus on promoting and delivering international exchange opportunities in colleges and universities in the tri-city.

 Both team leaders will focus on both GCDP and GIP exchanges

 GIP exchanges will mostly be ad hoc, extensively promoted in only leading technical colleges in order to tap on to quality student pool

 GIP to leverage from the EP Ambassador Pro-

 Team leaders to cover different geographical areas for convenience and efficiency

 CGC Gharoan, CGC Landran, Emax, KU etc to be the major clients

 Shimla to be a major focus for delivering a good number of experiences in order to work it as a future initiative group for the LC

 Campus Ambassador programme to be continued for

gramme as well (explained further in Section F, Question 4)

regular communication between the outbound colleges and Team Leaders of that market.

Business Development

 Alumni Relations Manager will come under Vice President Business Development so as to capitalize on the multiple avenues of support that can be obtained from the alumni, along with engaging them and maintaining regular communication with them.

 Since collaboration is a key action step in increasing brand visibility, outreach and resources availability, VP Business Development will have a Collaborative Partnerships Manager who will from the starting of the year chalk out all areas of collaboration ranging from youth and college fests, to external forums eg Principal Summit etc. This manager will be responsible for managing and delivering these partnerships along with VP BD. The LC can collaborate with a number of organizations for such events and opportunities throughout the year.

 VP BD will also have two members directly accountable to him for sales appointments for events and projects.


 VP F will have four managers from the starting of the year

 Each manager is allotted 2 exchange portfolios namely, GIP ICX, GCDP ICX, OGX, and Expansion & LCD. Each manager is responsible for tracking all income/expenses for the allotted departments, managing books, tracking department receivables, knowledge management of financial and legal documents of the allotted departments such as contracts, invoices etc; and report the same to VPF.

 The managers also together form the Quality Task Force headed by Vice President Finance. The QTF will look after Trainee House Contract Adherence, Organizing LC-level trainee engagement initiatives, logistical auditing, trainee house management, FRO Intimation/Reminder. In availability of an Outsourcing Agent, the QTF will serve as a ling between the LC and the agent ensuring proper deliverables and communication.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Talent Management

 The Associate Membership Manager will track and manage all associate members, maintaining all communication with them. He will also manage an online tracking tool shared with the Management Body where in MB members can put in requirement of services that can be fulfilled from the Associate Membership pool such as homestays and pick ups, events etc. The AMM will be responsible for holding regular forums with the associate membership, communicating regular updates about the local committee, opportunities available, upcoming events etc.

 Recruitment and Induction Managers: For the local committee to be equipped with sufficient man power throughout the year, along with the required skill sets, recruitment will be open throughout the year (the major Feb and Aug Recruitment drives will continue). The recruitment and induction managers will assist the VP TM in selections of on-going applicants and induction of those selected. Also, the managers and VP TM will run a medium-scale recruitment in April-May, targeting majorly 12th standard pass-outs, to refuel the LC with a ready-batch to take over operations during the months of July-September, when exchange operations are on a low because of the exhaustion caused in the peak summer cycle. The managers will be responsible for their induction and training, which will happen in the month of June.

 Experiential Leadership Development Manager will assist the VP TM in a number of operations relating to developing and tracking experiences delivered through the Team Member Programme and Team Leader Programme. He will be responsible for assisting the VP TM in documentation, making department specific training and induction guides, getting externals for training membership, work towards certification of TMP and TLP experiences, etc.

Communication & Information Management

 IM Manager would be a specialized role requiring technical skills. The job role would require the manager to look after online promotions across websites, ensuring efficient information storage and accessibility, database management of the local committee, creating e-learning resources, creating content and documentaries for showcasing impact, developing material for campaigns and events, manage information systems and livestreaming of LC events and forums.

 The Communication manager will manage social media channels daily through regular updates, design campaigns on social media and run them, regularly generate content for newsletters for use by different departments of the LC for their respective stakeholders and content on social media channels and LC page of for showcasing impact.

 Media Manager will be responsible for relations with media and the press and will take care of managing and organizing press conferences and looking after media coverage for the LC‘s events and other campaigns.

 Promotions and Partnership Manager will take care of partnering with external events and forums for brand visibility and network support, conducting LEAD and AIESEC Beta in schools, partnership with youth hangouts, college fests and cafes and outdoor media partnerships. * Managers might be given members through the course of time if the work load increases for one person to handle. However, the managers are expected to assist each other in meeting their respective bottom lines.

TM cell as Local Trainers Team The TM cell, comprising of VP TM along with the four managers will form Local Trainers Team focusing on delivering basic training sessions to membership to increase their efficiency and also add to the TMP value proposition. The LTT can themselves take external support for the same.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Entities and Expansion It is proposed to have a VP LCD and a VP Expansion in the Organization Structure.

Dehradun, being a city-based expansion and a potential to be an independent LC in the near future should get exclusive attention from AIESEC Chandigarh to ensure holistic development across all sectors in the initiative group VP Expansion will:

 Provide regular training through physical meets and virtual forums  Develop both incoming and outgoing exchange programmes across all sectors  Make regular and frequent personal visits  Drive down growth strategy in the Initiative Group  Be a link between the parent LC and the initiative entity  Develop and check membership culture, focusing of leadership development and efficient delivery of TMP and TLP programmes

 Facilitate sustainable development of AIESEC in Dehradun so as to obtain Expansion status and prepare it to be independent in the coming years

On the other hand, VP Local Committee Development will continue to have the two Chitkara Universities and Thapar University under him. The VP LCD will also have two managers to assist him in the following:

 Providing training in the initiative groups covering exchange knowledge  Working closely with LCCs in running efficient recruitment and promotions through EwA etc.  Facilitating proper membership and leadership culture  Researching on the prospective markets in the nearby region for conducting pocket recruitment in order to move towards the Umbrella Concept in the future. [Further explained in Section E - Question 7] Additional Points in Regards to the Organizational Structure

 AIESEC Experience Manager is a leadership role but, not necessarily a Team Leader role (unless members are added later owing to increase in work load). In 2012, this role should get equal importance and focus as any of the exchange management roles as an AIESEC Experience Manager will play a key role in making possible for the local committee to showcase impact and facilitate delivery of excellent stakeholder experiences.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh  AIESEC Experience Manager will be responsible for 

Tracking and managing information for his department

Collect feedback from trainees, clients and EPs (whatever applicable)

Compile case studies and experience videos

Arrange for pick ups/home stays etc. for ICX departments, and assist in trainee induction

Induction and preparation of Exchange Participants, also preparing them for Ambassador Programme.

In order to capitalize on time and set operations early in the year to build capacity, all the above defined middle-level roles need to be filled latest by first week of January.

VP TM will work on involving externals for setting up a training model for all new members on the middle level management body, and this can be delivered through the external, the EB and the LTT, as the need be. This is to make sure everyone undergoing TLP is prepared and ready for meeting their responsibilities.


Give your take on expansions as a concept for an LC like AIESEC Chandigarh, which is unfortunate to have a huge market to capitalize on within the local reality itself. Give a detailed plan of all possible LC Entities with Organizational structure & timelines.

AIESEC Chandigarh‘s local reality presents it with a very limited market with its own set of ground realities, which puts some hindrance in the LC‘s way to achieve the 2015 goals by virtue of its immediate market. Therefore, to overcome these limitations and continue to increase the volumes of experiences delivered by the local committee, AIESEC Chandigarh will have to adopt the Umbrella LC concept, wherein the local committee develops initiative groups in nearby cities, where it sets up membership and client base, hence developing operations in these groups, and collectively deliver large volumes of excellent stakeholder experiences, thereby increasing societal impact. To move towards this direction, I believe there is a theory which has already started working for the local committee since 2010, and I have named this theory The Three Year Formula. The Three Year Formula For a local committee to develop an initiative group and make it a high performing entity with the right membership culture, knowledge and capacity, it will take a period of 3 years! The following developments can be projected in the three years: Year 1 : Three to five members are recruited from the targeted city and are inducted in the parent LC as a part of TMP and if possible, TLP. Year 2 : These members, having a good experience of at least 4 months in the parent LC can now initiate an initiative group with the help and support of VP LCD. The AIESEC brand is developed in the student sector of the given city, usually tapping reputed Universities and colleges. GCDP OGX should be a major focus with the idea of re-integrating returned EPs as core membership/ Year 3 : The brand picks up from last year with growth in numbers, facilitated by the membership in place. Incoming Exchange can pick up across all available sectors of the city. With proper training and knowledge support, the entity can begin to function as an independent AIESEC entity as a part of AIESEC Chandigarh‘s Umbrella Structure. Real Case Study: Dehradun and Thapar University - both initiative groups were set up in 2011 after recruiting one and two members respectively in AIESEC Chandigarh in 2010. Strong brand built in 2011 which makes 2012 promising for these initiative groups.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Detailed Plan In 2011, the AIESEC brand became strong in the initiated entities, namely, Thapar University, Dehradun, Chitkara University Baddi and Chitkara University Rajpura. Dehradun Dehradun, being a city-based expansion and situated at a larger distance from Chandigarh, will be fully supported by the parent LC through a VP Expansion towards being independent in terms of knowledge and resources by 2013.

 New Leadership Body (LCC and TLs) selections in last week of December or First week of January 2012  Membership review by VP Expansion in January along with training of MB and GB  VP Expansion to train TLs and membership on CRM tools for both ICX and OGX  Capitalizing on second half of January for ICX and OGX raising. LEAD and AIESEC Beta in colleges for tapping the student sector. Recruitment to also focus on taking local students as members rather than just hostellers.

 Balakalakar to be done in sync with Balakalakar in the Tri City (May). C Manager to be overall responsible for the same.

 Regular visits (once in three weeks at least) and review by VP Expansion  All ICX exchanges would not involve any investment from the entity‘s side on accommodation and logistics. Accommodation to be provided by clients.

 Second MB cycle to start in August and newer roles to be developed as the need arises. AIESEC in Dehradun will apply for Official Expansion status at NSC 2012. Thapar University

The Reality : Thapar University has a strong brand presence of AIESEC by now and has a promising summer cycle for OGX. Though, the membership culture is still lacking with not enough commitment amongst the members. This culture has to be built upon in the first 3 months of 2012.

 New leadership body to be selected in January, along with University authorities to be presented with the report of the previous year

 Training will be a focus area for January and February, along with re-integration of returned EPs  Recruitment to involve LEAD, AIESEC Beta and other EwA activities.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh  Frequent interactions with the parent LC through virtual and physical forum to bring in the AIESEC culture in       

the membership The given OS is considering low membership numbers and functional only in the university. It will evolve as the membership increases and starts tapping the external market of the city. VP LCD along with managers to equip newly recruited exchange participants with holistic training and knowledge by March. This will enable the membership to be resourceful to start tapping the market—both ICX and OGX in Patiala Akshar runs in Thapar University itself and involves language teaching. External clients (mainly Worldview clients) to be transitioned to the membership in May GIP ICX market to also be tapped in May-June Second MB cycle to be placed in August, with stronger membership of returned EPs C manager will collaborate with other societies in the University to increase brand visibility, and also collaborate with university events. Chitkara University, Baddi

 New leadership body to be selected in January, along with University authorities to be presented with the re      

port of the previous year Training will be a focus area for January and February, along with re-integration of returned EPs Recruitment for summer cycle to start early in the year post getting permissions for running LEAD LCD Managers to review and train membership EwA Manager will run regular activities to engage students of the University in various activities of interest, for example, organizing external talk forums, conducting small scale campus events etc. The objective is for AIESEC to regularly come up with new areas of engagement of the students. CU membership will be constantly interacting with the mainframe membership through LC forums, and also have an equal opportunity for event OCs of AIESEC Chandigarh as well Second Management body to come in place in August. EwA and LEAD will create a strong brand, leading to an applicant pool for both summer and winter cycle Chitkara University, Rajpura

 Since the brand does not have a strong presence in CU Rajpura yet, the LCC has to conduct LEAD and EwA for promotion

 Similar EwA activities to be run in CU Rajpura as CU Baddi, under   

the guidance and training of VP LCD Also, in the first couple of months of the year, all the administrative support will be sorted in terms of running AIESEC activities in the campus along with OGX internships CU Rajpura mainly has summer cycle for OGX, so first set of LEAD sessions and AIESEC activities have to be strong for efficient promotion and selection The membership will focus on engaging the students in various activities in the campus the rest of the year. The entity will function as an AIESEC club and can build on a good pool for Associate Membership

Additional Initiative Groups: As stated earlier, VP LCD will identify and run pocket recruitment in prospective cities which can be tapped on. Also, Shimla will be the next target market, and should come under VP LCD post summer cycle after delivering a good number of OGX experiences from St. Bede‘s and Shulini University (currently under OGX Outbound).

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh 8.

What role does AIESEC Chandigarh play in the national association presently? How should this role evolve in 2012?

AIESEC Chandigarh had always been an LC which contributed to the strategies of AIESEC India and also learnt and evolved in each process. A Local committee which has been one of the top LCs of AIESEC India known for its intellectual inputs, a value driven culture, an LC which has got the competitiveness across other LCs of the country as well. In 2012 the role of AIESEC Chandigarh would be more evident and prominent, a Local committee which would be known for innovations, for being perfect in processes and setting benchmarks across all dimensions. It will be a local committee empowering other LCs at national forums, suggesting a way forward to how to be by giving strategic inputs. It will be a Local committee which would also make its name in the international network.


Layout a synergy plan & accountability structure between different portfolios in the LC. How will you as LCP ensure you track common bottom-lines of two VPs? (Also consider LC Entities EwA and LCC Activities into account)

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh LCP








LCD& Ex-

Building IR (Ambassador Program, Exchange and partnerships)

Project Branding, Promotional Material,


Manpower Planning, CEEDs, TM processes in project teams, LTT

Financial polices, budgeting, project feasibility

Transition of existing clients

Showcasing Impact ,Online promotions and application

Product Packaging and selling to universities, Talent sponsorship

EP Induction Model, reintegration

Investments, Tracking


Event Promotions and partnership

Talent certification, talent promotion, recruitment


Collaborations, Promotions,

External session support, Alumni Support, TMP-TLP packaging

In kind raising, Fund raising

Collaborations for fests, funding from universities

Membership Investments

Induction model, TMPTLP tracking


Building IR (Ambassador Program, Exchange and partnerships)


Media coverage, External Communication ,IR, Promotional Material, Knowledge Management, Showcasing Impact

KM, University Event Partnerships, Showcasing Impact, Off- Campus Partnerships


Collaborative Events

Product Packaging and selling to universities,

Proposal standardization, virtual platform as a product, LEAD as a product, Event Promotion


Skill Building, R&R, Membership Efficiency, Training & induction, Associate Membership, Performance Tracing, LTT

EP induction model, Skill Building, R&R, Membership Efficiency, Training & induction, , Performance Tracing, LTT

TMP TLP Certification

Recruitment, event training, Alumni Support


Book Keeping, Reporting, QTF synergy

Tracking, Book Keeping, Reporting, Investments in CEEDs

Investment for promotions

Planning According to budget deficits


LCD& Expansion

Transition of existing clients and IR


Delivering Partnerships, Event promotions, showcasing impact

Collaborations for fests, funding from universities

Induction model, TMPTLP tracking

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Tracking, Book keeping, financial Policies ,investme nts

Tracking, Book keeping, financial Policies ,investme nts

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh 10.

List down all the events AIESEC Chandigarh should host in 2012-12 along with objectives, financial implications & a time-line (including conferences – Local, Regional & National).

Event & Time line



Financial Implications

Balakalakaar (May)

Large Scale

A platform for underprivileged kids to showcase their talent. AIESEC‘s youth initiative Profit

May Local Congress


*Youth to Business (August)

Large Scale

Local review Membership development and motivation Talent Promotion TMP, TLP showcase External positioning in student sector Profit

Event requires a good amount of investment, can be sold as a CSR initiative to companies, and the amount can also provide support to GCDP projects. No major financial implication

October Local Congress


Rendezvous (October)

EB, Alumni, Small Scale


Large Scale

Alumni event (December)

EB, Alumni, Small Scale

Review and planning for Q4 Membership training and development Networking event for alumni to connect with the LC. Alumni engagement Plan Strong Branding in the elite network of the city Networking forum AIESEC‘s Visibility Connecting to the LC LC achievements

An event which would need a huge investment but with proper branding and product packaging it could be sold as a great product. No major financial implication

No financial investments, as it is a small scale event to be held in Gurgaon as we have our major alumni in the city. Strong sellable product, major cost centers would be logistics an promotions No major financial implication

* Y2B would be an event which would have 2 phases . First phase would involve LEAD sessions in select universities and colleges by Externals. Phase 2, final one day Y2B event with workshops, external sessions etc. ** Events like principal summit or any such forum to be partnered by collaborative partnership manager. Such event would only require manpower for raising funds and no LC involvement.


Critically analyse the culture of AIESEC in Chandigarh. What aspects of the current culture will you retain and what aspects will you change in the coming year? How do you plan to do the same?

One of the most important building blocks for a highly successful organization and an extraordinary workplace is "organizational culture." Organizational culture is the set of shared beliefs, truths, assumptions, and values that operate in organizations. Organizational culture can be described as "how people behave when no one is looking."AIESEC Chandigarh is a local committee which lives by the 6 AIESEC values everyday, an LC which is humble, fervent and value driven. Things I would want in the year 2012:

 AIESEC Chandigarh‘s LCong Culture is one turning point for every member every year and I would want to retain the same

 An Office culture which existed in the beginning of 2011 and helped each member grow would also be back in

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh the year 2012

 Ambition and aggression which have always been the driving factors of growth for the LC and also keep us going.

 A self OGX culture: believing in the product we sell, it would be something that helps us boost exchange.  Alumni involvement was one of the best initiatives of the year 2011 and I would like to evolve and take it to a better level.

 LC forum for example GBM would be a platform for training and competency development along with being informative.

 A trainee involvement and informal forum culture to be retained. “A culture wherein Performance is driven by Passion and Purpose”. The culture of the local committee would help it grow in all dimensions and I would like to make sure that fun and work remain together at all times.


Describe the role a VP will play in the LC (around performance & attitude) in 2012.

A Vice President will play a very crucial and pivotal role in 2012 in the local committee. The key aspects of the role of a VP will be:  Be a role model for every AIESECer  Planning and strategizing for the particular department, and flowing down the same in the department  Focus on member development of all members in the respective department through performance review, personal goal setting, etc.  Develop an optimal team/department culture  Focus on member and team leader training  Timely execution of plans in order to achieve high performance  Review and hold accountable the respective TLs  Exhibit purposeful leadership to ignite passion and drive performance :)


What immediate change/evolution is required in the LC’s Communication Strategy, Organizational Structure, Rewards and Recognition, Information Management and Functional Management, in order to equip ourselves for approaching 2015?

To equip for 2015, the following changes are required: Communication Strategy  Promotion to be done through aggressive EwA activities like LEAD, AIESEC Beta etc  Collaborating with other organizations and relevant events for brand visibility  Sending regular updates and opportunities in newsletters to all available student database  Packaging and showcasing impact across all sectors [Refer to Section G, Communication & IM, Question 2; Section E, Question 3] Organizational Structure  Incorporating a separate VP Expansion for focus on developing Dehradun as an independent entity and a separate VP LCD to develop Thapar University, Chitkara Universities along with initiating more initiative groups in the longer run.  Having a TM cell in place . The Assosciate Membership Manager will be a part of this cell.  Having a Business Development cell in place which will have a responsible for Alumni Relations.  Having a Quality Task Force in place with VP F as the head  VP CIM will have a team along with a manager responsible for running LEAD, AIESEC Beta as promotional activities as a part of Engagement with AIESEC Phase. [Refer to Section E, Question 6 for details]

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Rewards and Recognition One major innovation in this sphere will be getting certification for high performance, which will automatically become a Reward. High performance will hold credibility and can be exhibited in resumes as quality performance in project management, etc. This can be well implemented for TLP especially. Information Management  Proper implementation of IM policies  Investment in a central server Functional Management Evolution in the OS now provides a Cell structure to each Exchange Support portfolio for better functionalities [Refer to Section E, Question 6 for detailed explanation]


What is your understanding & link between AIESEC 2015, the BHAG, the three wheels, and the programmes? How will you effectively implement the four ELD programmes, keeping in mind the LC’s realities? The AIESEC Way is the essence of the organization with the AIESEC Vision guiding the organization over time.

AIESEC‘s vision - ―Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind‘s Potential‖ AIESEC International came up with a BHAG statement to take the organization close towards our vision. The BHAG statement - Engage and develop every young person in the world. The BHAG breaks down into three statements, which eventually led to the three wheels! The three statements led to development of the three wheels from which was derived the refreshed AIESEC Experience. The Experiential Leadership Development phase of the refreshed AIESEC experience has four defined programmes, namely, Team Member Programme, Team Leader Programme, Global Community Development Programme and Global Internship Programme. The effective implementation of the four ELD programmes will be done through the allotment of functional and operation responsibilities through the Organization Structure. [Refer to Section E, Question 6 for more details on the

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh same]


What ideal role will AIESEC play as an International youth organization in Chandigarh in 2012?

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Section F | Exchange


Please give your (probable) targets/plans for the next year. Please justify the same, especially along the lines of: Membership Volume & Experience Logistical Management Stakeholders Experience Delivery International Relations AIESEC Chandigarh 2012 - The Performance



GIP ICX(Education)

GIP ICX(Corporate)

OGX (Inbound)



Thappar University


Project Conserve


Project ASK


Project Worldview


Project Rural Development


Project Footprints


Project Genesis


Project Akshar




Build Your Future


Project Phoenix (TT)


Project Eureka (MT)


























( Rajpura) Chitkara University (Himachal) Totals: GCDP ICX - 330 GIP ICX - 217 GCDP OGX - 255 GIP OGX - 30

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Membership Volume & Experience

         

All the leadership roles (Exchange and exchange support) to be filled by the 1st half of January All leadership roles to go through extensive training, designed by VP TM with external help There will be two management body cycles All managerial roles will be leadership roles but not a part of TLP programme (unless they have membership under them) Recruitment OCs, event OCs and conference OCs will add to the member experience The Executive Body will pay attention on development of each member in their respective departments, hence focussing on optimum delivery of TMP and TLP GBMs and other forums to have more innovative sessions and external involvement rather than just information Each department will have its own unique work and team culture Motivation and competitive feeling to be driven through RnR Campaigns, LCongs, etc. Members will go through all the 6 components of the Learning Environment

Logistical Management

 VP F to take up the Outsourcing Project to reduce the burden of delivery and infrastructural requirement on     

LC funds FTF needs to review budgeted versus actuals regularly, and control exchanges which are not financially sustainable. As a result of inertia of the brand, the LC will be able to have a substantial growth in OGX in the tri-city as well as outbound and expansion markets. This will increase capacity for the planned ICX. ICX exchanges have been planned in such a way that the sustainable exchanges and exchanges which do not require infrastructure from the LC out number the exchanges which involve certain financial implications QTF will be in close synergy with ICX departments to cater to all logistical needs (through the Outsourcing agency) Maintaining a strong Office culture to boost member performance

Stakeholders Experience Delivery Members

 TM cell to focus on designing training models to enhance value proposition for TMP and TLP; training through  

LTT and external involvement Mentorship structure to be long term, wherein the mentor-mentee relationship does not end post department allotment VPs to pay regular attention to TMP and TLP experiences of their respective department Trainees

 All trainees to be inducted by the respective exchange departments as per the induction model defined by VP TM

 QTF to cater to all in-house trainee grievances  QTF to organize timely LC informal forums for trainee engagement  Regular review and feedback mechanism to be a part of the delivery process Clients

 A proper Sales culture to be flown down in the membership through LTT training, in order to make possible  

efficient selling and partnerships VP ER to flow down CRM policies and VP Exchangers to track their implementation through AIESEC Experience Managers Constant communication, review and feedback mechanisms to be effectively implemented Exchange Participants

 Induction and re-integration of EPs by OGX teams as per guidelines of VP TM  Feedback and review mechanisms to be implemented along with Report Submission to be made compulsory

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Parents

 Having Parent evenings for every Recruitment cycle to introduce them to AIESEC activities  Inviting parents for relevant LC events like Balakalakar, etc International Relations

    2.

Planned CEEDs Strong implementation of the Ambassador Programme, especially for GIP Programme Experience case studies to be extensively promoted in the network along with videos of the same CEEDs and International Conferences to be promoted through subsidies How will you ensure Delivery will be a part of the basic Exchange process? Also, mention any new initiatives around Delivery.

Keeping in mind the exchange goals, delivery will remain a focus across all departments, which will further fuel the number of experiences. Every department has an AIESEC Experience Manager who tracks that the complete delivery process is followed, from arranging pick-ups, to induction, to feedback and experience compilation. Some key points of the delivery process would be:

 Sending Intimation forms and trainee house contracts post match and before realization for correct expectation settings, information about arrival etc.

 AIESEC Experience Managers to induct EPs and trainees based on guidelines VP TM  AIESEC Experience managers to look after Department level forums for trainees, and engaging them in other    3.

aspects such as trainees delivering training sessions to members, etc AIESEC Experience Members to also track collection and compilation of trainee, client and EP experience stories and videos AIESEC Experience Managers will train and track adherence to CRM guidelines laid down for the membership for clients Regular feedback and reviews to be done, the output of which is shared and acted upon in the department Mention the major reasons for the imbalance in OGX and ICX. How do you plan to bridge the gap and also grow ICX at the same time.

2011 focussed on increasing OGX numbers by operating initiative groups and focussing on OGX in Outbound colleges. However, there could not be a substantial growth in the numbers this year because of the following:

 Students and parents are hesitant towards such a programme, and find it difficult to trust a student organization with the concept of International exchanges

 Universities and students tend to wait for live examples from their own reality, even if they are interested  Efficient OGX can only happen if time is capitalised for raising, building IR, matching and preparing. Because  

of LC realities, the summer cycle (the most promising cycle) cannot be fully capitalised on because of operations running late Less flexible academic calendars of universities is also a reason for less OGX takers Even though there is a huge pool for GIP OGX takers, the supply side is too specific to accommodate the demand.

Bridging the Gap

 Implement plans and start promotion in January itself, following department allocation and new MB in place    

by first week in January. Also using the time to increase the delivery rate by focusing on each EP. The OGX brand created in the initiative groups will multiply the numbers in 2012 Re-inducting returned EPs into OGX is the best choice, since in this case the customers are selling the product as well AIESEC Ambassador Programme for better IR

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh  Sending University authorities with 2011 report of experiences delivered from their respective campuses  Packaging OGX as a part of year-long partnerships with institutions (in synergy with VP ER)  Increasing credibility of the exchange programme getting certification for the programme both locally as well as from the hosting LC/NGO. Analyze the underutilization of OGX in the last 2 years with respect to potential market and give strategies to increase the same. Also mention what role Entities will play in this.


[Refer to Section F, Question 3; Section F, Question 1(exchange targets) and Section E, Question 7] 5.

Describe the experience of a member in an Exchange Team.

With the introduction of the Team Member Programme, quality of member experiences will increase in 2012. A role of a member has become more important and intense, adding to the value that a member can derive out of undertaking a Team Member Programme. Following are the key aspects of the experience of a member in exchange department:

       

Practical team experience Practical hard and soft skills development through training sessions (LTT, externals etc) Gaining an entrepreneurial outlook Learning project management and self-organization Sales Interact with internationals International opportunities Leadership Development

Find below a specimen of a blog entry by a member in an exchange department in 2012:

A WOW eXperience! I still remember how I was so casual about buying an AIESEC form, and how I was dragged by my friends to reach the recruitment venue. Its been 1.5 months to all of this and I have found a new me in myself. Right after returning from NLDS, I felt so fresh and good just because of the experience I had in the conference. A conference where I learnt how I could contribute to the society. My mentor has been my guide, a friend whose taught me how to be in the organization and yet balance in life. I always look forward to the sessions arranged and delivered by Local Trainer’s Team—they are just so innovative and give so much value at the same time! And today is extra special because finally, after 15 appointments, I managed my first raise! Finally I am also in the race in the department campaign :) . Well, the secret to is obviously my Team Leader who has been constantly guiding! But, the best part is my Vice President making sure to call me every now & then just to know what is up with me! Its a simple yet a beautiful feeling that “yeah someone cares!"


List down any innovation(s) that you intend to bring in exchange/exchange departments.

I want to bring the following innovations in exchange:

 Outsourcing Project and QTF: The Outsourcing Project which was tried out in 2009 shall be revived, but, with proper contracts and terms and agreements in place. The outsourcing agent will only be responsible for meeting logistical and infrastructural requirements and not involved in any direct communication with the

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh 

trainees. Also, the QTF will constantly check on the quality of logistical services and act as a link between the outsourcing agent and the trainees. Segregation of VP LCD and Expansion: The segregation is mainly to give exclusive attention to holistic exchange development of Dehradun, and development of the initiative groups in Thapar and Chitkara to mainly grow in OGX. Also, VP LCD will work on prospective initiative groups that the LC can have. [Refer to Section E, Question 7]. Feedback Mechanism: AIESEC Experience Manager will make sure that every member under the TMP programme in the respective department, EPs/Trainees and clients of the respective department are contacted for evaluation and feedback. This feedback should be compiled at a monthly basis and distributed among the teams to analyze quality of services, and improve upon wherever the scope maybe. Support Groups: The ICX GCDP departments will work towards making a support group from their supportive clients who will open avenues of tapping onto the social development network, collaborate for events, increase credibility of exchanges etc. The corporate sector can benefit from similar opportunities out of the BoA (in synergy with VP ER). AIESEC Ambassador Programme: This programme aims at building IR and reverse raise in the prospective partnering country for promoting GIP OGX of the LC. How this works: Preparing EPs as Ambassadors will be a part of the induction and preparation process and will be given equal attention. This will be executed by the AIESEC Experience Manager, and the EPs will be given all the required resources. The EPs will then also act as CEEDers for the hosting LC, getting in touch with local corporates and raising TNs exclusively for the LC (with the hosting LC‘s support). The same programme can be offered to ICX trainees in AIESEC Chandigarh, especially trainees who are AIESECers. The trainees can raise TNs for the LC once they complete their internship and go back to their home country. What‘s the Difference: The Ambassadors will only promote specific profiles of the leading technical colleges in the city, namely PEC, Thapar University and the likes, so as to offer quality students and graduates to companies being approached by the Ambassadors.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Section G | Exchange Support External Relations 1.

Critically analyze the External Relations portfolio this year & list down the roles & responsibilities of VP ER in 2012.

Following is the analysis for the portfolio in 2011: Positives:

 This year external markets were tapped to overcome the shortcomings of the local market. The portfolio made      

new clients and raised good amount of funds from offices in Ludhiana and Delhi. Entities - The portfolio provided good intellectual support to the membership in Dehradun which enabled them to raise `25,000 for their event Naari. CRM was well implemented for the same. Also, Thapar University allotted `40,000 for the AIESEC society in the university for the year. CRM - Good CRM was practiced in the year, making sure that all clients were serviced both during the partnership-execution period and post it. Corporate Office - Finally, AIESEC Chandigarh could get a corporate office through the MDP with Chitkara University. Product Basket - This year the portfolio attempted to make innovations in the product basket, and has struck one year long deal with a client for 2012 wherein the LC‘s GBMs have been sold. BoA Engagement has been a focus in the year with the board constantly updated The ER department had taken members/managers in the year, giving good learning opportunity and value to them. In fact, few members also had a very high success rate in raising funds.


 Event Planning - Fund raising for events was not always given a 2 month window, which led to either postponing the event or not being able to raise efficiently

 Not all partners could be retained. This is also the reason there is no/negligible growth in the funds raised over the last three years  Year-long partnerships - The local committee needs to crack more year long partnerships. There was only one partnership for the year 2011, and another one has been cracked for 2012.  No Direct Support to GCDP ICX - The portfolio has not been able to provide direct support to the GCDP ICX portfolio in terms of getting funding partners to make delivery financially sustainable. The portfolio ended up eating out of surplus from other events and exchanges Roles and Responsibilities of VP ER:

 Stakeholder management by optimally adopting CRM practices  Fund raising for all events and activities of the local committee  Managing Alumni Relations and tapping on various avenues wherein both the LC and the alumni can support each other

 BoA Engagement  Striking Multi-Dimensional Partnerships  Raising In-Kind support for the local committee for cutting costs, for example, office space and infrastructure, venue for LC forums, event and project support etc. 2.

Give your (probable) ER target for the next year. Justify the same.




Recruitment & Promotions


Combining recruitment promotions with LEAD, and the fact that promotions will happen in entities as well, the product becomes more sellable and will get more takers.



The events will happen alongside in Patiala and Dehradun as well, making the product more sellable.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Product



Collaborative Partnerships


These partnerships would be with other organizations and events for example, Principal Summit, Youth Fests, College fests etc.

Youth to Business Forum, TEDx


Thapar University Partnership (MDP)


Since AIESEC exists in Thapar University as a University society, a societies fund is allotted, along with which they provide in-kind support (office space, venue), and also take ICX exchanges (Akshar).

Year Long Partnership


Selling packaged products to organizations for a year.

BoA Funding


Total Funding in 2012 : ` 18,50,000

Financial Management 1.

Describe your understanding of the role of Vice-President Finance in the LC.

Finance as a portfolio is the backbone of any organization. Being a not-for-profit organization, an AIESEC local chapter is even more dependant on proper financial management. The role of a Vice President Finance is as follows:

 Local Committee Budgeting : Preparing and reviewing the annual budget of the LC and holding other portfolio      

heads accountable for meeting budget requirements Accounting: This includes maintaining all financial accounts and proper books of income and expenses, recording every financial transaction Auditing : VP F is responsible for both internal and external audits. Governance: VP F is responsible for introduction and implementation of all financial policies of the local chapter both internally and externally. VP F is also the legal representative of the LC along with the LCP. Banking Investment Planning : VP F is responsible for the investments of the local chapter making sure all investments have a definite Return on Investment. He is responsible for tracking the same, and implementing cost-cutting initiatives wherever needed. Imparting Financial Knowledge

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh Define a financially sustainable LC. How do you envision AIESEC Chandigarh in 2012 with respect to financial sustainability?


A financial sustainable local committee is a local committee which covers its operational expenditure and investments out of the income of its core product (i.e. exchange programmes). In direct terms, a financially sustainable LC would be:

 Covering all operation expenses and investments from the exchange income and maintaining a 20% surplus    

out of exchange income alone. Having sufficient liquidity throughout the year with minimal liabilities and receivables/bad debts. Having proper implementation of financial policies. Having reserves which can enable the local committee to function for 6 months without any income. Having surplus from ER funding only as additional funds and not being dependant on it for core operations

AIESEC Chandigarh on a whole is a financially healthy local committee owing to the good quantum of operations that the local committee run. In 2012, AIESEC Chandigarh will move towards a more financially sustainable state with better funds management which would involve the following:

 Innovation in running delivery operations enabling huge budget cuts for the same sphere and allowing investments to happen in other productive avenues with promising returns

 VP F will guide the idea of doing planned exchange through constant budgets reviews and not let nonsustainable projects to override the numbers of sustainable projects

 Running profitable events and programmes  Asset generation which also includes total fixed deposits of `8,00,000 - equivalent to 6 months of operating   3.

budget Timely payment of MC dues, along with negligible liabilities Strong implementation of financial policies to control cash flow, track expenses, conduct efficient accounting and having negligible bad debts Analyse the investments made this year and mention the major investments that you shall be focussing upon for next year. Also, mention any areas for cost cutting and how [Considering high volume of traineeship investment through GCDP and trainee house management]?

The graph shows the investment amounts of AIESEC Chandigarh in 2011 as compared to 2010. The following analysis can be drawn from the same:

 Above `8,00,000 were invested in meeting

   

logistical requirements of delivering incoming exchange. Even though quality could be maintained, such a huge investment could have been avoided with better synergy between the incoming exchange and finance portfolios, better management of trainee houses etc. Traineeships being a major cost centre, membership investment could not thrive this year to maintain funds for operations. Administration costs were reduced for the second half of the year because of the raised corporate office Quality delivery of events was also made sure by good investments in executing events, even though this led to mediocre profits from the same. Some events like Alumni Event was also invested in without any substantial income. There could be not any increase in reserves this year

For the year 2012, the following areas will be a major focus for financial investments:  TMP and TLP: Special financial emphasis will be given to these programmes to add to their value proposition. This can majorly happen through investing on getting expert training from externals at GBMs, LCongs etc., running powerful RnR with valuable rewards, subsidies for CEEDs and International Conferences etc.  Office infrastructure will be invested upon for a proper work culture and capacity for the whole membership so as to create a healthy work environment productive both for the LC and the membership

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh  External Positioning: Well planned investment in communications will lead to increased visibility of the AIESEC  

brand in the city as well as entities. The portfolio will also get financial support to better the LC‘s capability of showcasing impact. Financial investments will also be planned for entities to ensure valuable TMP, TLP experiences to their respective membership. Delivering quality experiences will continue to be a major focus in 2012 as well

Cost cutting areas:

 ICX Delivery: In order to run the LC sustainably and ensure proper investment planning, the local committee

 

will cut on its most major cost centre - trainee houses. This will happen through the Outsourcing Project. The logistical requirements for trainee houses will be outsourced to an agent based on contractual agreements. The VPF along with the QTF will coordinate with the agent in terms of arranging for trainee houses, getting logistics in place etc., based on certain financial guidelines for the partnership. Timeline: Both incoming and outgoing VPFs will use the 3 week window in December, 2011 for searching and partnering with an outsourcing agent so as to kick-start the project from January. The main aim of this is to ensure meeting quality standards, efficient management of logistics reducing the burden on finances and membership of the LC, having sufficient capacity for incoming exchange programmes Administration: Retaining a raised corporate office will cut down major administration expenses for the LC. Having a raised venue for LC forums will also cut costs of the LC. Printing: Printing creative can be a huge cost for the local committee but, to ensure productive initiatives be taken to showcase impact and make the brand visible, printing should continue to be raised in-kind from BoA and other partners.

Talent Management 1.

Describe your understanding of the role of Vice-President Talent Management in the LC considering two essential components of the Experiential Leadership Development stage, Team Member Programme and Team Leader Programme, fall under this portfolio’s purview? Give tangibles as far as possible.

Just like a VP Exchanger is important for running AIESEC‘s core operation - exchange, similarly VP Talent Management is highly important for the development of a local chapter‘s biggest asset - Membership. Following is the role of a VP Talent Management:

 Running all the TM Processes efficiently, which includes talent selection  Designing induction models for TMP, TLP, GCDP and GIP. VP TM should flow down standardized induction        

plans for members and trainees in the LC. Designing training models for TMP and TLP Head the Local Trainers Team Tracking and meeting manpower needs of the local committee Competency development of members in TMP and TLP Design Rewards and Recognition model to boost performance Track and engage Associate Membership Run pocket recruitment Work towards adding value proposition of TMP and TLP through external certification and involvement, etc.

(Also refer to Section E, Question 6)


Analyze the recruitment‟s conducted this year. What innovations do you propose in the existing processes to make them even more effective for next year?

Recruitment is one of the most important projects for a local committee. The quality of recruitment done by an LC makes or breaks the year for it. In 2011, AIESEC Chandigarh conducted two major recruitment drives and one pocket recruitment drive in the tri-

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh This year, the talent promotion aspect of recruitment was segregated from Talent Management and was executed by the promotions team of the Organizing Committee headed by VP C. Analysis of Recruitment in 2011 Tri-City

Thapar University

Chitkara Baddi

 February recruitment were  The recruitment for  The first recruit hurried up due to delayed summer cycle was not ment was done out timelines. Still 1500 forms too intense even of applicants from were managed to be sold and though the members an information around 70 members were recruited now comprise seminar and hence, recruited. ER managed to the core membership were not very raise 40K from this cycle of the entity. Promostrong. Yet, the tions were only onrecruited member May pocket recruitment could campus and above 20 ship has been acnot be pulled off efficiently EPs were selected. tive in the year in  because of late execution. terms of involve The second recruitOnly a handful number of ment. members could be recruited ment cycle (September without any sufficient addition -October) was a better  The September to manpower. recruitment with the recruitment was a word already out in the defining recruit August recruitment has been university. ment for the entity. one of the strongest recruitSeventeen talented ment run by the LC in recent EPs were recruited. times. Talent selection was a Delegation from CU major focus for this cycle. The Baddi was also depromotions team sold around clared the Best Del3600 forms in total and the LC egation at October recruited over a 100 memLocal Congress. bers.

Dehradun The first recruitment was slow but managed to get the right people who took the entity forward in the remaining year. Out of this membership, the MB was selected in September. Taking a cue from brand visibility created after executing a successful even (Naari), Dehradun did a strong recruitment drive with above 100 applicants in September. Out of these, 47 were selected as exchange participants. Most of them have been inducted as members as well and are active in exchange departments in the entity.

Innovations for 2012:

 Recruitment OC to be formed in first week of January or before to capitalize on the whole month for promotions. This will also buy time for ER to sell the product efficiently

 An efficient pocket recruitment to be run in April-May by the TM cell (refer to OS, Section E, Ques 6) tapping on 12th standard students who get free from their final board exams during that time. This batch is to refuel the LC in the exhaustion months of July-August-September when performance and manpower is at a low throughout the LC.

 Talent Selection to be an integral focus of VP TM, with no compromise in selection criteria. Quality recruitment should be the ultimate objective.

 TM cell to work on getting external certification for the selection process to increase the external value of TMP and TLP

 TM cell to also work towards outsourcing certain aspects of selection for example GDs and TAs for a) efficient selection process b) reducing the burden on the EB during recruitment.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh How to increase external value of our Membership?


Increasing the external value of the TMP and TLP programmes of AIESEC will be one of the major priorities of VP TM. This will be achieved through:

 Creating a comprehensive and intensive training model for the local committee  Partnering with externals and alumni (in synergy with VP ER), for imparting training to the membership  Working towards getting selections certified, which will directly and tangibly increase the value of TMp and TLP

 Synergizing with VP ER and VP CIM to showcase the impact achieved by alumni of the organization in their 

lifetime Partnering with organizations who open job opportunities for members having undergone TMP and TLP

Communications & IM 1.

Describe your understanding of the role of Vice-President Communications & IM in the LC.

Since external positioning is one of the key growth drivers for the organization, the role of a Vice President Communications and IM has become all the more important. Following are the different aspects of the role of a VP CIM:

 Internal Communication


 Formulating Branding policies ensuring every element of the organization visible or being flown externally is brand aligned  Defining and regulating communication channels and policies  Content generation  Newsletters External Communication/ Branding  Off campus promotion  Outdoor media  Media Relations  Partnering with events for brand visibility  EwA - LEAD, AIESEC Beta  Campus partnerships  Café Partnerships  Talent promotion  Taking initiatives to showcase impact  Newsletters Information Management  Documentation and Knowledge Management  E-learning videos  Creatives   Online Media How would you assess the role of Communications in 2011? How can this portfolio tangibly contribute to the achievement of the LC‟s goals (Exchange, Leadership, Membership, External Value) & objectives in 2012? How will this be tracked?

Communications has evolved to be one of the most important portfolios for a local committee. My assessment of its role in 2011 would be as follows:

 Form Selling: The portfolio managed to sell around 5600 forms (including OGX) through campus, off-campus and online promotion, setting a record for the local committee as well as nationally

 Media Coverage: There were 72 newspaper articles, 7 radio coverage and 4 TV coverage in the year. The portfolio found it difficult to do radio promotions because of the costs involved.

 Case Studies: More than 100 case studies were prepared in the year. However, the positioning of these case

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh studies still has scope to be improved for better visibility.

 Promotion: AIESEC Chandigarh cracked a good number of café partnerships for enhancing visibility. Alongside, there have been strong promotions on-campus during the august recruitment drive. There are also 3 café partnerships in Dehradun creating a good brand among the city‘s youth. Also, 14 LEAD sessions have been delivered as well.

 Internal Communication: The concept of internal weekly newsletters has started towards the end of this year which will send out regular updates and information about the LC to its membership. This is a good initiative since it leaves a lot of time with the executive body to deliver value-driven sessions at forums such as GBMs than just plain information.

In 2012, CIM as a portfolio will play an important role towards External Positioning of the brand in the student and corporate sector. Exchange

 Driving down policies in the LC among the exchange departments to collect experience stories and compile    

them for showcasing in the internal network (ICX) as well as in campuses for boosting OGX Implementing initiatives to compile and showcase the impact that each sector can achieve through exchanges, for example, social impact delivered through GCDP exchanges in the city to get in partners supporting GCDP exchange, showcasing value that previous interns have added to companies through GIP programme etc Completing and implementing the project Making use of social media tools more efficiently, especially LinkedIn Capitalizing on corporate and other such relevant forums and sending AIESEC representations


 Promoting TLP through LEAD, associate membership etc for event OCs, volunteers etc  Special focus on creating unique and specific TLP case studies to be promoted along side LEAD for promoting the kind of opportunities available to anyone going through TLP programme

 Developing value-based LEAD sessions, taking external help, to attract smart crowd towards the organization 

leading to leadership pipeline Getting TLP certified by an external organization and promoting it (in synergy with VP TM)


 Extensively conducting LEAD workshops to attract smarter crowd  Sending regular newsletters with updates and opportunities to the complete database of applicants—targeting   

applicants who do not show up for selections Having external certification for TMP and promoting it (in synergy with VP TM) Retaining and increasing Café partnerships with the popular youth hang outs Promoting AIESEC in high schools through AIESEC Beta, especially among 12th standard students who can apply for May recruitment right after their final exams

External Value

 Having strong endorsements from BoA and other clients  Partnering with other organizations and societies in relevant initiatives  Strategically promoting experiences delivered in all the programmes In order to enable implementation and tracking, VP CIM will flow down in the LC the processes needed to be undertaken by everyone in their respective departments to capture all the impact and experience stories. VP CIM will be ultimately tracking the numbers created, along with analysing the growth in different sectors as a direct result of the various channels of promotion (for example, # of applicants from online promotion, from LEAD, # of clients approaching the LC etc).

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh What are the various spheres in the LC in which Information Management plays a huge role or can a play a huge role?


Information Management plays a huge role in the following spheres:

     4.

Documentation and knowledge management Creatives and documentaries/videos for promotion Online Media E-Learning videos for training through virtual channels What are the possible ways for a VP CIM to make AIESEC the first choice Youth Organization in the city?

     

Delivering strong and engaging LEAD sessions in schools and colleges Engage the youth in discussions and conversations on online forums, networking websites etc. Live stream AIESEC forums and promoting them extensively Regular communication about the local chapter‘s developments to all the available student database, along with opportunities available Strengthening the brand of International Exchange programmes Partnering and Collaborating with other youth organizations and events

BoA and Alumni Engagement 1.

How do you see the Board of Advisors being serviced the best ? What inputs-tangible and intangible, can they give to facilitate the LC’s progress?

The VP ER and LCP will be collectively responsible for managing communication with the BoA and engaging them. The BoA can be best serviced in the following manner:

 Bi-annual Joint Board meetings - one at the starting of the year with the new EB in place, and second after  

the end of 2 quarters with the half-yearly report. Physical meetings with each BoA member once in every two months. Inviting the Board for all major LC events

The BoA can give a lot of support and inputs in order to facilitate the LC‘s progress. Some of these areas are:

    


Network support for exchange, events, permissions, funding etc Intellectual support on overcoming bottlenecks, capitalizing on growth areas, event concepts etc Funding support Getting through city event organizers for collaboration and representation The BoA also exists as a Corporate Support Group for capitalizing on opportunities to increase brand visibility, exchange clients, collaboration with organizations etc. How do you see the Alumni being serviced the best? What inputs-tangible and intangible, can they give to facilitate the LC’s progress?

Alumni Relations will be handled by VP ER through an Alumni Relations Manager. This manager will be thoroughly trained by the VP ER in aspects of communicating and managing alumni. In 2012, ARM should focus on the following in order to service the alumni:

 Tracking and meeting all in-city alumni (taking the database collected till now). Objectives of meeting: experience sharing, avenues in which they would like to connect and contribute to the LC, further contacts of other alumni, establishing a proper communication channel.

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

Gurin Pal Singh | Manifesto For Local Committee President 2012 | AIESEC Chandigarh  Planning visits to the major cities where alumni are concentrated, for example, Gurgaon, New Delhi and   

Mumbai. (LC can invest in this sphere) Sending newsletters to the Alumni Database once in every two months about the LC’s progress, opportunities available (example: GIP, GCDP), upcoming events etc. An informal alumni event around Diwali should be planned in New Delhi, communication about which should go 3-4 months in advance, since good number of alumni tracked are now situated in Gurgaon and Delhi. Another informal forum in December in the city as major alumni are back in city in the month nearing New Year

ARM is to develop and use the Alumni Management Tool for tracking and managing alumni. Also, the tracking and regular touch throughout the year is to reconnect with as much alumni as possible, and then discussing the prospects of having an AIESEC Chandigarh Alumni Association . The alumni can facilitate the LC’s progress in the following spheres:

Thank You!

Purpose. Passion. Performance.

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