Annual Report 2018-2019 AIESEC in The Netherlands

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AIESEC in The Netherlands - 2018-2019 ANNUAL REPORT

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PREFACE We wanted the 2018-2019 term of AIESEC in The Netherlands to be one in which we would Spice Up the organiza[on. Like cooking, we wanted to build on all the basics that are in place and have every individual in the organiza[on to add their own flavour and give it their own touch to achieve our ambi[on to build a Bigger, Be]er, Stronger and united AIESEC in The Netherlands. BIGGER As a plaMorm for youth leadership development, we measure our impact by the number of crosscultural exchanges we deliver. Despite not seeing huge growth in numbers, we expanded our product porMolio by adding incoming Global Entrepreneur, we expanded our opera[ons by i n c re a s i n g o u r c o l l a b o r a [ o n w i t h h b o ins[tu[ons, grew our online brand exposure and saw big growth in the Nour Project and the Medicine Project. STRONGER Our term was not just about us, but also about the genera[ons aeer us. We opened up the posi[on of Member Commi]ee Vice President of Talent Management and Organiza[onal Development to be]er address the needs of our current and future membership and our local commi]ees and adopted a strong inclusive approach of our finance and opera[ons departments - shown by the tagline #Finance4Exchange - for an improved integra[on of our financial, HR and product opera[ons.

ONE AIESEC IN THE NETHERLANDS Our biggest strength is our network: an AIESEC experience is not only about your posi[on and your individual experience. It is about the experiences we live and deliver collec[vely: to learn from each other, to inspire and get inspired, to push and get pushed - on a peer-to-peer level, as different local commi]ees and as one na[onal, united network. As such we were privileged to host mul[ple na[onal and local events to connect, grow and interact with each other and to connect with and learn from our extremely valuable partners. It was an honor to lead AIESEC in The Netherlands during the 2018-2019 term. We are grateful for all the experiences we delivered, for all the achievements, for all the challenges and for the lessons learned. But most of all we are grateful for every individual that helped us to Spice Up the 2018-2019 term and for every single moment we got to share and enjoy together. A massive thank you to the en[re 2018-2019 genera[on and we wish you all the best. Never stop being an AIESECer and con[nue Spicing Up everything you do! Your MC Spice 2018-2019 Larissa, Ma]hijs, Mara, Camila, Lina, Tessa, Xavi & Daley

BETTER We strive for con[nuous improvement of our processes and experiences. By focusing on solving the cri[cal points in our processes and ensuring high standards all the [me, we improved our conversion rates. Our customers both students and companies in The Netherlands - have a be]er understanding of who we are and what we do, which helps to op[mize our customers’ journeys and deliver be]er experiences.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS With this annual report, another genera[on of AIESECers passes the baton and takes a wellearned moment to reflect. Allow me to contribute my own reflec[ons to get us started. One is hard-pressed to find an organiza[on as relevant as AIESEC. A praiseworthy achievement for an organiza[on founded over 70 years ago, completely run by youth, and with members who are typically in role for 1 or 2 years. It is proof that youth leadership is not only an aspira[on, but a reality with growing prominence and impact. This term alone, AIESEC for the Netherlands has send over 500 young people abroad to directly contribute to the realiza[on of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Another 120 contributed in the corporate or entrepreneurship sector abroad, and over 90 young people were welcomed in the Netherlands. Our impact goes beyond exchange. Some 300 people have taken responsibility in the Netherlands and joined out leadership development roles and programs, oeen on top of their full-[me studies. Also, hundreds of AIESEC delegates engaged with Unilever, one of the world’s largest companies, in our Youth Speak Forum to discuss and progress the UN SDGs. AIESEC has set three aims for itself towards 2020 and this term has seen tremendous progress along all three of these. First, AIESEC aims to address the world’s needs. Examples of our substan[al SDG contribu[on include our Nour exchange program which fosters intercultural understanding with the Middle East, and through our Medicine exchange program young aspiring doctors are providing medical assistance in Africa.


Second, AIESEC aims to grow disrup[vely. This year over 1000 young people were impacted by our exchange and leadership development programs. With significant investments being made in our talent management capabili[es, more transforma[ve personal and organiza[onal growth is in the books. Our digital (and campus) marke[ng efforts are and will be the driving force behind our growth. Lastly, AIESEC aims to be accessible to everyone, everywhere. AIESEC for the Netherlands has engaged new stakeholder groups through our rapidly growing contribu[on to the global entrepreneurship program (both incoming and outgoing) and our growing engagement with HBO students. Please join me in a warm and whole hearted thank you to our MC team 1819, our local commi]ees and teams, our talent partners, our exchange partners abroad and the broader AIESEC community. It is truly inspiring to see the impact that young people can achieve. The Netherlands, and judging by this annual report the world, is a be]er place because of you. On behalf of the Board of Directors of AIESEC for the Netherlands, René Willemars President of Board of Directors, AIESEC for the Netherlands Principal at the Boston Consul[ng Group


René Willemars

Principal at the Boston Consul[ng Group

Sandra van Overveld

Human Wellbeing Business Consultant at Nolost Capital

Kathinka de Veer

Strategic Program Manager at

Khalid Boufadiss

Advisor at Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Lucía Torres-Willemars Group Maintenance Segment Manager at Hempel

ChrisTan Groot

Principal Consultant at PA Consul[ng

Thijs Berens

Project Manager at Frisse Blikken

In memoriam: Laurens van Vloten Dissevelt World traveler. Earth lover. Kitesurfer. Cyclist. SUPper. Violinist. Golfer. Storyteller & nudger. Inquisi[ve mind and an open heart…. …and AIESECer BoD 2017-now MCVP FER 1213 LCVP iGT Groningen 0809 Amb team member 0708 Ambje 07



AIESEC 2018-2019





AIESEC was founded aeer the Second World War by a group of young people from The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. They believed that in order to prevent similar conflicts, cross-cultural understanding was essen[al. Ever since, the mission of AIESEC is to achieve peace and fulfilment of humankind’s poten[al.

We place our confidence in youth as the key to unlocking a be]er future. They have the passion, dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit needed to shape the future. We believe that leadership is the fundamental solu[on and it can be developed in anyone. AIESEC is a plaMorm for young people to explore and develop their leadership poten[al.

Our leadership development model seeks to prepare youth to take a stand on what they care about and become capable to make a difference through their everyday ac[ons. That is why we strive to develop four leadership quali[es to respond to current trends as declining trust in formal leaders, increased complexity and uncertainty, and globaliza[on.

EMPOWERING OTHERS ๏ Communicates effec[vely in diverse environments ๏ Develops and empowers other people ๏ Engages with others to achieve a bigger purpose SOLUTION ORIENTED ๏ Adapts and shows resilience in the face of challenges ๏ Transmits posi[vity to move forward throughout uncertainty ๏ Takes risks when needed WORLD CITIZEN ๏ Believes in their ability to make a difference in the world ๏ Interested in world issues ๏ Enjoys taking responsibility for improving the world SELF AWARE ๏ Understands and lives personal values ๏ Focuses on strengths over weaknesses ๏ Explores one’s passions






GLOBAL VOLUNTEER Global Volunteer is a cross-cultural experience for young individuals who want to gain personal development and leave an impact on the world. Through this product, young people can experience new cultures, make an impact and push themselves out of their comfort zone.

GLOBAL TALENT Global Talent is an internship experience for young people aiming towards professional career development in a global seong. Through this product, they can go to companies that are looking for interna[onal talent, ďŹ nd the industry that is suitable for them and gain professional edge.

GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR Global Entrepreneur is an internship experience within a StartUp where young people can explore, learn and contribute to the entrepreneurial world. Through this product, they can get an entrepreneurial start, gain interna[onal experience and expand their network for the future.

YOUTHSPEAK YouthSpeak, a global AIESEC ini[a[ve, is a tool to listen to what is happening in the world and at the same [me a tool to engage young people and inspire them to take ac[on upon the issues they feel are important. Capturing youth voices in over 100 countries and, YouthSpeak engages stakeholders acterritoriesross government, business, third sector and educa[on.


AIESEC 2020 AIESEC works with midterm ambi[ons as milestones that provide us with direc[on while moving closer to our vision of peace and fulfilment of humankind’s poten[al. These long term strategies provide us with clear direc[on, challenge us and allow us to measure our progress. AIESEC 2020 STATEMENTES AIESEC 2020 is the midterm ambi[on that was developed during Interna[onal Congress 2015 in India through a bo]om-up, democra[c and collabora[ve process. Voices, opinions and dreams from AIESECers from all over the world were collected to define the organiza[on that we want to have created by 2020. This process resulted in four ambi[on statements: ๏ We are a youth leadership movement ๏ Shaping what we do around what the world needs ๏ Growing disrup[vely ๏ Being accessible to everyone, everywhere AIESEC 2020 STRATEGY These four ambi[on statements are translated into the AIESEC 2020 Roadmap that outlines the strategic focuses for each term between defining the ambi[on statements and achieving AIESEC 2020. Also this process is bo]om-up and democra[c with representa[ves from all na[onal AIESEC offices and happens annually to adapt to our progress and needs. AIESEC 2020 GOAL SETTING The third and final component of AIESEC 2020 are the goals that guide and measure our progress towards our midterm ambi[on.


GLOBAL STATE 2018-2019 In the 2018-2019 term, in the second half of 2020, it was our [me to act. We embraced our responsibility to deliver the midterm ambi[on whilst simultaneously dreaming of a be]er future for the organiza[on. We decided to set growth as our non-nego[able. We make bold but consciously craeed choices to move the organiza[on forward. We developed over 40.000 young people through our exchange products. We realized that doing what we do now is not enough to one day engage and develop every young person in the world. We decided not to be afraid to challenge the status quo and ques[on our fundamentals in order to be relevant. And when we failed, we acknowledged that failure is a natural and necessary precursor to success. 2018-2019 was a term in which we focused on the now and on the future. We had an extreme focus on improving the experiences we deliver to our customers and our partners, because we can only be a youth leadership movement if we con[nuously strive to improve our products and the experiences we facilitate. Therefore, we had to install new and evolve our exis[ng processes and standards in our opera[onal processes. Of course, improving our customer experiences cannot go without significant investments and developments in our plaMorms and branding.

In 2018-2019, we invested in our membership; our most valuable asset for success in the now and to build the AIESEC of the future. We e l e v a t e d a n d i m p l e m e n t e d o u r Ta l e n t Management processes in every en[ty to ensure geong the best people, enable them to achieve the highest results and boost their own development and secure succession. Especially, because we are a non-governmental and not-for-profit organiza[on, we ensured the financial sustainability of our products and that all our opera[ons are in compliance with global and na[onal laws - including GDPR - by educa[ng and suppor[ng our network to implement the evolved Finance Standards. In order to facilitate the implementa[on in all en[[es, we developed our regional offices and added more capacity to downscale, educate and support every single en[ty. 2018-2019 was, of course, also the term of PIVOT. To engage and develop every young person in the world is challenging and we need to con[nuously look into new ways to develop leadership. We explored and defined the role of innova[on in AIESEC and evolved our role as a global youth voice. We are proud to say that in 2018-2019 that we chose to be powerful beyond measure!




AIESEC Interna[onal is our global headquarters located in Montréal, Canada, and consists of 26 young people from all over the world, who manage the organiza[on on a global level, create and implement global strategies, manage global supply and demand, and manage global partnerships.

Our local opera[ons are managed from eleven Local Commi]ees (LCs) located in Amsterdam, Dele, Groningen, Leiden, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Ro]erdam, Tilburg, Enschede, Utrecht and Wageningen. Local Commi]ees consist of an Execu[ve Board with the Local Commi]ee President (LCP) and several Local Commi]ee Vice Presidents (LCVPs). Addi[onally, there are part-[me team leaders and team members allocated to different opera[onal teams. Local Commi]ees are, above all, responsible for implementa[on of global and na[onal strategies, campus engagement, and developing leadership in young people through our exchange programs.



Our na[onal opera[ons are managed from our na[onal office located in Amsterdam. The general board of AIESEC in the Netherlands consists of the Member Commi]ee (MC) and the Board of Directors. The MC consists of the Member Commi]ee President (MCP) and several Member Commi]ee Vice Presidents (MCVPs). Together with the Board of Directors they create na[onal long-term strategies and ensure financial sustainability of the na[onal en[ty. In addi[on, the Member Commi]ee guides the Local Commi]ees in the delivery of our exchange programs. The Board of Advisors is an advisory body that supports the general board.















INCOMING GLOBAL ENTREPENEUR In the 2017-2018 term, a pilot started to introduce a new product: Incoming Global Entrepreneur (iGE) in which we enable young people to do an internship in a Dutch start-up to learn in a fast-paced, dynamic and interna[onal e n v i ro n m e n t . Ae e r c o n d u c [ n g s eve r a l researches, we are successfully running this pilot in Amsterdam and Leiden. As of the start of next term, we are adding Ro]erdam to pilot to grasp on the poten[al of the start-up climate in the Ro]erdam area. OUR IMPACT Since iGE is s[ll a very young product in the Netherlands, our impact as measured in numbers is s[ll very small. However, delivering our first iGE experiences to interna[onal students in Dutch start-ups confirms the realm of possibili[es of this product and provides a strong founda[on for future genera[ons. Term
















July 1st - June 30th, source:

INTRODUCING A NEW PRODUCTS IN THE DUTCH START-UP CLIMATE With start-ups being the enabler for iGE, we found strong poten[al in the Dutch market with high entrepreneurial ac[vity in general and some very promising start-up hubs in par[cular. To pursue a fast and profound introduc[on to the market, Amsterdam and Leiden were selected to be the first local commi]ees to run iGE. Partnering with incubators and accelerators they took huge steps in product development while also delivering the first experiences.


PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT For the 2018-2019 term, product development focused on the one hand around op[mizing supply and demand - including on the one hand defining the right profiles of young people to address the needs of Dutch start-ups and, on the other hand, ini[a[ng the collabora[on with other AIESEC en[[es to a]ract these profiles. The complexity of immigra[on policies for internships in start-ups in the Netherlands means that we can mainly facilitate experiences for young people from EU member states With the first young people arriving we also got to ensure delivery of our standards and services. As such we got to evaluate, innovate and improve on processes such as housing, recep[on and integra[on ac[vi[es and facilita[ng personal development spaces for our iGE interns. Larissa van der Feen MCVP Incoming Global Talent & Global Entrepreneur 2018-2019

INCOMING GLOBAL TALENT Global Talent provides students from abroad the opportunity to live and work in the Netherlands doing a professional internship that is related to their studies and field of interest. With this product, AIESEC strives to ac[vate and develop the leadership poten[al of students by providing them a challenging experience and contribu[ng to companies in the Netherlands.



While pushing for short-term solu[ons, this led us to evaluate our financial system for iGT and adopted a new process with increased transparency between the na[onal and local level and towards our customers. Together with the renewal of our contracts for iGT - to support the changes made in our financial opera[ons we already no[ced higher effec[veness in collec[ng payments and improved, more transparent client rela[ons.

This term we wanted to grow Incoming Global Talent (iGT) aeer a drop in approves. Moreover, we had to tackle mul[ple challenges regarding the sustainability of our iGT opera[ons. The combina[on of these challenges made that our growth was less than we hoped for, but big steps w e re m a d e t h i s t e r m t o i m p ro v e t h e sustainability of iGT. Term
















Managing the financial side of our iGT opera[ons had become increasingly difficult during the 2018-2019 term. Due to our annual membership turnover and the complexity of our iGT financial processes we faced a challenging debtor situa[on that got accumulated over [me.

Larissa van der Feen MCVP Incoming Global Talent & Global Entrepreneur 2018-2019

July 1st - June 30th, source:

INCREASING OUR REACH This year we focused on expanding the country partnerships that the Netherlands has to be able to source the best talent for companies as possible. We made partnerships with a lot of other EU partnerships, to enable a fast process to get somebody to start working in the Netherlands. Another very posi[ve external development is that the Dutch Immigra[on Services (IND) made some policy changes enabling also recent graduates from non-EU member states to apply for an internship visa. This means a big step for iGT to become more accessible for everyone around the world.


OUTGOING GLOBAL ENTREPENEUR Outgoing Global Entrepreneur (oGE) is s[ll a fairly new product, offered to students in the Netherlands since 2016. Through Global Entrepreneur we offer the opportunity to young people to do a project in a start-up to learn in a fast-paced, dynamic and interna[onal environment and having the chance of increasing their personal and professional network. All of this while developing themselves through personal growth.

Third, - but maybe most important - we create the brand for this package. Following our example with Porto Alegre in Brazil, we created Light Up Porto Alegre. This brand is used in every online and offline channel while doing a]rac[on and throughout the en[re selec[on proces and actual internship in Brazil. As such we managed to create tangibility, clarity and an emo[onal connec[on resul[ng in be]er conversion rates, higher customer sa[sfac[on and increased word of mouth.



Start-ups and entrepreneurship are booming and so are our results in oGE. By capitalizing on the excitement around entrepreneurship of young people in the Netherlands and partnering with the right AIESEC en[[es, we managed to improve our processes and grow significantly for the third consecu[ve year.

Since oGE is run by teams that also run oGT, one of the main challenges is to understand the differences between oGE and oGT and to define the right balance between the two products.

















July 1st - June 30th, source:

PRODUCT PACKAGING For this product, we have been working a lot with partners through Product Packaging. This c o n c e p t h e l p s t o p ro m o t e o u r G l o b a l Entrepreneur projects more effec[vely. In alignment with our market analysis, we select a partner - for example LC Porto Alegre in Brazil. Second, we create a [meline together: iden[fying the main steps - such as opening opportuni[es, do a]rac[on, the selec[on process, etc. - and seong deadlines for every step.


Our solu[on to these challenges lies in the team’s structures. Within the oGE & oGT teams we allocate HR capacity to each product to have more clarity and dedica[on to both of them. Depending on the current performance and poten[al a middle management layer is added to help implemen[ng the right strategic focuses. As such we created more product specialism, improved educa[on cycles and more effec[ve communica[on and support from the na[onal and global level. Lina Ríos MCVP Outgoing Global Talent & Global Entrepreneur 2018-2019

OUTGOING GLOBAL TALENT Global Talent provides students from abroad the opportunity to live and work in the Netherlands doing a professional internship that is related to their studies and field of interest. With this product, AIESEC strives to ac[vate and develop the leadership poten[al of students by providing them a challenging experience and contribu[ng to companies in the Netherlands. OUR IMPACT Over the recent terms, our performance in Outgoing Global Talent (oGT) has been declining. Globally, our Global Talent opera[ons are under pressure as more and more AIESEC en[[es decided to scale down their GT opera[ons due to the increased complexity compared to our other exchange products. Therefore, it has been proven increasingly difficult to match the right students from the Netherlands with the right internships abroad. Term
















July 1st - June 30th, source:

ATTRACTING THE RIGHT PROFILES Global Talent is very well-known in the Netherlands. Usually when students hear of AIESEC they think of internships abroad. Thanks to this we have a considerable good amount of Sign Ups and Applicants to our Global Talent projects. The challenge is that these students do not have clear expecta[ons of what we can offer. That is why doing a]rac[on is so important, in order to target the right profiles that are suitable to the opportuni[es there are in the market. Besides this, building the right Interna[onal Rela[ons is also key to ensure Supply & Demand alignment.

UNDERSTANDING THE MARKET Taking into considera[on the relevance of providing a good customer experience and the necessity to a]ract the right students, we need to understand our market, what they want and what they need. We iden[fied that our students are looking for six months opportuni[es, instead of going on exchange for one year. Based on these results we put a huge focus and resources (through the Na[onal Support Team) in Interna[onal Re l a [ o n s , fi n d i n g a n d b u i l d i n g s t ro n g rela[onships with en[[es in AIESEC that can provide us with what our market is looking for. EXPANDING TO THE HBO MARKET Answering our mid-term ambi[on statement, being accessible to everyone, everywhere, we con[nued with the pilot that started in the 2017-2018 term to expand our opera[ons to hbo students. Aeer conduc[ng several researches, we are successfully running this pilot in our local commi]ees in Groningen, Maastricht and Tilburg (with Tilburg being added only very recently in March 2019). We iden[fied a strong product-market fit for oGT because of the internship requirement. Therefore, we are coopera[ng with the facul[es, professors and study advisors to reach hbo students effec[vely and efficiently. So far, we provided 5 hbo students - 3 from Groningen and 2 from Maastricht - with an internship experience abroad and we are excited to see the results this pilot will bring in the 2019-2020 term! Lina Ríos MCVP Outgoing Global Talent & Global Entrepreneur 2018-2019


OUTGOING GLOBAL VOLUNTEER Our Outgoing Global Volunteer (oGV) program strives to ac[vate the leadership poten[al of university students by placing them in a challenging environment for six to eight weeks and encouraging them to take ac[on and contribute to one of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. We run two naAonal oGV product packages: the Nour Project and the Medicine Project, more informaAon on these naAonal projects is found on pages xx & xx. OUR IMPACT In the 2018-2019 term, we enabled 556 young people to love their Global Volunteer experience by helping them to find an opportunity that fulfils their needs, guided them in the prepara[on of their experience and supported them throughout. This is a small drop compared to the 2017-2018 term. Term
















July 1st - June 30th, source:

INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION To deliver the best experiences to our customers, aligning and collabora[ng with other AIESEC offices is crucial. This happens at the na[onal level to safeguard the bigger picture, but also downscaling to the local level is important t o a c h i e ve t h e h i g h e s t e ffi c i e n c y a n d effec[veness in communica[on and collabora[on. In the 2018-2019 term we mainly collaborated with Brazil, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Vietnam, India and Guatemala.


PROCESS OPTIMISATION We care about the experience of our customers throughout the en[re process. As such, we always look in how we can improve our customer experience. This year, we did this through op[mizing the physical and virtual touch points of our process, collec[ng more feedback from our customers and speeding up our processes to spend more [me on preparing our customers for their experience abroad. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS All our Global Volunteer projects are connected to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Na[ons. A development that we are making in our alignment process is to connect the project to a specific target and we are making our contribu[on tangible through measuring our impact on the KPIs. As such, we directly contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals while also developing a student’s leadership poten[al and sparking an interest to improve the world and, therefore, also crea[ng a bigger las[ng impact on the individual. Camila Diles MCVP Outgoing Global Volunteer 2018-2019

MEDICINE PROJECT The Medicine Project was started in 2012 in AIESEC in Maastricht and is, therefore, a li]le younger than the Nour Project. The Medicine Project gives Medicine students and young people doing a healthcare-related studies the opportunity to broaden their view on healthcare. Through a Global Volunteer exchange they experience how healthcare is organized, which are the challenges a medical professional faces in a dierent environment and what it takes to be a good doctor.




While the Medicine Project used to focus on third year Medicine students, there is a huge poten[al market for studies related to medicine and healthcare in Dutch universi[es and hbo ins[tu[ons. The increase in HR capacity in the coordina[ng team and throughout the rest of the Netherlands enabled the Medicine team to start exploring these poten[al market segments and evolve our products and services to their par[cular needs.

The Medicine Project used to be run by a small sub-team of the oGV team in Maastricht, with support of an oGV member in every other Local Commi]ee, which put a limit on our capacity. Therefore, we decided to create a dedicated Medicine Team in Maastricht with a dedicated LCVP and four members and Medicine Managers in the other Local Commi]ees to facilitate be]er strategic development and growth in our Medicine opera[ons.

The Medicine Project relies on a strong and longterm collabora[on with AIESEC in Uganda and Ghana and more recently Mozambique. Especially, for the Medicine Project it is important to set the right expecta[ons with both the students in the Netherlands and the hospitals and clinics in Ghana, Uganda and Mozambique about what are students can and cannot do during their experience abroad.


NOUR PROJECT The Nour Project began as a na[onal program in 2006 as an effort to bridge the gap between the Western and Arab worlds by giving Dutch youth the opportunity to experience Arab culture firsthand, and ul[mately challenge prejudices and create mutual understanding. Since then it has grown to become one of the most unique and recognized programs that AIESEC in the Netherlands has to offer, and stands as a best case prac[ce within the global network. The Nour Project offers a unique Learning and Reintegra[on cycle, providing Nour Par[cipants with a range of workshops and showcasing opportuni[es before and aeer their project abroad. MORE RELEVANT THAN EVER


The Nour vision is becoming more relevant than ever before. In this day and age, we are seeing a startling and unfortunate rise in Islamophobia, mispercep[on, and cultural divide, which strongly indicates an increasing need for the Nour Project. The impact of the Nour Project comes down to two main factors: the number of people who personally experience Arab culture, and the number of people who gain a deeper understanding of Arab culture through experience showcasing and exposure of the program back home.

The Nour Project works extremely closely together with AIESEC en[[es in the Middle East - especially, Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Jordan - to ensure smooth proceses, high standards of our projects and support to contribute to the mission of crea[ng mutual understanding between the Arab and Western world. Through virtual and physical touch points we evolved our collabora[on and prepared ourselves to create more impact than ever!

GROWING OUR IMPACT Over the recent terms, we made several improvements on the organiza[onal structure of the Nour Project with dedicated Nour Managers in every LC, which enabled us to create more awareness, grow in the number of sign-ups and increased and improved capacity to guide young people from the Netherlands in contribu[ng to mission of the Nour Project.





















































July 1st - June 30th, source:

EXPERIENCE STORY DISCOVERING MY PURPOSE IN EGYPT I have always been a big advocate of voluntary work, as well as travelling, but the pressure of University to go and do an internship in the field of my study loomed over my head. I did not know what to choose un[l a friend suggested AIESEC, and the following months I was preparing to go to Cairo, Egypt.

My experience enabled me to see beyond the media induced stereotypical image of Middle Eastern life and to discover it for myself. Anna Blake

The overall prac[cal work experience helped me to gain confidence in myself and my knowledge, which some[mes wavers in a classroom and strictly theore[cal environment. On the weekends we really immersed ourselves with the people and the different cultures all over Egypt. There is a large gender inequality in these places and as a girl from the Western world that has been raised to know my rights, this was some[mes very difficult to see. Overall, AIESEC is a fantas[c way to take a great leap beyond your comfort zone and truly submerge yourself into a whole new and completely different way of life.


MARKETING In AIESEC in The Netherlands, we have marke[ng as a separate division with separate team leaders since the 2016-2017 term. In the first two terms a lot of knowledge, learnings and results had been gathered and we wanted to build on that founda[on. In the 2018-2019 term, we focused on brand advocacy, targeted marke[ng and integra[on between our online and offline marke[ng ac[vi[es.




No ma]er how well-designed our marke[ng materials and no ma]er how well-educated our membership is; nothing beats the effec[veness of brand advocacy. Therefore, we decided to focus on how we can capitalize on word-ofmouth as much as possible by introducing brand advocacy responsibles in the local marke[ng teams to host story telling nights, conduct interviews with our exchange par[cipants, create experience videos and create campaigns such as the “bring a friend” campaign on Instagram.

Despite the increasing importance and success of our online marke[ng ac[vi[es, a strong offline presence on campus remains crucial especially, for facul[es/schools where we did not have a strong presence historically (incl. the expansion to the hbo market).

At the na[onal level, we capitalised on the increasing popularity of podcasts by launching our very own #LiveTheExperience podcast to showcase the experiences our exchange par[cipants go through.

As a result, we also saw an increase in sign-ups from through our physical marke[ng ac[vi[es (incl. a 37% increase via lecture talks and 517% through events)

As a result, we increased the number of sign-ups via a friend by 13%.

Mara de Haas MCVP Marke[ng 2018-2019

TARGETED MARKETING During the 2018-2019 term, we focused on targeted marke[ng to improve our conversion rates. Therefore, we created customer personas for each of our outgoing exchange products and product packages. Next, we aligned our messages, channels and processes with the needs of each customer persona. While for our membership this shie was pre]y demanding we saw our conversion rates improving throughout the term.


We wanted to capitalize more on our digital channels. Through increasing our budget for online adver[sing, improving our online adver[sing flow, op[mizing our use of the different online plaMorms and their features mainly Facebook and Instagram - and retarge[ng campaigns we increased our sign-ups through digital channels by 34%

Therefore, we ensured the implementa[on of standards - both in terms of frequency and quality standards - for lecture talks, university rela[ons and on-campus events.

FINANCE Proper financial and legal management is not just important for the sustainability of AIESEC the Netherlands, it is also a lever to accomplish organisa[onal growth. The two concepts of Financial Sustainability and #Finance4Exchange perfectly portray the strategic direc[on of the Financial and Legal area of 2018-2019. Below you will find a summary on main profit and loss developments, and strategic projects MC FINANCES 2018 2018 has been a financially challenging year, as we closed the books with a loss of € 7.000. Main drivers for this nega[ve net income are higher costs than expected due to wri[ng off iGT account receivables, and the new MCVP TM/OD role. Moreover also we had less revenue than expected, mainly in iGT. These losses have been balanced out for a large part by lover direct costs in iGT, higher revenue in oGT and oGE, and lower overhead costs due to the move of our office. MC FINANCES 2019 Given the nega[ve net income in 2018, made some adjustments to our financial management in 2019: We incorporated a standardized flow of iGT debtor management to prevent big debtors to come up again. We ac[vely re-budget every quarter based on the quarterly results. Moreover, our revenues are expected to increase due to a price increase of our outgoing exchange productsas they were under-priced compared to the market.

STRATEGIC ACHIEVEMENTS iGT debt management, when we inherited AIESEC the Netherlands as new MC, we faced a situa[on with almost 100k+ account receivables, outstanding for 90+ days. Together with iGT, we achieved to collect 75% of this amount and to implement a standardized iGT debt management process in collabora[on with the LC’s. Price review, together with the FERs, we found out we underprice our products. Together with the network we decided to increase OGX prices with €50,LC Sustainability Metrics, LC’s now track their financial sustainability in more depth by taking into account their direct/total costs ra[o, months of financial reserves, core performance ra[o, forecasted full year result. Financial metrics in OD model, in synergy with the MCVP TM/OD, we incorporated financial metrics to easily measure the organiza[onal health of AIESEC the Netherlands. LC financial audit, two FERs have implemented a financial audi[ng framework and rou[ne to increase our accountability and internal control. GDPR ImplementaTon, we implemented all the necessary steps to become a GDPR compliant organiza[on. LC Legal Audit, two FERs have implemented a legal audi[ng framework and rou[ne to increase our accountability and internal control.

Maghijs Germs MCVP Finance & Legali[es 2018-2019


TALENT MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT For the 2018-2019 term, we added a new posi[on to the na[onal team. With our membership being our most important asset and current developments in the Dutch university and student market we saw the need of puong focus on the development of our membership and our Local Commi]ees that went beyond our capacity limita[ons, hence the need of a new posi[on. THE START OF A NEW DEPARTMENT While a lot of the needs we saw are definitely at the local commi]ee level, we considered a posi[on at the na[onal level to be the right way forward as this would enable us to give a lot of strategic focus to this new posi[on and capitalize on the already exis[ng and familiar organiza[onal structure for faster and smoother implementa[on. Since the Local Commi]ee Presidents (LCPs) have both a central role in the collabora[on between the na[onal team and the Local Commi]ees and the end responsibility over the LC's membership we worked closely together in our projects and strategic agenda.

THE FIRST YEAR OF ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT For Organiza[onal Development (OD), the biggest focus was on evolving our OD model. With AIESEC’s annual turnover of people in leadership posi[ons, our LC’s performance turns out to be quite vola[le. An OD model addresses this issue by crea[ng a wholis[c perspec[ve on an LC - combining metrics on its exchange opera[ons, financial situa[on and state of its membership - and, therefore, helping the local execu[ve boards and the na[onal team to define the most important focuses. An OD model's second element are the growth strategies adjusted for any level of performance on any of the three components. As such the OD model creates a roadmap for con[nuous and sustainable growth. In the 2018-2019 term, we integrated all parts of the organiza[on in our OD model and created and implemented a first set of growth strategies; a solid base for the next term to build on.



Talent Management aims to op[mize the number of members that achieve their goals. To achieve this, we have three phases that we need to focus on: 1) geong the right people at the right [me (Get), 2) develop our people through educa[on and the right team environment (Develop), and 3) retain the well-performing members and create succession plans (Keep).

Our HR experienced two big bo]lenecks: the first being that our local execu[ve boards found limited [me for strategy development and secondly a big gap in succession due the big gap between part-[me membership posi[ons and full-[me roles int he execu[ve board. Both issues were tackled by the introduc[on of a middle management layer of team leaders that support the LCVPs by being responsible of part of the team and the implementa[on of team standards for these members.

For the first year of Talent Management we focused on the first two phases. In the Get phase, we worked closely together with marke[ng to a]ract the right people and created cross-func[onal teams to improve our selec[on and induc[on processes. In Develop, we focused on the implementa[on of the Team Standards to ensure that our members have sa[sfying and successful team experiences as this is crucial to their individual performance and team achievements.


Star[ng a new posi[on was not an easy thing to do, but it was a very grateful experience and we are proud of our achievements and very excited to see the poten[al of this posi[on fulfilled. Xavier Correia MCVP Talent Management & Organiza[onal Development 2018-2019





AMSTERDAM Our ambi[on as the EB of AIESEC in Amsterdam 18.19 was to create a high-performing LC that stays true to our essence and the why of AIESEC (especially, as the la]er has not always come naturally to Amsterdam's LC culture). To change the LC culture towards being more oriented towards the ‘Why’ of AIESEC - and in that way increase both our performance and our member reten[on - we have taken various steps. We organized many events to connect our LC to our exchange par[cipants. We created a successful pool of EP’s, that supported us as local brand ambassadors in our marke[ng - like events and lecture talks. We were also the first LC to host an ‘Experience Night’, in which EP’s shared their stories with the LC and externals. More importantly, we focused our recruitment in January in June for a great part on promo[ng membership to EP’s and onboarding members who showed par[cular mo[va[on for the AIESEC way during their applica[on process. The new LC that we lee included seven members that had been through an AIESEC experience (opposed to only two in our term). The overall increased mo[va[on for the essence of AIESEC also resulted in an increased reten[on rate throughout our term: seven LC members stayed longer than a year!

On top of our exchange performance, we onboarded two new LAR members, Meltwater and Booking. Of course, we enjoyed many amazing moments as an LC: our interna[onal trip, NatCo’s, take-over dinners and -weekends and we closed off this amazing year with winning the Spicy 69 award for the best final sprint and the Be]er award for best process improvement. On a last note, I would like to thank my EB and LC for their hard work and enthusiasm. I am incredibly proud of what we achieved and I am sure future genera[ons of AIESEC in Amsterdam will build on our success! Josie Kolsteren LCP AIESEC in Amsterdam 2018-2019 EXCHANGE TABLE

This culture change came along an impressive increase in our exchange performance across all products. Through hard work from the en[re LC, a performance-oriented EB, and the successful implementa[on of Team Leaders, we managed to grow from 88 to 121 approves for all products combined: a number that had never been reached by an LC in the history of AIESEC in the Netherlands! This number includes two approves for incoming Global Entrepreneur; a product that was launched in the 18.19 term in Amsterdam and Leiden. With several partnerships and two successful internship experiences at start-ups our iGE team created a solid base for the product to grow in Amsterdam.





















oGV 48 60 57 RealizaAons, July 1st - June 30th, source:


CharloRe Regout (Postcode Loterij), Erik Dirksen (UvA), Frans Snijders (VU), Marcel van der Avort (Group M), MarAne Olijslagers (Nestle), Mathieu Koster (Booking), Reinier Vuylsteke (Nestle), Wendelien van Eerde (UvA), Wicher Schols (Bureau Schols), Willemijn Spreij (Booking), Ronald Winter (Meltwater)

DELFT July 1st 2019, the AIESEC term has come to an end and it is [me to hand over AIESEC Dele and to reflect on the past amazing 12 months. At the start of the 18.19 term we defined our two main pillars: establish an open, safe and commi]ed LC culture and grow in number of exchanges. All 28 of us developed a determined, team focused and extremely posi[ve work aotude with two successes mainly contribu[ng to this: We organized the energy debate at the TU Dele with a taskforce of current members and alumni and had some of the most influenceable people in the energy sector: Yuri Sebregts (CTO Shell), Sigrid Kaag (Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Coopera[on) and Anne-marie Rakhorst ( On top of that, former prime minister Jan-Peter Balkenede hosted the event. Over 200 students joined the debate, making this a major success! Next, the LCM’s all had a strong focus on personal development - with external trainers and trainings by our own members. Every couple of months, we gave members the opportunity to give feedback on the LCM’s and the EB for us to adjust where needed, which resulted in a very open and a development-driven LC culture. Regarding our performance, things weren’t going that well. It started with the split of oGX into oGV and oGE&oGT to increase capacity to run both products. This split caused a lack of focus on performance and fric[on within our EB. Moreover, during that [me one of our EB members dealt with a serious burn-out and was forced to stop her EB term , which impacted the rest of the EB immensely: the work-load became very high and performance was dropping. During this period, also two members quit due to burnout symptoms, making the work-load for the en[re LC even higher. This was the moment that we as an EB made a hard, but necessary decision and ac[vely stopped the focus on performance: we stopped pushing exchange growth and switched focus to process op[miza[on within each business unit and preparing for take-over.

For the 19.20 term it is important to learn from our mistakes and that it is ok to have no clue what to do at the start of your term. AIESEC provides a very strong learning environment with many people who can help: the RAVA, the LAR, the MC, etc. Don’t be afraid to ask and to make mistakes and most of all don’t forget to enjoy! It was the most challenging and valuable year of my life, which I will cherish forever. I am very proud of our team-spirit, how setbacks made us stronger and what we created with the en[re LC: all the friendships, the feeling of safety, the eagerness to improve and the posi[ve aotude even when things seem to fall apart. Marlous Prins LCP AIESEC in Dele 2018-2019 EXCHANGE TABLE 2016-2017



















oGV 27 28 25 RealizaAons, July 1st - June 30th, source:


Frans van den Boorn (Engie Nederland), Michiel Ensink (Gemeente Del\), Pieter Stoter (TU Del\), MaRhew Harvey (FEMS) & Rabobank Zuid-Holland


GRONINGEN In the past year, we made amazing progress to increase our brand awareness in the city of Groningen, to improve the experiences of our exchange par[cipants by building interna[onal partnerships and to improve our collabora[on with the University and Hanze Hogeschool. First, to become be]er known in the city, we organized a local YouthSpeak Forum around ‘poverty in the city of Groningen’ in collabora[on with the Rabobank, the Voedselbank and the municipality. We had around 60 par[cipants (about was external). Both par[cipants and organizing par[es provided a lot of posi[ve feedback and it has strengthened our local brand awaraness among students, our [es with several organizing par[es and our reputa[on among other student organiza[ons. Also within Marke[ng, a large focus was External Rela[ons (ER). With an extra ER manager in the team, they created new partnerships and extensively made use of the current network we have as an organiza[on. Finally, these ER managers also organized open trainings, in which students could get to know AIESEC while learning something new themselves. Secondly, to build partnerships to improve the experiences of our exchange par[cipants, especially our oGV team has booked huge successes. With the en[re team, they devoted a lot of [me to find the right partners based on the insights from the market research done by the marke[ng team. These partners were presented in a booklet which helped the EPs with their applica[ons. This smoothened our applica[on processes and a higher a]rac[veness of going abroad, as EPs knew that they would go together with other students from Groningen. All in all, by the end of the year we were rewarded with the demonstra[ng integrity award. Meaning, among others, that we were one of the best in delivering to our EPs what we promised. We consider successful partnership building as a big contributor to this award.


Finally, partnering with the Hanze Hogeschool and the University for more sustainable promo[on. Since the 17-18 term, we run the hbo pilot to provide students from the Hanze with an AIESEC exchange. In the second half of our term we have booked the first successes and made three approves with hbo students! This is a huge reward for the effort put into the pilot and lays a founda[on for growth in the future. We also improved our collabora[on with the University to get promoted by them and possibly reward our projects with ECTS. The talks started of very promising and we handed this over to our successors with great care to seal the deal. Rick de Haan LCP AIESEC in Groningen 2018-2019 EXCHANGE TABLE 2016-2017



















oGV 65 63 71 RealizaAons, July 1st - June 30th, source:


Heike Kloppenborg (Gasunie), Frank Veerman (Heineken), Theo van der Zee (DUO), Arthil Bremmer (Rabobank), Paul de Rook (Gemeente Groningen), Jaap Bos (Governor Rotary District Noord), Kees van Veen (Faculty of Economics and Business), Elmer Sterken (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), Kees Karremans (Noordhoff Uitgevers), Ton Schroor (VNO-NCW Noord)

LEIDEN Looking back at the past year, I can truly say that it has been an adventure, a challenge and a very rewarding experience. With 34 people we worked very hard to put AIESEC Leiden on the map. Not only in Leiden, but also in The Hague. At the start of our term, we created our plans and strategies with a lot of enthusiasm and energy. A full year later, we can say that we did it and that we can be very proud of our results. For marke[ng, we wanted to focus on targeted marke[ng and product packaging. We wanted to expand our Go Asia, Go La[n America and Go Europe campaigns with a product for the students of the University of Leiden. Therefore, our marke[ng and oGV teams created Go Jus[ce, tailored to the needs of law students in Leiden and relevant for a future career in law. The incoming team focused on improving the partnerships with our current partner companies through evolving our account management. Our increased standards resulted in mul[ple companies that opened other internship opportuni[es. Moreover, we wanted to improve the guidance we deliver to our trainees by having regular personal development chats and provide with with skills development opportuni[es. AIESEC Leiden is a very proud host of the na[onal Nour team. In our analysis we found the bo]leneck of long process [mes and difficul[es to obtain the right informa[on about our projects. Together with our en[ty partners we organized a ‘ matching day’ to improve our informa[on supply and give be]er guidance, and, therefore, improving our customer experience and reduce process [mes. Our main focuses in oGV were to provide be]er quality leadership experiences by providing be]er personal coaching, raising our standards for the projects we would recommend and to ensure a be]er fit with our student profile.

It has been a fantas[c year with a lot of hard work, challenges and fun which we could not have done all 34 amazing and hard working people from AIESEC Leiden. I am extremely proud of our unity, shared vision and values, and strong work ethic, which helped us to achieve growth and be]er quality of the organisa[on. The past year is an experience that all of us will remember and build on in our next steps. It has been an honour to be part of this experience and I am confident that in the next years, AIESEC Leiden will con[nue developing and growing as it should be! Juliëge Sastrowijoto LCP AIESEC in Leiden 2018-2019 EXCHANGE TABLE 2016-2017



















oGV 49 70 56 RealizaAons, July 1st - June 30th, source:


Jeroen t’ Hart (Leiden University), Jan Thijs Both (FMO), Han Nijssen (Gemeente Leiden), Heleen Nieuwenhuis (Ecolab), Jean Paul van Marissing (Webster University), Willem Hogewoning (Fenestrae)


MAASTRICHT In 18.19 AIESEC Maastricht took the lessons and successes from previous years to set LC Maastricht on course to become one of the more mature, developed and bigger LCs of AIESEC in the Netherlands. We strived to improve the efficiency and standardiza[on of our processes, to achieve organiza[onal growth, to improve the quality the experiences we provide, to be known by students from every faculty in Maastricht, and to add real value to our membership. The founda[on for the growth and development of our LC comes from managing our membership and documenta[on in the best way possible.Two aspects in par[cular contributed to improving our membership. The first one is the introduc[on of systema[c planning and evalua[ng Team Standards to streamline how we coach and develop our membership and improve their (learning) experience. The second one is upscaling the Team Leader func[on and give Team Leaders more responsibility over their teams, include them in strategic mee[ngs and give them the appropriate training and support. Moreover, by introducing a single documenta[on plaMorm for the en[re LC, we improved sharing and storage of knowledge, insights and skills. Our products show a con[nuous development in the 18.19 term. Our growth in iGT helped us to move to the next Tier by focusing on CRM and clear and structured documenta[on that will benefit future genera[ons. Also in oGE&oGT we grew, also resul[ng in moving up a Tier, and they have contributed to the more professional image of AIESEC in Maastricht to externals. oGV stabilized their high level of exchanges they delivered and improving our customer’s experiences through good partnerships with LCs abroad. Marke[ng made sure to increase our presence at more professional events and more facul[es than we were before. The Medicine and Health (formerly Medicine) Team developed the Health project to expand our reach beyond only Medicine students, and increase the amount of par[cipants for the Medicine project itself.


In 18.19 AIESEC Maastricht con[nued the growth of the past 4 years. We made our LC more stable, our products more sustainable and our membership more valuable. We have jumped a cluster in the OD model, were the Top 3 LC in performance and the second biggest LC in membership. We ensured a work hard, play hard culture in our LC and built long-las[ng connec[ons. We set AIESEC Maastricht on track to become a mature LC, and I am curious to see the future development of this LC, which s[ll has a lot of growth poten[al. It has been a honour to, together with my Execu[ve Board, lead LC Maastricht in 18.19. Tim Postema LCP AIESEC in Maastricht 2018-2019 EXCHANGE TABLE 2016-2017



















oGV 47 57 60 RealizaAons, July 1st - June 30th, source:


Mark Hendriks (Limburgse Werkgevers Vereniging), MarAn Lammers (Universiteit Maastricht), Roland van Alphen (Atos & Regitel), Han van der Leeuw (Boels), Mark Berendsen (Rabobank), Patrick van der Sterren (Provincie Limburg)

NIJMEGEN The term 2018-2019 has flown by. One moment, you start off the year with a group of people that barely know each other, twelve months later, 87 approves have been signed and we can proudly look back at a very good year for AIESEC Nijmegen. The main focus this year for our LC was to deliver quality. Especially through partnerships we wanted to make sure as many Exchange Par[cipants as possible would have a great [me on their project and be sa[sfied with AIESEC as an organiza[on. This strategy really paid off looking at the amount of outgoing approves we did with na[onal and local partners. In par[cular our number of students joining the Medicine Project (28!) is a great example of the benefits of partnerships tailored to our customers’ needs. We also wanted to deliver quality to the m e m b e r s b y fo c u s i n g m o re o n Ta l e n t Management, having more regular personal development chats and providing trainings. Regarding our incoming team: iGT had a massive growth in the first six months of the term. Especially, since in the past it was quite challenging to run iGT in Nijmegen at a high volume, we are very proud that we turned it around and we hope to have started an upward trend for the upcoming years. This business unit too shows the importance of partnerships and good rela[ons with companies, since we could upscale with companies we already had good experiences with. This growth also brought up a big, new challenge. Finding housing for all the trainees turned out difficult and asked us to shie focus and allocate more resources to housing for the second part of the year. Other things we are proud of are the focus on events of the Marke[ng team, including a few very successful movie streamings, the member produc[vity of our LC and, at the end of the year, the new Execu[ve Board and new LC members we recruited to con[nue the growth and development of AIESEC Nijmegen.

AIESEC is about performance, but of course even more about development and working together. One thing that makes AIESEC Nijmegen special year aeer year is our culture, which is characterized by a [ght group of very ambi[ous people. Although, the LC grew quite a lot over the past few years, we are happy to say that this s[ll holds up today. We a]ended the na[onal conferences with the whole LC, con[nued our daily “tos[ lunch” tradi[on and had a lot of fun together in the past year. All together we can look back on a great year for AIESEC Nijmegen, and we hope Nimma will stay on fire in the upcoming years! Fé van Teeffelen LCP AIESEC in Nijmegen 2018-2019 EXCHANGE TABLE 2016-2017



















oGV 42 27 58 RealizaAons, July 1st - June 30th, source:


Rob Vaessen (Radboud Universiteit), Dick Bos (StartUp Nijmegen), Gerard van Gorkum (ARN), Bianca Zomerhuis (Rabobank)


ROTTERDAM 18.19 for AIESEC in Ro]erdam was about consolida[ng the 35% growth in approves from 17.18 in a sustainable manner, we strengthened our AIESEC culture became even more and we could describe our LC and our term by two statements: Work Hard, Play Hard, and Niet Lullen, Maar Poetsen! This helped us to achieve many successes, but let us just highlight a few: Many of our members engaged in ac[vi[es beyond their job descrip[ons: 25% of our members par[cipated in a (interna[onal) Train the Trainers conference, two members joined Organizing Commi]ees (one in Germany and one in the Netherlands), three of our members are now in the EB (including one interna[onal) and two EBers applied for the MC. These are just a few examples to show the high quality of our membership experience. For our annual World Largest Lesson we engaged around 700 high school students at three schools in Ro]erdam with the Sustainable Development Goals making us the largest contributor to this na[onal ini[a[ve. Our incoming Global Talent team grew with 50% and won the overall iGT Summer Campaign Award as a recogni[on for their hard work. This success helped us to join the pilot for incoming Global Entrepreneur in Ro]erdam as the third LC in the Netherlands with Amsterdam and Leiden. We had a slight drop in core performance compared to last year, but are one of only 5 LC’s to have grown this compared to the average of 2015-2018, and one of three ci[es (together with Nijmegen and Maastricht) that pulled this off with the term before us (17/18) growing! During the term the EB, the RavA and a few engaged LCers looked into ways to make our Refugee Project more sustainable. We built a business case to make it an autonomous organiza[on Powered by AIESEC RoRerdam, which is to be taken forward by the next genera[on.


Of course there was also more than enough room to ‘Play Hard’ and contribute to the 30% rule. Our LC trip to Lisbon, during the par[es at NatCo the EB trip to Morocco, the Blind Date Dinner, our LC Beerpong Tournament, and weekly during our drinks at Café De Vrienden. Together we managed all the opportuni[es and threats that come with working with more than 30 young people in a non-profit organiza[on in today's disrup[ve society. I'm proud to say that w e d e l i v e re d 1 0 0 + u n i q u e l e a d e r s h i p experiences through (facilita[ng) cross-cultural exchange! Marco Swan LCP AIESEC in Ro]erdam 2018-2019 EXCHANGE TABLE 2016-2017



















oGV 26 30 40 RealizaAons, July 1st - June 30th, source:


Sayida Goedhoop (SAchAng Nieuwe Thuis RoRerdam), Focko Dorhout Mees (Marsh BV), Margot van Sluis-Barten (Erasmus Trusdonds), Teije SmiRenaar (Port of RoRerdam / Havenbedrijf RoRerdam), Arnoud Kuijpers (EY), Caroline Lagerwaard (KPMG), Peter Tijssen (ABN-AMRO), Robbert Nesselaar (City Mar Consultancy)

TILBURG A lot can happen in a year. This is definitely true for AIESEC Tilburg in 2018-2019. At the start of our year we created our LC values: op[mism, growth, openness, and fun. These values came back in everything we did last year. As already men[oned, a lot can happen in a year. Unfortunately, a term in AIESC exists not only of posi[ve things, but also many challenges and hard moments. One of these very hard moments was that in September our VP Marke[ng had to step down. As a result, we could not execute all our plans and strategies as we planned and we obtained less applicants an approves for our exchange products. But due to our op[mis[c mindset we managed to find a new VP Marke[ng in December and together with our op[mized processes this resulted in a grow in approves in the second semester! In the end, we did not get as many approves as last year, but we are confident that next LC can build further on the things we started. Another main focus last year was improving the openness between the EB and rest of the LC. We started regular feedback moments for our LC to express themselves and deliver inputs. The implementa[on of this feedback ensured a good coopera[on between EB and LC. This improved our rela[onship and our ways of working. Last but not least, fun was a very important part of our year. Of course, we showed this to the rest of the Netherlands during RW Tilburg, but also with our Tilburgse kwar[ertjes during conferences, and our EB office tour. We tried to be everywhere last year: in NST posi[ons, na[onal taskforces, conferences in the Netherlands and abroad, and we went on exchange ourselves. This all made us win the Enjoying Par[cipa[on Award, which is a great compliment! However, the biggest compliment came from our members who rated our LC culture and their member experience with a 9 out of 10!

I am very proud of every single member of LC Tilburg and I am very grateful that together with my EB I got the honour to lead such an amazing group of young people. Together we learned a lot, had many amazing achievements and we enjoyed our year to the fullest. We created so many memories together and we will never forget the following famous words ‘Tilburg [ll I die’! Carlijn Backx LCP AIESEC in Tilburg 2018-2019




















oGV 25 32 30 RealizaAons, July 1st - June 30th, source:


Pieter Voogt (PauwR), Pepijn van Buren (DAF Trucks), Bodo de Wit (BOM), René Cremers (Code Yellow), Reneé Vugts (DLL), Marloes Rijken (VNO-NCW), Marieke de Kort (Tilburg University), Petri van de Vorst (TU Eindhoven), BasAen Francois (AIESEC Tilburg Alumni)


TWENTE Every term in AIESEC is both an adventure on its own and the part of something bigger in its connec[on to previous and future genera[ons. With this in mind, we wanted the 18.19 term to be about focus and sustainability. The tough decision we felt we had to take first was to relocate our Incoming Global Talent to our neighbouring Local Commi]ees Wageningen and Nijmegen to really focus our limited financial and human resources. Next, we wanted to increase our awareness at our university to grow our oGV and Medicine opera[ons. We tried to be always present on campus and spread AIESEC through lecture talks, marke[ng stunts and our virtual channels. This helped us to reach a big part of the student market in Enschede and we provided over 20 people with a life changing experience abroad. To improve our financial sustainability, we included more measures in our repor[ng and our synergies to get a be]er understanding of our LC- and product sustainability and make be]er decisions about investments and costs to run and grow our products. Thirdly, we focused on our membership to give them an experience in which they boost their development and achieve results. Our main strategy to deliver these experiences was the introduc[on of team leaders, which allowed for a be]er division of responsibili[es, specializa[on and a be]er support system. We also looked forward as over the past terms our recruitment ra[os for the EB have been dropping. We see an increasing difficulty to stop studying for a year and youth in The Netherlands experiencing higher (mental) pressure - these trends also show in other LCs - which requires us to evaluate how we structure our EBs. Therefore, together with the Member Commi]ee, we started running a pilot with an Execu[ve Board that con[nues their studies next to their AIESEC role as is common in other AIESEC En[[es.


This term was definitely a rollercoaster ride: we faced a lot of difficult situa[ons and we celebrated amazing successes together. Some of us faced difficult moments and were forced to step aside to come back stronger in the future. Some[mes, we had to slow down in order to go faster, but it was definitely all worth it. We cherish all the incredible moments with our amazing Local Commi]ee that definitely embraced all of the AIESEC values and every single one of our members made a significant and unique contribu[on to AIESEC in Twente! We enjoyed the honour of being AIESEC in Twente 2018-2019! LC Twente 2018-2019 EXCHANGE TABLE 2016-2017



















oGV 13 26 25 RealizaAons, July 1st - June 30th, source:


Petra Doek (University of Twente), Johan Inan (Rabobank), Melanie Koning (Grolsch), Arnoud Koens (Texim Europe), Tom Masselink (VNO-NCW), Barbara Verbeek (Gemeente Enschede)

UTRECHT What a year is has been: many new experiences, new learnings, high’s and low’s, amazing people and so many unforge]able moments. Our main ambi[on was to go UP: up in performance, up as a team and up as an individual. Through clear targets and ambi[ons at the beginning of the year, all the teams had a shared vision and goals to kick-start their term. Due to the crea[ve and wide-spread events of the marke[ng team and the hard work of the incoming and outgoing teams, we had a great start of the year with high growth and kept this momentum to end the year with a total growth of 55%. We can proudly say that our ambi[on to up in performance succeeded and we hope we to have set a great step towards ‘growing disrup[vely’ and created a good founda[on for next terms to build upon and con[nue growing. These results could not have been achieved without good teamwork. It was great to see the development within the teams; growing from strangers to friends, from working individually to real teamwork and overcoming many challenges by working together. So, also our second ambi[on to up as a team is well-accomplished. The last big focus was self-development through many trainings at LC weekends, na[onal and interna[onal conferences and LCM’s. Members got the opportunity to become more self-aware and develop in different areas. As all members indicated to have learned new things, were pushed outside of their comfort zone and tried new things, so, also our last ambi[on, to grow as a person, can be defined successful. ‘Work hard, play hard’ definitely describes AIESEC Utrecht 18.19. Next to all the hard work, we hosted many events, par[es, borrels and (holi)days. One of the most memorable experiences was our LC trip to Morocco. We experienced a Moroccan na[onal conference and a different culture and learnt about how they work and what AIESEC means for Morocco.

Aeer the conference, we explored Marrakech, travelled through the Atlas mountains and slept under the stars in the Zagora dessert, reached on the back of a camel. I am very proud of every individual and all our achievements. I want to thank all the members of AIESEC Utrecht 18.19, together with everyone who supported us throughout the year and enabled us to make this experience and all amazing moments possible. It has been an honour to work with so many amazing people and to make so many memories together. Much love from AIESEC Úuuuuuuuuu Iris van Noord LCP AIESEC in Utrecht 2018-2019 EXCHANGE TABLE 2016-2017



















oGV 36 54 64 RealizaAons, July 1st - June 30th, source:


Sytske Groeneward (Oxfam Novib), Meike Vorst (PepsiCo), Willemijn Vermaas (Universiteit Utrecht), Sofie Bijvoet (Jinc), Max Biermans (Egon Zehnder), Anouke Welschen (&samhoud)


WAGENINGEN What an incredible year it has been! Looking back, it would be no understatement to state that we have been challenged to the fullest. We rose up to this challenge with joy, and an incredible amount of effort was put into our wonderful organisa[on by our membership, and our EB. In the process, we have been able to develop our customers and our membership, which we are extremely proud of. Our term started with two significant shies that played a defining role for the focuses we decided to set for term ’18-‘19. Firstly, due to lower performance in iGT the financial results of term ’17-’18 were lower than budgeted and big financial pressure as a result. Secondly, Wageningen University is known for its contact-hour heavy studies and our LC shrunk from 25 members to 15 (incl. EB) according to the structures of the new OD model. Therefore, we set the ambi[on to make LC Wageningen more professional and efficient by focusing on only the essen[al processes of our business and to hire only the most competent applicants, which resulted in the best membership that we could have ever asked for to get the job done! Due to the declining iGT performance, and the financial pressure that our LC faced, it was a big priority, if not a necessity, to restore iGT to a level of sustainable performance We made a great effort to ensure that iGT had the resources to succeed, which was rewarded greatly in the end with high growth. Our LC was even rewarded the Striving for Excellence reward in iGT and the greatest honours are to be credited to our phenomenal iGT team! Furthermore, we stopped running the products oGE and oGT because of a poor product-market fit in Wageningen. This gave us the opportunity to solely focus our efforts on oGV. We focused on providing high quality projects addressing the SDGs that match with the profile of our student base: nutri[on, agriculture, and environment.


While the oGV team focused on establishing and maintaining the right partnerships that offer these high quality opportuni[es addressing the right SDGs, the Marke[ng team aligned their ac[vi[es and messages accordingly. This sounds like common sense, but had been challenging in the past to put into prac[ce, so we are proud that we pulled this off. In the 2nd half of the term, our LC grew back to 20 members. This was great for the energy in the LC and shieed our LC culture from too serious to a be]er balance with fun. It was an unforge]able experience that will stay with us forever! Steven Kerssies LCP AIESEC in Wageningen 2018-2019 EXCHANGE TABLE 2016-2017



















oGV 16 30 22 RealizaAons, July 1st - June 30th, source:


Boudewijn van Achter (ICT Valley), Jan Langedijk (ICT Valley), Marc Lamers (WUR), Gerben Dijksterhuis (Rabobank), HesAa Jonker (Friesland Campina)





We connect with our partners through our shared mission to improve the world. While some mainly connect to the concept of youth leadership, other partners are experts on contribu[ng to one or mul[ple of the United Na[on’s Sustainable Development Goals. We love to explore the fit and discover where and how we can support our mutual goals whether it be through events, co-crea[ng solu[ons for societal issues, transferring knowledge and skills from our partners to our membership and much more.

NaTonal Conferences AIESEC in The Netherlands organizes four na[onal conferences each year: two for our en[re membership (over 300 members) and two for our Execu[ve Boards. During these conferences we interact with our partners through interac[ve workshops and inspiring keynote speeches.

EMPLOYER BRANDING While making a coopera[ve effort to develop leadership, our ambi[ous and high quality membership gets to experience our partners first-hand. Being it during an in-house event or a presenta[on or workshop at one of our conferences, they experience the people, the culture, the values and how our partners are contribu[ng to a higher goal and the role they play in society. We are very proud that most of our partners have mul[ple former AIESEC’ers in their employee base. Tessa Jansen MCVP Partnership Development & Public Rela[ons 2018-2019

EB Summits About 6 or 7 [mes a year, we host a one-day, inhouse event with one of our partners for our Execu[ve Boards. The day consists of a workshop/training by the partner to help our EB members to improve their skills and our func[onal spaces to take these learnings forward, work on projects and share learnings and successes. During lunch and drinks there is plenty of opportunity to really get to know the partner. YouthSpeak Forum Once a year, we host a big, na[onal event around the topics of youth leadership and the Sustainable Development Goals. An impression of the 2019 edi[on that was powered by Unilever can be found on the next page. Mailings & General Exposure Next to our physical interac[on, we also interact virtually with our partners where they share their knowledge, insights and opportuni[es with our membership through our virtual communica[on channels. Next to our current ways of interacAon and engagement, we are always willing to explore new opportuniAes to interact and contribute to the development of youth leadership and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals


YOUTHSPEAK FORUM YouthSpeak Forum is a premiere event that brings together youth and leaders from businesses and organisa[ons to discuss about pressing global issues. The forum aims to create an environment where people from diverse backgrounds can cross-pollinate ideas, share insights and gain new perspec[ves to create ac[onable outcomes to create posi[ve impact. YOUTHSPEAK FORUM POWERED BY UNILEVER On Friday the 28th of June 2019, YouthSpeak Forum powered by Unilever took place at the Erasmus University of Ro]erdam. Unilever provided spaces to over 250 delegates related to two of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals - SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being and SDG 12: Responsible Consump[on and Produc[on. The day started with an inspiring keynote from Mar[ne Zeegers, the Vice President Human Resources of Unilever Benelux and Joanny Lijbers, Marke[ng Director Beauty & Personal Care Benelux, on purpose and taking ac[on. With their perspec[ves in mind the delegates con[nue in two different workshops: the first being on mental well-being in personal and professional contexts (connected to SDG #3) and the second one being on purposeful brands and brand ac[va[on (connected to SDG #12). Aeer a vegetarian lunch the delegates con[nued in the workshops to pitch their ideas to the group. At the end of the day, the delegates, while enjoying some Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, shared their learnings and insights and how to take ac[on towards the SDGs aeer the event.







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