NST 19.20 Application Booklet

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What is the NST?


The NST (National Support Team) is a body that directly

Informat ion

contribute to the national plenary and work on national

works with the national office and supports the MC in their operations and strategic projects. It consists of both current AIESEC members and AIESEC alumni who want to directly initiatives, platforms and projects next to or after their membership experience. The responsibilities are very important for the performance and sustainability of the organization.

Application requirements: Curriculum Vitae (incl. AIESEC experience) Foreseen study/work/AIESEC pressure in the coming year. Answer the following general questions: 1.What is your motivation for applying for the NST? 2.Why do you think you are suited for the position you are applying for? And what would be your (unique) contribution?

How to

Specific questions for the function(s) you are applying for


Send to mc@aiesec.nl AND julia.torres@aiesec.net.

(see job descriptions in this booklet). Your application should NOT exceed 3 pages (excl. cover page)

Application deadline: 14th of June 2019, 23.59. Interviews: 17th of June to 21st of June 2019. We may schedule an interview with you in the week after the deadline. Announcement: 24th of June 2019. For questions regarding the application, please contact the respective MC responsible(s) for the function(s) you’re interested in. Good Luck


Market ing

•Project Manager Social Media •Team Leader Content Creators •3x Graphic Designer •Video Producer •Team Leader Blog •4x Blogger •Project Manager Social Media Ads •Project Manager Brand Advocacy •Project Manager Website

Proj ect M anager Soci al Medi a ROLE DESCRIPTION


As the Project Manager Social Media you are responsible for managing both social media platforms Instagram & Facebook. You engage potential customers with our brand, maintain both platforms and work together with the TL Content Creators and TL Blog to develop content strategies.

1.How can Instagram & Facebook be used as separate platforms for AIESEC For The Netherlands? 2.Take a look at our Instagram page and write down 3 things you would change/start doing 3.Take a look at our Facebook page and write down 3 things you would change/start doing

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Work in synergy with TL Content Creators & Blog to manage content calendar for both platforms - Analyse key social media metrics and improve behaviour on both platforms based on metrics - Community management (reply to comments & messages) - Work together with the MCVP Marketing to find ways of innovating based on trends in the marketing field

MEASURE OF SUCCESS - #% of strategy implementation - #% growth of Instagram/Facebook followers - # Leads generated via Social Media

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 2 team meetings/w + 5-10 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP Marketing Open for: LCVPs 19.20 & Alumni (preferably with MKT experience) Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020

Team L eader Content Creators ROLE DESCRIPTION

As the Team Leader Content Creators, you lead and guide a team of content creators (graphic designers & videographer) who create content for both Instagram & Facebook. You work together with the Team Leader Blog and Project Manager Social Media and keep up with current trends to nurture agile content creation.

SPECIFIC QUESTIONS 1.What experience do you have with leading a team? 2.Propose 3 content strategies through which we could position AIESEC as a leadership movement for youth in The Netherlands (1 for Instagram Stories, 1 for Instagram, 1 for Facebook)

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Lead and guide team of content creators - Team standards implementation - Work together with the Social Media Team Leader to feed the content

calendar for both social media platforms - Work together with the MCVP Marketing to find ways to innovate content creation for AIESEC in The Netherlands

MEASURE OF SUCCESS - # Leads generated via Social Media - # of Instagram Stories per week - #% of team standards implementation

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 3 team meetings/w + 4-8 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP Marketing Open for: LCVPs 19.20 & Alumni (preferably with team leader experience) Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020

Graphi c Desi gner (x3) ROLE DESCRIPTION



1.How can we use design to stand out on social media in 2019/2020? 2.Create one set of Instagram stories (1080px by 1920px) with max. 6 individual stories, about a book/article that you think would be relevant for our audience. Explain your choice 3.Add links to any previous work related to the position or any creative field

As a Graphic Designer, you design content that draws potential customers towards our brand. You are the manager of your own content lines on either Instagram or Facebook. You work together with the Content Creator Team to execute the content strategy for AIESEC For The Netherlands

- Creating content on a regular and consistent basis that interests and engages our target audience. - Keeping up to date with marketing and design trends to adapt content accordingly.

MEASURE OF SUCCESS - Success of own content lines

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 1 team meetings/w + 2-4 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP Marketing Open for: LCVPs 19.20, Members & Alumni with affinity for design Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020


As a Video Producer, you create videos that draw potential customers towards our brand. You are in charge of our national video production and create videos with the potential to go viral in The Netherlands. Your work together with the TL Content Creators and MCVP Marketing to implement our national content strategy.

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Creating videos on a regular and consistent basis that interests and engages our target audience. - National video strategy implementation - Showcasing of national conferences

MEASURE OF SUCCESS - Engagement/Reach of videos - # of videos produced

SPECIFIC QUESTIONS 1.How can we use video to stand out on social media in 2019/2020? 2.Find two good case practices of how video making and storytelling can engage youth massively, and explain why 3.Create a vlog entry with a duration of 3 to 5 min tasing about a trend topic of the month. Address the topic using your personal charisma and perspective, but always remember the values of the organisation when talking about the topic. Submit the link of your video in the application. 4.Add links to any previous work related to the position or any creative field

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 1 team meetings/w + 2-4 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP Marketing Open for: LCVPs 19.20, Members & Alumni living in The Netherlands and with video creation experience Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020



As the Team Leader Blog, you manage the blog on our website. You lead and guide a team of bloggers who create blogs for our website. You work together with the social media team leader and website manager and keep up with current trends to continuously find ways to grow our blog.

1.What experience do you have with leading a team? 2.Propose 3 blog strategies through which we could make our blog relevant for youth in The Netherlands (1 for each one of our products GV, GE, GT) 3.Add links to any previous work related to the position or any creative field

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Lead and guide team of bloggers - Team standards implementation - Working together with the Social Media Team Leader to share blogs on social media - Working together with the MCVP Marketing to find ways to grow our blog

MEASURE OF SUCCESS - # Organic traffic of blog - # of blogs per week - #% of team standards implementation

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 3 team meetings/w + 4-8 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP Marketing Open for: LCVPs 19.20 & Alumni (preferably with team leader experience) Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020




1.Create a blog entry of maximum 500 words about any global trend that, in your perspective, can fit with Youth for Global Goals. Remember that you are representing the brand through your words. You must include images and keywords, make it ready to be published. 2.Add links to any previous work related to the position or any creative field

As a Blogger, you create written content that draws potential customers towards our brand. Together with the team of bloggers you will bring our blog on aiesec.nl back to life and make it a place for prospects to engage with our brand. You work together with the TL Blog to implement our national blog strategy.

- Writing blogs on a continuous basis - National blog strategy implementation - Identifying potential blog topics



- Organic traffic to your blog - # of blogs published - # of blog shares on social media

Time commitment: 1 team meetings/w + 2-4 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP Marketing Open for: LCVPs 19.20, Members & Alumni Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020

Proj ect M anager Soci al Medi a ADs ROLE DESCRIPTION


As the PM Social Media ADs you are managing the national Facebook ADs account and are responsible for the social media ADs strategy development & implementation in synergy with the MCVP MKT. This will be the first time that we have a PM Social Media ADs, so this position will require the desire to innovate and try & error.

1. What is the key for running successful Facebook/Instagram ADs? 2. What was the last social media AD that caught your attention? Explain why

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Development & implementation of national ADs strategy - Continuous strategy evaluation and improvement - Work in synergy with TL Content Creator - Assisting LCVPs MKT in local ADs strategy development

MEASURE OF SUCCESS - Cost per Lead of ADs - Return on investment of social media ADs - # Sign-Ups/Applicants through social media ADs

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 1 team meeting/w + 5-10 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP Marketing Open for: LCVPs 19.20 & Alumni Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020

Proj ect M anager Brand Advocacy ROLE DESCRIPTION


As a Brand Advocacy Specialist, you give a voice to EPs and members who want to share their story. You will work together with a Brand Advocacy Responsible from each LC to improve national & local strategy.

1.Explain who a Brand Advocate is & mention 3 potential benefits of including Brand Advocates in our marketing activities 2.One source of sign-ups is “Friends”. Come up with 2 strategies to increase our approvals through the source “Friends”.

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Support LCs with local strategy implementation - Come up with new ideas to improve our current Brand Advocacy strategy - Work together with PM Social Media so that Brand Advocacy content is posted on our social media platforms

MEASURE OF SUCCESS - # Leads generated via Brand Advocacy channels - #% of local strategy implementation

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 1 team meetings + 4-8 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP Marketing Open for: LCVPs 19.20 & Alumni Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020

Proj ect M anager Website ROLE DESCRIPTION


As a Brand Advocacy Specialist, you give a voice to EPs and members who want to share their story. You will work together with a Brand Advocacy Responsible from each LC to improve national & local strategy.

1.What experience do you have with WordPress and SEO? 2. Take a look at our website (aiesec.nl) and propose 3 things you would change to improve the digital customer experience (with explanation WHY?)

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Support LCs with local strategy implementation - Come up with new ideas to improve our current Brand Advocacy strategy - Work together with PM Social Media so that Brand Advocacy content is posted on our social media platforms

MEASURE OF SUCCESS - # Leads generated via Brand Advocacy channels - #% of local strategy implementation

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 1 team meetings + 4-8 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP Marketing Open for: LCVPs 19.20 & Alumni Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020



•International relations for oGE •International relations for oGT •HBO Project Manager

Internat i onal R elat ions oGE ROLE DESCRIPTION


Guarantee the IR of the product with the key entity partners, analyse and solve the main bottlenecks with our co-operations. Ensure there is clear communication channels, timelines and goals. Creation of national strategies related to the improvement for international relations at national and local level.

1. Make an analysis of the whole MC Spice term, which are the countries that have a contribution to the results in oGE. Provide the main insights of the analysis. 2. Utrecht and Amsterdam are the two top LC’s right now, how with an IR strategy we can make them achieve +30 APD’s in one term? 3. Taking into consideration the current process time of the entity, what should be the ideal days to make an approval in oGE? Which strategies do you propose to improve this?

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Regular meetings with EYP. - Downscale information with LC’s - Weekly and monthly reports. - IR management (Applicants, APD, RE and CO) - LC2LC cooperations alignment - IR education MEASURE OF SUCCESS - % Improvement CR w/entity partners - % Improvement Process Time w/ entity partners - # LC2LC cooperations - % LC2LC cooperations goal achievement - % Education for IR implementation - # IR tools and material - # applicants per EYP

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 1 team meeting biweekly + 10-15 hrs per week. MC Responsible: MCVP oGE Open for: LCVPs 18.19 & Alumni with operations background Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020

Internat i onal R elat ions oGT ROLE DESCRIPTION


Guarantee the IR of the product with the key entity partners, analyse and solve the main bottlenecks with our co-operations. Ensure there is clear communication channels, timelines and goals. Creation of national strategies related to the improvement for international relations at national and local level.

1. Make an analysis of the whole MC Spice term, which are the countries that have a contribution to the results in oGT. Provide the main insights of the analysis. 2. Tilburg and Nijmegen are the two top LC’s right now, how with an IR strategy we can make them achieve +20 APD’s in one term? 3. Taking into consideration the current process time of the entity, what should be the ideal days to make an approval in oGT? Which strategies do you propose to improve this?

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Regular meetings with EYP. - Downscale information with LC’s - Weekly and monthly reports. - IR management (Applicants, APD, RE and CO) - LC2LC cooperations alignment - IR education MEASURE OF SUCCESS - % Improvement CR w/entity partners - % Improvement Process Time w/ entity partners - # LC2LC cooperations - % LC2LC cooperations goal achievement - % Education for IR implementation - # IR tools and material - # applicants per EYP

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 1 team meeting biweekly + 10-15 hrs per week. MC Responsible: MCVP oGT Open for: LCVPs 18.19 & Alumni with operations background Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020

HBO Proj ect M anager ROLE DESCRIPTION Responsible of the HBO Pilot, ensure the tracking and implementation of this strategy, make sure that the LC’s running this project have the support to growth in operations, working directly with HBO teams, NST IR for oGT and MCVP oGE/oGT.

SPECIFIC QUESTIONS 1. Make an analysis of the whole MC Spice term, how many APD’s are coming from HBO, from this ones, provide the main insights of the process. 2. According to the needs of the HBO EP’s, propose an entity partner that can be a supplier of opportunities that we need.

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Education and support to HBO teams. - Creation of strategies to support the pilot. - Analyze and get insights from HBO Sign up’s - Work directly with NST IR for oGT to ensure the right market for the HBO EP’s.

MEASURE OF SUCCESS - % Conversion rate of all proceses. (Sign up to CO) - % Improvement Process Time for HBO applicants - % Education for IR implementation - # applicants from HBO recruitment. - # Sign up’s from HBO.

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 1 team meeting biweekly + 10-15 hrs per week. MC Responsible: MCVP oGT/oGE Open for: LCVPs 18.19 & Alumni with operations background Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020



•2x Consultant •2x International Relations Manager •Nour Project Manager •Medicine & Health Project Manager

Consultant (x2) ROLE DESCRIPTION


The Consultant supports the LCVPs oGV together with the MCVP oGV. Each Consultant will coach and track a specific group of LCVP’s to guarantee follow-up on national strategies and implementation at local level.

1. Choose one LC which runs oGV and make an analysis of growth, bottlenecks, cross functional synergies and provide solutions for growing disruptively. 2. Please describe what would be the strategy that you would implement to ensure that MoS and KPIs of the entities are achieved monthly?Include routine, tools, education touchpoint, visits, etc 3. Create an agenda of a O2O with your coachee and ways of following up with them to ensure the accomplishment of the action plan.

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Tier/entities analysis based on MoS, KPIs, surveys and direct touch points; - Tier/entities diagnosis (main bottlenecks) based on the analysis; - Tier chats; - Entities consultancy for action plan based on diagnosis; - Action plan tracking; - Reports based on analysis, diagnosis and action plans; - Implement MC strategies with the network. MEASURE OF SUCCESS - % accomplishment goals - % Conversion Rates - # Process time

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: Âą 5-10 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP oGV Open for: Alumni with EB and oGV experience Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020

Internat i onal R elat i ons Manager (x2) ROLE DESCRIPTION


As International Relations (IR) Manager, you are responsible for maintaining the relation with our national partners. You will work on making exchange between partners easier, faster and better. Together with the MCVP oGV you will make sure to have a clear overview of the status with national partners, and guide LCVP’s in translating MC2MC partners to LC2LC partners

1. Make a Strengths and Weakness analysis of the OGV area of AIESEC in The Netherlands and the next steps for the next network (Consider at least Operational Performance,IR, Collaboratively, Process Knowledge) 2. Make an Analysis of the current state of IR in OGV of AIESEC in The Netherlands. 3.Give the main evolutions necessary to improve the relationship with our current main partners. 4. How can the work of NST IR evolve cooperations at LC2LC level?

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Supply and Demand Analysis - Monthly analysis of National partners - Constant contact with NST IR and MCVP’s ICX partners - Creation of new partnerships - Consolidation of partnerships - Educate and help LC’s to develop LC2LC cooperation in line with their reality

MEASURE OF SUCCESS - % Results together with partners - # of educational & consultancy spaces provided to the network - Success of LC2LC cooperations - % growth in exchange with national partners

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: ± 5-10 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP oGV Open for: LCVP’s oGV 19.20 & alumni with EB and oGV experience Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020

Nour Proj ect Manager ROLE DESCRIPTION


As Nour Project Manager, you are responsible to functionally track and coach either the Nour team in Leiden. You will work closely together with the MCVP oGV, LCVP Nour, the NST Medicine, and the team itself in order to support and empower them to grow the project sustainably throughout The Netherlands.

1. What do you see as focus points for this program in the term 19.20? 2. Make an analysis of the results of 18.19 and put this in a SWOT for the current state of the program. 3. Which bottlenecks can you identify and how would you find a solution for them?

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Planning & tracking the Nour Project together with the LCVP Nour. - Identifying bottlenecks in Standard Delivery and working together with the team/ MCVP oGV/ oGV Commission to improve these - Support the IR processes - Support the team in network communication

MEASURE OF SUCCESS - % Goal Achievement - # of COMPLETE experiences delivered - % growth within the Nour Project

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: Âą 5-10 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP oGV Open for: Alumni with EB and oGV experience Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020

Medi ci ne & Heal th Proj ect Manager ROLE DESCRIPTION


As Medicine & Health Project Manager, you are responsible to functionally track and coach either the Medicine team in Maastricht. You will work closely together with the MCVP oGV, LCVP Medicine, the NST Nour, and the team itself in order to support and empower them to grow the project sustainably throughout The Netherlands.

1. What do you see as focus points for this program in the term 19.20? 2. Make an analysis of the results of 18.19 and put this in a SWOT for the current state of the program. 3. Which bottlenecks can you identify and how would you find a solution for them?

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Planning & tracking the Medicine & Health Projects together with the LCVP Medicine. - Identifying bottlenecks in Standard Delivery and working together with the team/ MCVP oGV/ oGV Commission to improve these - Support the IR processes - Support the team in network communication

MEASURE OF SUCCESS - % Goal Achievement - # of COMPLETE experiences delivered - % growth within the Medicine Project

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: Âą 5-10 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP oGV Open for: Alumni with EB and oGV experience Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020



•International Relations Manager •iGE Manager •LC Consultant



The IR Manager is responsible for creating, managing and developing the International Relations of the entity with other countries, having as main focus the Co-Delivery, managing educational cycles between entities as well as the allocation of cooperations according to the LC capacity. Also responsible for the correct monitoring, creation and use of the groups of Cooperation, managing in this way the relationship with the other entities.

1.What countries should be our main cooperations? Present an analysis. 2.How can we achieve the ideal process time with our cooperations? 3 strategies 3.How can we improve our conversion rate from app to acc with our cooperations? Name 3 strategies.

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Assurance of the ideal process time - Improve conversion rate from App to Acc - Train oGT and oGE on how to work with The Netherlands. - Assurance of applicants to achieve the cooperation goal - Track cooperations goal - Strategy alignment with cooperations - Co - Delivery MEASURE OF SUCCESS - # Cooperations applicants - # Cooperations approves - %APP - APD with cooperations - Process time with cooperations - % Response rate MoS Survey - % Fin – CO with cooperations

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 1 team meeting/w + 5-10 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP iGT/iGE Open for: LCVPs 19.20 & Alumni Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020

iGE M anager ROLE DESCRIPTION Co-responsible for the disruptive and sustainable growth of the iGE product in AIESEC in The Netherlands, ensuring the 16 quality standards in each experience provided to achieve our CO goal, through product evolution and membership management .

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Sales training - Tracking spaces - Track legality of the program - Co-work with IR manager to ensure profiles - Co-create delivery strategies to ensure the 16 standards - Network management with MCVP - Evolution of the program with MCVP MEASURE OF SUCCESS - #Opens - #Re Opens - % APP – APD - % FIN - CO - Process time in iGE - % Goal achievement

SPECIFIC QUESTIONS 1.Define the main bottlenecks currently facing iGE in The Netherlands and what are the strategies that you propose for each of them. 2.Define the main EYP of iGE in The Netherlands, propose an international relations plan to increase 100% growth with these entities. 3.What would be the ideal form of communication between MC - LCP – VP? Define roles of each and functions that should lead to the achievement of goals at the local level.

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 1 team meeting/w + 5-10 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP iGT/iGE Open for: LCVPs 19.20 & Alumni Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020

LC Consul tant ROLE DESCRIPTION The LC Consultant is responsible of implement Coaching System in order to track LCs planning, strategies, productivity and education. Also, the LC Consultant will co-create strategies with the MCVP for the evolution of the program and will contribute in the downscale of them in the local level.

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - LCs diagnosis (main bottlenecks) based on the analysis - Tracking spaces - Entities consultancy for action plan based on diagnosis; - Action plan tracking - Reports based on analysis, diagnosis and action plans - Implement MC strategies with the network. - Product evolution co-creation strategies MEASURE OF SUCCESS - # LC Opens - # LCs Re Opens - % LCs APP – APD - % LCs FIN - CO - LCs Process time - % LCs Goal achievement

SPECIFIC QUESTIONS 1. Define the main bottlenecks currently facing iGT in The Netherlands and what are the strategies that you propose for each of them. 2.Thinking about the results of last term, divide the LCs into maturity level in iGT and make an action plan that you would have for each of the levels. Considering: results, historical, process time. 3.How can you improve the communication with TLs and Members? Create at least two strategies

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 1 team meeting/w + 5-10 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP iGT/iGE Open for: LCVPs 19.20 & Alumni Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020



•2x TM Process Hacker •OD Controller

Talent Management

Process Hacker (x2) ROLE DESCRIPTION


As the Process Hacker you are the final responsible for one of the 3 projects of TM in 19.20: Engage & Keep Leaders, Leaders Operating & Leadership Centricity. Including the responsibility of Consultant, responsible to coach the LCs based on the Tier. This will be a crucial role to implement the TM Projects and evolution of TM Education, so this position will require the desire to be agile and take risks.

1.What the importance of Talent Management Department in AIESEC the Netherlands? 2. What are the main evolutions we need in order to have a TM area more effective and relevant for the local committees? 3.Describe an external knowledge that could be used or implemented in the PM area (something never tried). 4.Describe an ideal routine for an LCP (with TM Responsibilities) for the month of August. Include main touchpoint with other VPs TLs together with the final goal of each of these touchpoint. 5.Choose one LC of AIESEC in the Netherlands to analyse the retention, productivity & Leadership Pipeline of this LC. Set main strategies & actions to improve these points in 1 year.

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Operationalise all the MC strategies and work with the NST Consultants to

implement it with the network - Create, update and organise materials for the network together with the MCVP - Create and implement campaigns for the network together with the MCVP - Tier/LCs consultancy for action plan based on diagnosis - Reports based on analysis, diagnosis and action plans - Chat follow up and Tier engagement

MEASURE OF SUCCESS - % of consultancies performed monthly - % Tier chats delivered monthly - % LCs from your Tier implementing main National Strategies - % LCs implementing National and Local Education Cycles - % Materials delivered on time - % T National Projects 

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 1 team meeting/w + 5-10 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP TM/OD Open for: LCVPs 19.20 & Alumni Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020

Organisational Development




As the OD Controller you are in synergy with the MCVP TM/OD, will be responsible for the LCP Experience: build education cycle for LCPs, strategies implementation, tracking of Tools, OD Model Evolution. Including ICOMM responsibilities to downscaling strategies to Local Committees. This will be the first OD NST role very important for the LCP development & OD Evolution, so this position will require the desire to be innovative & committed.

1.What the importance of Organisational Management Department in AIESEC the Netherlands? 2. What are the main evolutions we need in order to have an OD area more effective and relevant for the local committees? 3.Bring evolutions for ICOMM implementation in 19.20. 4.Present a SWOT Analysis of LCP Commission in 18.19. What kind of support (strategies, touchpoint etc) Â is needed from the National Level to guarantee a better experience for the LCPs? 5.Choose one LC to analyse the current PDI & HDI. Define strategies & actions to improve the current state of this LC.

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Build LCPs Education Cycle - Co Creation of R&R Systems & LC Engagement - ICOMM Implementation & Evolutions - Tracking of OD model implemented - LC Monthly analysis and report
 MEASURE OF SUCCESS - % LCs Growth - % LCPs education cycle done - % criteria measurement - # Materials created - # Monthly analysis - % ICOMM Management

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 1 team meeting/w + 5-10 hrs/w MC Responsible: MCVP TM/OD Open for: LCVPs 19.20 & Alumni Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020


•YouthSpeak Forum Manager


You thSpeak Forum M anager ROLE DESCRIPTION


As YouthSpeak Forum Manager you will organise the World’s Largest Lesson event (one of the YouthSpeak Forums formats) and the YouthSpeak Forum at the end of the term. At World’s Largest Lesson will AIESEC’ers and externals teach high school students on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). YouthSpeak Forum will be an event for both AIESEC’ers as externals.

1.Why do you think YouthSpeak Forum events are important for AIESEC in the Netherlands 2.What kind of experience do you have in organising (large) events? 3.Make a SWOT analysis for WLL in the Netherlands

KEY RESPONSIBILITY - Form YSF (WLL) team for sales, logistics, media (PR) - Coordinate and assist team activities:

* Involve schools to participate * Sales to organisations for e.g. keynotes/sponsoring * Involve Media Channels (PR) * Create marketing material to promote event - Communicate with LCPs about WLL - Responsible for organisation and logistics of YSF

MEASURE OF SUCCESS - # of Secondary School Students taught - # of External EwA participants - Amount of publicity media channels

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Time commitment: 3-5 hrs/w (off-peak) 10 hrs/w (close to the event) MC Responsible: MCVP Partnership Development and Public Relations Open for: LCVPs 19.20 & Alumni Position Duration: August 1st 2019 - July 31st 2020

Contact Info




Niels Meulmeester



Karsten Koelewijn



Julia Torres



Leonard MĂźller



Juliette Sastrowijoto



Emma De Monchy



Christopher Brocado



Sofia Avila



We are proud that you want to contribute more to AIESEC For The Netherlands by taking the step of applying for this opportunity! MC 19.20

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