CEEDership in
AIESEC IN NETHERLANDS Table of contents: 1.About; 2.Logis/cal informa/on; 3.Selec/on Timeline; 4.Job Descrip/on; 5.KPI’s; 6.Applica/on Ques/onnaire;
About The CEEDersip program is an opportunity created by the MC of Romania in partnership with Genpact Romania, which involves sending 2 AIESEC members in The Netherlands, for a period of one month, in order to promote among Dutch students Genpact’s iGIP opportuni/es.
Logistical info Flight /ckets, accommoda/on, food, transporta/on within The Netherlands are covered.
Selection timeline • •
26th of April, 5:59PM -‐ DDL for submiVng applica/ons 27th of April -‐ Panel Interview with MC and Genpact
representa/ves (virtual Interview) • 6th of May – Prepara/on day in Genpact Office* • 9th of May – Final Interview + Announcements •
After 9th of May – CEEDership happening for one month.
*In this day, you will learn everything about Genpact and how to promote iGIP Opportuni/es, informa/on needed when you will be in The Netherlands and at the final interview.
Job description •
• • •
To promote Genpact opportuni/es within Universi/es campuses from The Netherlands, through different offline promo campaigns (class shouts, one-‐to-‐one approaches, involving in AIESEC Local Commibee offline ac/vi/es). Aligning way of working with LCVP oGIP and LCVP Marke/ng to see which strategies they will use for promo campaigns and integrate Genpact opportuni/es into those ini/a/ves. Having selec/on interviews with the applicants. Constant communica/on with MCVP iGIP form AIESEC in Romania and with Genpact representa/ves. Crea/ng weekly reports based on the planned VS achieved ac/vi/es.
KPI’S • • • • •
# Of sign-‐ups; # Of interviews; # Of applicants/TN; # Of Approvals; # Of Realiza/ons;
*Other KPIs will be established based on the LC promo strategy
Application Questionnaire You can design your applica/on as you whish. Submit your applica/on by 26th of April, 5:59PM at the following email addresses: diana.birsan@aiesec.net, s/ngu.liviu@aiesec.net.
Name: LC: Phone: Skype: 1)Why do you want to be part of the CEEDership program between AIESEC in Romania and AIESEC in The Netherlands? 2)Please tell us what previous experiences recommend you for this posi/on? 3)Please create a brief project plan that will ensure a number of 10 Realiza/ons with Dutch students, in one month period -‐ including a budget, stakeholder engagement, sourcing of materials, HR needed, ways of approaching the target public and any other logis/cs you find relevant. 4)Please write an elevator pitch presen/ng Romania (as a country) and presen/ng Genpact’s opportunity to a Dutch student.