Impact Report - Social Projects Summer 2016

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AIESEC in Romania

AIESEC in Romania






Message from the president The AIESEC way The Global Goals Youth for Global Goals

Our Social Projects

About the projects Concrete Results AIESEC trainees Country partners

The projects in detail

Discover Grow Become Global Village

Other information The national organizing team Media Coverage

Message from the President

Liviu Paul StĂŽngu President of AIESEC in Romania Last year we decided to create a set of projects that address one of the most important issue in Romania: education. We wish quality education for our youth and through our projects we strive to engage and develop every young person, to develop in them the qualities that will make them the leaders of today; those who will impact our tomorrow. The projects are designed in such way that are impacting the young generation starting with elementary school, continuing with high-school and finishing with the university. The educational curricula is designed together with partners and delivered by international volunteers. This summer, AIESEC members from 14 cities have been mobilized in organizing the projects in the best way possible. We managed to reach more than 6000 of Romanian young people and bring more than 500 international volunteers that facilitated the learning experiences of those students. In this report you will you will find some numbers, pictures and stories, but I want you to keep in mind that under these are actually the experiences of young people. Both our international volunteers and the students went through a process that develop in them some skills and qualities, shaping them to be the leaders we need in our society. More than that, we believe that our impact is much bigger when we cooperate with other sectors and we work together in developing these young people. For all our partners, thank you for choosing to change lives together with us! I am extremely proud to be the president of this organization that brings an impact in Romania since 1990 and I am sure that our relevance in our society will be bigger and bigger, we just need to keep believing that changing the world is truly possible.

What is AIESEC? AIESEC is a global platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. We are a non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion or national / social origin. AIESEC provides its members with an integrated development experience comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships, and participation in a global learning environment.

This is the AIESEC Way. The organization spans 126 countries and territories and every aspect of AIESEC’s operations are managed by students and recent graduates.

AIESEC was founded after the second world war by students from Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Our fundamentals were shaped by the social economic and politic climate of the time.

Since then, the world has been changing faster than ever before. We believe that young people hold the key to a better future and they must learn to adapt quickly to solve problems. This is why AIESEC strives to peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential.

We place our confidence in youth because they have the passion, dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit that are needed to shape the future. They have the responsibility to improve tomorrow by choosing who they will be today. We believe that leadership is the fundamental solution and it can be developed in anyone. AIESEC is a platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. After going through an AIESEC experience, young people are better prepared to make a positive impact in any sphere they choose.

Our Values Striving for Excellence We continuously improve through creativity and innovation. We strive to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do.

Demonstrating Integrity We are consistent and transparent in our decisions and actions. We fulfill our commitments and conduct ouselves in a way aligned with what we envision.

Enjoying Participation We create a dynamic and welcoming environment through the active and enthusiastic participation of individuals. We enjoy being involved in AIESEC.

Acting sustainably We act in a sustainable way for our organization and our society. Our decisions take into account the needs of future generations.

Activating Leadership We lead by example and inspire leadership through actions and results. We take responsability for developing the leadership potential of others.

Living Diversity We actively learn from different ways of life and opinions represented in our multicultural environment, We act inclusively, respecting and actively encouraging the contribution of each individual.

On 25 September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly formally adopted the universal, integrated and transformative 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, along with a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 associated targets and figures.

In December 2015, AIESEC started the official collaboration with UN for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Taking into account that AIESEC’s goal to engage and develop every young person in the world to achieve our mission of Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind’s potential and that our 2020 ambition is to shape our operations around the needs of the world and scale up our positive impact in communities around the globe, we took the commitment to adopt and contribute to achieving the Global Goals. We committed to create awareness of the Global Goals, to foster engagement around them and to mobilize young people to take action on the Global Goals, through our international programs and not only.

Youth For Global Goals is an initiative that supports the achievement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The purpose of Youth For Global Goals is to activate the leadership potential of young people around the world by engaging and mobilizing them through purposeful and cross-cultural projects around the globe. Projects are designed to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The core of Youth for Global Goals is to empower youth to take action toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

The core of AIESEC as a whole is to develop leadership in our Exchange Participants. We offer challenging opportunities for them to live and outer and inner journey that will make them grow into a better version of themselves. Our social projects are also based on the Sustainable Development Goal Number 4, Quality Education.

Discover is the first project of our non-formal education cycle for youth. We truly believe that in education resides the key for the future.

Grow is the middle project of our non-formal education cycle for youth, being destined for highschoolers.

Become is destined for students, and it is the thirs project of our nonformal education cycle for youth. We want to unleash the power of oriented career decisions for young Romanian students.

Through our international projects, we develop Leadership Qualities to both our international trainees and participants. The qualities we consider the most relevant for today’s youth are the following: Self-aware Understands and lives personal values, focuses on strengths over weaknesses and explores one’s passions.

World Citizen Believes in their ability to make a difference in the world. Interested in the world issues and enjoys taking responsability for improving the world.

Empowering others Communicated effectively in diverse environments, develops & empowers others to achieve a bigger purpose.

Solution-oriented Adapts and shows resillience in the face of challenges, transmits positivity to move forward throughout uncertainty and takes risks when needed.

Discover is the first project of our non-formal education cycle for youth. We truly believe that in education resides the key for the future. Our vision is that the children of today will feel connected to the world and self-aware to constantly learn from every experience they live, and thus they’ll become the best version of themselves. Through the sessions of the project, kids are developing their communication, teamworking, multicultural understanding and self discovery qualities.

„The Discover project has been a life changing experience for me. I got to meet the coolest people from around the globe and I developed this special bond with them. I believe that these kind of cross cultural exchanges should be promoted so that people get to see and meet internationals from around the globe and discover their cultures, traditions and values from a closer distance. One of the best experiences of my life!” – International Trainer

„Through this project I improved myself and I became more calm and kind after I spent some time with the kids. They have that innocence that melts your heart in so many ways and they open themselves to let us in and they really accept us. I think this is a one in a million experience.” – International Trainer

Grow is the oldest AIESEC project and also the middle project of our non-formal educational cycle for youth, organized togheter with The School of Values. The ambition of the Grow project is to offer highschool teenagers the capacity to develop the highest communication and social skills, intercultural understanding and the most important, career orientation.

„I see Grow as a place entirely surrounded by actively involved people, who are willing to change something by firstly becoming better themselves. Grow is pure awesomeness. Need to know why? My experience with this project involved meeting down to earth human beings, experimenting with the power of good team work, organization and also discovering a variety of cultures, traditions and curiosities around this wide world that unites everytime within the GROW project. I managed to rediscover the pure joy of being ‘here’ (because Grow taught me that everyone has an impact on this world) & simultaneously, to rediscover myself. And for that, I thank GROW from the bottom of my heart.” – Participant Emilia Chiriță – Târgu Mureș

Become is the third and last project of our non-formal education cycle for youth. We want to unleash the power of oriented career decisions for young Romanian students. Our vision is that every university student will have the power to take Romania to the next level by creating the future they dream of.

My project was really nice, I had the chance to show other people things about my country and I also learned about their cultures. Every day I found out something new about everything!! The people I worked with were very kind and friendly and I loved that. Also the kids from the school I went to and all the people in Romania will be in my heart forever. – International Trainer Stavros Myridakis - Greece

- Appreciate uniqueness and live diversity -

427 trainees / 13 cities / 5450 visitors / 155 countries Global Village is AIESEC's most celebrated cultural exchange event where students get a platform to interact with interns from all over the world. At this event you can enjoy traditional dishes, listen to music and dance on oriental rhythms, you can admire different traditional costumes or you can have conversations in over 10 different languages. If you are a person passionate of diversity and the interaction with different cultures, than this event is ideal for you.

this summer

The national organizing team „We dare to create a movement through which we empower the youth of today, that will evolve Romania tomorrow.”

Larisa Pop

Diana Boacă

Bogdan Ciucu

Cristina Maria Vlad

Ana Maier

Claudia Costinoaia

Cosmin Lengyel

Solomon Ionuț

Nicuța Stănculea

Alexandru Kuncz

Ana-Maria Crudu

Bianca Ciobanu

Octavian Băcală

Ticu Marian Rusu

Ramona Maniceanu

Gustavo Tarrafil

Răzvan Chiș

Tejas Jackson

Cristi Voicu

Caio Beck Dos Santos

Over 15 media appearances 9 500 unique visitors 16 900 views

Activating leadership since 1948

AIESEC Romania


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