MC Move term report

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term report

Bucuresti Timisoara Cluj Napoca Iasi Craiova Brasov Pitesti Tirgu Mures Sibiu Arad Galati Suceava Oradea Constanta MC Total LC-uri AIESEC Romania

Corporate TNs Non-Corporate TNs incoming - Planned: 150 outgoing - Planned: 250 incoming - Planned 450 outgoing - Planned: 400 Total - 1250 20132012201320122013201220132012201320122014 2013 Growth % 2014 2013 Growth % 2014 2013 Growth % 2014 2013 Growth % 2014 2013 Growth % 23 6 283.3333 35 27 29.62963 88 56 57.14286 60 81 -25.9259 206 170 21.17647 6 10 -40 17 7 142.8571 123 62 98.3871 18 7 157.1429 164 86 90.69767 21 9 133.3333 25 16 56.25 59 39 51.28205 40 38 5.263158 145 102 42.15686 6 0 21 22 -4.54545 37 8 362.5 18 17 5.882353 82 47 74.46809 8 5 60 10 7 42.85714 34 32 6.25 12 8 50 64 52 23.07692 5 0 6 2 200 34 28 21.42857 2 6 -66.6667 47 36 30.55556 1 1 0 6 2 200 17 7 142.8571 6 0 30 10 200 3 2 50 7 7 0 14 9 55.55556 5 3 66.66667 29 21 38.09524 5 1 400 10 6 66.66667 12 7 71.42857 2 1 100 29 15 93.33333 3 0 7 3 133.3333 12 13 -7.69231 4 2 100 26 18 44.44444 1 0 4 2 100 16 18 -11.1111 3 9 -66.6667 24 29 -17.2414 3 0 8 3 166.6667 10 9 11.11111 2 3 -33.3333 23 15 53.33333 1 0 4 6 -33.3333 12 11 9.090909 4 2 100 21 19 10.52632 1 1 0 1 2 -50 9 11 -18.1818 1 2 -50 12 16 -25 8 5 60 3 3 0 0 5 -100 0 0 11 13 -15.3846 87 35 148.5714 161 112 43.75 477 310 53.87097 177 179 -1.11732 902 636 41.8239 95 40 137.5 164 115 42.6087 477 315 51.42857 177 179 -1.11732 913 649 40.67797 achieved 63.33333 % achieved 65.6 % achieved 106 % achieved 44.25 % achieved 73.04 %

Observations Only Cluj-Napoca, Craiova and Sibiu grew on all programs Bucharest achieved high performance on both GIP programs Targeted numbers are after September replanning. Originally they were 1895 Exchanges planned.



21 12 8





Timisoara Cluj Napoca


Iasi Craiova


Brasov Pitesti


TGM Sibiu

Arad Galati



Suceava Oradea Constanta MC

82 145

Main Strategies OGX Corporate HiPo Initiatives Marketing campaign based on segmentation (2011-2013) Bootcamp Focus on performing LCs

Main Strategies ICX Corporate Organizing Sales bootcamp + Raising Sprint Having a CEED on Matching Creating a Sales Culture Weekly calls with the VPs for tracking and support Focus on performing LCs

Main Strategies ICX Non-Corporate Strong Collaboration with the VPs (ex. Weekly Challenges) National Projects National partnerships

Main Strategies OGX Non-Corporate The Romanian Ambassadorship programme Focus on sending the members on exchange

Main Strategies Other strategies Treci pe albastru recruitment campaign Nationally aligned conference cycle and National conference cycle LEAD with Dey Dos Youth to Business MC Roadshow Taking the focus out of the rules in Compendium Small victories strategy Personal approach to the members MC SOL

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