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airBaltic BalticMiles - Burn The Miles
airBaltic BalticMiles - Burn The Miles
airBaltic has devised a scheme offering members of its frequent flyers’ program bonus points for burning calories. The airline has launched a beta version of a branded mobile app called ‘Burn the Miles’, which will connect to sports trackers such as Nike+. If users burn as many calories as miles flown within 24 hours, they can earn 100 extra miles.
says MRM Frankfurt who exclusively developed the product for airBaltic.
To support this campaign, Air Baltic are asking users to provide tips about keeping in great shape on their Facebook page. From training programs to healthy eating ideas. Users who share their tips with BalticMiles will receive 5000 bonus Points.
After thousands of burned calories within a few weeks, BalticMiles will soon launch a promotional campaign for its non-flying members. At the same time the already integrated gamification factor will be even more prominent, by including a ranking within the App.