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Jetblue - David Ortiz VS Piñatas

Jetblue - David Ortiz VS Piñatas

JetBlue’s latest campaign, ‘David Ortiz vs Piñatas’ is a light hearted and comical take on the upcoming retirement of a much loved US baseball star.


After 13 years playing for the Boston Red Sox, David Ortiz will retire at the end of the 2016 baseball season. JetBlue, which sponsors the team, considers what he might get up to during his retirement in a TV ad.

The premise of the campaign is that the Red Sox designated hitter and nine-time All Star finds work as an entertainment at different children’s birthday parties where he ends up knocking the stuffing out of their piñatas. The children are naturally disappointed, and parents seem horrified, but the campaign really hits one out of the park.

MullenLowe created the 45-second commercial (video) , which embodies the characteristic humour of JetBlue’s brand. JetBlue also produced a Spanish version aimed at Spanish speaking baseball fans.

It’s a sweet tribute to a sporting legend at the end of his career and really shows what a good sport JetBlue can be too. Ortiz really got into the role, Tweeting “I am: the Piñata Slayer” to his fans .

The ad was well received by the media in the Red Sox’s hometown of Boston, and welcomed by Major League Baseball as well as by national newspapers such as U.S.A Today .

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