Introduction - The problem with vanity metrics For a group of New Zealanders, it was to set up a business that sold fake Instagram likes to users around the world.
Unfortunately for them, they got so successful in their endeavours that they attracted the attention of Instagram’s owner, Facebook, which has ended up pursuing them
through the US courts. I use that example to illustrate the scale of the fake follower and engagement industry. It spans thousands, probably
tens of thousands of businesses worldwide. Some are small bot farms. Some, like our New Zealand example, are quite substantial and successful businesses. And these businesses have a ready customer base, which includes the majority of Instagram users worldwide, if a study over the Summer is to be believed. Users are to blame, to a certain extent so are the social networks with their emphasis on validation (hence why it’s positive that Facrebook is considering hiding Facebook and Instagram likes), but so are we - brand marketers.
Airline Marketing Monthly | October / November 2019
What’s an easy way to make almost $10 million?