Delta - Pop up brewery
In the past we’ve been sceptical of the
lovers, and the world is full of breweries.’
value of pop-ups, wondering whether the
It also of course happens to be the case
cost involved in creating them is really
that Delta serves a range of international
justified given the often limited exposure
destinations from Seattle-Tacoma Inter-
(people walking past or taking part) that
national Airport.
you get.
The combination of those things led to
See for example our March issue, where
Delta creating a pop-up bar in Seattle on
a number of outside experts reviewed a
the weekend of 5-6 October featuring
pop up installation in London by Etihad.
beers from around the world.
However, it is worth pointing out that as
In addition to a selection from US, Delta
part of this tactic, Delta donated the pro-
offered up craft beers from the Nether-
ceeds from the beer sales to three local
lands, France, Japan, South Korea and
Airline Marketing Monthly | October / November 2019
According to Delta, ‘Seattle is full of beer