Airline Marketing Monthly - Oct/Nov 2019

Page 69

IATA - 25 by 2025

numbers of female flight crew - currently at just 5%. Examples include easyJet’s Amy Johnson initiative and Qantas’s Nancy Bird Walton programme, which aims to increase female pilot recruitment to 40% of the total by 2025. Now industry group IATA is trying to push for change and greater diversity through its 25 by 2025 programme. Central tenets are aimed at increasing the number of women in senior roles and under-represented jobs by either 25% against the current metrics, or to a minimum representation of 25% by 2025, as well as reporting annually on key diversity metrics. IATA member airlines who have already signed up to the 25by2025 campaign include China Eastern, Lufthansa Group and Qatar Airways.


Airline Marketing Monthly | October / November 2019

Over the past few years we’ve covered efforts by airlines to correct the pitifully low

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