Hotel Information SYSTEMS
Hotel Information Systems deliver interactive services and additional features to the guestroom TV. Systems range from simple splash screens (using text and images to welcome a guest) to feature-rich, sophisticated interfaces that can communicate with a hotel’s management system. Fully customisable and remotely managed, well designed systems enhance the guest experience, improve operational efficiency and provide additional revenue streams.
Here’s your chance to make a great first impression. The best home screens use branding and carefully chosen imagery/ video to pack a punch – whilst also being simple, intuitive and easy to navigate. Most important? Make sure it’s easy to find the TV channels! (believe it or not, this is often overlooked).
Well designed hotel information pages help answer frequently asked questions, reducing calls to the front desk. As well as standard hotel amenity details, information pages can be used to store wakeup alarm functionality, restaurant menus, promotions & special offers or even branded hotel videos. In short – you have a blank canvas to work with!
01403 783483