T h e c o m p l ex i s l o c a te d o n a h i l l i n o n e of t h e m ost p i c t u resq u e p l a c es of B a t u m i o n t h e wa y to t h e fa m o u s S a m e b a Te m p l e. T h e c o m p l ex h a s a n o p e n v i ew of t h e s i g h ts of t h e c i t y, a n d a n i n c re d i b l e p a n po o ra m a of t h e se a a n d m o u n ta i n s.
T h e ro a d ta kes o n l y 5 m i n u tes by c a r f ro m t h e o l d B a t u m i .


AJARA Life Magazine 1188 Z.Gorgiladze St, Batumi. +995 577225276

Ajara Life Magazine Ajara Life, the English language online and print publication headquartered in Batumi, launched in 2021 under Ruebush Hospitality Group LTD. With over 30 years experience in hospitality and over 15 years of experience in the media industry and our staffs’ commitment, knowledge and energy we feel confident that we will become the most recognised and respected infotainment and Tourist Guide in Ajara & Georgia. Our genuine point of difference is our primary focus on tourist attractions of different cities in Ajara, Georgia, Cultures, Traditions, Foods and Historical Places, Investment opportunities and Real Estate, Businesses and their activities, Product and Service Offers as well as Public Awareness on New Rules and Regulations, Events and Campaigns so that both business owners, readers and listeners – either Georgian residents or Tourists – win Besides,benefit. We gather information on the City’s Best Shops, Restaurants, Bars and Hotels, provide the most useful tourist and travel tips, highlight the best in Museum, Theatre and the events in town.
Having the advantage of reaching a wide number of people globally through our online Magazine and Supplement, We intend to better introduce and promote Ajara & Georgia, provide awareness on its tourism potential and information on investment opportunities in various sectors for Ajarainvestors.Life
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Founder & CEO David Ruebush Austin, Texas USA Head of Magazine & Design Department Mehdi Maasoomi Head of Sales Department Aphina Martley Head of Marketing Department Ninna Sharadze Head of Logistic Department Kate NinoPolinaSalesOmarAccountingGubaevaDepartmentNakashidzeAgentsKvitaishvili(Batumi)Abramishvili(Tbilisi) .com Let’s Discover Ajara! ”
David Ruebush

AJARA Life Magazine 13 ContentCultural Monuments of BATUMI TYPES OF TOURISM of BATUMI Opening of open air museum “Skansen style” Ajarian cuisine TOP 13 BASIC GEORGIAN TOASTS YOU MUST KNOW ! what do you know about Ajarian Wine? number of hotels in Georgia increases by %68.5 attractions of seaside ajara OJAKHURI with pork MOST ROMANTIC PLACES IN BATUMI

The tradition of conversation with the bowl in the hands, begun when people used to pray before the meal. The toast represents a small prayer for Georgians. The true Georgian toast is distinguished by its sincerity. The head of the Georgian table is Tamada. With its form, content and purpose, this concept has no analogy in the world.
Tamada is responsible for the toast and consistent protec tion of the rule of feast. He is in charge of representing the family, the ances tors and generally, the aesthetic values of the hosts, the memory of the departed, the respect of the attendants. Tamada should be the intellectual and authoritative person.

A tamada (Georgian: თამადა) is a Georgian toastmaster at a Georgian supra (feast) or at a wedding, corresponding to the symposiarch at the Greek symposion or the thyle at the Anglo-Saxon sumbel. At all supras regardless of size, there is a tamada, or toastmaster, one person who introduces each toast. TOP 11 BASIC GEORGIAN TOASTS: 1. The worship to the Lord 2. Toast for Peace 3. Toast of the country, motherland 4. Toast for the ancestors 5. Remembrance of the departed 6. To the future - the toast of children 7. Toast for Parents 8. Toast for the ladies 9. Toast for friends 10. Toast for Love 11. Toast for Georgian traditions and customs 12. To the host family 13. To someone celebrating a birthday, graduation or other occasion.

what do you know about Ajarian Wine?
The history of Georgian people, its culture and a lifestyle is expressed in Georgian wine and is considered as the secret of hospitality, friendship, respect and longevity. Adjara is interesting for wine tourism opportunities. This hospitable part of Georgia is visited by many for wine tasting. Wine-making and viticulture have the 8000-year history in Georgia. UNESCO declared Georgian tradition of wine distillation in Qvevri (a special clay vessel) as a monument of intangible cultural heritage. Adjara takes the worthy place in establishment of ancient traditions of winemaking. In this small area (2.9 thousand. The sq.km) created and approved more than 40 varieties of grapes. Adjara has one of the longest lasting traditions of winemaking in western Georgia. the upper bound of a vineyard extends at the height of 1.200 m above sea level. The craft is particularly well developed in Qeda municipality which boasts its unique types of wine such as ‘Qeda Tsolikauri’, and ‘Chkhaveri’. These wine sorts are made so that you could drink special toasts with them. Keda municipality is considered to be a hotbed of Ajarian wine-making. The most famous local wines in Ajara are Tsolikauri and Chkhaveri. Pink dry wine Chkhaveri is distinguished with its tenderness and exceptional taste, while dry white table wine Tsolikauri is made from the Tsolikauri grape variety. There are numerous rural wine cellars in Keda producing delicious wines with a distinct delicacy and aroma. Ajarian wine route offers the possi bility to travel through a beautiful landscape of mountain ous Keda region sampling locally produced wines. The route starts from Ajarian Wine House, which is located in Khelvachauri municipality, village Adjaristskali, by the side of Khelvachauri-Keda main road. Here the visitors can browse through the vineyard, get acknowledged to whole process, in halls arranged in the eastern style and designed with traditional Georgian elements, taste local wines, on the middle floor one can taste Georgian and international cuisine.

Winemaking in Georgia dates all the way back to 8000 BC. The traditional Georgian winemaking technique, which uses a traditional clay vessel called a “kvevri”, is a part of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists. In western Georgia, Ajara has one of the longest lasting traditions of winemaking; Keda Municipality boasts the most well-developed wine culture. “Kedis Tsolikauri” and “Chkhaveri” are two wines produced in Georgia that are unique to Ajara. From the Ajarian Wine House the route continues along the Batumi-Akhaltsikhe main road in 10 km approximate ly, we come to the village Makhuntseti where you can see the Makhuntseti arched bridge and waterfall. On the road and near the waterfall visitors can taste and buy local, high quality honey. In the surroundings of the waterfall there is restaurant, where the visitors can taste bioproducts and meet with the Ajarian cuisine. Our route from the Makhuntseti continues along the Batumi-Akhaltsikhe main road in the village Pirveli Maisi (same as Saghoreti), is located Shervashidzeebi’s family cellar, here is possible to taste wines of the following varieties: Ojaleshi, Chkhaveri and Tsolikauri, made in oak barrels. The host has his own farm and can offer guests bioproducts and accommodation. From the Shervashidzeebi’s family cellar the route ends in the village Vaio, where guests can visit 2 family cellars. “Makho’s cellar” and Lado Shavishvili’s family cellar; In these places one can taste locally produced wines: Chkaveri, Tsolikauri and Aladasturi and taste local Onmeals.this route visitors will have the rare opportunity to taste the outstanding wines made from local grape varieties, dishes and learn about the rural life of locals.

Among the visitors, 10.1 percent were citizens of European Union countries, of which 34.6 percent were citizens of Germany and 33 percent citizens of Poland, Geostat said.
The number of hotels operating in Georgia increased by 68.5 percent in Georgia in 2021, while the number of their rooms went up by 60.2 percent, based on official statistics published by the National Statistics Office of Georgia on Friday. The figures showed 1,776 hotels operating in the coun try last year with the capacity of 43,100 rooms. In further details, the distribution of rooms in the hotels was as follows: 23,782 double rooms 8,153 triple rooms or larger 7,532 single rooms 3,620 lux
The figures showed 1,776 hotels operating in the country last year with the capacity of 43,100 rooms.
The number of people employed at the hotels reached 18,283, of which 56.6 percent were women.
Source: Agenda.ge
The majority of guests, 71.6 percent, stayed at the Geor gian hotels for holiday and recreation, while 18.1 percent were on business trips, 0.6 percent for medical treatment and 9.6 percent for other purposes.
The breakdown of nationalities showed 10.4 percent of the guests being Russian citizens, 9.5 percent carrying Ukrainian passports, and 9.5 percent representing the United Arab Emirates.
The majority of foreign guests staying in hotels and hotel-type enterprises with the main purpose of holiday and recreation were Russian and United Arab Emirates nationals (10.5 and 9.8 percent)”, Geostat also said.
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The number of visitors in hotels and “hotel-type enter prises” reached 3.05 million in 2021 (+127% y/y), of which 43.5 percent were foreign nationals.

An equally pleasant place for walking is the “square of Europe”, which is decorated with singing fountains and an imposing statue of “Medea with the Golden Fleece”. It is on these lands, according to legend, Jason extracted the Golden Fleece. Batumi is famous for it and its surprisingly beautiful architectural sights.
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Since January 14, 2016, Batumi Puppet and Youth Theatre has resumed its creative activities in the recon structed building. With supplementary floor and a summer hall added to the main structure, this historic building bears the status of the monument of cultural heritage. The institution was involved in numerous collaborations with painters and composers. Its programs were enriched and developed year by year.
The idea to construct Colonnades in Batumi belongs to the local doctor Ivane Mchedlidze. He brought the project with him in 1933-1934 from a professional trip to Sorrento city, Italy. The project was completed under the supervision of Bogdan Kirakosyan, an architect from Batumi. This structure used to serve as a gate to the seashore which used to be closer to it than today. Years later, the shoreline receded and the sea moved back further from the construction. Despite this, colonnades remain one of Batumi’s most frequented landmarks and a popular meeting place in the city. You will meet similar colonnades at the entrance of Batumi Central Park.

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If historical artefacts are things of your interest that Batumi Archaeological Museum is for you. There you can examine ancient cultural monuments that were unearthed on the territory of Adjara. In 2007, a permanent popular science exhibition was opened. It introduces visitors to the ancient history epochs. Since 1998, the joint expedition of Batumi Archaeological Museum and Oxford University Ashmolean Museum enriched the museum with new artefacts.
Niko Pirosmani, Lado Gudiashvili, Gigo Gabashvili, Davit Kakabazdze, Elene Akhvlediani, Merab Berdzenishvili, Rusudan Petviashvili – these names are only a small part of world-renowned Georgian painters whose works are presented in Adjara Museum of Arts. The museum building itself is a work of art and one of Batumi’s historical buildings on top of it all. Ajara Museum of Arts hosts per sonal, group and retrospective exhibitions as well as music and theatrical performances.
Batumi Theatre of Drama which opened its doors in 1952 (Architect I. Teplitski) was named after Ilia Chavchavadze seven years later. The first theatre performance ever staged in Batumi dates back to 1879 when Zurab Antonov’s play “Has the Uncle Married?’ was performed by amateur stage actors. The venture was initiated by Batumi Policemeister’s wife, Ketevan Zhuruli. Like in other theatres of Georgia, plays were held for charity here. Those engaged in the drama art moved from building to building but hardly ever lacked the attention of the audience.
On the Europe Square stands the statue of Medea, princess of Colchis. Created by Davit Khmaladze, the monument symbolizes the wealth and strength of the country. According to antique mythology the youngest daughter of Aeets the legendary king of Colchis fell in love with the leader of Argonauts’ crew, Jason, and helped him to steal the golden fleece. Medea had in-depth knowledge of herbs and possessed healing gifts. As the legend has it, she could rejuvenate a person which is why Medea was perceived as a goddess and temples were dedicated to her. The term ‘Medicine’ originates from the name – Medea.

Another museum worth your visit is the museum of Ilia Chavchavadze, who was one of the most distinguished sons of Georgian nation, later sanctified and declared a saint by the Georgian Orthodox Church. The writer, the publicist, the philanthropist, the public figure and the leader of Georgian national-liberation movement was shot and killed in 1907 by the opponents of the liberation of Georgia.
Folk crafts and lifestyle museum which was created and founded by the native of upper Adjara, Kemal Turmanidze, is today the ethnographic museum which covers 3,000 m2. Once you get to the museum, you plunge into the old Georgian traditions. Pottery, metal, stone and wood processing, beekeeping, fruit farming, viticulture and agriculture is displayed at the level of the work process. Mannequins dressed in traditional attire, props, folk music – all this paraphernalia will animate your imagination. You can find residential, worship and agricultural buildings here too, both in the form of small models and in life-size.
Khariton Akhvlediani Adjara State Museum is one of the old est museums in Georgia. It was founded in 1908 after Batu mi city council approved the initiative of then Pushkin school teachers and decided to open a museum for children. The renowned scientist and public figure, Khariton Akhvlediani served as the Head of the museum in 1938-1989. This interesting museum invites visitors to three places at once: Mehmed Abashidze museum-He was a respected persona in Georgia; Personal items, documents and photos of t. Ilia Chavchavadze, Georgia’s greatest public figure; and a sci ence library where a rich fund of old books is represented.
The museum was opened in Batumi in 2001 where you can examine personal belongings of Ilia Chavchavadze and his Adjarian peers. There are 289 exhibits kept in the museum, including a table, a closet, small and big samo vars (tea-kettles), a sewing machine belonging to Ilia’s wife, Olga Guramishvili and many other items.
This museum is set up in the same building where Nobel brothers’ crude oil refinery partnership ‘Batumi Kantora’ was located around a century ago. Up to 2,000 museum exhibits depict the examples of technological innovation introduced by Nobel brothers, Rothschilds and Mantashev in Batumi, at the end of XIX and in the beginning of XX centuries. These technological artefacts mainly represent tea, tobacco and printing development dynamics in Georgia. At that time, Nobel brothers also introduced latest tech nologies for oil transit in Batumi.
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The picturesque nature, diverse flora and fauna, and hospitable culture make Ajara an excellent region for rural tourism and rural tourism development. Tourist farms in the villages of Ajara offer visitors the chance to involve themselves in many aspects of farm life, including cattle breeding, poultry farming, horticulture, viticulture and bee keeping. Guests can learn about popular national handicrafts, try delicious local dishes made using pure ingredients fresh from the farm, go horseback riding, hunting, fishing, camping and sightseeing.
Ecotourism is one of the leading types of tourism in Ajara. The region’s diverse flora and fauna, as well as abundance of historical and cultural monuments create ideal conditions for ecotourists ecotourism development alike. There are 4 protected areas in the territory of Ajara: Mtirala National Park, Kobuleti Protected Areas, Kintrishi Protected Area and Machakhela National Park.
AJARA Life Magazine32 Sea tourism is one of the most popular types of tourism in Ajara. The region’s subtropical climate, warm sea air, seaside resort infrastructure and unique geography are the ideal conditions for vacationers. The total length of the swimming area is 21 km. The average sea temperature is 16.7 oC.
In Georgia, particularly in Ajara there are truly unique natural conditions to develop different kinds of tourism. The most popular tourism directions are Sea tourism and Ecotourism (Rural Tourism, Bird watching). In recent years other popular tourism directions, such as wine tourism, ski and mountain tourism, Cruise tourism, MICE tourism and Gambling tourism began to develop.

The unique topography and climate of the region attract myriad migrating birds. Needless to say, Batumi is a must-visit location for birdwatchers. Villages Sakhalvasho and Chaisubani are located in Kobuleti municipality. Both of them are the best places for those, who share information about ecology and migration of raptors. The marked routes lead visitors directly to equipped platforms for bird watching). Despite these villages, bird watching is also possible in Mtirala National Park, Ispani Bog (Kobuleti protected areas) and Chorokhi delta (Khelvachauri municipality) Since 2012 year, “Batumi Bird Festival” Annually held in Ajara Region. It is important event for bird watchers and many foreigners visit Ajara region in September for the Festival.
AJARA Life Magazine34 Ajarian cuisine is an insperable part of Georgian cuisine; however, Ajarian cuisine has significant Asian influences. Dairy is a highly prevalent component of the foods typically eaten in the mountains of Ajara. Ajarian Khachapuri is the hallmark of Ajarian cuisine. There are also some must-try traditional sweets.
to the picturesque beaches of Batumi, Kvariati, Sarpi, Gonio, Tsikhisdziri, Mtsvane Kontskhi (the Green Cape) and Kobuleti. During the summertime, the beaches are often crowded with tourists enjoying their holidays.
The Black Sea Coast, and the surroundings of Batumi in particular, are known as “Eastern Black Sea Migration MoreCorridor”.than 1 000 000 raptors migrate through the corridor annually and the area has one of the highest volume of raptor migration in the world.
Winemaking in Georgia dates all the way back to 8000 BC. The traditional Georgian winemaking technique, which uses a traditional clay vessel called a “kvevri”, is a part of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists. In western Georgia, Ajara has one of the longest lasting traditions of winemaking; Keda Municipality boasts the most well-developed wine culture. “Kedis Tsolikauri” and “Chkhaveri” are two wines produced in Georgia that are unique to Ajara.
The idea of festival belongs to the international environment protection organization BRC (Batumi Raptor Count) and it is supported by the Department of Tourism and Resorts of Ajara.

• Kolkhoba (August) • Autumn in Keda (October)
Batumi - the “Pearl of the Black Sea” as it is often called - is administrative centre of Ajara. European architects undertook numerous projects in Batumi at the beginning of the 20th cent. Today, Batumi is still a place of numerous architectural innovations.
Public Festivals: Shuamtoba (August) Machakhloba (September) Kedeloba (October) Chakvistaoba (September) Selimoba (June)
Ajara is also an archeological goldmine. In the 19th cent., Batumi was converted into seaport and European architects started to build the city. Numerous buildings in Batumi were constructed using different architectural styles, all of which contribute to the city’s distinctive and interesting aesthetic. Additionally, Ajara-Batumi often hosts major cultural, sports and scientific events, public festivals, international musical and film festivals and so on.
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As demonstrated by the remnants of ancient monu ments, as well as authentic cultural heritage, the region of Ajara is rich in both its culture and history.
Ajarian dances “Khorumi” and “Ajaruli” originate from ancient times. In addition, they occupy an important place in Georgian folklore and perfectly express the Georgian identity.

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Batumi, a logistics center in Caucasus region, started to become a popular cruise destination in the second half of the 20th century. Consequently, interest in Batumi as a Black Sea cruise destination is steadily increasing, resulting in a growing number of cruise ships entering our region. At present Batumi Sea port hosts several big cruise ships, such as: Riviera, Amadeus, Island Sky, Albatros, Silver Wind, Minerva, Spirit of Adventure, Prinsendam, Regatta, Princess Daphne. Apart from sea resorts, the region of Ajara has great potential for ski and mountain tourism. In highlands the climate is humid. Winters are relatively cold and long, while summers are short and cool. The average height of Ajara’s mountains ranges between 2000-2500 meters. There are on-going ski resort infrastructure projects in the mountains, and there are resorts in the area that are open year-round for recreation, relaxation and entertainment.
The well-developed tourist infrastructure, recently constructed middle and up-scale hotels, and other upcoming projects have made Ajara an attractive and promising MICE tourism destination on both the local and international market. Numerous international trade fairs and different events are hosted in Ajara year-round, making the region one of the most important MICE tourism centers in Georgia. Gambling has become a popular tourism offering in Batumi. The city has a wide array of casinos available to local as well as foreign gamblers. At present, the major ity of casinos in Batumi are located in within Batumi’s upscale hotels. The recent constructions of upscale hotels in Batumi point to the further development of the casino industry in Ajara.
One of the most beautiful regions in Georgia, Ajara is situated in southwest Georgia on the Black Sea coastline. Ajara operates as an autonomous republic in Georgia and has its own flag and coat of arms. Turkey borders Ajara to the south.

estecohome@gmail.com+995www.estecohome.com555081919 комплексКоттеджныйиз 9 вилл OFTURNKEYESTECOHOUSES IN CONSTRUCTIONGEORGIA km from Batumi 5 127 meters above the sea level Уникальная локация: вид на море и город, потрясающий закат Земельные участки до 9 соток с домом в коттеджейпривлекательностьИнвестиционнаясобственностьпремиум-класса

On August 12, in the city of museums-Batumi, the museum named after Khariton Akhvlediani, launched an open space for visitors. The museum is more than 110 years old. It preserved and introduced us to the past and present of our country, region, and city. Without leaving the city, visitors can get an idea of Adjara’s landscape, flora and fauna, archeology, history-ethnography and art of the region. 180,000 exhibits of various topics, rich and varied collections are preserved here. The visitors are introduced to the historical past, from ancient times to the presentAccordingday. to contemporary museum standards, the concept of today’s museum has completely changed and it demands much more from the museum than it was in the past. Today, the museum is a cultural and educational hub that should meet all the requirements of modern people. According to this concept, it is desirable that every museum should have a rest space, where guests can relax, unwind, even taste coffee, listen to pleasant, light music. Nowadays, the idea of a museum - Skansen (museum in Stockholm - in the open air) is very popular. This kind of space was created in the courtyard of the museum named after Khariton Akhvlediani. Our novelty in the courtyard of the museum partly justifies the idea of MuseumSkansen.exhibits are placed in the yard: traditional, ethnographic and historical items and exhibits. Each item has an annotation and cues. The space is very colorful, equipped with modern wooden tables and seating, which are very comfortable. You cannot remain indifferent when you see it. You can get information from the guides about the local customs, cuisine and many other questions. It is also planned to hold master classes in various types of traditional Adjarian handicrafts, in which anyone can Weparticipate.welcome you to visit this amazing new open air space at the museum of Khariton Akhvlediani! (address: 4 Khariton Akhvlediani st.)
We agree that the museum is a sacred space, a special area. The museum is a temple of the Muses, where you should approach with special care. In the modern sense, a museum is absolutely accessible knowledge and entertainment, interaction. News in the museum should serve the main purpose - to help in education, cognition.
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The museum is more than 110 years old. It preserved and introduced us to the past and present of our country, region, and city. Without leaving the city, visitors can get an idea of Adjara’s landscape, flora and fauna, archeology, history-ethnography and art of the region. The visitors are introduced to the historical past, from ancient times to the present day. You can get information from the guides about the local customs, cuisine and many other questions. It is also planned to hold master classes in various types of traditional Adjarian handicrafts, in which anyone can participate.

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Georgian cuisine is known for its colorful diversity, use of different techniques and traditional table layouts. There is no similar term or concept in the world for a Georgian Supra, a feast of epic proportions and diverse dishes led by a toastmaster or Tamada. Tamada, besides leading toasts to a variety of subjects, should also guide the evening and entertain the guests with song, poetry, and storytelling. Toasting tradition is prevalent throughout the Caucasian countries; however, the Tamada is a uniquely Georgian phenomenon.
Traditional Georgian dishes such as Satsivi, Mtsvadi, Khachapuri, Mchadi, Khinkali, Chkmeruli, Pkhali with walnut, bean, etc. dominate in Ajarian cuisine as well. Apart from traditional Georgian dishes Ajara is also famous for its local cuisine. Resulting from the specific lifestyle in the highlands of Adjara, milk products represent the main component in their nutrition ration. Winter offers its conditions to the highland population - there arises the necessity to preserve the products for a long time. There are a lot of dishes with vegetables, meats and fish as well. Also, sweets play an important role in Ajarian cuisine.

Heroes from popular novel by Kurban Said – Ali and Nino are impersonating eternal love. Their history is perfectly given in movable monument – lovers are slowly approaching each other and after temporary dates still separating from each other. Temporary dates of Ali and Nino will not live lovers indifferent.
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If you decide and you visit Batumi with your beloved you will not need many efforts to find romantic environment. You may simply have a walk at coast, listen to sea noise and meet sunset with your beloved.
While searching for romantic environment do not miss Batumi Botanical garden. Marvellous views of sea and mountains and Ajarian flora with its diversity will create good mood to you at any time. Batumi is a perfect destination in summer also for a trip combining city-break and beach, wellness and shopping for young couple.
Probably dozens of Hollywood scenes can be recalled in which couple in the highest point of Panoramic wheel enjoys each other and fascinating view. If you wish to repeat this scene and fill yourself real film star you do have this possibility in Batumi and besides what can be more romantic tan sea view?

You can assess joint work of Lithuanian and Georgian Artists at new Boulevard. Small labyrinth in the centre of which at “Dream Tower” you should make wishes authors dedicated to all dreamers. These exact details will make your trip unforgettable.
If you wish to get far from urban environment and to dedicate the whole day to your beloved you may visit Lake Nuri. Romantic walk on boat in peaceful atmosphere is the perfect situation to feel private with your second half. If you have not yet decided where to go with your beloved in pursuit of adventures it’s time to think about Batumi – the seaside city promises lots of pleasant memories.
While passing 2586m of ropeway fascinating views open in front up you horizon of distanced sea, mountain view and Batumi urban views. At highest point you may enjoy Batumi panoramic view with your beloved which is espe cially beautiful at night.
DANCING FOUNTAINS Night Batumi offers many pleasant surprises – one of which is fountains which are transformed into theatrical curtain at evening hours. You can enjoy laser show at the background of famous music compositions with your beloved.
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Just twenty kilometers from Batumi is a cozy estate - the Adjarian wine house.
You will also be surprised by the wine from the famous Tsolikouri grape in Western Georgia, which, according to experts, is revealed in our mountains in its exquisite inflorescence of flavors. Each of the offered wines, and there are more than 20 types of them in the Adjara wine house, reveals a special bouquet and will be remembered forever. You can taste and purchase these wines exclusively here. Wine is not exported, but produced exclusively for guests and friends. The entire production process is carefully regulated. But sometimes it is possible to catch this or that process in real time. You will also be surprised by some details: for example, “Satsnakheli”- (a container for crushing grapes), which was passed down from generation to generation and ves sels for storing Qvevri wine. The creation of wine in Qvevri is already a UNESCO World Heritage Site. And you need to talk about them separately.
The wine of the Adjarian house is authentic in taste: there is tart white, there is an elegant rose, there is a rich red, as well as primordially Georgian black. Rose wine is obtained from the unique variety Chkhaveri, which grows in the mountains of Abkhazia, Guria and Adjara. It is kept on the vine until the first frost, and when the wine is made, it turns out initially pink. The technology in Europe is called “Ice Wine”.
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Just imagine: this place was revived on the ruins of an old winery from the 18th century. Now wine is produced here according to centuries-old traditions, along with modern European standards for wine production. Recall that Georgia is the birthplace of winemaking. Moreover, Georgia and wine are inseparable. There is an etymological assumption that the word wine itself comes from the Georgian “Gvino” (ღვინო).

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A particularly important period for Georgia is autumn, harvest time. And you can become a participant in a bright holiday -”Rtveli”. With songs and dances, you will pick grapes, crush them with your feet in “Satsnakheli” and celebrate the birth of a new wine at the common table. Adjarian wine house is immersed in juicy colors of greenery. If you are lucky, you will see clouds that touch the tops of the mountains. It is very good to escape from the heat here. The territory of the wine house is very well-groomed and thought out. You will immediately get the feeling that you have come to visit old friends, because along with a warm welcome in the true Georgian traditions of hospitality, you can seclude yourself and relax in the shade of pavilions, enjoying the picturesque view and the silence of nature. We recommend that you finish your visit to the wine house with an acquaintance with delicious dishes from Georgian cuisine, which “stands on three pillars”: Adjarian, Mengrelian and Imereti cooking traditions. Hot khachapuri on a spit, juicy kebab, sizzling mushrooms on earthenware (Ketsi), traditional Adjarian dishes of 17 varieties and many other dishes will definitely leave the most vivid gastronomic impressions in your box of memories. And one of the important factors that is attractive is that all products are environmentally friendly and natural, brought from neighboring villages.
The project is owned by Mardi Holding and can be visited through Mardi Travellab. WE ARE PLEASED TO PROVIDE OUR READERS WITH A 20% DISCOUNT ON THE TOUR. Scan this QR code, choose a convenient time to visit and get ready for new tastes and sensations! Or follow the link: tour.awh.ge MARDI HOLDING

• Bread and cereals (2.7%)
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With regards to the annual core inflation, the prices increased by seven percent, while the annual core inflation without tobacco also amounted to seven percent”, Geostat said.
Source: Agenda.ge
Within the group the prices decreased for operation of personal transport equipment (-4.3%) and purchase of vehicles (-1.4%)”, Geostat said.
• Milk, cheese and eggs (7.3%)
• Coffee, tea and cocoa (1.6%)
Overall, in August 2022 the consumer price index in creased by 0.1 percent compared to the previous month, while the annual inflation rate amounted to 10.9 percent.
The figures also showed that prices for transport de creased by 3.1 percent.
• Vegetables (-6.6%)
• Meat (1.2%) At the same time, prices decreased for the following subgroups:
Prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages marked a 0.9 percent increase, including:
The figures showed prices for restaurant and hotel ser vices increase by 2.3 percent. This included increased prices for both accommodation (3%) and catering services (2.2%).
As for annual inflation, prices increased in the group of food and non-alcoholic beverages (+15.8%), transport (+ 15.6%), housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels (+12.4%), and restaurants and hotels (+14.9%).
Prices for restaurant and hotel services increase by 2.3 percent. This included increased prices for both accommodation (3%) and catering services (2.2%).
The prices of restaurant and hotel services, as well as cost of food, increased in Georgia in August month-onmonth, while the prices of transport decreased in the reporting period, according to the latest inflation data from the National Statistics Office of Georgia.
• Fruit and grapes (-11.3%)

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Batumi has a splendid mix of beautiful scenery, a composition of the sea and high mountains, ancient cultural monuments, monasteries, mediaeval arch bridges, beautiful lakes, and authentic villages, which will make you travel in time.
BATUMI Batumi is one of the most distinguished tourist destina tions on the Black Sea. Batumi’s juxtaposition of ancient and modern architecture, its historical port, serene botani cal garden, Seaside Boulevard, European squares and streets - not to mention its world-class hotels, restaurants, cafes and bars - make up the face of modern Georgia. It is important to note that in 2012 American Academy of Hospitality Sciences nominated Batumi as the best tourist destination of the year and Batumi ranks first on list of Europe’s Best Hidden Gems in 2022. (European Best InDestinations).thesecond half of the 20th century European architects flocked to Batumi and designed numerous unique architectural designs. Development of Batumi was closely connected with the global economic and industrial devel opment. During this period Nobel Brothers and Rothschild family started their commercial activities (businesses) in BatumiBatumi.today is still distinguished by modern architecture and abundance of investments. In addition, modern Batumi is a cultural centre in Georgia hosting numerous international festivals with participation of famous musi cians and artists. The territory has been settled since ancient times. It used to be a historical city-fortress in western Georgia, namely of the Egardens of Tsikhisdziri. The beach is comfortable and boat rentals are available.

Best time to visit: Summer, Autumn Tsikhisdziri resort is located 17 km north of Batumi, 60-90 meters above sea level.
Best time to visit: Summer, Autumn
Distance from Batumi: 17 km
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A narrow coastal road passed through the city territory connecting western Georgian to Byzantium, Iran and ManyArmenia.rest houses, restaurants and cafes are located throughout the green slopes and beautiful parks and gardens of Tsikhisdziri. The beach is comfortable and boat rentals are available.
Sarpi is located 18 km south of Batumi, near the Georgia-Turkey border.
The total area of Adjara resorts comprises Kobuleti, Tsikhisdziri, Chakvi, Mtsvane Kontskhi/Green Cape, Batumi, Gonio, Kvariati, Sarpi.
Sarpi is a very popular beachside destination. The water is very clear on the resort’s coastline, and the seaside attractions there are very attractive. The average water temperature is +25oC. Hotels and hotel-type cottages are located very close to the beach. Mountain and sea air make for an ideal climate and cre ate a welcoming atmosphere. Also, vacationers can visit the Laz Ethnographic Mu seum and the historic Church of St. Andrew.
The main attraction of Tsikhisdziri is its unique mixture of sea and mountain climates. Summers are rather cool and winters are relatively warm in comparison with Batumi or Makhinjauri. The territory has been settled since ancient times. It used to be a historical city-fortress in western Georgia, namely of the Egrisi Kingdom, due to its military strategic and economically favorable location. In the VI century AD, Byzantine Emperor Justinian built the city of Petra.
Distance from Batumi: 18 km

AJARA Life Magazine64 Chakvi Distance from Batumi: 13 km
Green cape Distance from Batumi: 9 km Best time to visit: Summer, Autumn Located 9 km outside of Batumi, Green Cape (Mtsvane Kontskhi) is one of the most beautiful seaside resorts in Georgia. The area is 70-92 meters above sea level.
Batumi Botanical Garden is located within Green Cape’s picturesque setting. Thousands of visitors come to the garden each year due to its wide variety of flora. All these destinations will leave the indelible impression on visitors. The natural shade source – Pine tree hedgerow which stretches along the coastline, and pebbles on the shore formed throughout millennia, highly developed boulevard infrastructure or a wide choice of entertainment – enable a desirable leisure time for all.
Best time to visit: Spring, Summer, Autumn Chakvi is located 13 km outside of Batumi. This resort is the historical birthplace of Georgian tea. The Chinese scientist Lao Jin Jao was the first man who started cultivating tea in Chakvi. Chakviis also one of the best locations for birdwatching in Georgia. There is special watchtower for birdwatchers. Hotels and summer cottages are located in the greenery of the Chakvi coastline, which is very popular among the tourists.


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AJARA Life Magazine 69 RATY 0% hipotecznekredyty TwojaGruzja.pl ● polska agencja nieruchomości (ubezpieczenie OC) ● profesjonalna obsługa ● niezależna weryfikacja ofert iumów kupna-sprzedaży ● najszerszy zakres ofert KAŻDY GRUZIŃSKI DEWELOPER OBIECA CI WSZYSTKO TYLKO MY TE SPRAWDZIMYOBIETNICE NASZE BIURO ul. Wawrzyniaka 13/2 60-506 Poznań +995 557 68 00 67 +48 788 675 672

AJARA Life Magazine70 THE HOUSE “SAKHLI” Уютное кафе в сердце старого Батуми. Ждем Вас Сахли 1 (Переулок Реваза Комахидзе, 8) @sakhli_batumi ” Сахли - это домашняя вкусная кухня и мини бар с классическими и фирменными коктейлями от нашего Место,бармена.где вы можете позавтракать фирменным завтраком или самыми вкусными сырниками в городе. Также, ароматный кофе компании Meama, вкусный чай, домашний компот или милкшейк. В обед Вас будет ждать вкусный домашний суп, сытное второе, летний салатик, сок/компот и свежий Вечеромхлеб. в нашем волшебном дворе Вы можете вкусно поужинать и попробовать наши фирменные коктейли. Это все, стало возможным благодаря Вам и нашей команде: Повара - Евгения и Анаида Помощница и фея чистоты - Виктория МенеджерАдминистраторГоча- Лиза Бармен - Мирза Контент менеджер - Вероника Закупки и все технические дела - Нодари И конечно же, Афина и журнал Ajara Life - благодаря Вам мы делимся информацией с миром. Спасибо всем большое

Место, где вы можете позавтракать фирменным завтраком или самыми вкусными сырниками в городе. Также, ароматный кофе компании Meama, вкусный чай, домашний компот или милкшейк.

AJARA Life Magazine72 SAKHLI-IDEAL PLACE FOR@sakhli_batumiPHOTOSHOOTS ”THE HOUSE “SAKHLI” SAKHLIпространствоИдеальноедляфотосессий! Каждые уголок дома и двора - это место творчества и Винтажискусства.вкаждой детали… и это привлекает многих! У нас в Сахли уже есть альбом (которому более 70 лет) с лучшими фотографиями сделанными в стенах нашего дома. Мы работаем с фотографами на бартерных условиях. Предоставляем пространство для съёмки, а в ответ получаем великолепные снимки. Вскоре мы планируем сделать выставку. Если Вы фотограф, видеограф или модель, приходите в Sakhli и создайте свой шедевр! Будем рады видеть Вас дома… Сегодня хотим предоставить Вашему вниманию лучшие работы: Photo @photo._.alchemist@likagvianidze@ilona.mikaelian@lenachernika101_foto@sargsyan.phby:

AJARA Life Magazine 73

AJARA Life Magazine74 Sakhli 2 ЧестнуюпредлагаетЦену!Ждем Вас Сахли 1 (Переулок Реваза Комахидзе, 8) @sakhli_batumi ” Самый бюджетный Коворкинг в городе Батуми. 15 лари в день 150 лари в месяц Это примерно в 3 раза меньше, чем то, что предлагают на рынке. Почему Сахли? • Лучшая цена • Кафе и бар на территории • Уютный и атмосферный дом • Терраса и балкон • Возможность познакомится с интересными людьми • Центр старого Батуми • Приветливый и внимательный персонал • Абонемент действителен как в сахли 1, так и в сахли 2 • Pet Friendly • Вегетарианские позиции в меню • Хороший интернет • и многое другое... Мы готовим для Вас много новинок в Сахли 2 Совсем скоро узнаете. THE HOUSE “SAKHLI2”

AJARA Life Magazine 75 2

Ojakhuri is a Georgian dish consisting of roasted meat (pork, chicken, lamb, or beef) and potatoes. The name of the dish means family meal in Georgian, so every family has their own recipe, variations, and they all use different seasonings for the roast. The dish is usually garnished with slices of pickled vegetables and served with accompaniments such as tkemali or ajika sauces.
OJAKHURI porkwith
Here, Chef Elene shares her recipe for Ojakhuri.
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So, prepare your apron and kitchen tools and here we go:
Instructions Make a marinade: Do this at least 12 hours before cooking so that the meat becomes soft and full of flavor. Cut the pork into medium sized cubes – do not cut the fat off. Cut 2 onions into thin slices. Put the pork and onions into a bowl, thoroughly stir ingredients or use hands to mix. Add powdered Berberis, sour cream, tomato puree, coriander, bay leaves, 10 ml of white wine, 2 tbs white wine vinegar salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly and place bowl (covered) in the refrigerator. Leave for at least 12 hours. When the marinade is ready and you are ready to cook remove the marinade from the refrigerator and add to a pan. Do not remove bay leaves. There is no need to add oil as it will fry in its own fat. Fry at a low heat for 10 minutes then add 50 ml of white wine and 30 ml of water. Stir occasionally and then more frequently as the wine and water reduces. Peel and cut potatoes into small pieces. Put oil into another pan and add potatoes when the oil is hot. Fry at a high temperature for 10 minutes until the potatoes become crispy. When the meat looks like the meat in the picture above, fry for a final 3 minutes on a high heat and stir continuously. This will make the outside of the meat crispy but the inside will remain Congratulations,soft. you have made Ojakhuri. Remove bay leaves and serve with a garnish of one thinly sliced onion. Enjoy your Ojakhuri!
The generic name for meat and fried potatoes. Ojakhuri is a popular Georgian dish with roasted meat and potatoes. In translation from Georgian ‘Ojakhuri’ means a ‘family meal’. Ingredients 500 grams of pork, 400 grams of potatoes, 3 medium sized onions, 2 tbs sour cream (or mayonnaise), 2 tbs white wine vinegar, 60 ml of white wine, 50 ml of oil, half tsp of powdered Berberis berries, 1 tbs tomato puree, quarter tsp of dried coriander, 4 dried bay leaves, a pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper.

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