The solar calendar of Chinchaysuyo Huánuco - Perú
By | Ageleo Justiniano Tucto | December 18, 2016
In 2002, we carried out an investigation in the town of Guanuco Pampa, in the province of Dos de Mayo, Huánuco Region, Peru, with the participation of Teacher Lázaro Rojas Serna and the students: Heidy Milagros Justiniano Moya, Virginia Broncano Zevallos and Liliana García Solórzano ; Of the Higschool of Women of the Union City. The construction of a structure with medium stones that we call "The solar calendar of Chinchaysuyo", because of its direct relation with the movement of the sun, the cardinal points and other constructions linked to agriculture in the study area; Has a relevant value and impact for science, culture, tourism and to explain the existence of more than half thousand warehouses or collca, more than 780 pirhuas, in the Archaeological Complex of Guanuco Pampa. The important Inca astronomical center is located to the South West of the Archaeological Complex of Guanuco Pampa, approximately 3 kilometers, at the foot of Cerro Puca Gaga and Golga, covering an area of approximately 13,200 square meters. Given the characteristics of its construction and the possible uses that were given (guiding element for agricultural production and celebration of religious festivities), contrasts with the Intihuatana of Cuzco. The construction is presented in longitudinal form from East to West, in a total of 220 linear meters. It begins with a square figure of 60 meters of side approximately, facing east, with a 2/3 opening on the west side, from whose interior points are projected two divergent lines towards the west, each with 160 meters of length approximately. Existing in the perimeter of the square as in the divergent lines, constructions of circular figures of two meters in diameter, located strategically to indicate the measurement of the time in the day, during the year and the cardinal points, through the observation in the shadow that projects The central axis (parante of stone slab called huanca), when illuminating the sun, with respect to the reference points located for such purpose.
The central part of the square has a rectangular platform 13.20 meters long by 10.8 meters wide, stretched from east to west, which leads through three stairways of 0.35 meters high to an elliptical platform on its side Higher, lying in the same direction as its base, the length of its extreme points from east to west is 8.30 meters and its extreme points from north to south is 5.35 meters. In the elliptical platform are represented 8 small constructions: 4 smaller elliptic and 4 circular, located to the contour of a central point of the greater elliptical called axis. The axes of the 4 elliptical minor points accurately the four cardinal points, being located at 90 degrees to each other, pointing to this, west, north and south. These same points measure the time of day in the dawn, at noon and at dusk, according to the projection of the shadow that causes the central object (huanca) placed vertically in the axis, when illuminating the sun. The axes of the 4 circles are located at 60 degrees from each other, each to the middle of the smaller ellipticals, indicating the north east, North West, south east and south west. Also indicate the division of the day between dawn and noon, between noon and sunset. For the determination of the solstices, they took as point of reference, the point where the sun appeared with respect to the hill Gaga Ragra, at dawn of December 21, which indicated the beginning of the summer, and then its point of concealment of that day , With respect to the Puca Gaga mountain; Thus by means of constant
observations the advance in the horizon by where the sun rises every sunrise, that follows the course of south to north, arriving at its top returns by the same horizon, until arriving at the initial point of reference, that cycle is complete in a year. Corresponding the end of departure to the summer, and the end where the return to the winter begins (June 21); The intermediate point of that interval corresponding to the fall season when the sun goes north to south on March 21 and the spring when the sun returns from south to north on September 23; And so it will happen every year, the star king, Taita Inti, will mark the seasons of the year, according to the movement of translation of our planet. This important construction, with medium but mathematically located stones, with such precision as pieces of sophisticated machinery, each keeping the point, angle,
orientation and relation with respect to other points and other reference elements, to express a code or message, for which it was built. This portentous work that constitutes the astronomical and religious vestige of our ancestors the Incas, is an open book that holds secrets to be deciphered by the scientists of the world who dare to study it.