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Horoscopes: GEMINI
by Akita JET
GEMINI(May 21 – June 20)
Happy birthday, Gemini! After a sleepy Taurus season, the sun has turned back to your sign, and you’re feeling fresh, alert, and ready to make some waves. This is a great time to examine yourself and your needs, and as the full moon shines on you halfway through the month, it might also light up some troubles in your personal relationships. Listen carefully to any feedback you’re given, and remember that this is not criticism, but necessary honesty given with the intention of helping you grow. As Jupiter continues its retrograde path in the sky, slow down and listen to what your mind and body are telling you— but also make sure to follow your heart. You don’t need to tiptoe through your birthday month! Make sure you celebrate it fully and enjoy everything June brings you.
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Alfort cookies. The little ships signify how you’ll sail smoothly through any problems this summer!