1 minute read
by Akita JET
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
You’re not always someone who likes surprises or shaking up tried-and-true structures, but Gemini season is the perfect time for you to think out of the box you’ve put yourself in. The upcoming cosmic alignment of Saturn and Neptune will only add to the benefits of straying from your comfort zone and reaping the rewards of your own spontaneity. Don’t be afraid of chances that set you in motion, even if you can’t quite see the end result! Keep branching out on your own and challenge yourself, professionally and individually. If you find yourself putting energy into the same people that consistently resist you, let them go; summer will have plenty of new possibilities for you on your path of personal growth, and Cancer season will only strengthen these new bonds as they form.
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Chocomint Pocky—a fun, breath-freshening twist on a timeless classic.