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Horoscopes: LIBRA
by Akita JET
LIBRA(September 23 - October 22)
Taurus season left you feeling a bit stagnant; Aries season lit a fire under you. Now Gemini season is here to breathe new opportunities into your life! You might find yourself longing for new gossip, or wanting to stir things up amongst your friend group. If you stay patient and open to everything offered to you, however, you should soon be enjoying some new exciting new possibilities with your life...and your relationships. Libra is the most romantic sign, and while you occasionally like to play matchmaker with your close friends, it’s time to look inward and decide if you’ve been neglecting yourself or your partner. Regardless of your relationship status, it’s time to take full advantage of summer! Try organizing a fun beach day, or get together to watch a firework competition. You might be surprised where things lead!
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Papico’sseasonal peach ice cream. Give the secondhalf to the cutie in your life ;)