1 minute read
by Akita JET
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)
Jupiter is cruising in retrograde through your sign, and it’s urging you to slow down and think carefully about everything you’ve done recently. You’ve worked hard and put a lot of energy into yourself, your connections, and your hobbies, but are you truly happy? If you feel as though you’re missing something, be it relationshipfocused or work-oriented, how exactly would your life be bettered by obtaining this thing? There’s no shame in taking a moment to stop and reorient yourself. You can’t only give, and you can’t only take. By recognizing this need for balance, coupled with the full moon mid-month, you’ll be ready for a dramatic shift regarding your life and your relationships. It’s okay if things haven’t worked out the way you’d hoped—it simply means you are now in place for the right opportunity to come to you.
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Karaage-kun red—tasty and spicy, perfect for a fire sign that never backs down from a challenge.