1 minute read
by Akita JET
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
You may find yourself feeling a bit anxious about business opportunities and finances this summer, especially as the full moon draws closer and illuminates all the potential paths you can take from where you currently stand. As Neptune and Saturn cross paths, you may realize that your professional and personal relationships are undergoing a shift. Remember that, while you are capable of standing alone, you thrive with other people. During this period of change in your life, step out of your comfort zone—look for new activities, and absolutely cultivate new relationships. This is the perfect time to broaden your friend group! Just remember to keep an eye on your budget, and don’t let yourself be swept away by every single opportunity Gemini season offers you. You can create new friendships this summer without completely throwing away your savings.
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Custard cream choux. Did you know that’s how you’re supposed to spell that word? I didn’t!