1 minute read
by Akita JET
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
Gemini season’s fun, flirty, and impulsive energy definitely suits your sign, and the shift to summery weather has you ready to party outdoors. As always, you’ll be keeping your eyes open for new opportunities and relationships, but don’t forget to look back at the people you hold closest, too! As Saturn and Neptune intersect, it’s time to get honest with yourself, as well as with your family and friends. If your life is lacking in stability or structure, how long can it continue? Where do you intend to go, and how will you get yourself there? You’re not always the touchy-feely sort, but as the sun moves into Cancer, know that you can rely on the people you care about, just as much as they rely on you. They’ll party with you through Gemini season, and they’ll support you once it’s time for you to buckle down and get important things squared away.
This month's lucky conbini snack: Tonkatsu sandwich. The “Yes!” feeling you get when you see it is how people feel when they see you, too!