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Horoscopes: CAPRICORN
by Akita JET
CAPRICORN (December 23 - January 19)
Gemini season is here to pry down the walls you usually keep up. It’s okay for you to relax a bit and be receptive to new friendships and social events coming your way! If you’ve been feeling tense or unwilling to let go of old grudges, this is the perfect time to let your edges soften. Not everything is as black and white as you’ve convinced yourself it is. In the meantime, your ruling planet, Saturn, is aligning with Neptune mid-month, creating the perfect opportunity to practice transparency and vulnerability. Be honest about what you’re really feeling! Any old hurts you’ve been carrying will finally have the chance to be mended. This improved communication will have fantastic benefits for you, too, from friendships to romantic relationships—all you need to do is be candid!
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Salmon onigiri. It’s there for you at 3 AM when the rest of the shelves are empty—just like you’re always there for yourself.