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Horoscopes: CANCER
by Akita JET
CANCER(June 21 - July 22)
The month began with a new moon in your section of the sky, and you may have felt its influence like a shadow over your feelings. As always, this is a time for you to practice forgiving and forgetting, and moving on from whatever old bruises you’re clinging to. This translates to relationships, as well: embrace the people who support you wholeheartedly, and let go of anyone who expects your investment in their lives without doing the same for you. Gemini season might leave you feeling stretched thin from obligations, and Mercury passing through your sign might be giving you anxiety from how much you’ve agreed to take on. As Cancer season begins on June 21st, step back, exhale, and allow yourself to bask in the light you usually radiate into others’ lives. Happy birthday!
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Shirokuma Strawberry Lacto-Ice. Fruity, sweet, summery...and crunchier than you’re expecting!