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Horoscopes: LEO
by Akita JET
LEO(July 23 - August 22)
With Saturn in retrograde, you might have suddenly been faced with the realization that your friend group is changing, and that you no longer have as many people around you as you once did. It’s a lonely feeling to grow apart from others—but take heart in how you are growing, and consistently creating yourself, regardless of anyone else’s influence. Not only are you carving your own path in life, you will always continue to attract new people. You’re a born leader with a vibrant personality, after all! Look to the loyal friends still by your side, new and old, and enjoy summer with them. Trust that everything you need will unfold for you at exactly the right time, and enjoy every step of the journey to your next opportunity— as well as the new treasured connections you’re sure to make once you’re there.
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Iced café latte—especially now that Lawson’s broken out their mega-sized coffees for summer!