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Horoscopes: VIRGO
by Akita JET
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)
Lately, you might be feeling as though you’re fighting for balance in some aspects of your life, and that communication has suddenly grown more difficult. Mercury is currently traversing through Cancer, and you’re finding yourself intuitively picking up on everyone’s moods and silent cues— so why can’t they do the same for you? Not everyone is a mind-reader like you, however. Remember to examine your own actions before you blame others. This is a great time to practice both listening and responding—and clearer conversations with your friends and family will soothe any life imbalances you’ve been suffering from. It’s always appropriate to ask for help when you need it! Those close to you will be relieved to finally understand the problem, and they’re eager to help make things right. Just let them in!
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Veggiesticks with miso mayo dip. Fresh, tasty, andhealthier than your communication skills.