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2018/2019 UPH's Visual Communication Design Student Final Assignment



Student’s Name


Final Assignments of Universitas Pelita Harapan’s Visual Communication Design Students 2018/2019 Academic Year

(C) 2019 Universitas Pelita Harapan First Published in Indonesia in October 2019 by Penerbit Fakultas Desain Universitas Pelita Harapan Jl. M. H. Thamrin Boulevard 1100 Lippo Village, Tangerang 15811 Indonesia All rights reserved. No part of this book may be produced in any form without written permission of the copyright owners. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the students concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by the producer, publisher, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with the information supplied. We apologize for any inaccuracies that may have occured and will resolve inaccurate or missing information in a subsequent reprinting of the book. ISBN: 978-623-7489-01-6 Editor: Brian Alvin Hananto, S.Sn., M.Ds. Cover Image & Book Design: Brian Alvin Hananto, S.Sn., M.Ds. Printed in Indonesia


Final Assignments of Universitas Pelita Harapan’s Visual Communication Design Students 2018/2019 Academic Year

Edited by: Brian Alvin Hananto


Greetings from the Dean of UPH School of Design

Dear readers and Our dearest Visual Communication Design students that have been endured the Final Project, Welcome to the end, and embrace the new beginning! The vision and mission of School of Design, Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) is to ’become an EXEMPLAR as a center of excellence of Christ-centered design education institution that based on Design Thinking - Human-Centered Design (DT-HCD) to make social change through innovation that has redemptive impact as reflection of God’s mandate for design as co-creation to be the steward of the earth’, in which a translation to UPH goal to become Christ-Centered University that based on True Knowledge, Faith in God and Godly Character. In short, the essence of the School of Design, UPH is to produce design students that should become light for others. This book you have in your hand is obviously about Visual Communication Design Final Project compilation that has been completed by mostly 2015 batch students. The book will be showcasing Final Project from the three concentrations in Visual Communication Design, School of Design, UPH, namely: Graphic Design, Animation Design, and Cinematography. However, this book is not just a mere compilation book. This is a book of proof on how Visual Communication Design Department alongside with its students practice their key values, which are seeing: (1) Design as storytelling and designer as a storyteller with holistic narratives that position design as stewardships, and, (2) Designer as culture shaper through mass media visual communication. Final Project would be an ideal stage to measure whether or not the key values reflected, as this is the final journey for each student in their undergraduate learning at Visual Communication Design, School of Design, UPH. Thus you have to LOOK! And for the students that now become our colleagues in the design world, look for what is your role in the society, look for the exciting new journey ahead, and get excited! On behalf of the Faculty and Department, allow me to congratulate the students, may God will always be a leader in your exciting new journey ahead and may you be a blessing and becomes light for others and for this Nation. Enjoy reading the book, or should I say look deeper into the book and find the meaningful storytelling for each one of you! Ony by His Grace,

Dr. Martin l. Katoppo, S.T., M.T. Dean School of Design Universitas Pelita Harapan


Greetings from the Head of Visual Communication Design Department

UPH Visual Communication Design Department (UPH VCD) has the vision to deliver graduates with holistic characteristic, able to understand the many aspects affecting the existence of visual communication design, and able to develop it into proper design work. Students’ ability to do research on cultural, social, economy, history, psychology, and/or ideological components that support the design solution will be the substantiation of his/her scholarship in the highest level, in which will be proven in Final Project Course. Final Project Course is the culmination of the Visual Communication Design study. This course will be the benchmark on how the students will be able to use their understanding of extensive knowledge and deep technical design skills that they have learned in their three-year study, to produce a holistic design work that has accountable qualities in the face of expert lecturers. They will be worthy of their bachelor degree after successfully passing this course. The Final Project book “LOOK” is a record of students’ accomplishment in producing holistic design works. In this third series, LOOK recorded UPH VCD students graduating in 2018/2019 academic year. This book is having a role as both milestone and historical artifact of UPH VCD Department in its ability to generate design graduates with holistic qualities as its profile. We hope that LOOK could be a part of the department’s narrative journey in developing qualified human resources and partake in developing design industry in Indonesia. In the end, hopefully, LOOK could become a source of inspiration and visual reference for any-one, especially design students, reading this book.

Alfiansyah Zulkarnain, S.Sn., M.Ds. Head of Department Visual Communication Design Universitas Pelita Harapan


Greetings from the Final Assignment Coordinator

The undergraduate study of every student in Universitas Pelita Harapan’s Visual Communication Design program culminates in the Final Project; the pinnacle of a four(ish)-year journey, which showcases the whole knowledge, skill and competence they’ve acquired from all the previous courses. The Final Project process takes at least two semesters: one for the research, data gathering, and conceptualization phase, and another for design and production. In the Final Project, the students get a chance to choose a topic that personally appeals to them, where they can explore the visual solution possibilities with passion and in accordance to their own strengths—be it in hand-drawing or illustration, printmaking, photography, installation art, cinematography, etc. Each student is assigned two Final Project advisors, who will guide them through the process of formulating and specifying the design problem, conceptualize possible solutions, developing visuals that are not only appropriate for the design concepts but preferably also able to represent the best of each student’s particular skills and capabilities, and advise them in the production phase and preparation of the final artworks. Considering the importance of this Final Project as one of the milestones in the transformation from a ‘student’ to a ‘designer’, it’s no wonder that students spend so many time, energy, and money—basically giving their all in creating their best possible artworks. So much stories, experiences, and lessons—both good and bad—that they acquired during this forging process, to finally be able to present the works that they proudly displayed in the Final Project exhibition titled Look Over, held in Universitas Pelita Harapan campus on May 7–15, 2019. In honor and appreciation of all the students’ and advisors’ combined efforts, we aim to document, preserve and present the result of this long process in the pages of this book. This book showcases 39 student works from those who completed their Final Projects in the academic year 2018-2019. We hope that it could be a source of pride for the students in what they have achieved, give an overview of the characteristics of Universitas Pelita Harapan’s visual communication design education, and be of use for all its readers.

Ellis Melini, S.Sn., M.T. Final Assignment Coordinator Visual Communication Design Universitas Pelita Harapan



‘LOOK’ was the third final assignment book for UPH Visual Communication Design that I helped in terms of writing, editing and also design. The previous two books that were published in the same drive was ‘Rangkaian Fajar’ and also ‘Telah & Telaah’. ‘LOOK’ can be seen as a new milestone for our department. This time, the book had accomplished in presenting all student projects on the academic year, something that was unachievable on the two books before. All the images and texts showcased on this book are provided from the students and each student. Some texts are then edited by the editor without changing the meaning of the text. Each student or project may have a varying number of pages that were determined by the quantity and also the quality of images provided. Another worth to mention feat that was accomplished in this book is the use of English as its language. This decision was motivated by the urge to showcase our student’s work in a more broad audience. The faculty and the department had thrived to present the students work most effectively and efficiently, we hoped that by using English, the book can be further enjoyed by many. The book is structured in three different sections, each representing the concentrations that our department had, ‘Animation Design’, ‘Cinematography’ and ‘Graphic Design’. The projects within the concentration are then listed alphabetically according to the students’ name for easier navigation. Each project contains information of the student, the name of their advisors, the abstract of their projects, and the visuals representing their results and/or their design process. Looking back, there were numerous things that the student had done with and inside the department that we are grateful. We hope that together we can look forward to the great things ahead.

Brian Alvin Hananto, S.Sn., M.Ds. Book Editor Visual Communication Design Universitas Pelita Harapan


Table of Contents


Greetings from the Dean of UPH School of Design


Greetings from the Head of Visual Communication Design Department


Greetings from the Final Assignment Coordinator






Cinematography And Animation Design In ‘Worry’, A Three Dimensional Short Animation Film Based On Wilma-Jean’s ‘The Worry Machine’s’ Storybook Erika Santosa Irawan


Motion Comic Design of ‘The Daughter of Evil’ Nadya Feilycia


Concept Art Design Based On The ‘A Little Princess’ Novel Novita Adeputri


Character And Environment Design On Animated 3D Short Film With VR Medium About Balinese Barong Dance Priscilla Agatha Putu Widyayana Putra


Concept Art Design for a Platformers Game Stella Jenifer Saputra

Foreword ANIMATION DESIGN Visual Representation Of Depression Disorders Through Music Video Design Alexander Abel Character Modelling, Texturing, Asset Environment & Film Composition of ‘Robbie’, a 3D Animation Short Movie Andre Tjugito Daniel Wiraharya Masbudi Concept Art Design Based on the ‘Legenda Batu Menangis’ Callista Phelia Sarah 56



‘Taxi’ Motion Comic Design for Women Empowerement Cindy Putri

CINEMATOGRAPHY Applications of Directing, Cinematography & Art Directing Principles in the Fiction Film “Bulikan” Adeline Gabrielle Wirawan

Olivia Oktavian Nursalim Jessica Catherine Margono 65





Application Of Directing, Cinematography, And Art Directing In The Film “Barongsai” Chiuredy Prasetyo Fretty Pangestu Moses Ronaldo Tjahjadi Application Of Directing, Cinematography, And Art Directing In The Film “Penadingen” Sharon Claribel Seliang Clarissa Ruth Natan Michelle Gondomuljo The Application of Directing and Cinematography principles in “Bintang Jatuh” Fiction Film Felicia Sugianto Madeleine Aubrey Salim Directing Application in Documentary Film “Hidden and Looking” Habibah Directing Of A Documentary Film Called “ Konghucu” Jordy


GRAPHIC DESIGN Visual Identity Redesign For ‘Kong Djie Coffee’ Coffee Shop Andy


Visualization of ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ Story Angela Irena


Pasar Triwindu Photography Book Design Adaptation Based On Selayang Pandang Kota Solo Tourism Book Danny Kurniawan Nugroho


Illustration Design for ‘Sirkus Pohon’ Literature Devina Caroline


Visual Identity Redesign For “Royal Jelita Hotel” Elizabeth Rosalina


Visualization of ‘The Story of David and Goliath’ Bible Story Felina Lustan


Visual Identity Redesign And Its Application As Packages For ‘Oke Soap’ Liquid Soap Grace Marzelline


Table of Contents



Visual Redesign of ‘The Art of Batik’ Board Game Jennifer Audiah


Packaging Design for ‘Marie Duo Biscuit’ Melina Olga


Social Media Promotion Design for ‘Dunia Fantasi’ Jessica


Visual Identity Redesign For Snack ‘Dodol Garut Picnic’ Nashya Rahmawita Fitriani


Visual Identity Redesign For Restaurant (Case Study: Naughty Nuri’s) Joo Chung Jeong


Installation Design Based On The Book “The Life And Lore Of The Elephant” Novie Carolina


Visual Identity Redesign For 100% Cinta Indonesia Campaign Kartika Magdalena Suwanto


Signage Sytem Design for ‘The Breeze’ Mall Area Ryan Christy


Illustration Design for ‘Amelia’ Novel Kezia Ribka Natalie


Social Media Promotion Design for ‘Trans Studio Bandung’ Silvia Alavinia


Installation Design Based on ‘The Book Friendship: The Joy of Connection’ Marleena Tedja


Women Empowerment Installation Design (Case Study: I Am That Girl Organization) Stephanie Alvionita


Packaging Design Of Snack Food Product (Case Study: Pipiltin Cocoa) Stephanie Melissa


Digital Visual Communication Media Design (Case Study: Fruchips Product Promotion) Tamara Kristin


Restaurant Logo and Visual Identity Redesign (Case Study: Smokey Ribs) Vanessa Allegra


Visualization of Historical Book (Case Study: Nusantara Sejarah Indonesia) Yosua Adinata


About Universitas Pelita Harapan’s School of Design


About Universitas Pelita Harapan’s Visual Communication Design Department





Animation Design


Student’s Name


12 Students, 9 Projects Student’s Name



Visual Representation Of Depression Disorders Through Music Video Design (Case Study: ‘Given Up’ By Linkin Park) Alexander Abel Alfiansyah Zulkarnain, S.Sn., M.Ds. Ferric Limano, S.Sn, M.Ds. Depression as one of the common mental illnesses is still often ignored by society. Depression is often associated with moral weakness or lack of will power. In fact, Depression is a disease that involves many people in treating it.To increase awareness and interest in knowing more about Depression, the representation of the Depression through music videos was carried out. Data collection is done through interviews with experts and library techniques. Data is processed using design theories and linguistics in understanding song lyrics. From the results of the study, it can be proven that Depression can be represented emotionally through music videos by using existing design theories for audiences who do not experience Depression.


Alexander Abel


Character Modelling, Texturing, Asset Environment & Film Composition of ‘Robbie’, a 3D Animation Short Movie Andre Tjugito Daniel Wiraharya Masbudi Alfiansyah Zulkarnain, S.Sn, M.Ds. Ferric Limano, S.Sn, M.Ds. Globally, technology has been used by various groups throughout the world. The use of technology has an impact on human activities. Unfortunately, excessive use of technology has a negative impact on technology addiction. To prevent excessive use of technology, it is necessary to make a short animated film that shows excessive technological issues. Making animated films is done by adapting the short story “Robbie” by Isaac Asimov. This short story tells of a child who relies on his caregiver robot in his day. The story of “Robbie” was chosen and adapted according to the life of today’s society that explained the issue of technology. Film creation is done by creating scripts, storyboards, and made in 3D using virtual software that is 6-7 minutes long.

Andre Tjugito; Daniel Wiraharya Masbudi



Concept Art Design Based on the ‘Legenda Batu Menangis’ Callista Phelia Sarah Naldo Yanuar Heryanto, S.Sn., M.T. Drs. Bambang Gunawan S., M.Sn. Children who grow up listening to these stories will grow up remembering the folklore that they heard and tell the story to the next generation. But as time went on, people began to forget Indonesian folklore and turn to modern culture. Animated films in Indonesia that showing folklore can’t attract the public, considering their art style is still very traditional and doesn’t have a good concept. In order for folklore not to be forgotten in this modern era, the new design is needed, with visuals that are in line with current trends, and moral messages can be conveyed to the audience, namely by bringing the issue that is now trending in Indonesia. I designed a concept art based on the story of ‘Legenda Batu Menangis’ a well-known Indonesia folklore. The purpose of design is to lay a foundation that later can be further developed to various medias.


Callista Phelia Sarah


Callista Phelia Sarah




Callista Phelia Sarah


Callista Phelia Sarah




Callista Phelia Sarah


Callista Phelia Sarah



‘Taxi’ Motion Comic Design for Women Empowerement Cindy Putri Jessica Laurencia, S.Sn., M.Ds. Drs. Bambang Gunawan S., M.Sn. Indonesia has been an independent country since 1945 and each and every one of their citizen must uphold their rights and values according to the law. Unfortunately, in reality, everything is far from what it’s supposed to be, especially among women. Hence, I want to make a motion comic that holds a great value about women empowerment which aimed for young generations as a response to gender discrimination issue which happened at a young age. The design process in this motion comic divided into three stages, the first one is data collectivity, the second one is the analysis process, and the last one is visual development. Through the values that this motion comic hold, I hope it can teach and strengthen the critical thinking about the importance of women role in this world and more importantly to prevent gender discrimination in the future.


Cindy Putri


Cindy Putri



Cinematography And Animation Design In ‘Worry’, A Three Dimensional Short Animation Film Based On Wilma-Jean’s ‘The Worry Machine’s’ Storybook Erika Santosa Irawan Naldo Yanuar Heryanto, S.Sn., M.T. Yoga Yasahardja, S.Sn. The problem of anxiety disorders in children at an early age in Asia, especially in Indonesia is still fairly well-exposed, this problem is still considered a taboo and considered unnecessary to solve. In addition, in an animated film, visual elements are a very important element to deliver a message to be conveyed to the audience. This visual element is also strongly supported by the existence of visual concepts, modeling, texturing and lighting rendering and also post-production which will make the visual more attractive for the community to enjoy. Therefore, three-dimensional animation design and research are needed that tells about the case of anxiety disorder to become an introduction to the community about the existence of these problems. In order to be able to support visual design in this three-dimensional animated short film, data collection is done by using quantitative methods using library research techniques and interviews with psychologists. The results show that by using three-dimensional animated short film media, messages can be delivered more effectively and efficiently and are also more interesting for the public to listen to. The existence of content, context and visual become the same important thing to produce a good and precise threedimensional short animated film. 28

Erika; Santosa Irawan


Erika; Santosa Irawan




Erika; Santosa Irawan


Erika; Santosa Irawan




Erika; Santosa Irawan


Erika; Santosa Irawan



Motion Comic Design of ‘The Daughter of Evil’ Nadya Feilycia Jessica Laurencia, S.Sn., M.Ds. Drs. Bambang Gunawan S., M.Sn. Nowadays, the technology we use is more advanced, internet user also increased. The Internet has become a part of our daily life, but the internet itself has its positive side and negative side. While the negative side makes people unaware of their surroundings and the positive side is to make people easy to access anything through the internet; the positive side of the internet itself, I decided to make a motion comic “These Things Called Humans” and share it through many internet platforms because this motion comic has race discrimination problem as it’s topic and still relevant between the community. I decided to make this comic more lively through motion comic because motion comic can increase the visual of the comic itself so people can clearly understand the moral of the story.


Nadya Feilycia


Nadya Feilycia



Concept Art Design Based On The ‘A Little Princess’ Novel Novita Adeputri Naldo Yanuar Heryanto, S.Sn., M.T. Drs. Bambang Gunawan S., M.Sn. Both in the past and in the present, society is divided into three social classes, which are upper class, middle class, and lower class. This social class division creates a negative impact, which is the emergence of a form of discrimination against the community in which the upper class and the lower class get different treatments. One of the factors that influence a person’s social class is economic factors, which results in the formation of class discrimination. In discussing social issues, literature can be used as a medium to develop sensitivity to the issue. Therefore, the writer chooses to make an adaptation from a children’s literature book titled “A Little Princess”. This book, published in 1905, contains the issue of class discrimination which is still relevant until today. “A Little Princess” will be adapted into concept art for twodimensional animated movie. Animated movie will be easier to convey messages to the audience because of its visual and is favored by audience of all ages. In making 2D animation, well-planned concept art is needed in order to represent the story appropriately.The writer will conduct data analysis in advance about the concepts that will be applied in the visual design so that the data obtained is more accurate. The concept art will make comparisons from the character’s costume designs, environment designs, dan key arts to show the class discrimination based on the economic conditions that occurred in the story.


Novita Adeputri


Novita Adeputri




Novita Adeputri


Novita Adeputri



Character And Environment Design On Animated 3D Short Film With VR Medium About Balinese Barong Dance Priscilla Agatha Putu Widyayana Putra Alfiansyah Zulkarnain, S.Sn., M.Ds. Yoga Yasahardja, S.Sn. A balance between positive dan negative elements is one of the many concepts that help form Asian culture. One of which is in Bali, where this concept is also known as “rwa bineda”, meaning two oppositions. There are two mythical characters from Bali that are the physical form of this concept, Barong and Rangda; Barong represents positivity and Rangda the negativity. The two have to coexist together in harmony to preserve balance in the world. But, in this modern age, concept about balance is often overshadowed by western thinking of dominance, that one must defeat the other. Therefore, the story of Gede is made to help us look back at “rwa bineda” from the lens of a child. This story gives us a visual representation of this concept through Balinese culture. Using virtual reality as the medium of this story could increase and enhance the audience’s experience in an interesting and appealing manner that could open new thoughts on balance on society.


Priscilla Agatha; Putu Widyayana Putra


Priscilla Agatha; Putu Widyayana Putra




Priscilla Agatha; Putu Widyayana Putra


Priscilla Agatha; Putu Widyayana Putra




Student’s Name


Student’s Name




Priscilla Agatha; Putu Widyayana Putra


Priscilla Agatha; Putu Widyayana Putra




Priscilla Agatha; Putu Widyayana Putra


Concept Art Design for a Platformers Game Stella Jenifer Saputra Naldo Yanuar Heryanto, S.Sn., M.T. Ferric Limano, S.Sn., M.Ds. The final project is the development and creation of the visual and concept arts for a 2D platformers game. The proposed game’s settings, characters, and plot are based on the science fiction novel: Journey to the Center of the Earth, written by Jules Verne. The novel is chosen as inspiration for the game’s visual due to the blend of geography, history as well as mythology. The game’s concept visual consists of the character sheet (contains turnarounds, expression, poses, colour code and sprite arts), creature design, environment and prop design, concept key art and game UI which are compiled into an art book, as well as a short animated trailer which shows what the gameplay looks like. Most of the concept arts are done by creating rough sketches or thumbnail where the finalized designs are then rendered digitally. The same process is also used when creating the animated sprites for the trailer. It is through this final project that the author hopes that it could encourage those studying in the animation major would be interested in the process of creating a video game.

Stella Jenifer Saputra




Stella Jenifer Saputra


Stella Jenifer Saputra




Stella Jenifer Saputra


Stella Jenifer Saputra





Student’s Name


13 Students, 6 Projects Student’s Name



Applications of Directing, Cinematography & Art Directing Principles in the Fiction Film “Bulikan” Adeline Gabrielle Wirawan Olivia Oktavian Nursalim Jessica Catherine Margono J. Baptista Anton, S.Sn., M.Ikom. Rizky Nawawi, S.Sn., MFV. This thesis will include reports, theories and the process of the production of a short film “Bulikan” from the perspective of the writers as director, director of photography and also art director. “Bulikan” tells a story about a ChineseIndonesian family that lives in Samarinda in 1977, where there is still discrimination and how they are treated unfairly. This thesis will summarize theories, process and also the outcome of the film. Nowadays, as time goes by, many younger generations lack in knowing the histories of Indonesian Chinese life in the past. This led to the birth of a generation of people who were unwise and broadminded in responding to issues related to the issue of racism in Indonesia. As an alternative solution to respond to this problem, a short film was made with one of the main objectives as a means of information and education to broaden the horizons of the wider community, including the younger generation.


“Bulikan” which means, “going home” in Banjar Samarinda language is a short film that tells about the discrimination felt by a Chinese - Hokchia ethnic family in Samarinda, during the New Order. This film was inspired by the author’s father’s family. Therefore, the process of collecting data for making this film is mostly obtained from the interview process and archives of old photographs of the author’s family. The process of making the film “Bulikan” which takes about eight months (pre-production - production - postproduction), produced a 20-minutes film with the drama genre. From the process of making this film, although not easy, the writer as a director learns to direct all the crew and players to be able to achieve the expected vision regardless of the various obstacles faced.

Adeline Gabrielle Wirawan; Olivia Oktavian Nursalim; Jessica Catherine Margono


Adeline Gabrielle Wirawan; Olivia Oktavian Nursalim; Jessica Catherine Margono




Adeline Gabrielle Wirawan; Olivia Oktavian Nursalim; Jessica Catherine Margono


Adeline Gabrielle Wirawan; Olivia Oktavian Nursalim; Jessica Catherine Margono




Student’s Name


Student’s Name




Adeline Gabrielle Wirawan; Olivia Oktavian Nursalim; Jessica Catherine Margono


Adeline Gabrielle Wirawan; Olivia Oktavian Nursalim; Jessica Catherine Margono




Adeline Gabrielle Wirawan; Olivia Oktavian Nursalim; Jessica Catherine Margono


Application Of Directing, Cinematography, And Art Directing In The Film “Barongsai” Chiuredy Prasetyo Fretty Pangestu Moses Ronaldo Tjahjadi Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri, S.Sn., M.Si. Muhammad Galih W.S. M.Ars. At present, the Indonesian state is still often disturbed by things that are not good for national unity, one of which is racism. Racism is quite strong and the problem is still often encountered by the people between ethnic Chinese and natives. As one solution to respond to this problem, a short film was made with the aim of changing the perspective of society and providing cultural insights so that community racism can be reduced. “Barongsai” is a short film embracing the conflict of racism between best friends. This film carries the message that race should not be a hurdle in friendships. It took around 8 months to complete filming – from pre-production, production, and post-production. This resulted in a 20-minute film, with the genre drama.

Chiuredy Prasetyo; Fretty Pangestu; Moses Ronaldo Tjahjadi




Chiuredy Prasetyo; Fretty Pangestu; Moses Ronaldo Tjahjadi


Application Of Directing, Cinematography, And Art Directing In The Film “Penadingen� Sharon Claribel Seliang Clarissa Ruth Natan Michelle Gondomuljo J. Baptista Anton, S.Sn., M.Ikom. Rizky Nawawi, S.Sn., MFV. With the modernization that took place in Indonesia, it encouraged the Karo people to switch from the belief in traditional knowledge to be a recognized religion by the state. Guiding the needs of the film industry towards a better direction, especially to the art of cinematography. This also has an impact on Indonesia which has overshadowed the works of the younger generation. Seeing this, the author also made a short film to provide information to the public who did not yet know about the existence of traditional Karo beliefs, with the title Penadingen. Taking references from real events that were transformed into a fictional script and then visualized again against the background of Medan City, in 1995. The film went through three stages of design, pre-production, production to post-production. By designing fictional short films about traditional knowledge and beliefs of Karo, it is hoped that the audience can be more sensitive and aware of the fading of traditional beliefs in Indonesia. Also, the author hopes that this short film can be used as a learning medium in lectures, especially cinematographic lecture material.

Sharon Claribel Seliang; Clarissa Ruth Natan; Michelle Gondomuljo




Sharon Claribel Seliang; Clarissa Ruth Natan; Michelle Gondomuljo


Sharon Claribel Seliang; Clarissa Ruth Natan; Michelle Gondomuljo



The Application of Directing and Cinematography principles in “Bintang Jatuh” Fiction Film Felicia Sugianto Madeleine Aubrey Salim Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri, S.Sn., M.Si. Muhammad Galih W.S. M.Ars. Bintang Jatuh is a short fiction that reflects the contemporary society’s culture towards social media, more specifically inside the lives of a child influencer, also known as ‘selebgram cilik’ in Indonesia. With the application of cinematography, the irony of the oppressed life that lived by a child influencer being portrayed metaphorically. Before we began the production, we did some field research on children in general, such as their online activity and after school activity to better understand them. We also visit ballet classes to see how teachers and students interact. This production takes about 11 months to finish that includes pre-production, production, and post-production. In the end, we hope this short film would be useful in the future for academic purposes.


Felicia Sugianto; Madeleine Aubrey Salim


Felicia Sugianto; Madeleine Aubrey Salim




Felicia Sugianto; Madeleine Aubrey Salim


Felicia Sugianto; Madeleine Aubrey Salim



Directing Application in Documentary Film “Hidden and Looking” Habibah J. Baptista Anton, S.Sn., M.Ikom. Rizky Nawawi, S.Sn., MFV. Indonesia is a democratic country, meaning that it is free to voice each other’s opinions. However, democracy in Indonesia sometimes incites problems, especially when colliding with other issues such as religious, cultural and others. Indonesia has a variety of religions recognized by the Indonesian Government, namely Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Various religions in Indonesia are certainly inherited by ancestors in the family. But it cannot be denied if the inheritance of religious teachings in the family is not applied or not revealed. The study aims to explain that religions guidance or guidance, religion is not a descendant. This research method uses interview techniques as a tool to connect writers with resource persons. With the interview, the method produces data collection by way of question and answer. The results of this study are in the form of interviews with several speakers, which show that trust is present from guidance. And able to accept the consequences of changes that exist in their lives.







Directing Of A Documentary Film Called “ Konghucu” Jordy Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri, S.Sn., M.Si. Muhammad Galih W.S. M.Ars. Kong FuTze is one of religion in Indonesia and religion that being used by Indonesian people for more than 100 years.This religion at some part was being pushed away because of the PKI influence and Chinese people being belittled. Director intends to give knowledge to people that will watch the film so that they know about Kong FuTze. Director created this film based on the information the director got and also from personal experience that even though the director is one of Kong Fu Tze apprentice, he didn’t understand it well. Director hopes that this film will open the mind and give accurate information to some people.







Graphic Design


Student’s Name


23 Students, 23 Projects Student’s Name



Visual Identity Redesign For ‘Kong Djie Coffee’ Coffee Shop Andy Dra. Roostantinah, M.T. Irwan Harnoko, S.Sn., M.Ds. Identity is a fundamental thing that every person has and distinguishes between one person and another. Distinctive characteristics and uniqueness are the basis for an identity so that they can be distinguished well. An identity, or in this case a visual identity, especially for a company, must appear consistently and unique to the public. Kong Djie Coffee as a coffee shop that has developed well in Indonesia has not had a good identity system. The visual identity of Kong Djie Coffee has not appeared consistently or displayed its characters specifically. This redesign was done so that Kong Djie Coffee could have a unique identity that suited the characters it wanted to display. This redesign used case study methods, they are comparative study through examples of the good use of visual identities. Observational study and other visual studies in accordance with graphic design theories were done in this redesign. This redesign generated a new visual identity for Kong Djie Coffee. The “Kong Djie Coffee” name was changed to “Koffie Kong Djie”, in accordance with the language style study conducted. The new visual identity was built based on the keywords to represent Koffie Kong Djie, they are “hybrid”,“kinship”, and “classic”.The visual identity generated was in the form of a logo, supergraphics in the form of illustrations, corporate color, typography, and the visual identity application to various Koffie Kong Djie’s communication media.







Visualization of ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ Story Angela Irena Eston K. Mauleti, S.Sn., M.Ds. Drs. Julianto, M.Ds. As a child, we often hear or read a book about Folklore. Folklore stories are a source that discusses the history or origin of culture from each country. This culture is inherited traditionally in both oral and gestational forms. Because it is only inherited verbally, it causes differences. As a result of the younger generation not understanding which story has actually happened. I designed a visualization based on the works of Brothers Grimm which are, one of the best literary authors from Germany which collects Folklore from all over Germany.


Angelia Irena


Pasar Triwindu Photography Book Design Adaptation Based On Selayang Pandang Kota Solo Tourism Book Danny Kurniawan Nugroho Dra. Roostantinah, M.T. Irwan Harnoko, S.Sn., M.Ds. “Selayang Pandang Kota Solo� was a promotion media book published by the City Government of Solo, containing information regarding tourism in Solo. This book has extensive information on the traditional market. One example was Pasar Triwindu which is an antique marketplace in Solo. The final assignment that was made by the author is to create a photo book capturing the everyday activities in Pasar Triwindu. For designing the photobook, the author did data collection was done using literature methods such as books, journals, and the internet. Moreover communication techniques are also used and were done by surveys and interviews with credible sources. Based on the data collected, the author went to Solo to take photos and then continue further on designing the photo book of Pasar Triwindu.

Danny Kurniawan Nugroho



Illustration Design for ‘Sirkus Pohon’ Literature Devina Caroline Eston K. Mauleti, S.Sn., M.Ds. Drs. Julianto, M.Ds. Literature has become an inseparable part of Indonesians live. It continues to develop until now along with the growth of civilization. Literature is divided into two, namely literary fiction and nonfiction, one type of fiction literature are novels. Generally, novels tell stories about their characters and behavior in everyday life. An example of a fictional novel is ‘Sirkus Pohon’ by Andrea Hirata. The novel ‘Sirkus Pohon’ is a drama novel that tells about the daily lives of people in one of the Tanjong Lantai villages in Belitung, a community with middle to a low-class economy. Through Visual Communication Design, I designed a series of illustration for ‘Sirkus Pohon’ that presents facts of the novel so that it may help improve the story.


Devina Caroline


Devina Caroline



Visual Identity Redesign For “Royal Jelita Hotel� Elizabeth Rosalina Ellis Melini, S.Sn., M.T. Drs. Winoto Usman The rapidly expanding region with an attractive tourism sector has made the hotel business increasingly increase in South Kalimantan, which already has dozens of hotels, all hotels compete to attract tourists by highlighting their attractiveness and creating their own characteristics. Facing the growing hotel competition, Jelita Hotel Group feels the need to change the face of Jelita Group Hotel and show its identity as the largest local hotel group in South Kalimantan so that it can compete with other hotels starting in South Kalimantan. The redesign of the visual identity of Jelita Group Hotel starts with interviews with company owners to get company characteristics, then observing competitors, target markets, and brainstorming. Then two keywords were found that correlated with the Jelita Group Hotel, namely Ethnic and Beauty of Nature, which was then used as a conceptual refers to form the Jelita Group Hotel’s visual identity. Ethnic keywords are built using a combination of motifs from sasirangan fabric which are fabrics from South Kalimantan that have been recognized by Indonesian Intellectual Property Rights, then the keywords of the Nature of Beauty are translated by taking color elements from nature, and logo execution based on golden ratios so that the beauty of the shape stay awake.


Elizabeth Rosalina


Elizabeth Rosalina



Visualization of ‘The Story of David and Goliath’ Bible Story Felina Lustan Eston K. Mauleti, S.Sn., M.Ds. Drs. Julianto, M.Ds. I made several illustrations as visuals for the children’s story “David and Goliath” in the form of story cards. The design of the story cards consists of the story of David and Goliath in the purpose of making a good and unique message. Drawing techniques and digital coloring and also the story card can be used for children and parents to teach bible stories (specifically David and Goliath) to their children. The playing cards focus on illustrating the story and situations of when David was fighting against Goliath in the war field.


Felina Lustan


Visual Identity Redesign And Its Application As Packages For ‘Oke Soap’ Liquid Soap Grace Marzelline Ellis Melini, S.Sn., M.T. Drs. Winoto Usman Liquid soap “Oke Soap” is a product that is sold wholesale and has several types based on its uses, including dish soap, hand washing soap, floor cleaning soap, and others. This liquid soap product is produced and being sold in South Sumatra (Palembang). Even though the quality is good, liquid soap Oke Soap does not have the appropriate visual design, and the display on the packaging label does not yet have a consistent visual identity system. Therefore a new visual design is designed on logos and liquid soap packaging of Oke Soap based on keywords and visual studies through the emblem matrix, mood board, and others. In the end, Oke Soap has a logo based on liquid properties that move in one direction and is applied to packaging with the appropriate color from the variants of the aroma of liquid soap. This is done with the intention that the visual identity of Oke Soap has the unity of each display of visual design packaging according to the aroma of liquid soap Oke Soap, which ultimately distinguishes product characteristics from other competitors.

Grace Marzelline




Grace Marzelline


Visual Redesign of ‘The Art of Batik’ Board Game Jennifer Audiah Brian Alvin Hananto, S.Sn., M.Ds. Dra. Rerry Isfandriani The Art of Batik Board Game is a game that teaches how to process batik. The batik contained in this game is batik which originates from Solo. Through observation and visual analysis, The Art of Batik has a problem, that is, the game rule book is still difficult to understand, the visual problems found on game cards. The purpose of designing the problem is the Art of Batik game card, which is as follows; Make it easy for the information to be conveyed, and make the game so that the batik culture is conveyed more in terms of semantic illustrations with the theme of the game. Visual problems in this game are found from the way the writer analyzes this game with the observation method and the author also conducts a library study that the author did at the beginning to get the data. The author’s focus on this project is that the author redesigned the visual problems contained in this game. In the design process the author changes the layout so that information is clearer and easier to convey, the author draws illustrations of elements manually to add a traditional impression. The results obtained from this design are that the author made this game into 2 packaged versions, a new rule book, game tokens made into 2 versions with different materials, scoreboard, cards, and pouches for storing tokens.

Jennifer Audiah




Jennifer Audiah


Jennifer Audiah



Social Media Promotion Design for ‘Dunia Fantasi’ Jessica Ernest Irwandi, S.Sn., M.Ds. Andrea, S.Sn., M.T. Dunia Fantasi is a tourism asset owned by the government and especially for the DKI Jakarta area. But unfortunately due to the emergence of more competition and the lack of renewal of promotions in terms of marketing carried out by the Dunia Fantasi, the image of the once famous recreational park is increasingly fading in the community. Therefore a promotional tool for digital-based marketing platforms that can help improve the image of Dunia Fantasi so that it can attract the attention of the public. This promotion redesign is expected to function as a better reference for marketing promotion of Dunia Fantasi. In preparing this final assignment, the author uses the interview method to obtain information about the Dunia Fantasi marketing promotion. It has also been described as the theoretical basis and principles of design as the foundation for designing this promotion.




Visual Identity Redesign For Restaurant (Case Study: Naughty Nuri’s) Joo Chung Jeong Dra. Roostantinah, M.T. Siswanto Sidharta, B.Sc., MBA Naughty Nuri’s is a small restaurant that was founded in Bali in 1995. Now in 2019 Naughty Nuri’s Warung has developed and opened several branches not only in Indonesia but throughout Indonesia and abroad. There is some part that needs to be examined in the visual identity of Naughty Nuri’s. This study aims to get consumers views on Naughty Nuri’s Warung so that Naughty Nuri’s is seen as a professional and trusted company in the eyes of the public. The design of the Naughty Nuri’s Warung restaurant visual identity system aims to convey the vision and mission concept as well as the goals of the company through a visual identity designed by the author. The design of this design is also based on the methods and principles of visual communication design and is supported by the theories from trusted books.

Joo Cheung Jeong



Visual Identity Redesign For 100% Cinta Indonesia Campaign Kartika Magdalena Suwanto Chandra Djoko Zuki, S.Sn., M.Ds. Drs. Winoto Usman The rapid flow of globalization has tremendously helped the entry of imported goods into Indonesia, thus threatening the sales of local goods. The sense of pride and enthusiasm for purchasing local goods was driven by the 100% Indonesia campaign. The main agenda of the campaign is to include a 100% Indonesia logo on the packaging of local products. Being the face of locality, visual identity of 100% Indonesia should be able to reflect what it really means to be locally Indonesia. The visual identity must also be designed properly and correctly so it can produce a a design. Using the keyword “contemporary” and “local”, collection of data and publication reference was carried out using the method of library study and observation. The studies that were mentioned were then used as a base of designing the whole concept of 100% Indonesia campaign, therefore resulting in a visual identity that can best represent the enthusiasm of Indonesian locality purchase.


Kartika Magdalena Suwanto


Kartika Magdalena Suwanto



Illustration Design for ‘Amelia’ Novel Kezia Ribka Natalie Eston K. Mauleti, S.Sn., M.Ds. Drs. Julianto, M.Ds. Indonesia is a country consisting of various ethnics, cultures, and religions. As a vast and rich country, Indonesia has an ideology that forms the basis of people’s lives, Pancasila. Pancasila, which is a reflection of the values extracted from all over the archipelago, Indonesia should have a character that departs from the Pancasila philosophy, one of them is a nation with people who have a spirit of togetherness, mutual cooperation, tolerance, and anti-violence. Tere Liye’s novel, ‘Amelia’, tells about the simple life of a young girl in the village of Sumatra. Novels that are full of positive morals such as togetherness and sincerity deserve to be emulated by the young generation of Indonesia who tends to live with modernization, especially in urban areas. With the knowledge of Visual Communication Design, that is illustration, ‘Amelia’ that do not have illustrations are designed as a series of illustrations to show Amelia’s life, activities and interactions, so that positive morals can be easily taken through visual solutions that include illustrations, compositions, basic principles of design and other design elements.


Kezia Ribka Natalie


Installation Design Based on ‘The Book Friendship: The Joy of Connection’ Marleena Tedja Brian Alvin Hananto, S.Sn., M.Ds. Dra. Rerry Isfandriani Humans are social beings, seeking friends to make lives happier and more meaningful, especially with the current technological advancement that makes communicating easier. However, according to Dr. Anthony Gunn, the author of the book Friendship: The Joy of Connection, the need to communicate face-toface decreases because of computers, handphones, and social media. This reduces the human ability to communicate with other people directly. To increase human awareness of the value of faceto-face communication, an interactive installation was made. The writer visualized the book Friendship: The Joy of Connection by making an installation. The titles within the book were categorized into several themes and one of them was chosen to be visualized. That theme was The Importance of Qualitied Socialisation, consisting of eleven titles that take up the importance of quality in direct communication. By making interactive installation, it would be easier to deliver the message and impact on the audience, because it requires the audience’s participation. The interactions done by the audience at the installation can also be remembered and memorized in the form of a small walkthrough that could be taken home and has its own interactive areas. This interactive installation’s function is after the audience leaves the space, they would know the importance of face-to-face communication and apply it to their daily lives.

Marleena Tedja




Marleena Tedja


Marleena Tedja



Packaging Design for ‘Marie Duo Biscuit’ Melina Olga Dra. Roostantinah, M.T. Irwan Harnoko, S.Sn, M.Ds. Since the year 1952, Marie Regal company was established and their product variations were likable. Marie Regal wanted to innovate to be well known by young generations that exist now. It has been decades Marie Regal didn’t release the other products, and finally now releasing other new brand called Marie Duo that has the target audience for children. After decades, Marie Regal made their target market not specifically which are for family, babies until elders. Marie Regal wanted to expand their target specifically for children through interesting visual approach for the new product Marie Duo made by the designer. Through this design process, Marie Duo wants to have their own visual appeal for children without any encouragement from their parents.


Melina Olga


Visual Identity Redesign For Snack ‘Dodol Garut Picnic’ Nashya Rahmawita Fitriani Jessica Laurencia, S.Sn., M.Ds. Irwan Harnoko, S.Sn., M.Ds. Dodol is a regional snack that has various types and names. Garut, located in West Java, is well known as one of the regions that produce dodol. Dodol Garut Picnic is a dodol product that has been present and known by the public for a long time. Although it has been known for a long time, several problems in the visual identity, inconsistency in their namings and imitation were still found, which were not resolved properly. Based on these facts, it is necessary to design a new visual identity that is able to represent the vision, mission, and image that Dodol Garut Picnic wants to show. It aims to introduce Dodol Garut Picnic as one of Garut’s special foods that has a distinctive traditional taste with its uniqueness through the visual identity of products that are able to attract consumers. Collecting data is done by interviewing a number of sources, library studies, and data analysis. The result of the study produced a creative and visual strategy that can help the process of designing the visual identity. Based on the data and visual exploration, the visual identity of Dodol Garut Picnic is designed to reflect the product image with an organized system.

Nashya Rahmawita Fitriani




Nashya Rahmawita Fitriani


Nashya Rahmawita Fitriani



Installation Design Based On The Book “The Life And Lore Of The Elephant” Novie Carolina Jessica Laurencia, S.Sn., M.Ds. Irwan Harnoko, S.Sn., M.Ds. Low interest in reading in Indonesia is the cause of the lack of awareness, absorption of information and knowledge. Even though there are many media insights such as non-fiction books, articles, and journals. Lack of awareness and knowledge cannot be denied to cause problems, in this context the issue of elephant extinction. There are still many people today who don’t know or care about the problems that are overflowing with these mammals. The condition and population of elephants are leading to a critically endangered state. Based on the facts that are happening, it is necessary to socialize the issue and education of elephants on the education that is considered very important to the public. The book “The Life and Lore of Elephant” written by Robert Delort, discusses the history and knowledge of elephants. To convey the contents of the message in the book, effective visual media is needed so that information can be delivered to the target audience. From the process that has been done, the right media to visualize is using the installation as media to increase audience interest. Installation can provide visually attractive and interactive visuals. With this, the installation is expected to be able to convey information about the content or message to the target audience and increase awareness and concern for the issue of ongoing elephant extinction.


Novie Carolina


Novie Carolina




Novie Carolina


Novie Carolina



Signage Sytem Design for ‘The Breeze’ Mall Area Ryan Christy Chandra Djoko Zuki, S.Sn, M.Ds. Dra. Rerry Isfandriani Redesigning sign system of The Breeze BSD City was done to increase the efficiency due to the old sign system’s bad design. The product of this final project is a sign system standard manual that is systematic as the guidance to make signages in The Breeze mall area. There are some used design methods such as; interviewing, direct observation. The interview includes some questions to the manager and the visitors of The Breeze about what they expect from the sign system. The writer did direct observation in order to experience the ambiance of The Breeze and to understand the problems that are happening in the old sign system. From the design that was done, the problem from the old sign system that exists in The Breeze was solved and the new sign system works well as it is expected by the manager and the visitors of The Breeze.


Ryan Christy


Social Media Promotion Design for ‘Trans Studio Bandung’ Silvia Alavinia Ellis Melini, S.Sn., M.T. Drs. Winoto Usman Trans Studio Bandung is a recreational place located in Bandung. Trans Studio Bandung is mainly promoted by Trans TV and Trans 7 television channels (both are sister companies to Trans Studio Bandung). However, the popularity of television in the present began to decrease, especially for people aged 18-34 years. If Trans Studio’s main promotional medium starts to lose its audience, it will also impact the effectiveness of Trans Studio Bandung’s promotion. Trans Studio Bandung needs to start using promotional media that are more effective, which is social media. I made a design for the promotion media of Trans Studio Bandung on Instagram by using the “show the alternatives” concept, emphasizing differences between Trans

Studio Bandung and other theme parks so that it could highlight the benefits of Trans Studio Bandung. This promotional media combines live action videos of models acting as the visitor in the foreground and cartoon animation video that depicts Trans Studio Bandung as the background. The usage of animation aims to make the audience curious by depicting the recreational park in a different way than usually done by other theme parks. The resulting promotional videos that have been completed are promotional media that does not directly show the theme park itself, thus arousing the audience’s curiosity to see the promotional media. The perceived sensation and advantages of the Trans Studio Bandung recreational park are also evident in the videos so that it can spark audiences’ desire to visit the theme park.

Silvia Alavinia




Silvia Alavinia


Women Empowerment Installation Design (Case Study: I Am That Girl Organization) Stephanie Alvionita Jessica Laurencia, S.Sn., M.Ds. Irwan Harnoko, S.Sn., M.Ds. As time goes by, technology and media have become unseparated from society, especially teenagers. Due to the magnitude role of the media, it becomes the benchmark for determining the ideal standard underlying all aspects of society’s lives, forming the stereotyping culture. The unrealistic ideal standards trigger doubts and distrust in teenagers. Those teenagers are busy fulfilling the demands of being ideal, limiting themselves from the opportunities that exist. Therefore, socialization of the issue must be carried out since teenagers, where their identity and fundamental are formed to address those issues in the future. #IamThatGirl organization is a non-profit organization that helps 14-22 years old girls turning their doubts into self-love. This organization changes girl culture and increase the standard of how girls treat themselves, each other, and the world. However, teenagers, these days tend to not like to read or find out about social issues and are only interested in what’s trending or interesting. Therefore, the author gathered data on the concept of women empowerment based on the #IamThatGirl Organization, data survey and observation to make the installation. Using installation is expected to attract attention and invite the audience to explore and increase awareness about the message of the issue conveyed.

Stephanie Alvionita




Stephanie Alvionita


Stephanie Alvionita




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Student’s Name



Packaging Design Of Snack Food Product (Case Study: Pipiltin Cocoa) Stephanie Melissa Dra. Roostantinah, M.T. Drs. Winoto Usman In recent years, there are many chocolate industries in Indonesian. They had many ways to promote their products to get customer attention. There are many methods to represent a product, one of the methods is to make appealing packaging actually customers put interest first at the product. The attractiveness of a product cannot be separated from the packaging. Because packaging is one of the factors for making a good quality product. Therefore for good packaging, data collection is done by literature techniques and communication techniques. This study was done based on the study field, with interviews and literate. The purpose to be achieved is to offer an alternative to new packaging designs. It could protect and increase the quality of product by carrying out packaging design which emphasizes Indonesian culture and has its own characteristic product different from the others.


Stephanie Melissa


Digital Visual Communication Media Design (Case Study: Fruchips Product Promotion) Tamara Kristin Chandra Djoko Zuki, S.Sn., M.Ds. Drs. Winoto Usman Fruchips are one of the food products are fruit-based with the concept of healthy. As an effort to promote Fruchips, the Fruchips has been utilizing media promotion through television media by being one of the guest stars in some of the events local television media such as INTv, Net Tv and others. Director Fruchips claimed that television media is considered to be the best media to introduce a product because it allows the consumer to receive information visually (pictures) and vocal (sound). Fruchips feel with it is more superior compared to print media that only displays the promotional media in the form of visual. In the process of designing the promotional media Fruchips to social media Instagram to increase the brand awareness of the product Fruchips to consumers and also create a visual media campaign interesting for the company. In this case, the authors re-create content that already exists on Instagram Fruchips before but is packed with more interesting things, namely divided into two types: motion graphic and video ads. It is done on the research that they have brand awareness which is superior because there are visual motion and also audio. The result of the design is completed with research results, references and mature thinking so that the video has been designed author has the hallmark of a company that attached with a redesign of the visual system that packed more effective, creative, communicative.

Tamara Kristin



Restaurant Logo and Visual Identity Redesign (Case Study: Smokey Ribs) Vanessa Allegra Chandra Djoko Zuki, S.Sn., M.Ds. Dra. Rerry Isfandriani The restaurant is a business field that is often found anywhere such as shopping centers, shop houses, and office buildings. Thus, the number of competitors is very large and difficult for a restaurant to be able to compete if they do not have an interesting concept and a strong visual identity.Smokey Ribs is one of the restaurants which is slowly abandoned because they were unable to compete with the other competitors. That’s why research visual problems in the Smokey Ribs’ logo and visual identity are needed so that it can be solved with a more attractive design and in accordance with their concepts and identity. In this thesis, research was conducted, data which were collected from observation and interview were analyzed, and concepts and theories were written based on trusted guidelines. So the design can be designed aesthetically and with careful thinking. As a result, Smokey Ribs’ logo and visual identity succeed in representing the restaurant’s identity as a whole and in accordance with the concept and image that Smokey Ribs wanted to build.


Vanessa Allegra


Vanessa Allegra




Vanessa Allegra


Vanessa Allegra



Visualization of Historical Book (Case Study: Nusantara Sejarah Indonesia) Yosua Adinata Ellis Melini, S.Sn., M.T. Drs. Winoto Usman In this era, especially in Indonesia, history began to be forgotten, especially among teenagers, Indonesian often underestimate the benefits of historical learning. In the view of Asep Kambali (founder of Indonesian Historia Community) Indonesia teens started amnesia about Indonesian history. Many types of media are used to convey historical stories. Commonly found are books. Generally, history books only contain text without visual assistance in delivery. One book that tells chronology history of Indonesian people in depth is the Nusantara Sejarah Indonesia book. This book is dominated by text, so it less relevant for teenage users, wherein this era everything must be conveyed quickly and interestingly. visual delivery information has advantages over text. Information captured visually will processed simultaneously by brain. Therefore, the author feels importance of a media that can channel the story that is wanted to be conveyed by Nusantara Sejarah Indonesia’s book visually, with illustrations, and interesting layouts. because with that there will be interest in teenagers, to learn about history of their own. The design of the visualization of Nusantara Sejarah Indonesia books is intended to communicate interesting information (infographics), to bring time efficiency for users to understand the information the original book wants to convey.


Yosua Adinata


Yosua Adinata



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Final Assignment Exhibition Student’s Name




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About Universitas Pelita Harapan’s School of Design

The vision and mission of School of Design (SoD), Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) is to ‘become an EXEMPLAR for School of Design that generates impact through True Knowledge, Faith in God and Godly Character as a center of excellence of Christ-Centered design education institution that based on DT-HCD (Design Thinking – Human-Centered Design) to make social change through innovation that has redemptive impact as reflection of God’s mandate for design as co-creation to be the steward of the earth and generates community empowerment impact through God’s ministry’. In short, the essence of School of Design, UPH is to produce design students that would become an excellent designer, in which to love God, and to become light for others, with key values: Design Thinking, Social Innovation, and Redemptive Impact. School of Design (SoD), Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) is founded in 1994 and until now has 4 Departments within Visual Communication Design, Interior Design, Product Design and Architecture (www.uph.edu). SoD, UPH is the home of nearly 1000 students and 60 Faculty members and staffs. SoD, UPH has vast extensive of cooperation with renowned designers, design consultants, contractor, various industries as well as international academic partners, national and international students and alumni achievements, and various research, community service and publications that reflect our intended and specific mission to make social change through design innovation that has a redemptive impact. SoD, UPH truly believes that design should empower and liberating, hence our students will become problem solver, people server and a change maker – thus they will become light for others.


About Universitas Pelita Harapan’s Visual Communication Design Department

Established in 1994, UPH’s Visual Communication Design Department equips students with the understanding of visual language as a medium for communication and as solutions to design problems. The curriculum covers not only the basic principles and skills of design but in the second year students can choose the following concentrations: Graphic Design, Animation Design, Cinematography. Courses cover various design and visual communication theories, drawing skills (hands-on and digital), and art history classes, among many others. Lessons and skill developments are done through lectures, practical/labs/studio times, fieldwork, research, design and development, and community service ensuring that students get a holistic and integrated education that touches many facets: arts, design, social science, technology, ethics, and culture. Our graduates are people who are able to: apply critical and conceptual design thinking and process to convey ideas and messages through visual images, utilizing technology and contextual understanding of culture, humanities and social science; contribute to the advancement of art, design, culture, and visual communication design; contribute to the advancement of the field through academia or academic institutions. To achieve the quality promised above, our Visual Communication Design program has ten-to-one students-lecturer ratio that indicates quality, reflected through more time spent with lecturer in class for each student. To support this, twelve and more cutting edge facilities are also provided for students to utilize. This quality is reflected through the fact there are more than 95% of DKV UPH alumni that start working in creative industry under one month of graduating.


Other Publications by Universitas Pelita Harapan’s Visual Communication Design Department Mahasiswa


Rangkaian Fajar Selected Works of the 2016/2017 Visual Communication Design Final Assignment Exhibition ISBN: 978-602-17184-4-5

The first book compiling some final year assignments made by the students of the Visual Communication Design department. The students’ work compiled in this book varies from historical short film, three dimensional installations to bank note designs. The projects showcased on this book are from the 2016/2017 academic year. Published in February 2018. Available only in Bahasa Indonesia.


Telah [&] Telaah: Final Assignment Projects from the 2017/2018 Universitas Pelita Harapan’s Visual Communication Design ISBN: 978-602-53005-6-1

The second of the final assignment compilation book. The book shows a more diverse theme of visualization such as illustrations based on religious scripts, from travel novels, from editorial texts, and from classic literature; to films that raises issues on gender stereotypes, cultural identity and also political perspectives. The projects showcased on this book are from the 2017/2018 academic year. Published in May 2019. Available only in Bahasa Indonesia.



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