2 minute read
Stages of Grief
How is it useful for my project?
Different stages of grief will help form a logic of assembling my activities across the context and willdictatetheinitial formation process of my model by which I will proceed with my design.
Every phase is important because it helps in the final idea of the program which is maintaining women ' s wellbeing found the peace of mind and learned how to balance between the body, mind and soul.
-All the phases complete done another and helped in the character development.
Organizing Principles Purpose
Nesting Technique
It offers a gradient of experience in a singular space :
How is it beneficial?
Trauma leads to black-and-white thinking; healing means needing the gray space between the extremes.
Phenomenologically speaking, nesting layers can span many different extremes such as compression/ expansion, introversion/extroversion, and domestic/ professional in a single space
Purpose: The goal of trauma-informed design is to create environments that promote a sense of calm, safety, dignity, empowerment, and wellbeing for all occupants These outcomes can be achieved by adapting spatial layout, thoughtful furniture choices, visual interest, light and color, art, and biophilic design.
Changing Perceptions
Trauma Informed Architecture
Empathy in Architecture: Using Trauma-Informed Design to Promote Healing
Traditional Nested
Sensory Boundaries
By creating sensory boundaries, we can preserve a sense of security, well-being, and wonder while limiting stimuli that negatively impact the fight, flight, freeze, and fawn responses.
Identity Anchors
The Connection To Self, Community, Landscape, And History. Building a sense of self, cultivating relationships with others, and connecting to the past, present, and future are all crucial for people to heal from trauma. Identity anchors are a way for people to see themselves in the environment and to be part of something bigger.
Designs Triggering Trauma
Disruptive Sounds footsteps, doors slamming, overhearing someone have an episode, buzzing lights or appliances)
Unpleasant scents (e g body odor, mildew, cigarette smoke, perfumes)
Visualnoise lack of exits, unclear waynding, blindturns ,indistinguishable repeating doors and corridors, stains on doors and walls
Lackof securityof belongings open windows, broken securitycameras, marginalized stairwells
"In spite of rapid social changes in Egypt, the majority of people, especially in rural areas, belong to the extended family hierarchy It is considered shameful to care for an elderly demented person away from family surroundings"
Family is a part of a whole
How do we create a comfort zone for different groups to share their activities
How do things remain interconnected to avoid people grouping alone
Macro Scale Public SemiPublic
Zones Roadtooverlapping connections VS.
Dynamic Engaged Nature Micro Scale Calm Semi Private Private Zone
This proposal is driven by the ways in which various programs and spaces could extend the experience of transitioning from urban citizen to private resident. By expanding the gradient, residents could be encouraged to participate in spontaneous activities of neighborliness.
The top circle represents the most private way do users to engage w th the outdoor nature since it is a necessary design element in all stages
A mediator is always needed to break privacy that exists between res dential and social spaces us ng andscape or a play of masses and pkatforms
languagecreated 1USERGROUPS .
Mountains Sea