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Early Stages
One to one diagnosis: Special attention is given to the concept of d agnosis which is main stage nearest to entrance
Nesting Technique
Human scale: break up large spaces nto sma ler b ts with perforated walls, use of rugs and comfortab e he ghts
Trauma Informed Architecture
Less Industrial Less industrial materials: use of wood and natural fibers: insulation of sound and transmition of good scents
Sensory Boundaries
Thresholds gentle transition between indoor/outdoor spaces Creating Threshholds
Identity Anchors
Icebreaker elements: things that spark conversat on among strangers like work of art or a sublime view
Icebreaker elements things that spark conversat on among strangers like work of art or a sublime view
Visua nose
Membranes not dividers
Designs Triggering Trauma
Windows for interior rooms perforated screens or three quarter walls footsteps doors slamming, overhearing someone have an epsode buzzing ights or applances) lack of exits, unclear waynding, blndturns ,ndistngushable repeating doors and corrdors, stainsondoorsand wals
Uncomfortabe sensations noadjustablethermostat narrow halways,bucklingdoors,nofresh air nsttutional materials f uorescent ights, ceil ng ti es gener c furniture
Disruptive Sounds
Unpleasant scents (eg body odor, mldew cigarettesmoke perfumes)
Lackof securtyof belongings openwindows,broken securitycameras, marginalizedstairwels