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Modelling Trials

MusicTherapy Building

MusicTherapy Building


The rs stageofdesgnngtheformwastomake sure tiscosesttothestreetsncei wasmy irst gridto ollow t sthemos pub cactvtysnce muscneedstobeheardbyotherwomentoreach outand ee famliar nanonverba way t saso hghyheardbythewomen n hespineand heartwhchmakes tsstatements ronger

ArtTherapy Building

The first stage o desgning he form was to make sure t s conformingtotopographyl ne since t was my second grd o o ow The topography line s mpor ant since t dictates the open smooth vew of the horzon by whch s radial and competely open to the sea vew

Zoning Topography-Viewport

n ths stage of mode ng focused on refectng on the process women go through n the therapy center to re ect on their heaing stages and her ab ty to gradualy transton from occupyng rgd spaces unt becomng moredynamic and fud

StagesofGrief TheSpine

n ths stage the spne s he man drver o he bu dng by whch revoves around al eements and alows the women to unders and he fna stage of hea ng n the curved ke shape whch reflects on he neghborng forms 2

2 Social Hub

Th s orm s ocated a he far r ght corner of the bu ld ng s nce t requ res the most topography accord ng to the d feren ypes of ar performed by women in the space and the leve of pr vacy t reu res dur ng a certain healing stage

In th s e emen spec f ca y the v ewport s b ocked s nce mountains ex st a ong the para le v ew of the e ement t s mport to respect the harshness of the mounta n and re ect the same anguage n h s stage s nce was se t ed on the ex er or form from contextua reason ng the zoning o act v t es needed o address different leve s of hea ng throughout the bu ding

The shape gets ts r gid y back and has the rad a end ng tha causes a contrast w h ts dent ty that respec s the harshness o he mounta n t is brought closer to the sp ne

Zoning Topography-Viewport

StagesofGrief TheSpine

ArtTherapy Building Social Hub

In ths stage of modeling focused on re ec ng on he process women go through n he therapy cen er to refect on ther hea ng stages and ther ab i y to gradua y transtion rom occupyng rgid spaces un l becomng moredynam c and fud n h s e ement spec f ca y he v ewpor is blocked since moun a ns ex st along he para e v ew o the e ement I s import to respect the harshness o the mountain and ref ect the same anguage

The rs stageofdesgnngtheformwastomake sure tiscosesttothestreetsncei wasmy irst gridto ollow t sthemos pub cactvtysnce muscneedstobeheardbyotherwomentoreach outand ee famliar nanonverba way t saso hghyheardbythewomen n hespineand heartwhchmakes tsstatements ronger n his stage he spne s the man drver of the bu ding by whch revoves around a eemen s and a ows he women to understand the na stage o hea ng n he curved lke shape which reflects on the neghborng orms

The frst stage of desgnng the orm was to make sure t s conform ngtotopography ine snce i was my second grd to fo ow The topography ne s importan snce dcta es the open smooth vew o the horzon by whch is rada and completey open to the sea vew

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