1 minute read
Healing Stages The Heart
StageOne PrivateZone
Vegetation as a therapeutic element: Special attention is g ven to the conintegration of pottery and vegetation as a therapeut c element
Semi - Public
Thisspace sdesgnedtoactasabufferbetween housngunitswhicharethecalmestspaces nthe programandmoredynamicspaceswhichcaterfor moreactivty soundandpartcipaton
Spatial Layout
More Exposed Zones are designed for patients n a more healed state that wou d give them the capac ty to engage with other people in a group therapy ke environment
More exposed Zones

Create “spatial availability” with clear sight lines, high ceilings, and minimal barriers This can increase a persons sense of safety and decrease a perceived sense of crowding or being trapped

Semi - Private
Thisspace sdesgnedtoactasabufferbetween housngunitswhicharethecalmestspaces nthe programandmoredynamicspaceswhichcaterfor moreactvity soundandpartcipaton
Semi - Private
Thsspaceisdesignedtoactasabufferbetween housinguntswhicharethecalmestspacesinthe programandmoredynamcspaceswhichcaterfor moreactivty,soundandparticipation

Flatslabdesgn sdesignedto supportlargedistancesthathave agridof8metres nthebuiding design ThisgridisfollowedinLevel0 andLeve -4 nordertorespectthe activityofstudios