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Space Truss Structu Systems


D mensions Shad ng Pattern Spacetrusspaterninsped thehozontashadingdevcen orderoeduceglareandmtae simashadngaspertheinta srucuasystemgeometry
Thespacetrusssystemis designedtohaveitscomponents every1metredifference The membersare40mm nthckness andaredesgnedtosuuport largespansgreaterthan15 metres

Spacetrusspatterninspired thehorzontalshadingdevcein ordertoreduceglareand imitatesimilarshadngasper the nitia structura system geometry part s facing east It s highly exposed to undesired rays of sunshine at this stage. The arches absorb the ight and a glare exists at a min ma eve that does not reach the corr dor only the per pheries
This part is fac ng east It is not exposed to undesired rays of sunshine at this stage. A g are does not exist at th s time
Th s part is facing east. It is not exposed to undes red rays of sunshine at this stage A glare does not exist at this time.
This part s facing east It s not exposed to undesired rays of sunshine at th s stage. A glare does not ex st at this t me
This part is fac ng east It is high y exposed to undesired rays of sunshine at this stage The arches absorb the l ght and a glare exists at a m nimal level that does not reach the corridor on y the peripher es part is fac ng east. It is minimal y exposed to undesired rays of sunsh ne at this stage The shading device absorbs the light and a glare ex sts at a minimal level that does not reach the corridor only the peripheries.

Th s part is facing east. It is h ghly exposed to undes red rays of sunshine at this stage The arches absorb the ight and a glare exists at a minimal eve that does not reach the corridor only the peripheries.

This part is fac ng east It is high y exposed to undesired rays of sunshine at this stage The shading device absorb the l ght and a glare exists
Th s part is facing east It is not exposed to undes red rays of sunshine at this stage A glare does not exist at this time.