1 minute read
, when the bra n is developing and they are at increased risk for PTSD later n fe"
A city's identity is what the insiders (citizens) and what outsiders (visitors) perceive, feel and remember about it.
supportoneanother womenengaging buildingasafecommunity thatunderstandsdifferent stagesofgrief

Resource:PTSDismorelikelyinwomenthanmen.NAMI. (n.d.).RetrievedOctober10,2022,from https://www.nami.org/Blogs/NAMI-Blog/October2019/PTSD-is-More-Likely-in-Women-Than-Men
Thesis Statement
A safe haven for women offering a platform to express themselves, offer the tools that will help fight against trauma and help them formulate a community to engage socially, build a community and support one another.
The natural world is the larger sacred community to which we belong. To be alienated from this community is to become destitute in all that makes us human. To damage this community is to diminish our own existence.

What Happens Before?
Before the session, your music therapist will assess your needs and your strengths. You may discuss:
One of the best ways to combatstress,istomakeart!
Studyafterstudyhasshown that drawing, doodling, coloring, and simply creating something for 20 plus minutesreducescortisol.
Researchhasprovedthatart can help process pain and provide a direct connection betweenthemindandbody to help with the healing process.
Expressivearts,suchasvisual arts, movement, drama, music, and writing, foster deep personal growth and community development. Expressivearttherapyallows users to laugh, let go, and relax, which helps decrease depression, anxiety, and stress.
Music therapy is the clinical use of music to accomplish individualized goals such as reducingstress,improvingmoodandself-expression. It is an evidence-based therapy well-established in the health community. Musical skills or talents are not required to participate.
Listening Singing