Portfolio | Alia Sabry A selection of my work aliaahtsabry@gmail.com
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011
Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Sketches | 2010
IB Work | 2007
Work Experience | 2012
I am an egyptian girl, part of a family of four. This family includes my parents and an older sister. I am privileged enough to have a westernized education. My mother was raised in the US where my grandparents have been living for over 40 years. My father, on the other hand, was born and raised in Egypt, between Cairo, where my grandmother is from, and Zagazig, where my grandfather is from. I am a byproduct of both. My father’s side have always been very rooted to their culture, making it a point to take me, my sister and my cousin to see everything that exists in our country including architecture, the different cultures we have, agriculture, museums etc. It was considered important that we know all the corners of our country. Slowly, these trips turned from boredom, to appreciation. Before I decided to study architecture I was overwhelmed by the existing architecture in Egypt. I was always confused as to who built what, when, and how. Now that I am studying architecture, I know who built what when but I still cannot comprehend how. What exists on Egyptian land are examples of brilliance. The statements dynasties have made through architecture amazes me. It begins with the pharaohs who had unfathomable knowledge of calculation, engineering, mathematics, physics, study of the stars and the sun. Then we fast forward to the Persians, Greeks and Romans who have made their signature in architecture. Then comes Coptic architecture and Islamic architecture, each era stating their presence and marking their way of building, from then on forward. Then something happened. The greatness stopped. We have not been able to revitalize it. The knowledge, the progress and the enlightenment ceased. The decay in architecture is a result of the decay in education which also caused a social downfall. It has driven the society into two separate communities, creating aggression, lost sense of belonging, and pessimism. These are not Egyptian traits. Egyptians in their original form are simple, smart and extremely positive. My motivation is to try to revitalize the sense of belonging we had, to re instill a sense of responsibility and duty towards our country and to ignite the wisdom that exists in the people.Through architecture I believe I can create spaces which can promote positive energy. I can raise the morale of the people by creating open spaces that have both nature and symbolic architecture. Through architecture, I can make social improvements. Below are pictures of Egyptians who inspire me and motivate me. Those include a feminist, an architect, a role model for egyptian youth, a simple egyptian, a patriot, a victim of the system and a writer.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011
Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Sketches | 2010
IB Work | 2007
Work Experience | 2012
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011
Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Sketches | 2010
IB Work | 2007
Work Experience | 2012
Architecture Acrylic paint 70 cm x 50 cm An abstract piece that illustrates the friction between extremes. This is portrayed through the dynamics of a city skyline.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011
Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Sketches | 2010
IB Work | 2007
Work Experience | 2012
Connection Space 1 Chipboard and wood blocks 15 cm x 5 cm x 10 cm A look at the impact of both negative and positive space, two solid elements that create a functional negative space.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Connection Spaces 2 Chipboard and wood blocks 15 cm x 5 cm x 10 cm An iteration of the pervious model experiment, however, this model emphasizes the synergy between solid object and negative space.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Connection Spaces 3 Wire and wood blocks 15 cm x 5 cm x 10 cm An experiment using a different medium combining interior spaces with a semi-enclosed outdoor space. Through using a different medium, you recreate the same techniques but yielding different results.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center 1oth ave and W 19th St. NYC Wood 1/16th scale Experimentation with shapes, forms and alterations. Finding the optimum form that benefits from the view of the Highline and the Hudson river.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
Rehabilitation Center
Street View Alia Sabry
Arch 3010
View from the Highline
Distant View
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
Social Density Study
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box Paper 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm A repetitive pattern creating interesting voids.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011
Umm Al-Sultan Shaaban Mosque Microstation The mosque and madrasa, located in Cairo, Egypt on Bab al-Wazir street, dates back to AH 1368-1369/76970. I digitally rebuilt the mosque, highlighting the main elements: domes, minaret and the crenelations.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011 Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011
Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Sketches | 2010
IB Work | 2007
Work Experience | 2012
Four Men Acrylic paint 70 cm x 50 cm The original piece, later elaborated on. This piece depicts the positive space created by this group of men.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011 Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Five Men Acrylic paint 70 cm x 50 cm Moving on from the original piece, this painting highlights the strong relationship between positive and negative space. It focuses on the negative space showing a different dimension.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011 Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
A Distant Something Acrylic paint 50 cm x 70 cm An experiment with colours creating depth and contrast which allows for a myriad of perspectives.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011 Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Figure Study 1 Pencil 50 cm x 35 cm
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011 Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Sketches | 2010
Figure Study 2 Pencil 35 cm x 50 cm
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011 Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Sketches | 2010
Beats Acrylic paint 120 cm x 90 cm
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011 Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Sketches | 2010
IB Work | 2007
Our Distraction Acrylic paint 120 cm x 90 cm This piece is a symbolic depiction of the mass-media control over our ideas and priorities. It portrays two perfect bodies in bright orange, while the substance news is left overshadowed. The message portrayed is that our attentions to media can be trivial, distracting us from reality.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011 Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Sketches | 2010
IB Work | 2007
Self Portrait Acrylic paint 80 cm x 60 cm Illustrated, through the use of colour, are the different dynamics of every individual.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011 Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Sketches | 2010
IB Work | 2007
Work Experience
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011
Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Sketches | 2010
IB Work | 2007
Work Experience | 2012
JWT Interior Design My main task for this project was to design the material boards as well as the design of the boxes that will carry the project to the client. You can see my work on the bottom right corner.
Interface: Realizing  the  dynamics  of  the  technological  processes  through  digital  interfaces,  the  idea  of  the  interface  was  applied  to  the  architecture  in  an  experiential  and  physical  sense.  The  logic  of  the  digital  and  technological  world,  which  is  based  on  layering  information  was  transformed  to  a  spatial  logic.  The  space  is  considered  a  container  that  generates  ideas...  and  the  idea  of  layering  is  presented  through  real  materials.
erritory The  state  of  becoming  is  where  it  all  begins.  With  the  creative  nature  of  such  an  industry,  the  ongoing  process  of  creation  makes  the  space  an  enclosure  that  embodies  a  multiplicity  of  interchangeable  boundaries  of  design.  Departing  from  this  phenomenon,  the  design  approach  embraces  the  static  characterisitcs  of  form  and  dynamic  nature  of  content  and  presents  a  design  that  allows  the  generation  of  ongoing  posibilities  and  potentials. Given  the  old  classical  building,  where  the  shell  is  a  statement  of  existence,  an  interactive  interface  was  added  internally  and  interacts  and  evolves  in  time.The  design  is  meant  to  stay   ,and  the  interior  is  constantly   by  the  dynamic  notion  of  becoming.
The  architectural  interface  was  thought  of  in  various  ways  that  allow  people  to  interact  with  spaces,  walls  and  volumes.  Volumes  are  opened  up  to  connect  spaces  horizontally  and  veritcally...  Walls  are  thought  of  as  platforms  to  share  ideas  and  thoughts...  Indoor  and  outdoor  spaces  are  interconnected.  These  spatial  elements  complement  one  another  to  form  up  a  homogeneous  whole.
This  attempt  to  introduce  new  rules  of  design  required  a  new  design  platform...  a  new  territory...  the  new  JWTerritory.
DESIGN STUDIO DESIGN STUDIO 15A, Road 15A, Road 6 Maadi 6 Maadi 15A, Road 6 Maadi 11431 11431 Cairo, Cairo, Egypt Egypt 11431 Cairo,6 Maadi Egypt 15A, Road
+202 t +202 2751 2751 4137 4137 15A, Road 6t Maadi 2751 4137 + 202 ft11431 ++202 2359 202Cairo, 2359 3041 Egypt 3041 11431 Cairo,f Egypt ft ++202 202 2751 2359 3041 4137 info@alchemy01.com info@alchemy01.com t +202 2751 4137 info@alchemy01.com f + 202 2359 3041 www.alchemy01.com www.alchemy01.com www.alchemy01.com f + 202 2359 3041 info@alchemy01.com www.alchemy01.com info@alchemy01.com www.alchemy01.com
15A, Road 6 Maadi 11431 11431 Cairo, Cairo, Egypt Egypt 11431 Cairo,6 Maadi Egypt 15A, Road t +202 t +202 2751 2751 4137 4137 t11431 +202Cairo, 2751 Egypt 4137 f + 202 f + 2359 202 2359 3041 3041 ft ++202 202 2751 2359 3041 4137 info@alchemy01.com info@alchemy01.com info@alchemy01.com fwww.alchemy01.com + 202 2359 3041 DESIGN STUDIO www.alchemy01.com www.alchemy01.com info@alchemy01.com www.alchemy01.com 15A, Road 6 Maadi
11431 Cairo, Egypt t +202 2751 4137 f + 202 2359 3041 info@alchemy01.com www.alchemy01.com
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11431 Cairo,6 Maadi Egypt 15A, Road t +202 t +202 2751 4137 2751 4137 t11431 +202Cairo, 2751 Egypt 4137 f + 202 f +2359 202 3041 2359 3041 ft ++202 202 2751 2359 3041 4137 info@alchemy01.com info@alchemy01.com info@alchemy01.com fwww.alchemy01.com + 202 2359 3041 www.alchemy01.com www.alchemy01.com info@alchemy01.com www.alchemy01.com
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SIZE Enter dimensions.
SUPPLIER Enter the name of the supplier. DESIGN STUDIO 15A, Road 6 Maadi 11431 Cairo, Egypt t +202 2751 4137 f + 202 2359 3041 info@alchemy01.com www.alchemy01.com
USE Interiors/exteriors. Which rooms each material will be placed etc.This will probably a longer sentence so will ďŹ ll up space.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011 Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Sketches | 2010
IB Work | 2007
Work Experience | 2012
The Rift Architecture For this project my task was to draw a grid, that was used as our main guideline, and align our design with this grid and solving any problems regarding angles. I was also asked to draw the illustration on the bottom right corner.
The Rift - Jbeil
The Rift - Jbeil
The Rift - Jbeil
Concept Located on a site with a landslide on the seaside, the Rift proposes a sustainable complex of outdoor public areas, cafes, restaurants, boutique hotel and stores. Considering the existing sloped bank, volumes are superimposed in the sections of topographic levels, where spaces are embedded within the height differences between green roof tops. Seemingly, the layered morphology unfolds itself through an experiential journey down to the sea. Inspired by the geographical conditions of the site, the design works with the surroundings, rather than imposes on it. With the architecture of earth materials which is integrated within the landscape, and the different views that open up as the structure unwraps itself, the Rift presents a green infrastructure that blends in with nature.
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011 Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Sketches | 2010
IB Work | 2007
Work Experience | 2012
Thank you If you would like to see more of my work please visit: www.issuu/aliasabry
Connection Spaces | 2011
Rehabilitation Center Models | 2011
The Egg Box | 2011
Umm Al Sultan Shaaban Mosque | 2011
Paintings | 2012
Sketches | 2010
IB Work | 2007
Work Experience | 2012