Shootin the ree e e catch up ith Andre
illar, marina manager at Ocean illage arina
Tell us about your new role’s biggest challenges
AM: Like any new job, getting to know the people is most important. Getting out on to the marina and walking the boards, that is where the business is, that is where the berth holders are. When coming into an existing team you have to find out about each other, supporting and learning along the way. People who work with you at the marina are what makes it successful.
ou have a bac ground on cruise boats hat as your role and hat as the most interesting place you visited
AM: I started my career on cruise ships in 2004 when I joined a ship, ironically called Ocean Village, owned by P&O and Carnival. Over the years I had various roles from entertainment and retail manager to hotel manager. It was an incredible time in my life, meeting amazing people from all over the world. My favourite place was Rome. I have travelled around the world, but Rome sticks in my head as the best.
Andrew also volunteers on hospital radio
Congratulations on your new job. How does it feel to be marina manager at MDL’s agship marina and managing the boatyard at Sa on harf
AM: It is an honour but comes with great responsibility. It is not only MDL’s flagship marina but also the template for future marinas in the heart of cities and towns. We are part of the local community, supporting berth holders, marine businesses and residents as well as hospitality and leisure venues. It is the heart within an internal city.
hat are you loo ing for ard to most about oining Ocean illage arina
AM: I love Southampton. My grandparents met here and my father was born here before moving to Scotland, so really I have come back to my roots. I watched Ocean Village grow over the years while working on the cruise ships, and it has matured into something Southampton should be proud of. To manage the marina is truly a privilege. I am looking forward to meeting our residents, berth holders and tenants.
ell us hat you love most about boating
AM: People having fun and learning about their own boats. When you walk around the marina and you hear the laughter, the excitement of planned trips and watch them depart, that is just a great feeling.
hat is coming up in Ocean illage arina
AM: In 2021 we are planning two boats shows for the marina and Southampton. We will hopefully be back to some kind of normality with regards social gatherings, so watch this space.
e hear you are also a radio DJ. ell us more
AM: I just like to entertain people, being able to make someone laugh or listen to their challenges. Music is a vehicle for all of us to cling on to memories and share stories. Everyone has a favourite piece of music that makes them smile, cry or remember loved ones. Being able to volunteer on hospital radio is my way to relax.
Staying on the sub ect of radio, do you have an all time favourite song
AM: I would say Phil Collins, You Will Be In My Heart, from the movie Tarzan. It was playing when my first granddaughter was born.
hich sailors inspire you past or present
AM: A lady who sailed to Brixham this year. During the voyage her husband collapsed at the helm and she had to take over. She brought the boat into Brixham, no lines, no fenders and her husband completely unresponsive on the floor. Her courage, calmness and handling of a boat she had enjoyed as a passenger was truly remarkable. Her husband is on the mend after what was a very serious event, but I will never forget it. It is a constant reminder to me that we can all achieve the unachievable.
ell us something people ould not no about you
AM: In London in 2003 I was on stage with Michael Jackson, you can ask me more when you meet me in person… mdlmarinas.co.uk/marinas/mdl-ocean-village-marina
Sustainability Vision The RYA has launched its Sustainability Strategy, Pathways to Zero: A Vision for a Sustainable UK Recreational Boating Sector. Kate Fortnam, The Green Blue Campaign Manager
he strategy sets out how the RYA will deliver on its environmental objectives over the next 10 years, in response to the global threats to our climate and environment. A timeline through to 2030 has been selected in line with targets set in the Paris Agreement and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s recent reports on remaining below a 1.5C temperature rise. The year 2030 is also the target date for the UN Global Goals, which include social and economic as well as environmental targets. The Sustainability Strategy is designed to grow and develop over the following 10 years. It is not a static document and as scientific and political understanding of the topics surrounding sustainability advance the Strategy will adapt.
ey principles
Our approach is informed by the following key principles: Embedding: We will only be successful if the whole of the organisation and our wider stakeholders are committed to the outcome. The strategy was developed through 25 workshops held with more than 200 people including staff, clubs, individual members, committees and external advisers. This has begun the process of embedding sustainability thinking within
transparent and, importantly, audited by others to ensure we remain on track and achieve our goals. Pathways to Zero: This approach focuses on the end goal (zero carbon, zero pollution, zero waste). It sets a target date and then works back to the present to show what action is required and when. If we look at the overall target it can be overwhelming, so talking in terms of pathways helps us to take action now and measure our contribution to the end goal. Including the wider boating industry is important to achieve success the organisation and continues through the appointment of sustainability champions within each team. The aim is for people to think about sustainability in their day-to-day work, rather than relying on a specialist unit to make decisions. Evidence, Standards and Transparency: On carbon emissions, we are developing our baseline data using standards such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and reporting our results through the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting mechanism. We will report on social and economic performance through reporting our gender pay gap and applying for the Fair Tax Mark. Our next key objective is to put in place an ISO14001 compliant Environmental Management System. Using these standards ensures that we are
Tactics: We are taking immediate action wherever we identify quick wins. A great example of this is our move to Ecotricity for all of our energy supplies in our Hamble and Portland facilities. We are also looking to work with partners such as the Final Straw Solent, who focus on reducing single use plastics. Partnering with specialist organisations will help us to extend our reach with limited resources, and we will take those opportunities whenever they arise. Partnerships: The RYA has signed up to the UN Global Compact, in support of the Global Goals, and the UN Sports for Climate Action network. More locally, we are members of Fit for the Future, a UK network of sustainability practitioners.
All areas of recreational boating need to become more sustainable We also work very closely with British Marine and The Yacht Harbour Association to ensure that we include the wider boating industry in our activities. The Green Blue, our joint information and education programme with British Marine, remains our main communication channel with boaters and industry. These partnerships provide us with help and advice from other organisations that are going through the same thought processes, and we share information in an open and transparent manner. One of the great things about sustainability is that people are open about their problems and failures as well as their successes. Everything that we do has already been done by someone else, and we must all learn from each other if we are to achieve our goals.
e t steps
The strategy’s action plan will be used to drive forward the changes envisaged and will provide a checklist for monitoring progress. The action plan will be reviewed annually and revised to ensure that the strategy remains on track. The RYA’s Sustainability Team are now working to deliver on the 45 actions identified in the strategy, and look forward to working with our staff, members and partners to deliver on our ambitious plans. If you would like to read the RYA Sustainability Strategy in full, it is available to view on the RYA website. If you would like to get in touch regarding this or any other environmental issue, please get in touch via email: environment@rya.org.uk or call 02380 604 223. RYA Environmental Policy and Sustainability Strategy: www.rya.org.uk/about-us/rya-policies/Pages/