2020 Convention Sales Opportunity Brochure

Page 1

Convention Partner Benefits The Annual Convention attracts over 2,800 attendees over five days. Latinos represent 75 percent of attendees: 65 percent of are professionals and 35 percent college students. This is ALPFA’s signature event, featuring key opportunities to grow your brand and recruit top candidates, while expanding your presence in the Latino market.






2 The Annual Convention brings members together from across the U.S. to become motivated, inspired, and better business leaders. As the country’s population becomes more heterogeneous and organizations continue to expand their reach across borders, having a diverse workforce has become an increasingly critical imperative to the success of every organization. Partnering with ALPFA not only gives you access to a fast-growing number of Latino professionals nationwide but also to the programming and expertise needed to move you beyond simply hiring diverse talent.



39% MALE




48% MALE



Convention Partner Benefits Convention Network and Events In addition, the Annual Convention provides you with an opportunity to connect with leaders from a variety of industries, organizations, and who are at different points in their own corporate journeys, to diversify your network and connections nationwide.




Our Annual Convention also offers special events that provide attending professionals and students with opportunities for leadership development and career advancement. Special events include; Scholarship and

Professional Luncheons, Student Sessions, Career Fair, Networking and Interview Opportunities. We’ll help you identify which areas of the convention match your organization’s goals.

Convention Package Level Items Host








Full Page Color

Full Page Color

Full Page B/W

Lead = 4 Host = 3



VIP table of 10 for Scholarship and Women of ALPFA Luncheon



Attendees to the Masquerade VIP Reception



VIP table of 10 at the Masquerade Ball

















Creative Marketing & Branding

Non-Profit, Govt & Other

7.5k l 3K

Colleges and Universities


Video message on big screen monitor played throughout Convention Company’s novelty literature/giveaways items included in Convention bag (limit 1 item) ALPFA Convention update email showcasing HOST sponsors with banner ad pre-Convention ^^ All partners logos are placed on Convention Website, App and Printed Guide Gold level and above partner logos are included on homepage carousel Company digital graphic ad (banner or skyscraper) placement on Convention website with company hyperlink Advertisement Ad in Convention Guide – Print and Digital Company logos placement on event signage

NEW – Includes On-Site Branding

Lead, Host and Platinum Partners Only

Sponsor Floor Graphic Clings – Lead and Host Partners Only Convention Guide Welcome Letter – Lead and Host Partners Only (Optional)

Social Engagement


Option to host reception and details sent out via ALPFA eNewsletter email. Lead and Host Only: One banner post pre-Convention on our Facebook Page, ALPFA LinkedIn Page, and @ALPFA Twitter accounts with link to your website or Facebook page Push notifications on the Convention App on-site Platinum and Gold Only: One pre-Convention banner post on our Facebook page marketing the sponsor Convention workshop(s)

Exposure Recruitment Job posting on ALPFA Career Center (Convention only) Career Fair Exhibitors: One post pre-Convention on our Facebook Career Fair Event page with link to your website or Facebook page Professional registrations ** Exhibit space at Career Fair***

Premium 20x20

Premium 20x20 Premium 10x20

Interview space at Career Fair

1-Private Room

1-Private Room

Present professional workshop



Present student workshop



1 10

Professional one-year memberships



Access to our ALPFA Career Center



Standard 10x10

Standard 10x10

Standard 10x10




2-Res Booth


^^ Designated emails will be sent via the ALPFA office to include more than one company. **Additional full registrants over the registrants included in your sponsorship package must register as individual professional registrants. *** (2) Complimentary exhibitor passes will be given to all Convention partners participating in the career fair. Day, Event and any additional Exhibitor passes will be made available al la carte. Note: We reserve the right to work with your internal team on key deliverables such as marketing, social media, and speaker selection. Note: We reserve the right to change, cancel, or substitute any benefit at any time up to and during Convention to best suit the needs of our members.

Convention Package Level Options Silver – Select One From List Lunch with Recruiter – 1 table with 2 recruiters, must have full professional registration to attend Resume Critique – 1 table with 1 facilitator 1 Reserved Interview Booth + 5 job postings for 60 days - Convention Period

Gold – Select One From List Student Breakfast Opportunity – Sponsored breakfast rooms (Up to Twelve Sponsors – Four everyday) Padfolios – Max 1 company Lunch with Recruiter - 4 tables with 2 recruiters each Student Orientation - Welcome remarks or video + 10 job postings for 60 days - Convention Period

Platinum – Select One From Each Level Level 1: Welcome Reception Secondary sponsor White Night Party Secondary sponsor

Host – Select One From Each Level Level 1: Women of ALPFA Luncheon Secondary sponsor Scholarship Luncheon Secondary sponsor Chapter Leader Opening Reception Secondary sponsor

5 Level 2: Lanyards – Sold Convention Bags – Sold Convention App Job postings - Unlimited posting for 60 days Convention Period

Awards Gala Secondary sponsor Level 2: Job postings - Unlimited posting for 60 days Convention Period Convention App

Partner Opportunities Welcome Reception

Primary (Max 4) • Secondary (Max 8)

Primary $50K Our opening program that officially begins the Annual Convention. The event is unique in that the photographic and social media coverage is strong as many members are excited to g ̈ et the party started ̈ in anticipation of the value of the entire convention.

1,800+ Attendees

Secondary $25K Event branding leading up to and during convention

Onstage remarks or speaker introduction (Primary Only) Branding leading up to and during convention


Event branding

Welcome Reception

Women of ALPFA Luncheon Secondary (Max 4) • Secondary (Max 8)

Primary $50K

Secondary $25K

This marquee program is one of the most highly anticipated events of the convention. The Women of ALPFA Luncheon honors three women through their Nascent Star Award, Woman of ALPFA Award and Latina Excellence Award, followed by a discussion with senior Latinas who impart candid advice based on their journeys to success. See Page 7 for benefit level details.

Women of ALPFA Luncheon

Women of ALPFA Luncheon Panel

Partner Opportunities 1,800+

Scholarship Luncheon


Secondary (Max 4) • Associate (Max 8)

Primary $50K

Secondary $25K

Talented students across the country are recognized by our corporate partners’ generous scholarships. The event is followed by a fireside chat with a motivational speaker who will inspire our students as they prepare for their professional journey after graduation. See below for benefit level details.

7 Scholarship Luncheon Awards

Scholarship Winner

Luncheon Benefits Primary $50K Possible speaking opportunity/partner testimonial 1 VIP table 1 Reserved table 30 second company video Logo placement: • Event screen • Convention Program • Convention Website • Convention App

Secondary $25K 1 Reserved table Logo placement: • Event screen • Convention Program • Convention Website • Convention App

Table Seating VIP $10K Reserved $7.5K

Partner Opportunities Chapter Leader Opening Session Primary (Max 8)

Primary $26K Always held on the first day of convention, the Opening Session gives you the opportunity to connect with Professional and Student ALPFA Chapter leaders from across the country at one time. Who better to communicate the commitment of your organization across various markets than the leaders that serve our membership in 200+ cities across the country all year round.

1 minute promotional video presented at event 2-minute address to all chapter leaders Provision of promotional materials

Chapter Awards


Student Orientation Primary (Max 8)

Primary $26K Held at the start of convention, this orientation provides students with key information to help them successfully navigate the convention, including: a walk-through of the schedule of events and resources available to them (editing resumes, mock interviews, the career fair, and partner receptions).

Speaking opportunity during orientation Opportunity to provide a branded promotional giveaway item Provision of representatives to work one-on-one with students Opportunity to have a digital banner ad included in special “Know Before You Go�communication sent to registered student attendees in mid-July

Student Orientation

Partner Opportunities Plenary Sessions Primary (Max 4 per workshop)



Primary $26K A one-hour session featuring a nationally recognized speaker, sharing insights on current and future trends in a particular industry.

Onstage remarks or speaker introduction Event branding Branding leading up to and during convention

Plenary Sessions Q&A

Student Resume Critique Primary (Max 2) • Secondary (Max 4)

The Resume Critique session is offered to all student attendees, providing valuable opportunities for them to review their resume with professionals before attending the Career Fair. Don’t miss the opportunity to pre-screen potential candidates for interviews and offers. Some of ALPFA’s best talent is discovered during this session!

Primary $15K Provide 15 facilitators to review student resumes Branding

Secondary $7.5K Provide 8 facilitators to review student resumes Branding

Student Resume Critique Session


Partner Opportunities Workshop Breaks:

Branding & Networking Sessions Primary (Max 2)

Primary $26K Refreshments served. At a maximum of 2 breaks per day. The convention workshop breaks offer unique opportunities to capture the attention of students and professionals ready for a little break from the intensity of learning. Offering a fun drawing (the ticket received as they exit the workshop) lightens the mood and solidifies in their mind the brand who made it fun for them. Branding and signage at each break

Opportunity to speak to the gathered crowd as they prepare to draw the winning ticket

Opportunity to offer literature or a promotional item


Women of ALPFA Workshops Primary – 90-minute Sessions

Panelist $10K Workshops with a focus on important trends and initiatives of our Women of ALPFA program. Provide qualified speaker(s) to provide workshop content Branding leading up to and during convention

Women of ALPFA Workshop Panel

Women of ALPFA Workshop

Partner Opportunities Student Lunch with a Recruiter Primary – 90-minute Sessions

600 – 800 Students

Connect with ALPFA’s top students during a 1.5 hour interactive lunch session. A great opportunity to directly engage with students on your company’s brand and services. Companies will have the ability to purchase individual tables and have 1 or 2 recruiters interact with 8 students per table during the lunch session.

Primary $10K

Secondary $5.5K

5-minute Opening remarks/Video

2 Company tables – location based on availability

3 Company selected tables

Provide two representatives/recruiters per table

Provide two representatives/recruiters per table

of 10

of 10

Provide branded promotional giveaway items

Provide branded promotional giveaway items

Digital Banner Ad in pre-convention “Know Before

Digital Banner Ad in pre-convention “Know Before You Go” communication (mid-July)

Company name and logo on Convention App

You Go” communication (mid-July)

Company name and logo on Convention App notification for event

notification for event

Logo placement and listing as lead sponsor on

Logo placement and listing as lead sponsor on

convention guide

event announcement via all website outlets and

event announcement via all website outlets and

convention guide

Individual Table Sponsor $2.5K 1 Company table – location based on availability Provide two representatives/recruiters per table of 10

Company name and logo on Convention App notification for event

Student Lunch with a Recruiter


Partner Opportunities L.E.A.D 2-Day Workshop Primary (Max 2) • Secondary (Max 4) L.E.A.D is ALPFA’s premier emerging leaders training program. Based on it’s proprietary Leadership, Engagement, Advancement and Development Value Circle (L.E.A.D. VC) framework, it offers a holistic approach to personal and professional growth revolving around 6 Pillars: Domain Competency, Social Community









Entrepreneurship/Intrapreneurship. Attenddees will learn from industry experts, interact with other emerging leaders, engage in thought provoking discussions, benefit from group coaching sessions, and enhance their skills in multiple areas of life and career domains. Developed and Presented by ALPFA, in partnership with Exeqpath.

Primary $45K 12

Secondary $27.5K

Keynote address during lunch on Day 1 of the

Branding Pre-Convention on website and ALPFA


publications and in the classroom

Prominent branding pre-Convention on website,

Opportunity to provide promotional item

in ALPFA publications, and in the classroom

appropriate for mid-level managers

Opportunity to provide promotional item

3 registrations for mid-level manager to attend

appropriate for mid-level managers

6 registrations for mid-level managers to attend the workshop

Placement of materials on the tables during lunch on Day 1 of the program

LEAD Group Photo

the workshop

Partner Opportunities Awards Gala & Masquerade Ball Reserved $7.5K

VIP $10K

Table Seating

ALPFA’s masquerade ball is a fun night of mystery, cocktails, dancing to conclude the convention. The program includes recognizing ALPFA’s top achievers from across the country, and ending the evening with music and dancing.

Manny Fernandez – Lifetime Achievement Award

Gala Masquerad Ball

White Night Party

Primary (Max 4) • Secondary (Max 8)

Primary $50K Following a talent competition, attendees are treated to a night of music and dancing, where everyone dresses in white.

Secondary $25K Event branding leading up to and during convention

1-minute company video played during event Opening remarks

Event branding leading up to and during convention Convention App push Opportunity to provide a signature drink (may require additional investment)

Opportunity to provide a Latin Band or a Nationally recognized DJ

White Night Music and Dancing


Partner Opportunities Professional Workshops Primary – 90-minute Sessions

Primary $3.5K One of the best ways to connect to our professional convention attendees is by showing off your expertise in a professional workshop aimed at developing our professionals’ essential and technical skills. Choose from a variety of workshop topics and development tracks (including Veterans and LGBTQ) or suggest your own and present to an audience of up to 120 participants. Provide speaker(s) to provide workshop content Event branding

14 Prudential Professional Workshop

Student Workshops Primary – 90-minute Sessions

Primary $2.5K Showcase your companies’ expertise in a student workshop aimed at developing the skills needed for our students to successfully transition to professional life. Select from a variety of tailored workshop topics and development tracks or suggest your own and present to a targeted student audience.

Provide speaker(s) to provide workshop content

Branded promotion on social media on all 4 social media platforms

Microsoft Student Workshop

Student Branding Opportunities

RSM Student Lunch and Learn

Resume Critique Pre-Opening Gathering

Padfolios for Student to write on (One Sponsor) High Visibility Opportunity

Wi-Fi Internet Kiosks/Computer Areas (One Sponsor)

Padfolios for students to write on with ALPFA and Sponsor One Color logos in front (8.5 x 11 size)


Fee-based Wi-Fi solutions to connect attendees and provide immediate WiFi hotspot service


Official Convention Lanyards (One Sponsor) High Visibility Opportunity

(Branded with alpfa.org) Nice Lanyards One Inch wide with key ring at the end so students use them for their keys post convention


Sponsored breakfast rooms/hospitality suites (Up to Twelve Sponsors – Four everyday) Rooms set-up to interact with students/sponsors Sponsors to arrange food and beverage with hotel


Sponsored Career Fair Day Lunch Vouchers Branded vouchers provided to students with potential additional branding opportunities depending on level

Resume Updating Computer Area (One Sponsor)

A designated area for students to update and print their resumes after the resume critique session


Student mentor lounge (One Sponsor)

Work area providing waters/ granola bars and computers


Name badge Holder with Sponsor/Convention logo (One Sponsor) High Visibility Opportunity. Can be combined with lanyards. ALPFA and Sponsor One Color logos in front


of sponsorship.

Primary 25K

1 max

Student Track Schedule/Tri-Fold (One Sponsor) Handy tri-fold schedule/agenda

• Branding on voucher

• Logo on website and app


• App push notification

Secondary 12.5K

2 max

• Branding on voucher

• Logo on website and app

Associate 6.25k • Branding on voucher

4 max

National Latino Business Education Roundtable


Marketing and Branding Opportunities Technology, Digital and Social Media Marketing

(Following is available year-round per 90 days):


Website Banner or skyscraper (90 days)


Website Button (90 days)

• Platinum (1 Max)


Social Media

• Gold (2 Max)


VIP Interview room & Social Media Hub


Staff/VIP Breakfast/Breaks


Charging Station with WiFi Cyber Café with WiFi Mobile App Partner

Digital Signage/AV (Per Room)


USB Flash Drive Partner


On-site Mobile app Notifications


Mobile App Push


$2.5K $2K

eNewsletter Banner (three months – 3 newsletters)


eNewsletter post – Value added content only (1 student, 1 professional)


One post on 4 platforms Value added content only


Co-branded testimonial 2 minute max video $3K (sponsor to provide raw footage ALPFA edits and co-brands it, content to be aligned with ALPFA. Includes one post on all 4 social media platforms)


Key Card Back

Convention Mobile App Other Branding Opportunities (Pricing Available Upon Request)

Opportunities for partnering with ALPFA to get you in front of our members in meaningful and customized ways as unique as your needs and offerings are:

Key Card Front

• Hotel Key Cards (Inquire for pricing) – SOLD

• Consumer Product Samples

• Networking & Recruiting (Live or virtual events)

• Badge Holders, Lanyard, Door Hangers

• Exclusive Workshops (your content provided to our members by your trainers or ours)

• Commercials, Email, Social Media

• VIP Tables and Exclusive Gifts

• “Sponsored by” Member Communications

• Coffee Breaks and VIP Lounges

2019 Convention Partners





2019 Convention Partners








Partners, Sponsors and Participants We Couldn’t Have Done It Without You!

General Convention Agenda




Sunday l August 2


7:00AM – 8:00PM

L.E.A.D. workshops registration & breakfast- Invite Only

7:00AM – 7:00PM

ALPFA Networking Lounge/Cyber Café

8:00PM – 5:00PM

L.E.A.D. Workshops - Invite Only

9:30AM – 7:00PM

Registration Open

10:00AM – 1:00PM

ALPFA BOD Meeting - Invite Only

11:30AM – 1:00PM

L.E.A.D. Lunch - Invite Only

1:00PM – 3:30PM

Chapter Leaders Event

4:00PM – 5:00PM

ALPFA Annual Meeting

5:30PM – 6:30PM

Chapter Leaders meeting with CEO

6:30PM – 8:30PM

Chapter Leaders/Corporate Mixer

Monday l August 3 6:30AM – 7:00PM

Registration Open

7:00AM – 7:00PM

ALPFA Networking Lounge/Cyber Café

7:00AM – 8:00AM

L.E.A.D. continetal breakfast - Invite Only

8:00AM – 5:00PM

L.E.A.D. Workshops - Invite Only

8:30AM – 9:30AM

Member Appreciation Breakfast/Ribbon Cutting

9:45AM – 11:15AM

Student Orientation

10:00AM – 11:00AM

ALPFA Sponsor Welcome/Meet & Greet

Monday l August 3


11:30AM – 1:00PM

L.E.A.D. Lunch - Invite Only

11:30PM – 1:00PM

Student Lunch w/Recruiter

1:00PM – 5:00PM

Professional Workshops

1:00PM – 3:00PM

LGBTQ Panel & Networking Session

1:15PM – 4:15PM

Resume Critique

3:30PM – 5:30PM

Special Session LCDA (Latino Corporate Directors Association)

6:00PM – 9:00PM

ALPFA Welcome Reception & Opening Session

Tuesday l August 4 7:00AM – 6:00PM

Registration Open

7:00AM – 7:00PM

ALPFA Networking Lounge/Cyber Café

7:30AM – 8:30AM

Student Breakfast - Deloitte

8:00AM – 9:30AM

WOA Breakfast - Invite Only

8:30AM – 10:00AM

Student Chapter Presidents BBT Institute

8:30AM – 10:00AM

C-Suite Panel

8:45AM – 5:00PM

Student & Professional Workshops

10:00AM – 12:00PM

WOA Panel #1

12:15PM – 1:45PM

Scholarship Luncheon

2:30PM – 4:30PM

WOA Panel #2

5:30PM – 6:30PM

ALPFA "Sharktank"

8:00PM – 11:00PM

White Night - All White Dress Attire

Wednesday l August 5 7:00AM – 6:00PM

Registration Open

7:00AM – 7:00PM

ALPFA Networking Lounge/Cyber Café

7:30AM – 8:30AM

Student Breakfast - Crowe

8:30AM – 10:00AM

Cross Generation CEO Panel


Wednesday l August 5


8:45AM – 12:00PM

Student & Professional workshops

10:30AM – 12:00PM

WOA Panel #3

12:30AM – 2:00PM


2:30PM – 5:45PM

Student & Professional workshops

2:30PM – 4:00PM

CDO Series

2:30PM – 4:00PM

Veteran's Panel

7:00PM – 9:00PM

Partner Receptions

Thursday l August 6


7:00AM – 3:00PM

Registration Open

7:00AM – 7:00PM

ALPFA Networking Lounge/Cyber Café

8:00AM – 2:00PM

Career Fair & Expo

8:00AM – 4:00PM

General Interview Space/Reserved Interview Space

11:00AM – 1:00PM

Slice of Latin America Buffet Lunch

5:30PM – 6:30PM

GALA VIP Reception - Invite Only

7:00PM – 8:30PM

GALA Awards & Ball

8:30PM – 12:00AM

ALPFA After-Party

Caesars Palace Las Vegas Hotel & Casino 3570 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (866) 227-5938

We can create solutions for you! For more information, please contact: For any questions, please contact:

Natalia Hilton

Chief Strategic Solutions Officer natalia.hilton@national.alpfa.org 978-590-9778

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