ALPFA Brand Guidelines
ALPFA’s brand guidelines were created to ensure visual and brand consistency exists across various print and web materials as well as any other deliverables .
This shortened guide covers treatment of such assets as the ALPFA logo, mission, tone, colors, and typography For a full version of the guide, please refer to the ALPFA Brand Manual
Please stick to these guidelines to create a brand image and perception that are consistent no matter where they are seen
Connect Latino Leaders for Impact
Logo logotipo | logotipo
Empowering Latino Leaders
The ALPFA logo is the face of ALPFA, the primary visual expression that we use to identify the organization This means that we need to be careful to use it correctly and to do so consistently The ALPFA Logo is available in Full Color, Black and White
Logo Clear Space
Clear space is a safe zone around the logo that should be around the logo at all times This means that nothing else should be within the logo’s clear space
Clear space allows the logo to breathe, maximize the visibility and make the best impact
For ALPFA’s logo, the clear space should be 10% of the width and height of the logo on all four sizes
A good rule of thumb about clear space is that is should be about the same size as the “ALPFA” in the logo!
Logo Minimum Size
To ensure readability, we have a minimum logo size for the ALPFA logo: 0 75 inches
Incorrect Usage
Please exercise care when using both the ALPFA logo DO NOT modify, change or otherwise alter any of the logo elements (color, typeface, proportions, etc )
We have prepared a few incorrect uses of the logo on this page as an example of what NOT to do
DO NOT: change the logo’s orientation or rotation DO NOT: disproportionally scale or resize the logo
DO NOT: display the logo with color combinations that render it unreadable
DO NOT: change the color of the logo, even if it looks similar OR is another ALPFA color
DO NOT: add an outline or stroke to the logo or display the logo as an outline
DO NOT: display any additional text or graphics within the logo’s clear space or add any effects to the logo
Chapter Logos
Chapter logos are created for each active chapter to use for their specific chapter needs General chapter logos are provided in Full Color, Black, and White and are available to be downloaded
Specialty chapter logos, such as Pride or ALPFA+ logos, are also available and are meant to be used for those specific programs or events, NOT as a general chapter logo .
General Chapter Logo
Specialty Chapter Logos
Specialty and Program Logos
Specialty logos, like Women of ALPFA, Most Powerful Latinas, ALPFA Veterans, and ALPFA Cares, are available to download upon request . For more information regarding those logos and their usage, please refer to the ALPFA Brand Manual
Colors paleta de colores | paleta de cores
Colors communicate almost instantly ALPFA’s color palette spreads across different visual elements including social media posts, websites, marketing ads, event design, merchandise and more .
ALPFA’s colors are rich and vibrant, with depth (just like our membership!)
Main Colors
ALPFA Blue azul | azul
Pantone 7686 C
C: 98 M: 77 Y: 14 K: 2
R: 29 G: 79 B: 145 #1D4F91
Scarlet escarlata | escarlate
Pantone 187 C
C: 23 M: 100 Y: 88 K: 15
R: 166 G: 25 B: 46 #A6192E
Teal verde azulado | verde azulado
Pantone 321 C
C: 84 M: 29 Y: 38 K: 3
R: 0 G: 140 B: 149 #008C95
ALFPA Red rojo | vermelho
Pantone 1795 C
C: 10 M: 98 Y: 93 K: 1
R: 210 G: 38 B: 48 #D22630
ALPFA Navy azul marino | azul marinho
Pantone 295 C
C: 100 M: 89 Y: 36 K: 35
R: 0 G: 40 B: 85 #002855
ALPFA Grey gris | cinza
Pantone 429 C
C: 46 M: 34 Y: 32 K: 1
R: 162 G: 170 B: 173 #A2AAAD
Secondary Colors
ALPFA’s secondary color palette is used to add interest and make certain information stand out It can also be used to create color palettes for ALPFA-branded events and social media campaigns
Bright Pink
Orange naranja | laranja
Pantone 716 C
C: 0 M: 64 Y: 100 K: 0
R: 234 G: 118 B: 0
Green verde | verde
Pantone 7739 C
C: 82 M: 15 Y: 100
K: 2
R: 49 G: 155 B: 66 #319B42
Using the Secondary Colors
Yellow amarillo | amarelo
Pantone 116 C
C: 0 M: 18 Y: 100 K: 0
R: 255 G: 205 B: 0 #FFCD00
rosa brillante | rosa brilhante
Pantone 214 C
C: 13 M: 100 Y: 36
K: 0
R: 206 G: 15 B: 105 #CE0F69
When using ALPFA’s secondary colors, make sure to use AT LEAST TWO of the main colors as well
Typeface tipografía | tipografia
Primary Font
A systematic approach to typography will create a clear and consistent visual hierarchy and will give a sense of clarity and structure
We use two font family typefaces: Metropolis and Montserrat . Our primary, preferred typeface is Metropolis, with Montserrat being used for web-based projects or when Metropolis is unavailable/unable to be used While both fonts have a large range of weights, ALPFA primarily uses Bold, Semi-Bold and Light for the majority of our text needs .
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt
Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Secondary Font
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt
Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Metropolis Light
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg
Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm
Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt
Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ? ,
Used in HTML, Powerpoint, or wherever the use of a standard operating system (OS) typeface is required
Our secondary font for any web material (this includes Canva) is Montserrat We use the regular weight for standard copy and the bold weight for titles and anything that needs to be called to attention
Montserrat Bold
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg
Hh Ii Jj Kk
Type Style Sheet
ALPFA relies on a systematic approach to typography that will create a clear and consistent visual hierarchy and give a sense of clarity and structure to our more text-based deliverables
Shown below are the standard size and weight you should be using for different parts of the copy
Title 1
Title 2
Metropolis Bold
29pt Type/34pt Leading
Metropolis Bold
21pt Type/25pt Leading
Headline Metropolis Bold
16pt Type/20pt Leading
Subtitle Metropolis Semi Bold
12pt Type/15pt Leading
Copy Metropolis Light
10pt Type/14pt Leading
Caption Metropolis Light
7pt Type/10pt Leading
Title 1
Title 2
Montserrat Bold 29pt Type/34pt Leading
Montserrat Bold 21pt Type/25pt Leading
Montserrat Bold
16pt Type/20pt Leading
Montserrat Semi Bold
12pt Type/15pt Leading
Copy Montserrat Light
10pt Type/14pt Leading
Caption Montserrat Light
7pt Type/10pt Leading
Tone tono de voz | tom de voz
The overall tone of ALPFA communications is empowered and inclusive We are an organization that represents a wide and varied ethnic group that spans multiple countries and continents and speaks multiple languages Using inclusive language that represents our membership is important, not only for us, but for our members and partners as well
The tone of ALPFA communications to membership should be informal, consistent, and informative The tone is community-focused and human-centered . It shouldn’t sound as though you are addressing an unknown party or a corporation, but rather your ALPFAmilia! The members are our colleagues, our friends, and the foundation of ALPFA; the tone in which you address them should reflect that
Corporate Partners or any External Communications
The tone of ALPFA communications to corporate partners is, and should be, different to the tone we use when addressing membership The tone for these communications is professional, clear, and cohesive
ALPFA is . . .
ALPFA isn’t . . .
ALPFA Programming Calendar
Quarter One 2023
APRIL FINANCIAL LITERACY MONTH S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Apr. 1: Annual Awards Nominations Open Apr. 21-22: Northeast Regional Tech Summit
Mar. 1: Fellowship applications open
Mar. 3: Scholarship applications close
Mar. 8: International Women’s Day
Mar: 31: Fellowship applications close
25 26 27 28 29 30
Jun. 12: Fellowship Program begins
Quarter Three 2023
Aug. 9-10: Student Bootcamp (virtual)
Aug. 11: Fellowship Program ends
Aug. 19-20: L E A D Program (San Antonio, TX)
Aug. 20-24: ALPFA Convention (San Antonio, TX)
Aug. 26: Women’s Equality Day
Quarter Four 2023
Sept. 15: Hispanic Heritage month begins
Sept. 9, 16, 23, 30:
Regional Student Symposiums
Sept. 27-30: MPL Summit (subject to change)
Dec. 8: Latina Equal Pay Day (subject to change)
For the most up-to-date version of the 2023 ALPFA programming calendar, please click here
National Offerings
In terms of posting events and promotions on the feed, we only provide that support to NEW chapters and only for the first 60-90 days
General National Offerings
Canva account (1 week turnaround)
Design chapter logo (2 week turnaround)
National logo in color black and white
Pride logo
Chapter toolkits for national events and campaigns (Convention, Pride, RSS, and Latina Equal Pay Day)
Access to general ALPFA branded pull-up banners, business cards, tablecloth designs Chapters are responsible for payment
Promote chapter events through La Cuenta
Non-activated Offerings
Send emails (2) on behalf of non-activated chapters for per event
Promote events through Instagram stories
Offerings that National does not provide:
Create social media graphics and or campaigns on behalf of chapters
Create chapter specific swag
Promotion of chapter events on national social media platforms
IT/Google Workspace Support
Please email support@national alpfa org This email goes directly to Salesforce/ServiceCloud, and will be prioritized, tracked, and resolved by Bell Group within 48 hrs Please include keywords specific to your issue in the subject line or body of your email (e g “Google Workspace Access” or “IT Issue”); this will ensure that your request is properly assigned
All IT/Google Workspace issues will be addressed the same or next business day If you have an urgent need, please include the word “urgent” in the request subject line so the team can prioritize accordingly
ALPFA Media Kit
Coming Soon!
Please be patient as the National Team works on this section
Social Media Guidelines
Social media is a full-time job The consistent platform updates makes the strategy and success across social media platforms extremely difficult and never ending However, this guide will provide context and resources to develop an evergreen process in creating engaging content with your audience per platform that aligns with ALPFA’s mission
Below are general social media guidelines as well as ALPFA’s marketing strategy and tips
LINKEDIN is a social networking platform for professionals This platform is best for building a professional network, generating brand awareness and leads, as well as thought leadership in a specific industry.
INSTAGRAM is a visual platform, not a text-heavyThis is the best platform to reach, engage, and retain your audience
FACEBOOK Facebook is a platform to nurture connection Facebook is best leveraged when creating a close-knit community with an audience of similar interests and goals
TWITTER is a fast-paced platform that users visit and use to get new, relevant information This platform is most successful when a person, brand, and or organization publishes content on a regular basis This is one of the best platforms to share links to your website, blog, etc
1080px by 1080 px (PNG file) Please include the ALPFA logo (colored, black, or white) If your image does not include the ALPFA logo, ALPFA’s marketing team will add it to your image
Caption Include a caption no longer than 250 characters (including hashtags)
Call to Action Link Include a call to action link This link will be on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn Since Instagram does not allow to add links on the caption, your link will be added to our Linktree account (Link located on Instagram’s bio)
Stories N/A Include a 1080 x 1920 px image (PNG file) Make sure that your image includes the ALPFA logo and to use the version of the logo that goes best with your design If your image does not include the ALPFA logo, ALPFA’s marketing team will add it to your image Stories can include a call to action link
LINKEDIN: @ALPFA, Inc - Association for Latino Professionals For America
ALPFA Content Pillars
These are the six pillars that align with ALPFA+ our learning and development platform that helps our mission of empowering and developing Latino leaders Through these pillars chapters can create authentic content for their audiences
Business Mastery
Professional EQ
Wealth Creation
Health and Wellness
Community Engagement
Best Practices
Learn your audience . Understanding their challenges, aspirations, and goals in relation to our mission is the differentiated factor
Consistent and Effective messaging for each audience segment It builds trust and credibility with your community
Quality is more important than quantity Each post must serve a purpose Social media is designed to entertain, educate, and nurture online communities Make sure your post is falling under one of those categories
Engage with your audience and similar communities and organizations Start a conversation, ask a question, open a forum Social media is the perfect place to gather insights into the opinions, needs, and wants of your audience
TIP: Read and respond to comments Better yet read the comment section of your competitors to understand what they are looking for from similar organizations
Free Stock Photo Resources
Pexels com
Unsplash .com
Nappy - stock photos of people of color
General Resources
Social Media Resources
Photo/Video Resources
Free stock photos and ALPFA images