Annual Report 2019

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Contents // 01



關於香港啟發 About Alpha Hong Kong


從數字看 2019 2019 in Numbers


財政匯報 Financial Report


教會啟發 Alpha in the Church


職場啟發 Alpha in the Workplace


少青及大專啟發 Alpha for the Youth & Campus


美滿婚姻及親子事工(香港) Marriage & Parenting Ministry (HK)


廣東省美滿婚姻及親子事工 Marriage & Parenting Ministry (Guangdong)


最新工具和資源 New Tools & Resources


來年預告 Looking Forward

02 // 董事會主席的分享

董事會主席的分享 Letter from Chairman

May we start off by thanking all of you for the support you have provided for Alpha. We greatly appreciate all of you and we are always here to serve you and the Body of Christ to bring His love to Hong Kong and beyond. 2019 has been a very difficult year for all of us who call Hong Kong home. There is so much division


in every aspect of our society and it makes us all


can heal our city.

發一直透過服務基督的肢體和你們,將基督的愛帶給香港 對於香港人來說,2019 年是非常艱難的一年。我們社會

各個層面的分歧很大,使我們所有人都意識到,主耶穌基 督是醫治我們城市的唯一途徑。

因此,神要我們開始一項可以接觸香港青少年的項目,我 們感到絕非偶然。 啟發少青系列粵語版(ACTS)的準

備工作於 2018 年開始,我們根本不知道 2019 年將會發 生甚麼事情以及我們有多需要這系列。

現今世代瞬息萬變,以至於年長的一輩人常常無法充分理 解年輕人所面臨的爭扎和困難。要在我們的生活和信仰


的年輕人,幫助他們看到上帝為他們制訂的計劃是祝福他 們,而不是傷害他們,是要給他們希望和未來,這樣做是 我們的責任。

ACTS 還有很多未完成的工作,但是我們相信主會繼續帶


向兒女,兒女的心轉向父親」,我們希望以利亞的精神得 以實現。

我們深信在 2020 年更偉大的事情即將發生。感謝沿途有

你伴我們同行,我們祈求主耶穌今年給你 20/20 的願景, 明白祂有多愛你以及我們的城市。 祝福你!

We therefore feel it was by no coincidence that we felt the Lord asking us to commence a project to reach the youth of Hong Kong. The groundworks of the Alpha Cantonese Teen Series (ACTS) started in 2018. Little did we know what was in store in 2019 and how much we need this series. The times are changing so fast in front of our eyes that frequently we, the older generation, may not fully comprehend the struggles and the difficulties that are faced by our youth. Being further on in our life and faith journeys, we must take the first step to support the young of our city, to help them see that the Lord's plans for them are to prosper them, and not to harm them, to give them a hope and a future. It is in many ways our responsibility to do so. There remains a lot of wor k ahead for the ACTS project, but we have faith that the Lord will continue to lead us and to provide for us. May it be done with the spirit of Elijah, which in Malachi says, "And He will turn the hearts to the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers." We believe in great things for 2020. Thank you for continuing to walk with us on this journey, and we pray that the Lord will give you 20/20 vision this year of how much He loves you and how much He loves our city. Blessings,

吳柏年 吳吳純寶 董事會主席 香港啟發

realise that our Lord Jesus Christ is the only way that

董事會成員 香港啟發

Pat Nie & Esther Woo

Board Chairman & Board Member Alpha Hong Kong

Letter from Executive Director // 03


Letter from Executive Director Dear Friends & Partners, Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Despite all the challenges that caused many of our partners to cancel or postpone their Alpha courses during the second half of 2019, we h a v e b e e n g re a t l y e n c o u ra g e d t o w i t n e s s H i s continued favor and anointing this past year upon


2019 下半年,縱然我們許多的伙伴因為不同的挑



當中 : 少青啟發上升了 54%,參加職場啟發的人

數上升了 31% 和參加美滿婚姻課程的人數上升了 53%,讚美上帝!

而且,當我們展望 2020 年及之後,我們相信這個


3 of our most critical areas of ministry – a 54% increase in the number of Youth Alpha courses, a 31% increase in the number of Workplace Alpha participants, and a 53% increase in the number of The Parenting Course participants! Praise the Lord! Moreover, as we look ahead to 2020 and beyond, we are believing for the greatest harvest of souls this city has ever seen! In His great mercy & compassion, God has allowed the earthly hopes and manmade securities of the Hong Kong people to be "shaken and removed, so that only


unshakable things will remain" (Hebrews 12:27b).


only be found in the Good News of Jesus Christ!

的安全感被震動和挪去,使那不被震動的常存(來 由只能在耶穌基督的福音中找到。


日子」(林後 6:2b) !請為我們代禱,香港啟發會 更加專注和忠心地與你們一齊完成這項榮耀的任務 - 「成就我從主耶穌所領受的職事,證明神恩惠的 福音。」(使 20:24b)。

More and more, Hong Kong will be desperately seeking for a hope, peace and freedom that can

Indeed, "now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2a)! Please pray that Alpha Hong Kong will be even more focused and faithful than ever before as we work together with all of you to complete this glorious task – "the work of telling others the Good News about the wonder ful grace of God" (Acts 20:24b). Eternally grateful for our friendship & partnership


in Him!


In Him,

總幹事 香港啟發

Executive Director Alpha Hong Kong

04 // 啟發是甚麼 ?

啟發是甚麼 ? What is Alpha?

我 們 相 信 , 每 個 人 無 論 身 處 何 地 , We b e l i e v e t h a t e v e r y o n e s h o u l d h a v e 都 應 該 擁 有 機 會 去 探 索 基 督 教 信 the chance to explore the Christian 仰、發問並分享他們的觀點。

faith, ask questions and share their point of view, wherever they are in the wor ld.

啟 發 是 一 系 列 探 索 基 督 教 信 仰 的 聚 A l p h a i s a s e r i e s o f i n t e ra c t i v e s e s s i o n s 會 。 每 一 節 , 我 們 都 會 探 討 一 個 關 exploring the basics of the Christian

於 信 仰 的 問 題 並 從 而 引 發 討 論 。 每 faith. Each talk looks at a different 個啟發都不盡相同,但必備三大關


question around faith and is designed to create conversation. No two Alphas look the same, but generally they have three

key things in common: food, a talk and good conversation.

Who are We? // 05

我們是誰? Who are We?

香港啟發是一個在香港本地註冊和集資的非牟利機構。自 1999 年香港啟

發成立起,我們就致力裝備和服侍教會,務求幫助更多人去認識耶穌並與 祂建立個人的關係。

Alpha HK (AHK) is a HK-registered and locally-funded NGO that was established in 1999 to equip & serve the church in its mission to help people discover and develop a personal relationship with Jesus. 我們的異象

香港復興 教會更新 整個社會轉化

Our Vision

Revival in Hong Kong Renewal in the local church Reformation in all of society

我們做甚麼 ?

What do we do?


training and solutions to Christian

香 港 啟 發 為 教 會、 職 場、 校 園 及

AHK provides consulting services,

務、 培 訓 及 解 決 方 案, 以 協 助 他

leaders in the church, wor kplace,

與 此 同 時, 我 們 亦 製 作 了 一 系 列

achieve their ministry goals &

們 達 成 事 工 目標和期望 。

既創新又富本地文化色彩的多媒 體 資 源 和 工 具, 以 便 更 有 效 地 接

觸世界各地以廣東話為母語的朋 友。 而 且 …… 所 有 網 上 資 源, 一


campus, and home to help them o b j e c t i v e s . We a l s o p r o d u c e locally a wide range of innovative, culturally relevant multimedia tools & resources to reach Cantonesespeakers in Hong Kong and around the world... for FREE!

06 // 香港啟發走過的日子


Alpha Hong Kong Through the Years

Alpha Hong Kong Through the Years // 07

08 // 從數字看 2019

從數字看 2019 2019 in Numbers

Financial Report // 09


Financial Report 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2019


How You Gave




Major Individual Donors

Church & Institutional Donors


Other Individual Donors

How We Spent


啟發 Alpha

香港美滿婚姻及親子事工 Marriage & Parenting Ministry (HK)




26% 10%

基金會 Foundations


40% 我們的支出


製作、系統、市場營銷 Production, Systems & Marketing

8% 教 C 會 hu rc h



Workpla ce 校

8% 和學 us 大專 mp ol Ca Scho &

廣東美滿家庭培訓基地 Family Life Training & Resource Centres (Guangdong)




最新啟發和家庭資源 New Alpha & Family Resources


行政 Administration


捐助者及義工管理 Donor & Volunteer Management

10 // 事工焦點回顧 - 教會啟發

事工焦點回顧 Ministry Highlights


Alpha in the Church 興起服侍教會的領袖

Training up leaders to serve the Church 近年使用啟發的教會及機構與日俱增 , 同時帶領很多人認識

啟 發 的 核 心 價 值 是 建 立 關 係。 我 們 的 事 奉 就 是 跨 宗 派 建 立 關

課程 , 分別是中華 基 督 教 播 道 會 恩 福 堂 , 中 華 基 督教 禮 賢 會

Eric: 我 曾 經 在 不 同 的 循 道 教 會 做 啟 發 導 師 , 而 今 次 更 直 接

及 歸 向 耶 穌 。 2019 年 , 更 多 不 同 宗 派 的 教 會 開 始 舉 辦 啟 發 香港堂 , 中華基督 教 禮 賢 會 九 龍 堂 , 九 龍 城 浸 信 會和 香 港 靈

糧堂等 , 合共有超過 430 位來賓參加 。 啟發的成功有賴合一 及有愛的隊工 。 為裝備各教會及團隊自行舉辦全面及有質素

係 , 見證主內合一 , 實踐天國觀 。

成 為 啟 發 機 構 的 義 務 導 師。 我 想 將 啟 發 的 異 象 分 享 出 去 各 教

會,包括不同宗派的教會。現時為止,我訓練及督導三間 教會,看到不同教會舉辦啟發的過程有不同,亦各有難處

的啟發 , 我們特別舉辦導師培訓去建立更多啟發導師靈活運



心。 過 程 讓 我 看 見 聖 靈 的 工 作, 自 己 都 被 激 勵。 記 得 有 一

Leo: 我是因為啟發信主 ,好想藉著啟發去感染其他人信主 。


教會 。 有一次在 一 間 播 道 會 教 會 分 享 , 很 高 興 自 己 的 經 驗 可


用啟發材料及訓練工具 。 法。

這個導師平台讓我可以有機會將個人經驗和熱情分享給其他 以幫到其他人更有信心和順利地開展啟發 , 同時對自己都有




然 超 額 ,我 也 用 自 己 的 經 歷 去 鼓 勵 其 他 傳 道 人 去 舉 辦 啟 發 。


In recent years, there has been a growing number of

Trainers' platform has given me opportunities to share

churches and organizations that use Alpha, leading

my experience and passion with other churches. One

many to know and follow Jesus. In 2019, churches from a

time, I shared at an EFCC Church. I was glad that my

greater variety of denominations have started launching

experience helped them launch Alpha more confidently

Alpha courses, including EFCC Yan Fook Church,

and smoothly! I was very encouraged by them as well.

Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong, Chinese Rhenish

I long to see us lay aside our differences and unite in

Church Kowloon, Kowloon City Baptist Church, and

sharing the gospel. Just like Alpha's core value of being

Hong Kong Ling Liang Church. More than 430 people

"relational", I believe our ministry is to build relationships

have participated in the Alpha courses held in these

across denominations, to be united in Christ and live out

churches. The key to the success of an Alpha Course

the Kingdom together.

is a united and loving team. In order to help churches and teams run comprehensive and high-quality Alpha courses, we held Alpha Trainers' Trainings to equip Alpha Trainers in using Alpha materials and training tools in a flexible way.

Eric: I have served as an Alpha Trainer in multiple Methodist churches, and this time I took on the role of volunteer Trainer representing Alpha Hong Kong. My wish is to share Alpha's vision with churches from different denominations. As of now, I am training and overseeing

We have invited a few experienced volunteer Trainers to

Alpha courses in three churches. I have observed that

share their perspectives with us.

every church has a different process of launching an

Leo: I became a believer through Alpha, so I really wanted to use Alpha to bring more people to Christ. The

Alpha, with specific challenges and advantages in each church context; I have learned a lot from this

Ministry Highlights - Alpha in the Church // 11

experience. One church in Admiralty is a successful case

registered in the beginning. Finally, one week before

study - not only do they have abundant resources, the

the class started, so many couples signed up that we

co-workers also pour their hearts into preparing for the

exceeded the quota! I've often shared this experience

course. In the process I witnessed the work of the Holy

with other ministers to encourage them to run Alpha.

Spirit and was very encouraged.

The Trainers' platform has given me opportunities to

I remember one time when I coordinated The Marriage Course, I was very worried because only one couple had

utilize my strengths to build others up, and also gives me an immense sense of success and satisfaction.

牧師 Sonia 的故事 Pastor Sonia's Story


at my church. After a month of seeking God's timing


scripture was a confirmation that I could start working

英 語 會 眾 。 我 第 一 次 聽 到 啟 發 的 時 候 是 2019 年 5 月 , 當 時

and His way, He gave me 1 Corinthians 9:22-23. This


and planning. From that day on, God continually

22 至 23 節 的 經 文 , 示 意 我 可 以 開 始 起 動 。 從 那 天 開 始 , 神

through Alpha.

和方法去開辦啟發的一個月後 , 神就給了我哥林多前書 9 章

showed me how He was leading us to share the gospel

給我一個持續的感動去看祂如何透過啟發帶領我們傳福音 。

In October 2019, we started our first Alpha at Laguna

我們在 2019 年 10 月開始在麗港城公園裡開第一個啟發 。 不

P a r k . S o o n a f t e r t h a t , d u e t o H o n g Ko n g ' s s o c i a l


Sundays. But God gave us wisdom and showed us

團 契, 包 括 藍 田, 寶 琳, 沙 田, 牛 頭 角, 中 環, 太 古 城 和 西

Tin, we could start more Alphas in other districts. So

香港正處於一個難以預計的時期 , 啟發顯然是神給我們簡單

different districts, including Lam Tin, Po Lam, Sha Tin,


movement, many sisters were not able to join us on


that instead of only launching one Alpha in Lam


we started organizing Alphas and fellowships in 7

而容易的福音工具 。

Ngau Tau Kok, Central, Taikoo Shing and Sai Wan Ho. Now, we are running a total of 10 Alpha courses in

我 們 正 面 對 香 港 現 今 的 挑 戰, 神 彰 顯 祂 自 己 是 一 個 活 著 的

these 7 districts! Even though HK is going through an

所有的榮耀歸給我們的上帝 !

Alpha - a simple and easy to use evangelistic tool for


unpredictable season, we believe God has given us such a time as this.

I am a pastor at EFCC Lam T in Church, serving the English congregation. I first heard about Alpha in

As we face the challenges in Hong Kong today, God

May 2019 when I joined a clear and engaging Alpha

is showing us that He is a living God, and we are full of

training conducted by the Alpha HK team. The training

hope that we will see God's amazing work in our midst.

made me very excited to start an Alpha for the sisters

All glory to our God!

11 場訓練 / 聚會 Trainings & Events

622 位領袖接受裝備 Leaders trained

225 教會啟發 Alphas in the Church

6,999 位參加者 Participants

12 // 事工焦點回顧 - 職場啟發

事工焦點回顧 Ministry Highlights


Alpha in the Workplace 第二代職場領袖的興起

Raising up Second-generation Marketplace Leaders 2 0 1 7 年 , S PA R K 職 場 宣 教 運 動 誕 生 , 一 群 忠 心 又 火 熱

的 職 場 領 袖, 起 來 承 擔 Alpha Pioneers 的 工 作, 在

SPARK movement in various districts around Hong Ko n g . T h i s y e a r, t h e A l p h a P i o n e e r s c o n t i n u e d

各 區 帶 領 和 推 動 S PA R K 職 場 宣 教 運 動 。 今 年 , A l p h a

to wor k on strengthening the core teams of the

S PA R K C o m m u n i t i e s , R S C ) 中 建 立 核 心 團 隊 , 在 香

b u s i n e s s d i s t r i c t s i n H o n g Ko n g - n a m e l y C e n t r a l

P i o n e e r s 繼 續 深 化 在 「 地 區 S PA R K 群 組 」( R e g i o n a l

R e g i o n a l S PA R K C o m m u n i t i e s ( R S C s ) i n f o u r k e y

港四個重要的商業中心區 : 中環灣仔,港島東,觀塘,

& Wa n c h a i , I s l a n d E a s t , K w u n To n g , a n d We s t

九龍西,策略性地推動啟發並建立屬靈網絡,致力將福 音更有效地帶到職場中。不單如此,Alpha Pioneers


Kowloon - to strategically promote Alpha and to establish spiritual networ ks to be able to effectively spre ad th e g os pe l in th e wo r kplac e . I n a dd ition, Alpha Pioneers have been passing on their mission

青年領袖興起,成為新一代 Alpha Pioneers,他們除

to the younger generation. In 2019, a group of


up and became another generation of Alpha


e n e r g e t i c a n d y o u n g m a r ke t p l a c e l e a d e r s r o s e


Pioneers. They have been running Alphas at their

In 2017, the SPARK mar ketplace missions movement was born. A group of faithful and passionate mar ketplace leaders came together to take up the role of Alpha Pioneers, leading and mobilizing the

workplaces with passion and actively sharing t h e v i s i o n o f S PA R K w i t h d i f f e r e n t c o m p a n i e s , organizations, and churches. They have been recruiting and training others to carry on the movement of evangelizing the mar ketplace!

Ministry Highlights - Alpha in the Workplace // 13

19 場訓練 / 聚會 Trainings & Events

382 位領袖接受裝備 Leaders trained




個地區 SPARK 群組 Regional SPARK Communities

個職場啟發 Alphas in the Workplace

位參加者 Participants

AlphaAnywhere 路演

AlphaAnywhere Roadshows AlphaAnywhere(AA) 繼 續 是 香 港 啟 發 今 年 的 重

daily lives in dynamic and flexible ways. This is


especially effective in reaching out to people in the

的 地 方 ―― 職 場 。 啟 發 的 同 工 及 職 場 領 袖 們 , 獲 邀 到 不

O u r A l p h a t e a m a n d m a r ke t p l a c e l e a d e r s w e r e

將福音帶進日常生活的場景中,包括在職人士最常接觸 同 的 教 會 舉 辦 AlphaAnywhere 路 演, 推 動 弟 兄 姊 妹


invited to hold AlphaAnywhere Roadshows in

體 驗 這 種 既 輕 鬆 又 活 潑 的 佈 道 方 式。 職 場 領 袖 們 開 辦

different churches to provide them the opportunity


sharing the gospel. The AlphaAnywhere experience

AlphaAnywhere 的 經 歷 帶 給 參 加 者 很 多 激 勵, 不 少

to experience this lively and light-hearted way of


of our marketplace leaders inspired more people to

數超過 150 人。

Our Alpha team held multiple AA Roadshows at

AlphaAnywhere (AA) continued to be one of

M e t h o d i s t C h u rc h H o n g Ko n g a n d E F C C L a m T i n

A l p h a H o n g Ko n g ' s ke y s t r a t e g i e s i n 2 0 1 9 . A A

Church, with more than 150 people joining our

encourages believers to bring the gospel into their



start Alpha in their workplaces in 2019.

E F C C Tu n g F o o k C h u r c h Ko w l o o n E a s t C h u r c h ,


Churches responding to the Needs of the Workplace 在香港有不少的教會座落於商業區域,鄰近的職場上班族


workers lead busy lives and it is challenging to invite non-believer friends to take time on their days off


to go to church. Alpha is able to bring the Christian


w a n t t o t a ke t h e i r l e i s u r e t i m e t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n


faith to them right where they are. They may not

膳 時 間, 到 公 司 鄰 近 的 教 會 參 與 啟 發, 從 而 認 識 福 音。 今

church activities, but they can take a lunchtime


發, 反 應 理 想; 其 中 包 括 中 國 基 督 教 播 道 會 港 福 堂, 鰂 魚 涌浸信會等,新來賓人數超過 150 人。

I n H o n g Ko n g , m a n y c h u rc h e s a re l o c a t e d i n business districts. Thus, the neighbouring offices and w o r k p l a c e s a re t h e ke y h a r v e s t f i e l d s t h a t t h e s e c h u rc h e s d e s i re t o w i n f o r t h e L o rd . M a n y o f f i c e

during the week to join an Alpha in a church near their offices and get to know the gospel. This y e a r, m a n y c h u r c h e s i n b u s i n e s s d i s t r i c t s h o s t e d wor kplace Alphas, and there was an enthusiastic r e s p o n s e . T h e s e c h u r c h e s i n c l u d e d E F C C Ko n g Fok Church, Quar ry Bay Baptist Church, and CCC Quarry Bay Church. More than 150 new guests participated in these Alphas.

14 // 事工焦點回顧 - 職場啟發

Christy 的故事

Christy's Story 在香港,不少職場上的年青人都需要面對轉換工作環

其後,Christy 得到轉換新工作的機會。在新公司上

難;Christy 也 不 例 外。 畢 業 後,Christy 多 次 轉 換

啟 發 的 基 督 徒 同 事 Queena, 二 人 一 拍 即 合, 在 新

境的情況,在職場上找到同路人一起傳福音,更是困 工作地方;但感恩遇上啟發,讓她找到合適的工具跟


一起將福音帶到職場,過去三年裡,Christy 將啟發 帶進不同的公司,過程中經歷很多奇妙的恩典。

Christy 第一份工作是在一間美資銀行任職,她當時

不停地尋找職場上的團契小組,可惜足足經過三年多 的 時 間 也 沒 有 找 到。 在 該 銀 行 工 作 的 最 後 一 年 裡,

C h r i s t y 在 一 次 偶 然 機 會 遇 到 了 一 位 同 事 Ke n , Ke n 在聖靈感動下,主動詢問她是否基督徒,並邀請她一

起籌辦啟發;Christy 當時非常驚訝,原來她一直在 苦苦尋找的信仰群體,竟是遠在天邊,卻近在眼前! 上帝的時間是最完美的。

班的第一個星期,神讓 Christy 遇到同樣有感動開辦 的工作地方再次開辦啟發,這次啟發吸引超過 20 位

不 同 國 籍 的 年 青 人 來 參 與, 討 論 過 程 十 分 熱 烈, 反


分派到不同的地點工作,Christy 認為這是上帝的心

意, 要 派 遣 他 們 將 啟 發 帶 到 更 多 的 地 方 去。 今 年 八

月,Christy 在 另 一 個 新 的 工 作 地 點 第 三 次 開 辦 啟 發,這次神帶來了更多的參加者,甚至可以分成四至

五個小組進行討論,同事們反應比起之前兩次更加熱 烈!這經歷讓 Christy 感到十分鼓舞。

「原來福音可以在職場像細胞分裂般爆炸性地傳揚出 去 !」Christy 興奮地說。

Christy 確信,啟發是一個靈活而又友善的平台,能





令她印象深刻;她覺得啟發是一個非常容易邀請人參 同事們一邊吃飯,一邊看影片,輕鬆分享;實在是一

個很好的場景讓非基督徒同事可以在沒有壓力的情況 下探討信仰和人生意義等課題。


我有關信仰的事情,讓我有很多美好的機會與朋友講 述自己這趟美麗的信仰路程,與更多人分享福音。」

Christy 說。


Ministry Highlights - Alpha in the Workplace // 15

Yo u n g p ro f e s s i o n a l s i n H o n g Ko n g o f t e n n e e d t o

asked me questions about the faith. This gave me a

change jobs, which makes it very challenging to

lot of amazing opportunities to share my beautiful

find partners to wor k with in sharing the gospel in

journey of faith with my friends. I was able to share

the mar ketplace. Christy was no exception. Af ter

the gospel with many people," Christy says.

graduation, Christy wor ked in several different locations. Thankfully, through Alpha, she found a suitable tool to share her faith with her colleagues. M o r e o v e r, s h e w a s a l s o a b l e t o c o n n e c t w i t h brothers and sisters with the same heart to bring the gospel into their workplaces. In the past three years, Christy has brought Alpha into different companies and has experienced much grace and favor along the way.

Later, Christy got an opportunity to transition into a new job. In the first week of work in her new company, God led Christy to Queena, a Christian colleague who also had the heart to start Alpha in the company. They became a team instantly. They launched an Alpha in their wor kplace with more than 20 young people of different nationalities joining in. There were many enthusiastic discussions and good responses. After the first Alpha ended,

Christy 's first job was with an American bank. She

some colleagues from the organizing team were

s e a rc h e d t i m e a n d a g a i n f o r a f e l l o w s h i p g ro u p

assigned to wor k in different locations. Christy

in her wor kplace. Unfortunately, after three years,

believed that it was God's will to send them to

she was still not able to find one. In her last year of

take Alpha to different places. Last August, Christy

wor k at the bank, Christy met her colleague Ken.

s t a r t e d h e r t h i rd A l p h a i n a n e w w o r k p l a c e . T h i s

Led by the Holy Spirit, Ken asked Christy if she was

time, God brought even more participants. They had

a Christian, and invited her to run Alpha together.

to be divided into 4-5 small groups for discussions,

Christy was very surprised to find that the faith

and their responses were even more enthusiastic

community that she had been looking for was right

than before! This experience greatly encouraged

in front of her eyes! God's timing is always per fect.


Recalling the first time she helped to run Alpha, she

" I re a l i z e d t h a t t h e g o s p e l c a n b e s p re a d i n t h e

was already deeply impressed from the very first

m a r ke t p l a c e ra p i d l y a n d e x p o n e n t i a l l y , l i ke c e l l

session. She thought that Alpha was very inviting

division!" says Christy, excitedly.

for new friends, especially with the free food! Coworkers come to have lunch together, watch videos and share about their lives in a light-hearted way. Alpha indeed of fers a wonder ful setting for nonChristian colleagues to explore topics about faith and the meaning of life in a stress-free way. " P ra i s e t h e L o rd ! Af t e r I ra n A l p h a , m a n y p e o p l e

Christy is deeply convicted that Alpha is an adaptable and friendly platform, designed to satisfy the spiritual and emotional needs of young professionals. It also helps believers to connect to other believers in their workplaces and expand God's kingdom together.

16 // 事工焦點回顧 - 少青及大專啟發

事工焦點回顧 Ministry Highlights


Alpha for the Youth & Campus

香 港 啟 發 於 201 5 年 推 出 了 首 個 為 年 輕

會 總 幹 事 )以 及 梁 永 善 牧 師( 基 督 教 銘

的 工 作 變 得 更 刻 不 容 緩。 感 謝 主 的 恩

且 取 得 了 成 功。 香 港 啟 發 早 已 明 白 到

助 我 們 在 教 理 的 教 義 上 把 關 。此 外 ,我

增 長, 少 青 啟 發 參 加 人 數 亦 都 增 長 了

人 製 作 的 廣 東 話 版 啟 發 影 片 系 列, 並

青 少 年 獨 特 的 需 要, 現 正 製 作 一 個 專

為青少年設計的全新的啟發少青系列 粵 語 版 ( ACTS ) , 並 將 加 入 一 個 天

主 教 用 語 的 版 本。 我 們 相 信 這 套 創 新

及充滿活力的影片系列不僅會成為裝 備 牧 者、 校 園 老 師 和 學 生 領 袖, 將 福 音帶給全球的青 少 年 華 人 的 有 效 工 具 ;

同時亦能有效地回應我們龐大策略性 夥伴網絡所反饋 有 關 青 少 年 、 教 會 及 社

會現時的迫切需 要 。 我 們 更 邀 請 了 ( 排

名不分先後 ) 冼 日 新 博 士 ( 牧 職 神 學 院

院長 )、 夏志誠 主 教 ( 香 港 教 區 輔 理 主

教 )、 高銘謙博 士 ( 建 道 神 學 院 聖 經 系 副教授 )、 梁建 章 先 生 ( 香 港 學 園 傳 道

恩 堂 創 堂 牧 師 )成 為 我 們 的 顧 問 團 隊 ,

們 亦 與 一 些 KOL 和 youtuber 會 面,

了 解 現 今 青 少 年 的 喜 好, 務 求 製 作 出

有 趣 吸 引, 而 又 保 留 純 全 福 音 的 系 列

影 片。 並 且 香 港 啟 發 同 工 與 數 十 多 位 來 自 不 同 宗 派 、不 同 堂 會 及 不 同 機 構 ,

並 富 有 經 驗 的 青 少 年 牧 者、 導 師 和 工 作 者 會 面 ,相 討 青 少 年 事 工 上 的 合 作 , 希 望 A CT S 能 有 效 地 配 合 不 同 的 堂 會

和 學 校 的 福 音 事 工 ,以 達 最 佳 的 果 效 , 將福音帶進這世代的年青人當中。

自 今 年 6 月 起, 香 港 經 歷 社 會 上 動 盪

不 安 ,社 會 上 很 多 關 係 因 而 決 裂 ,同 時

人 的 心靈 亦 變 得 脆 弱 ; 青 年 人 則 更 在 水 深 火 熱 之 中, 令 人 心 痛。 青 少 年 福 音

典 , 今 年 的 少 青 和 校 園 啟 發 有 54% 的

3 9 % 。 但 是 大 學 校 園 的 福 音 工 作面對前

所 未 有 的 挑 戰 , 大 學 停 課 , 學 生不用回

校 , 原 本 的 校 園 啟 發 因 而 暫 停 了 。 感恩 一 些 有 心 的 青 年 導 師 毋 忘 託 付 , 把握停 課 期 間 的 機 會 , 相 約 不 同 的 大 學生開始

A lph a A n y wh e re ( A A ) , 其 中 有 不

少學生表示以前他們對信仰漠不關心, 但 是 因 著 社 會 運 動 , 他 們 開 始 反思人生

和 信 仰 的 問 題 , 因 著 A lp h a 裏 可 以 自 由 地 發 表 自 己 的 意 見 和 提 出 問 題, 更 加 得 到 關 心 和 聆 聽 , 大 學 生 們 不單願意 繼 續 參 加 , 更 有 學 生 因 此 而 決 志信主 。

透 過 A A 能 不 受 時 間 和 場 地 的 限制 , 隨

時 隨 地 將 福 音 和 神 的 愛 帶 進 大 學 校園 。

Ministry Highlights - Alpha for the Youth & Campus // 17

In 2015, Alpha Hong Kong launched the first Cantonese Alpha series targeting young adults, which has



大專生啟發 Alphas in the Campus

少青啟發 Alphas for the Youth




位領袖接受裝備 Leaders trained

場聯合啟發週末 Joint Alpha Retreat

proven to be a great success. Since then, we have recognized the unique needs of the youth, and are currently in production of an all new Alpha Cantonese Teen Series (ACTS)

5,627 位參加者 Participants

designed specifically to meet their needs; it also includes a Catholicfriendly track. We believe that this innovative and dynamic video series will not only be an effective tool in empowering pastors, teachers and student leaders to bring the gospel to the global Chinese youth; we believe

場訓練 / 聚會 Trainings & Events

that it also meets the desperate and urgent needs of the youth, the church and society, as reflected to us by our vast network of strategic partners. We have invited (in no particular order) Rev. Dr. Matthew Yat Sun Sin (President of Christian Ministry Institute), Bishop Joseph Ha ChiShing (Auxiliary Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong), Dr. Lawrence Ko Ming-Him (Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Alliance Bible Seminary), Mr. Alfred Leung (Regional D i r e c t o r a t H o n g Ko n g C a m p u s Crusade for Christ) and Rev. Dr. Leung Wing-sin (Founder Pastor of Remembrance Of Grace Church Tai Po Church) as our advisory panel to provide guidance on doctrinal matters. In addition, we have also c o n s u l t e d w i t h a f e w K O L s ( Ke y Opinion Leaders) and YouTubers to understand current youth trends and preferences, in order to create a series that preserves the integrity of the gospel while presenting it in an interesting and appealing way. The Alpha team has also met with dozens of experienced youth pastors, leaders and workers from different den o mi nati o n s a n d c h urc h e s t o discuss potential partnerships in youth ministry. Our hope is that ACTS will

effectively complement the youth

movement, they have begun to reflect

ministries of churches and schools

on their lives and belief systems. Alpha

to optimize the work of evangelizing

provided a safe environment for the

today's youth.

students to freely express their opinions

Since June, Hong Kong has been experiencing great societal turbulence, resulting in many broken relationships and leaving many in fragile emotional states. It has been heartbreaking to witness the youth caught up in the turmoil; now the work of bringing the gospel to the yout h h a s be c o me mo re u rg e n t than ever before. By the grace of God, we have seen a 54% increase in Youth and Campus Alphas, and a 3 9 % i n c r e a s e i n Yo u t h A l p h a participants. However, we are facing unprecedented challenges in gospel work on university campuses. Because universities were closed and classes cancelled, university campus Alphas were unable to continue. Thankfully, a few mission-minded youth ministers recognized an opportunity from the class suspension - they gathered some university students and started AlphaAnywhere (AA). Participating students shared that, in the past, they were ambivalent about faith matters, but because of the social

and ask questions, and they also felt that they were listened to and cared for. Not only were the university students willing to continue joining the sessions, some students even gave their lives to Christ! Through AA, there are no longer time or location constraints; the gospel and the love of God are able to be brought into universities anytime and anywhere!

18 // 事工焦點回顧 - 少青及大專啟發

Samuel 的故事

Samuel's Story

我是 Samuel,我是拔萃男書院的老師,同時亦是舊生。我身為老師和師 兄,不單只想傳授知識給我的學生、師弟,更重要是傳承我們的信仰,與


我在 DBS 裡教音樂科,我太太則負責宗教科目,我們更會一齊負責學校的 學 生 團 契。 由 2019 年 頭 開 始, 越 來 越 多 學 生 參 加 團 契, 人 數 曾 高 達 130 人,但我們的人手卻有限。正當我們不知如何是好的時候,感恩神帶領了

我一位有同樣的心志的舊同學承羲,回校與我們一起服侍師弟,帶領團契 小組。同時,我們開始於團契使用啟發,我們預備的時間減少了,感覺輕

鬆了很多。我認為啟發的內容是很有架構的,由信仰的基礎到不同階段的 問題,啟發都由淺入深地提及得到。面對同一個班房,有信二代,有未信




宗教科目的分數後,他們仍主動地繼續參與啟發,相信生動有趣的內容是 吸引師弟們繼續參加的主要原因。同時,帶領學校團契也有挑戰,面對有

限的時間,能夠深入討論的機會不多,所以我也會鼓勵學生寫靈修,我希 望見到學生接受神的話語和主動追求信仰。




更是舉足輕重,影響力大。而現在眼前的學生將來亦很有可能成為影響社 會的人,所以我很希望可以透過,傳承基督信仰的價值觀給下一代,在校


Ministry Highlights - Alpha for the Youth & Campus // 19

I am S amuel . I a m a t e a c h e r a n d a n a l umn u s o f

rebellious students, Alpha is able to meet all their

Diocesan Boys' School. As a teacher and an old

needs and everyone can gain something out of it.

boy, I not only want to transfer my knowledge to my students and juniors. More importantly, I want to pass on our faith. Together with my students, I w a n t t o e x p e r i e n c e t h e L o rd J e s u s , w h o h a s l e d our school for over a hundred years.

Many students originally joined Alpha in the fellowship only to earn academic credits, but after completing the requirements they still continued to participate actively in Alpha. I believe that the dynamic and interesting

I teach music at DBS and my wife teaches religious

content of Alpha attracted them to come back.

s t u d i e s . We r u n t h e s t u d e n t f e l l o w s h i p i n t h e

But leading a school fellowship is challenging

s c h o o l t o g e t h e r. S i n c e t h e b e g i n n i n g o f 2 0 1 9 ,

because of the limited time. We don' t often have

more and more students have been participating

many opportunities for in-depth discussions, so

in the fellowship. The number of participants

I encourage my students to write devotional

has even reached 130 but our team has limited

jour nals. I hope that they will accept God's words

manpower. Thankfully, just when we were lost and

and take the initiative to pursue faith.

did not know what to do, God led Shing Hei, an old classmate of mine who also shared the same heart, to join us to serve our juniors together. He started leading small groups in the fellowship and at the same time, we started using Alpha. All of a sudden, our preparation time was greatly reduced

After all, we sow the seeds but it is God who makes people grow. Even though time is limited within the school setting to lead students to explore the faith, we will continue running Alpha and the Christian fellowship to shepherd our students.

and our load became so much lighter! Alpha

Many of DBS' alumni have become successful,

is very structured and it touches on questions

i n f l u e n t i a l a n d p o w e r f u l p e o p l e i n H o n g Ko n g ,

about the C h r i s t i a n f a i t h f r o m a f o u n d a t i o n a l t o

t a k i n g o n i m p o r t a n t p o s i t i o n s i n s o c i e t y. T h e

a more in-depth level. Even with

students I meet every day right now may very

students from different faith

possibly become as successful and influential in

backgrounds in the same

the near future. I very much hope that by passing

classroom, including

on the Christian faith and values to them and by


s p re a d i n g t h e g o s p e l o n o u r c a m p u s , o u r f u t u re

believers, young believers, nonbelievers, and

generations and society will be blessed.

20 // 事工焦點回顧 - 美滿婚姻及親子事工( 香港 )

事工焦點回顧 Ministry Highlights

美滿婚姻及親子事工(香港) Marriage & Parenting Ministry (HK)



區或家庭當中 。2 0 1 9 年 ,香 港 啟 發 開 展 下 一 個 階 段 的 工 作 ,


更有效率地推廣,培訓並且開展更多的美滿婚姻與親子教育 課程,讓屬天的婚姻及家庭價值觀可以宣揚開去,繼續祝福

更多的家庭 。

經 過 兩 年 多 時 間 的 認 識 和 同 行, 啟 發 同 工 與 這 5 對 來 自 香 港宣教會恩光堂,香港聖公會聖三一座堂,香港聖公會靈風





在 2019 年 6 月,香港啟發邀請了這 5 對訓練導師夫婦參加

退修。兩日一夜的退修中,他們非常享受其過程。除了各自 彼此加深認識,更一起為神的事工發夢。他們都希望將祝福

帶 到 其 他 的 教 會 , 以 致 擴 展 到 整 個 社 區 , 一 路 傳 承 下去 。

Ministry Highlights - Marriage & Parenting Ministry (HK) // 21

11 場訓練 / 聚會 Trainings & Events




位領袖接受裝備 Leaders trained

個美滿婚姻及親子課程 Marriage & Parenting Courses

位參加者 Participants

Over the last two years of promoting and running

Cathedral, SKH Holy Spirit Church, Shaukiwan Baptist

t h e M a r r i a g e & P a re n t i n g C o u r s e , w e h a v e s e e n

Church, and Active Mission Church. As they have

God's grace and the fruits of our hard work. Through

all experienced the great impact of the course

the course, seeds of the gospel have been planted

personally, they have poured their hearts and

in various communities and families. In 2019, Alpha

energy into promoting it to others.

Hong Kong started our next phase of work: to train and raise up more trainers who share the same vision to walk together with us. Our aim is for the trainers to help our team in promoting and launching more Marriage & Parenting Courses effectively. We hope to continue spreading kingdom values on marriage and family and continue to bless more and more homes. After spending two years in deepening our relationships and walking together, we have now established ministry partnerships with 5 married couples who have become trainers for the Marriage & P a r e n t i n g C o u r s e . T h e y a r e f r o m H o n g Ko n g E v a n g e l i c a l Ya n Kw o n g C h u r c h , S K H H o l y Tr i n i t y

I n J u n e 2 0 1 9 , A l p h a H o n g Ko n g i n v i t e d t h e f i v e t ra i n e r c o u p l e s t o a t w o - d a y re t re a t , w h i c h t h e y thoroughly enjoyed. Besides getting to know each other more deeply, they also dreamed together for the future of God's ministry. They all hope that the blessing can be continuously passed on to other churches, until every community in HK is reached.

22 // 事工焦點回顧 - 美滿婚姻及親子事工( 香港 )

文廣和 Carol 的故事

The Story of Man Kwong & Carol 每屆課程完結時 , 總是依依不捨 , 日後彼此都


We always

have a hard time saying goodbye at the end of each course; we have truly become good friends in Christ.

「 當日被服侍 , 如今去服侍 」 薪火相傳的美滿婚姻課程


望 過 去, 天 父 的 恩 手 一 直 祝 福 及 帶 領 我 倆 的 婚 姻 及 事 奉, 令 我 倆 心 存 感 謝。










心同行的肢體,帶領我們兩間禮拜堂在往後三年一起舉辦了三屆美滿婚姻 課程,服侍了約三十對夫婦。無論籌委還是學員夫婦,每屆課程完結時,




識這課程的夫婦,一起籌辦東九龍教區第一屆美滿婚姻課程。雖然在籌辦 過程中我們遇上不少新的挑戰(如:新場地的安排及佈置,跨牧區之間的 合作、配搭、宣傳,以及關顧來自不同牧區的學員夫婦等等),但大家也

能同心地靠主勝過挑戰,務求使這課程成為流通管子,將上主的祝福帶給 每對夫婦。


一般信徒也可按課程籌備手冊及學員手冊既定的程序丶安排及內容籌辦課 程,並且讓信徒夫婦在做學員時經歷被服侍後,有機會在下一屆成為籌委


徒。當看到上屆學員在下一屆課程當中,在不同崗位(如:講課、見證、 場地佈置、準備晚餐)上盡心竭力時,我倆真的十分欣慰及欣賞。

( 載於宗教教育中心通訊 《 ReL i n k 》 121 期 , 第 7 頁 , 2019 年 4 月 )

Ministry Highlights - Marriage & Parenting Ministry (HK) // 23

"Before I was being served and now I am serving others." Passing the torch for The Marriage Course Without us noticing, it's already the fifth time that we

Holy Trinity Cathedral, SKH Calvary Church, and SKH

as a couple have served on The Mar riage Course!

Holy Spirit Church, who had the heart to learn about

Looking back, we are very grateful that God's

t h e c o u r s e . We f a c e d n u m e ro u s n e w c h a l l e n g e s

gracious hands have always been blessing and

t h ro u g h o u t t h e p re p a ra t i o n , f o r e x a m p l e , v e n u e

leading our marriage and ministry all along.

arrangement and set-up, cross-parish cooperation,

Nine years ago, we had a new addition to our family. Along with all the joy, the busyness of wor k and the responsibility of raising our children began to take a toll on our relationship. We could not focus o n e a c h o t h e r a n d w e s t a r t e d h a v i n g m o re a n d more conflicts. Praise God that we were encouraged

partnership and promotion, and caring for participants from different parishes. But we trusted in the Lord together to overcome our challenges, so that this course would become a vessel through which God's blessings could be brought to every participating couple.

by a friend from another church to join The Marriage

Interestingly, The Marriage Course originated

Course at SKH St. Peter 's Church, Castle Peak. We

from the Church of England. Another unique

enjoyed being lear ners, and our relationship was

characteristic of the course is that any lay leader


can organize and run it by just following the

Af t e r e x p e r i e n c i n g t h e c o u r s e , w e h a d a d e s i r e to spread the blessings that God had given us through the course to more couples and families. S o we started to pray for partners with the heart and willingness to start this course with us within our parish, SKH Holy Spirit Church.

procedures, guidance and content in the Leaders' a n d G u e s t s ' M a n u a l s . M o r e o v e r, a f t e r c o u p l e s experience the course as learners and being served, they have the opportunity during the next round of the course to become organizers and serve others. In this way, the course can continue to grow, and believers can be built up into disciples who serve

God's response far exceeded our imagination. He

others, lear ning from the example set by our Lord.

prepared brothers and sisters to partner and walk

Whenever we see previous participants serving

with us in SKH Holy Spirit Church and SKH St. T itus'

diligently in the next round of the course, whether

Church. Within three years, we organized three

it's teaching, sharing testimonies, setting up the

rounds of The Mar riage Course and served around

venue or preparing for dinner, we feel a deep sense

30 co upl es. Bo t h t h e orga n i ze r s a n d p a r t i c ipa n t s

of appreciation and satisfaction.

had a hard time saying goodbye at the end of each course; we have truly become good friends in Christ. Two years ago, the Right Reverend Dr. Timothy Chipei Kwok invited us and a team from the SKH Holy S p i r i t C h u rc h t o u t i l i z e o u r e x p e r i e n c e i n r u n n i n g the course to help launch the first round of The Marriage Course in the Anglican Diocese of Eastern Ko w l o o n . We p a r t n e re d w i t h a f e w c o u p l e s f ro m

(Published on April 2019 in ReLink by the Religious Education Resource Centre, Issue 121, P.7.)

24 // 事工焦點回顧 - 廣東省美滿婚姻及親子事工

事工焦點回顧 Ministry Highlights


Marriage & Parenting Ministry (Guangdong)

4 場訓練 / 聚會 Trainings & Events

2 個美滿家庭 培訓實踐基地 Community-based Family LifeTraining Centres




位領袖接受裝備 Leaders trained

個美滿婚姻及親子課程 Marriage & Parenting Courses

位參加者 Participants

Ministry Highlights - Marriage & Parenting Ministry (Guangdong) // 25

感 謝 主 的 帶 領! 過 去 3 年 裡, 我

Praise God for leading us! In the past three


China being equipped to run The Marriage and


years, we witnessed more and more churches in


Parenting Courses. They also served as suitable


2019 年, 我 們 繼 續 深 化 與 鞏 固 與廣東省社福機構的合作,更裝

and effective tools and resources for social service organizations to reach communities, transform families and change the next generation.


In 2019, we continued to strengthen and deepen


in Guangdong. We equipped a local couple

作為我們的合作伙伴,在中國獨 育課程的培訓,讓屬天的婚姻及 家庭價值觀可以宣揚開去,繼續 祝 福 更 多 的 家 庭。 此 外, 我 們 更 在不同的公司中,開辦了美滿婚

姻和親子教育課程的訓練,裝備 了不少當地的職場領袖,致力將 屬天的婚姻及家庭價值觀更有效 地帶到中國職場中。

未 來 , 透 過 這 些 合 作 和 「 Tr a i n -

our partnership with social service organizations

to become trainers to independently run The Mar riage and Parenting Courses in China to spread the kingdom values of mar riage and family, blessing more and more families. We also hosted training sessions for the Mar riage and Parenting Courses in different companies in the marketplace to equip their leaders, so that the kingdom values for mar riage and family can be brought into the marketplace in China more effectively.

the-trainers」 培 訓, 我 們 繼 續

In the future, we will continue to equip more


partnerships and "Train-the-trainers" programmes,


leaders in the Guangdong province through these

so that more families will be served and more communities will be blessed.

26 // 最新工具和資源


New Tools & Resources 啟發數碼資訊平台 Alpha Digital Platform 此全新的網上平台 ,可以幫助你

和你的隊工更有效地舉辦啟發 。 你可以找到 :

This is a new online tool designed to help you and your team run the best Alpha possible. You'll find:



Training resources


New promotional materials

Alpha planning tool


All of the Alpha talks

立即登記你的啟發 :

Register your Alpha now at


Updated Resources



The Jesus Lifestyle

跟進課程 Follow up course

The Parenting Teenagers Course

組長手冊 & 來賓手冊 Leaders' Guide & Guest Manual


Alpha Team Guide

如何訂購 ?

How to order?

香港啟發辦事處 Alpha HK Office

九龍觀塘鴻圖道 31 號鴻貿中心 25 樓 5 室 ( 牛頭角站 A 出口 ) Unit 5, 25/F, Billion Trade Centre, 31 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon (Ngau Tau Kok Station Exit A) 星期一至五 Monday to Friday 9:15am – 6:30pm

星期六、日及公眾假期休息 Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays


Online bookshop is now available 歡迎瀏覽 please visit :

聖公會宗教教育中心 ( 只售賣啟發中文資源) +852 2776 - 6333

九龍深水埗巴域街 45 號

星期一至六 10:00am – 6:00pm 公眾假期休息

星期日 12:00pm – 5:00pm

Looking Forward // 27

啟發特會 ( 第二季 )

Alpha Conference (Season 2) 2020 重頭戲 , 推動全新生活宣教模式 , 信徒

皆可在職場及校園使福音遍地開展 ! Our big push in 2020 is to catalyze a brand

new approach to lifestyle evangelism, empowering every Christian to saturate the marketplace and campus with the gospel!

重新攝製 美滿婚姻課程

The Marriage Course Remake

推 出 重 新 拍 攝 設 計 的 系 列, 其 中 包 括 更 新 的 教 學 內 容, 創 意 短 片, 全 球 故 事, 沙 發 夫婦和專家意見 。 Launching a reimagined series with updated teaching content, creative short films, global stories, sofa couples, and expert insights.

28 // 製作啟發少青系列粵語版


啟發少青 系列粵語版 Alpha Cantonese Teen Series Production 2019-2020

Alpha Cantonese Teen Series Production // 29

香 港 啟 發 於 2015 年 推 出 了 首 個 為 職 青 製 作 的 廣 東話版啟發影片系列 , 並且取得了成功 。 我們團

隊現正製作一個專為青少年設計的全新啟發少青 系列粵語版 ( ACTS )。

我們相信這套創新及充滿活力的影片系列不僅會 成為裝備牧者 、 校園老師和學生領袖 , 將福音帶

給全球的青少年華人的有效工具 ; 同時亦能有效

地回應我們龐大策略性夥伴網絡所反饋有關青少 年 、 教會及社會現時的迫切需要 。

想了解更多或直接支持這事工 , 請瀏覽 :

Following the success of our first locally produced Cantonese Alpha video series for young adults in 2015, Alpha HK is now producing a new Alpha

Cantonese Teen Series (ACTS) tailor made for Chinese-speaking teens. We believe this innovative & dynamic product will be a powerful and effective tool to empower pastors, teachers and student leaders to bring the Gospel to Chinese-speaking youth globally, and will effectively respond to the current & urgent needs of the youth, church and society based on feedback from our extensive & diverse network of strategic partners. For more information or to support this project, please visit:

30 // 2020 年財政預算

2020 年財政預算 2020 Budget



Production, Systems & Marketing



h 7% Churc 會



Wo r





Marriage & Parenting Ministry (HK)


Campus & School


Family Life Training & Resource Centres (Guangdong)



New Alpha Resources


Donor & Volunteer Management


預期影響 Expected Impact 啟發 Alpha

48 個訓練和活動;培訓 1,500 位行政人員和領袖;750 個啟發;17,500 名參加者 48 trainings & events; 1,500 administrators & leaders trained; 750 courses; 17,500 participants

美滿婚姻及親子事工 Marriage & Parenting Ministry

6 個訓練和活動;培訓 250 位領袖 / 組長;160 個課程;3,800 名參加者 6 trainings & events; 250 facilitators trained; 160 courses; 3,800 participants

廣東 Guangdong

4 個訓練和活動;培訓 100 位領袖 / 組長;40 個課程;1600 位參加者 4 trainings & events; 100 facilitators trained; 40 Family Life courses; 1,600 participants

製作、系統、營銷 Production, Systems & Marketing

美滿婚姻課程培訓短片;6 套 Alpha / Family Stories;發表 150 個社交媒體帖文, 並以此每天接觸 1,500 人;提昇網站分析及網上用家支援 The Marriage Course training videos; 6 Alpha / Family Stories; 150 social media posts to reach 1,500 people online everyday; enhanced web analytics & online user support

最新資源 New Resources

製作全新、為青少年而設的啟發資源,並加入適合天主教群體使用的語言版本, 更有效服侍基督教和天主教的教會、學校、社區中心

A new Alpha video series designed for the Chinese youth context, which will include a Catholic friendly track, to better serve both Christian & Catholic churches, schools and community centres

如何為我們禱告 ?

How to Pray for us? // 31

How to Pray for us?

祈求主為我們連繫更多在教 會、職場、校園的策略伙伴 Pray for more strategic partnerships & connections with church, mar ketplace & campus leaders

在我們發展事工和製作資源 時, 願 主 為 我 們 供 應 充 足 的 資 源 ( 包括金錢和人力資源 )

Pray f or abu ndant fi nanc es & manpower as we continue to grow the ministry and develop new resources

祈求主在事工發展上為我們開啟 更 多 門 戶 和 契 機, 接 觸 更 多 群 體。 同時, 願主賜智慧和分辨能 力去明白祂的心意

Pray for more open doors and opportunities for ministry development, and also for God's wisdom and discernment to know His will

求主保護我們的同工和其家 人,保守各人身體健康 Pray for protection and health for the staff and their families

32 // 300 Campaign

教會走進人群中 ! Church on the GO!

明白到有時候要帶領同事、同學、朋友去教會認識神,並不容易。所以,是時候我們開始將耶穌和教會 帶到我們生活的每一個角落,好讓每一個人都有機會在任何地方經歷主愛和轉化!

Often times we may find it difficult to bring our colleagues, classmates & friends to church to know Jesus. So, it’s time for us to start bringing Jesus & the church into ever y context of our daily lives, making sure that everyone will have the opportunity to experience His love and transformation everywhere!

我們正招募 300 位每月捐助者 , 支援我們興起信徒運用啟發 , 將 福音和神的愛帶到每個職場 、 校園 、 家庭裡 !

位每月捐助者 Monthly Donors

全年培訓 12 位 領袖 舉辦啟發

To equip 12 leaders in a year to start Alpha

We are recruiting 300 monthly donors, who will support us to empower Christians to bring the Gospel and the love of God into every workplace, school and family through Alpha!

全年培訓 30 位領袖 以美滿婚姻及親子課程轉化家庭

To equip 30 leaders in a year to transform families using The Marriage & Parenting Courses


Join us today!

一年內讓 180 人 透過啟發聽聞福音

To share the Gospel with 180 people in a year through Alpha

Partner with Alpha Hong Kong // 33

與香港啟發結伴同行 Partner with Alpha Hong Kong



Ways To Give


Give Online

郵寄支票 1. 支票抬頭請寫 「香港啟發課程有限公司」 2. 在網上填妥奉獻表格 > 3. 將奉獻表格和支票郵寄至 香港啟發辦事處

Give by Mail

1. Please make your cheque payable to Alpha Course Hong Kong Limited 2. Complete a donation form online > 3. Send the cheque to the Alpha HK office

銀行存款 1. 請存款或轉帳至渣打銀行 戶口名稱:香港啟發課程有限公司 戶口號碼:003-447-1-067778-5 2. 填妥奉獻表格 > 3. 將存款單據郵寄至 香港啟發辦事處

香港啟發課程有限公司為公共性質的慈善機構,所有奉獻及捐獻可根據香港 特別行政區政府稅務條例第 88 條獲豁免繳稅。

Give by Bank Account

1. Please deposit to Standard Chartered Bank Account Name: Alpha Course Hong Kong Limited Account No.: 003-447-1-067778-5 2. Complete a donation form > 3. Send deposit receipt to the Alpha HK office Alpha Course Hong Kong Limited is a charitable organization and all donations will be exempted from tax under Inland Revenue Ordinance Section 88 of the HKSAR Government.

九龍觀塘鴻圖道 31 號鴻貿中心 25 樓 5 室 | Unit 5, 25/F, Billion Trade Centre, 31 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

34 // 董事會主席的分享

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