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Graphic Design

Meet the Team

Sayed Nafiz

Fathina Rifka


Fauzan Abiyyu

Lulu Balqis

Content Writer

Ghina Rizky 1 | Magazine Team | ALSA LC USK

Cut Aziziah

Balqis Azizi

























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ALSA LC USK | Contents | 2

Faiz Al imtiyaaz

DIRECTOR ALSA LC USK (2021 -2022) Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb., Shalom, Om Swastiastu, Namo Buddhaya Greetings. Hello Everyone ! Welcome to ALSA LC USK Magazine Vol 1. This magazine´s theme is “Lonceng Cakra Donya", to provide readers with insight into the habits? of the Acehnese people, history and colonial heritage. Aceh is a province that has very thick and very diverse customs, history and colonial heritage, the habits of the Acehnese people are based on Islamic law because the majority of the people adhere to the Islamic religion and from its very own history. With this magazine, we hope that readers can understand more about the habits of the Acehnese people, history and colonial heritage. This magazine also contains some interesting things and hot issues. I would like to thank all those who have played a role in the publication of this Magazine. Thank you for your attention. ALSA, Always be One!

3 | Foreword | ALSA LC USK

Raihan Nabila

LEADER OF MAGAZINE TEAM Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb., Shalom, Om Swastiastu, Namo Buddhaya Greetings. Alhamdulillah, we thank Allah SWT for the publication of ALSA LC USK Magazine Vol. 1 . With the earnest effort of the ALSA Magazine Team, this magazine was finally finished. ALSA LC USK Vol.1 carries the theme "Lonceng Cakra Donya", a bell brought by Admiral Cheng Ho to the Kingdom of Samudera Pasai as the gift from Emperor Yongle of China (Ming Dynasty). A symbol of friendship between the kingdom of Aceh and China in the 15th century. This bell is one of the most historic and memorable relics for Aceh. And until now, the existence of the Lonceng Cakra Donya is still well cared for by the people of Aceh. Not only reviews related to the Lonceng Cakra Donya, there are many interesting things and hot issues in this magazine. With all due respect, we thank you and the team who have contributed in completing the publication of this ALSA LC USK Magazine Vol.1 as well as possible. We hope that this magazine can become a mean of educative, creative and innovative information that delights the readers. Thank you for your attention, ALSA, Always One!

ALSA LC USK | Foreword | 4

5 | Board of Director | ALSA LC USK


Faiz Al-imtiyaaz Director of ALSA LC USK

Arju Amalul Alfi

Farhan Telaumbanua

VD of External Affairs

VD of Internal Affairs

Ioshah Raseuki Mukhlis Secretary General

Frity Saliaty

Almira Islamey


VD of Academic Activities

6 | Board of Director | ALSA LC USK

INTERNAL DEPARTMENT M. Syauqan Hirzi HD of Interest and Talent

Naufal Rizqullah HD of Bonding & Gathering

Meuthia Fathiya Erlison HD of Membership

Alya Maghfirah M Ghopar Azizi Nasution

VM of Internal Department

Manager Internal Department

ALUMNUS DEPARTMENT Nyak Intan Nabila Manager of Alumnus Department

Reisya Lahanda VM of Alumnus Department

7 | Local Board | ALSA LC USK


Niva Adillah HD of Social Event

Raihan Thariq HD of Public Relation

Harist Syafiq Manager of External Department

Cut Salsabila Amanda VM of External Department


Andika Reza Pramana Manager of ICT Department

Innayah Putri Tartila VM of ICT Department

Raihan Nabila HD of Creative Design

Cut Zulhulaifa Alyanur HD of Multimedia

ALSA LC USK | Local Board | 8


Aliya Chairunnisa HD of Legal Writings

Farida Hanum HD of English Events

Nawal Aska Manager of ADD

Rivanza Al-Achyar HD of Legal Events

Miftah Mardhatillah M HD of English Competition and Preparation

Jifa Rifana VM of ADD


Nurul Isnina Dharma Manager of MC Department

Ulfa Nisatul Akmalia VM of MC Department

9 | Local Board | ALSA LC USK



Dinda Aulia Manager of Funding Department

Najla Zulkarnain VM of Funding Department

Cut Tiara Annisa HD of Marketing and Promotion

ALSA ALSA LC USK LC|USK Board | Local of Director Board || 10 10

11 | Local Board | ALSA LC USK

ARROW ARROW Arrow is an identity dedicated to the Syiah Kuala University ALSA News letter published by the 2021-2022 Local Board. Before the arrow shot towards the target, the first step that must be done is to draw the bow first. This means that before we go to a target or something,we have to make careful plans and preparations in advance so that the results obtained are perfect and do not miss the estimates we want. ARROW stands for Always Ready for Tomorrow which means always ready to face and live tomorrow, the point is that we must always be ready and capable in achieving the targets we want in the future.

ALSA LC USK | Arrow | 12



Socially Re Accademical


13 | 4 Pillars ALSA | ALSA LC USK


ally Minded


ly Committed

y Skilled

ALSA LC USK | 4 Pillars ALSA | 14

The Bell of Cakra Donya A C E H' S CU LTU RA L I N HER I TA NC E,

15 |

If y ou visit th e Aceh S tate Mu seum, y ou will fin d a h istoric be l l called the Cakra Do ny a B ell. T his bell is k n own as a symbol of tolerance, diversity , and friend ship between Aceh an d C hin a. Cakra Dony a is a b ell in th e fo rm of an iron crown in th e for m o f a stupa made in Ch ina 140 9 AD, with a h eigh t o f 12 5 cm an d a width of 75 cm. Ch ak ra mean s th e axis of th e ch ariot, th e sy mbols of V ish nu, th e h o rizo n, or th e sun . Wh ile Don ya means the wo rld. On th e o utsid e of th e Don y a C hak ra, th ere are d eco ratio ns and symb o ls in th e form of C h in ese an d Arab ic characters. T h e Ch inese scrip t read s Sin g Fan g Intention T ong Juut K at Yat T jo (Su ltan S in g F a wh o h as been cast in the 12 th mon th o f th e 5th year). T he Arabic scrip t can n ot b e r e ad an ymore. Cakra Dony a is th e name o f a warsh ip of Su ltan Isk an d ar Mu d a (1607-16 36 ), n amely th e Cak ra Do n ya Sh ip on wh ich this bell was hung, in h is attack on th e Portu gu ese in Malacca. In th e past, the b ell fro m th e Cakra Do ny a S hip was h un g by an an ch or ch ai n on a tree ho rse near th e B aiturrah n im Mosq u e in th e p alace complex to be rung wh en th e palace resid en ts had to gath er to hear the Su ltan's anno uncemen t. However, in 19 15 AD Cak ra Dony a was mo ved to th e Aceh Museu m an d p laced in the d ome . The Cakra Dony a ch ain, 9.6 3 cm in len gth , is an iron chain th at was o nce used to h ang th e Cakra Don y a bell on th e easel tree i n front of the B aiturrah im Mo sque in th e Aceh Darussalam Sultanate P alace co mp lex until 1915. This b ell was given b y a Muslim ad miral from Chin a, C hen g H o, who often visited S amudera Pasai. T h is in cid en t occu rred aroun d the year 1414 AD. Th is b ell was a gift from the E mperor of C hina at th at time, the Yo ngle E mp eror. This historic b ell h as its ch arm for tou rists. O n e of th em is Location and Route the size of th e b ell wh ich is much larger th an the bell in B general. T hen ano th er attractio n is th e h istorical valu e The museum where th possessed by th ese relics fro m C h in a. Th is bell is a silen t address at Jalan Sultan Ma witness to the greatness o f th e O cean Pasai K in gd om' s Baiturrahman District fleet. Prov This location is right in City, making it very easy address. Visitors can al rental vehicles. To be a usually come from 8.30 Besides being able to see is also the longest number The Bell of Cakra Donya | ALSA LC USK The entrance fee is only

The History of Donya's Chakra Bells

The Cakra Donya bell is a gift of friendship from a mainland Chinese ruler, Emperor Yonglee, he gave the gift of the bell to the Samudera Pasai Kingdom during the leadership of King Zainul Abidin in 1349-1406 AD. At that time, the envoy from Emperor Yonglee who was sent to Aceh was Admiral Cheng Ho, he was ordered directly by Emperor Yonglee to give the bell to the Kingdom of Samudera Pasai. Giving the bell was to create good relations between the two kingdoms. Because as it was known at that time, the Samudera Pasai Kingdom exported Aceh's spices to various regions, including China.Admiral Cheng Ho arrived in Aceh in 1414 AD carrying a bell from the Yonglee Emperor, in addition to giving the bell, Admiral Cheng Ho was entrusted by the Yonglee Emperor to establish cooperation in security and trade with the Samudera Pasai Kingdom. After receiving the bell from Emperor Yonglee, King Zainul Abidin sent envoys to visit China. Furthermore, after the Samudera Pasai kingdom was conquered by the Aceh Darussalam kingdom under the leadership of Ali Mughayat Syah, the bell was brought to Kutaradja or Banda Aceh now. Then during the Iskandar Muda Sultanate, the Cakra Donya bell was placed on the front of the aircraft carrier of the Aceh Darussalam Royal Navy. At first, Cakra Donya was the name of the warship of Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636). The Cakra Donya bell was used as a signal to the Royal Aceh Darussalam fleet to carry out raids at sea. The Portuguese naval fleet referred to the Cakra Donya ship as Espanto de Mundo, which means World Terror. The existence of the Cakra Donya bell had changed hands when the Cakra Donya ship was seized by the Portuguese. However, the bell was returned to the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam, and the bell was placed in the Darud Dunia Palace Complex at the right corner of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque. The confiscation of the bell changed the function of the Cakra Donya war bell. Previously, the bell was used as a signal for an enemy at sea, then it changed its function as a e to the Cakra Donya caller for the community to rush to the mosque to Bell perform congregational prayers as well as to signal his bell is stored is at the the time for breaking the fast during the month ahmudsyah No. 10, Peuniti, of Ramadan.

, Banda Aceh City, Aceh vince. n the heart of Banda Aceh y for tourists to access the so use public, private, or able to see the bells, they 0 to 16.15 WIB, every day. the Cakra Donya bell there r of other historical objects. y IDR 10,000 per person.

ALSA LC USK | The Bell of Cakra Donya | 16

Ghozali Everyday


17 | Ghozali Everyday | ALSA LC USK

A young man named Ghoza social media portraits were of non-fungib and were wid digital co managed to rupiah in prof of his Non(NFT) on an NF Non-fungible are unique di are proven t scarcity. Its makes NFT is rare collection have the iden world. The co be exchanged things that value, such conclusion, N digital "art" s selfie photos a every day, m digital things. The NFT calle day" contain pictures from 22 that anyo Ghozali sold h the NFT tra OpenSea. Ope NFT buying an with the turnover. This option for buy NFT creators transaction.

n from Indonesia ali went viral on after his selfie e sold in the form ble tokens (NFT) dely collected by ollectors who make billions of fit from the sale -Fungible Token FT marketplace. tokens (NFTs) igital assets that to create digital unique nature s considered as a n since it may not ntical type in the collection cannot d with identical have the same as money. In NFT contains of such as pictures, as well as Ghozali music, or other

ed "Ghozali every ns of Ghozali’s the age of 18 to one can collect. his selfies through ading platform, enSea itself is an nd selling market largest money s platform is an yers, sellers, and s to make a

Quoting from the official website, OpenSea is a peer-to-peer marketplace for NFT. OpenSea also claims its platform as the first and largest in the world as an NFT marketplace. It is noted that there are already more than 300 thousand users with more than 34 million NFT in the OpenSea marketplace. In fact, the transaction volume on OpenSea reaches more than USD 4 billion. It is known that NFT buying and selling transactions at OpenSea mostly use Ethereum (ETH). However, OpenSea mentions that the core currencies on their platform include Ethereum (ETH)/WETH, USDC, and DAI. As an NFT marketplace, OpenSea relies on fees collected from successful transactions to make money. Every creator who sells his work on OpenSea will be charged with a 2.5% seller fee. On its official website, OpenSea stated that 2.5% of each sale will become OpenSea’s compensation for services provided to creators. That means, if the user manages to sell 100 ETH worth of NFT works, then the user will only save 97.5 ETH. Meanwhile, OpenSea will get 2.5 ETH from the sale. Meanwhile, for buyers of NFT works, OpenSea does not impose any additional fees or commissions. Just for the record, NFT is a digital certificate of ownership that cannot be duplicated. So, if you buy someone's NFT work, you only own the digital ownership rights, not the entire work.

Ghozali's name is getting more and more famous because the NFT he sells is the result of his selfies taken from 2017 to 2021. Ghozali named his NFT collection with 'Ghozali every day' as he has been consistently taken selfies every day for 3 years with various clothes, hairstyles, and expressions. Because of his success in selling his NFT collection, it is reported that Ghozali managed to make a profit of up to billions of Rupiah. Based on the information from his OpenSea account, his traded volume reached 277 Ethereum (ETH), or around IDR 13.3 billion. One photo belonging to Ghozali is priced at 0.13 Ethereum or around Rp. 6 million. Several public figures in Indonesia have purchased NFT Ghozali every day. After going viral, Ghozali's photos were spread in cyberspace, including the Twitter accounts of Chef Arnold and Reza Arap. Reza Arap turned out to be one of the buyers of Ghozali every day. On Twitter, he shared a screenshot of the OpenSea platform showing the Ghozali selfie. Not only Reza Arap, but Chef Arnold has also shared several tweets about this young man. Last Wednesday, he uploaded a screenshot of Ghozali's account showing a large transaction volume

ALSA LC USK | Ghozali Everyday | 18

19 | Metaverse | ALSA LC USK

ALSA LC USK | Metaverse | 20








Item 1

Item 2

Item 3

Item 4

Item 5

The case of binary options, a hotly discussed online trading instrument 10.0

21 | Top 5 Viral | ALSA LC USK

The Regent of Langkat Who's Under the KPK's Arrest Operation (OTT) and The Human Cages In His 10.0 House

The Government Officially Named ‘Nusantara’ as The New Capital’s Name Which Described The Whole Of Indonesia 10.0

A Covid-19 plot twist : will corona come to an end before ramadhan ? 10.0

ALSA LC USK | Top 5 Viral | 22

23 | Hot Issues | ALSA LC USK

ALSA LC USK | Hot Issues | 24

25 | Hot Issues | ALSA LC USK

ALSA LC USK | Hot Issues | 26

27 | Hot Issues | ALSA LC USK

ALSA LC USK | Hot Issues | 28

29 | Fun Facts | ALSA LC USK

ALSA LC USK | Fun Facts | 30

31 | Fun Facts | ALSA LC USK

32 | Upcoming Event | ALSA LC USK



33 | ALSA Gallery | ALSA LC USK

Visit Our Social Media @alsalcusk @alsalcusk ALSA LC USK

ALSA LC USK | Social Media | 34




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