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/ˈɛs(ə)ns/ noun the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character. an extract or concentrate obtained from a plant or other matter and used for flavouring or scent.


"This is the power of gathering: it inspires us, delightfully, to be more hopeful, more joyful, more thoughtful: in a word, more alive


essence edition 2
" Alice
essence Created & Published by ALSO Home Ltd | Elä Life Astra House, The Common Cranleigh Surrey GU6 8RZ, UK Tel: +44 1483 608611 'essence' is an online, digital magazine published by ALSO Home Ltd and Elä Life that provides its readers a chance to slow down, pause, reflect and live well. It builds on a sense of community and friendship. copyright ALSO Home Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the company. For permission requests please email @ela_life_uk

Hi, I'm Anna the owner and founder of Elä Life. Welcome to the second edition of our new online, digital magazine, 'essence'. I am delighted to have you as part of the Elä Life community and hope you enjoy being part of it too. We will be bringing you a new magazine every 3 months.

This second edition is all about GATHERING. We are focusing on gathering together with friends and loved ones, community and connection.

Do you get your energy from people or do prefer quiet time alone to recharge. Gathering doesn't just have to be with others, it can be about gathering yourself together to rest, find peace and moments of quiet reflection.

I'd love to know what you think of our new magazine and what you'd like to see featured within our pages.

Enjoy getting cosy this autumn and winter. Some of our favourite moments are spent with candles lit, fires blazing in the hearth and warm mugs of hot cacao, tea or coffee. Conversations, reflection and journaling.



gather the river rushes to greet the trees as they gather together in the moonlight, their leaves dressed in slivers of silver.

Christy Anna Martine.

Designed and created by us to provide our community with a chance to slow down, pause, reflect and live well.

The Joy of Gathering With Friends in Autumn

After enjoying a scorching hot summer, most of us are looking forward to a season filled with cuddly jumpers, hot cups of tea and time spent with loved ones. There’s nothing quite like the magicofAutumn.Itprovidespeoplewithasenseofnostalgiaandrenewedoptimismallalongside anincrediblebackdropofflourishingcolourandchangingleaves.

As the sun starts to set earlier each night, now’s the time to host your loved ones for an evening filled with joy, comfort and yummy dishes. But how can you provide your friends with an environmentthat’sreflectiveofallthehappinessandjoyyouhavewhenspendingtimetogether?

Provide yummy treats

Whether you’re hosting friends for a big dinner or just a cup of coffee, nothing brings people togetherquitelikefood especiallyduringtheautumnmonths.Considercookingthemawarmand heartymealtohelpheatthemupafterafreshdayspentoutsideortryyourhandatbakinganduse autumnalspiceslikecinnamonandnutmegtoreallybringthemoodtogether.

Remember the power of scent

Everyoneknowsthemagicthatcomeswithwalkingintoahomethatsmellslikeanautumndream. Set the mood for your friends with natural and cleansing candles that reflect the joy and wonder that comes with this transformative season. Just make sure you only use candles made with 100% naturalingredientstoavoidtriggeringanyofyourlovedones’allergies.

The joy of gathering with friends in autumn

Spending time with friends helps improve your mood and reduces stress. So why not get your favouritepeopletogetheroveracosydinnerandgorgeousscentsthatmakeeveryonefeelathome? ThisistheperfectwaytospendtimewithpeopleyoucareaboutthemostafteragorgeousAutumn day. To set the scene for your fun day ahead, shop our collection for all of our 100% natural and vegancandles.

yourself with the & the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see within you, even when you don't see it yourself.
dreamers greatness
Ecofriendlydinnerwarefor theperfect,sustainablegathering. eco clay

How to transform your home into a warm and environment through fragrance.


Assummercomestoaclose,it’stimetoputawayyoursundresses,prepareyourplants for winter and get your house ready for a cosy season ahead. While you may have enjoyed keeping your windows open during the warmer months, it’s now time to get warmandsnugthroughopenfiresandbestofall,winterfragrances.

While you may have some mixed feelings about saying goodbye to summer, you can’t denythemagicthatautumnandwinterbring.JulyandAugustareallaboutescapingto the seaside and spending time outdoors. The upcoming months, instead, are all about snuggling up indoors with a warm cup of tea and beautiful scents surrounding you. If therewaseveratimetobereclusive,now’sthetime!

Yourhomeisyouroasisawayfromthehustleandbustleoftheworld,especiallyduring thecoldermonths.Thisisthetimetoreallygetyourhomeinorderwithcosyitemssuch asplushblankets,warmandinvitingcandlesandloungewearsocomfortableyou’llfind ithardtowearanythingelse.Buthowcanyougiveyourhomethatcosyandfestivefeel withoutgoingoverboard?Simple withscent!

What type of scent should I use at home during the colder months?

Contrary to popular belief, it’s best to use warm fragrances in your home when the temperature starts to drop. This helps create a welcoming and positive environment to relaxandunwind.

Scents like cinnamon, nutmeg, clover and frankincense are reminiscent of rustic Autumn and festive Winter months and can help transform your home into the cosy hideaway of dreams. Whether you’re hosting loved ones or just want a sacred space to come home to every day after work, filling your home with warm fragrances is guaranteedtoputyouatease.Butwhichonesshouldyouchoose?

Grounded No 4

WithAutumnandWinterinmind,ourGroundedNo4fragrancecontainsBlackPepper, Nutmeg, Clary Sage and Cinnamon 100% essential oils. It was crafted especially for the coldermonthsandhasbeendesignedtohelpyourelievetension,combatoverwhelming feelings and make you feel grounded and whole again. It’s calming, festive and perfect for cosy nights in. Available as a candle or an aromatherapy blend, this scent will instantlytransportyoutoamagicalandcalmspace.

Epiphany No 6

WhenshoppingforagorgeouscandletocomplimentyourWinterdecor,ithelpstohave somethingthatnotonlysmellsfestivebutlooksfestivetoo.OurlimitededitionEpiphany No 6 fragrance is made up of Frankincense, Myrrh, Clove bud, Sweet orange, Juniper berry and Black pepper 100% essential oils. Created to bring feelings of festivity and cheerintothehome,thismakesforagreatdecorativepieceaswellasascentthatmakes youfeelallwarmandgooeyinside.Availableasacandleoranaromatherapyblend,this fragrancemakesfortheperfectgiftthisholidayseason(foralovedoneoryourself!).

Transform your home through warm fragrances.

If you’re ready to have the cosiest Autumn and Winter of your dreams, make sure your home is filled with beautiful scents made up of 100% essential oils. Steer away from harmful synthetic fragrances that can wreak havoc on your hormonal balance and instead opt for natural fragrances that make your home smell divine and are good for youtoo!Shopourcollectiontoday.

With a gold metal lid and festive fragrances of frankincense and myrrh this aromatherapy blend has been created to bring a sense of celebration and cheer this Christmas time. With a subtle nod to the feast of the 3 kings we invite you to take a moment to celebrate.

Epiphany No 6 £28

gold frankincense & myrrh

Our Candle display cloche's not only look stylish, but they help protect the scent in each candle and ensure no dust gathers on the top of each candle. Although our lids also protect our candles, we love how the cloche's make a statement and intention with each candle and turn them into a work of art.

Glass Cloche £22

grounded no.4

A candle for those moments when everything feels overwhelming and you need to feel grounded and centred again. Our most masculine blend, it helps relieve tension and bring a renewed sense of euphoria. Our hint to rustic autumn and festive winter, this is a calming and memorable blend. Grounded No 4 £28

Our 5 essential oil blends, designed by us, were the start of the Elä Life collection. Whether you need a moment to feel uplifted, calm, stop,

relax, our 100% essential

blends come in a 10ml bottle of intentional moments




centre yourself or
where the benefits
essential oils can
No 1, Nurture, No 2, Pause No 3, Grounded No 4 and Rest No 5 £16

How to Boost Your Immunity This Winter.


temperatures drop,


As the seasons change and the kids embark on another year at school, one inevitable thing happens to people old and young every year illness!
healthyandthriving evenifitseemslikeeveryonearoundyouisundertheweather? Make sure you’re getting enough sleep You’ve heard it once and you’ll hear it again never underestimate the power of sleep! Countlessstudieshaveshownthatpeoplewhodon’tgetenoughsleeparemorelikelyto becomeillafterbeingexposedtoviruses.Sleepingalsoplaysahugepartinhowquickly you recover from illness. Do yourself a favour and make sure you’re clocking enough bedtimehourseverynight. Eat your greens You’re much more likely to become ill if you eat an unhealthy diet as opposed to one that’sbalancedandfilledwithlotsofhealthyfruitsandvegetables.Agreatwaytoboost yourimmunesystemistoincreasethenumberofplantsyoueatto30varietiesperweek. Thishelpsensureyourbodygetsthevitaminsandnutrientsitneedstostayhealthyand fuelledforalongWinterahead.

Enlist the power of vitamins and supplements

Vitamins and supplements such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc are known for their immune boostingproperties.VitaminCisanantioxidantthathaslongbeenutilisedfor itsabilitytosupporthealthyimmunefunctioninpeople.Zinccanevenhelpreducethe abilityofvirusestomultiply!Ensuringyougetthesevitaminsandsupplementsdailycan helpkeepyouwellandhealthythisWinter.



Elderberriesaren’tjustdelicious they’regreatforyourhealth,too!Elderberrysyrupis widely known as a powerful cold preventative and remedy. Known for its high level of antioxidants,elderberrysyrupcanhelpsupportahealthyimmunesystembyincreasing inflammatorycytokineproduction agroupofproteinssecretedbycellsoftheimmune system. Just make sure you’re seeking out elderberry syrup that’s not jam packed with highlevelsofsyrupandsugar.


We all seem to forget just how harmful stress can be to our health. During periods of chronicstress,yourbodyrespondswithwhat’sknownasastressresponse.It’sdesigned to help you overcome battles that come your way but the bad news is, it isn’t great for yourimmunesystemwhichincreasesyourchancesofinfectionandillness.Findhealthy ways to reduce the amount of stress in your life. Whether it’s through exercise, meditation or leaving toxic situations, reducing your stress is a great tool for keeping healthythiswinter.


Ifyou’resomeonewhostruggleswithcountlesscoldsduringtheWinterseason,whynot try your hand at boosting your immune system? Prioritize sleep, eat well, minimise stressandmakesureyourbodyisgettingthevitaminsandmineralsitneeds.Youwon’t believetheeffectithasonyourbodyandmind!

your immunity this Winter

The Benefits of Eatingseasonally

Haveyoueverstoppedtothinkabouthowcrazyitisthatoursupermarketsareflooded withthesametypesoffoodnomattertheseason?Whilethiscanbegreatinsomeways, ithascausedmanypeopletoforgetabouttheimportanceofeatingin seasonfruitsand vegetables.Evenmore,it’sresultedinpeopleeatingthesamethingsoverandoveragain without trying new food that’s in season at the time. But did you know that eating seasonallynotonlybenefitsyourhealthbuttheplanet,too?Keepreadingontofindout everythingyouneedtoknow.

Health benefits of eating seasonally

When you consciously eat fruits and vegetables that are in season, this causes you to branch out from the normal foods you eat on a day to day basis. This can result in you getting important vitamins and nutrients that you may not normally get with your standardfoodchoices.Youcanalsorestassuredthateatingseasonallymeansyourfruits and vegetables are grown without harmful additives, helping you get all the nutritious benefitsofeatingwhatnaturallygrowsandthrivesindifferentseasons.

How does seasonal eating impact the planet?

Think about it you can’t grow food outside of its natural season. When fruits and vegetables are grown at the wrong time of the year, fossil fuels and large amounts of water are needed to help them grow. The result is, of course, a harmful effect on the environment.Bychoosingtoeatfoodthatisnaturallygrown,you’rehelpingcontribute toahealthierplanetthatrequiresmuchlessenergy.

Try eating seasonally today

If you’re someone who eats the same types of food day in and day out, try a more sustainableapproachtoeatingandgoforseasonalcropsinstead.Itnotonlyisbeneficial foryourhealthbuttheplanet,too!

Candiedwalnut, apple&goats cheesesalad. -Sarah Stanback-Young


160g/6oz (1 2 bags) rocket salad

2 medium apples, sliced

1 2 plums, sliced

Goat’s cheese, crumbled

Parmesan, shavings

Pomegranate arils, garnish

Brown butter candied pecans

125g/4oz pecans

2 tbsp maple syrup

1 tbsp honey

15 20g of butter, slightly browned

1/2 teaspoon of sweet or plain paprika

1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg

Pinch of salt

Apple Cider Vinaigrette

1/2 cup olive oil

1 2 tbsp maple syrup

1 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice

1 2 tsp apple cider vinegar

1 tablespoon dijon wholegrain mustard

Pinch paprika

Pinch sea salt

Pinch cayenne, optional


Brown butter candied walnuts

Heatasmall mediumskilletandmeltbutterfor2minutesonmediumheat. Now,addpecansandmix.Ensurethepecansareevenlycoatedinthebutter.Cookfor2 minutes.Youwillbegintosmellawonderfulnuttyaromafromthelightlybrowned butter.Ensurethatyoukeepacloseeyeonthebuttersoastoavoidburning.Turnthe heattolow.

Addthemaplesyrup&honeyandmix,ensuringthepecansarefullycoated.Mixfor1 minutebeforeturningofftheheat.Finallyaddthespices.

Apple Vinaigrette

Addalltheingredientstogetherinajugandmixwithafork.Remembertotasteasyou go,makingadjustmentsasyouwish.


Assemblesaladinalargesaladbowl. Pouronvinaigrette,andgarnishwithpomegranates. TIP:Coatapplesandplumsinatablespoonoflemonjuicetoavoidbrowning.Arrange artfullyontopofthesaladleaves. Finally,addthegoatscheese,parmesanandpecans.


Husband of Anna, our Owner and Founder, Jeff had an out of the blue heart attack in 2020 at the age of 46. We asked him some questions about this health scare, his road to healing and recovery and his reflections on life now.

You have written an inspiring new book, can you tell us a bit about yourself and why you wrote a book?

Whowe are is, most definitely, the sum of all our experiences. Had I known then the impactofmanyofmydecisions,Imayhavemadechangesearlier,butitturnsoutthat wemustlivelifetotrulyunderstandit.

I was born and raised in the small rural town of Morden in the centre of Canada to parentswhowerekeenpioneers.Theypackedupandventuredawayfromthebustleof theprovincialcapital,Winnipeg,withmyyoungersisterandIintow.Weverymuchfelt astrongsenseofkinship,love,andsecurity,butIalsodevelopedahungertoexplorethe world with romantic notions of life beyond our little town. So, after completing secondaryschool,IheadedofftotheUniversityofManitoba,embracingthefullnessof life in a ’big city’. There, I was a competitive sprinter and dabbled in various creative outlets. Although rich in opportunity, my thirst for things beyond had not yet been satisfied.So,after6yearsofuniversity,twohonoursdegreesandagung hostarttomy career,IjettedofftotheUK.

22 years later, I am now married to an incredible woman, have two daughters and one step son,andamsnugglysettledinBramley,Surreywithanarsenalofstoriesundermy belt,includingthatofalifechangingeventwhichhasledtomewritingabook

HEART ATTACK – Finding hope, joy and inspiration through adversity.

Jeff Schmidt

That life changing event was a heart attack, what did life look like when the heart attack struck?

‘That’ evening, the one that irreversibly shook up my life, Thursday 3 December 2020, I found myself staring eternity squarely in the face. The COVID pandemic was now a thing. I had returned home with my two girls. It had been a stressful day capped by a suitably heated, hard hitting quarrel that left me trembling. I would not generallyconsidermylifestressful,andyet I know that I run at a pretty high octane pace. But I thought that was OK, because, despite warnings from others, I believed I was bulletproof. I wore my intensity like a shiny badge of honour. On that evening, however, the engine said ‘no more’; you can’t drive even the most brilliantly engineered sports cars at 5000 RPM indefinitely. It took my mum, who spotted me bent over, clutching my chest, rubbing my arms on FaceTime and my daughter’s subsequentfear filledpleatogethelpfor metomakethemedicalcall.

Reluctantly,inahazeofpain,Ididmake thecall.Inminutesanambulancewas there.Pridemaskingthedanger,I couldn’thelpbutfeelthatallthis commotionwasquiteunnecessary.

The seasoned paramedics quickly assessed my traumatised frame, blood pressure surging through my veins like a blocked firehose. They looked me straight in the eyes, piercing my vanity, and said, “We are taking you to hospital. Now.” These two burly, tattoo laden men not only had the expertise to see what was physically happening but the gift to see much deeper, tothemattersoftheheart.

Could you have seen the Heart Attack coming and could it have been avoided?

Since that fateful day I have often wondered, was it inevitable? Could I have seen this coming?AsIsearchthecobwebstrewnmemoriesofmychildhood,itallseemsinnocent enough. And ideal. Born in 1974, I was a child of a rapidly changing world, wrapped in the idealism that accompanies a boy growing up in Canada’s vast prairies. It was there thatIdiscoveredwonderandfellinlovewiththeoutdoors.Treehouses,canoetrips,and extendedtripsintothewildernesswereregularfeatures.

Creativity too was a hallmark of growing up surrounded by an endless sea of golden fields. Being a prairie boy was something I felt so deeply that I had to find outlets to proclaim the awe I saw all around me. I would slip off to freshly bailed fields, lay atop the hay staring impossibly fluffy clouds and imagine, as far as my mind would allow. I even wrote a song about it Prairies’ Grace (and one should note that I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, a musician). I would regularly slip into my dad’s workshop, takinginthesmellsofoldtoolsandwellusedpaintbrushes,toadmirehisexperiments with watercolours. A frustrated (and humble) artist, he was relentless in his pursuit of capturing wonderous things. I found myself watching in amazement as he and other artistsrecreatedrichlandscapesanduncannyportraitsofothers.

So where did it all go wrong? According to the doctor, my heart attack was due, in part to, “bad luck”. ‘Splendid!’, I initially thought to myself, feeling I could abdicate responsibility.Thenheadded,“Butalso,likelystressandanaccumulationofafew(bad) choices,” Ouch! That was a punch to the gut. I trawled the landscape of my life to discoverwhereIhadgonewrong.

The answer, in part, arrived one morning as I vacantly strolled up the quaint street leadingtomywork,Ipausedatalocalstreet sidecoffeeestablishment.Itwasearly,so theusualbustlehadnotyetstarted.Achirpyyoungbaristatookmyorderandbeganher artisan process, carefully measuring out the coffee beans. As I stood on the pavement waiting, I impulsively reached into my pocket and slid out my phone. Instantly the screenleapttolifewithitswhizzydisplayofcolour,butbeforeIhadthechancetocatch uponthelatestnews,Iwaspulledawayfromthathypnoticmomentwhentheserver,in hereffortlesssouthLondonaccent,exclaimed,“Gaw,lookatthesunonthatspire!”


Shesmiled,pointedandrepeatedherself,“Lookup,sir.Lookatthesunshinin'offthat spire! How nice is that!” She was absolutely right. The morning sun had just emerged above the Victorian terracing to illuminate the spire of an old church building...which, coincidently,happenedtohousetheschoolinwhichIworked.Staringatthespectacular scene,Iashamedlyrealisedthatinmyeightyearsofworkingattheschool,Ihadnever actually taken the time to look up and really examine the intricacies of the building, never mind when it was gilded in warm morning light. In that moment, there was an incrediblefeelingofcalmandjoyandinspiration.

This phenomenon is not new. Great minds have been pointing us heavenward for millennia, encouraging us to look beyond our own circumstances and to see the world, thegreatercontextinwhichwelive.Whenwedothisthereisasenseofstory,onethat weallshare.

“Look beyond our own circumstances…to the greater context in which we live.”

This optimistic view of the world had become entangled in a web of vein pursuits perfection, success and busyness. While in hospital there is a lot of time to think and reflect.Itisinthoseplaceswhereclarityshinesbrightest.Iwasconfinedtoabed,andso was forced/given the opportunity to observe the comings and the goings, the nuances and the grand gestures of people. At times, I was surprised by human nature and its ability to transform the lives of those within its sphere. Take 'The Turk,' for example. Rotund yet sturdy in form, he was a seasoned man, one who had seen the world. Granted, he struggled with an impressive catalogue of ailments bowel cancer, indigestion, constipation, emphysema and general grumpiness (my diagnosis). However,he,too,wasaplayer.Myinitialimpressionwasthathewasapolite,generous man. Asking for help with warmth and responding with a well oiled, apparently heartfelt,MiddleEastern,“Thankyousomuch”.However,histruenatureslowlyoozed out. His constant buzzing of the call bell echoed throughout the ward as his list of requestsgrewexponentially.Inevitably,thestaffwerenotabletograntallofhispleas, and so his requests turned into demands. The demands became increasingly more patronising dismissing the nurses with flicks of the wrist and gnarled words. The atmosphereshifteddramatically;asenseofuneasewrappeditscallousedfingersaround the ward. At one point, in his stewing anger, he turned to one of the nurses, and in a horriblelowgrowlseethed,“Idon'twanttotalkyouanymore,goaway,I'mfinished!”

Not only was everyone in the vicinity disgusted, but their spirits were withering, including‘TheTurk’himself,whowasbeingsuckeddownaspiralofself pity. Thatwasdeath.Thatwaswhatcausesheartattacks.

Andso,Iquicklydeterminedtoreacquaintmyselfwithmyyouthandbecomeastudent of ‘life’ again. To search for a quality that restored and healed. Fortunately, it did not takelongtofindit.

It was in one small act: TIME. Thetimetakentolistentoanotherperson.Thetime takentoempatheticallydialoguewithanotherhuman being.Thetimetakentoencourageafellowpatient. Time.Intentional,meaningfultime.

Now,althoughIamamiddle agedworkingman, immersedintheroaringraceoflife,I havemadesignificantchanges, intentionallynotingthelessons learnedthroughoutthejourney. Thatfatefulmomentofimpacthas heraldedaneweraandsense ofrenewal,ultimatelymarked byareturntothecorepassions thatIhaddiscoveredearlyin lifebuthadlongabandoned.

A big part of your story of renewal has obviously been your art. How did that start?

Asaboy,inthegoodol’days,pre videogamesanddevices,Ifoundmyselfbeingdrawn to books and magazines not for the words mind you, for the images. At that time, I recoiled at the thought of reading, but I can remember pouring over illustrated works like Watership Down, The Hobbit and (especially) comic books. I loved that the art capturedideasandlittlemoments,causingthereadertobetransportedtothesefictional places.Naturally,Ifoundmyselftryingtorecreatetheseideas,pushingapencilaround apagehopingtocreatesomemagic.Ihadmarginalsuccess. Itwasonlylaterinsecondaryschoolthataninspirationalartteacherhelpedmeunlocka deeppassionforgreatart.FromthatpointIdabbledwithvarioustechniquesandmedia, exploring creativity and expression through various outlets such as set design, shop windowdressing,smallcommissionsandpersonalart.Inmylate30’sandearly40’sart fell fallow in my life until I happened upon a delightful french Urban Sketcher named ‘Lapin’. His works reignited something in me, his work was fun and accessible, and it inspiredmetogetoutintotheworldandobserveandenjoy.Iimmediatelysettothetask of capturing everyday life, reenergizing the creative within. It was shortly after when that fateful day pounced and I found myself in hospital. In an instant, or rather a strained, chest crushing, arm aching, jaw clenching series of ‘attacks’, I was removed from the life I knew, as a (relatively) healthy overambitious 40-something professional and plunged into a strange new world. The journey was profound. As fortune would have it, in my backpack lay my 0.1mm pen, trusty watercolour pan, and a sketchbook. Naturally, I candidly started recording my time in hospital, which then continued on through my recovery and renewal. Drawing allowed me to enjoy the fullness of life completewiththejoy,thepain,theunexpectedandtherevelation.

Sounds like quite a journey! Can you share your top 3 tips for living a life inspired?

Ohh, that’s a tough one, there have been so many significant moments that have positivelyalteredthecourseoflife,butifIhadtonarrowittojustthree,Imightusethe wordsofDrEstherChewwhosummarisedmyjourneythisway: The first, approach adversity as you would an unexpected friend rather than an unwelcomeintrusion.

Thesecond,letyourintrepidquestforsuccessbeinthethingsoflifethattrulymatter. The third, deep relationships usher the liminal luminosity of hope into life’s darkest corners.

And, as a postscript, I would say that regardless of circumstance, whether having experienced trauma or not, without reservation, live each day unequivocally inspired! Returntoandfindthosethingsthatbringyourheartgreatjoy.

Regardless of circumstance, whether having experienced trauma or not, without reservation, live each day unequivocally inspired! Return to and find those things that bring your heart great joy.

A big part of your story of renewal has obviously been your art. How did that start?

Asaboy,inthegoodol’days,pre videogamesanddevices,Ifoundmyselfbeingdrawnto booksandmagazines notforthewordsmindyou,fortheimages.Atthattime,Irecoiled at the thought of reading, but I can remember pouring over illustrated works like Watership Down, The Hobbit and (especially) comic books. I loved that the art captured ideas and little moments, causing the reader to be transported to these fictional places. Naturally, I found myself trying to recreate these ideas, pushing a pencil around a page hopingtocreatesomemagic.Ihadmarginalsuccess. Itwasonlylaterinsecondaryschoolthataninspirationalartteacherhelpedmeunlocka deeppassionforgreatart.FromthatpointIdabbledwithvarioustechniquesandmedia, exploring creativity and expression through various outlets such as set design, shop window dressing, small commissions and personal art. In my late 30’s and early 40’s art fell fallow in my life until I happened upon a delightful french Urban Sketcher named ‘Lapin’. His works reignited something in me, his work was fun and accessible, and it inspiredmetogetoutintotheworldandobserveandenjoy.Iimmediatelysettothetask ofcapturingeverydaylife,reenergizingthecreativewithin.Itwasshortlyafterwhenthat fateful day pounced and I found myself in hospital. In an instant, or rather a strained, chest crushing,arm aching,jaw clenchingseriesof‘attacks’,Iwasremovedfromthelife I knew, as a (relatively) healthy overambitious 40-something professional and plunged into a strange new world. The journey was profound. As fortune would have it, in my backpack lay my 0.1mm pen, trusty watercolour pan, and a sketchbook. Naturally, I candidly started recording my time in hospital, which then continued on through my recoveryandrenewal.Drawingallowedmetoenjoythefullnessoflifecompletewiththe joy,thepain,theunexpectedandtherevelation.

How would you describe your book?

Have you ever gone through a rough patch in life, where things are overwhelming or difficultoreventraumatic?Inthesemomentslifehasawayofprofoundlyshortcircuiting our safe, known world and thrusting us into a place of profound uncertainty, struggle and, often, pain. Regardless of your circumstance, we weren’t built to live in a space of sustained stress; it should be a season through which we pass, rather than a place in whichwedwell.

HEART ATTACK Finding hope, joy and inspiration through adversity is an antidote to life's unexpected twists. It is a series of illustrated vignettes that reflect the goodness in life, and release a sense of hope and wonder. It is really a book for all, for it touches on thethemostbasiccharacteristicsofhumanity.

Where can people buy your book? ItisavailableonAmazonorwhereveryoubuygoodbooks. Whatdoyouhopetodonowyou’velaunchedyourbook? Ithasbeenaspectacularjourney,onethatIcouldnotpossiblyhavepredictedthefinal joyousoutcome.AsImoveforward,Iamgoingtocontinuetoencourageothersintheir journeys to renewal from adversity. On top of speaking to health practitioners and charitableorganisations,Iamdevelopinganewartcourseforbeginnerscalled‘Drawing yourwayoutofadversity.’ Personally,Iwillcontinuetocapturetheworldaroundmeandallofitsgoodnessaswell asfindingnewwaysofrestoringthesoul. Jeff Schmidt’s bestselling book, HEART ATTACK Finding hope, joy and inspiration through adversity, is on sale now from Amazon or other fine book retailers. More @ps.liveinspired

The health benefits of Grounding.

Think about the last time you decided to walk around barefoot in the garden or chose to sit on the sand instead of a beach chair. Did you know that simply slipping off your shoes and enjoying all the wonder the natural ground has to offer isn’t only good for you but good for your health, too?

Grounding, otherwise known as spending time on the ground or in water, is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reconnect to the earth. But is it really all that it’s cracked up to be?

What is grounding? Grounding is a therapeutic technique that involves spending time on the groundtoreconnectyoutotheearth.Ithelpsyourefocusonlivinginthe presentmomentandcanbebeneficialforvariousdistressingfeelingssuch asanxiety,depression,PTSDanddissociation. The idea behind grounding is to utilise your senses to help overcome difficultfeelings.Somecommongroundingtechniquesinclude: Submersing your hands and body in water While this grounding technique doesn’t technically involve the ground, groundingadvocatesnotethatimmersingyourhandsorbodyinwaterhas thesamehealthbenefitsandprinciplesas‘regular’grounding. Watersubmersionhelpsredirectyourfocustohowthewaterfeelsonyour fingertips and palms. Try alternating between cold and hot water and noticehowthedifferenttemperaturesfeelonyourskin.Alternatively,you canimmerseyourentirebodyinwater suchasinalakeortheocean. Lying on the ground Thinkaboutallthetimeyouspentoutsideinthegrassasakidgrowingup. There’s nothing quite like spending time in the great outdoors, especially whenusingthegroundasaplaymat.Lyingontheground,whetherit’sin the grass outside or on the sand at the beach, is a great way to reconnect withtheearth. Walking barefoot Oneoftheeasiestandmosteffectivewaysofgroundingyourselfistowalk barefoot.Takeyourshoesandsocksoffandsquiggleyourtoesonthegrass or in the sand. Allowing your feet to touch natural ground helps connect youwithgroundingenergy.
Can grounding really help with your health? Ifyou’renewtotheideaofgrounding,youmaybewonderingwhether or not it can actually help improve certain health conditions. The good news is that it really can! Grounding can help various conditions including: ● Fatigue ● Chronic pain ● Anxiety and depression ● Sleep problems ● Cardiovascular disease While the research is limited on the effects of grounding, it’s still a recommended practice for dealing with the above health conditions afterall,there’snoharmintrying! Groundingforanhouratatimenotonlyhelpsimproveyourmood,but it can help reduce ongoing sleep disturbances too. If you’re someone who struggles with social anxiety or panic attacks, grounding is a helpful tool for getting out of your head and redirecting your focus on somethingelse. Improve your health with grounding When it comes to improving your physical and mental health, it’s always helpful to have tips and tricks up your sleeve that don’t cost a penny.Thenexttimeyou’refeelingoverwhelmed,givegroundingatry. Even better, try practising it regularly to reap the countless benefits it has on your health, mood and sleep. You’ll wonder how you ever took thiscommonplacepracticeforgranted!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Choosing Happiness while Living with Stage 4 Cancer

Nina Lopes

We met beautiful Nina Lope (@frodayss) almost 2 years ago. We ha just put out a request on Instagram fo Ambassadors for Elä Life to sha about our brand and champion Nina's application jumped out at u Her incredibly bright eyes, amazin afro hair and just something about h caught our eye. She has become one o the faces of our brand and we love he Two years on and she is now livin with incurable, stage 4 cancer, yet sh continues to inspire us with her zest fo life. We wanted to ask her som questions about her journey to inspi you all and to mark Breast Canc Awareness month. If you don't alread follow her, then head over to Instagra and find her - @frodayss

Can you tell us when you were diagnosed with breast cancer and what type you have

I was diagnosed with primary triple negative breast cancer in July 2018 and then had a complete pathological response (no active cancer) in Feb 2019. However in July 2021 I foundoutithadspread.

What is your current diagnosis?

My current diagnosis is incurable secondary breast cancer. I will be on chemo until it stopsworkingorIrunoutofdrugstobuymetime.

Secondary breast cancer means that the disease has spread to other parts of the body, makingitinoperableandterminal.

Mytreatmentplaniswithoutcurativeintentandalthoughit’sanextremelychallenging waytolive,it’sgivingmebeautifultimetoliveandlove.

Tell us about your Instagram journey and how it started.

ItstartedafterafriendencouragedmetosharemyhairgrowthjourneyafterIlostitto chemo. At the time I was on a beautiful healing journey after completing cancer treatment. I had lost my hair my eyebrows and had to rediscover myself all over again. Anditwasbeautiful.IguessmyfriendunderstoodthepowerinthatandfeltIneededto share with the world. So I did. It was extremely daunting as I’m usually a very private person.Butit’sbeensorewardingtoseethecommunityIhavefound.

What inspired you to start your page?

Completing cancer treatment. Seeing my hair grow, face and body change as it recovereditinspiredmetolive!AndIwantedtosharethathopewithsomeoneelsethat wasbehindmeintheircancerjourney.Iwantedthemtohavehope.

How has the Instagram Cancer community helped you on your journey?

They have helped in so many valuable ways. From knowledge to support to real life friends that understand good and the bad days, because they are going through the same.

How do you stay grounded and calm when you are living with cancer?

Itrytoremainpresentinthenow.Also,Iamamotherandmyjobistoraisehertoknow thatweareincontrolofhowwereacttoourreactions.Iseethebeautyeveninmymost challenging days. It’s such a privilege to still be here. Therefore, I choose happiness amongstitall.

What keeps you going during the dark days?

My daughter. One hug from her has the power to bring all the light I need in my life. I havemanypreciouspeopletoloveandthatenergyremindsmedailyhowluckyIamto stillbeherewiththem.

What lifts you and helps you cope?

I love to dance. So as soon as I put my music on really loud and start to move, I go to anotherplace.Theworldaroundmestopsandallthenoisegoesaway. Walkinginthewoodshelptocalmmind,soIputapodcastonand

IKEEPMOVING. What makes you happy?

Thesmelloffreshlinen, Thesoundofthebirdsoutsidemybedroomwindow. Whenmydaughtercallsoutformeandsays,mama! TheloveIfeelfromallthoseinmylife, Thesoundandsmellofthesea. Musicandhowitmovesmetodance… Someonewaitingformewithmyfavouritedrink. Thelittlethingsmakemehappy!

What or who inspires you?

People inspire me! I’m inspired by kindness, passion, someone’s purpose and energy. Seeingmydaughterbecomeayoungladyalsoinspiresmetodobetterandultimatelyto leadbyexample.

That is why I am taking part in this year's Coppafeel Sahara Desert charity trek. I am raisingmoneyforagoodcause,byraisingawarenessofbreastcancerinyoungwomen, butalsopushingmystage4cancerbodytodowhatIknowitcan. Tohealitselfandtokeeppushing.


how to stay energised this winter

HaveyoueverfoundyourselffeelingsluggishandlackingenergyduringtheWinter months?Maybeyoustruggletowakeupatatimeyouwantorfindyourselfcrashing inthemiddleoftheday.Whateveritis,thegoodnewsisthatlifedoesn’thavetobe like this! There are ways you can regain your energy as the seasons change. Keep readingonforeverythingyouneedtoknow.

Pay attention to fragrance

If your home smells stale and damp from the cold weather outside, it’s hard to feel motivated and ready to take on the day. Do away with unpleasant and draining smellsathomeandinsteadinvestinnaturalandholisticcandlesandaromatherapy thathelpyoufeelgreat.MakeeachroominyourhomecometolifewithourBegin No 1 and Pause No 3 fragrances. Crafted to make you feel uplifted, energised and ready for a big day ahead, these fragrances can help get you out of a low energy funk.


Whileyoumaybetemptedtosnuggleonthesofathesecondyougethome,resistthe urge to prematurely wind down and exercise instead. Exercise is one of the best waysyoucanfeelenergisedandinvigorated,nomatterhowcolditisoutside.Ifyou struggletoexerciseintheevening,tryyourhandatitfirstthinginthemorning.

How To Feel Energised This Winter

If you’re ready to wake up with a zest for life during the winter months, it’s time to prioritise healthy habits that help you feel invigorated and energised. Make your homeapositiveandupliftingenvironmentwithorganicscentsandtryyourhandat exercise.ItmaybejustthethingyouneedtogetoveryourWinterslump!

The Health Benefits of Spending Time Withfriends.

Is there anything better than spending time with friends? Whether you spend an afternoon laughing your heart out with an old friend or crying on their shoulder when you’regoingthrougharoughspot,havingcloseconnectionsisaveryimportantelement in leading a happy and healthy life. But why exactly does spending time with friends make us feel so good inside? What are the health benefits of spending time with loved ones? Benefits of friendships Spendingtimewithfriendsisgoodforyoursoul.Friendsaretheretohelpyoucelebrate the good times but are also there to lend a helping hand through the bad. Setting aside quality time with loved ones helps prevent isolation and loneliness and provides you withasenseofconnectiontootherpeoplewhovalueyouasaperson. Simplyput,spendingtimewithfriendsisgoodforyourhealth.Itcanhelpincreaseyour senseofbelongingandpurposeinthisworldandevenboostyourhappinesslevelsand helpreducestress. Even more, having close connections can ward off significant health problems such as depression,highbloodpressureandobesity.Adultswithstrongrelationshipsgenerally live longer than those with no connections. In addition to making you feel good mentally,friendshipshelpyoufeelgoodphysicallyandspiritually,too. Show your friends you care It’struewhattheysay:givingisalwaysbetterthanreceiving.Showyourfriendsthatyou value them with our handmade and botanically derived products that are designed to helpyoulivewellandtreadlightlyontheearth.Ourproductsshowpeoplethatyoucare.
Take care of your skin during the HOW TO 5 winter TIPS ON

taking care of your skin in Winter.

There’s nothing more frustrating than having a skincare routine work wonders in the Summer only to let you down once Winter rolls around. As the temperatures drop, you may battle dry, dull and irritated skin that needs nourishment and care. But how can you make sure you’re giving your skin the love and attention it deserves this Winter without adding countless products to your skincare regime?



While you may have gotten away with a hardly-there skincare routine during the Summer, this approach just doesn’t cut it in the Winter. As the seasons change and your face comes into contact with cold, harsh wind, this can leave your skin feeling dull, dry and in need of some TLC.

In order to combat these less-than-pleasant elements of the colder months, you’ve got to step up your moisturiser game. This means opting for a rich and gentle face cream that’s made with natural ingredients and designed to nourish dry and dehydrated skin. Now isn’t the time to invest in a barely-there moisturiser that hardly hydrates the face. Cold months call for rich and deeply moisturising face creams to add some life and colour back to your skin.

avoid hot baths and showers

There’s nothing like indulging in a long, hot shower after a cold day. But did you know that excessively hot showers and baths could actually be robbing your skin of the natural oils it needs to stay moisturised and healthy during the Winter?

While this doesn’t mean you have to give up luxury soaks forever, try to be mindful about how long you’re spending in the bath and always use warm water instead of hot and finish off your skin with a body & bath oil to lock in moisture. Your skin will thank you!

While it can be tempting to use harsh face scrubs and washes when your skin isn’t where you want it to be, this will only end up doing more harm than good in the long run. Be gentle with your skin and make sure you use quality products made with natural ingredients. Shop our natural and toxin-free skincare collection today! be gentle
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Healthy to introduce into your day...

Life is chaotic. Between work, spending time with loved ones, exercising and pretty much everything else, it can sometimes feel like you don’t have enough time to introduce healthy habits into your life to help change it for the better. The good news is that healthy habits can be implemented into your daily routine in small steps - so even if you only have 10 minutes to spare a day, that’s enough to make an impact. Keep reading on to find out more.


There’s a reason why meditation is so highly recommended when it comes to leading a healthy and happy life. Regularly meditating reduces negative emotions, increases imagination and creativity and helps you focus on the present. It’s one of the best habits you can introduce into your daily routine and best of all, it’s completely free.

Don’t think you have enough time to meditate every day? Start small with 10 minutes every night before bed. If you’re not really sure where to start, seek out a guided meditation that can help you get to grips with the practice. It’s life-changing.

Practice Gratitude

It’s all too easy to fall into a trap of thinking that life is against you. While it’s completely normal to experience rough patches and days that are worse than others, keeping a gratitude journal is a great way to remind yourself of all the incredible things you have to be thankful for.

Try keeping a gratitude journal on your bedside table and write down three things you’re grateful for every morning when you wake up. This is a great way to start your day with a positive mindset that’s focused on what’s good in your life.


3.Drink enough water

You already know that you should drink around eight glasses of water a day - but how often do you actually make this happen? Drinking enough water aids digestion, prevents constipation, flushes bacteria from your bladder and most of all, helps your skin stay hydrated and healthy.

If you’re forgetful when it comes to your water needs, invest in a 2L water bottle or set little alarms on your phone to serve as a reminder. Although making sure you have enough water each day is a small step to take, it has a huge impact on how you feel and look.

Introducing healthy habits into your life doesn’t mean you need to go for a spa trip every weekend. By incorporating these small habits into your daily routine, you’ll be on a path to a better you in no time.

special thanks to

Jeff Schmidt @ps.liveinspired Nina Lopes @frodayss Sarah Stanback Young


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