Essence Magazine Edition 4 RENEWAL

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the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character.

an extract or concentrate obtained from a plant or other matter and used for flavouring or scent.


"Every day is a renewal, every morning the daily miracle This joy you feel is life."

Gertrude Stein "

edition 4
/ˈɛs(ə)ns/ noun
Each time we exhale, the world ends; when we inhale, there can be, if we allow it, rebirth and spiritual renewal. It all transpires inside of us. In our consciousness, in our hearts. All the time."
Tom Robbins


C r e a t e d & P u b l i s h e d b y A L S O H o m e L t d | E l ä L i f e A s t r a H o u s e , T h e C o m m o n C r a n l e i g h S u r r e y

G U 6 8 R Z , U K

T e l : + 4 4 1 4 8 3 6 0 8 6 1 1

' e s s e n c e ' i s a n o n l i n e , d i g i t a l m a g a z i n e p u b l i s h e d b y A L S O H o m e L t d a n d E l ä L i f e t h a t p r o v i d e s i t s r e a d e r s a c h a n c e t o s l o w d o w n , p a u s e , r e f l e c t a n d l i v e w e l l . I t b u i l d s o n a s e n s e o f c o m m u n i t y a n d f r i e n d s h i p

w w w . e l a l i f e . u k c o p y r i g h t

A L S O H o m e L t d . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .

N o p a r t o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d , d i s t r i b u t e d o r t r a n s m i t t e d i n a n y f o r m o r b y a n y m e a n s , i n c l u d i n g p h o t o c o p y i n g o r o t h e r e l e c t r o n i c o r m e c h a n i c a l m e t h o d s w i t h o u t t h e p r i o r w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e c o m p a n y . F o r p e r m i s s i o n r e q u e s t s p l e a s e e m a i l i n f o @ e l a l i f e u k


Hi, I love this time of year. For me, this is when the New Year, really begins. Spring. This is when I come alive! I'm so full of hope, life and energy. Anything is possible after the darker, heavier winter months

This fourth edition of Essence is about RENEWAL As we enter Spring, the season of renewal and new life, it feels like joy is tangible and hope is hanging in the trees! I've recently started foraging much to my husbands annoyance, apparently I slow his walks down...! However, I really love it I was told I come alive when I talk about foraging and I think I agree. I've always loved the power of plants and nature for our health and I have found this new, even deeper love for plants when I can just find them on a walk or in my garden. This month I've picked cleavers and made tea, brilliant to boost your immune system, turkey tails, nettles and wild garlic.

When we forage, we use our eyes to scan the ground, the trees, the hedgerows, all around us This action of moving our eyes can help calm our nervous system and our minds and connect us back to nature. When we forage we use all the senses, we see, we touch, we smell and we taste

Why not give it a try and calm your mind, Love,


A curated range of aromatherapy products to help you find moments for self care and skincare. We are here to help you nourish and nurture your body and mind and to remind you that YOU MATTER . YOU ARE VALUABLE . YOU ARE LOVED . YOU ARE SEEN

Hope is not pretending that troubles don't exist. It is the trust that they will not last forever, that hurts will be healed and difficulties overcome. It is faith that a source of strength and renewal lies within to lead us through the dark into the sunshine."



and created by us to provide our community with a chance to slow down, pause, reflect and live well.


Lots of people find themselves feeling a bit tired and eager to stay home during the winter months. Coupled with big, hearty meals, winter is a time for rest and hibernation. The days are short, the weather is cold - it’s no wonder we all want to stay snuggled up in bed Allowing ourselves to fully let go and embrace winter tells the body it’s okay to slow down.

Traditionally, people used to live by dusk and dawn The sunrise in the morning brought with it a peak of cortisol to wake up and begin the day. In contrast, dusk brought a sense of relaxation and calm. It was a sign to slow down and wrap things up.

But as time has gone on, we ’ ve found ourselves working harder than ever. The majority of people wake up in the dark during the winter and don’t come home until it’s dark again. This can be especially exhausting for the body that’s meant to be governed by sunshine

Embracing the seasons means embracing the cold, sleepy and dark months as well as the fresh, bright and sunny months. While you might have felt tired and lethargic in January, you may be surprised to find yourself feeling bright and energetic in March. That’s why the changing of the seasons is so fascinating - it has extraordinary effects on our bodies and minds. Especially the transition from winter to spring.

Spring marks the start of new beginnings. It’s when plants sprout, flowers bloom and when birds lay eggs. It’s the ultimate symbol of rebirth.

Spring tells us that it’s time to renew our minds, bodies and spirits. Feeling energised by the longer and sunnier days, this season is the perfect time to get outdoors and embrace nature and the environment Even the colours of spring are enough to make us feel reinvigorated Try slowing down and appreciating the world around you. The vibrant colours. The fragrant scents. The changing scenery. This is the time to cherish love, renewal and growth.

So if you ’ ve been feeling guilty about holeing up at home this winter, don’t. You’re listening to your body! With spring right here, you’ll be out and about with a fresh take on life in no time.


Spring cleans aren’t just for your home - they’re for your body and mind, too. After a long winter spent eating hearty foods and hibernating at home, now ’ s a great time to give back to your mind and body to live a happy and healthy life that makes you feel good Here are our top 3 ways to spring clean your body and mind this season.

1. Address the stress in your life

Dealing with ongoing stress can negatively affect your mind, body and feelings. Being in a perpetual state of fight or flight increases your heart rate and elevates your levels of stress hormones. This results in countless issues such as skin conditions, heart problems, and mental health conditions. Stress is bad news - and it’s never too late to address these anxious thoughts and feelings

Try becoming more active, splitting up big tasks and confronting the many things causing you stress. If you feel like you ’ ve got too much on your plate, try to minimise your life and clear out your schedule. Allow yourself time to rest and relax and don’t feel bad about it. But also, give yourself grace Life is hard Sometimes difficult things happen that are beyond our control and require the help of a professional to deal with.

2. Go on a digital detox

Are you feeling more tied than ever to your electronic devices? Whether you spend your evenings endlessly scrolling or are watching far too much TV, going on a digital detox is one of the best ways to spring-clean your mind this year.

Try scheduling time without your phone or laptop to do something that doesn’t require a WiFi connection. Go for a walk. Read a book. Take a long soak in a bath. While giving up on electronics completely may not be realistic, you can definitely find ways to cut back Try starting small by logging off of all social media for a week. Take notice of how it feels and how much more free time you have. Think about how your energy levels and mood are affected. You may be surprised to find out just how impactful a digital detox can be

3. Realign your diet

The vast majority of people allow themselves to indulge over the holiday period. From baked goods to lots of outings with loved ones, you may have found yourself consuming far more sugar and alcohol than you would normally like. It’s natural to crave heartier food during the cold months, and it’s great that you allowed yourself to let go and enjoy instead of being tied down to a strict diet

But as the days start to get longer and summer steadily approaches, it’s now time to reestablish your goals and focus on realigning your diet This doesn’t mean going on a strict meal plan that leaves you feeling hungry, tired and irritable. It simply means nourishing your body and mind with whole foods that make you shine from the inside out.


Give your body and mind the TLC it needs with a spring clean Whether you choose to realign your diet, go on a digital detox or get serious about addressing the stress in your life, there are countless things you can do to get yourself back on track


Different cultures and countries have varying viewpoints when it comes to caring for the elderly. With people living longer than ever before thanks to improvements in healthcare and technology, we are now seeing a sharp increase in senior citizens across the world. But as populations continue to grow, elderly people are less looked after than in previous years. Especially in parts of western society that once used to pride themselves on respecting older generations.

Nowadays, hundreds of thousands of elderly people are lonely and cut off from society in the UK Findings from Age UK show that more than 2 million people in England over the age of 75 live alone and have gone over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour or family member. But as a country that once prioritised and respected the elderly, it’s hard to believe how we ’ ve reached this point.

The unfortunate reality is that modern society places more value on work and independence than on spending time with family As people grow up and seek out new and fruitful opportunities in bigger cities, their parents are often left behind uncared for. While this is more drastic in the western world, other countries are seeing the same shift, too.

Roughly 10 years ago, China enacted an “Elderly Rights Law” to address the growing problem of lonely elderly people by mandating that adult children visit their parents While this law has been difficult to put into practice, it does make you reflect on how the state had to resort to such drastic measures in the first place. Clearly, something isn’t right.

Mediterranean and Latin cultures strongly prioritise the family. It’s even common for different generations to live under one roof to ensure that everyone is cared for This protects the elderly and keeps them socialised while also providing free childcare for new children that enter the family It’s a system that has been around for hundreds of thousands of years.

Koreans also strongly respect the elderly and celebrate them getting older with large-scale 60th and 70th birthday parties. It is seen as an honour to care for one ’ s parents as they get older. Sadly, this viewpoint isn’t echoed around the world

Because prioritising and respecting the elderly can come with limitations. Some think that it can hinder individuality and the prospects that exist for young adults around the world. Caring for parents is a large emotional and financial responsibility, but it does come with a host of benefits and peace of mind knowing that the ageing generation is being cared for.

As the growing problem of loneliness and isolation among seniors is addressed, it makes us reflect on important traditions lost and just how much the elderly have to give. While they may have lived in a different time, it still doesn’t take away from the fact that they have accumulated years of wisdom and experiences In an age where we like to think we know better than anyone, it could do all of us a world of good to set our egos aside and learn from the wisdom of the older generation. Sure, viewpoints may differ. But that doesn’t mean their viewpoint isn’t important Celebrate your elders and the path they’ve paved for all of us to be here today.



T r a n s i t i o n s a r e a p a r t o f l i f e , a l l o w i n g f o r p e r p e t u a l r e n e w a l . W h e n y o u e x p e r i e n c e t h e e n d o f o n e c h a p t e r , a l l o w y o u r s e l f t o f e e l t h e e m o t i o n s o f l o s s a n d r e b i r t h . A b u d g i v e s w a y t o a n e w f l o w e r , w h i c h s u r r e n d e r s t o t h e f r u i t , w h i c h g i v e s r i s e t o a s e e d , w h i c h y i e l d s a n e w s p r o u t . E v e n a s y o u r i d e t h e r o l l e r c o a s t e r , e m b r a c e t h e c e n t e r e d i n t e r n a l r e f e r e n c e o f t h e e v e r - p r e s e n t w i t n e s s .


EnjoyasneakpeakofourALSOHomeSpringcollection. ALSOHomeisoursisterbrand.

basket collection

explore nature


Don't forget to fully connect with nature and release endorphins by walking or running bare foot on grass or soil. This act of grounding yourself is essential to help fight free radicals, realign your body and mind, improve electrical activity in your brand and many other health benefits. These include improved sleep, reduced inflammation, improved tissue and cell repair, enhanced blood flow and increased heart rate variability.



Drinking water is a vital step to leading a healthy life. It plays a significant role in many of our body’s functions and helps get rid of waste, protects joints and organs and helps maintain the body’s temperature.

Drinking enough water each day helps aid digestion and can improve the frequency of bowel moments Staying hydrated increases your energy levels and brain function and can help keep headaches at bay. Dehydration can significantly impact physical performance, resulting in fatigue, reduced motivation and altered body temperature control. For such a simple act, drinking enough water each day can really take your health to the next level.

How much water should I be drinking?

60% of the adult human body is water. We need it to stay alive. If you find yourself feeling thirsty, this is a tell-tale sign that you’re already dehydrated. That’s why it’s important to set water consumption goals each day to help you reach your target.

According to the NHS, it’s generally recommended to drink 6 to 8 cups of water a day. Even more if you’re exercising or spending time outdoors in the sun

If you’re someone who forgets to drink water throughout the day (it happens to the best of us!) try investing in a large 2L bottle to let you know where you’re at throughout the day. You can also set timers or try incorporating a glass of water into your breaks.

To get yourself off to a good start, why not try drinking a full glass of water first thing in the morning after you wake up? This helps flush out your stomach and balances your lymphatic system after slowly becoming more dehydrated throughout the night. This is a great way to set yourself up for the day while firing up your metabolism.

The importance of drinking water

If you’re someone who’s regularly dehydrated, it’s time to get serious about increasing your water intake. Once your body gets used to feeling hydrated all the time, you’ll be more in tune with the effects of dehydration and motivated to keep up the good work. So go on. Go get yourself a glass!



The lymphatic system is an essential part of the body’s immune system. It protects us from disease and infection and is made up of tissues, vessels and organs that work together to transport lymph back to our bloodstreams. Lymph is a watery fluid that flows through various lymph vessels which are attached to lymph nodes. These nodes are responsible for getting rid of harmful things that could hurt the human body.

The lymphatic system serves many different functions. It moves fluid from body tissues into blood circulation, gets rid of waste and contains white blood cells that fight off infection. It can be thought of as the body’s sewerage system.

Why we need our lymphatic system to be healthy

Having a healthy lymphatic system results in strong immunity that keeps the body healthy. It helps transport important nutrients through our bodies and gets rid of toxins Without a lymphatic system, toxins would quickly accumulate within our bodies causing issues with every organ and system ultimately leading to death.

Just like with the rest of our health, there are things we can do to keep our lymphatic system healthy and functioning. These include:

Drinking at least 8 cups of water a day

Avoiding sugary foods

Avoiding fatty foods

Exercising and stretching regularly

Lymph drainage massages

Bouncing on a trampoline, yoga ball or another device to help move fluids around

A healthy lymph system allows for a proper balance of hormones and nutrients to keep the body healthy Try looking after yours as best as you can to contribute to a healthy immune system.

The Benefits and Importance of Deep Breathing To Our Nervous System calm

We hear it all the time. “Take a deep breath”. Whether you’re overwhelmed, stressed or want to calm down, the recommended advice is to breathe deeply. But why exactly is deep breathing so great for our nervous system? Is it really that beneficial for our bodies and how can we know if we’re doing it correctly?

What does deep breathing actually do?

Deep breathing activates the body’s natural relaxation response. This lowers your heartbeat, allows your muscles to relax and decreases your blood pressure

Deep breathing is an intentional exercise that increases the supply of oxygen to the brain. This in turn stimulates the nervous system allowing us to feel calm and at peace It’s one of the best practices you can do no matter where you are - and even better is completely free of charge! According to the American Institute of Stress, deep abdominal breathing for 20 minutes a day can dramatically improve anxiety and stress symptoms.

Deep breathing improves digestion, immunity and overall energy levels It detoxes the body and triggers the release of endorphins. For something so simple, it really does have countless benefits for the body.

How to deep breathe

When you first start practising deep breathing, it might feel a bit strange or even uncomfortable. This is completely normal - that’s why it’s recommended to start with just 5 minutes a day to get more familiar with the exercise

When first starting out, it can be helpful to use the pursed lip breathing technique. It can be used at any time and is recommended for beginners To do it, simply:

Take a deep breath, pause and relax your neck and upper body Slightly draw your elbows back and allow your chest to expand Close your mouth and inhale slowly through your nose for 2 seconds Retain your breath for 5 seconds

Pucker/purse your lips and exhale slowly for 4 seconds

That’s it! Try not to worry too much about adhering to the instructions exactly as stated. Focus more on what feels natural for you. Before you know it, this type of exercise will become second nature

Once you get comfortable with this exercise, you can try out other deep breathing techniques to help you feel more relaxed and centred. This not only allows your body to feel at peace but also relieves shortness of breath.

The benefits of deep breathing to calm our nervous system

Deep breathing isn’t just for offhand moments when we feel stressed out Try incorporating deep breathing into your daily routine and notice the effects it has on your body You may be surprised just how effective this simple exercise is.

5 The Systems of Flow in our bodies

When it comes to the human body, there are multiple systems that help keep us alive. Each of these 5 systems (nerves, arterial, veins, energy, lymph) serve different functions and are needed to keep us healthy But what exactly do each of these systems do and how can we look after them in our day-to-day lives?


The nervous system is involved in nearly every aspect of our health It’s the reason we wake up, breathe, think, feel, read and remember. The nervous system controls nearly everything that happens with our bodies. From thoughts and emotions to movement, balance and coordination, our nervous system is one of the most important systems in the body.

To keep your nervous system healthy and balanced, you can do things such as:

Regularly exercise

Get a sufficient amount of sleep

Get out and about in the sunlight


Walk outside barefoot

Drink green tea

Eat healthy foods


Our arteries are blood vessels that deliver oxygen-rich blood from our hearts to our tissues. Arteries have thick walls that are elastic and tough. They come in many different sizes and can be found throughout the body.

One of the biggest issues that people face with their arteries is clots To help unclog arteries and stay safe, it’s recommended to not smoke, reduce high blood pressure, reduce high cholesterol and add cruciferous vegetables, fish, berries, oats and greens to your diet.


Veins are blood vessels located throughout the body that collect oxygen-poor blood and return it to the heart. Since veins deliver blood to the heart, we simply couldn’t survive without them.


Like a car runs on petrol, human bodies run on chemical energy Energy comes from three main nutrients - carbs, protein and fats. Interestingly enough, most of the energy our bodies need is for being in states of rest.

If someone wants to boost their energy, they can try any of the following:

Eat more food

Reduce alcohol intake

Exercise regularly

Reduce stress - stress consumes large amounts of energy

Increase your magnesium intake

Avoid spikes in blood sugar

Sleep a sufficient amount


The lymphatic system is part of the immune system. It helps the body fight off disease and infection and keeps us healthy It’s necessary to remove toxins and to keep the body cleansed and strong. To help create flow in the lymphatic system, try:

Drinking more water

Use dry brushing

Avoid wearing tight clothes

Take hot and cold showers

Exercise regularly

Practice deep breathing

There are so many important systems that make up the human body. Make sure you look after yours

The Benefits of Abdominal Massage

If you’re someone who's had a baby, you’re probably familiar with the various abdominal massages recommended to help your little one pass gas. You may have seen funny videos online and marvelled at just how effective these movements are for babies! But for something that works so well for little ones, why can’t it be used on adults too?

Massaging the stomach is an ancient practice that has been around for centuries. It has countless benefits on the gut, digestion and nervous system and is a great way to relieve pain. Here are just some of the many benefits that abdominal massage has on the body:

Improves digestive health

Improves bowel movements and frequency

Boosts the immune system

Improves bad posture

Helps release physical tension

Helps treat stress

Alleviates cramps and PMS-related pain

Massaging the stomach is a great way to detoxify the body and improve your digestive system. Since emotional stress is largely tied to the gut, massaging the stomach regularly can help reduce tension and promote relaxation.

How to massage the stomach

Abdominal massages aren’t just for when you have an upset stomach. They’re for people with neurological conditions, elderly people, spinal injury patients and more. Aside from just relieving constipation, abdominal massages can be a great practice to incorporate into your daily routine.

To massage your stomach, lie flat on your back and assume a comfortable position. It can be helpful to use massage oil or moisturiser to make the process more comfortable and soothing. Next, place both of your hands at the base of your stomach and use the flats of your hands to stroke upwards towards your rib cage. Repeat for at least 10 times or as long as needed.

The benefits of abdominal massage

Abdominal massages work the energy of the internal organs to help improve both emotional and physical health. With the belief that our emotional stress is stored within the digestive system, abdominal massages are an effective and non-invasive treatment to treat an array of health concerns. To get started, enquire about treatments with abdominal massages included with a therapist. Alternatively, try your hand at massaging your stomach at home. No matter how you do it, massaging your stomach regularly is a practical way to improve your physical and mental health.

The Power of Water, Plants and Your Energy To Bring Balance Back to Your Body

Have you ever met someone with undeniable energy? You know, the type of person who is up for anything and always looks like they’ve slept for 9 hours the night before? If you’re someone who often feels tired and drowsy, you may be wondering how you can obtain this type of balance and energy in your life without falling for common fads promising the world.

The good news? You can bring balance back to your body with simple things that are readily available. Enter: plants and water.

The power of plants

Aside from looking aesthetically pleasing, plants serve a much more important purpose than just looking beautiful. They actually have numerous benefits when it comes to improving health and well-being.

Plants have the ability to reduce stress levels by making you feel calmer and more comfortable in their presence. This is further amplified when getting your hands dirty, tending to plants or helping a garden grow This lowers stress, blood pressure and stabilises the heartbeat

Countless studies have also shown that plants can help boost productivity. Being surrounded by plants energises people to complete any outstanding tasks they have whether they be home or career-related. They give you a much-needed boost when you need it!

The power of water

Similar to plants, water is another one of those things that we constantly find ourselves around each and every day without realising its tremendous benefits

Aside from keeping us alive, water gives us energy by preventing common symptoms such as tiredness and fatigue that come with dehydration. Drinking enough water each day allows you to have a clear mind, regulates body temperature and gets rid of waste through urination, bowel movements and perspiration

The power of water shouldn’t be dismissed. When you don’t get enough of it, it can have serious effects on your body and mind. From dry skin to mood changes, dehydration is nothing to take lightly That’s why doctors recommend drinking at least 8 glasses a day to keep your body fuelled.

Bring balance back to your body with water and plants

If you ’ ve been feeling off lately, try surrounding yourself with plants that bring you joy. Ensure you’re staying hydrated and take notice of how powerful plants and water really are for the human body.

Why the Gut Is the 2nd brain

Think about it. Your gut acts up when you’re experiencing strong emotions. Whether this is butterflies when falling for a romantic interest or feeling sick to your stomach after hearing bad news, the second brain in your gut has a direct connection with the brain in your head. This is otherwise known as the gutbrain connection.

The enteric nervous system (ENS) aka the second brain in your gut, is made up of two layers containing more than 100 million nerve cells. The ENS communicates with your brain in both the physical and chemical sense through the vagus nerve

The chemical messages being sent to your brain are directly affected by your gut’s microbiome This includes a wide variety of things such as fungi, bacteria, viruses and more This is why it’s so important to prioritise your gut health. It directly affects various aspects of your health.

How does our second brain affect our health?

Given the gut’s direct link with the brain, it directly impacts digestion, mood and both physical and mental health But what exactly does a healthy gut look like?

Healthy guts have a strong balance of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. This helps your body get rid of toxins, fights off harmful viruses and bacteria, produces serotonin and allows you to obtain energy after eating food. Having strong gut health helps you lead a happy and healthy life.

Poor gut health is more than just having the odd tummy ache. It can wreak havoc on the rest of your body. Signs of a bacteria imbalance in your gut include:

Autoimmune conditions such as thyroid problems, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes (type 1)


High levels of stress

Upset stomach

Acne, eczema or other skin issues

Sugar cravings

Mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety

Weight loss or weight gain that can’t be explained

Ongoing fatigue without a reasonable explanation

The good news is that poor gut health can be improved. But it’s important to identify the root cause of how what caused your poor gut health in the first place

How to improve gut health

Since so many things affect your gut health, it’s recommended to take on a holistic approach when trying to improve your gut microbiome.

One of the first things you want to do is analyse your diet. Poor gut health can often be traced back to unhealthy diets that are high in sugar and the wrong type of fat. If you’re someone who regularly eats processed and sugary food, it’s time to start eating healthier foods to help you heal. Try eating high-fibre and fermented foods as a starting point and ditch the processed stuff that’s making you feel crumby.

It’s also important to lower your stress levels through healthy practices such as meditating, exercising or getting out and about in nature. Prioritise getting enough sleep, eat slowly and always ensure that you stay hydrated. Try speaking with a holistic health expert or your doctor for more recommendations to improve your overall gut health.

Why the gut is the 2nd brain

Poor gut health affects both your physical and mental health. Take back control of your health and try improving your gut today by changing your diet, prioritising sleep, addressing high-stress levels and more.


You’ve heard it time and time again - “be thankful for what you have”. The unfortunate reality is that many people don’t start practising gratitude until it’s too late. Living in a society that’s programmed us to want more, more, more, it’s all too easy to think that the grass is far greener on the other side.

But there’s a reason why gratitude is so highly recommended when it comes to improving your overall sense of mental and physical well-being. It can really make a difference in how you feel about your life

The proof is in the pudding - being thankful can make you happier Regularly practising gratitude fuels positive emotions and allows you to relish cherished experiences. Taking the time to think about what you’re grateful for lets you take a step back and subjectively analyse your life It may help you realise the things and people you take for granted or allow you to notice just how special some of your routines and experiences really are.

What does the act of gratitude entail?

The act of gratitude is the state of being grateful It’s a way to express thanks or appreciation for something. This involves recognising the positive aspects of your life and how they impact you This could be something small like cherishing a warm cup of tea on a rainy day or something on a larger scale such as the love you have for your family.

If you’re someone who regularly finds themselves with a bit of a pessimistic mindset, it could do you a world of good to practice gratitude This could include things such as:

● Noticing the small things in life such as a beautiful flower, pretty sunset, etc.

● Journaling

● Telling someone you’re grateful they’re in your life

● Doing something positive for someone as a way to express your gratitude

Practising gratitude doesn’t have to be scary. Why not try starting small and writing down three things you’re grateful for every night before you go to bed in a journal? The more you express gratitude, the more aware you’ll be of life’s many gifts.

finds this spring foraging 5

wild garlic

Wild Garlic also known as Ransoms, can be found in woodland areas in abundance at this time of year. If you don't spot the vibrant green leaves, you will be pulled in by the fragrant garlic smell Pick handfuls of the leaves being careful to pick from a wide area so as not to destroy the crop and leave plenty for other foragers Avoid pulling up the bulbs to ensure it comes back next year, instead take a pair of scissors and cut down at the bottom of the stems There are so many things you can make with wild garlic from pesto, oil, foccacia, chop it through a green shatsuka or toss through a salad. Make sure you wash it thoroughly first.


Cleavers is known for and spotted by it's sticky leaves which as a child (or adult) is great fun to stick on the backs of fellow walkers without them knowing! At this time of year the young cleavers are popping up and are great used in an immune boosting tea. You can also pop them in some water overnight for a cucumber style infused water. Cleavers have a diuretic effect and it's thought to aid the lymphatic system and relieve swelling and promote the movement of fluid throughout the body. Cleavers is associated with springtime and moving away from the heaviness and stillness of wintertime by reducing swollen glands and boosting the immune system.

A powerful blood purifier that drives out toxins from the body, nettles are the perfect addition to your daily routine to stay healthy. Used to make a tea. nettles have antibacterial, anti-fungal, astringent, and anti-inflammation properties Another great immune boosting plant for this time of year, pick them while they are young and fresh, before they start flowering add them to a mug or teapot, pour over boiling water and drink as tea.


Tip from John Wright (from his Hedgerow book)

'At the first sign of flowers you must stop picking The plant will now start producing cystolithsmicroscopic rods of calium carbonate - which can be absorbed by the body where they will mechanically interfere with kidney function.'

turkey tail mushrooms

Turkey tail mushrooms are given their name due to their striking colours and pattern resembling a turkey's tail of feathers This powerful immune boosting mushroom is packed full of antioxidants, and Polysaccharopeptides. Some studies have shown that these mushrooms may improve the immune function of those living with certain cancers and receiving treatment for cancer. The easiest way to enjoy the benefits of these mushrooms is as a tea Pick the turkey tails from the bottom where they attach to fallen down trees or tree stumps - make sure to leave plenty on the wood after you have picked some to ensure they can keep growing. You want to look for turkey tails with a lovely clean white underside.

jelly ear fungus

Jelly ear fungus, also known as wood ear or Jews ear, is a rich source of antioxidants, nutrients, medicinal compounds, vitamins and minerals - all in their most perfect natural form. They are immune boosting and aid digestive health

These ear like mushrooms can also help to reduce inflammation and are a good source of complex B vitamins and many other bio-active compounds such as polysaccharides that improve heart function and lower cholesterol. They contain an acidic polysaccharide which gives it anticoagulant properties, therefore it is not recommended to be consumed by anyone on blood thinning medication

Jelly ear fungus must be cooked and not eaten raw. They can be added to pasta, soup, broth or salad and can be candied and coated in chocolate

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