ESSENCE - Edition 1 | TIME

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edition 1

essence /ˈɛs(ə)ns/ noun the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character. an extract or concentrate obtained from a plant or other matter and used for flavouring or scent.

TIME Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.” ― Lao Tzu

essence Created & Published by ALSO Home Ltd | Elä Life Astra House, The Common Cranleigh Surrey GU6 8RZ, UK Tel: +44 1483 608611 'essence' is an online, digital magazine published by ALSO Home Ltd and Elä Life that provides its readers a chance to slow down, pause, reflect and live well. It builds on a sense of community and friendship. copyright ALSO Home Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the company. For permission requests please email


reimagined TIME

Hi, I'm Anna the owner and founder of Elä Life. Welcome to the first edition of our new online, digital magazine, 'essence'. I am delighted to have you as part of the Elä Life community and hope you enjoy being part of it too. We will be bringing you a new magazine every 3 months. This first edition is all about TIME. How we spend it, the way to spend it and being aware of it. Time is actually fleeting on this earth and we need to make the most of it. We need to be mindful of how we spend our time, how we take care of ourselves and our loved ones and the value we place on time. Do you waste time doing things that don't matter? Do you push aside time with loved ones to spend time on your phone? I know I'm guilty of it. As I've written and created this magazine, I've definitely become more aware of how much time I waste and how often I say I don't have time. However, it's that often, I don't use my time wisely. I'd love to know what you think of our new magazine and what you'd like to see featured within our pages. I hope you have a fabulous summer and get to spend time doing things you love with people you love. Love,



there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.


Time For Health | The Way With The Naked Pharmacy Three years ago Kevin Leivers decided to create a new type of Pharmacy. On his own journey, he'd seen how simple diet and lifestyle changes alongside natural remedies could help transform health, including his own. He wanted to create a Pharmacy to reconnect the individual with Nature. Instinctively it felt right to find harmony between the body and the planet. Fundamentally important to him was that scientific research proved his solutions were effective. So the 'Naked' in their name represents 100% pure and natural alongside the 'Pharmacy' which are their scientific, safety and quality standards. He envisaged building a community of people seeking natural solutions, whatever the stage of their health journey. As they create a global centre for wellness, their biggest challenge is creating health for the individual while being kind to the planet.

In a busy world, it's easy to focus on quick solutions from pharmaceutical companies to deal with underlying conditions, symptoms and mild illness. However, often this doesn't deal with the root cause or offer long term 'wellness'. We need to combine this with trying to observe our bodies, slow down the pace a little and work out what is really going on. One of The Naked Pharmacies bestselling supplements is Saffrosun. With added B12, it reduces your cortisol levels and allows your body to slow down and give you perspective on the day, your emotions, your mind and your body. It enables a more restful sleep, plus just like each of us it adapts daily to your needs. Saffrosun contains three saffron extracts at a clinically effective strength, with 100% organic prebiotic and food-sourced Vitamin D3 and Vitamin B12. Here’s what it can do for you: Alleviate nervousness Help you deal with stress Reduce fatigue and help you sleep better Restore and improve emotional balance Saffrosun with vitamin B12 helps balance your emotions and mood by working on serotonin production in the brain and in the gut. Vitamin B12 is often depleted in stress, so when taking a supplement it will help support and regenerate nerves. Saffrosun is created using Spanish Saffron extract with added vitamins, minerals and prebiotic. Vitamin D3 and iodine are food-sourced from Scottish marine algae and organic Baobab from the Baobab tree. They pick saffron from Catalonia in Northern Spain, which produces the highest strength of saffron (3.5%) with the three bioactives we are looking for (crocin, saffranal and picrocrocin). Catalonia enjoys the ideal temperatures and soil conditions to grow the most potent saffron in the world.

The Importance of Making Time to Sleep for Your Mental Health

& Wellbeing

Anyone can easily fall into the trap of not getting enough sleep. Overloaded work schedules. Kids up throughout the night. Staying out with friends until the early hours of the morning. While you may feel like you’re coping just fine, you may start to notice significant effects on your mood and overall mental health. There’s a reason why sleep is recommended by healthcare professionals when you’re under the weather or burnt out. It helps you recharge and regulates your moods. But why exactly is sleep so important for our mental wellbeing? Is it really the answer to so many of life's problems? Why is sleep important for our mental health? Decades of research have told us that sleep deprivation has a negative effect on our emotions and ability to perform. Not getting enough sleep can put you at risk for the development of depression and anxiety and can hugely exacerbate ongoing conditions such as insomnia. Aside from the staggering effects poor sleep has on our mental wellbeing, sleep deprivation also affects our cognitive functioning which usually plays out as forgetfulness, making mistakes or thinking slower than usual. Not getting enough sleep can turn an otherwise happy and healthy person into someone you don’t recognise. That’s why getting enough sleep is such an important element of living a healthy and joyful life. Sleep isn’t optional. It’s an essential function that helps your mind and body to recharge when leading busy lives. It wards off illness and lets your brain function properly. If you’re ready to take back control of your health and mental wellbeing, start prioritising your sleep. Consider investing in relaxing aromatherapy blends to help you drift off quietly and peacefully as you switch off and unwind from your busy day. Good sleep is just around the corner - you just have to find it.


Making Time


Do you ever feel like your mind is on overdrive and that you can’t seem to work out your thoughts and feelings? Maybe you struggle to slow down and really think about how you feel when you’re caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. If this sounds like you, then journaling could be an effective outlet for sorting out everything going on in your mind. But is journaling really that effective for processing your emotions and managing your mental health? Keep reading on for everything you need to know.

Journaling for your mental health... Dealing with overwhelming emotions is difficult. Instead of losing yourself to the chaos of strong emotions, journaling is a great way to express yourself and sort out your thoughts and feelings. In addition to laying everything out on paper, journaling helps manage anxiety, reduces stress and helps you cope with depression. Journaling can help you identify the root cause of your problems and let you identify triggers and stressors. Journaling is a great way to learn more about yourself while improving your mental health at the same time. How to start journaling Lots of people think that journaling isn’t for them because they aren’t a “writer” by trade. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Journaling is for everyone. Your journal is for your eyes only so feel free to write however you’d like. If you’ve never kept a journal before, start by incorporating a journaling session into your daily routine. This could either be first thing in the morning or at night before you go to bed. Keep a journal in your bedside drawer and get all your thoughts out on paper before hitting the hay. This is a great way to clear your mind before getting some zzz’s. Why not really set the scene with one of our natural and handmade candles made with 100% essential oils? This will help you wind down while you engage in your journaling session and really let you switch off from the outside world. If you’re looking for an effective and healthy way to manage your emotions and reduce stress, give journaling a try today.

Emma Croman


What do you do for a living? I’m a photographer - my main areas are plates, plates and people. This can be expanded - for instance with plates I cover food producers and makers, foragers and nutritional therapists. Generally, my work has a connection to the natural world with a focus on sustainability. I also create content around van travel and conscious living through my blog TIDE. This is gradually making a move into part of my income and I’m working on an ebook for my Recipes for the Road series - simple recipes that people can cook up quickly from a small food stock in their vans and tents. What do you love about your job? That I get to meet so many passionate people wanting to make the world a better place for nature and for people. To get to be a part of the creative messaging for a brand doing good is such an honour. From the TIDE side of things, my Mum always thought I would be a writer and for that to be part of my week is joyous. And I just love sharing new sustainable brands and tips as well as inspiring others to travel solo - I do the research on places to go so they don’t have to.

Where do you live/where are you from? I always joke that I was born in Leicester and homed in Brighton - I’ve been on the south coast for many years and I can’t imagine not living near the sea. When I was a child my aunts used to say I was part mermaid, I have always been drawn to water and the sea. I love the creative and joyful vibe of Brighton but am looking to move out as won’t be able to afford to buy my first home here as the prices have gone through the roof! I hope to stay on the south coast. When you’re not working, how do you spend your time? go when I was about ten on my own (just It’s hard to switch off when you’re self would not happen now!) and just watch the employed, especially with ADHD, I’ve been water trickle under the bridge. I grew up in working hard on making sure I have time quite a hectic atmosphere and also what I when I’m not working the last few years. I know now is ADHD so nature would be the bought my van in the hope it would slow break my mind needed. These days it’s me down a little, learn to schedule better much of the same and I delight in seeing and take time out but I still blog and think what comes up in the cycle of the year, our about content while I travel in the van. I regular dog walks looks different every have a large Labrador that needs walking year. so that is often my daily switch off, sometimes I walk with friends but often we You have a gorgeous dog, tell us about walk the two of us. Other than that I sea him. swim and love a sp8n class! When I’m being sociable I love a dance to Monty Moo is my best pal, from a litter of my sisters dog I first met him as a little drum’n’bass! sultana and together we have grown so A lot of your photo’s are of nature, what much. When he was a puppy I was do you love about nature? recovering from an operation that I hoped would end 6 years of pain after a severe car Ever since I was a kid I would take myself accident and as he could walk more so off into nature, I was fascinated by the could I. I’m so grateful for him and for he’s textures and the shapes in which things so easy, I can take him anywhere and he’ll grow. I remember a stream which was on charm everyone. People are amazed I can my walk back from school where I used to take a Labrador to a food shoot and he’ll not steal food! go when I was about ten on my own (just

How do you balance time for yourself and a busy job? It’s taken me almost twelve years of self employment to find some sense of balance! And I still haven’t nailed it completely. Walking Monty helps as that is my deregulation time. I have to be really strict on what I can fit in each week and make sure I am feeling on top of things. Mondays are sacred - I have to keep them for admin otherwise I feel out of control and stressed. I generally have a rule where I don’t work weekends too - I find it knocks everything out of balance for me and my well-being goes out the window. I’ve had a few episodes of proper burn out over the years where my work and relationships with clients suffered so I realise that prioritising my well-being is beneficial for my clients too. What do you love about working for yourself? My brain isn’t good with enforced timings so I really love to embrace flexible working times. There is perhaps a view self employed folk do less hours as you see them out and about on social media but the truth is the hours get made up in the evening or in the early morning. I really enjoy a 6am blog post writing session! Also, I love that I can stick with my own values, in the past few years I’ve been able to say no to commissions that aren’t aligned with my values - I’ve said no to corporates who fund the arms trade, no to briefs that aren’t inclusive and no to companies who aren’t pushing to make

their business more sustainable. It feels good to know the money that is coming in comes from good sources. Where you most love spending your time? It’s a mix between travelling in the van and pottering at home. I love organising, I get a real dopamine hit from it and in both situations I get a good dose of it! Travelling in the van evokes such a sense of freedom but being at home provides safety and comfort. How do you make time for selfcare? I found out I had ADHD in 2020 and it blew my mind. So much started making sense but I also grieved, I struggle with connection and keeping friendships and as I learned more about it I started to identify patterns that are related to ADHD. I was also able to start letting go of the negative self talk that had become so ingrained in me over the years for my tendency to procrastination and launching projects without finishing them. I’ve not tried medication yet but am open to it, in the meantime understanding more how my brain works has been really essential for putting into play practices that help me structure my week for the best possible outcome. I am also recognising how essential things like exercise, breathwork and skincare is for me and my sense of self.




Used in skincare, Vitamin E is able to penetrate deep into your skin due to to its fat-soluble nature and to help preserve lipids (fats) and soothe your skin.


Vitamin E has anti-inflammatory properties and helps support the immune system, cell function, and skin health. It’s an antioxidant, making it effective at combating the effects of free radicals produced by the metabolism of food and toxins in the environment.

3. 4. 5.

Vitamin E can be found in many foods, including: salmon, and other seafood broccoli, spinach, and other green vegetables nuts and seeds, such as sunflower seeds, and hazelnuts vegetable oils, including sunflower, wheat germ, and safflower oil

The vitamin E we use in our Elä Life range of skincare is high strength natural Vitamin E, one of the purest forms of Cosmetic Vitamin E possible, with a minimum of a 70% mixture of alpha, beta, gamma and delta Tocopherols in Sunflower Seed Oil.

Although not a preservative, Tocopherol Vitamin E plays a very important role in products, especially those that contain essential oils like ours. The natural antioxidant properties of Vitamin E stop peroxides from forming in your essential oil blends and prevent the product going rancid.

The Incremental Benefits of Positive Daily Habits

& routines

Have you ever gone to sleep excited about that morning cup of tea or coffee you get to enjoy when you wake up the next day? Looking forward to this daily routine of sipping a hot beverage first thing in the morning is great for kick-starting your day and also helps you feel happy and joyful. While you may think that this is down to the tastiness of your cuppa (and it partly is) this is actually down to your daily routine. Having a daily ritual has countless benefits and helps people lead happier lives. But is it really that helpful for our overall health? Benefits of Routines Incorporating positive activities into your daily routine is great for establishing healthy habits. While some people thrive off of a strict and rigid schedule, others simply prefer to have positive daily habits they make sure they do each day in order to lead happy and healthy lives. Having a set routine helps reduce stress levels, enhances sleep, and results in overall better health. Having positive daily habits established helps you eliminate the many decisions you have to make every day and gives you more time to relax and enjoy your day. Routines aren’t all about work. They’re also about hobbies, self-care and engaging in joyful activities. They help us lead lives that make us feel happy and fulfilled. Part of your daily routine could include having a shower before work but can also include a meditation session before bed while you burn your favourite candle. Positive daily habits are really helpful for our motivation and self-esteem and help us commit to activities that make us feel good. Engage in Positive Daily Habits Today If you’re looking to reduce stress levels and improve your overall health, think about adding some positive daily habits to your daily routine. While different for everyone, having a routine you adhere to each day is a great way to kick-start your life and make sure you’re making time for activities that make you feel happy.

making time for you as a

busy mum

Anna is a mum of three, and a Psychotherapist, Author and Speaker. She is a warm communicator with a passion for taking therapy out of the therapy room. Whether sitting with a client in her living room, talking as a podcast guest, or addressing an audience of 1,000 in a seminar, her desire is to empower, encourage and equip people. Her hope is that through words, spoken or written, people will experience lightbulb moments, learn about themselves and be able to find more freedom and enjoyment in life. Anna can be found sharing daily, supportive and thoughtful insights on her instagram page @annamathur. Psycho-education is a big passion of Anna’s as she believe that knowing yourself and understanding your thoughts and feelings is a huge part of enabling change.

As a mum of 3, she shares how no class or book equipped her for the worry, the guilt or anxiety of becoming a mother. Nobody taught her about the days she ticked nothing off the to-do list, and crumbled into a shattered heap at the end of the day. Nobody taught her about how to deal with wildly conflicting emotions, the sting of comparison, self-doubt and wavering confidence. She hit a messy rock bottom after the birth of her second child. It was spurred by a toxic mixture of holding herself to unachievable standards, silent reflux, chronic sleep deprivation and a diagnosis of postnatal anxiety and depression. She found huge comfort in social media and the relationships built through baby classes and regaling tales of broken nights, unbrushed teeth and spats with partners. She realised how very common these feelings, experiences and responses to motherhood were. YEARNING FOR MORE Whilst she no longer felt alone in these things, she wanted to do more than just accept a life at the bottom of the priority list, she wanted to make time and find healthier ways to deal with these emotions, just as she supported her clinical clients in doing so. She wanted to explore the idea that there was more for her, more for her life than a resignation that mothering her children would be done to the background buzz of guilt, worry and self-questioning. As she started writing her story and applying her clinical knowledge to her own motherhood journey, she has transformed her mental health and wellbeing. As she discovered and used different techniques and approaches to manage her guilt, her conflicted feelings and a harsh inner critic, she created space in her head and heart to be more present and happier, both with her children and in her life. Time well spent on her mental wellbeing in turn created more time to truly live.

Anna has written 3 books with a focus on knowing your worth, building your self esteem, and bringing a sense of calm into your life. With a strong focus on new mums and mothers, she teaches us how to make time for our own personal development to create a positive impact on our mental health. She runs various courses through her website as well as providing 1:1 sessions. She recently launched the Motherway Mind where she shares her passion about providing affordable resources to nurture your emotional and mental wellbeing. Through the Motherway Mind she has created a community where she offers warm, inspiring and grounding insights while providing affordable resources to nurture your emotional and mental wellbeing.

Mind over Mother – Every mum’s guide to worry and anxiety in the first years.

Know Your Worth is a friendly and reassuring guide towards greater selfworth that challenges and empowers you to let go of the long-held beliefs that are holding you back.

The Little Book of Calm for New Mums shares advice and support on issues that new mothers face, providing an

how to stay


in hot weather.....


Electric Aromatherapy Diffuser Lamp Using our Electric Aromatherapy Diffuser Lamp helps add moisture back into the air while releasing calming essential oils to enable your mind and body to rest and sleep deeply. Use with our Rest No 5 Essential Oil Blend.

Room Mist

Layer scent using a calming fragrance in a room by using our Rest No 5 Room Mist during the evening as you prepare for bed.



Face Oil & Gua Sha

Place a Gua Sha or roller in the fridge and allow it to cool. Apply face oil on your face and neck and give yourself a wonderfully cooling and calming face and neck massage before bed. Use the roller gently around your eyes and temples to cool and calm.


Body & Bath Oil Place your feet in cold or icy cold water while taking some deep breaths. Pat your feet dry and apply some Rest No 5 Body & Bath Oil to your feet and lower leg.

stockist spotlight

Step back in


to the beautiful

village of Alresford. Visit our wonderful stockist | The Oakmoor Hare.

Alresford (pronounced Allsford) is a beautiful Georgian Town which for many centuries was a prosperous wool town. Old Alresford is mentioned in the Domesday Book but the present town of New Alresford did not come into existence much before 1200 at the time when the Great Weir was being built to create Old Alresford Pond as a fish pond for the Bishop's Palace at Bishop's Sutton and a reservoir for the mills along the Itchen. The colour-washed Georgian houses you see today rose from the ashes of great fires in the 17th Century but many retain their original 13th century cellars. Now the home of the Watercress Line steam railway, so called because of its association with watercress farming, in what is now known as the UK's capital of watercress.

Full of beautiful shops and cafe's you can happily spend a morning or an afternoon wandering the streets, popping into shops or pausing in cafe's. One of our favourites is The Oakmoor Hare and a stockist of our brand Elä Life. Owned by the talented Kim Bray, her shop is full to the brim of wonderful products. Kim has an amazing eye for interior design and upcycles a lot of vintage finds while adding more scandi rustic pieces alongside them. Having developed her talents to encompass modern materials such as 'Fusion' & 'Dixie Belle' mineral paints, she transforms tired furniture into modern contemporary pieces. Furniture which will enhance any home. In addition to her skills with furniture she can offer advice on all things Interior Design. The Oakmoor Hare will source furniture, advise on interior design and renovate your furniture pieces. 30 Broad Street, Alresford, Hants SO24 9AQ

The Health Benefits of Spending Time With


Is there anything better than spending time with friends? Whether you spend an afternoon laughing your heart out with an old friend or crying on their shoulder when you’re going through a rough spot, having close connections is a very important element in leading a happy and healthy life. But why exactly does spending time with friends make us feel so good inside? What are the health benefits of spending time with loved ones? Benefits of friendships Spending time with friends is good for your soul. Friends are there to help you celebrate the good times but are also there to lend a helping hand through the bad. Setting aside quality time with loved ones helps prevent isolation and loneliness and provides you with a sense of connection to other people who value you as a person. Simply put, spending time with friends is good for your health. It can help increase your sense of belonging and purpose in this world and even boost your happiness levels and help reduce stress. Even more, having close connections can ward off significant health problems such as depression, high blood pressure and obesity. Adults with strong relationships generally live longer than those with no connections. In addition to making you feel good mentally, friendships help you feel good physically and spiritually, too. Show your friends you care It’s true what they say: giving is always better than receiving. Show your friends that you value them with our handmade and botanically derived products that are designed to help you live well and tread lightly on the earth. Our products show people that you care.

mountain stream cocktail Recipe by Nevada Berg.


"Fjellbekk translates to “mountain stream”. My first fjellbekk was in a dreamy atmosphere overlooking a lush mountain scape with a stunning river in Gudbrandsdalen. A group of us were met by a cheery local handing out glasses of this clear and sparkly drink with a summer strawberry adorning its rim. Wooden logs blanketed with furs were placed around a large open fire beckoning us to sit. On the fire, a wire grill was holding up a blackened kettle big enough to satisfy the whole group with a cup of coffee after dinner. I understood the drink in my hand featured the local aquavit, so I was expecting more or less the strength of the usual shot. Instead, I was met with a refreshing and pleasant sweet sip of a blend of earthy flavours complimented by citrus. Fjellbekk is a simple blend of aquavit, vodka, lime juice and a lemon-lime carbonated soda. Its lightness, crispness and coolness were a mere reflection of the waters that were surrounding us – giving a nod to its name. Local and seasonal food cooked over the fire and traditional music drifted us into another time that evening, and it all started off with that glass of fjellbekk. I brought back a bottle of their local aquavit and still use it for this drink. I highly recommend having a glass out in nature by a body of water, but whether or not that’s possible as you close your eyes it will surely draw you straight to a mountain stream." Nevada

Fjellbekk (Mountain Stream Cocktail) Serves 1 ¾ ounce (2.25 cl) aquavit ¾ ounce (2.25 cl) vodka ¾ ounce (2.25 cl lime juice Lemon-lime carbonated soda Fill a tall glass (highball) with ice cubes. Add the aquavit, vodka and lime juice. Top with soda and stir.

"I am inspired by the stories and traditions passed down from generation to generation. The delicate and laborious lefse. The simple soups and boiled meats. The smoked fish. The rustic farmhouse beer. Those irresistible boller with all their cardamom goodness. Norwegian cooking at its simplest and most elaborate. That’s what you will find here. Seasonal cooking, local ingredients, local artisans, and simple gatherings."






Take care of your skin during the


is there anything better than summer? Spending time outside, catching up with friends, taking it easy - you just can’t beat it! Summer’s a great time to let both your body and your skin reset and recharge after a cold winter. While you may be tempted to continue your winter skincare routine in summer, there are small changes you can make to keep your skin protected, hydrated and most of all, clean. After all, different seasons warrant different methods - so give your skin the care it deserves with these small steps.

drink more water

While drinking water is always important, it’s especially important during the summer months. That’s because our bodies try to cool down through sweating on hot days. This means we lose more water throughout the day which requires us to up our water intake.

moisturise If you spend lots of time in the sun, pool or sea, you may notice your skin becoming dry. To avoid dry and flaky skin, invest in a good moisturiser to keep your skin buttery smooth during these warmer months.

use spf While spending time in the sun can be good for the soul, it can also be harmful to your skin if you haven’t prepped accordingly. That means wearing SPF - and lots of it! Applying SPF helps you avoid sunburns which can lead to signs of ageing or worse, skin cancer. There’s nothing wrong with spending your days outdoors just make sure you’re protected while doing so!

take care of your skin this summer

Take care of your skin this summer by upping your water intake, using SPF, washing your face and last but not least, moisturising your skin. Check out our wide variety of natural skin care products to keep your skin looking fabulous all summer long.

forest bathing There’s nothing quite like being in nature. Whether you choose to dwell in the city or like to spend your days in the countryside, there’s no denying the healing effects that the woods and the forest can have on us mentally and physically. The outside world suddenly goes quiet and you find yourself reverting to an almost child-like state of wonder and curiosity. Spending time in nature does something for the soul something that worst can’t quite describe. Something that the Japanese call “forest bathing” or “shinrin-yoku”. But what exactly is forest bathing and why is it so beneficial for our health? While the practice of existing in nature has been around since the beginning of time, the term “forest bathing” only emerged in the 1980s in Japan to describe the physiological and psychological exercise of immersing yourself in the great outdoors. It is thought to have emerged in response to the tech boom which left many people feeling disconnected and burnt out. People were craving something authentic. Something real. People wanted time away from technology to reset, recharge and feel whole again.

Using forest bathing as a form of therapy quickly gained popularity throughout the world. Why? Because people found out that spending time in nature is actually really good for you! It’s not limited to the depths of the forest either - forest bathing is a practice that can be done in any natural environment where you allow yourself to connect with the world around you. Take it slow, engage your senses, put away your electronics and just “be”. Forest bathing has many benefits - most notably lowering the leading stress hormone in our bodies - cortisol. It also helps improve concentration, boosts your immune system, improves your mood and fuels creativity. There’s a reason why people often suggest going for a walk if you find yourself in a blue mood. Connecting with nature lets you pause life for a moment and lets you enjoy the world around you. If forest bathing is up your street, then our products may be, too! Our natural line of skincare products and candles are made with botanically derived and natural ingredients and are all handmade with love. So if you find yourself craving a bit of magic from the forest while stuck at home, our products may transport you to a better and more whimsical place. Check out our website to find out more!


time you -


Self-care is a popular word at the moment and has been coined by marketeers to try and help sell their products. However, self care is a simple word and a simple practise - it's just the little things we do to look after our own mental health. It’s about trying to listen to how we are feeling and understanding what we need, even if it’s difficult, so we can care for ourselves. This could mean taking time out when we're feeling overwhelmed; it could mean making time to do an activity that we know makes us feel good; or it could be as simple as making sure to do the basics like eating and sleeping well when we're struggling. As a busy working mum, I often leave my mental health to the bottom of the pile while trying to take care of my family or my team at work. I find it very easy to talk myself out of moments of self care and think I don't have time. However I have to make time. If I am going to be a good mum, wife and leader, I have to ensure that my mental health is in a great place. My moments of self care consist of regular counselling where I can talk, process and have a space to share how I am feeling. Daily quiet times and journaling and exercise a minimum of 5 days a week. When I am regularly moving, I notice a huge improvement in my mental health and emotions. It might seem silly, but I also make sure I make my bed every morning. Knowing I've left this once sacred safe space tidy really helps set me up for my day. Getting into a well made bed every night is also really important to me. Nourishing my body with wholefoods and good nutrition is another act of self care that I try to maintain. One of my favourite things to do is have a bath and I don't do this often enough. However I love nothing more than running a bath, adding a few handfuls of bath salts and breathing in the essential oils to help calm my mind and soothe my body.

make time for a nutritious breakfast

with Suzanne, owner of Happy Gut Co is a wife and mum to three kids. Before kids Suzanne had a career in IT sales, it was fun but not really her passion, despite climbing the corporate ladder and the stress that came with it. She walked away from her career path when she had her first daughter; unable to juggle motherhood and travelling the breadth of the country while staying away from home She couldn't do motherhood and her career properly and her passion for her job had dwindled. It was a few years laters, after having her twins via c-section that she suffered awful digestive problems. She was eventually diagnosed with IBS and told there wasn’t much medically that could be done for her. She had three small pre-schoolers at home, and she needed to work this out, she needed to feel good! So she began researching and read about the low FODMAP diet, developed by the amazing people at Monash University, who found that those foods high in FODMAPS (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols) can cause irritation in those people with stomach sensitivity. She enlisted the help of a nutritionalist and this essentially is where her happy gut and healthy mind journey began. Its only now that she could see the immense pressure that she put herself under in both her work and personal life, all contributing to her damaging her gut health. The arrival of her twins was the pinnacle of accepting that a lifestyle change was needed, something more than just working out, but understanding and listening to her body, the food it could tolerate and what genuinely made her happy. Happy Gut Co is a place she created to inspire other people wanting a happy gut and mind balance, be it as an IBS sufferer or not. She now works as a mentor to help people find their perfect lifestyle balance, while running Journeying to a Happy Gut and Mind workshops and hosting mindful Supper Clubs four times a year.

Blackberry & Coconut Overnight Oats

50g Jumbo Oats 1tbsp Chia Seeds 100ml Coconut Milk 50g Blackberries 1 Cardamom Pod, seeds removed and crushed 1tsp Ground Ginger 1tsp Vanilla Essence To Serve: Coconut Yog Blackberries Coconut, toasted Hazelnuts, toasted Method: 1. Place the oats together with the chia seeds in a jar and place to one side. 2. Place the blackberries in a bowl and roughly mash together using a fork. Add the spices and mix well. 3. Pour the mashed blackberries and spices in to the oats, pour over the milk, vanilla essence and stir (if you wish to add a little maple syrup for sweetness, now is the time to drizzle it in.) before placing the lid on top and placing in the fridge overnight. 4. Toast the coconut and hazelnut gently over a frying pan on a low heat being careful not to burn by tossing regularly. Once golden brown and smelling delicious, remove and set to one side to cool down. 5. The next morning, grab your jar of oats, place a generous dollop of coconut yogurt on top along with a handful of berries and a sprinkling of toasted coconut and hazelnut. Enjoy! If you like this recipe please do leave a comment and review. Each and every one of your reviews helps other people decide if this the perfect recipe for them. I appreciate all your support and shares, it helps keep my content free and accessible to everyone in search of a happy gut and mind! And as I practically live on Instagram, feel free to tag me in on your pics so I can see them and share on my IG stories! xx Vegan, Gluten Free, FODMAP friendly, Refined Sugar Free

5 stress tips



If stress is affecting your life, it’s time to institute some changes to feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. Stress is a serious issue that can lead to significant health problems such as depression, anxiety, heart disease, strokes and more - and needs to be taken seriously.

While you may think that you have to live with stress for the rest of your life, you’ll be happy to hear that there are effective ways to reduce stress levels and live the life you deserve. Keep reading on for the top 5 tips to reduce stress.

1. Get active

Physical activity has direct stress-busting benefits. While not only making you feel good physically, exercising boosts endorphins leaving you happier and less stressed out. Some say it’s a form of meditation in motion as your mind is distracted from everyday stressors and finally gets a much-needed break.

2. Cut down on screen time Too much screen time is never a good thing - especially with all of the so-called “doom scrolling” we’re susceptible to in the modern age. If you’re feeling stressed or burnt out, try unplugging for a while and immersing yourself in nature. Turn your phone off and go for a walk. Really take in the world around you and appreciate living in the moment.

3. Prioritise self care Take care of yourself. Incorporate meditation into your daily routine or take a luxurious bath filled with homemade and natural bath salts and focus on your breathing. Stress can trick our brains into thinking that we don’t deserve a bit of “me time”. But putting off self-care can actually do more harm than good when it comes to your mental health.

4. Spend time with loved ones It’s easy to get caught up with work and neglect the people we love most in our life when we’re feeling stressed. But did you know that spending time with loved ones makes us happier people which in turn helps reduce stress levels? Book a coffee date with a friend and immerse yourself in the power of “now”. Feeling connected to others helps us feel good and makes us feel like we can take on difficult situations.

5. Think about what you eat It can be tempting to indulge in junk food when we’re feeling anxious or stressed out. But there are so many healthy and yummy foods out there that can actually reduce stress levels and help you feel better! There’s a direct link between what you eat and how you feel - so make sure you’re feeding yourself food that helps you be your best self.

with special thanks to Kevin Leivers - The Naked Pharmacy Emma Croman Anna Mathur Oakmoor Hare Alresford Nevada Berg - North Wild Kitchen ......................................

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