essence /ˈɛs(ə)ns/ noun the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character. an extract or concentrate obtained from a plant or other matter and used for flavouring or scent.
"Stressed souls need the reassuring rhythm of self-nurturing rituals "
Sarah Ban Breathnach
edition 3
Created & Published by ALSO Home Ltd | Elä Life Astra House, The Common Cranleigh Surrey GU6 8RZ, UK Tel: +44 1483 608611
'essence' is an online, digital magazine published by ALSO Home Ltd and Elä Life that provides its readers a chance to slow down, pause, reflect and live well. It builds on a sense of community and friendship.
copyright ALSO Home Ltd. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the company. For permission requests please email
Hi, Happy New Year. I'm Anna the owner and founder of Elä Life. Welcome to the third edition of our online, digital magazine, 'essence'. I am delighted to have you as part of the Elä Life community and hope you enjoy being part of it too. We will be bringing you a new magazine every 3 months.
This third edition is all about RHYTHMS & RITUALS. As we start a new year, we want to focus on the little moments, the small routines, rhythms and rituals that help us focus, slow down and breathe each day. These moments are not about a schedule, but about rhythm and a conscious connection to your self, your body and mind.
I find it fascinating that when we stop and take notice, our olfactory senses are tuned in and telling us what our body needs. Slow down to listen. The more we practise listening, the more we will observe.
I hope you have a fantastic start to the year, Love,
You simply will not be same person two months om now after consciously g thanks each day for the e that exists in your life. And you will have set in an ancient spiritual law: you have and are grateful e more will be given you..
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Designed and created by us to provide our community with a chance to slow down, pause, reflect and live well.
Creating Rhythms and Rituals to keep us
As humans we are part of a beautifully complex and interconnected web of nature, we are nature in fact, and just as we know nature moves in seasons and cycles, so do we. There is a rhythm that ebbs and flows with all of the interconnected parts of the wider system.
Taking a rhythmical approach to our lives creates a sense of order that is beautifully aligned with what is natural for us and, when it comes to wellbeing, approaching it in thiswaythismakesalotofsense.Itcancreatemoreeaseandlesspressure,moreflow andlessforceand,perhapsmoreinspiringly,cancreatespaceformoreritualandmore meaning.
Whenwethinkaboutcreatingtheconditionsforkeepinguswell,itcanbesoeasytoget pulled into thinking we need a schedule of things to do. Lots of great stuff with really goodintentionsthat,iftheyallgettickedoff,createthepictureofhealthandwellbeing. We might set goals for ourselves with very targeted points to hit, perhaps around what we’reeating,theexerciseweneedtodo,theamountofsleepweneedtoget,andsoon… soonwecanfindourselvesweddedtoaschedulethat,ifwecankeepontrack,willkeep usgoingintherightdirectionandachievethatendresultofbeingwell…butifwecan’t well,weallknowwhatthatfeelslike.
The only challenge with a schedule as an overall strategy for approaching life, particularly wellbeing, is that if it just focuses on what we need to achieve it doesn’t allow for the human element. Goals and specific things to aim for are of course all wonderful, but can mean that if we don’t hit a milestone at the right time on the schedule the whole thing risks getting derailed and we can end up with a demotivating senseofmissingthemarkorworsestillfailure.Italsopotentiallymissesanopportunity thattheveryconceptofwellbeingdrawsusnaturallytowards…andthatishowitfeelsto bewell.Withdemandinggoalsoradisjointedapproachtohealthandharmonywemiss theopportunityforflow.
Justsoinnature,thereisa flowratherthanaschedule… snowdropsdon’tallspringup at6amonthefirstofFebruary, theyappearwhenthe conditionsarerightandallthe otherpartsofthesystemofwhich theyarepartletthemknowit’stime.
Creatingritualsandrhythmsaroundourwellbeingcanbea delicious and highly beneficial thing to do and is a more humanwaytoapproachthisconceptofwellness.Itisalittle morespaciousthanascheduleandcreatesopportunitiesfor delight and deep connection, to ourselves, to nature and whatreallymatters.
A rhythm has some key features, like a beautiful piece of musicithasapulseorathemethatrunsthroughandkeeps bringing us back to what’s important, it has a beginning a middle and an end, it’s punctuated by rests it might even buildtowardsastunningcrescendo.
So too, our daily rhythm should have structure with a specificpurposebutleaveroomforchoice.
When I think of rhythms I like to think of nested rhythms inside the wider cycles of life. If I was to consider a new rhythm for my wellbeing I might first look to the wider arc of the year and the seasons. The rituals I have in place in winter,differfromthoseinspringbuttheyareallpullingin the same direction, towards a beautiful synergistic flow of health and vitality. A simple seasonal rhythm for the year might look like: rest, restore and reflect / reorientate & revitalise/create,cultivate,celebrate/leanin,learn…
And no it doesn’t always have to be alliterative …that’s just my own proclivity. A one word seasonal theme might also worktocarryyouthroughtheyear.
Ithenthinkofthesmallercyclesperhapsof a day and how my energy rises and falls naturally with my circadian rhythm and howthedemandsofmydailydoingsneedto shiftaccordingly.Soadailyrhythmcouldbe as simple as: wake, orientate, move, nourish, focus, rest, create, nurture, play, reflect,givethanks…
When I set out to create a new rhythm for health, wellness and vitality that is a little more specific I find it really helpful to orientate myself towards what I’m wanting tocreate.
Whatareyouhopingtogainfromyournew rhythm? What feeling would you like it to evoke? How is that going to support your wideraspirations?Buildacompellingimage in your mind, go further if you like, take a little time to capture the essence of it in a vision board or other tangible reminder of yourintention.
Then you might look first at the rhythms alreadyinplaceforyou,howdoesyourday, week, month, year currently flow? What naturally happens when for you and how can you build on that to make it easy and relevanttotheseasonandyourenergy?
Weare,hopefully,notisolatedindividuals,soourrhythmsimpactandareimpactedby thosearoundus,considerthenwhoelsesharesyourdailylifeandhowanyshiftsyou’d like to make may affect them. If your new flow takes these dynamics into account, embeddingandkeepingtotherhythmislikelytobemoresuccessful.
Remember a rhythm however is not rigid, it doesn’t hold you to timings but rather to a sequencethatworksandhasflexandgivebuiltinsothiswillnaturallyaccountforother factorsoutofyourcontrolwithoutmeaningyouneedtoabandonyourwholepractice.
Whatvaluesdoyouwantattheheartsofyourpractice?Doescreativity,feature?Perhaps focus,inspirationormotivationissomethingyou’dlikemoreof…Whataretheactivities ofmindandbodythatyoucanincorporatetobringthosequalities?
A delightful dancing partner to rhythm is ritual. Rituals can help anchor your new rhythm in place and make it even more enjoyable to move through. Little rituals, repeatedthroughouttheday,monthandvariedaccordingtoseasonwilladdcolourand light.
Rituals are simple but have certain qualities, best when they engage all the senses, they are also an opportunity to be very mindfullypresentineachmoment.
The ritual of preparing a beautiful jug of water with fresh lemon, sprigsofherbspairingitwithyourfavouriteglassandsettingitout onyourdeskaheadoftheday'sworkactsasnotonlyareminderto hydrate,butmakesitanintentionalandsupportiveactofforyour bodyratherthanachore.
The act of bathing and dressing can be turned into a ritual by the addition of music, words of thanks or intention as you lovingly apply your favourite, beautiful scented, oil or cream. Dressing or addingjewelleryisanopportunitytopracticetheartofadornment where each piece is added with mindful attention and intention ratherthanjustamindlessfunctionofnecessity.
The whole process of creating new rhythms and rituals is limited only by your imagination, it’s a beautiful opportunity to slow the pace of life, be more intentional, celebrate the simple things and bringasenseofwonderandmeaningtoourdays.
Elizabeth is a coach, facilitator, writer and holistic therapist, Elizabeth has worked closelywiththousandsofentrepreneursinthelast20years.Sheunderstandsjustwhat ittakestocreateathrivingbusinessandliveanempoweredlife.
"Style and Substance is a branding and business podcast brought to you by The Brand Stylist, Fiona Humberstone and The Empowered Entrepreneur, Elizabeth Cairns. Resourcing you with inspiration, insights and heaps of expertise to help you navigate all things branding and business. Ideal for creative entrepreneurs and those of you looking to sidestep the hustle, keep joy at the forefront of your work your work and find a more meaningful and sustainable approach business."
LISTEN to Style & Substance
seasons Following the Rhythms of the
Do you feel a natural urge to hibernate during the winter? To change into something cosy once the sun sets and fill up on a full and hearty meal that leaves you feeling satisfied and relaxed? While you may have found yourself with more energy than ever this past summer, experiencing what most would call a “slump” this winter can feel slightlydefeatingwhenyou’reusedtobeingproductiveandoutandabout.
Butwhatifthisnaturalurgetococoonduringthewinterisexactlywhatourbodiesneed and not a “slump” at all? The different rhythms associated with each season exist for a reason. As the summer months are filled with long balmy evenings, you may feel encouragedtospendmostofyourtimeoutdoorseatingfreshandlightmealsthatleave you feeling light and content. Winter’s slightly different. The cold creeps in. You start feeling tired earlier in the evening. The seasons change, and so do our moods and bodies.
Listen to your body
It can be all too tempting to go against your body’s wishes. To force yourself out in the evening when all you want to do is relax and stay at home. Modern life has associated nonstopproductivitywithsuccess-evenifit’satyourbody’sexpense.
Whenyousuccumbtoyourbody’sneeds,you’reabletoformadeeperconnectionwith yourspiritandyourmind.This,inturn,prioritisesyourownwellnesswhichsetsyouup forsuccessnomattertheseasonyou’rein.
There’s a reason why farmers are some of the happiest people out there. Most of them live in accordance with the seasons. Their day is dictated by mother earth. This means wrapping up once the cold and dark set in and waking up once the sun comes out. Instead of being confined to set times, they listen to their bodies and the seasons. This meanstheycouldgotobedasearlyas9PMduringthewinter,butmaybeenjoystaying upuntilmidnightduringthesummermonths.Changeisnatural.Changeishealthy.
Thisnaturalwayoflivingcanbeincrediblyrewardingforthemind,bodyandspirit.The next time you find yourself fighting your body’s natural urge to stay home during the winter, remember what it’s trying to tell you. Continuing to live the exact same life no mattertheseasonyou’reincanfeelunnaturalandlimiting.Setyourselffreeandgivein to the natural ebbs and flows that exist throughout each season. You may be surprised howmuchyourbodythanksyouforit.
"we can no longer afford to throw away even one 'unimportant' day by not noticing the wonder of it all. We have to be willing to discover and then appreciate the authentic moments of happiness available to all of us every day."
EnjoyasneakpeakofourALSOHomeSpringcollection. ALSOHomeisoursisterbrand.
spring collection
When finding the rhythm of your day, don't be afraid to take a moment to stop, gaze out of the window and pause. When our day is busy, it's easy to think we don't have time for these moments, but our brains and nervous systems need these moments to recover and recalibrate.
find moments to sit and pause
Sleep is vital to our health. Try and get between 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
self care
Self care doesn't have to be done in isolation. Grab and friend or a loved one and spend some quality time with them, pampering, connecting and chatting.
Find a cosy corner, grab a good book or inspiring magazine and get lost in the pages. Avoid scrolling on screens and make a conscious effort to choose paper over your devices.
New Year.
You Can Stick To intentions be specific
New Year’s resolutions offer a mixed bag of emotions. On the one hand, the idea of starting fresh and ready to take on our goals can feel inspiring and motivating. On the other hand, New Year’s resolutions can feel gimmicky and leave us feeling blue if we comeupshort.SohowcanwestrikeupahealthybalanceandcomeupwithNewYear intentionswecanactuallystickto?
When conceptualising your intentions, it can be helpful to think of specific actions you cantaketohelpyouachievealargergoal.Maybeyouwanttodedicatemoreofyourtime outdoors. Instead of coming up with a vague intention such as “I will spend more time outside”,trybeingspecificwithanintentionyoucanstickto.Thiscouldbe“Iwillgofor a 10-minute walk every day”. While this may not feel like a big achievement to begin with,itisattainable,specificandcanhelpyouformpositivehabitsovertime.
be realistic
When it comes to your goals and dreams in life, you’ve got to dream big. But large and exciting goals can feel overwhelming - especially when you’re trying to navigate how to achieve them. Give yourself a break and set realistic intentions to celebrate your success along the way. This means celebrating the journey of A, B and C when you’re looking to reach D.
Maybe you’re looking to adopt a minimalist lifestyle this year. Instead of overwhelming yourself with the sudden need to de-clutter, take it one step at a time. Set an intention of re-evaluating your bedroom space as a starting point. Don’t pressure yourself to get everything done straight away - this nearly always results in feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. Take it slow and celebrate each milestone as you reach them. When you reward yourself for sticking to realistic intentions, you’re more likely to keep at them over time.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to create healthy intentions you can stick to once the new year rolls around. Do your best to come up with positive and healthy intentions that leave you feeling happy, rewarded and energised. Just make sure you celebrate each success along the way.
The Importance of and Rituals
Haveyoueverknownsomeonewhomeditateseverynightbeforetheygotosleep?You maybethinkingtoyourselfhowwonderfulandhealthyofahabitthatis.Ifonlyyouhad that kind of motivation! The truth is, that daily ritual doesn’t stem from motivation - it stemsfromhabit.
Having daily rituals lets you do the things you want even if your motivation is slightly faltering.Whenyougetintoarhythmandroutine,you’remorelikelytocontinuedoing thingsthatsetyoursoulonfirebecausethey’vebecomesocommonplace.
It’simportanttounderstandthatrhythmandroutineareverydifferentfromcontrolled scheduling. Rhythms should free you from stress, not cause it. Here’s how building rhythmsandritualsintoourdayscanbenefitus.
They increases productivity
Thinkaboutdailyhabitsthatyoualreadyhave.Maybethisincludesbrushingyourteeth when you wake up in the morning or getting yourself a glass of water before you go to bed. Since you do these straightforward tasks every day, they probably don’t feel as overwhelmingasstartingsomethingnew.
The more you do something, the more it becomes a habit. While it might feel like a struggleforthefirstcoupleofweeks,itwilleventuallybecomesecondnatureandpartof yourdailyrhythmandritual.
This, in turn, fuels productivity and helps you get things done in a calm and relaxed manner. Habits don’t mean that you have to schedule every last minute of your day. They just help you lead the life you want. If you find yourself feeling stressed, simply dial it back until you find a rhythm that works for you and your spirit. Listen to your body.Findwhatworksforyou.
They help form a conscious connection to the self and body
When you start creating rituals that heal your mind, body and spirit in your everyday life, you deepen the connection you have with yourself. Maybe you want to create a ritualwhereyoucheckinwithyourselfeverymorningormaybeyouwanttospendtime doingsomethingthatnourishesyoursouleveryotherday.Whenyoufindarhythmand flowthatworksforyou,you’reabletodomoreofwhatmakesyouhappy.
Theseritualsaren’tmeanttoholdyouback.They’remeanttosetyoufree!Buildrituals inresponsetoyourwantsandneeds.Sure,youcanflexandflowwhenyouneedto.But trytorememberwhyyouincorporatedtheseritualsintoyourlifeinthefirstplace.
The importance of rhythms and rituals
Rhythms and rituals let you prioritise the most important person of all, yourself. When youlistentoyourmindandyourbody,you’llbeabletofindaflowthatworksforyou.
The Benefits of Fermented Foods on the Gut.
Insomnia Inflammation Fatigue Headaches Mentalhealthissues Skinissuessuchasacne,eczemaanddryskin Brainfog Chronicbloating
do I know if my gut needs healing?
Guthealthishavingamajormoment-andforgoodreason. Your digestive tract is intrinsically linked to your overall well-being. It affects your nervous system, immune system, mental health and overall digestive functions. More and more people are working to heal their guts in an effort to heal their bodies and minds.Theresults?Lifechanging. How
While you may have previously associated gut issues with just an upset stomach, digestiveproblemsactuallysurfaceinseveralways.Theseinclude: Yourgutaffectseveryotherelementofyourbody.Whenyourtummy’snotdoinggreat, chances are the rest of your body isn’t either. So, what can you do to improve your gut health?
How to improve gut health
While there are a number of different things you can do to improve your gut health, we’regoingtofocusononeofthemostimportant-eatingfermentedfoods.
Fermentedfoodshavebeenaroundfornearly10,000years.Peopleoriginallyfermented foods in an effort to preserve them. Nowadays, they make for a tasty addition to any mealorsnack.Butfermentedfoodsserveamuchhigherpurposethanjusttastinggoodtheyhavecountlessbenefitsforyourgutandoverallhealth.
Fermented foods are foods that have undergone fermentation. This means that the sugars they contain are broken down by bacteria and yeast. These foods are rich in lactobacilli and can improve the bacteria that live in your intestines. Some examples of fermentedfoodsassociatedwithhealinggutissuesinclude:
It’s important to remember that not all fermented foods are created equal. If you’re looking to improve your gut health by eating fermented foods, make sure you do your research.Lookforwordssuchas“naturallyfermented”ifyou’renotmakingthesefoods yourselfandtakenoticeofpositivesignssuchasbubblesintheliquid(thisindicatesthat live organisms are in the jar). As always, do your best to avoid unnecessary sugar and stickwiththemostnatural,healthyoptions.
Benefits of fermented foods
Fermentedfoodsarepackedwithvariousstrainsofyeastandhealthybacteria.Themore fermentedfoodsyoueat,themoreyouhelpbalancethegoodandbadbacteriathatexist inyourintestinaltract.There’sareasonwhypeoplesaythatthegutislikeyoursecond brain.Itaffectsyourhealth,weight,moodandappetite.Whenyoubalanceoutthechaos thatexistsinyourgut,yourstomachisn’ttheonlythingthatbenefits.Yourskin,mood, sleeppatternsandmuscleacheswillthankyoutoo.
Eating fermented foods also helps strengthen the walls of your intestines to keep them from leaking. Unhealthy guts can have large cracks or holes, allowing toxins and partiallydigestedfoodsbeneaththem.Thisiswheretheterm‘leakygut’comesfrom.
Eating fermented foods for optimal gut health
When you take control of your digestive issues, you’re taking control of your overall health. If your gut needs healing, try incorporating healthy fermented foods into your diettoday.
Finding time to move
Be mindful that these are your first movements for the day, so be kind and gentle and yourbodywillrewardyouforit!
Sitcomfortablyupright. Placeyouhandslightlyoverthefrontofyourribcage. Imagine a balloon in the centre of your lungs and as you inhale, the balloon expands the lungs whichinturnexpandsyourribcage. Canyoufeeltheexpansionintoyourhands?Asyou exhale,fullydeflatetheimaginaryballoonsothatyoufullyemptyyourlungs. Thisthen allowsforanew,fullerfreshbreathofairin. Afterafewbreaths,changethepositionof yourhandstotouchthesidesofyourribsandthenifyouareable, reachtothebackof theribcage.
Breathingdeeplyandslowly allowsustocal
Cat/Cow Stretch
Kneelwiththekneesbelowthehipsandwristundertheshoulders. Asyouexhalebegin bycurlingyourtailbonetowardsyournose,drawyournavelupandbegintoroundyour spine,lengtheningyourarmsawayfromtheflooruntilyoureyegazereststowardsyour navel.
As you inhale, reverse the movement and begin to lift your eye gaze up, draw the ribs towardsthefloorandlastlygentlycurlthetailboneupwards,feelingasenseofspacein thebackofthehips.
Continuewithyourbreath,creatingasmoothgentlewaveofthespinebetweenflexion andextension.
Book Openings
Lying on your side, align the shoulders, hips and ankles in a line so that the shoulders and hips remain stacked. Place a cushion underneath your head should it feel more comfortable.
Drawthearmuptowardstheceilingasyouinhaleandthenasyouexhalecomplete an imaginary arc with your fingetips by taking the arm behind you. Try to keep the hips stackedtoencouragemorerotationintheupperback.
Asthearmtravelsbehindyou,andcanyou“letgo”ofyourarmtoreleasethe shoulderandfindadeeperstretchintothechest.
Beginbylyingdownwithlegsbentandnoticethebackofthehead, back of your ribcage and sacrum (back of the pelvis ) on the mat. As you next exhale, gently tilts your tailbone towards the back of your knees, press your feet down into the mat and lift the hips up, peeling the spine up one vertebrae at a time until resting between shoulders. Shoulder,hipsandkneesshouldbeinoneline. Tryto keepthighsinparallel.
Take a breath in then as you exhale slowly lower the spine back downonthematonevertebraeatatime.
Seated Twist
Sitting tall, place your hands behind your headgently. Inhale to lengthen your spine andasyouexhalerotatetoonesidestarting with the shoulders, then the mid ribcage and finally the lower ribs. Return to the centre with empty lungs. Repeat on the otherside.
If it is not comfortable to place your hands behind your head, then you can cross you armsacrossyourchestinstead.
Cordelia lives and works in Bramley, Surrey and is a qualified NASM fitness instructor, TRX instructor and Polestar Pilates Mat and Equipment instructor and has undertaken Nutrition and Self Myofascial release courses to further enhance her knowledge and practice.
Elena and Hannah, co-founders of
1. Tell us who you both are and what you do.
We are Elena and Hannah, co-founders of rho, an environmentally conscious and socially driven organic loungewear brand. Elena’s background is in luxury fashion design&development,plusshehasaMastersinorganisationalsustainability,sosheis the creative sustainability nerd behind the brand, and Hannah’s background is in fashion buying and business and she has an affinity for finance and business development, so takes on more of the operational and business development responsibilitiesforthebrand.
2. How do you know each other?
WemetonthefirstdayofsecondaryschoolinKentwhenwewere11yearsold(!),and have remained close friends ever since. We haven’t actually lived in the same country forabout5yearsnowbutweareanamazingpartnership,ifwedosaysoourselves,and absolutelyloveworkingtogether!
3. What was the main motivation to start your business?
WestartedworkingonrhoafterHannahwenttravellingaroundSriLankabackin2019, wheresheboughtabeautifulblockprintedkaftanwhichshelivedinformostofthetrip. She adored the intricacy and craft of the block print and so reached out to Elena when shegothomeandthenwestartedbrainstormingabouthowwecouldmakepyjamasjust asbeautiful,butthatwerekind(er)totheplanetandcouldhaveapositivesocialimpact. From the very beginning rho was founded with the mission to help others have a safe night’ssleepandthathasbeenattheheartofeverythingwedofromworkingwithaFair Trade manufacturer, to donating £5 from every unit sold to our charity partner Oasis DomesticAbuseService.
Weknowthatbusinessesandbrandshavethepowerandtheresponsibilitytocontribute to meaningful positive change in the world. We are proud to have joined the growing movementofbusinessesoperatingethicallyandresponsibly.
What are 3 successes you’ve had in your business since launching?
Firstly,ourbiggestsuccesswillalwaysbethedonationswegettomaketoOasisforevery piece we sell - it's something we are really proud of. We were also recently ‘Highly Commended’ in the Marie Claire Sustainability Awards for Best Sustainable Small Business in their fashion category which was UNREAL and a big pinch-me moment for us! It was so amazing to be recognised for all of our efforts and hard work by such a reputable media publication. We’ve also had some great press features so far, which really does help us get our name out there and is hard to get. We generally think of ourselvesasreallysuccessfulforjustkeepinggoingandsupportingeachothersomuch as we figure out how to become business owners and balance rho alongside our other responsibilities.
What do you both like doing in your spare time when you’re not running rho?
Wearebothyogaloversandbigfansoftravelandspendingtimeinnature.Elenawent t C t l dS thA i thi dH hli i Li b di i
If you could ‘gather’ 3 people in a room who inspire you, who would they be?
Ooooh so many people inspire us in the sustainability and small business space, but if wehadtopickthree:
MikaelaLoach,aclimatejusticeactivistwhowehavebeenfollowingforawhileandare soinspiredbyherdetermination,passionandhonesty.
Dr Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, who is and does SO many things, but who Elena found through her through a game-changing book called All We Can Save which is series of essays articles and poems written by women women at the forefront of the climate movement. It is incredibly moving and inspiring, and the All We Can Save Project is a resourceElenagoesbacktoagainandagain.
Finally,theconceptofasocialbusinessandbusinessasaforcetogoodwasintroduced tousthroughtheamazingworkofMuhammadYunus,soitwouldbeincredibletomeet himtoo!
10. Can you share one top business tip you’ve learnt since running rho
Nothingislinear,simpleorquick!Thingsarealwaysevolvingandyouhavetobeopento continually learning and trying new things. Determination is key, but don’t forget to enjoytheride otherwise,what’sthepoint?
Understanding How We Smell Fragrance.
Haveyoueverencounteredafragranceandinstantlyfound yourself transported to another time? Maybe the sweet smell of lavender makes you think of balmy summer eveningsgrowingupinyourfamilygarden.Ormemoriesof Christmasespastwhenyougetawhiffofcinnamon.
There’s a reason why fragrance is so moving. Aside from producing gorgeous scents, fragrance has the power to change our moods and evoke certain emotions. But how doesitallwork?What’sgoingoninsideourmindswhenwe smellfragrance?
Understanding how we smell
When we smell something, our noses and brains are working together to make sense of what is going on. Breathing in through our nose exposes us to tiny particles found floating in the air. We can generally smell these particleswithouttryingorconsciouslythinkingaboutthem. Whenwethensnifftheair,weareblastingthesemolecules to the roof of our nostrils, making the smell even more pertinentthanitwasbefore.
Interestingly enough, the fact that we have two nostrils plays a very important role in the overall smellingprocess.Ourbrainisabletodetectsubtle differences in the molecules that reach each nostril, thus making a more informed decision about a smell. The next time you’re trying to source where a smell is coming from, try closing oneofyournostrils.It’sveryhardtodetectcertain scentswhenyou’reonlyusingoneofyournostrils!
Understanding smell and memory
Smell and memory are intrinsically linked due to the natural anatomy of the brain. When we smell a certain fragrance, our olfactory bulb is engaged. This is the structure in front of the brain that sends information to other parts of the body for processing. This eventually reaches our limbic system, regions responsibleforemotionandmemory.
Our olfactory senses are tuned into what our body needs. Unlike our other senses, our olfactory nerves bypass the brain’s thalamus and instead go to cortical areas which directly affect howwefeel-evenwithoutrealisingit.That’swhycertainsmells cantriggercertainemotionsandmemories.Goodandbad.
Thepartsofthebraininvolvedwithsmellingafragrancearealso responsible for storing old memories. This explains the instant flashbackyougetwhenyouunexpectedlyencounteranewsmell.
Adults have the ability to remember vivid details they may have otherwise forgotten through smell. This could be the scent of their grandparent's house or the way their primary school classroom smelt back when they were at school. It’s pretty powerfulstuff.
Equally, these smells can trigger various emotions. The smell of flowersmayhelpyoufeelrelaxedandatease,whereasthesmell of smoke may make you feel concerned and stifled. Smell is one of the most powerful senses we have, so it’s important to make sure you’re surrounding yourself with fragrances that bolster yourmood.
Understanding how we smell fragrance
While the majority of people have the ability to smell fragrance without much effort, there are certain things you can do to enhance the way you detect certain smells. Once you commit to the journey of scents and fragrances, your moods, emotions and memoriesareenhancedforever.
The Impact of Inflammation on the
The Impact of Inflammation on the Body
Whenthemajorityofpeoplethinkabouttheword‘inflammation’theymaythinkof a swollen cut or a throbbing ankle after a nasty fall. But inflammation goes much further than bodily injuries. Inflammation can exist within us and lead to serious healthconditionsthatshouldn’tbeignored.Buthowcanyoutellifyou’resuffering frominflammationandhowcanyounaturallytreatit?
Signs of inflammation
There are two types of inflammation - acute and chronic. Acute inflammation exists to help us heal. This is why a sprained wrist swells and feels hot to the touch. This is our body’s way of responding to injury and initiates the healing process. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, involves a large number of symptoms that can seriouslyaffectyourhealth.Theseinclude:
Is inflammation really that bad?
Ifleftunaddressed,chronicinflammationcanstartdamagingyourhealthycells,tissues and organs. This can result in serious conditions and diseases such as cardiovascular disease,type2diabetesandcancer.Exacerbatedbyalcohol,smoking,obesityandstress, chronicinflammationisasilentkillerthatshouldbetakenveryseriously.
How to reduce inflammation in the body
Many people don’t realise that they’re living with chronic inflammation until they’re diagnosedwithsomethingelse.Thisiswhyit’ssoimportanttobemindfulofanypresent symptomsandtoworkhardtoaddresstheminordertoliveahappyandhealthylife.
There are many things you can do to reduce inflammation in the body. Supplements such as fish oil and curcumin have all been linked to decreased inflammation in the body when taken over a period of time. Lifestyle changes can also help, such as increasingphysicalactivityandreducingyoursaturatedfatintake.
Diet changes to reduce inflammation
The age-old saying is true - we are what we eat. If you’re looking to reduce inflammation in your body, try eating foods that are known to have antiinflammatory properties. These low-glycemic foods are high in antioxidants and proventoreducebloodsugarlevels.
Fattyfish(salmon,sardinesandmackerel) Nuts Fruits Lentils
When you eat a low GI diet, you avoid sharp increases in blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation in the body. This means staying away from foods with a high GIvaluesuchaswhitebread,sugar,whitericeandpotatoes.Anythingprocessedisa bigno-no.
While anti-inflammatory diets may feel difficult to begin with, you should start feeling some relief in a matter of weeks, with high levels of healing to be expected between3to6months.
The impact of inflammation on the body
Ifyou’relookingtoreduceinflammationinyourbody,trymakingthenecessarydiet andlifestylechangestohelpyouliveahappylifefreefromfatigue,digestionissues and chronic pain. You may find yourself wondering how you ever lived any differently.
the power of connection and touch
The Power of Connection and Touch
It’seasytoforgetthepowerthattouchhaswhenitcomestodeepeningconnections. During the pandemic, lockdown restrictions saw more people than ever going without something as simple as a hug. Or even a handshake. The UCL Division of Psychology and Language Services recently conducted a study to investigate the effects numerous lockdowns had on people in relation to lost contact. Unsurprisingly, it increased perceptions of loneliness and negative mental healthespeciallyinatimeofheighteneddistressanduncertainty.
It’s no secret that a lack of social touch can have serious impacts on mental and physical health. Touch is something that can easily be taken for granted, and we onlyrealisejusthowmuchwemissitonceit’sgone.
But why is touch so powerful? Does it really help deepen the connection between people?
The benefits of touch
Researchshowsthatalackofphysicalaffectionduringchildhoodincreasestherate of adult physical violence and verbal aggression. Touch helps people feel safe, secure and nurtured, leading to healthier behaviours and stronger self-esteem. Touchisneededatallages,whetheritbeforanewbornoranelderlyperson.
Touch can also be incredibly beneficial when it comes to reducing stress. There’s nothingbetterthanacuddlefromalovedoneafterahardday.Whetherthisisfrom your partner, your dog or a dear friend, sometimes words just don’t suffice and a hug’sneededtohelpyoufeelbetter.Asimplecuddlehastheabilitytoreduceblood pressureandcortisol,helpingyoufeelcalmandsafe.
Physicaltouchalsofostershappierandmoreintimaterelationshipswithlovedones. This could mean snuggling up in bed with your partner or having your child fall asleeponyouonthesofa.Thesesimpleactssignificantlyloweryourheartrateand keepyoufeelingconnectedandatease-evenwithoutspeaking.
How can I tune into the power of touch?
Whenyou’remindfuloftouch,youcanboostthebenefitsthatcomefromit.Justlike engaging in a conversation, tuning into touch is a language in and of itself that can be connecting, soothing and healing. The next time you find yourself hugging someone,slowdownandpayattentiontothemoment.Thinkaboutthewarmththat radiates off the person you love or the tenderness that comes from their gentle movements.Tuneintoyourbody’sresponsetothesetypesofmoments.
But touch isn’t reserved just for close connections - they apply to simple, everyday settings with new contacts, too. The next time you shake someone’s hand, try to openyourselfuptoeyecontactandnoticetheexpressionontheotherperson’sface. This doesn’t need to be prolonged or forced - but opening yourself up to a new connectioncandoyouaworldofgood.Evenifitonlylastsforasecondortwo.
Co-regulation and it's Benefits
What Is Co-regulation?
Have you ever witnessed a toddler tantrum that was met with yelling from a caregiver? Judgement aside, this probably didn’t do much to calm the little one down,andinsteadamplifiedthesituationevenfurther. This may have left you wondering what’s the best way ofcalmingachilddownwhenthey’reexperiencingbig emotions.
Enter: co-regulation. Co-regulation is the ability to regulate emotions and managestressfulsituationswiththesupportofanother individual. Before self-regulation is possible, it’s important to develop co-regulation skills. This is why parents are instructed to calmly respond to crying infants with a warm embrace and gentle rocking. When caregivers respond to stressful situations in a peaceful and collected manner, their child is able to pickupontheircalmemotionsandfollowsuit.
Thishascountlessbenefitsforchildrenofallages.But how can you put it into practice as your children grow older?
How can I use this technique?
Co-regulation can involve different techniques for different personalities and ages. While infants may benefit from co-regulation tactics such as cuddles and rocking, toddlers may need something a bit different such as a sip of water or a break from the hustleandbustle.Themostimportantthingthatparentscandowhenusingtheseskills istostaycalmandcollected.
When a child goes into meltdown mode, it can be difficult to remain calm when the situation is making you feel stressed out or anxious. Children can pick up on these nervous feelings and respond with an increase in adrenaline, becoming more dysregulatedthantheywerepreviously.
That’s why it’s so important to make sure you regulate your own emotions first. Take a coupleofdeepbreaths.Doyourbesttoblockoutthenoiseandstopcaringwhatrandom onlookers may be thinking. Children match the energy of their caregivers. When you remaincalmandregulated,thiswillencourageyourchildtomirroryourbehaviourand do the same. While it can be difficult to put into practice, it eventually gets easier over time.Usingessentialoilsisagreatwaytohelpyouremaincalmorbringasenseofcalm totheatmosphereofaroomwhichinturnbenefitseveryone.
Things to remember
Whenrespondingtoadistressedchild,remembertomaintainacalmpresenceandtone of voice. If your child is older, verbally acknowledge the distress they’re going through and offer them a cuddle. While this may work some of the time, other times you may havetogetcreative.Offeryourchildasipofwaterorasnack.Takethemforaslowwalk awayfromwhat’scausingthemtofeeloverstimulated.Itisn’talwayseasy,butitpaysoff themoreyoudoit.
relax in 10
TO minutes WAYS 5
It’s easy to tell when our bodies are experiencing tension. Shoulders scrunch up towards the chin. Heartbeats race. A flurry of thoughts floods our brains. When our bodies experience stress, our cortisol levels are increased - leading to a wide host of negative issues such as anxiety, insomnia, digestion issues, memory problems and weight gain. But how can you relax your body in 10 minutes or less if you feel yourself spinning out of control?
The following techniques have been proven to relieve tension in the body. Whether you use them to calm down quickly or just implement them in your everyday life to keep things under control, the following techniques can do your mind, body and spirit a world of good when it comes to staying centred and calm.
Engage in stretches that release tension. Popular calming stretches include child’s pose, pigeon pose, downward facing dog and forward fold. Perform each stretch for 30 to 60 seconds and take deep, calming breaths throughout.
engage intbreathing echniques
When we feel stressed out, we tend to take quick, shallow breaths. Get your body out of that fight or flight state with breathing techniques to help you relax. A popular breathwork strategy for people who frequently experience stress is called box breathing, otherwise known as 4-4-4 breathing.
Get into a comfortable position and make sure your back is supported. Close your eyes and slowly count to four while breathing in through your nose. Hold that breath for 4 seconds and focus on how it feels to have your lungs filled. Exhale slowly for 4 seconds. Repeat as many times as you like.
You can go a step further by adding calming essential oils to a cotton ball, tissue, or a roll-on. Essential oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, bergamot and rosemary can work wonders for putting you into a zen state.
soak your feet
Fill a large bowl or your bathtub with warm water and soak your feet for 10 minutes. You can even add some therapeutic bath salts or essential oils to really amplify this much-deserved break. Foot baths warm the blood and the soul, helping you release tension and anxiety. Your entire body is connected to your feet - nurturing yourself through a footpath has countless benefits for your overall health and well-being.
close your eyes
If you’re feeling overstimulated, sometimes it’s best to just close your eyes. This helps transport you to another place and lets you focus on relaxation techniques such as breathwork. Modern life has exhausted our eyes through nonstop technology use and a need to do more than ever. Give your eyes and your mind a break and engage in a 10-minute reset.
ground yourself
Grounding yourself involves staying connected to the present. If you find your anxiety taking over, engage in grounding techniques such as running warm water over your hands or walking through your garden barefoot. Focus on how the water feels against your skin. What does the long grass feel like on the soles of your feet?
When you fully engage in the sensations of the present, this can help calm the body and relax you both physically and mentally.
Relaxation techniques help slow your heart rate, decrease blood pressure, reduce stress hormones and calm muscle tension and chronic pain. If you find yourself frequently experiencing stress and anxiety, use these techniques to help calm your body and spirit.
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Elizabeth Cairns - Cordelia Dyer - Elena & Hannah 'rho' -