Vision Newspaper - issue 04 - 2017

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Issue 04 - May 2017


Meet Cayman Singer Jamesette Anglin... Career Overview on page 09




The Caribbean

Dr. Peter Phillips Replaces Portia Simpson as Jamaican Opposition Leader

The World

"I will be vigorous in the protection of the people's interest .... our voices will not be restricted to Parliament. We will be utilizing the media and social organizations. I want to pay special tribute to my predecessor in this office, Portia Simpson Miller .... the transition could not be better. We will ensure the interest of the people will be secured. I am honourd to have served her as her her Minister of Finance. What we accomplished could not have happened without her support. I am eternally grateful to her. I commit my support for the people not y PNP supporters." Declared a jubilant Dr. Peter Phillips. " Thank you again GG and staff for making this possible" Asserted Dr. Phillips.

Opposition Leader Dr Peter Phillips and his wife Sandra Minott Phillips at installation, King's House April 3rd 2017 As reported on our website (, the swearing in of Dr. Peter Davis Phillips took place at King's House at approximately 10 AM local time, Monday,. April 3, 2017. It was a packed ballroom consisting of the family of Dr Peter David. Phlllips, PNP supporters, photographers, reprters and friends who witnessed the swearing in of Dr. Peter David Phillips as Opposition Leader in the Jamaican Parliament.

On hand was Mrs. Margaret Minott, mother-in-law of Dr. Phillips ...his wife's mother. "I am a retired nurse and midwife and I worked at the University Hospital for 15 years .. I used to attend to student nurses. I feel very nice today" as she spoke exclusively to Vision's SIC. Dr. Philips also said "As president of the PNP I have work to do ... groups need to be looked at ... dialogue needs to be done, programmes and political education, are things needed to be achieved Property Tax "We do not think the property tax is tenable" Asserted Dr. Perter Phillips as he concluded our interview.

Addressing the Audience

PM. Holness Announced a Scholarship of $1 Million Jamaican Dollars in Honour of Joseph McPherson, at his Funeral Service in Jamaica PM Holness spoke of the affable personality of Joseph McPherson. " Joseph always found time to share in a chat even if did not have the time to listen" PM Holness remarked ... to some laughter. Mr. Joseph McPherson's daughter Donna, one of his 9 children spoke in glowing terms of her father and his devotion and love for his wife, their mother Claire of 61 years. PM. Holness announced a scholarship of one million Jamaican dollars toward a journalism student in honour of Joseph McPherson. Tears flowed as JLP stalwart Joseph McPherson was laid to rest in a a very sombre thanksgiving Service at St. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Church, Friday March 31, 2017. Attendees The PM Andrew Holness, Former PM Bruce Golding, former Attorney General Dorothy Lightbourne, OC, former National Security Minister Dwight Nelson, Minister Babsy Grange, Finance Minister, Hon. Audley Shaw and former Ambassador to Venezuela, Cliff Stone and wife, were among the throng of dignitaries who attended the funeral Service for Joseph McPherson. Former PM Edward Seaga was represented by The Most Honourable Karla Seaga, his wife.

Joseph McPherson was editor of the Voice Newspaper, which was widely believed torched by the PNP. He never allowed this dastardly act to deter him from succeeding. Joseph McPherson ran against Portia Simpson Miller and lost in SW St. Andrew. Dwight Nelson remarked that it was Joseph McPherson who brought him into the Bustamante Industrial Trade Union (BITU). Joseph McPherson was eulogized as a man of unquestionable integrity. Culture Minister Hon. Olivia "Babsy" Grange was a Pall Bearer and carried the Casket Piece out of the church ... " I was honoured to have been afforded such a pride of place at Joe's funeral, he was a remarkable man" as she spoke exclusively to Vision's SIC, trying to fight back the tears. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie, SIC & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper.

A Caring Man Of Integrity

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Exposing the talent in our communities.

Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Junior Whyte, Senior International Correspondent in Jamaica: Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Marshall-Squire, Editors: Samantha Deschamps, Marilyn Marshall, Maresa Cadienhead BSc., NCCP, Kati Palmer



Perspective: Jamaica’s Property Taxes

There has been considerable public outcry regarding steep increases in property taxes. Property taxes by law are to be reviewed every 5 years. Successive administrations have been doing so in an erratic way. The previous PNP government did a valuation but refused to implement the new valuations since 2002. It is now the misfortune of the JLP to implement the 2013 evaluation ... which is the most recent one. This is a massive increase and will cause dislocation for the most pensioners and those on fixed incomes and other low income members of our society. Cheap Popularity We do not know if it is pure incompetence or, an attempt by the PNP to deceive the public with

the falsehood that property taxes could stay artificially low forever. There seems to be the legendary popularity game that has been played to the detriment of our future. Effective leadership is no popularity contest. If in the process of leading one gets popular, we then say "To God be the glory great things He hath done" The Holness led JLP seem by pattern, not to be inclined to put popularity ahead of what is good for the people and ultimately Jamaica. There is no room for cheap popularity. Bite The Bullet The JLP seem never afraid to ask constituents to bite the proverbial bullet even if in doing so leads to a drop in their popularity.

Perspective: What Type Of Leader Will Dr. Phillips Be?

Dr. Peter Phillips, the newly crowned president of the PNP, is now exploiting the massive public outcry to apparently gain political advantage over the JLP. There is nothing is immoral about this, but it is could be viewed as short sighted and the Jamaican public who is getting better educated daily could frown on this "cheap" type of politicking. The only response to this has to be public education and a payment plan for those experiencing real hardship. There are relief mechanisms for seniors but people seem not very inclined to trigger these mechanisms ... for reasons not very clear. There are reports that some properties could see their taxes increase by some 500%. Review We hope the government will see the need to further review the rates in the public's interest. There is need for the taxes to run the country and such is inescapable. Let us not fool ourselves in any false notion that there is no need for taxes. This is our perspective, unfortunately as painful as it may appear. Do you see another way out? Let us hear from you ,now

and are inclined to be attracted to a younger leader. This a factor in last election of February 2016.

We have already stated that with the recent walk out of Parliament on the eve of the Budget debate Vote it is felt that the complexion of Parliament will change dramatically. Phillips is likely to be hungry for more power and as soon as possible. If elections are called in four years time ... as they are Constitutionally due. By then Phillips who is now 67 will be 70+ and with a younger leader in Andrew, may not have the stamina to keep up with the hectic pace of an election campaign. Phillips may want to force the government to call early General elections to get his own mandate,

on the other hand Phillips may be seen as attractive to all votes due to his policies and past performance as Finance Minister. It is widely felt that he (Phillips) did a superb job as Finance. Minister and related well to the IMF. We have to wait and see ... in politics nothing is predictable ... voters are known to be fickle. The property tax issue needs to be handled with sensitivity. Holness’ Cabinet is expected to discuss same tomorrow. This will be a crucial discussion ... we wish them well. This is my perspective ... What is yours? Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is SIC and Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper.

Voters are getting younger Advertisment



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Why Did Hanna Move Against Grange?

This is Holy Week and having started the week going to church on Palm Sunday, as posted in vision Newspaper it is not my intention to do or say anything that will spoil this Holy start to this very sacred time for Christians. Not-with-standing this fact it would be a gross dereliction of duty if the facts would be withheld on such flimsy grounds. Let the truth rein as night follows day ... this is what will be done here. Hush if you are offended by my frankness. Such is the realty of transparency.... I am not a politician so such license was not be-

queathed to me. Some are better endowed than others, unfortunately Smoke Screen I was traveling on Highway 2000 in Jamaica W.I., and nearly crashed as there was a thick smoke screen emanating from a cane field. This was a smoke screen in reality ... not a make belief or a mirage. This was the real deal ... trust me. It was a real danger to road safety and warranted the call out of the emergency services. What Lisa "Jezabel" Hanna,

a former Culture and Youth Minister did when she chose to attack the character of the Honourable Olivia "Babsy" Grange, Culture Minister etc. was in my perspective, a false smoke screen This attack was as honourable as Brutus' attack on Julius Caesar as portrayed by Shakespeare. One slight difference, Brutus ' attack was from behind, Any possible plotting was done in secret. We may never know all the sordid facts or Hanna's real motives. One thing we are sure of is that Caesar did see his attacker before his demise. ... he even called out his name. Criminal Charges The damning report of the Office of The Contractor General into Hanna's area of oversight when she was a Minister of Government was released that same evening in Parliament. From all appearances it would not be far fetched to perceive that any reasonable person,including Hanna,would have wanted attention to have been deflected from this not so pleasant report. The OCG recommended that the Office of the Director of Public Pros-

ecutions (DPP) be asked to investigated to see if criminal charges may be laid against at least three operatives,of whom Hanna had oversight. It was a clever move even if perceived as underhanded. Politics, as you are aware is not a Sunday school affair.. Did Hanna succeed to an extent? Well, in my perceptive that is how I see it from my vantage point. The verdict is yours. She may have in fact conceived of this plan/plot expertly. Hanna is formally educated with University degrees. we may never know why Hanna moved against Grange, if in fact she did.? Could it all be a strange coincidence? We have no solid evidence that this was in fact a plot, but if a creature walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is only reasonable to conclude that this could be a duck. Media War Minister Grange did refute the allegations in Parliament by referring to them as “A Big fat Lie”. It was in a Ministerial Statement. The media, both print and electronic did

extensive coverage of same. This story seems to be going no where in a hurry. This is a media war in the making between two experienced combatants. Hanna is a trained Journalist/media practitioner. So is Grange who was also a former Information Minister in the PM Bruce Golding JLP Administration. This media war is for real ....not a smoke screen. Hanna has taken to CVM TV to further press home her case ... obviously not satisfied with Grange’s protestations. (See picture enclosed). Be reminded that you can fool the people some of the time, but not all the time. Finally, if you live in a glass house you should not throw stones. Stay tuned to visin fr the latest on this drama. It may not end pleasantly. Even if Hanna was making a false statement, she has Parliamentary immunity. This is my perspectives ...what is yours? Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie, is SIC & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper

Perspective: BOJ Should Leave Credit Unions Alone movement ... there is no room for interference by the Bank of Jamaica. BOJ need to regulate the Commercial Banks who are believed to be ripping of customers by high, if not oppressive and hidden fees. Money in so called “Dormant Accounts” are seized by these banks and used to enrich their bottom line. What a shame and disgrace, if not scandal!

The interference by the Bank Of Jamaica into the running of the local Credit Union Movement, under the disguise of regulating same, is false and deceptive to say the least. This is not in the best interest of Credit Union savers et al ... in short, this is not good news. The Credit Union movement has self regulated the affairs of its members from time immemorial and have merged when it saw the need to. The “weak” has always stood by the strong in the

best interest of their members’ deposits and assets. Financial Meltdown 1990 .... In the 90s when banks were falling like flies and there was turmoil in the financial sector ... FINSAC etc. No Credit Union folded. This speaks volumes of the resilience and sound leadership of the respective Board of Directors and the Credit Union League. If it is not broken leave it alone. No “dutty” up this great

An announcement by National Commercial Bank (NCB) and another of the apparent rapacious banks to cease the practice of declaring “dormant accounts” is welcome news. Joereen Mclean, Manager of the Postal Coop Credit Union, told Vision’s SIC exclusively that “My Credit Union has never written off any loans in the past many years ...” she could not put a figure on the years. Delinquency

On the vexed issue of defaulting on loans, the long time Credit Union manager had this eye opening revelation: “Our delinquency is 2%. The industry norm is 5%. We have many unsecured loans and we are paid.” We are doing well as a movement. We are resisting attempts to force us to merge.” bemoaned the Manager with a broad smile. Merging to form larger Credit Unions seems to be the BOJ’s plan. Titles “We even lend money to improve housing stock to assist our members ... having registered titles is a problem ... we try to work around any obstacles. We still do not have defaults on these loans. Dr. Peer Phillips in his installation as PNP president spoke

about Cooperatives/ Credit Union Movement briefly. Did he do anything as Finance Minister to discourage interference in the Credit Union Movement? We need to hear from you Dr. Phillips. We say leave the Credit Union Movement alone. Focus on the rapacious banks. Members are helping members in the Credit Unions to better their lives. We are not ripping off our members. Will the Hon. Audley Shaw, Finance Minister, JLP, stop this flawed interference by BOJ in the Credit Union Movement in Jamaica? We hope so! What is your perspective. his is ours. Let us hear from you.

Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is SIC Vision Newspaper and a Credit Union member since 1967 .... served on the Board of at least one Credit Union and helped to form another. They are both doing well.



Addressing Systemic Racism in York District School Board

Minister of Education Mitzie Hunter was very disturbed by recent findings from a review into the York District School Board concerning reports of a culture of fear mongering and heightened systemic racism against Black and Muslim students. One such example was of anti-Muslim sentiments uttered on social media by a principal at that board. Minister Mitzie Hunter has taken necessary initiative to address the issues in a n attempt to regain public confidence in the province’s third largest school board. -CBC News Racism affects everyone like a cancer and needs to be addressed in order to foster an inclusive and equitable learning environment where students

feel comfortable and welcome, so they can focus more on learning instead of managing toxic attitudes and conduct of persons entrusted to lead them into a bright future. Late in 2016 Minister Hunter was called in amidst controversy and allegations of racist the remarks made by another of the boards’ member (Nancy Elgie) who uttered a racial slurr toward a black parent, whom she called Nigger. The board took an inordinate amount of time to address the issue which calls into question the responsibility and accountability of leaders. Elgie eventually, after quite some time and mounting public pressure, publicly apologized for her language, citing a head injury as excuse for her comments. Its apparent she felt safe and comfortable enough in her response to the parent and if left unattended would have continued on in her role. Perhaps, noted complacency in the leadership channels gave way for such abuse of power. Minister Hunter who felt saddened by the situation stepped in to mitigate the circumstances. Mounting public out cry for Elgie’s inevitable resignation (which was slow but sure) was growing. The minister was called on to quell the tensions brewing between the parents, the community and all whom it concerned. The minister requested two investigators go into the board to conduct

reviews on trustee accountability and ways in which relations between parents and community can be repaired or improved. The report would also look at whether trustees and the director of education are operating within their legislated duties, additionally, they would recommend ways to improve the working relationships at the board amongst trustees, between the board and the director of education, and between the director of education and senior staff, they would also review whether board members and the director of education are fulfilling their obligations. The report which was due on April 7th. Written by Patrick Case, a law professor and former school trustee, also by Suzanne Herbert, a former deputy minister in Ontario. Patrick Case and Suzanne Herbert conducted an urgent review of the York Region District School Board and provided their observations and recommendations regarding concerns around governance and equity, which have impacted public confidence in the board.

ditiously to the racist incidents which incited the investigations.

The troubling discoveries from the report elicited Minister Hunters’ twenty six directives in lieu of the findings. Its evident from the details that there exist a lack of accountability among school trustees surrounding the allegations of racism. It denounces inactivity by the board in their failure to respond expe-

“Our government is committed to improving student achievement, ensuring equity, promoting well-being and enhancing public confidence in our publicly funded schools. This is critical to the success of students in Ontario.”

The sentiment of racism and discrimination is strong within the York District School Board. The directives by the ministers requires the board to immediately suspend all international travel, submit a plan for governance and equity training for all board members, establish the position of senior administrator responsible for equity, and conduct a performance appraisal of the Director of Education led by an external human resources professional all in an effort said the minister, to rebuild public confidence. The report also describes feelings of alienation, marginalization and discrimination expressed by many of the board's students, parents, staff and members of the community. The board's leadership - including the trustees and the Director - must take the actions necessary to address these concerns, said the minister. In another statement issued by Minister Hunter, she has said;





Ontario Introduces Anti-Racism Legislation Advancing the Province’s 3-Year Anti-Racism Strategic Plan to public sector policies and programs. Eliminating systemic racism is part of Ontario's plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives. QUICK FACTS •

Recently, Michael Coteau, Minister Responsible for Anti-Racism, introduced new legislation that would, if passed, embed Ontario's Anti-Racism Directorate in law, creating a framework for continued work to promote equity for racialized groups across the province. During public consultations held last year, the province's Anti-Racism Directorate heard from community members that legislation was needed to ensure the long-term sustainability of the government's anti-racism efforts. This proposed Anti-Racism Act responds to that request and would allow government and public sector organizations to identify and combat systemic racism in policies, programs and services and effectively work toward advancing racial equity for all.

If passed, the proposed Anti-Racism Act would: Establish the Anti-Racism Directorate in legislation to ensure its long-term sustainability Ensure the sustainability and accountability of the government's anti-racism work by developing and maintaining a multi-year anti-racism strategy. The strategy's initiatives, targets and indicators would be reported upon annually to measure the strategy's effectiveness Require a review of the anti-racism strategy at least every five years, in consultation with the public Enable the government to mandate race data collection and an anti-racism impact assessment framework, to apply an anti-racism perspective

• •

The breadth of Ontario’s proposed Anti-Racism Act is unprecedented in Canada, and would position the province as a leader in working toward the elimination of systemic racism. The Anti-Racism Directorate was established in February 2016. A Better Way Forward: Ontario’s 3-Year Anti-Racism Strategic Plan was announced on March 7, 2017 and outlines Ontario’s approach to combatting systemic racism. The proposed Anti-Racism Act includes provisions that protect privacy and personal information and if passed, would provide the Information and Privacy Commissioner with an oversight role. It is estimated that by 2031, racialized people will make up 40 per cent of Ontarians.

Province Investing in Grassroots Community Projects to Build Skills and Create Opportunity project is receiving support through Ontario's Youth Opportunities Fund to connect at-risk youth in the Greater Toronto Area with mentors and offer specialized workshops to help them develop new skills such as financial literacy, set and work toward goals and learn about healthy relationships. Ontario is supporting new opportunities for youth across the province to connect with mentors, learn new skills and achieve success. Michael Coteau, Minister of Children and Youth Services, made the announcement today at the Youth Action Network in Toronto. The centre's MyStand

A total of 41 projects across the province are receiving support this year in communities including, Akwesasne, Cambridge, Hamilton, Kenora, Kingsville, Lake Temagami, M'chigeeng, Nestor Falls, Ottawa, Peterborough, Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury, Thames Valley, Thunder Bay and Toronto.

Projects include: •

Skills training programs in film and media, digital literacy, costume design and the trades • English language classes for newcomers • Health promotions programs, including mental health support and creative therapy • Sports and recreation programs to help youth stay active, build networks of friends and mentors • Programs specially designed for Indigenous, racialized, newcomer and LGBTTQ youth • Civic engagement opportunities, as part of Ontario150 Increasing supports and skill-building opportunities for children and youth in communities across the

province is part of Ontario's plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives. QUICK FACTS •

The 41 projects will be receiving more than $12 million this year from Ontario's Youth Opportunities Fund, and will be delivered by grassroots, youthled, community-based organizations. Since its launch in 2013, the Youth Opportunities Fund has provided approximately $17 million to 74 community groups benefitting over 115,000 youth. Grants are awarded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation based on how well projects

address desired outcomes in Stepping Up: A Strategic Framework to Help Ontario's Youth Succeed. The Youth Opportunities Fund is part of the province's $55-million enhanced Ontario Youth Action Plan, Ontario's largest investment to date to help children and youth in high-priority communities across the province. Under the Ontario Black Youth Action Plan, the Youth Opportunities Fund will be increased by $1 million annually to support grassroots projects focused on skills development programming. The application period for next year’s grants will launch this summer.



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Season Change Rhythm Plans To Motivate & Uplift With Vibes Berta Records presents the blazing reggae hit filled Season Change Rhythm. The profound rockers influenced rhythm features a star studded reggae line up. With artists such as Bugle "Rising For A Fall", Chino "I Nah Worry", Kabaka Pyramid "Never Change" , Romain Virgo & Bugle "No Problem", Tarrus Riley "There is A Way" and upcoming artist Rockaz Element whose single "No Get Away" is an amazing track.

During the production process of the rhythm Berta Records set out to produce a project with a message, yet still maintaining an uplifting vibe for persons to move to. Each single stands out on their own, delivering a positive message about life, overcoming struggles and motivating persons to keep going despite the pitfalls they may experience. While pleased with the outcome of the rhythm, Berta Records is also humbled by the support he received from each of the artists on the project and there contribution. Most importantly he thanks Anointed Records who assisted in every step of the way.

Reggae artist Bugle released his sophomore album "Be Yourself." it's an authentic Reggae album comprising fifteen solid songs (one bonus track) that I've put a lot of effort to crafting and definitely shows my growth as an artiste. The album features Tarrus Riley, Sizzla Kalonji, Shaggy, new sensation Rockaz Elements and Shenseea. I really believe this project is going to resonate well with the people and therefore I am taking a very strategic approach to the marketing campaign," said Bugle.

New York, NY: Bugle, the highly talented reggae artist has released his sophomore album titled "Be Yourself." The album contains 15 tracks all specially made to pass on a strong message to the listeners. Bugle, yet again, displays a high level of creativity and talent with his melodious voice and smooth flow of rhythm, which always captivate his listening audience. Produced by Bugle, he holds this album in a special place. "Anointed was a very successful album, but 'Be Yourself' I believe is my best work yet,

Creatively made, Bugle even pays homage to some of the greats before him like The Abyssinians in his last track 'Acceptance'. Combining the old with the new in a creative way is something Bugle mastered on several tracks on this album. One of the stand out track would have to be "Always A Way", which is a modern day remake of the Riddim for Barrington Levy's Prison Oval. Throughout the album Bulge commands a magical expression in his music that keeps listeners glued to their device, as each track flows right into the next, giving listeners a sense of motivation, upliftment and hope. The album is available now on Amazon, iTunes, and Reggae Record.

The theme throughout the album is to uplift the listener and take them to a better place, despite all the pressures of today's world.

never failed to knock me off my feet. Be Yourself is one of those things that has been keeping me happy recently," said Sarah P, a fan.

Be yourself all when people nuh accept you fi you. Chances are it's just because you nah do wah dem waan yuh fi do. But before you please nobody please please yourself, can't be nobody else, so be yourself!" (Bugle -excerpt from Be Yourself)

The 15- track album, which hit #3 after the second day of being released on Europe iTunes Reggae Charts is definitely an album for lovers of music, but most importantly lovers of life itself. To purchase and support, please go to iTunes.

'Be Yourself' is a collection of music delivered by a well-experienced artist who had gained musical wisdom over the years. His Dubstep track Ganja features Grammy winner Shaggy, and Love Me Only features new sensation Shenseea. Giving you a diverse selection of talent and sound was something Bugle seek to achieve with this album. Carnival fanatics will have ultimate love for the remix version of Rasta Party, which features music heavyweights Tarrus Riley and Sizzla.

About Bugle Bulge is a reggae artist with a commitment to delivering quality music with a positive message, and spirit lifting content. He released his debut album Anointed, followed by EP reggae knowledge, which was well received and celebrated. Be Yourself is his latest album, which is already taking the world by storm.

"Bulge continues to impress me with his amazing album and music, which is full of good content, positive values, and character. The sound is excellent, and I can’t but also mention his vocal strength, which has

For more information on the artist and his works, please contact 347-497-8874,, or visit www.

Nassy represents for Tobago Tourism with latest track received over 170,000 views on social media site YouTube, thus giving the San Juan, Trinidad-based artiste a steady platform for spreading his positive message regarding the encouragement of both domestic and international tourism for Tobago. The brand new musical offering by budding artiste Nassy entitled “D Tourist” has become the latest viral sensation to come out of the twin island republic of Trinidad & Tobago. With a simple yet catchy beat and infectious hooks the song has been gaining attention with the music loving masses and places a special spotlight on Tobago’s many tourism attractions. Within 3 days of its release the track and its accompanying music video have already

D Tourist which echoes the sentiments of the islands’ recent ‘Stay to Get Away’ campaign was written by Nassy and produced by Klase Gonzalez (First Klase). Featuring a Hip-Hop laced production fused with the unmistakable lyrical sound of a Trinbagonian Chantuelle, this song is set to be a hit with locals and visitors alike just in time for the upcoming Easter weekend and many other long weekends to come which will see several tourists descending upon Trinidad’s

sister isle of Tobago. Nassy whose real name is Manasseh Roberts may be a newcomer in the industry but is certainly not a novice when it comes to music itself. The bourgeoning star is the grandnephew of the late Grandmaster Lord Kitchener, the cousin of singer/songwriter/producer Kernel Roberts and also the first cousin to the rising female Dancehall sensation Keturah Gamba. In his latest musical offering, Nassy delivers memorable, relatable and often comical lines and rhymes full of ‘Trinbagonianisms’ which reflect the culture of the 2 islands. Lyrics such as, ‘Spending money with no plan, coil thick like the doubles man’; ‘Never see come see tourist in meh country, doing it wet doh care bout nobody’ illustrate Nassy’s desire to promote national interest and pride through the use of our local parlance.

While Nassy mentions several notable Tobago landmarks in his song such as Argyle Falls, Pigeon Point, Buccoo Reef, The Nylon Pool and Signal Hill, the music video for the track which was done by Fu Family Films creatively displays several facets of the island’s unique splendour e.g. its coral reef sea-life, luxurious accommodations, jet skiing and even goat racing. Just as D Tourist shows diversity in T&T’s local music productions, Nassy hopes that this song will assist in the diversification of the local economy via increased tourism income. He aspires for local tourism authorities to utilize the track as a tool in order to help influence and boost local residents and citizens’ appreciation and knowledge of destination Tobago. P.O.S. Trinidad (Sonique Solutions)

Check out ‘D Tourist’ on Youtube: watch AND Follow ‘Nassy’ on Facebook: www.





Droop Lion drops new single Have You Seen The Rain

Ultra-talented Free People Entertainment recording artiste Droop Lion continues to revolutionize reggae music as he stays true to his pledge to “make Reggae great again”. Armed with a destined-for-success 14-track album, Ideologies, the Rastafarian singer with the signature, soul-searing voice, is ready to rock the world with

the release of Have You Ever Seen The Rain, the very first single from the album. March 17 has been designated as the official release date of a song which is sure to evoke memories for many and create a slew of new set for many more. Have You Seen the Rain is a cover version, but it is just not any cover, it is a time-honoured classic and in true Droop Lion fashion, the singer wholeheartedly embraces it, even as he meticulously strips away the over four decades since the song made its debut and passionately refreshes it with new life. Droop vocally claims this 1970’s hit

as his very own, even though he stays true to the original lyrics and pays tribute to the creators.

for each person and at the same time there is also a universal interpretation,” he said reflectively.

Have You Seen the Rain was written by John Fogerty of roots rock group Creedence Clearwater Revival and released as a single in 1971 from the album Pendulum. It racked up many accolades and has sold over 25 million copies.

Undoubtedly, Droop Lion, delivers an impressive, reggae-inspired rendition of the rock band’s 1970's song which allows him to remain committed to his own personal musical ideology and identity. This singer, who emerged as one of the leading voices of a new reggae-soul movement, and who has never compromised in order to achieve success, again shows exactly why he has been chosen as the disciple who will put the word ‘great’ back in reggae music.

“This is truly a big song and has been one of my favourites from the very first time that I heard it,” Droop Lion confesses. “For me to do a cover of Have You Seen the Rain is an honour and a pleasure. It is one of those songs that pose a powerful question and, in fact, it is more about life than it is about the weather. The word rain is really a metaphor for so many other things and therefore this song can have a different meaning

Have You Seen The Rain the debut single from, and the first song on Droop Lion’s brilliant Ideologies album, will be released on March 15 and will also be available for download on digital platforms. Advertisment


PRADO pleased with Rotten Rich’s success months however the song has been one of the top two singles rotated from the project. So far the video for ‘Rotten Rich’ has over 55,000 views on Instagram and 20,000 views on YouTube and counting.

A few unscrupulous persons online however, have started posting fake information labeling the song as a ‘Miss Kitty Diss’ Track, even thought the single does not mention Miss Kitty either directly or indirectly.

Kingston Jamaica Super star media personality turned artiste, Yanique ‘Curvy Diva’ Barrett, has officially released her first single under the recently signed recording deal with Good Good Production. The highly anticipated single called ‘Lifestyle’, on the Good Good produced Money Mix Riddim, premiered earlier this week to exceptional reviews from key industry players and fans of the Curvy Diva worldwide. The overall sentiment was that of surprise that the TV Host and Media darling sounded like a well seasoned recording artiste on the track.

“The song talks about my life and what I’ve been through and how little I let bother me from any haters or hypocrites. It’s not directed at any specific person but if the cap fits……..” Curvy Diva noted Yanique is quite pleased with the response the song has been getting however and has plans to shoot a music video for the single in short order. “I am overwhelmed with all the love and support. I know I have the talent and to bring it to the forefront and have it so well received, I'm so grateful.” Yanique added The ‘Lifestyle’ single released on the Money Mix Riddim for Good Good Production is now available on ITunes.


The single was inspired by the general hope the artiste has always had for black people who want to aspire to true wealth to actually achieve it. Prado believes that hard work is important in making the wealth dream a reality.

Reemerging Dancehall Artiste Prado, also known as Desperado, is quite pleased that the hard work invested into the promotion of his latest single ‘Rotten Rich’ has reaped real rewards. The artiste has seen the single, produced by Apartment 19 Music, propel to one of the top juggling spots in the streets and ‘Rotten Rich’ can now be considered a street anthem. “The response on the streets have been overwhelming, I never expected it and am very grateful that the fans are requesting the song at dances on a nightly basis. I have to give thanks to the selectors, the sound systems, the mix tape djs and all the weekly events for their support”. Prado reiterated. The single ‘Rotten Rich’ was recorded late last year on RDX’s Hot Foot Riddim that also features I Octane, Spice, Raytid and RDX among others, over the last few

“We don't sit around talking about being poor we talk about getting rich. I believe people should strive for wealth, not over happiness, not by selling your soul. But go for wealth and do not settle.” Prado added A phrase from the song "Rich till rat a nyam mi money” has also caught on especially when the artiste performs it locally. So far Prado has performed the ‘Rotten Rich’ single at some major events and received excellent responses from the massive crowds, these events include; The Jamaica Moves Launch with RDX at the Emancipation Park, the Digicel Grand Prix at the National Stadium with Chi Ching Ching and he also performed with Popcaan at GT Taylor’s Kite Fest in St Ann over the Easter weekend. A video for Prado’s single "Talk" voiced for NotNice Records should be released before the summer as well as upcoming audio releases with Blaqsheep Music, Jamie Roberts, RDX and Popcaan. Janice Young | PR Director/Event Coordinator/ Advertising Consultant





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Liesure & Lifestyle

Jamaican Government Apologizes to Rastafarians apology for atrocities by the State to certain citizens for atrocities committed some years ago. He honoured this commitment today April 4, 2017 in Parliament when the PM issued a statement in which he apologized to the Rastafarian ComA well decorated Rasta Man poses in Morant Bay, munity for a Jamaica for Vision Newsaper massacre by the Police A Trust fund is to be set up of at least 6 Rastas in 1963. with J$10 million to be used as There was an uprising and the compensation to descendants Police detained an estimated and or survivors of this 1963 400 Rastafarians. Some were event in Coral Gardens, St shaved and abused. Detained James, outside Montego Bay, without cause and humiliated Jamaica W.I. because they were Rastas. Six lots are to be given to the Coral Gardens Massacre Rastafarian Community in a area known as Pinnacle in This unfortunate incident has St. Catherine ... to be used to been referred as "Black Friday" further their culture. by Rastafarians. Two Police Officers were also killed in the In his contribution to 2017-18 uprising in Coral Gardens. Budget Debate PM Holness committed to issuing a formal

Public Defender

Donovan Watkis TO PUBLISH NEW BOOK JR’s HOPE: Thoughts On Improving From Up The Street The book offers insights into the author's personal struggles and how

The Officer of the Public Defender investigated this vexed issue and recommended compensation .... a committee was set up of parliamentarians who examined the report of Public Defender. Today's announcement by PM Holness is historic and closes a sordid chapter. Parliamentary Review Committee Hon 'Babsy" Grange, Culture Minister, Hon Marlene Malahoo Forte, Attorney -General, Hon. Mike Henry, Transport Minister, a ball head Rasta, Hon. Delroy Chuck, Justice Minister were among the committee members who examined the Public Defender's Report on Rasta Compensation for the Coral Gardens incident. A Rastafarian, monitored in a radio interview was reacting to the apology and Trust Fund said "The government should have given more cash". There was full agreement with the Opposition. Dr. P. Phillips, Opposition Leader endorsed the compensation package and felt it was long overdue. Phillips was a former Rastafarian. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is SIC & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper.


Donovan Watkis swept up four awards at the Northern Caribbean University’s Lignum Vitae Film Festival (2015), and a historical distribution partnership with the Bob Marley owned TUFF GONG/ UMG label. An Artist manager, Film director and record producer, Donovan Watkis released his book JR’s HOPE: “Thoughts On Improving From Up The Street” a year ago on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles to much acclaim. Donovan will release the audible version of the book this year on iTunes, Amazon and other digital platforms. The publication of JR’s Hope is about improving traditional beliefs and superstitions in communities and families so we can all become better citizens. JR’s Hope is every young boy’s hope according to Dr. Sonjah Stanley Niaah author of “Dancehall From Slave Ship to Ghetto” .

he was able to overcome them through systematic improvement of his beliefs and mental attitude. The book is also a practical guide and "how to" for every man to find and become the hero of his life and family. JR speaks about his transition from humble upbringings with his single parent mother in Portland Jamaica to major career exploits in Hollywood. He explains the impression a meeting with Top Entertainment Moguls like P.Diddy and Mark Ecko on 150-foot Yacht

parties in Miami affected his life and lead him to create cultural moments like the "No Violence In Love" campaign. Which is a part film, part PSA, and part music that is on every local Television and Cable station in the Caribbean including E!, Food Network, BET, TVJ, Flow1, and Flow Sports. The movement in currently running the all Palace Amusement Theaters across Jamaica before each movie showing. Read more about his book AND other stories written by Donovan Watkis @



circumstances that are undesirable. Just know that you can get through it.

#ARIES (March 21-April 19) Exciting times with fantastic people will offer you more zest for life and peace of mind.

#CANCER (June 21July 22) Challenges are tough, but they truly do make people tougher and wiser. Don’t back down from something that challenges you, just go with it.

#TAURUS (April 20May 20) New love is about to burst into your life, and when it does you will be happy to embrace it. This love could come in the form of a person, place or even a gift of some type. #GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Keep things simple. Don’t stress over the things that can change, or make a big deal over

#LEO (July 23-August 22) You will have the opportunity to unite with someone who you haven’t seen in while. This could be family unity or a friend from the past. Maybe even a lover. #VIRGO (August 23-September 22) The humanitarian side of you will step up and

shield others who may be in the way of harm. This could be a coworker, child, and animal or even a plant. #LIBRA (September 23-October 22) You may have to repeat yourself on a matter of the heart, but hey, sometimes it’s important to so in order for no misunderstanding to exist. #SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Real love can come for some but only once in a lifetime. If you have someone loving you, and you are not treating them right, or the best you can, then you should truly reconsider your actions before they find someone to love them the way they desire.

#SAGITTARIUS (November 22- December 21) Don’t do too much explaining. Remember that sometimes less said it better done. #CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) Fake people will get on your nerves, and they might do so much to annoy you that it will possible for you to tell them so. If you do, just be careful not to overdue it, or judge them unfairly. After all, you must also keep in mind that you are not perfect either. #AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Create a team of supporters, at least three people to have your

back when you are feeling low. Not because a depression is something you will get, but it is something you can prevent with loving supporters surrounding you. #PISCES (February 19-March 20) Give yourself some credit. If you don’t hold yourself in high esteem then who will? It starts from within, so start now. Cerise Fairfax Life Coach | (416) 722-5233 | cerisefairfax@gmail. com | www.cerisefairfax. com | cerisefairfax Cerise’s book URBAN PROVERBS: How to create and maintain good karma is available. To order your copy please email. (available in Audio, Ebook and Paperback) Advertisment

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