Vision Newspaper - Issue 6 - 2017

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Issue 06 - Summer 2017


Mavado’s Protégés Flexx and Chase Cross Release “Money Me Want” Music Video





The Caribbean SBAJ To Host Caribbean Small Business Conference in Montego Bay There has been strong support for a major upcoming international small business conference with laudable objectives. Among those showing considerable interest are listed below. These objectives are to strengthen linkages and networking and to boost exports ... hopefully these efforts will increase sales for the small business sector. Among the entities which are lending their support to this Caribbean upcoming small business conference are Jamaica National (JN), Caribbean Airlines, also The Development Bank Of Jamaica (DBJ) are on board with grant funding to name a few such entities. PM Andrew Holiness will declare open the conference. The President of the Small Business Association Of Jamaica (SBAJ) Hugh Johnson, was a member of the Caribbean Commission. The Commission has since submitted its report to government. MOU A MOU has been signed with the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE). Although details are sketchy, we have every confidence, based on the growth of the Exchange, we can only expect great strides to be made in the small business sector. We will update this breaking news later.

Jamaican Education Ministry Disburses $1.4 Billion in Subventions to Schools

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information has disbursed subventions totalling over $1.4 billion to secondary schools for the 2017/ 2018 academic year. This was announced by Portfolio Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, at a post- Cabinet press briefing at Jamaica House on June 28. The Minister pointed out that this is the first of four tranches to be paid for the period.

She has been Member of Parliament representing the constituency of South West St Andrew for the People’s National Party. She entered representational politics in 1976. He service was broken when Michael Manley refused to contest the 1983 snap election called by then PM Edward Seaga as leader oof the Jamaica Labour Party. Tributes Acting House Leader Everald Warmington first paid tribute. “She is my cousin and I have learnt a lot from her”. Then Leader of Opposition Business Paulwell, spoke “she was a champion for the poor”. Portia replied and said thanks to the people who “supported her over the years” and recognized her husband for his love. Ambassador Marshall was in attendance. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie SIC was there and filed this picture story for Vision Newspaper.

The Minister further informed that the budget has been increased to $200 million, up from $75 million, to procure 35,000 pieces of furniture for teachers and students for the new school year. “We are way advanced and we expect to commence distribution of those furniture before July 31,” he said.

Jamaica Focused on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals Through Vision 2030 – PM

Senate Pays Tribute to Portia Simpson In Emotional Joint Sitting Of Parliament In a Joint Meeting of The House Representatives and The Senate to pay Tribute to The Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller, ON, MP. On retirement after 34 years of Service to the Parliament.

“All schools that are due for funding from the Government by virtue of schedule, all those payments have been made – from early childhood to high school. All Programme of Advancement through Health and Education (PATH) payments, feeding payments and other grants have been made,” he said.

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, says Jamaica remains committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through attainment of the targets under the Vision 2030 national development plan. The SDGs, also known as the Global Goals, are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people can enjoy peace and prosperity. These 17 goals build on the successes of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), while including new areas such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice, among other priorities. Promulgated in 2009, Vision 2030 is the strategic road map to guide the country to attaining developed country status by 2030.

It includes, among other things: ensuring equitable access to modern education and training; creating a safe and secure society; providing quality and timely access to health care; supporting the entrepreneurial talents of Jamaicans; creating prosperity through sustainable use and management of natural resources; and empowering the youth. “Vision 2030 is visionary, practical, strategic, and insightful and is designed to make Jamaica the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business,” the Prime Minister said. He was addressing the opening ceremony of a three-day Caribbean Action 2030 Conference on the SDGs at the Regional Headquarters of the University of the West Indies (UWI) on June 28. He informed that in 2015, during development of the third Medium-Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF) for Vision 2030, the Global Goals were aligned with the national goals and the outcomes contained in the national development plan. visit for the full story

The World McDonald’s® Recognizes 55 High School Graduates In Greater Philadelphia With College Scholarships

PHILADELPHIA, June 29, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Ronald McDonald House Charities® (RMHC®) of the Philadelphia Region and McDonald’s Owner/Operators of the Greater Philadelphia Region, Inc., are pleased to award 55 high school seniors from across the greater Philadelphia region with college scholarships. The students were selected from hundreds of applicants for their academic achievements, leadership accomplishments, and demonstrated commitment to giving back to their community. In total, $131,000 in scholarships has been awarded “Each year, RMHC Scholarship winners are exceptional students who excel academically while taking on youth leadership roles and volunteering in their local community, and this year’s fifty-five scholarship awardees are no different,” said Bill Roberson, President of RMHC of the Philadelphia Region, Inc. “Through our scholarship program, RMHC is able to continue its mission to support local children and families, and we are honored to have the opportunity to recognize these students’ accomplishments and to help make their college education a reality.” A panel of judges including local officials, community businessmen and women, representatives from colleges and universities, and representatives of the McDonald’s and RMHC families review the applications and select each year’s scholarship recipients. Winners were selected based on academic achievement, community involvement, financial need and plans to attend a twoor four-year college during the next academic year.

Beyoncé Partners With UNICEF to Bring Safe Water to Children in Remote Areas in Burundi, East Africa NEW ORLEANS, June 30, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Global entertainer and humanitarian, Beyoncé has teamed up with UNICEF through her BeyGOOD philanthropic arm to announce the launch of BEYGOOD4BURUNDI, a multi-year partnership to provide safe water to the most vulnerable children in Burundi, known as the “Heart of Africa.” The partnership will support programs to improve water, sanitation and basic hygiene practices in the hardest-toreach areas of the landlocked East African nation, where nearly half the population has no access to safe water. The water crisis in Burundi is a crisis for children. When children have to rely on unsafe water, they become weak, malnourished, and susceptible to water-borne diseases, which are among the leading causes of death in children under five. In order to walk for miles in search for wells, the lack of water also forces children to miss out on school. The burden of fetching water falls disproportionately on girls, who risk attacks along their journeys. for full story visit www,

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Exposing the talent in our communities.

Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Junior Whyte, Senior International Correspondent in Jamaica: Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Marshall-Squire, Editors: Samantha Deschamps, Marilyn Marshall, Maresa Cadienhead BSc., NCCP, Kati Palmer

News Tribute to Lady Cooke – The Jamaica/Caribbean Network of Rural Women Producers (JNRWP/CANROP)

Lady Ivy Cooke widow of the late Sir Howard Cooke former Governor General of Jamaica was an outstanding Jamaican woman. Like her late husband, she was first a school teacher and a farmer. She continued in the spirit of voluntarism and took pride in serving in many areas of national life. It is not surprising therefore that when she was approached to be the patron of the Jamaica Network of Rural Women Producers (JNRWP), she willingly accepted. At every opportunity she proudly reminded the group that she was a country girl and a farmer. While they smiled at her candidness,

they felt comfortable in her presence even as they basked in the beauty and grandeur of Kings House and enjoyed the sumptuous meals which sometimes included products from their garden. From all accounts Lady Cooke and Sir Howard were avid back yard gardeners. They also personally supervised the maintenance of the grounds of Kings House during their tenure 1991-2006. Lady Cooke was therefore the founding patron of the JNRWP. The network actually started as part of the Outreach component of the Vice Presidency for Research at the then newly founded College of Agriculture, Science and Education, (CASE). The main sponsor was the Inter American Institute for co-operation in Agriculture (IICA). The then Bureau of Women’s Affairs (now, the Bureau of Gender Affairs) was a major partner in its formation. The Trustee of the organization came from the Rural Agricultural Development Authority

a collaborative partnership existed in their relationship.

(RADA). The condition of Rural Women In recent years there has been increased interest in the role of women in economic and social development and the inequality between men and women. However, the data on women’s work and economic contribution is incomprehensive despite the improvement in gender awareness worldwide. Even when the data is available, it is not used sufficiently by planners especially as it relates to women in agriculture and rural development. Moreover, not so long ago women were not able to access credit from banks if they were not accompanied by their husbands. Lady Cooke demonstrated that as the female partner in her household her decision making powers were not limited and her opinion mattered. She was therefore an ideal patron for the Network which included women from all levels of the society at varying socio economic and educational achievements. Moreover, Lady Cooke made her residence available for all the major functions of the Network including the celebration of International Rural Women’s Day, and even for meetings. Of course she must have had the blessings of her husband as it was clear that

The Jamaica and Caribbean Networks of Rural Women Producers In addition to the decision taken at Beijing to honour rural women in 1995, IICA, in collaboration with CASE conducted a survey in Jamaica in order to determine how best to empower Jamaica’s rural women. Based on the results of that survey the decision was taken to equip Jamaica’s rural women to become self-reliant so that they may be empowered to improve their socio-economic status and by extension that of their communities and the country as a whole. IICA and other organisations including the Rural Agricultural Development Authority, (RADA), launched the Jamaica Network of Rural Women Producers under the distinguished patronage of Her Excellency, the Most Honourable Lady Cooke in May 1999. IICA, Jamaica seeks to support agribusiness and micro-enterprises development with emphasis on the participation of women and youth in agricultural development. Among the strategies to achieve this objective is the promotion of a rural women network in Jamaica that would be linked with networks in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Caribbean Network

(CANROP) was launched in July, 1999. In her capacity as the Patron of the Jamaican Network Lady Cooke was in full support of this expansion. As a farmer herself, Lady Ivy Cooke was very supportive to the rural women producers. She was a gracious host, a kind and helpful person, who never forgot her roots nor lost touch with the common folk. According to Prime Minister Andrew Holness, "Lady Cooke served the nation well. She was passionate about education, child development, guidance and counseling." She also contributed to national development by facilitating the progress of the Rural Women Network of Jamaica and the Caribbean. The senior international correspondent of the Vision Newspaper Canada, Hopeton O Connor-Dennie paid tribute to Lady Cooke on her passing referring to her as “someone who stood by her husband through thick and thin, a woman of grace and a model of dignity” – a most fitting tribute to a most deserving daughter of our Jamaican Soil which the rural women networks fully endorse. Jamaica and the Caribbean are better off because of her tenure on this rock. Walk good my friend – Lady Sylvia Lucille Ivy Cooke!!! Elaine Salmon-Brouers




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Perspective: Attempts to Defame Bill Cosby Fail? accepting such delay. As was the case of O.J. Simpson, " If the glove does not fit, you have to acquit." The mistrial is therefore not surprising. A unanimous verdict would have been virtually impossible ... there were too many unanswered questions.

We may never know what the true motivations are to defame one of the world's most famous screen idols and stars but one thing is sure "God shines on the just and the unjust". Colour Blind Do not misunderstand my position, this is not an endorsement of wrongdoing in any shape or form or from or shade ...whether blue, purple or other colours of the rainbow. The God I serve is colour blind. Why wait until Crosby has reached the sunset of his life to make such allegations? The jury had real difficulty

Cosby's case is different but has similarities .. it is the trial of a prominent, African American who is believed to have fame and fortune short he made it big. This was believed by the jury to be consensual sex enjoyed between two adults. Why the bitterness years later? Money The Root Was these accusers attempting to shake the proverbial money tree? The bible reminds us that money is the root of all evil. May we add for completeness all mischief. Crosby was not considered poor by any stretch of the imagination. If he was poor an old Joe, would this case be brought to court? In my perspective the jury had no

choice but to be divided. Reasonable people are expected to think and behave rationally. This is what obviously unfolded in that jury box.

Popular Female Blogger Jullie JayKanz Nominated For “Most Influential Blogger” Category At 2017 High School Merit Awards

Mr. Cosby's legal defense team did a superb job, and should be commended. Justice was on trial, and justice won. Is this the end of Cosby's trials ? We hope all will accept the verdict/outcome and move on. Cosby got a fair trial and deserves to enjoy his retirement undisturbed. Personal As the father of girls only, my thoughts were somewhat mixed, but I trusted the justice system to deliver. I would not have supported my daughters if I believed they were being dishonest. Naturally, I had my personal views ... I am allowed that, am I not? What is your perspective? This is ours. Let is hear from you. Hopeton O'CONNOR-DENNIE is Senior International Correspondent for Vision Newspaper.

Popular female blogger Jullie Jay-Kanz has bagged a nomination for the maiden edition of the High School Merit awards. Considering her relentless effort in creating multifarious entertainment and educative contents for Ghanaian readers especially the youth, the young nurse and blogger was nominated for “Influential Blogger of the year” category. High School Merit Awards

is an award scheme designed to reward hardworking Ghanaian high school scholars in their respective fields and also to open young talented and influential students to education opportunities and entertainment platforms available around the world. The award scheme also seeks to reward high personalities, influencers, art performers and writers who positively impact the youth of Ghana. According to organisers if the event,Merit Awards GH, the award ceremony will come off on the 1st of September ,2017 in Kumasi and will see appearance of high profiled personalities and musicians as well Source: HelloGh Advertisment

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We have just witnessed at lightning speed laws that would impact Jamaican Diaspora Dual Citizenship Status being tabled and under review in parliament arising out of the Economic Growth Council Report (EGC). Of all the other important recommendations particularly strong anti-corruption laws none have gotten such attention and priority as the proposal to issue so-called "Global Diaspora Immigration Card" with very ambiguous

goals "like it will bond us as Jamaican", but "it is not a Passport" or "it will not allow you to vote". So what is it? I have recommended a Special Diaspora Commonwealth Passport which is the only "Binding State Action" that will recognize dual citizenship of Jamaicans living overseas. It would allow for ease of travel without Jamaican Immigration issuing you a visitor visa despite your foreign passport identifying you as born in Jamaica with

the location where you were born. I have also recommended a Public-Private Partnership framework with the government and the Diaspora back in 2014 as well as a Congressional Styled Budget Office to appraise government spending and project for economic, social and environmental value to the public yet none of these policies is been considered let alone given legislative priority. How will a migrant card being promoted by the Mr. Lee-Chin, Chair of the EGC ensure “Binding State Action” to protect the economic and financial interests of Jamaicans overseas in light of the pervasive appetite of our governments to invade our sacred trust with impunity. Repeatedly, we have witnessed the attack and raiding of every institution of trust on the island with no desire to exercise any form of fiduciary responsibility to those who have invested in-

terest in those trust; Public Sector Pension Trust Funds and the National Housing Trust Funds (NHT) are core institutions of sacred trust. The EGC claims it wants to promote growth and investment not realizing that an un-engaged Jamaican Diaspora already is by far is the largest investors through Direct Remittance Investments (DRI) which exceed “the total of the island's top 10 foreign exchange earners; bauxite/alumina, tourism, sugar, coffee, rum, bananas, apparel, cocoa, pimento and yams” and what is really needed is better management of that important national asset. Therefore a formal engagement of the largest investor in the Jamaican economy should be more than just the mere love of country but a firm commitment to respect and honor the Government’s constitutional obligation to treats all citizens equally under the laws

by ensuring that Jamaicans overseas have the same rights to influence the trajectory public policies in the same way wealthy investor can and are currently doing. The right to vote is the right of all citizens, period. "We will be reshaping the Jamaican Diaspora Foundation and Institute into the 'Global Connect Jamaica', which will be a public-private partnership trust, geared towards encouraging the Jamaican Diaspora to invest in Jamaica," said Holness at the launch of the Jamaica 55 Diaspora Conference at the Office of the Prime Minister in St Andrew on Tuesday. No amount of Diaspora Investment will improve the economy of Jamaica if we continue to elect governments with no desire to protect the interest of all it citizens both at home and abroad. By: Silbert Barrett Advertisment



Ontario Providing More Opportunities for Diverse Communities to Thrive Applications Now Open for Multicultural Community Capacity Grant Program ty Capacity Grant Program. The program will support community projects that advance diversity and reduce barriers to inclusion, while providing opportunities for newcomers and ethno-cultural communities to participate fully in the civic, cultural, social and economic life of Ontario. Projects will be selected for their ability to: • Ontario is providing more opportunities for newcomers and multicultural communities to succeed, with a new grant program focused on promoting diversity and reducing barriers to inclusion. Laura Albanese, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, was at Frontlines Toronto today to announce that the province is now accepting applications for the new Multicultural Communi-

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Increase intercultural awareness and understanding Enhance civic engagement and social connections Improve social and economic integration of newcomers and vulnerable groups such as refugees and newcomer women and youth Empower women, for example by providing opportunities for leadership roles Improve access to services

for newcomers and diverse communities Supporting diverse and inclusive communities is part of our plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives. Quick Facts • Ontario will invest $6 million over two years through the Multicultural Community Capacity Grant Program to support community projects, with $3 million available in 2017-18. • Ontario is investing more than $110 million in 201718 in programs and services to help newcomers and refugees succeed, and to promote diversity. • Projects must take place between November 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018. • Incorporated not-for-profit organizations and individu-

als representing unincorporated not-for-profit organizations focused on immigrant and ethno-cultural communities have until August 1, 2017, to submit a project proposal. The program has two streams: one for individuals representing an unincorporated not-for-profit organization, with available grants between $1,000 and $3,000, and a second stream for incorporated notfor-profit organizations, with available grants between $3,000 and $8,000. Ontario is supporting dozens of multicultural grant recipients through the Ontario150 Community Capital, Community Celebration and Partnership programs. Go to to learn more.


Community Toronto’s future soul and R&B artist A l l i e shares the first single Bad Habits

Toronto, ON (July 7, 2017) – Today, the Toronto bornand-bred R&B and futuristic soul singer/songwriter known as a l l i e shares “Bad Habits”, the first single from her debut album Nightshade. The new song is part of her independent 10-track album featuring production by Harrison, River Tiber (with guest vocals by Charlotte Day Wilson), 2nd Son, The Kount, Birth-

day Boy, Sunclef (Soulection) and Middle East to be released on July 21st – and available for pre-order today on iTunes: http:// . The mood-setting sprawl of keyboard percussion on “Bad Habits” provided by producer Birthday Boy, is a palette for her to paint a picture of an emotional scene. She finds herself losing control and giving in to the temptation of her “Bad Habits”. Stream or download “Bad Habits” single here: https:// “Bad Habits” single via

Afrofest celebrates its 29th anniversary at Woodbine Park

SoundCloud here: https:// Emoting with confidence and passion are qualities of a l l i e’s musical confessions. Her soulful efforts over the course of two previous indie EP’s have helped her earn accolades from a wide range of media including Pitchfork, Pigeons and Planes, The Fader, Complex, Revolt TV and the full backing of Red Bull’s Sound Select program – a curated platform for unique artists to release songs through the beverage company and perform at its sponsored events. Her previous shows aligned her with international acts such as SZA, Kelela, and Tink.


AFROFEST the largest free African Music Festival in North America, celebrated its 29th anniversary of promoting African music and culture in the heart of Toronto at Woodbine Park located at 1695 Queen St. East, Toronto. This year’s festival included 50+ artists, 70+ merchandise and food vendors, a Children’s Creative Village, and a Drumming Zone. Some of the featured international artists included Bracket (Nigeria), X Ma-

leya (Cameroon), Mi Casa (South Africa), Gabacho Maroc (Morocco), Dicko Fils (Burkina Faso), Ammoye (Jamaica) among many others. “AFROFEST illuminates the African heritage. Through AFROFEST we showcase the beauty, diversity, simple and yet complex nature of African art and culture presented in a fun and relaxed environment,” says Peter Toh, Executive & Artistic Director of Music Africa. For more information about AFROFEST 2017 and other Music Africa events, please visit– www.




Tasha T Releases “Fire In Me” Music Video

RasVibe Records is proud to announce the release of Tasha T's highly anticipated music video for her single "Fire In Me", which was nominated for Best International Indigenous Release 2017. The video was filmed in Port Royal,

Kingston, Jamaica and Toronto, Canada, directed by Bloozick Filmworks and Spades Multimedia. The buzzing single portrays the positive image of higher learning within the community, and speaks of the injustices of systematic oppression. Being the Musical Ambassador for Read Across Jamaica, Tasha T shows how important it is for people not to be afraid to educate themselves. No matter how or what we go through in life, we all need to find that fire within us to push on forward and maintain it, "You can't quench this fire in me".

Curvy Diva lands Seductive Collaboration with Grammy Nominated International star Ky-mani Marley including a collaboration with Vybz kartel called ‘Cool and Deadly’, we also have a few more soon to be released singles. When he heard this particular riddim though, he wrote and titled the single and also requested Yanique as the female on the track, so I reached out to her to make it happen,” Linton ‘TJ’ White of TJ Records explained Popular host and media personality turned artiste, Yanique ‘Curvy Diva’ Barrett, is adding another hot track to her growing catalog of recording material, this time she has teamed up with known international reggae recording artiste Ky-mani Marley. The new single ‘Turn Your Lights Down Low’ is a slow seductive neo reggae track coined after Bob Marley’s single of the same name. Kimani himself decided to use his father’s song as inspiration and also showed interest in working with The Curvy Diva on the single after listening to the riddim from TJ Records. “Ky-mani and I have done work before

The Curvy Diva was also extremely excited to have garnered a Grammy nominated international voice as her very first collaboration as a recording artiste.

had increased interest from artistes and producers to do additional projects. “I’m interested in doing music from the heart so my team and I are very strategic in the choices we make for follow up singles. Good quality music is what is important to me and working with Ky- mani Marley and TJ Records with ‘Turn Your Lights Down Low’ was a good production and I know this good music will get where it needs to go,” The Curvy Diva added

"Working with Ky-mani was awesome, I'm glad I was given the opportunity to do a collaboration with the son of a legend to really deliver such a hot song. I'm happy about it," Curvy Diva noted

The single ‘Turn Your Lights Down Low’ premiered earlier this week and will be followed up with a music video during the summer. The track will be available for purchase on digital platforms later this month and is distributed by Zojak Worldwide.

The Curvy Diva transitioned from Host and TV Personality earlier this year when she recorded ‘Lifestyle’ for popular label ‘Good Good Production’ on the Money Mix riddim, since then she has

The Curvy Diva, who recently returned from an appearance in St Kitts, is currently working closely with Good Good Production to complete visuals for her first single ‘Lifestyle’ this month,

She is also putting final touches on her Caribbean Club tour which kick starts in Grand Cayman in August and should see her visiting additional islands like Dominican Republic, Suriname, Trinidad, St Martin and Nevis for the 4 week stint. For more updates on projects from The Curvy Diva, follow her on social media @yaniquecurvydiva Janice Young | PR Director/Event Coordinator/ Advertising Consultant

VP Records announces the completion of a new album deal with Grammy(R) winning R&B artist Estelle

VP Records announces the completion of a new album deal with Grammy(R) winning R&B artist Estelle. The full length reggae album is scheduled for a fall 2017 release. The first single, ‘Love Like Ours’ featuring reggae star Tarrus Riley is available June 16th with a music video to follow. The melodic and captivating ‘Love Like Ours’ gives fans a first taste of the upcoming album that

will showcase the pivotal influence reggae music has had on the London, England born singer. Raised in a religious, Senegalese/ Grenadian household, Estelle's musical upbringing included a variety of Afro-Caribbean, Gospel, Hip-Hop and dance styles with a healthy dose of reggae music. Since 2008 and the release of the crossover radio hit "Come Over" featuring reggae star Sean Paul,produced by Supa Dups (Sean Paul, Drake, Party Next Door), fans have been encouraging Estelle to record a reggae album. This project will bring their desires to life with a unique fusion of lover’s rock, afro beats and dancehall flavors anchoring her

soulful, R&B vocals. "When I told some friends about doing this album" said Estelle, "they were like - 'finally!'" She continued, "everyone who knows me, understands the deep connection I have to reggae music." Estelle has joined forces with Supa Dups again on this project and her fans excitement for the full album is brewing. "Love Like Ours" draws you in with smooth guitar and keyboard hooks and keeps the listener engaged with upbeat, feel good lyrics. "The song is shaping up to be the lover's anthem of the summer" said VP records President Randy Chin. Estelle's performing credits include multiple nominations and a Grammy(R) win for "Ameri-

can Boy," her collaboration with Kanye West, The number one radio record anthem 'Thank You', a number one hit on the Billboard Top 200 with ‘Conqueror’, the epic duet with Jussie Smollet and a recurring cameo role on the Fox Network series Empire. She is also a featured character role on the Cartoon Network series Steven Universe. Estelle has shown a wide and expanding range of talent and with this album, will complete the musical circle, showcasing one of her earliest musical influences. The singer concluded, "I’m happy to give the people what they have been asking for and I’m proud to share another piece of my life and art with the world.”

Music Mavado’s Protégés Flexx and Chase Cross release “Money Me Want” music video

With so much talent on the island of Jamaica, it is sometimes hard for artistes to distinguish themselves from others. However, that is not the case for international recording artiste Mavado’s Protégés Flexx and Chase Cross. Omar Henry also known as Flexx and Sameer Coombs also known as Chase Cross, are both signed to the Gully Side Label headed by their mentor Mavado. These artistes has had their individual taste of success, but recently decided to join forces on the single, “Money me want”, produced by Chimney Records. When collaborating in music there is always the importance of taking two good styles to

create a whole new sound .This was indeed the case with “Money we Want”, which instantly connected with those who share the poverty to privilege experience the artistes lyrics talked about. Since the release of the single it has been getting major radio rotations and was also featured in First Global Bank ad campaign; who cannot identify with wanting more money? It is a universal truth. Following the success of ‘Money me want”, the duo decided to do a video for said single that was released this week. The video directed by Cornelius Grant, was shot in Jamaica and captivates the audience

attention as it captures Both Flexx and Chase Cross happily working on a construction site, then moves to Chase Cross loading taxies at a taxi stand and Flexx as vendor moving around and selling goods. Many would say its not a typical money video but this video captures the essence which speakes to hard work being key to success. The tittle song, “Money Me Want”, is just a glimpse of even greater things to come for Flexx and Chase Cross, as the single has been gaining momentum in Africa and afforded the duo the privilege of being booked in Gambia as the opening act for their mentor Mavado. Look out for follow up single “Money a di topic”, produced by Lee Miller, another collaboration as well as singles from each artiste as they promises nothing but their all to fans and music lovers worldwide.

IVY LAYNE DABBLES IN DANCEHALL WITH POPCAAN tionship, living far or circumstances are not right for you to be with that person but you can only dream and know in your heart that person is the one you love.” IVy explained when asked about the inspiration for the track itself. With a dancehall version to the already trending reggae rhythm track, Ivy and her management team at Cape Republic Records decided that Popcaan was the perfect dancehall sound to be featured on ‘One You Love’ to take it to that next level. Rising international pop artiste, Ivy Layne, has officially dabbled in dancehall with the new single ‘One You Love’ featuring Dancehall trendsetter Popcaan. The single, originally forming a part of her recently released ‘in Time’ EP, was chosen as the perfect single to create a dancehall edge for Ivy who has always been a huge fan of Caribbean culture and its influence on people worldwide. “We all have that person that we are into and would love that person to be ours regardless of the situation. You might be in a rela-

“Working with Popcaan was everything that I expected and even beyond. He is such a great artiste and also an amazing person. I was meeting him in person for the first time on the video shoot and I can tell that he is passionate about his music and I am so happy for his success,” shared Ivy. The official music video for the single was shot in Portland Jamaica, bringing the song and the dancehall essence of the remix full circle with authentic Jamaica scenery for the visuals.


Mysta Releases “Empress Divine” For The Ladies ladies really love it! It’s a love story, it depicts a man professing deep love for a woman.”

Canada’s emerging reggae artist “Mysta” releases his new single “Empress Divine”, a love song dedicated to ladies across the world. Sticking to the roots of reggae, “Empress Divine” has a classic Loversrock feel, with warm lyrics of love and romance. "Empress Divine" has a roots Rock Reggae vibe to it, I think that this makes it more captivating and is the perfect fit for my ultimate debut... When I perform this song, the

The video is expected to be released by the end of July 2017 and Ivy is looking forward to getting feedback from her fans on the representation of Jamaican culture in the completed video. The Pop act will be doing an international radio tour as she continues to promote the complete ‘In Time’ EP and will also be heading back to the studio in a matter of weeks to finish her full length album. Janice Young | PR Director/Event Coordinator/ Advertising Consultant

Distributed by Zojak Worldwide, “Empress Divine” is now available on all digital outlets.


Ivy is also a lover of the late 90s and early 2000s dancehall vibe so she wanted to recreate all of that with the landscape and energy from the people of Jamaica. The ‘One You Love’ remix itself has already started to get airplay in Jamaica and the Caribbean. “The buzz is amazing and seeing people in Jamaica dancing to my music, having people from all over the world reaching out to me on social media how much they love the single. As an artist that’s the greatest thing you can ask for, it motivates me to create more music for my fans,” Ivy stated

The Ottawa based artist released his debut single “Just Believe” this past spring, the single was well received among the local community. The single garnered attention from various local media hubs in Ottawa. With “Empress Divine”, Mysta aims at the rest of Canada while teaming up with Reeva Ann Walker Media and Rebel Vibez Entertainment.

most sold single out of all the songs in Jamaica this week. It’s unexplainable!” Delomar noted

Dynamic Dancehall Duo, RDX, are elated that their first single released from their 10th anniversary album 'Level Up' has topped the Hapilos Digital chart just a few weeks after its official release. The single 'Shake Your Bam Bam' is inspired by global reggae hit Bam Bam, popularized by Sister Nancy and is considered slower than many RDX tracks, the duo was able to blend seamlessly the old and new dancehall sound in a way relating to the ladies directly, which makes this song very interesting, both to listen to and to dance to. . “I feel great knowing the song just started being promoted about two weeks ago so it’s a huge success for us. Being in the top spot on Hapilos’ Chart means we are the

The success of the single is a major move towards the evolution of the RDX sound over their 10 year journey as a successful dancehall duo, The entire ‘Level Up’ album will show what RDX believes they have learnt from and about their fans, themselves, about Dancehall in general and how the world receives it; the Shake Your Bam Bam” single leading the pack. “It’s an overwhelming feeling to see the reception of the single, it’s leading like no other RDX song ever did. The song was done with a twist and has really been successful so far and I’m happy for that,” Renigade added RDX will be focusing on ‘Shake Your Bam Bam’ as it has the potential to be the global summer anthem, they are also giving some energy to their skankers anthem ‘Walk’ with Cojo Hotfoot that is heating up in the streets now.




Former US Baseball star turned Gospel artiste Todd Dulaney will be making his performance debut in Jamaica at the launch of Local gospel star Dj Nicholas' new album ‘Audiologist’. The event is slated for July 21 at the Ranny Williams Entertain-


Todd's musical career started in 2011 with a version of popular praise and worship single ‘Pulling Me Through’. His hit song ‘Victory Belongs To Jesus’ has mounted over 10 million views and also became popular here in

"Todd was chosen as a performer for the event as he is known for reaching out and touching the heart of men, a true worshiper. He desires to keep the message of God on

Mayor of Worcester, Joseph Petty Honours Shattawale With the "Key To The City" After Great Performance At Hanover Theater handed over the "Key " to the Ghanaian dancehall artiste. The Key to the City of Worcester is conferred to individuals by the sitting Mayor; Joseph Petty for the recognition of one's huge contribution to the betterment of Worcester or to a well respected visitor. Ghana's reggae/dancehall export Charles Nii Armah Mensah known by stage name Shattawale was yesterday 8th July,2017 honoured with the "Key To The City" of Worcester, Massachusetts in the United States of America. The African "Dancehall King" after an implausible stage performance at the 2300 capacity "auditorium dubbed the Hanover Theater" was honoured by the Mayor of the city; Joseph M Petty who

The citations written on the plague clearly states that Shattawale is being recognized and honoured by Worcester for his relentless contribution to the arts industry and for honouring the city with such a successful event and great performance. Shattawale is currently in USA to embark on his "After The Storm" tour. Story By: Jullie Jay-Kanz

display more than the brand of the artist and that is the feel we are looking for at this family oriented event," Dj Nicholas shared The Audiologist' album launch event is already highly anticipated based on the demand for the new project from DJ Nicholas who has not released a project in 6 years. The addition of international and local gospel stars including Tood Dulaney and Jermaine Edwards only makes the event more lucrative especially since both artistes have also collaborated with Nicholas on the new project. "Jamaicans like to have new musical experiences so we decided to add international performers to the launch of my forth album. The event is

aimed at bringing new energy to the Gospel industry with a twist, appealing to Christians and people who want more of God. It will be a production event which includes soul searching and Godly entertainment,” DJ Nicholas added. DJ Nicholas’The Audiologist’ album is now available for Preorder on digital platforms and will be officially released on July 21 at the Album launch event and concert. The event will also feature performances from 2017 JCDC Gospel song finalists, Kevin Heath, Dunamis Reignz and Ryan Mark among others, backed by the On The Shout Band. Janice Young | PR Director/Event Coordinator/ Advertising Consultant

Yanique Curvy Diva Privates Instagram page after Rob Kardashian rumors TV Personality and Recording Artiste Yanique Curvy Diva Barrett on Friday afternoon privates her Instagram page after international media outlets caught wind of her relationship with Rob Kardashian. The couple met last year at the Brit Jam event in Montego Bay where The Curvy Diva was hosting alongside Blac Chyna who Rob accompanied to Jamaica. The two stayed in touch and have gotten closer over the last year but kept their relationship private to not cause trouble between Rob and Chyna. A source close to the Curvy Diva told the media that Yanique completely supported Rob through all the Chyna drama and knew he wasn’t happy. “She was always supporting him through all the stress that Chyna caused and gave him advice, he was very unhappy in

that relationship and she provided some much needed distraction, now with the world aware of their relationship they can both move on with their lives” The source stated The Curvy Diva has already been accepted by the Kardashian family who love the Jamaican culture. Kim and Khloe cook Jamaican dishes all the time and Khloe’s boyfriend has Jamaican family connections, Kim also has a Jamaican nanny taking care of her kids for some time now. The Curvy Diva is very private about her personal life however and is considering making changes to travel plans to avoid additional media attention. “Plans were in place for Yanique to travel to the US next week to spend more time with Rob but she is considering changing these plans because of all the attention that is now on them. She wants persons to pay attention to her growing musical career and not her private life“ the source added The Curvy Diva recently released a collaboration with International Reggae Star Kymani Marley called ‘Turn You Lights Down Low’ inspired by Bob Marley’s single of the same name.




INDIANAPOLIS (July 3, 2017)Less than a month after competing at historic Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the Formula 4 United States Championship Powered by Honda will travel across the border to Canadian Tire Motorsport Park in Bowmanville, Ontario, for its international race debut. More than 30 drivers, including Jamaican Justin Sirgany, are slated to compete at the

“We are excited to travel to CTMP,” said SCCA Pro Racing Vice President Steve Oseth. “As the F4 concept is a recognized international brand, it makes sense for SCCA Pro to bring the series to what many consider the most challenging race track in North America. The competition that F4 U.S. brings is tailor-made for the Canadian open-wheel race fan and we are pumped to bring more than 30 cars for them to experience what F4 U.S. is all about.” F4 U.S. Global Racing Group rookie Sirgany, 15, of Kingston, will compete for the first time in Canada. “I'm so excited about racing in Canada,” Sirgany said. “Canada has such a rich history in racing,

with Canadian Tire Motorsport Park being an old Formula 1 track. I have never traveled to Canada so I am excited just to experience a country I have never visited before. CTMP looks like a very interesting track and can't wait to burn some rubber.” Driving the No. 39 Bob Marley Foundation neon green and blacked striped car, Sirgany has one top-10 finish this season and his team GRG holds thirdplace in the F4 U.S. Championship standings heading into Event 3 at CTMP. Designed to be globally recognized yet an affordable step between karting and F3, the F4 U.S. car was designed to keep costs down while providing an ideal learning tool for young drivers who have never raced cars before. The series offers more value and benefits than

Sirgany pictured with the Marley family and Bob Marley Foundation representatives

any other form of professional entry-level open-wheel racing at a low cost. Each F4 U.S. car is equipped with a Honda Civic Type R engine detuned to meet FIA regulations, a Crawford F416 chassis and two sets of Pirelli PZero tires. F4 U.S. is the secondary race for the International Motor Sports Association (IMSA) at CTMP. For complete event information, fans can visit F4US-




Rogers Media Signs Deals with U.S. Broadcasters for Cityline Syndication, this Fall perts," said Colette Watson, Senior Vice President, Television & Broadcast Operations, Rogers Media. "The show's authentic and relatable approach resonates deeply with audiences, and we're excited to extend the brand to more North American households."

Tracy Moore, host of Cityline. Rogers Media Signs Deals with U.S. Broadcasters for Cityline Syndication, this Fall (CNW Group/ City)

TORONTO, CNW/ - The world needs a little more Cityline™. And now, even more North Americans will see why the popular daytime lifestyle series is a leader in Canada's competitive television market. With Cityline's borderless appeal, Rogers Media has partnered with PPI to distribute the acclaimed daytime series for U.S. syndication, signing on Hearst, Graham, Raycom, and Weigel media groups to air Cityline on their television stations, starting this September. "We attribute Cityline's universal appeal to its vibrant host, Tracy Moore, and the show's renowned panel of fashion, home décor, parenting, food and beauty ex-

Cityline will be available as a Monday to Friday strip, with 200 episodes available at launch. From its initial deals with U.S. broadcasters, Cityline will be available to more than 10 million households in such U.S. cities, as Chicago, Kansas City, Jacksonville, and Birmingham. In its 34th year, Cityline continues to outperform its Canadian daytime competitors, ranking #1 with the desirable millennial audience in Toronto, the country's largest market*. Through its digital platforms, Cityline is reaching more people with engaging content such as "#CitylineReal," a movement to spread positivity on social media. Since the initiative launched in 2015, Canadians have been encouraged to show their true selves, to strip away the perfection and have candid and fear-

lessly honest conversations. "With decades of proven success, Cityline has evolved into a format that covers every major topic of interest to today's daytime audience, in ways that will surely resonate with Americans," said Josh Raphaelson, Principal, PPI Releasing. "Our viewers will fall in love at first sight of Tracy Moore, Cityline's terrific, genuine host." Airing on City each weekday at 9 a.m. local time, Cityline is Canada's leading source for the latest in home décor, food, fashion, health and beauty. Filmed in front of a studio audience, host Tracy Moore is joined by hand-picked guest experts, delivering inspiring infotainment that is entertaining and practical. *Source: Among Millennials (A18-34) in the Toronto market, Cityline is a top 3 daytime talk program, beating The Talk, The Social, The View, Live! With Kelly, The Marilyn Denis Show, and The Goods - Numeris, Toronto/Hamilton EM, C8/29/16 – 5/7/2017, A1834, AMA(000).

Bounce Sets Tues. July 11 for Season Premiere of In The Cut With Two All-New Episodes Back-to-Back at 9:00 pm (ET)

ATLANTA, July 7, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Bounce will double the laughs by kicking off season three of its hit sitcom In The Cut starring Dorien Wilson and Kellita Smith with two new original episodes back-to-back 9:00-10:00 pm. (ET) on Tues. July 11. All-new In The Cut episodes will continue to premiere Tuesday nights at 9:00 pm (ET) through the summer. Bounce also announced today that Ed Gordon will host a star-packed special featuring interviews with the biggest African-American celebrities in movies, television and comedy today, including Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett Smith, Michael Strahan, Omari Hardwick and Cedric the Entertainer, which will world premiere on Mon. July 17 at 10:00 p.m. (ET). Coming off its highly-rated second season, In The Cut stars Wilson (The Parkers, Dream On) as Jay Weaver, an accomplished entrepreneur and barbershop owner who is kept on his toes by Cheryl, played by Smith (The Bernie Mac Show, The First Family), the co-owner of the beauty salon next store and his love interest. Ken Lawson (The Parkers) returns as

Jay’s 32-year old illegitimate son from a shortlived fling now in on the family business as does John Marshall Jones (The Smart Guy) as fellow barber and pal Smitty. Among this season’s storylines: Social media pressures, positive pregnancy tests, old grudges, evading the government, a special engagement and much more. Guest stars include Tamar Braxton, Ed Lover, DC Young Fly, Cocoa Brown, Nephue Tommy, Marques Houston and Earthquake. In the celebrity-driven Ed Gordon special, the award-winning journalist interviews the stars of the upcoming summer comedy Girls Trip, Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett Smith, Regina Hall and Tiffany Haddish, who discuss their careers and reflect on the contributions of black women in Hollywood today. Gordon profiles Super Bowl champion-turned broadcaster Michael Strahan and the very busy television talent discusses his life, his controversial departure from Live with Kelly and Michael and more. Power’s Omari Hardwick talks with Gordon about his hit series and how he has handled fame in the social media era. Gordon also sits with Cedric the Entertainer and D.L. Hughley who discuss the state of comedy in the age of President Donald Trump and more. Visit for information.


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Liesure & Lifestyle Sunwing Introduces Direct Winter Flight Service from Vancouver to Montego Bay

TORONTO, May 31, 2017 /CNW/ Beginning December 19, 2017 and available weekly until April 3, 2018, Sunwing will be operating a direct flight service this coming winter and early next spring to the popular resort destination of Montego Bay, Jamaica. Vacationers that choose to take advantage of the new and extended flight service –which is anticipated to be the only direct connection to the island available from Vancouver this coming winter - can choose between a stay at one of the tour operator's leading luxury resorts or a cruise package on board the newly-refurbished TUI Discovery 2 that will commence sailing from Montego Bay this November. Exclusively offered by Sunwing, TUI Discovery 2 offers a host of amenities sure to make days at sea delightfully varied, including a rock climbing wall, mini-golf course, spa, fitness centre and two pools. Vacationers can choose from over 8 different dining options. Nightly entertainment venues range from a Broadway show lounge to a nightclub and casino. With numerous itineraries to

choose from including an exciting mix of ports of call from the iconic Cuban capital of Havana to the divers paradise island of Roatan, shore excursions are sure to be action packed. All Sunwing cruise packages also include roundtrip airfare to Montego Bay with round-trip pier transfers, meals, daily gratuities and an all inclusive beverage plan. As Canada's #1 to the sun, Sunwing offers a wide range of accommodation packages to Jamaica. Travellers are sure to appreciate the recently opened Royalton Negril Resort & Spa and its amenities like reservation free gourmet dining, elegant on-site spa, and nightly entertainment; while couples in particular may prefer Hideaway at Royalton Negril that offers 24-hour room service, exclusive restaurant, pool bar and beachfront together with full access to the wider amenities of both resorts. Beachgoers can also opt for one of the six luxurious and elegant RIU Hotels and Resorts spread across Jamaica, and take advantage of

a host of RIU-topia benefits from unlimited, reservation free dining to in-room liquor dispensers, daily replenished mini bars and more. Recently opened in Montego Bay, Riu Reggae welcomes its guests with glamourous accommodations, a RIU Fit Program designed for active guests, and rejuvenating treatments to stave off stress at the on-site Renova Spa. Another favourite is Riu Montego Bay which boasts a beachfront location, a large pool with swim-up bar and an authentic Jamaican Jerk Hut. Couples may prefer Riu Palace Jamaica, a refined adults only beachfront resort where guests can enjoy exclusive Riu Palace extras such as 24-hour room service, poolside waiter beverage service, and complimentary Wi-Fi throughout.

All Sunwing packages include return flights on Sunwing Airlines where passengers can sit back and relax while on board, with award-winning inflight service that includes a sparkling wine toast, complimentary non-alcoholic beverage service and buy on board selection of light meals and snacks with choices inspired by Food Network Canada Celebrity Chef, Lynn Crawford. Passengers also benefit from a generous complimentary 23kg checked luggage allowance. For more information and tips, visit or contact your local travel agent.


Brown Sugar Launches on Amazon Fire TV this Month Brown Sugar features such great movies as Dolemite, Jackie Brown, Cotton Comes to Harlem, Foxy Brown, Cooley High, Blacula, Don't Be a Menace to South Central, Pride, A Soldier's Story, Black Caesar, Which Way Is Up?, Hammer, Richard Pryor: Live on the Sunset Strip, Car Wash and The Original Gangstas as well as acclaimed documentaries such as More Than a Game, chronicling the early days of LeBron James. ATLANTA, July 6, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Brown Sugar, the new subscription-video-on-demand service featuring the biggest collection of the baddest African-American movies of all-time, is now available on Amazon Fire TV, it was announced today. Amazon customers with Fire TV or a Fire TV Stick can now watch Brown Sugar's extensive and one-of-a-kind library of iconic black movies, all un-edited and commercial-free as they were originally seen in theaters. Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick customers who purchase a Brown Sugar subscription in the Amazon Appstore will receive a seven-day free trial and then pay $3.99 per month thereafter. Brown Sugar is already available for Amazon Kindle Fire tablets. Amazon Fire TV is the #1 selling streaming media player in the U.S. across all retailers, and Fire TV Stick is the most reviewed product in Amazon history.

Brown Sugar also showcases original programming and features complete seasons of the hit Bounce television network series Saints & Sinners, Mann & Wife, Family Time, In The Cut and Ed Gordon. Fans can also go to Brown Sugar to watch all the exciting action of Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce. Brown Sugar is available for mobile phones and tablets in the Amazon Appstore, Google Play Store and iTunes App Store and for computers at Brown Sugar also has Google Chromecast capabilities which allow video to play on televisions directly from mobile devices available for consumers with Android and iOS devices. Brown Sugar is owned by Bounce, the fastest-growing African-American network on television. SOURCE Bounce


Horoscopes #SCOPES #CERISEFAIRFAX #ASTROLOGY #HOROSCOPES #ZODIAC #ARIES (March 21-April 19) Good people with awesome intentions will want to shed love upon you today. #TAURUS (April 20May 20) When you are centered out, and you don’t feel comfortable with the situation, do what comes naturally, and either speak up, or walk away. #GEMINI (May 21-June 20) You wouldn’t keep rotting garbage in your kitchen, why would you hold on to bad influences? Be quick

to cut them off. #CANCER (June 21July 22) Classy people from faraway places will impress you, and encourage you to live a newer way of life. #LEO (July 23-August 22) Loving times and exciting moments will present you with new opportunities and inner grace. #VIRGO (August 23-September 22) Focus on peacefulness, because harmonic times will increase your feel good endorphins, and that will definitely make you feel fabulous. #LIBRA (September

23-October 22) When you are bold and brave others notice your fire and back down, and not because they are afraid of you, but more because they will not want to argue and fight. Try not to antagonize. #SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Would you fix something that’s not broke? No, so leave well enough alone and let nature fix itself. Getting in the way of things will only block your own progress. #SAGITTARIUS (November 22- December 21) You will be straightforward with all your dealings, and people

will feel from you that you are a straight shooter who is not to be played with. #CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) Your confidence will be questioned. Try not to take it personally, and just let whoever say what whatever, because what they think about your confidence, or lack there of, is not as important as what you think about yourself. #AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Your determination will not only lead you to better paths, but it will also increase the motivation in others who will be inspired by your go-getter attitude.

#PISCES (February 19-March 20) Trust and honesty will be important to you when dealing with a lover. Lies will always comes to surface, so it’s best to fess up now, as opposed to later. The only way you should keep silent is if speaking up will create more hurt than healing. Cerise Fairfax Life Coach | (416) 722-5233 | cerisefairfax@gmail. com | www.cerisefairfax. com | cerisefairfax Cerise’s book URBAN PROVERBS: How to create and maintain good karma is available. To order your copy please email. (available in Audio, Ebook and Paperback) Advertisment

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