Vision Newspaper - Issue 10 - 2016

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August 25th - Sept. 7th, 2016


Dr. The Honourable Usain Bolt, OJ ponders new career choice after going triple triple @ Rio Olympics >>>page 2


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The Caribbean INDECOM’s Church Service Celebrating 6 years in operation INDECOM is celebrating six (6) years of service to the public. They can feel proud as police shootings in Jamaica are down and misconduct of officers are at controllable levels. There is an impending MOU to be signed between the JCF & INDECOM .... there is some concern about this proposed action. We endorse collaboration but any attempt to undermine the work and or integrity of INDECOM should be frowned at. Let us hold fire until we get more details. INDECOM needs to appear to be truly independent. visit for the official press release from INDECOM Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie

Tivoli Report Update: Between 69-76 were killed in Tivoli Gardens in May 2010

Speaking at a recent Commissioner’s public forum as part of celebrations to mark the 6th Anniversary of INDECOM ... dubbed INDECOM Week ... the INDECOM Commissioner Terrence Williams called for an urgent implementation of the Tivoli Enquiry Report as it relates to the Mobile Reserves.

Perspective: Canada needs a substantial increase in immigration, minister says Perspective: Canada’s immigration Minister John McCallum is right on the money as it relates to increased quotas for immigration to Canada. With an “aging population” and attitudes to certain jobs there being too menial, there has to be the infusion of new and fresher, younger blood to keep the wheels of the economy spinning.

back home and more cash is kept in Canada for domestic circulation and investment … a win win for all.

For example: Who will care for the aged?

There are those who will oppose the plan on possibly hidden “racist” grounds … saying immigrants, especially of dark skin will dilute the white skin of their tribe. The mixture will produce more De Gasse and Bolts of this world.

There was a wave in the 60s & 70s under Pierre Tradeau’s leadership as PM … Canada has benefited from that wave as many Jamaicans, for instance, with their skills and other resources migrated and boosted the Canadian economy. Statistics are not easy to come by, but if you do not have to train people in language and skills from scratch … then you are from day one ahead of the game. “There is no super race”. This misguided view will hurt Canada in the long run. One does not have to have obtained a PHD in economics to realize that substantial savings can be derived. These new immigrants get absorbed quicker and can immediately be productive. When families are reunited they remit less money

Mortar The former Chief of Defence Staff of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) Major General Stewart Saunders testified before the Tivoli enquiry that he gave instructions for the use of mortars in Tivoli Gardens ... a built up residential community. The use of mortar was condemned by the commissioners, and was believed responsible for deaths in Tivoli where a number of rounds were discharged. Will the slaughter of 69 to 76, many innocent lives in Tivoli just be a 9 day wonder? We will have to wait and see as the civilized world looks on and shake its head.

Yes, the idea that Canada should lower the barriers to entry and recruit more ” is the right thing to do” … there is no true Canadian, in my perspective. Canada is a patchwork of immigrants who have collectively built this great country. You have the land mass and the infrastructure already which are under utilized. The First Nation people are the true Canadians … but they need more creative leadership and vision. Racists

Do not turn your backs on blacks … they may turn out to be Canada’s saving grace Recognition There is no super race, but if sports brings recognition to a people, then it is the black race that can be the vehicle to almost instant glory on the world stage. We hope this is food for thought. Be liberal and open the Canadian border for more immigrants … you will love the new shades of colour. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is the Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

Breaking News: Scandal Is Brewing In The PNP Over Missing Campaign Funds conduct is shameful.

The Caribbean “Usain Bolt could be minister of anything he wants,” said Jamaican PM Andrew Holness There is currently a former athlete Juliet Cuthbert who won a seat for the JLP in the February 2016 General Elections, and is now a part of PM Holness’ parliamentary group of 32 MPs. Sitting in Gordon House. In short he (Bolt) would not be the first athlete to enter politics. Politics is to popularity as egg is to chicken. They are inseparable. Bolt has not indicated that he is interested in politics. On the flip side, politics being so corrupt and pocessing such a not so clean image may tarnish the squeaky clean persona Bolt has earned and likely jealously guard by him and his management team. Does Holness have a space in his Cabinet? The PM pledged to have a lean, mean and efficient cabinet/ government. In my view Bolt has to safeguard his legacy and politics may not guarantee the integrity of this legacy. This move into politics would have to be cleared with his sponsors like Digical and Puma. Bolt is a Brand Ambassador for Digicel, a regional if not international communications powerhouse. Bolt will have the last say as it relates to his future His future looks bright but he must look before he leaps.

Grange concerned by fire at Half Way Tree clock tower

Peter Phillips Dr. Peter Phillips, former Finance Minister now Spokesman on Finance in the opposition PNP broke his silence "it is not me" as he tries to distance himself from the scandal.

Mobile Reserves You may recall that the Sir David Simmons led Tivoli Enquiry Report had singled out the Mobile Reserves, a form of paramilitary arm of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) ... a rapid response type or SWAT team ... to be disbanded. Their leadership came in for scathing criticism as it relates to their poor leadership and allegations of extrajudicial killings attributed to this body. Certain leaders were singled out in the far reaching recommendations that “They not be charged with the responsibility of ever leading internal security operations in Jamaica.”

Land Mass

August 25th - Sept. 7th, 2016

Private sector funds were diverted to fund a parallel bank account. Monies were not all directed through the Central Bank" declared PNP TREASURER HORNE. "My report is a private matter for party use only... in the future the party may decide to go public with this matter" he declared as the leaked report hit the rotating mechanism that has splashed it all around. Talk about damage control .. not if you gave me a million dollars per hour would I take the job to salvage, much less clean up this effluent The latest from the PNP is they have not accepted the treasurer's report. Good for you Comrades! The electorate was right on the money when they rejected them in February 2016. They (the PNP) cannot be trusted to be honest with each other, so why should we trust them with state power?. Their

Former Contractor General has suggested that the major crimes unit be called in to probe the theft in the PNP. When you steal from yourself it is a low down act. You are shooting yourself in the feet. Trevor Munroe, The Integrity watchdog is renewing calls for Campaign Finance Legislation ... bill passed but no regulations drafted so it cannot be bought into force. An idle piece of paper tiger. Where will this scandal lead us ... with local elections in the air ... what will the Voters do?

Kingston, August 23, 2016 – The Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange, has instructed the Jamaica National Heritage Trust to see that no further damage is done to the clock tower in Half Way Tree which was the scene of a fire this morning. Minister Grange said she was “grateful that no-one was hurt in the fire” but expressed “concern over damage to iconic clock”. The initial report from the JNHT team which assessed the damage to the site indicated that there appeared to be no major damage to the tower, however, the clock itself was exposed to the fire. Other assessments will be done.

The verdict is yours, as usual.

Minister Grange said the JNHT must now do whatever is necessary to protect the tower from any

Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

exposure that may do additional damage. See full story on

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Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Junior Whyte, Senior International Correspondent in Jamaica: Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Squire, Editors: Samantha Deschamps, Marilyn Marshall, Maresa Cadienhead BSc., NCCP


August 25th - Sept. 7th, 2016


Belizean Government Will Not Appeal Legalization Of Anal Sex ... Church Groups Are Free To Do Says PM Dean Barrow (MSM).The Belizean ruling has "no bearing on Jamaican law" declared Bert Samuels, a noted defense lawyer ... reacting to the Benjamin oral ruling in Belize. Background

News, Views & Perspective The explosive ruling by Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin of Belize to legalize "Unnatural Crime Law" ... has sent ripples throughout countries which still have the buggery law on their books. This oral ruling has been welcomed by the gay community. Frowned on by Lawyers Christian Fellowship (LCF), and others. The University of the West Indies said it played a role in the legal attack on the Anal Sex/law issue that led to the eventual ruling. "We saw the Belize low as low hanging fruit" declared a source close to university who asked not to be identified. Jamaica has the buggery law on our books. This law makes the act of men having sex with men as illegal

It should be noted that Belize has signed on to the Appellate Jurisdiction of the Caribbean Court Of Justice (CCJ). Jamaica is not a signature to the Appellate Jurisdiction of the Court. Jamaica has only signed on to the original Jurisdiction. This was the avenue used to pursue the now famous Shanique Myrie case ... a Jamaican, who successfully brought an action against the Barbados government for "discrimination" Plan It is envisaged that a new or independent action will next be taken to the CCJ and it is felt that the CCJ will be hard pressed to rule in another direction on the buggery issue. Any action brought from a member who has signed onto the final Court will have to be ruled on as the CCJ would have locus standi. The plan appears to be to attack the buggery law through the CCJ. Expect an urgent rear guard action in support of the repealing of the buggery law regionally.

The bible frowns on "anality" as "retrobate" conduct. The Belizean ruling is likely to be very offensive to many Jamaicans. Some 50, 000 rallied against the buggery law in Jamaica ... led by the churches. The Belizean ruling can now be used as having set a precedent to any future ruling on this "messy" issue. The stage is set for a show down. Will the region be "anal-ized?" In my perspective gays are likely to be enbolbened by the Belizean oral ruling legalizing anal sex. a Belizean living in Jamaica Mrs. K. Reynolds reminded me that "sex with minors is still illegal ... the oral ruling only relates to consenting adults". Ganja In the case of the legalization of ganja use in Jamaica W.I. this was for "2 ounces only" for recreational use and not an open route for shipment of large quantities. Try to study the legal changes as ignorance is no excuse under the law. Is this prosperity ... for ... Those with preference for anality? As usual the verdict is yours. By Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie who is Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

Jamaican Government to Establish Diaspora Fund

Diaspora Corner Speaking recently at Jamaica House at a press brief at the conclusion of talks with the IMF regarding progress of the Jamaican economy under the Extended Fund Facility with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) ... Finance Minister Shaw, announced that the Andrew Holness led government will be setting up a "Diaspora Fund". Contacted for details the press attache' in the PR department, Elaine Oxamendivicet advised that the derails are being formulated. The Financial" Secretary, Everton McFarlane had no further details either according to Oxamendivicet who was responding to enquiries from Vision's SIC. The government has repeatedly stated that it wishes to engage

in a meaningful way with the diaspora. The diaspora has remitted millions to Jamaica which has boosted our ailing economy. Three billion Jamaican dollars was the last figure quoted by government sources contributed by the diaspora. Drugs, hospital equipment and health missions are inestimable. They want to tap into the vast expertise of the diaspora. Jamaica's Net International Reserves (NIR) now stands at about US$2.4 billion as a result of remittances from the diaspora. This is an international benchmark used to measure the state of an economy and it is used by IMF et al ... It is about the amount of goods and services that can be bought to keep an economy afloat. Jamaica is doing extremely well in this regard. Keep tuned to Vision on the details of the proposed Diaspora Fund. We cannot do without our diaspora. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.



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August 25th - Sept. 7th, 2016

Prominent Jamaican Politician Implicated in Murder ... Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Paula Llewellyn ... Informant Lacks Credibility

As a media we are hard pressed to expose alleged atrocities, corruption, and misconduct in whatever shape or form. This exposure is not without considerable risks like legal action for Libel by the prominent accused if a politician. In fact legal action for deformation of character, was initiated but discontinued. Prosecutorial Misconduct The DPP Paula Llewellyn responding to questions regarding her decision not to prosecute stated to the effect that the evidence did not meet the threshold and alleged witnesses have "credibility" issues. She had no choice but not to proceed.


Former Assistant Commissioner of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) Les Green previously of the Scotland Yard has been commenting on the case. In an interview published in a Miami Newspaper ... Green was critical of the DPP's handling of the case. Do be reminded that this is an ongoing investi-

The DPP as stated above asserted inter alia that the evidence was shaky and possible prosecution witnesses lacked credibility. For the DPP to have conspired with the police to proffer criminal charges knowing very well that the chances of a conviction would be as successful as a peanut shell surviving in hell would have be shameful. In my perspective it would be grossly irresponsible for this constitutional officer to have acted speculatively or in a reckless manner having sworn to protect the human rights and freedoms of all, even the accused, and thereby uphold the Constitution. To have

face. Congrats Today we say congrats Paula Llewellyn for deciding not to prosecute that prominent politician. "You cannot build a case on shaky evidence."

done otherwise would be a dereliction of duty, if not also, a betrayal of trust. We would have been very scathing if the DPP was deemed to been guilty of Judicial Misconduct. We Hold No Brief ... We hold no brief for the DPP Paula Llewellyn ... in fact we are on record of being critical of her handling of the case of ex- Mayor Shernette Haughton, of Lucea, Hanover. You will recall that Dirk Harrison, Contractor General of the Office of the Contractor General (OCG). disagreed with the DPP not to prosecute Haughton. Harrison took the DPP to Court ... before the Court ruled the DPP's office stopped the case and reversed their decision not to prosecute Haughton. We never failed to say the DPP Llewellyn had "egg" on her

It was not the DPP who failed to renew Les Green's employment contract. To former PNP Minister Noel Ascot we say ... do not comment in a manner that gives tge imoression that you are trying to politicize our judicial system. Justice is supposed to be colour blind ... we salute the DPP for her integrity & professionalism. We are not about ruining careers on unreliable, speculative evidence or malice ... we have no ulterior motive but the truth. As usual the verdict is yours ... Hopeton O'CONNOR-DENNIE-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada. Advertisment


August 25th - Sept. 7th, 2016

Aunt Flossie Louise Russell 107, Accepts A Kiss Lovingly Placed On Her Cheeks By Relative Mrs. Cynthia Cunningham, JP, on her birthday ... August, 8, 2016

The normally quiet district, off the beaten track of York, Bensonton, St. Ann, Jamaica W.I.. was the venue for a birthday party for Aunt Flossie Louise Russell 107. Reverend Barrington Litchmore, Circuit Superintendent, Methodist Church for Beechamville & Bensonton, St Ann. was in attendance and shared in the cutting of a beautifully decorated birthday cake. The celebrated birthday honouree was featured with a picture in the 50th Anniversary edition of the National Insurance Scheme's Supplement that was published by the Jamaica Ob-

server Newspaper, page 9, May 15, 2016.

is. Mrs. Claris Smith and others.

Labour & Social Security Minister Shanine Robinson, along with Ministry officials from the Social Security Ministry visited In honour of Mrs. Flossie Russell the longest living resident in St. Ann.

She received a most significant phone call from Rev. Christopher Mc Catty who called to congratulate the centurion on this significant milestone of attaining 107 years. It was a picture to behold to see Flossie beaming with delight on receiving this call.

MP for the area Lisa Hanna had delivered a gift basket in honour of her 107th birthday. She was not present for the birthday party. The birthday celebration was well attended by a host of relatives, church family and well wishers near and far. Among those in attendance were: Deacon Racquel Clemming, of the Beachamville and Bensonton circuit of Methodist churches who asked for God's blessings on the proceedings. Also there were Mr. & Mrs. Rupert Onfroy, Mr. Bryan Smith, Mrs. Lena Drummond, Mrs. Eldred Kerr, Ms. Mavis Lew-


Perspective: NDP Leader Hails Jamaica’s Independence Good Move Andrea Horwrath her disgust at "anti-black racism" ... we thank you again for slapping down this despicable thinking and conduct. "There is no super race" ... a position we have long advocated in Vision Newspaper Canada.

Phone Call

Dignity It was also a beaming birthday girl who welcomed all and partied for hours as she demonstrated grace and unbridled dignity. Mrs. Flossie Louise Russell was born on the 8th August 1908. At 107 she has all her faculties in tact and is still mobile. "God has been my guide" she asserts. "This has kept me all these years." as she tries to explain her long life exclusively to Vision. Hopeton O'Connor Dennie, SIC was there and filed this report for vision newspaper Canada.

We congratulate the leader of the National Democratic Party (NDP) commonly referred to as the New Democrats. For Ms. Howrath to take time out to recognize the invaluable contribution of Jamaicans to the Canada society is most commendable. We appreciate her notable comments as it is in my perspective a well placed recognition. The contribution of Jamaican nurses in particular to healthcare in Canada cannot be over stressed. There has been a growing demand for our healthcare workers and in particular as was stated before our nurses is well known. This could be an export area for Jamaicans ... labour related. The NDP Leader underscored

The NDP's position that there is need for "equality" and no one should be "left behind" ... is progressive thinking which we support. Background NDP is a recognized third-party in Canada which has seats in Parliament ... they can become the government in the future. These comments cannot therefore be taken lightly, as we go forward. We again thank you new Democrats for not forgetting us and therefore not leaving us behind in your thinking. We Jamaicans will continue to serve with distinction in Canada. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper.


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August 25th - Sept. 7th, 2016

Religious Focus: Policy Being Formulated to Develop Faith-Based Tourism & Spa, Montego Bay recently, ahead of the start of their weeklong synod which is held in a different country every seven years and was last held in Jamaica in 1974.

MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica; August 16, 2016: As part of the Ministry of Tourism’s strategy to significantly increase visitor arrivals and develop the tourism sector, a policy is being formulated to deliberately target the faith-based tourism market. According to Travel-Market Report, a noted publication for travel professionals, faith-based tourism contributes between US$50 billion and US$100 billion annually to the global economy. Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett told influential church leaders attending the World-wide Synod of the Moravian Church that he was keen on tapping into this market. Minister Bartlett addressed the Moravians from more than 30 countries at a reception at the Hilton Rose Hall Resort

The framework for the faith-based tourism strategy was developed recently and according to Minister Bartlett, was born not just out of a strong call for more visitors to come to the country, “but because we believe in the mission and we believe that there is great benefit to accrue to our society from the values of Christianity.” He added, “also, our experience has shown that Jamaica is positioning itself as a truly democratic society where freedom of thought and religion is practiced and where Christians feel freer to speak and to practice their faith more than any other place on earth.” Minister Bartlett asserted that he was accentuating “a position that is truly honest about Jamaica,” as he pointed out that “we have more churches per square mile in Jamaica than anywhere else in the region.” He also stated, “our collective

consciences have been conditioned by The Bible” and that the country’s Constitution and laws have been influenced by God’s principles. Elaborating on the development of the policy, Mr. Bartlett said it would guide how Jamaica builds the requisite infrastructure needed to enable larger groups of Christians and/or religious visitors to come to the country and determine the framework of experiences that are offered. “Our churches have over the years been the base of faith-based tourism but the churches have not been structured and organized enough to encourage large visits and pilgrimages; nor large conventions into Jamaica, so the Montego Bay Convention Centre is going to be able to respond to the call for usage for large and medium-sized conventions,” he indicated. He stressed that the last time Jamaica had a large church group visiting was in 2011 when some 3,000 Christians arrived in Montego Bay on a chartered cruise dubbed Cruise With a Cause and they carried out voluntary social programmes including visitations to schools and hospitals.

The tourism minister declared, “we are excited at the prospects of working with the churches in building out a very important area of tourism and it’s going to have more than the value of just bringing visitors here and providing greater earnings for the economy; it is going to be a confluence of a deeper spiritual and a more moral approach that will influence our lives and help us to be a better people in Jamaica.” Commentary Whether we are devoted Christians or not there is no stopping churches from holding conferences and conventions …church goers spend a bundle to attend these events. A certain church group in the Pentecostal Faith is now or enroute to Kenya from Jamaica. Trips to Jerusalem are very common. We endorse Faith based tourism … go for it Minister Bartlett. Religious Focus is a feature of Vision … it is written by Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie- Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.


Community What ’s On

August 25th - Sept. 7th, 2016

Events Kanye West: The Saint Pablo Tour

Air Canada Centre Toronto, ON Tue, 08/30/16 08:00 PM

Ziggy Marley Tour

Mavado Meets Shabba Ranks

Venue: Sound Academy

Venue: The Danforth

Venue: Sound Academy

Toronto, ON Thu, 09/01/16

Music Hall Toronto, ON

Toronto, ON August 26th,2016

08:00 PM

Sept 8th, 2016

Schoolboy Q: Blank Face Tour

The Girls Club Academy

Venue: Winchester Dance Theatre Address: 80 Winchester Street, Toronto ON


Family & Children Downsview Park RibFest

Cari Vaughan 2016

Venue: Downsview Park

Venue: Vaughan Fairgrounds

Toronto, Ontairo Date: Sept 2nd-5th, 2016

Vaughan, ON Date: August 26-28

August 27th & 28th

register at

Chelsea Stewart


Ms. Lauryn Hill - The MLH Caravan: A Diaspora Calling!

EPMD Strictly Business 30 Year Anniversary Tour

Venue: Hard Rock Cafe Toronto, ON

Venue: 1585 Dundas St West

Venu : Massey Hall

Venu: The Danforth Music Hall

Toronto Date: August 30,2016

Toronto, ON Thu, 09/15/16 08:00 PM

Toronto, ON

Date: September 16, 2016

Sat, 08/27/16 07:00 PM

Bad Boy Family Reunion

Air Canada Centre Toronto, ON Tue, 09/06/16 08:00 PM

Pirate Ship Adventure at Centre Island

Taste Of Regent Park

Venue:Centre Island 18 Avenue of the Island Toronto, ON

Where: 620 Dundas St E, Regent Park 5pm-8pm July 13 to August 31, 2016

May 7, 2016 to Oct 10, 2016 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM




August 25th - Sept. 7th, 2016

Auresia And Gerald Thomas Release Hot New Collaboration “Stay a Little Longer”

Ukrainian-Canadian Auresia and Cuban Reggaeton star Gerald Thomas release their reggae single today, after working together for the first time. “Stay a Little Longer” speaks of passion and love, and wanting to hold onto that special & magical moment for

Corey Todd’s trial postponed caregiver,” said the attorney. Champagnie, while asking Parish Judge Chester Crooks to stay the warrant until next week, said that it was regrettable Todd was not in court because he would have suggested mediation instead of a trial. The trial of nightclub owner and promoter Corey Todd, who reportedly attacked dancehall deejay Devin Di Dakta, was postponed in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court in HalfWay-Tree yesterday. A new date of January 25 was set after Todd’s attorney, Peter Champagnie, told the court his client was not in the island. “Todd is overseas on the basis that his mother is not well. He is the primary

Shauna Chin Replies to Spice with new single Dancehall Diva Chin, also known as Gully Bop's significant other, released her new single in response to dancehall artist the newly proclaimed queen of Dancehall Reggae, Spice. The single, entitled "Truth" is riddim ready and melodious, lyrically charged the song emphasizes the stickability of chin and Bop's relationship and also dancehall hot girl hype. In the song the artiste focus on herself in peacock style rendition relegating to her hotness. Chin and Spice have two different yet incomparable sounds and styles like ying and yang left for their audience to decide.

Todd is facing charges of malicious destruction of property and assault occasioning bodily harm. Allegations are that in January, Devin Di Dakta was taken from the nightclub into the parking lot by several members of Todd’s security team and beaten. The reason given was that he did a song which was perceived to be disrespectful to Todd.

The track was recorded in Guantanamo, Cuba and mixed at Manicomio Studio in Santiago de Cuba by KiKi Pro, one of Cuba’s top producers (who has worked with Candyman, Pitbull, Chakal and El Micha). Written in Baracoa, they had the chance to perform it at the Carnival Baracoa the very next day, to thousands of adoring fans!

N’Zye urges youth to discard Badness Toronto-based emerging dancehall deejay N’Zye said he is elated about his latest collaborative effort with Sizzla Kalonji titled Badness. Released in June, the entertainer said the single explores the negative repercussions of violence. “It’s a song where we are encouraging the youths to desist from violence and the repercussions associated with it. There can never be anything positive coming out of any violent acts,” he told the Jamaica Observer. According to N’Zye, although he resides in Canada, he keeps up to date with the current affairs of Jamaica.

Barry G Gordon Hounours

September 2016 The Boogieman Jamaica's Lengedary Radio host Barry "G" will be crowned in the UK. Barrington “Barry G” Gordon is known as “The Godfather” of Jamaican airwaves since back in 1975 when he commenced his career at Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation (JBC).

just a little longer, a feeling many relate to. With a Reggae beat and Cuban heat this is a sure fire hit!

He went from radio producer to host of his own show, ‘Turntable Time’ after 3 years. This success led to a 6 hour Saturday afternoon program called ‘Boogie Down’. Thirteen years later, Barry G went over to Radio Jamaica (RJR), taking his high ratings with him only to return to JBC 2 years later. After co-founding Power 106, he went on to Hot 102 until 2001. Freelancing in the international syndicated radio arena has kept Barry G busy. In 2010 Barry “G” received his Order of Distinction for his contribution to broadcasting in Jamaica.

“For such a small island, the crime rate is alarming. Jamaica is not located in the Middle East and we are certainly not the poorest, so we have no reason to be killing each other. And that’s the message that me and Kalonji are imploring,” he said. Badness is produced by local-based producer Demone Gustavus. N’Zye, whose given name is Machel Lewis, spent his early years on Maxfield Avenue in Kingston. He migrated to Canada in 1995 and after attending Humber College, he worked at Pearson International Airport where he specialised in aircraft maintenance. In 2012, he released his debut single called Bend Bend. He followed up with other releases including Me Love Har, Jamaica Nice, Street Life and Pillow Talk.

Masicka Tours UK Dancehall Artiste Masicka Tours the UK for the 1st time. The hardcore artist is off to a beaming start as he performed live to a sold out crowd on one his first stops on the tour in London. Performing one of his top hits "everyting mi want" other performances are set to be staged at spontaneous locations throughout the UK.

August 25th - Sept. 7th, 2016


PRADO BANKING ON NEW SINGLE ‘MONEY BAG’ of his career since returning to the music scene over a year ago and sees ‘Money Bay’ as the track to take him to the next level. The single has received tremendous feedback on both the local and international platforms.


Jamaica Born, Toronto Based Artist, Tha Vor, Uses His Beliefs In The Rasta Faith To Inject Positive Messages In Hip-hop

“A whole lot of djs and selectors have been requesting dubs and jingles with this ‘Money Bag’ song so that’s a good look for sure, and the DJs have been showing it love in the streets and on radio so its only up from here’ Prado added Reemerging Dancehall recording artiste Prado, formerly Desperado, is reveling in the recent success of his new ‘Money Bag’ single. The introspective track, produced by Clive Ferguson and Prado himself on his KRC Music label, has been gaining traction since its release in early July. The single speaks about working hard to earn money while avoiding negatives they may lead to death. “I want my fans to understand that we need to focus on making money and that everybody can't be a bad man or woman. The truth is, if we all are bad we will all end up in a body bag. Right now me and my Full Force team just working hard and trying to live life happy” Prado shared

In addition to the Money Bag single, Prado has seen success with his Wild Out and Arch Her Back Singles, amped by the creative medley video released earlier this year directed by Wade Rhoden. The visuals can be seen on Prado’s YouTube Channel PradoOfficial. Prado also recently completed appearances on the RJR Cross Country Invasion and Irie Fm ‘In the Area’ Road Shows. A follow up single called ‘Rotten Rich’ will be officially released this September produced by RDX on their Apartment 19 Label’s ‘Hot Foot’ Riddim. Prado also has plans to record the music video for his ‘Money Bag’ single within the coming weeks. Keep up to date with upcoming projects from Prado by following him on Social Media @pradodancehall, for bookings and all other queries contact StreetCred Jamaica at

Prado is motivated by the upward trajectory

Many people have said that the hip-hop genre has pretty much died out and that what we are listening to today is merely commercial rap. Agree or disagree, there are still a few underground artists who are creating authentic hip-hop and doing a very good job at it. One such person is Jamaica born Toronto based MC, Tha Vor. Being a strong believer in the Rasta faith and culture, Tha Vor makes it a point of duty to produce songs that are not just for ones enjoyment but also for enlightenment.

In his latest single and video, “now you’re gone,” he touches on the very popular topic of cheating, but addresses from the standpoint of a man being cheated on, as opposed to being the one committing the act of indiscretion. When asked what inspired such an unusual approach, Tha Vor said: “we go through break up at times, different scenarios in life and this is inspired by real life events.” “Now You’re Gone” clearly shows that although it is not talked about very often, women, much like men, are sometimes unfaithful in their relationships. The track is produced by Marcus Kane and features R&B song bird Keon Love.

Upcoming Albums

Post Malone Stoney

DE LA SOUL And the Anonymous Nobody

Tory Lanes I Told You

After touring the country with Justin Bieber and dropping a mixtape, Post Malone is gearing up to release his debut album Stoney next month. During an interview with Zane Lowe on Beats 1, he announced the title and August release date. “I think it’s gonna be called Stoney. Stoney Malone, that’s my old nickname.” He also revealed one major guest, Justin Bieber, who appears on “Déjà Vu.” “That’s how the tour started. We got in the studio and started working,” he said of his “Purpose World Tour” tourmate In May, the “White Iverson” hitmaker offered up a teaser with his mixtape August 26 featuring 2 Chainz, Jeremih, Lil Yachty, and Jaden Smith.

In early 2015, De La Soul created a Kickstarter in order to fund his new album. In under ten hours, it surpassed the projected goal of $110,000. Initially, the group announced that the album would be released on April 29, 2016. Subsequently releasing a new EP titled For Your Pain & Suffering on April 29, 2016, the group rescheduled the release of the album for August 26, 2016. The first single, “Pain” (featuring Snoop Dogg), was released on June 1, 2016.

I Told You is the upcoming debut studio album by Canadian rapper Tory Lanez. It is set to be released on August 19, 2016 by Mad Love Records and Interscope Records. The album has production from Benny Blanco, Kanye West. Boi-1da, Play Picasso, OZ, YeX, Ed Sheeran, Cashmere Cat, Andrew Wansel, Mannie Fresh, Toro, Droc, Diplo, TM88, S.M., Cardo, Eeesk Inteel, Vinylz, and Lanez himself. The album is supported by three singles, “Say It”, “Luv”, and “Flex”.

Travis Scott Birds in the Trap McKnight Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight is the upcoming second studio album by American hip hop recording artist Travis Scott. It is scheduled to be released on August 26, 2016 by Grand Hustle Records and Epic Records.It is likely to feature guest appearances from Kamaiyah, Kendrick Lamar and Kid Cudi, and it is also likely to feature production by Cashmere Cat.



August 25th - Sept. 7th, 2016

Culture is Big Business, says Grange The Minister expressed that there are tremendous economic opportunities to be had in the lucrative market of gospel music in Jamaica and encouraged corporate entities to continue supporting gospel events. “We need your support more than ever, to ensure that wholesome, family events like these are staged with greater frequency. Our people need the spiritual upliftment which comes from Gospel,” said Minister Grange. KINGSTON, Jamaica – Culture and Entertainment Minister, Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange says positioning the country’s culture at the centre of the Government’s Sustainable Development Agenda is a key objective of her Ministry. In a message delivered at the recent Media Launch for Gosplash 2016 at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Kingston, Min-

ister Grange said, “One of the major goals of my Ministry is to position our cultural and creative products at the centre of the Sustainable Development Agenda of the Government of Jamaica. Culture is big business. The world knows this. We know this. We can no longer afford inaction, while the rest of the world reaps the benefits of the lucrative world trade in cultural and creative products.”

In commending the organisers, Action Entertainment for staying committed to producing rich and fulfilling entertainment, the Minister said, “Over the past few weeks, it has not escaped my attention that there has been a significant difference in the way gospel events are being hosted in Jamaica. I am seeing a renewed wave of vibrancy, innovation and excel-

lence – characteristics usually associated with secular events. I am pleased to declare that Gosplash has joined the league of outstanding gospel promotions in Jamaica’s history. “ Commentary Minister Grange’s recognition that culture is big business is instructive. We all know that culture is a multi billion entity and hope we will get our fair share of this business. Jamaica has been a cultural icon and Minister Grange is correct to have seen this potential. The good thing is she is in a position to make a difference. We wish her well as she bats for Jamaican artistes and promote our culture. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.



Sept 24th - Oct 7th, 2015


2016 Rio Olympics Round Up: ity ... the picture being painted was one of failure. There was a feeling that the stage was being set to give the impression that an improvised South American country was not capable of staging such a world class event.

Some 60,000 spectators witnessed the closing ceremony of the 31st. Olympics. They reported that 306 sets of medals were issued. Jamaica came 16th overall ... second in athletics medals in the world. Jamaica got 11 medals ..(gold, 6, silver 2, bronze 3 ) The Brazilians have a lot to be proud of as the level of organization based on reports was of a high standard. Pre game speculation that things would be poorly organized, effluent in waterways and crime did not ruin games ... coupled with local political instabil-


The Caribbean delegations represented their region and respective countries/delegations extremely well. They were credible ambassadors. Jamaica The feared effluent did not seem to be a bother ... what unfolded was the true colours of a North American swimming team that trashed a gas station, lied about being held up at gun point. At least 2 of the alleged culprits were taken off their plane, detained eventually apologized and settled by paying over US$10,000 as restitution to settle damages they did. Ambssadors We expect sports men and women to be ambassadors for themselves, sport and their country.

Jamaica has a lot to be proud of Elaine Thompson’s 100 & 200 metres gold and Usain Bolt’s 100, 200 and 4x 100 ... “tripple tripple” as the record breaking feat is being called. It was a great team effort. We got 12 medals before so this is a reduction of one medal, but the 6 gold medal take is a record. For our size we have a lot to be proud of. De Grasse of Canada has been “adopted” by us ...we are proud of his Trinidadian heritage. We accept him and congratulate his performance that earned him 3 medals at the Olympics. Congrats to all! Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

The team from Jamaica that got 11 medals was a dream come through. Our Jamaica House initiative was a resounding success ... it should give a boost to our tourism product. Many have praised the effort. BBC did broadcast from Jamaica House at least once in Brazil ...this endorsement speaks Advertisment

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August 25th - Sept. 7th, 2016

Author’s Corner had brought me through a gestation period, and this was now the perfect time for delivery.

With Micca Vanfield Questions by Sheena Blake I want to start by asking you what the title of your upcoming book is? The book is called IS THIS WHAT IS REALLY OUT THERE? #SMDH ~ ONLINE DATING AFTER DIVORCE How did/do you feel about writing it? Writing the book felt absolutely amazing. It felt like my experience

Why did you write it? I’ve always loved writing, and I’ve always felt like I have a lot to share with the world. I love to see the positive in every situation, and I wanted to do the same when I was faced with divorce after an 11-year relationship. When I decided to write the book, I felt like I was ready to share my experience with the world. This process has helped me to attain another level of healing. How does this book add to your life legacy? This book adds to my life legacy because it has helped me to accomplish my life’ s mission which is to empower and inspire others through my experiences. My hopes for this book are that it helps as many people as possible see that they don’t have to become their circumstances and that they don’t have to make the negative situation their journey. It’s just a bump in the road. It doesn’t matter how negative

or tough things may seem, there is always a silver lining, and all you have to do is to look within and know that you are perfect within your own completion. Therefore, you don’t need to look for completion anywhere else. This book is also an indication to my children that they can do anything that they really want to do. Were there people in your family/ community that inspired this book? Definitely! I would like to say my grandmother for always teaching me to think positive about all things. Without her instilling faith in my life and teaching me that I could do anything that I wanted to, I would never have thought that writing this book was possible. Of course, my ex husband because if it wasn’t for our divorce, I would have never had the experiences in the book. Also, the individuals that were a part of the experiences. LOL. Who does this book speak to? This book speaks to a wide audience; the divorced woman/man who is having trouble getting through

the tough situation and constantly asking themselves “why me”? The book will show them how to turn the situation around and look for the life lessons. The unmarried girl/ guy that has gone through a tough break up, and they are trying to get back in the dating scene. This book will show share with them some of the things to look out for. Also, the individuals that are currently dating online, this book will show them what not to do when online dating because some behaviours are a HUGE turnoff. How can people find your book on social media when it comes out? They can definitely find me on social Media. Website : Facebook : Micca Vanvield Instagram: miccavanvield Snapchat : miccavanvield What is your favourite thing about yourself? I absolutely love the fact that I talk so damn much, and my quirky sense of humor. Advertisment

#SCOPES™ by #Cerise_Fairfax #astrology #horoscopes #zodiac #Aries (March 21-April 19) Speak up! If anyone can say it the way it should be said it’s an Aries! #Taurus (April 20-May 20) Take care of your body and mind today by eating only the most healthiest foods and thinking the most healthiest thoughts. #Gemini (May 21-June 20) You’re definitely a creative one, so use that skill to manifest the things you desire most in life. #Cancer (June 21-July 22) Thinking about starting a new business? Make a plan and carry it out one goal at a time. If it’s a project for work then simply put your mind to it and you’ll be able to pull it off without a glitch.


#Leo (July 23-August 22) Kids and animals will want more of your time than usual. If you’re a parent, or you’re around children often then expect them to latch onto you for love and closeness. If you’re a pet parent, or have animals around you, don’t be surprised when they stick close to you like glue.

#Virgo (August 23-September 22) Like lightening your energy will bolt through the ones you love most and they’ll certainly want to be around your awesomeness today. #Libra (September 23-October 22) Be straightforward with friends and family. If they are not willing to accept you for who you are then perhaps they just cannot handle you and all your greatness.

#Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Give two people compliments and you will receive 10 back, it’s just how karma works. Say something crude about someone, and again, it will ricochet tenfold. Watch your actions and words to keep your good energy in good balance. #Sagittarius (November 22December 21) Don’t dim your light for others. always shine. #Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Money matters, yes it does, but when you make it matter too much it becomes the focal point of your drive in life. A money drive is not a horrible thing, but at least have another focus too. #Aquarius (January 20-February 19) Speaking well of others when they are not around you, and

especially when they are not the best person in the world, shows your ability to love past personality into the spirit of others, and today that will happen. #Pisces (February 20-March 20) You love it when romance unfolds seamlessly, however, Pisces not all love affairs unfold in the most easiest ways. In fact some of the longer lasting relationships had the most dysfunction getting it going. So try not to get too upset when there’s a glitch in the connection, things will work themselves out. Cerise Fairfax Life Coach | (416) 722-5233 | | | com/cerisefairfax Cerise’s book URBAN PROVERBS: How to create and maintain good karma is available. To order your copy please email. (available in Audio, Ebook and Paperback) Advertisment

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August 25th - Sept. 7th, 2016










August 25th - Sept. 7th 2016 / Page 15

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