Vision Newspaper Canada (July 30th - August 12th, 2015)

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July 30th - August 12th, 2015

Film Review: A pugilist parable of transformation in 'Southpaw,' with Jake Gyllenhaal & 50 Cent >>page 12

Jamaican singer OMI hits number 1 on Pop Charts with hit single “Cheerleader” >>page 6

Jelani Daniel



Obama envisions Jelani Daniel returning to Africa after White House with less ALL CREDITfanfare TYPES APPROVED >> page 3



July 30th - August 12th, 2015

The Caribbean Jamaica to retire $3 billion in oil debt to Venezuela thanks to bond sales, negotiated deal



Grenada reports decreased activity at underwater Kick 'em Jenny volcano

The World First lady Michelle Obama, rapper Wale team up help college bound teens succeed in college

and Saturday morning. “This represents a significant decline in the level of earthquakes associated with the activity so far,’’ the centre said, adding that it would continue to monitor activity.

KINGSTON, Jamaica _ Jamaica says it has forged a deal to retire $3 billion in oil debts to Venezuela thanks to bond sales. The Caribbean island has sold roughly $2 billion in bonds to pay down the debt it accumulated through Petrocaribe. That’s a Venezuelan program that provides fuel to countries at market prices but under generous credit terms. Officials say a negotiated settlement will dismiss $3 billion in long-term debt in exchange for $1.5 billion. It was not immediately clear if Jamaica’s deal will retire all of its Petrocaribe debt. Jamaica’s settlement is similar to one the Dominican Republic negotiated with Venezuela earlier this year. That Caribbean country dismissed $4 billion in Petrocaribe debt in exchange for $2 billion. IMF Communications Director Gerry Rice says the organization supports Jamaica’s debt buyback. The Associated Press

In Jamaica, airport police detain US woman after customs officials find bullet in her handbag

KINGSTON, Jamaica _ Police in Jamaica say a U.S. tourist has been charged with illegal possession of ammunition after customs officials at an island airport allegedly found a bullet in her handbag. A Monday police statement says the American woman was about to board a flight when she was stopped by security at Sangster International Airport in the northern tourist town of Montego Bay. Police took her into custody and charged her with a breach of the island’s firearms act after authorities say they found a 9-mm bullet in her bag. Authorities did not immediately disclose her identity or where she is from. Before her arrest, she was about to board a flight destined for Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

The Associated Press

ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada _ An underwater volcano north of Grenada is showing a decline in seismic activity, authorities on the eastern Caribbean island said Saturday. Grenada’s National Disaster Management Agency said it expects to lower the alert level from orange to yellow if that pattern continues. Seismic activity recently increased at the Kick ‘em Jenny volcano, with authorities warning last Thursday that an eruption could occur within 24 hours. But the Seismic Research Center at the University of the West Indies said there had been fewer than 20 earthquakes associated with the volcano between last Friday afternoon

The volcano’s recent heightened activity prompted authorities in the Caribbean region to issue alerts, but officials at the centre said there was no risk of a destructive tsunami.

WASHINGTON _ First lady Michelle Obama is teaming up with rapper Wale (WAH’-lay) to help college-bound teens overcome obstacles and succeed in college.

“There is no need for panic,’’ the centre said. “People should go about their daily lives as normal.’’

More than 130 students were at the White House last Thursday for a “beating the odds’’ summit on making a smooth transition to college.

Terrence Walters, acting co-ordinator for Grenada’s disaster management agency, said officials were upgrading equipment to better monitor the volcano and provide more precise data.

The Grammy-nominated Wale told the students he didn’t take college seriously at first, and hoped he’d end up in the NFL. Wale said he landed on academic probation at first, but college eventually taught him to be self-made and “take the training wheels off ’’ in life.

The volcano has erupted beneath the Caribbean Sea at least 12 times without causing any deaths or injuries. The last eruption occurred in 2001.

Obama told the students her goal is ``to make education cool again.’’ The first lady and Wale were part of a panel discussion moderated by E! News co-anchor Terrence Jenkins.

Trinidad police charge 11 people in killing of prominent prosecutor

The rapper performed for the students later that day. The Associated Press (AP Photo/Cliff Owen

that international law enforcement agencies helped local authorities. He declined to name the agencies.

PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad _ Authorities in Trinidad announced that they have charged 11 people in last year's killing of prominent prosecutor and former senator Dana Seetahal. Deputy Police Chief Glen Hackett made the announcement during a televised address in which he apologized to her family for withholding information, saying it was necessary. Seetahal was fatally shot in May 2014 after suspects in two cars opened fire after cutting off her vehicle in Trinidad's capital. Police said it appeared to be a professional hit. At least 15 shells were found at the scene in the residential Woodbrook neighbourhood. “It stands out as the most challenging case I've ever worked on,'' Hackett said, adding

Bill Clinton pays tribute to D’Army Bailey’s efforts to preserve hotel where King was slain

Hackett declined to comment on a potential motive, saying the evidence would be presented in court. The suspects are scheduled to appear in court on Monday July 28th. Among those charged is Rajaee Ali, son of one of the leaders of Jamaat al Muslimeen, an Islamic group that organized a violent coup attempt nearly 25 years ago. Rajaee previously told reporters that he was not involved in Seetahal's killing. Seetahal was formerly an independent senator and an assistant solicitor general. The island's attorney general at the time said Trinidad's legal profession had lost a titan. Hackett's announcement comes a day after an inmate and a police officer were killed following a violent prison outbreak in Portof-Spain. Two of the three inmates who escaped remain at large. The twin-island nation of Trinidad & Tobago is one of the most prosperous nations in the Caribbean because of natural gas and oil reserves, but it also has struggled with a high violence rate fueled by drug trafficking. The Associated Press

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP)_ Former President Bill Clinton has led the eulogies for D’Army Bailey, a lawyer and judge who helped preserve the Memphis hotel where civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated and turn it into the National Civil Rights Museum. Bailey died last Sunday at age 73 after a long illness. The Commercial Appeal ( ) reports that at his funeral Saturday, Clinton said the Lorraine Motel might be a parking lot without Bailey’s efforts. Bailey assembled donors to buy the hotel, which ultimately became the National Civil Rights Museum in 1991. Bailey practiced civil rights law in New York before moving to California. He served on the Berkeley, California, city council from 1971 until 1973. He later returned home to Memphis, where he practiced law and served as a judge (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

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Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Junior Whyte, Editor: Nadia Akram, Correspondent in Jamaica: Deana Meyers Contributors: Francesca Quass, Yemi Abiade, Samantha Dennis, Claire Daley, Christopher Miller Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Squire, Editors: Samantha Deschamps, Kelly Deschamps, Marilyn Marshall, Front Cover Photo Credits , (AP Photo/Sayyid Azim)

July 30th - August 12th, 2015



Obama envisions returning to Africa after White House with less fanfare away with it.''

society initiatives in Kenya and beyond.


With a roving microphone in hand and a high stool to perch on, the president doffed his jacket and traded ideas with local activists who laid out the challenges they're tackling, some of them far different from those he had confronted in inner city Chicago _ saving elephants from poachers, for example, and helping girls attend school rather than being married off to older men.

“The guy slept in a camping bed behind my couch in a tiny living room in a tiny flat.'' That's how Auma Obama described her brother's first visit to Kenya nearly three decades ago. She gave the president a warm introduction at his speech Sunday at an indoor arena in Nairobi. As a young man, she recalled, Obama “fit right in'' and “ate with us at multiple tables because we're a big family.'' Now, she said, “we're happy to share him with the world because he's not just ours.'' NAIROBI, Kenya _ As he motorcades from hotel to conference room to arena in Africa, President Barack Obama has been fantasizing about a return trip to the continent after leaving office _ one with more family, less fanfare and fewer people telling him where he can't go.

Mara, the national reserve renowned for its safaris and wildlife, and the Serengeti region in which it sits. He also fondly recalled visiting the Kenyan coastal town of Lamu when he was engaged to wife, saying they went out on a boat and then ate fish that vessel's captain cooked on the beach.

Kenya's bustling capital of Nairobi was mostly locked down for Obama's visit, and he took numerous opportunities to point out the limitations of travelling with the immense security detail that accompanies an American president overseas. Out of the question was a visit to Kogelo, where his father is buried, and Obama lamented that his quality time with his Kenyan family was so limited.

These days, Lamu's once-vibrant tourist industry has virtually collapsed due to past attacks by al-Shabab militants based in nearby Somalia, where a suicide car bomber killed at least four people at a Mogadishu hotel Sunday. The Kenyan government recently lifted a dusk-todawn curfew in Lamu, but a heavy security presence remains there.

Yet in between speeches and meetings with Kenyan leaders, Obama mused about a very different kind of visit he said he'll make with first lady Michelle Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia after his presidency ends in 2017. On his fantasy itinerary is a visit to Maasai

Another must-do for Obama's next trip: climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain. Kiliminjaro isn't in Kenya, but is just across the border in Tanzania. “Secret Service generally doesn't like me climbing mountains,'' Obama said in an interview on Kenyan radio station Capital FM. “But as a private citizen, hopefully I can get

Auma Obama is the president's half-sister on his father's side. Their Kenyan father died in a car crash in 1982. She recalled picking up Obama in a battered Volkswagen Beetle on his first visit to Kenya, a vehicle Obama remembered as slightly less than reliable. “It broke down four or five times,'' he said. What a difference a few decades make. On this trip, Auma Obama said, it was her brother who gave her a ride from that same airport in the “Beast,'' the armoured limousine shipped over from the U.S. before the president arrives in a country. “He returned the favour,'' she said. ___ Obama reached back to his early days as a community organizer to find common cause with African youth and civic leaders during a group conversation about promoting civil

On other matters, though, there were stronger parallels, such as helping young people find hope in urban slums. He found commonalities in the big picture, telling the young leaders that “bottom-up civic participation'' was the key to making societies work better. Quoting Alexis de Tocqueville, the former college professor gave a mini history lesson on the early days of American democracy and the hard-fought gains of the civil rights movement and other democratic advances. Obama's own work as a community organizer “taught me the importance of ordinary people when they come together to create a better vision for the future,'' he said. If Kenya “can continue to cultivate those habits of participation and freedom,'' he said, “the country is going to be better off.''

___ By Julie Pace And Christopher Torchia THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Associated Press writers Josh Lederman and Nancy Benac in Washington contributed to this report.

(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)




Taxpayers not footing the bill for Kanye West's Pan Am performance: organizers

July 30th - August 12th, 2015

Starting student life in Canada, eh? yconic and Scotiabank Canadian IQ quiz gives international students financial head start TORONTO, ON -Scotiabank and yconic, a student help community that provides access to financial opportunities, have partnered to announce $10,000 in cash and prizes for international students studying in Canada. Now in its second year, the "What's Your Canadian IQ" quiz engages international students to learn more about Canadian culture and ease their transition into studying abroad.

TORONTO _ Taxpayers aren't footing the bill for Kanye West's headlining performance at the Pan Am Games closing ceremony, organizers said Monday.

tee only contributed to expenses such as backing bands, makeup artists and transporting artists' equipment from the airport, Rafi said.

And the head of the Games organizing committee said even he isn't sure whether the rapper's mic problems and abrupt exit from the stage Sunday night were genuine or planned.

There was a fleeting outcry when West was announced as the headliner for the ceremony, with several thousand people signing a petition urging organizers to replace him with a Canadian act.

Pan Am Games CEO Saad Rafi said performance fees for West and the two other artists _ Canadian howler Serena Ryder and Miami pop-rapper Pitbull _ were covered by the concert promotion company Live Nation, which sponsored the Games.

Some questioned whether tax dollars should be spent on an American and often controversial artist.

“That was part of the relationship with Live Nation, that we weren't paying performance fees to artists that they would secure,'' he told The Canadian Press. “I don't know whether they pay full price or not but it's part of their sponsorship with us and they contract with the artists.'' The Games organizing commit-

The crowd roared its support for West at Sunday's event, but many expressed their confusion when he tossed an apparently faulty microphone up in the air and stomped off stage. “Did Kanye West just throw the mic in the audience and walk off the stage unceremoniously!?! #PanAmGames #closingceremony,'' one person wrote on Twitter. “So Kanye West just throws the mic and leaves. I guess they only paid him till 10pm.

#PanAmGames #closingceremony #RogersCentre,'' another tweeted. Rafi said West is known to do the unexpected and ``we may never know'' whether his departure was staged. “The volume that he performs at is so high, it might have been what affected the sound system, but it also might be something his team planned all along, so you just never know because he's such a creative guy,'' Rafi said. “His team controls his whole part of that show _ lights, etc.,'' he said, adding that he hadn't heard any complaints from West's camp since the show.

The "What's your Canadian IQ" quiz is located at - a student-focused website. Created jointly by yconic and Scotiabank, the website provides financial aid and advice for money management strategies. The contest runs until August 25, 2015, and winners will be selected in late fall 2015. "Our goal at yconic is to help make life for students pursuing post-secondary education more affordable and less stressful," said Rob Henderson, President and CEO of yconic. "We are pleased to partner with Scotiabank again to offer financial assistance that helps students with tuition fees that can be three times greater than their Canadian counterparts." The Scotiabank Canadian IQ Quiz offers eight students the chance to win $1,000 in scholarship money, as well as a $250 'Canadian prize pack'. Odds of winning depend on the num-

ber of entries in their region. Eligible international students who participate in the "What's Your Canadian IQ" quiz will also learn more about the Scotiabank StartRight Program for Newcomers, a banking package that aims to make settling in Canada easier for international students. The program offers solutions and advice to students interested in learning how to manage their personal finances and invest in their future, including financial literacy information on the Scotiabank StartRightwebsite "Like many new Canadians, international students are concerned with immediate needs like finding a place to live, settling into their routine and understanding the financial products and services available to them in Canada," said Puneet Mann, CoLead of Multicultural Banking at Scotiabank. "Working with yconic to offer this cash prize enables us to help a diverse set of students become financially better off as they pursue their post-secondary studies here in Canada." yconic and Scotiabank also jointly manage programs that offer $750,000 in financial awards for high school and post-secondary students across Canada. For more information about the “What’s Your Canadian IQ” quiz, please visit

Nearly 40,000 spectators packed Toronto's Rogers Centre for the closing ceremony, about 5,000 fewer than for the sold-out opening ceremony on July 10. By Paola Loriggio THE CANADIAN PRESS



July 30th - August 12th, 2015


What’s On


Family & Children

Kool & The Gang

OVO Festival


Machel Montano

Stone Love

Toronto Caribean Carnival

Jerk Festival

Venue: Casino Rama Rama, ON Date: July 31st, 2015

Venue: ACC / Molson Amphetheatre Toronto, ON

Venue: Sound Academy 11 Polson St

Venue: Wild Water Kingdom 7855 Finich Ave W

Toronto, ON

Venue: Lakeshore blvd W Toronto, ON Date: August 1st, 2015

Venue: Centennial Park Etobicoke, ON Date: August 8th, 2015

Date: August 1-3, 2015

Date: August 11, 2015

Brampton, ON Date: August 1st, 2015

Venue : Little T’s 290 North Front St Belleville ,ON,


Berlane Xo


Fire Fete

Date: August 6th, 2015

Toronto Reggae Fest


Rasta Fest

Live August 14,2015

T&T WaterFront NightMarket

Venue: CARNIVAL GROUNDS 53 Bakersfield St, North York, On Date: August 2nd, 2015

Venue: Sound Academy

Venue: Port Lands 222 Cherry St Toronto ON


Date: August 14th, 2015

Date: August 2nd-3rd, 2015

11 Polson St Toronto, ON Date: August 21st, 2015

Venue: Sound Academy 11 Polson St Toronto , ON Date: August 15th-16th, 2015

Venue: Downs View Park 35 Carl Hall Rd Toronto, ON

Venue: Markam Fairgrounds 10801 Mc Cowan Rd, Marham, On

Date: August 22nd, 2015

Date: August 2nd-3rd, 2015


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Jelani Daniel





July 30th - August 12th, 2015

Jamaican singer Omi takes success in stride as 'Cheerleader' cartwheels to No. 1 on pop charts be a song,'' OMI said in an interview Tuesday. “It was supposed to be like an interlude on the album.'' “Cheerleader'' has sold 1.4 million tracks and has 108.9 million on-demand streams, according to Nielsen SoundScan.

LOS ANGELES _ Jamaican singer OMI may seem like an overnight success, but his chart-topping summer hit, “Cheerleader,'' has been years in the making. He started working on the reggae-pop song seven years ago. He released the track in 2012 under the Jamai-

can label, Oufah, but a 2014 remix of the song by German DJ Felix Jaehn helped give the tune new flavour _ and new life. The upbeat ode to a supportive girlfriend is spending its second week at No. 1 on Billboard's Hot 100 chart. “It wasn't supposed to

“Monumental is the word I can think of right now,'' he said. “For an artist who is from a little island in the Caribbean, it means a lot. It's a very proud moment.'' The 28-year-old, born Omar Samuel Pasley, is adjusting to his newfound fame in the U.S., recently holding up airport security lines as TSA agents clamoured to take photos with

him. “Fan reactions are crazy sometimes. You know, like, 'OMI, I love you! OMI, my lover!''' he mused. Not to be derailed, he's staying focused on his next single, due out in August, and first album, slated for the fall on Columbia Records. “Fame is a distraction sometimes. You know, it's a distraction if you let it. So it's very important to stay focused, stay very connected to your roots,'' he said. The self-proclaimed ``country boy'' from the rural Jamaican parish of Clarendon credits his small town upbringing for keeping him

grounded as his career skyrockets. “We've seen many heroes from Jamaica, you know, and to be put in that class or to be looked upon on that level is overwhelming,'' he said. “It's pretty big shoes to fill, you know. I'm a size eight, but I'll try my best.'' ___


Online: ___

Follow Nicole Evatt at NicoleEvatt



July 30th - August 12th, 2015


Rapper Silento has breakthrough thanks to dance craze, hit song 'Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)'

Taylor Swift apologizes to Nicki Minaj about VMA nominations tweet; Minaj says 'let's move on'

January and posted videos on Instagram of people dancing to the track. Capitol Music Group caught wind of the rising hit. “They came like that second week. I got an email saying, 'I've seen your song last week and I see it this week and it exploded,''' recalled Silento, who signed with the record label. “I was like, 'Yeah, that's that message I was looking for.''' He said that instead of releasing an EP or album, “first we're going to push out more singles,'' adding his next single is “going to be a record for the ladies.'' NEW YORK _ Silento, the 17-year-old rapper who's having a pop culture moment with the dance craze to his debut song, says he wants to be a role model to the young kids who have posted videos dancing to his tune. His “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)'' has continued to rise on the charts and gain millions of views on YouTube, becoming popular among children who have imitated the dances he references in the song, including Nae Nae and the Stanky Legg. “I always wanted to be a role model,'' said Silento, born Ricky Hawke, in a recent interview. “I always (wanted) to be the one everybody look at and copy off of.'' Silento's song has sold 892,168 tracks and boasts 150 million on-demand streams,

according to Nielsen SoundScan. It has peaked at No. 3 on Billboard's Hot 100 songs chart and No. 2 on the R&B/ Hip-Hop songs and Rap songs charts, respectively. Fans _ old and young _ have posted videos dancing to the popular song. NBA player Stephen Curry and his wife posted a video last week of their daughter, Riley, dancing to the song as she celebrated her third birthday. “I was just like, 'Wow! Wow!' That's all you can say,'' Silento said of the song's success. ``I just be smiling. It looks like me when I was little. I used to do the same thing.''

Silento, who grew up admiring Usher, Chris Brown, Mariah Carey, Ciara and Mary J. Blige, said his sound is a mix of rapping and singing. “I might throw another dance song in there. I got a couple up my sleeve, but right now I'm not trying to keep people too focused on me as a dancer, I'm trying to show them myself as an artist,'' he said. And what does his stage name mean? “I used to always tell people what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it, so it's less talk and more action.'' Online:

The performer, a senior in high school in Atlanta, said he came up with the idea for “Watch Me'' at school. After recording the song, he uploaded it to SoundCloud in

Silento's music video: vjW8wmF5VWc

NEW YORK _ Taylor Swift has apologized to Nicki Minaj for calling her out on Twitter regarding her MTV Video Music Awards nominations. Swift tweeted Thursday that she thought she was ``being called out'' by Minaj. The singer added: “I missed the point, I misunderstood, then misspoke. I'm sorry, Nicki.'' “That means so much Taylor, thank you,'' Minaj replied. Minaj and Swift traded words last Tuesday on Twitter after MTV announced the nominees for the VMAs, where Swift is the leader with nine. Minaj was upset she didn't earn a nomination for video of the year for “Anaconda.'' She launched a series of tweets about how slim women earn top nominations and later said black female entertainers don't get enough credit for their influence on pop culture.

rapper was referring to her. Minaj tweeted there were no hard feelings last Thursday after a fan tweeted that he was happy the performers had made up. “I've always loved her. Everyone makes mistakes. She gained so much more respect from me. Let's move on,'' Minaj tweeted. Minaj is nominated for three awards, including best female video and hip-hop video for “Anaconda.'' Swift's nominations include best female video, pop video and collaboration. ___ The Associated Press Online: Taylor Swift's Twitter: taylorswift13/ photo from

The Associated Press

She didn't mention any names, but Swift thought the Advertisment

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July 30th - August 12th, 2015


HELSINKI (AP) -- Snoop Dogg says he's the victim of racial profiling in



Sweden. Snoop was detained outside Stockholm after performing a concert Saturday for suspicion of drug use. Police say Snoop was drug-tested at a police station and then released, and was free to leave the country. A police spokesman says test results would not be available for some time. Snoop posted a series of profane videos on Instagram in response, saying the authorities had nothing on him.


DULUTH, Ga. (AP) -- Officials in the Atlanta area con-

firm Bobbi Kristina Brown died yesterday. The only child of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown was 22. A statement from the Houston family says Bobbi Kristina is “finally at peace in the arms of God.'' The statement says Bobbi Kristina was surrounded by family and thanks “everyone for their tremendous amount of love and support.'' Bobbi Kristina was found face-down and unresponsive in a bathtub in her suburban Atlanta townhome in January. Her death was grimly similar to Whitney Houston's. She was discovered face-down in the bathtub of a Los Angeles area hotel in 2012. Last night, Missy Elliot tweeted, “My heart is truly heavy. May u rest in peace with your mommy.''

NEW YORK (AP) -- Who took Grandmaster Flash’s car? New York City police are investigating after he parked his 2014 Dodge Charger at a garage in the Chelsea section of town and a garage attendant gave it away during the evening of July 16th. Police say

Pop icon Mariah Carey to receive star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame next week

the attendant admitted to making a mistake and thinking the person he turned the car over to was Grandmaster Flash. The case is being investigated as grand larceny and the car has not yet been found.


L.A. Reid. Carey is one of the most successful acts in music. She has 18 No. 1 hits on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, sold millions of albums and won a number of awards, including five Grammys. NEW YORK (AP)_ Mariah Carey will receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame next week. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce announced Monday that Carey will get the 2,556th star on Aug. 5. Guest speakers will include directors Lee Daniels and Brett Ratner, as well as Epic Records CEO and longtime Carey collaborator

She recently launched a residency in Las Vegas where she performs her No. 1 hits, including “Vision of Love,'' ''Hero” and ''We Belong Together.” ___ Online:

ATLANTA (AP) _ Akon held a fundraising concert Sunday in Atlanta to bring light to Africa. Akon headlined the first Passport Experience Festival, along with Ying Yang Twins and reggae singer Gyptian. A portion of each ticket sold went to the charity Akon Lighting Africa. That's Akon's solar power initiative that brings electricity to African countries. His parents are from Senegal, he was born in the U-S and he was raised in both countries.

NEW YORK (AP) -- A jury has decided 50 Cent will have to pay another two-million dollars in punitive damages to a woman featured in a sex tape that he posted online without her permission. Two weeks ago, jurors in New

York had ordered 50 Cent to pay five-million dollars to Lastonia Leviston. Following that verdict, he had filed for bankruptcy protection in Connecticut, which temporarily stalled the case. 50 Cent actually got off cheap. Leviston's lawyer had asked jurors to award her 15- million dollars. 50 Cent's attorney, James Renard, says he's disappointed and they will ask the court to reduce the award.

July 30th - August 12th, 2015



Upcoming Album Releases

The Hangover Obie Trice

The Meth Lab Method Man

Yung Rich Nation

The Future Embrace Chan Dizzy

The Hangover is the fourth studio album by American rapper Obie Trice set to be released on August 7, 2015 by Black Market Entertainment. The album features guest appearances from Young Buck, Drey Skonie, Estelle and others. The album cover consists of all three of Obie Trice’s first three studio album covers : Cheers Second Rounds On Me and Bottoms Up

The Meth Lab is the upcoming fifth studio album by American rapper and Wu-Tang Clan member Method Man. The album is scheduled to be released on August 21, 2015, by Hanz On Music and Tommy Boy Entertainment. The album features guest appearances from Redman, Hanz On, Streetlife, and various Wu-Tang Clan members. It was recorded in Staten Island at Track Stars Studios on VanDuzer Street under the supervision of executive producer Anthony “Hanz On” Messado and producer/engineer Pascal.

Yung Rich Nation is the debut studio album by American hip hop trio Migos. The album was set to be released on July 31, 2015 but released a week early. By 300 Entertainment, Quality Control Music and Atlantic Records. The album features Chris Brown and Young Thug.

Dancehall artisit Chan Dizzy releases his new album called “The Future Embrace”. The album was produced and released by Chan Dizzy Music and contain 8 original tracks. The album is available for download on July 31st 2015.



Trial set for New Mexico man who threw banana peel at comedian Dave Chappelle

Entertainment Cosby appeals ruling that unsealed deposition excerpts, showed he got quaaludes to give women

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP)_ The man accused of throwing a banana peel at comedian Dave Chappelle during a New Mexico performance is headed to court.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) _ Bill Cosby's lawyers are appealing a judge's decision to unseal court filings that quote him saying he obtained quaaludes to give women before sexual encounters.

Assistant District Attorney Anastasia Martin told the Santa Fe New Mexican ( that jury selection is scheduled for Sept. 23 for Christian Englander's trial.

Cosby's lawyers in Pennsylvania filed a brief notice Monday appealing the July 6 decision in a 2005 lawsuit accusing him of sexual battery.

The 31-year-old Englander, who is white, is facing charges of disturbing the peace and battery after the fruit-throwing disturbance in March. The petty misdemeanours each carry a jail sentence of up to six months and a possible fine of $500. Englander told police he threw a peel from a banana he'd eaten earlier because he took offence to jokes told by Chappelle, who is black. Englander told a judge at a hearing Monday that he'd take a plea deal if it were offered.

The newly public court filings contain excerpts of Cosby's deposition in that case and were unsealed on a bid by The Associated Press. The full deposition has since been released by a court reporting service and contains Cosby's only testimony under oath about accusations he sexually assaulted a string of women. Cosby acknowledges several of the encounters but says they were consensual. Cosby's lawyers did not immediately return calls for comment Monday from the AP.

Patriarch of musical Jackson family hospitalized in Brazil with stroke

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP)_ A Brazilian hospital says Joe Jackson _ the father of the late Michael Jackson and the patriarch of the musical family _ suffered a stroke while visiting the South American nation. An emailed statement early Monday from the Albert Einstein hospital in Sao Paulo says only that Jackson was admitted to the hospital Sunday afternoon. He is in the intensive care unit. The statement also said he was suffering from an irregular heartbeat. The statement does not say exactly what condition Jackson is in. Calls to the hospital's public relations department were not answered before business hours Monday. Jackson is in Brazil in part to celebrate his 87th birthday _ which was on Sunday. Local media say Jackson was absent from his own party because he was already in the hospital. Photos from his official website show him dining in Sao Paulo restaurants

July 30th - August 12th, 2015

James White, who wrote screenplay for Ray Charles biopic, dies at 67; he and singer made bond

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) _ James L. White, who wrote the screenplay for “Ray,'' the 2004 movie about singer Ray Charles, has died in California. He was 67. His attorney, Matthew Saver, says in a statement that White died Thursday from cancer at his home in Santa Monica. ``Ray'' received a best-picture Oscar nomination. It was White's only feature credit, although he worked on unproduced screenplays. White told the Los Angeles Times (http:// ) that he and Ray Charles bonded while he was working on the screenplay after the singer learned that they both had grown up in the rural, segregated South. Both at one time also had been heroin addicts. White is survived by his wife, Elizabeth, and three children. There will be no funeral services at White's request. Advertisment


Vision/ Spring 2015

In Trinidad, Warner wins more time in fight to avoid extradition to US in FIFA corruption case

Mexico's national team coach allegedly hits TV journalist after victory in soccer's Gold Cup

PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad _ A court is giving former FIFA Vice-President Jack Warner more time to fight being extradited from Trinidad & Tobago to the United States to face corruption charges.

MEXICO CITY _ The coach of Mexico's national soccer team is known for his histrionic displays of emotion during games.

A chief magistrate on Monday set a new hearing date of Aug. 28 after a government lawyer requested more time to examine the extradition request from the U.S. Justice Department. The U.S. sent its request last week. Warner is resisting extradition on U.S. charges of racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering in the FIFA corruption case. He is out on bail and leading his political party's campaign for Sept. 7 general elections. Attorney General Gavin Nicholas has said Warner's case has “absolutely nothing to do with politics.'' Trinidad legal experts believe Warner's extradition could take years to resolve.

Now Miguel Herrera's off-field composure is being questioned after a television sports anchor claimed the coach punched him at the Philadelphia airport following Mexico's 3-1 victory over Jamaica to take the Gold Cup. Television Azteca sports anchor Christian Martinoli described the incident Monday on a Television Azteca program. He said Herrera apparently wanted to hit him again but fellow sports commentator Luis Garcia got between them.


Busch Stadium changes look for its next soccer game

Boston. Mayor won't sign a host city contract to bid for the 2024 Olympics .

Busch Stadium will have a slightly different look for its next soccer game. The U-S men will play its first qualifier for the 2018 World Cup in St. Louis on November 13th, facing either St. Vincent and The Grenadines or Aruba. The pitch will be regulation size, 75 yards by 110 yards. That's three yards wider than for the U-S women's exhibition match against New Zealand in April.

The 2024 Olympics will not be coming to Boston. Mayor Marty Walsh says he won't sign a host city contract that is key to a city's bid for the Olympics without more assurances that taxpayers won't foot the bill. Walsh made that announcement at a hastily called news conference that coincided with Governor Charlie Baker's meeting with the U-S Olympic Committee.

The Canadian Press

The Canadian Press

Usain Bolt returns to form with 100 meter win in London at Diamond League meet Britain's CJ Ujah over the last 10 metres.

Martinoli has criticized Herrera's performance as coach as have many Mexicans. The Mexican Soccer Federation did not immediately confirm the Sunday incident. The short, stocky Herrera gained notoriety for his effusive celebrations at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

The Associated Press The Associated Press

The Jamaican equaled his season's best of 9.87, which Bolt had recorded earlier Friday in qualifying. LONDON _ Usain Bolt returned to form by winning the 100 metres in the Diamond League at London's Olympic Stadium in 9.87 seconds on Friday. After a poor start, Bolt struggled to break away from the pack but edged

Bolt has struggled this season with a left leg injury and his fastest 100 time of the season before arriving in London was 10.12. By Jack Bezants THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (AP Photo Credit)




July 30th - August 12th, 2015

Film Review: A pugilist parable of transformation in 'Southpaw,' with Jake Gyllenhaal inevitable suffix of his second act: “less.'' Once rock bottom is sufficiently reached for maximum eventual payoff, Hope begins righting himself in that fountain of redemption: the rundown boxing gym. Who cannot be healed by its sweaty waters?

If you've ever wondered what might have happened to Job if had a strong left hook, ``Southpaw'' may be the film for you. The rapid descent of light heavyweight champ Billy Hope (Jake Gyllenhaal) in Antoine Fuqua's boxing drama is of biblical proportions. Not weeks after Hope _ rich, happy, successful _ has defended his belt and unblemished record, a fatal altercation strips him of his family, his mansion and his career. This being a boxing film, redemption is as much a certainty as a training montage. But Fuqua, an avid boxer himself, has pushed the pugilist parable even further. “Southpaw'' is downright Old Testament. As a tale of transformation, “Southpaw'' functions two ways. There's the story of Billy Hope striving to build his life back. And then there's the tale of the actor who plays him. The latter packs the bigger punch. Our first real view of Gyllenhaal is of him streaming toward the camera, emerging from a hazy blur a snarling, bloody spit of rage, rampaging across the

ring. The shot, in a way, is fitting. Gyllenhaal, as one of the most exciting leading men in Hollywood, is coming into focus, even as he's eluding the frame. His maturation as an intense, all-in shape-shifter has become especially clear of late in films like “Nightcrawler'' and “Prisoners.'' ''Southpaw” is him romping in his new weight class. Much has already been made of Gyllenhaal's bulking up for “Southpaw,'' and it's indeed impressive. But beyond the startling sight of the actor we once knew as Donnie Darko covered in muscles and tattoos, Gyllenhaal's performance is most dynamic in his tender, mumbled moments with his wife, Maureen (Rachel McAdams) or daughter Leila (Oona Laurence). Outside of the ring, his Billy Hope sounds like a guy who's been knocked around. Fuqua plunges immediately into Hope's title defence against a brash rival Miguel Escobar (Miguel Gomez). The director (“Training Day,'' ''The Equalizer”) prefers a visceral directness (he has made a comeback movie about a boxer

named Hope, after all) and he's favoured a far more straightforward, accurate view inside the ring than, say, the impressionistic poetry of Scorsese's ''Raging Bull.” Instead, Fuqua and cinematographer Mauro Fiore have shot their fight scenes like broadcast television, copying its camera angles and piping in the commentary of announcers Jim Lampley and Roy Jones Jr. For better or worse, the fight scenes of “Southpaw'' almost feel more like a pay-per-view stream than a movie. Realism, though, is soon swapped for melodrama thicker than a heavy bag. As Hope and his wife exit a gala fundraiser, Escobar taunts him. Unable to resist, Hope reacts and a melee ensues that leaves Maureen dead from a stray bullet. It's a wrenching, chaotic scene (McAdams is on a good, grittier run of late) that's followed by more tragedy. As Hope spirals, his daughter is taken away from him and the money suddenly dries up. His promoter-manager (Curtis “50 Cent'' Jackson) is little help as Hope wallows, adding the

He turns to an unglamorous trainer named Tick Willis (the reliably excellent Forest Whitaker), who spouts all the wisdom of boxing and life that a corner man should. He teaches Billy precision and self-defence, turning him into a fighter in control of his emotions. If the footwork of “Southpaw,'' written by Kurt Sutter (“Sons of Anarchy''), is never light as a feather, its heart is seldom in doubt. The solid acting, led by Gyllenhaal and Whitaker, liven up the cliches, and Fuqua's deep affection for the sport gives the movie a brisk, entertaining earnestness. In bloody close-ups and bruising sounds, Fuqua captures the blinding brutality inside the ring. But his faith is never in question: This is a parable that believes strongest in boxing, itself. “Southpaw,'' a Weinstein Co. release, is rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America for “language throughout and some violence.'' Running time: 119 minutes. Two and a half stars out of four. By Jake Coyle THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ___ Follow AP Film Writer Jake Coyle on Twitter at:

July 30th - August 12th, 2015



BANG ON TREND! "Where Dreams Become Reality"



Internationally Renowned Ninja Crown Teams Up with Cooyah Clothing on Signature "Talk Up" Line


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One's voice can be used to entertain, educate and create awareness, for Ninja Crown, Talk Up bridges all those facets. As a key member of the world famous Mighty Crown sound system, and the host of several top rated radio programs, Ninja's voice can be heard loud and clear throughout the world. What proudly sets Ninja apart from some of his counterparts, is his outspokenness and candor. Those traits echo and fit in with Cooyah's clothing line mission. Cooyah Clothing Inc. is inspired by the faces, races, shapes and sizes of all humanity. Born out of Jamaican, Jewish Reggae, Rasta, and Caribbean culture, they feature a unique line of custom shirts, couture and accessories, many designs which are Hand Drawn. "The Evolution of Life" Bringing out the spiritual side of all of us, self-expression, and a sense of bliss, harmony, goodwill & peace. As music and fashion comes from the same place of creativity and walk hand in hand, Ninja Crown announces his signature t

shirt line "Talk Up" by Cooyah. The shirts slogan is clear, precise and simple, "Talk Up". It is focused on inspiring people to Talk Up. Let it be a conversation starter, Talk Up about injustice, Talk Up about the need for the the less fortunate, Talk Up for the Voiceless.

"As a selector and MC I use the microphone to make people feel good, entertain and ease their minds of their day to day stress. But it is very important to me that we collectively use our voice to "Talk Up" for the injustice and things we see happening and don't agree with in order to live a better quality of life. Music takes me around the world and in front of millions of people and I've realized the power of the microphone, the power of our voices and the power in social awareness. Let's minimize the

frivolous concerns and talk up for the less fortunate or injustice in order to create some form of change" says NinjaCrown. "A perfect example of what my TShirt line is all about is Inner Circle and Kabaka Pyramid - "We the People Haffi Talk.". "But talking is not enough the MC added, I would like to partner with Kingston Public Hospital to access needs and donate a portion of T shirt sales to them. Something as small as medical gloves, bandages, anti bacterial soap dispensers are needed. These are just some of the day to day necessities doctors nurses are working without". stated Rohan "Ninja Crown" Henry From July 29th to August 5th, Ninja will be in Jamaica to help spread the word. The venture between Ninja Crown and Cooyah is definitely one, which will make some noise and unite many worldwide! #TalkUp shirts are now available, Let your voice be heard and visit


Aries (March 21-April 19) Healing of heart is on the rise. If you have a broken heart, or sad soul you can rest assured that good times are coming your way.

and do another. Focusing on that type of negativity will only drag your mood down, so instead see the person for their true colours and enhance your own good character.

Taurus (April 20- May 20) Remain determined in all you do. It will pay off in a couple of months.

Cancer (June 21- July 22) If you do not feel like doing something, but you already made a promise there is only two things you can do: 1. Cancel with notice 2. Go and try to enjoy it the best you can.

Gemini (May 21- June 20) Do not worry about people who say one thing

Leo (July 23August 22) You will feel an internal sense of peace and harmony. Use this time to your advantage and do a few things around the house, or simply veg out and enjoy your good mood. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) When someone says something to you that was completely out of line, try not to judge them. Their ignorance is something that you do not need to take on.

Libra (September 23October 22) You will meet someone who will make an impact on your life. It could be a friend or a new love match, either way this person will be in your life for good reasons.

Scorpio (October 23- November 21) You are a strong soul. Remember who you are when you get down in an emotional mood.

Sagittarius (November 22- December 21) People will be impressed with you. You are usually a humble person and they will see that in you. You will be looking as confident as ever.

Aquarius (January 20February 18) Be open minded this week when you hear something that may make you feel uncomfortable. Over reaction will only make you seem small or closed minded.

Capricorn (December 22- January 19) Work may frustrate you, but as long as you remain concentrated on getting the work done, then you will not get stressed.

Pisces (Feb 19- March 20) Give the kindness that is deep in your soul. People love when you treat them sweetly. by Cerise Fairfax


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July 30th - August 12th, 2015 / Page 15

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