Vision Newspaper - Issue 09 - 2016

Page 1


June 16th - 30th, 2016


Freddie McGregor celebrates his 60th Birthday in Toronto at Timeless Classics’ Canada Day Festival & Boat Cruise


Reggae Recording artist Oriel detained by police >>page 09

TIVOLI Enquiry Report on Masacre of 76 people in Jamaica >>page 03 Advertisment


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The Caribbean Prime Minister Holness & Minister Grange Participated in Jamaican Labour Day Project

Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Andrew Holness and Minister of Culture, Gender Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange look towards a gully being pointed out by Member of Parliament, East Central St. Catherine, Alando Terrelonge. They were walking towards a mosquito breeding site in Gregory Park, Portmore as part of the cleanup activities for the National Labour Day Project, recently.

Commentary With mosquito bourne diseases on the rise and with the deadly nuisance constantly on the prowl ... the Andrew Holness led JLP government decided to focus this year’s clean up in Portmore, a dormitory community of over 100,000 inhabitants. Swamp It is a known fact that Portmore, St. Catherine was a swamp and was dump up and land reclaimed from the sea through dredging. There have been 5 confirmed cases of the deadly ZickV cases. So far there have been 9 confirmed cases in Jamaica so far. With this undisputed fact the JLP government has rightly decided to concentrate in this highly populated area. We hope this will put a dent in the mosquito breeding spots.

Portia Reacts To JLP’s Shaw Budget … Calling it a “Taxperity Budget”

Opposition Leader Portia Simpson Miller made her presentation to the 2016/17 budget debate in Gordon House, recently. Portia, in a parrot like fashion echoed the unfounded concerns of Former Finance Minister Dr. Peter Phillips who tried to cast doubt as to how the budget would be funded later in the fiscal year when the income tax benefits became due and payable. This was despite the J$14 billion in the form of a Revenue Package to fund same.

Former National Security Minister Peter Bunting has criticized Minister Montague for recommending the use of the condom by the police. In my perspective Minister Montague's bold approach to tackling this critical problem should be commended. It is an idea whose time has come. Congrats Minister Montague! It is no secret that the High Command of the Police has been long concerned about the incidents of police fathering unwanted children across Jamaica, W.I.

A visit to the precincts of the US Embassy shows the rainbow flag hoisted below the US flag on the same flag post. (See picture above). The PNP’s Opposition Spokesman of foreign affairs Dr. Maurice Guy sees nothing wrong with Gay flag being flown in Jamaica at the US Embassy. The PNP’S position on Gay Rights are well known.

Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie was in parliament/Gordon House and filed this report with exclusive interview with Marlon Morgan outside the Parliament Building, Kingston, Jamaica W.I.

Montague Implores Police To Shoot in a Condom ... Comes Under Fire From Bunting ...

USA’s Hoisting Of Rainbow Flag Is Causing a Firestorm ... A G Forte Thinks Jamaica Laws Being Violated

Joshua Polishenki said “it is a form of solidarity with the gay community”

The IMF played a crucial role in helping to draft the new tax reform package.

Marlon MorganIn a swift reaction to

PM Andrew Michael Holness has stated that the “mosquito is the deadliest creature on earth killing more than a million persons worldwide.”

In the wake of the Florida, USA Massacre in which some 49 gay supporters and persons attending the night club where a lone gun man did the shooting there has been a great controversy about the hoisting of the gay flag. The USA decided to fly the Rainbow Flag, symbol of the gay movement.

the Opposition Leader’s presentation, Marlon Morgan, Aide to Prime Minister Andrew Holness said “A lot of time was spent defending her legacy and the nation would have loved to hear more suggestions on moving the country forward. Jamaica must remember that two options were before them leading up to the February 25, 2015 General Elections. One was to continue with austerity or go the route of hope, prosperity and well being. They in their wisdom chose prosperity”.

A number of these alleged "baby mothers" have publicly complained about the poor treatment meted out to them by some of these cops especially when transferred out of the area or parish ... transfers are a regular feature of the Police force in Jamaica. National Security Minister Montague alleged suggested that issuing condoms to members of the Police could help to improve the image of the force. This would also reduce the volume of "baby" maintenance type cases in the Family Court.

June 16th - 30th, 2016

The Caribbean MHPM Holness Hails Impact and Contribution of Gary Spaulding

Prime Minister Andrew Holness says The Government and the Jamaica Labour Party are mourning the passing of veteran journalist and Senior Gleaner Political Correspondent Gary Spaulding. Prime Minister Holness in hailing the life and work of Spaulding said, “I admired his professionalism and his fairness. His knowledge of the issues was excellent and over the years, you could always depend on him for an objective opinion. Jamaica has lost a dedicated and important contributor to national discourse and we the government recognise this loss”. In extending condolences to the family of Mr Spaulding, especially his young children, the Prime Minister called on them to be proud of his rich legacy, “the heritage of your father is written on the pages of Jamaica’s history. His contribution to Jamaica will be read by many in the years to come and his name will live on in our consciousness. We pray for you and ask that your family can find comfort in this time of sorrow. The Prime Minister also extended condolences to the management and staff of the Jamaica Gleaner, “I call on the staff of the Gleaner and journalists all over Jamaica to strive to ensure the legacy of Spaulding is preserved as that is the best way to honour his life”.

Ellington and Saunders Among top Security Forces “Black Listed” ... Among the Recommendations of Tivoli Report

In the meantime the Police is reporting a 10 percent drop in all major crimes. Shootings are still much too high. Crime Canadian Tourist has reportedly been killed in Western Jamaica ... details are sketchy. We regret this and all violent deaths. We hope the Police will help to reduce unwanted pregnancies and reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases and improve the image of the force to serve better. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

see for full story

The Tivoli Report has been ruffling many feathers due to the far reaching recommendations. The 900 page report on the “Tivoli Massacre” which has so far claimed between 69 and 80 lives. Justice Minister Hon. Delroy Chuck released this report in Parliament yesterday June 15, 2016. Vision posted leaked excerpts on this report before. Chuck’s version was the Official report. The Official report recommended that certain top members of the security forces who were engaged in this bloody operation be barred from “engaging in further internal security operations.” Former Police Commissioner Owen Ellington now retired and Major General Stewart Saunders, former Chief Of The Defense Force (CDS) now Permanent Secretary in the National Security ministry. A number of other members of the Security Forces have been recommended by the Commissioners of the Tivoli Enquiry not to be engaged in “internal security arrangements. see for full story

For advertising enquiries email: or call 647-386-3419 Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Junior Whyte, Senior International Correspondent in Jamaica: Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Squire, Exposing the talent in our communities. Editors: Samantha Deschamps, Marilyn Marshall, Christopher Miller, Front Cover photo by Kopet A


June 16th - 30th, 2016


Tivoli Enquiry Report ...Massacre Of 76 ... Re Dudus .Extradition ... Mortars The tribunal also found that the use of mortars was "wreck less". A leaked copy of the very expensive Tivoli Gardens operation that led to an estimated massacre of some 79, mainly unarmed civilians. The tribunal led by Barbadian Sir David Simmons has recommended that the citizens 1) be inadequately compensated and this be done immediately, and 2) A Compensation Committee be set up to expeditiously see to same ... should be "fair" ... 3) That Statutory Limit be waived to allow more time for INDECOM to investigate the murders/massacre. 4) Counselling for children estimated by the United Nations (UN). to be 2500.

The Office of the Public Defender has already frowned on the use of mortars which is believed to have at least killed one person. Legal action has started by the Public Defender. There was a Police/Military operation to capture Christopher Dudus Coke in May 2010. Coke was extradited to the USA. The Enquiry cost about J$300 million. Public Defender Reacting to the report Public Defender Arlene Harrison-Henry said "I think that many of the recommendations accords with some of ours. These are consistent with ours especially about

traumatized children. This counselling should be continuing. Detainees were not recommended for compensation." She asserted in a radio interview monitored by Vision.

Diaspora Corner: J3 Billion Dollars in Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Donated To Jamaica ...

Number Massacred On the matter of how many civilians were killed re Tivoli Massacre ... this figure continues to change. The fact is we may never know how many as some of the bodies were believed buried in mass graves in the nearby May Pen Cemetery and possibly elsewhere, without being properly identified. This is not only scandalous but a clear violation of international law and or conventions. The leaked report said 69, we have heard anecdotally 76, the Public Defender said 79 killed/ massacred. We may never know the true figure as stated before. We await the full report and be assured you will get the facts right here at Vision first. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie visited the Enquiry at times. He is Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

Some 200 medical visits by donors have brought great benefits to Jamaicans. This announcement was made by Health Minister Dr. Christopher Tufton. Dr. Tufton was speaking in the United States, where he made the disclosure. The Health Minister also stated that he hopes the red tape will be reduced.

There have been persistent complaints about the "hassle" to get permits to have items released by customs etc. especially medical equipment and pharmaceuticals have difficulty entering Jamaica. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.



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June 16th - 30th, 2016

Miss Teen Jamaica Contestants Pay Courtesy President at HEICON pays courtesy call on Jamaica’s High Commissioner to Trinidad & Tobago Mr Predergast call on Culture and Entertainment Minister has exclusive license to deliver these Endorsed Learning Programmes through OTHM Qualifications.

Newly installed President and Chief Executive Officer/ CEO at Health, Education and Counselling Institute/HECOIN made a courtesy call on Jamaica’s High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago/TT Mr David Predergast recently. Mr Jarrett; who was in the twin island Republic of TT signed a Memorandum of Understanding/MOU with Forde College/FC giving permission to that institution to deliver six International Certificates and three International Diplomas which are approved by the prestigious-based OTHM Qualifications, UK. HECOIN

During the visit, High Commissioner Prendergast was particularly impressed with the partnership of the two institutions where HECOIN/Jamaica would be giving support to an institution in TT. Having worked with the Caribbean Single Market and Economy/CSME certification Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade in Jamaica before taking on special assignment in TT one year ago, he urged both institutions to continue to provide world-class skills training especially leading to international recognition. Principal of FC Mr Johnathon

Forde was really excited about the partnership with HECOIN and has pledged the commitment of his 22 yearold institution to ensure that the standards of HECOIN are replicated at FC. He was particularly impressed with the international flavour being offered to his students which upon successful completion, will make them globally ready for employment. In response, President at HECOIN Mr Jarrett says he is pleased with the efforts made by FC and is committed to provide the tutor and administrative support to make this partnership a success. During his presentation, he handed over the license of joint partnership along with the curricula of the nine programmes to be undertaken by FC. A large number of interested persons have contacted and visited the offices of FC; who are expected to commence training as early as July 2016.


Culture and Entertainment Minister, the Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange, recently hosted contestants in the Miss Teen Jamaica competition at her Trafalgar Road office in Kingston. Minister Grange offered words of encouragement to the girls ahead of the July 30th carination show to be held at the Courtleigh Auditorium. Commentary It is healthy for teens to be involved in healthy competition and activities which build self worth and character which helps in moulding wholesome adults. Peer pressure is usually colour blind and as such takes hold of teens at all stages of their devel-

The incidences of teenage pregnancies occur in all societies ... first world or third world. In fact likely in the entire world. We do need children but single households seem to be in the news too often and our courts for the wrong reasons. Lack of parental guidance and the like. Of course there are exemptions and commend such single moms and dads. Building a positive identity and relying less on losers and or gangs has to be the better route. The Culture Ministry and Minister Grange must be commended for their support of teens and any assistance they offer to build wholesome adults. This is vision being demonstrated in action. Commentary by Hopeton O'ConnorDennie




June 16th - 30th, 2016


INDECOM Releases Statement on State Agents’ failure to respect the dead medical aid are rendered to any injured or affected persons at the earliest possible moment’. [Section 57(3)]. This video provides no evidence of this prescribed approach.

The Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) notes the recent circulation of a video within public media fora, which records members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) handling the apparent lifeless body of Mr. John Hibbert on May 17, 2016 following his alleged fatal shooting by JCF officers. The video shows police officers throwing Mr. Hibbert into the back of a JCF service vehicle. What is both disturbing and unacceptable is the manner in which the body of Mr. Hibbert is ‘flung’ into the back of the vehicle with absolutely no regard or sense of ‘humanity’ for him. All citizens, irrespective of what they have allegedly done, or who they may be, are entitled to be treated with a measure of respect.

The removal of the deceased from any crime scene, whether by police officers, ambulance service or mortuary officials is deserving of a level of professionalism, dignity and respect, both for the dead and for those family members and friends who are often present. State Agents are not qualified medical personnel and they cannot formally pronounce persons as dead. They are required to always treat a victim as injured until pronounced dead by a qualified person. Hence, in all cases, a measure of urgency is to be employed when treating with injured persons. The JCF has very clear guidelines within their own ‘Human Rights and Use of Force Policy’ which directs, ‘… that assistance and

The Commission has observed a recent trend in which photographs and videos are circulated on social media platforms following security force-related fatal shootings. Photographs recently posted on the internet concerned two fatal shootings on the 12th and 13th of April 2016. The photographs show the clearest evidence of a dead person, taken in circumstances in which it is more than reasonable to assume were recorded by State Agents or permitted by them, but in which it was reported that the injured persons were “rushed to hospital.” Such photographic evidence provides a contradictory account to there being any ‘injured’ person or any urgency in being ‘rushed to hospital’. Such photography eliminates the credibility of such statements. The current video and recent uploading of pictures of people killed by the security forces is

observed both nationally and internationally across the World Wide Web, and does little to enhance the reputation of the Jamaican police service. The Commission has received comments and complaints and we urge State Agents to ensure they act, at all times, with the utmost professionalism and demonstrate the due respect for citizens and the families of these dead or injured men. As the Indian Union Home Minister Rajneth Singh recently commented, following a death in which paramilitary forces were involved, “…as a civilized society it is a common gesture that the dead body of a person be treated with utmost respect and dignity…”

sistent complaints that having allegedly shot and injured a suspect (s) the police have taken custody of these injured individuals’ bodies and have left them in open pick up trucks on crime scenes … some of which are believed to have bled to death. The right to life has been a constant theme of concern by Human Rights advocates and INDECOM for some time now. This is one of the reasons for setting up an independent body.


The dignity of the human person should be safeguarded at all times. This respect and or dignity to be accorded should be extended to the king, poor man, beggar or thief … in short all persons regardless of their station in life.

There has long been the anecdotal accounts that security forces Jamaica, mainly the police, show scant regard for citizens alive much less dead.

We hope the police force will improve its image as it relates to showing respect and dignity to even the dead … they deserve nothing less.

INDECOM must be commended for putting their spotlight on this vital matter if not very sensitive human activity.

Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

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June 16th - 30th, 2016

Freddie McGregor celebrates his 60th Birthday with friends in Toronto at Timeless Classics’ Canada Day Festival & Boat Cruise On Thursday, June 30, 2016 The big ship will be sailing into Toronto with Di Captain, Veteran singer Freddie McGregor Alongside Sanchez the singing canary, the very captivating songstress Marcia Griffiths, singing sensation pinchers and Canada’s very own Juno award winner Steele. The show is expected to be one of the best of the city's highlighted summer events. The audience can expect to be serenaded by these foundation entertainers, who no doubt will have the audience singing in unison like a choir. The show will kick off downtown at the Sound Academy, 11 Polson Street Toronto ON.

Sanchez "Kevin Anthony Jackson" born 30 November 1964 is a Lovers Rock singer and record producer. He's best known for such hits as "Fall in Love", "Loneliness Leave Me Alone", "Never Dis The Man", "I Care For You", . Sanchez started his singing carrier in 1987.

er"). In 1968 she had her first success as a solo artist, with "Feel Like Jumping", which like her other early Studio One solo hits (including "Truly" and "Melody Life"), were written by Andy. From 1970 to 1974 she worked together with Bob Andy as a duo (Bob and Marcia), on the Harry J Label. She also recorded for Lloyd Charmers. Between 1974 and 1981 she was a member of the I Threes, a trio of back up singers, which supported Bob Marley and the Wailers. She continued to record as a solo artist throughout the 1970s, working with producers such as Sonia Pottinger, and Joseph Hoo Kim.

Freddie McGregor is a singer and producer hailing from Clarendon, Jamaica who was born on June 27th, 1956. He has released 36 albums and is best known for his 1987 U.K top ten hit “Just Don't Want To Be Lonely” known also for other popular hits such as "Big Ship" and "Winner" and too much more to mention. Its been months since his last visit and his fans are looking forward to his return.

Hailing from West Kingston, Jamaica, Marcia Griffiths started her career in 1964, performing on stage with the late Byron Lee and the Dragonaires at the beset of Phillip James of The Blues Busters, who had heard her singing in her home neighbourhood. She recorded a series of duets with male singers such as Tony Gregory ("You're Mine"), Bob Marley ("Oh My Darling"), Jeff Dixon ("Words"), and Bob Andy ("Always Togeth-

Pinchers "Delroy Thompson" had a number of hit songs during the 1980s including his 1987 breakthrough, Agony. Lift it up Again, Got to be Me, Return of The Don and Bandelero are among his other hits. Pinchers began his career with the Legendary King Jammy with whom he recorded his best works to date, 3 albums

between 1987 and 1994. His 1st hit song "Agony" led to the recording of his landmark dancehall album "got to be me" his follow up after was "Bandelero" followed by "riding west" a duet with Bounty Killer. Pincher continues to bask in the success of his timeless hit with reggae music lovers the world over. Canadian reggae artist Steele is no stranger to performing alongside some of the most notable reggae artists to mention, he has performed with Freddy McGregor before, also with Queen Ifrica, Rita Marley and many more. He was the first award recipient of Toronto's ongoing summer Irie Music Festival and recieved the Male artist of the year in 2011 and also enjoyed Juno nomination for his single "Woman". Born in Lucea, Jamaica Steele is one of the most celebrated reggae artist out of the Canada in this era.


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Community What ’s On

June 16th - 30th, 2016

Events Grandmaster Flash

Charlie Murphy


Uptown Soul

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Family & Children Afrofest 2016 Launch

Durham Caribbean Festival

Your Event here $25 Venue :

Mod Club Theatre (Formerly Virgin

Venue: Alleycatz

Toronto, ON Sat, 06/18/16

Woodbine Concert Hall Etobicoke, ON

Mobile Mod Club) Toronto, ON

Address: 2409 Yonge St Toronto, ON

10:00 PM

Date: Thu, 06/23/16 08:00 PM

Fri, 06/24/16 07:00 PM

Date: June 26th, 2016

Velvet Underground

Alkaline Love & Dancehall

Canada Day Weekend Festival

Baby Sham

Mad Cobra

To Place your ad here call 647-386-3419 or email

Your Event Here

Venue: Gladstone Hotel

Venue: Ajax Downs

Address: 1214 Queen St W Toronto Ontario

51 Alexander Crossing Ajax, ON

Date: June 16th, 2016

Date: June 25th, 2016

The Science of Ripley’s Believe It or Not! at the Ontario Science Centre


Your Event here $25 Venue: Sound Academy Toronto, ON Date: June 25, 2016

Venue: Sound Academy

Venu : Sound Academy

Venu: Classic Lounge

Toronto Canada Date: June 30th ,2016

Toronto, ON July 10,2016

Toronto, ON

Date: August 26,2016

To Place your ad here call 647-386-3419 or email

Venue: Ontario Science Centre 770 Don Mills Road May 20, 2016 to Sep 5, 2016

Where: The Second City Theatre 51 Mercer Street (at Blue Jays Way

Running all summer long until to September 1, 2016




June 16th - 30th, 2016

Patrice to depict the struggles of ‘Real Life’ in upcoming video latest single, which she will be shooting this July.

Real Life is never easy and Toronto-based songstress, Patrice will look to depict that fact in the video for her

EXCO LEVI RELEASES SUMMER SIZZLING SINGLE SIREN 4 time JUNO award winner Exco Levi's newest track SIREN, hits the airwaves June 10th ahead of his strong summer performance schedule and induction into the Brampton Arts Walk of Fame. Opening with the scene of a man desperate as he is cornered by a squad of police officers, the music video for SIREN brings lyricist Exco Levi's stark and riveting words to life about a mother's only son who has gone wild. SIREN tells a dark and gritty story about the crime and hardship in the inner city of Kingston, Jamaica where the child 'raised by a village' gets wild and has 'nowhere to run to'. Levi's syncopated roll on the words 'to-run-to', brings Toronto

into the scene - universalizing the tale of good kid gone bad. Drum and bass, like the pace of the chase and wailing sax are the perfect back drop for Levi's powerful vocals as the siren literally wails through the danceable track produced by Reggaeville & Oness Records. The SIREN video was shot in Kingston, Jamaica, by videographer Damion Gayle. With lyrics written by Exco Levi, this is another notch on his belt with almost 100 songs in his career. SIREN will be the 5 time JUNO nominee's first track of summer. SIREN is a sizzler that will surely have the music lovers talking, as the lyrics tackle the subject of the struggle of growing up and not heeding the warnings of friends and family. SIREN will be available on ITUNES and all online stores June 10th. EXCO LEVI and his HighPriest band play Dundas Square June 24th and Harbourfront Centre's Island Soul with Jah 9 on July 30th. He makes his first appearance at Festival D'ÉTÉ DE QUÉBEC with Protoje on July 10th and will rock the stage at Markham Fairgrounds alongside Yellowman and Ritchie Spice on the second day of JAMBANA™ One World Festival on August 1st.

Reggae artist, Aphtanan finds ‘Love Again’ in new track alongside hot new songstress, Sielle With his debut album I Believe slated to release next month, Aphtanan and his team have decided to release the album’s first single, I Love Again featuring Canada’s buzzing songstress, Sielle. The rhythm itself brings back the live-band feel, with a strong horn intro, sticking to the roots of classic reggae; perfect for a quintessential lovers rock track such as this. “I chose this as the first single because I love the roots feeling of the riddim, as well as the lyrics. I think it corresponds perfectly with the message of the album.” Sielle’s powerful, yet smooth vocals set the

perfect tone for the track as she and Aphtanan display strong chemistry; telling a story of how a person finds true love again in spite of past heartbreak or relationship issues, allowing their heart to be free and feel connected to someone and break the shackles of fear. With Sielle buzzing on the reggae scene right now due to her single, Easy Mistake featuring multi-platinum Grammy-winning artist, Sean Paul, Aphtanan insists she is the ideal selection for such as a heart-pounding track. “I have shared the stage with Sielle in the past, but when she opened for one of Montreal’s reggae legends, Jah Cutta, last year, that’s where I fell in love…with her voice” he smirks – “I sent her a riddim and she loved it and decided to write the chorus and a verse. Once I heard it, we just had to go hit the studio right away!” I Love Again is was produced by George Camille and recorded at Sonny Black Studio’s in Montreal. It is now available on I-Tunes, while I Believe is now available for pre-order on iTunes. The official release for I Believe is June 24th.

A heart-tugging reggae ballad that speaks on various roadblocks in life people can relate to, Real Life – produced by Fizzle Productions and CVS Records – is already getting a lot of positive feedback since its release in April 2016, including a feature in the U.K. based publication, Vision Magazine.

RAZ FRESCO UNLEASHES NEW VIDEO FOR SWERVIN IN BAPE FEATURING GRIME RAPPER TRE MISSION The Weekend and John River) – Raz teams up with grime phenom Tre Mission, one of the first North American artists to be linked with the predominantly United Kingdom-based rap genre, for the world-wide premiere of “Swervin in Bape” which debuted on The FADER today. Watch the video here (and please share it on your networks and socials): After teaming up with hip hop icon Nas’ signee Bishop Nehru on "Equinox" and rap don Raekwon on "Influenza", rising Toronto-based rap sensation Raz Fresco breaks new ground with another imaginative video from his debut album Pablo Frescobar (Black Light Music). Described as one of the most stimulating single’s from the critically-acclaimed Pablo Frescobar – named among the best Canadian Albums of 2015 via Complex (the only other urban music picks came from Drake,

Directed by Abstrakte for music video production company Mad Ruk (Future’s “Low Life” featuring The Weeknd, Alessia Cara’s “Here”), the video shows Raz riding around Toronto city streets with trick bikes, accompanied by golden apes, A Bathing Ape Japanese clothing brand gear, while a plethora of sharp multi angle camera shots flaunt an assortment of stimulating hip hop artifacts that pay homage to one of rap’s golden era’s. This video arrives as Raz preps his sophomore Time Waits For No Man album slated for a fall 2016 release.

LUCAS DIPASQUALE UNVEILS “PAGER,” FIRST SINGLE FROM UPCOMING LP Lucas DiPasquale unveils his newest single, “Pager,” the first offering from his debut full-length album. “A non-conventional pop artist,” (Artist Direct) on his newest track, “Pager,” Lucas reminds fans why they fell in love with him in the first place. Complete with his unique patois sound and his acoustic guitar in hand, Lucas reflects on the importance of staying connected. Half written while he was in college and then completed during a visit to Jamaica, Lucas explained, “I’m really paging everyone to remind them of their responsibilities." One of Spotify’s Spotlight Artists for 2016, as well as a Tidal Discovery Artist, Lucas’ stock has continued to rise since his debut over a year ago. His energy-pumping dancehall single, “Do It Like,” racked up over 400K

views on YouTube and it reached #1 on the Urban Music Charts in the UK. His nostalgic coming-of-age video for the single, “Speech,” has quickly surpassed 100K views since its April release. With over 1 million streams on Spotify and 1.5 million views across his Youtube channel, Lucas has gained a tremendous following as he proves that he “has more to offer listeners than just a convincing Jamaican accent” (Noisey) In 2014, Lucas became an overnight success when his acoustic mashup of songs by the Jamaican artist Popcaan went viral. Popcaan and him went on to share the hit track, “No Talking,” and Lucas has gone on to collaborate with various dancehall heavyweights, including Stylo G, Kardinal Offishall, Konshens and Assassin. For his debut EP, Post Secondary, which was released on Oct. 9, 2015, Lucas teamed up with Universal Music Canada. Produced by Stephen McGregor (Sean Paul, Bounty Killer) and Mojam (Sam Smith, Emeli Sande), the album was recorded at the infamous Tuff Gong Studios in Jamaica, as well as in Toronto and London.

June 16th - 30th, 2016



Reggae Recording Artist ORieL and his Band Detained by Police Ahead of Performance and herb go together, society knows this. The idea that cannabis makes you hostile, etc etc is an outdated concept in this modern society. Many a prison and policing budget depend on keeping the status quo. Thats one thing, but the bigger issue is the approach and how police deal with us on a day to day basis.” Pittsburgh, PA (MPR Consulting) – An unfortunate familiar scene took place over Memorial weekend at the annual Kaya Fest in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania when reggae recording artist ORieL and his bandmate were detained by Pittsburgh PD for suspicion of Marijuana possession. The humble artist scheduled performance to an eager crowd was delayed after an officer reported smelling marijuana, and called for backup. Speak-

ing on the incident, ORieL stated “We were briefly detained for smoking a spliff in the tour van. I asked the officer why he was drawing his firearm, because we were doing as he asked, our hands were up, and the spliff was put out. “Why use a cannon to kill a mosquito ?” Why not work out an amicable solution? His approach is the reason that many situations like this end up with people getting injured for no reason. The artist added “Music

With the utmost respect for the law, this hasn’t dithered ORieL’s respect for those who take the oath to protect and serve. “I support officers who are maintaining and providing protection to the people, not bullies with badges and guns. The motto of the police force is to protect and serve, and we need more officers who aim to uphold their pledge to society and not the ones intending to stroke their own egos by misusing and abusing their power. People don’t trust the

police, and situations like this only perpetuate an already broken system. We need to find new ways of policing that can transform. You cannot continue to do the same things and expect different results, you cannot arrest or ticket your way out of prohibition. Musicians, painters, nurses, patients all sort of people perform the age old tradition of burning a spliff and that is never going to stop.” Despite the delays, the vibes were in full effect and ORieL delivered a memorable performance to an audience of every race, creed and class who were all united by

music. Wishing to move past the events of the night, ORieL lastly added “The police need to develop a more open mindset and approach unique situations with the same humility and respect that we show to them. Excessive use of power in these situations not only damages the relationship between the police and the community, but is a waste of resources. We need people power to move towards a more community-based method of policing. Way up.” – ORieL

Upcoming Albums

Vybz Kartel King of the Dancehall King of the Dancehall contains never before released tracks from Vybz Kartel, all recorded by the creative and enigmatic artiste before his incarceration. The album has been carefully completed by renowned dancehall producer Linton ‘TJ’ White of TJ Records. The album is a collaborative effort between Addidjahiem Records/ TJ Records. King of the Dancehall is made available on all digital platforms by distributing giants Zojak Worldwide.

Dellé Neo One of the three singers for Seeed, one of the most popular world’s reggae/dancehall bands, is back with the new album “Neo”. Expect music from the top shelf, supported with the best sound. Who does not believe it, will change his mind in Ostroda. It is hard to find a reggae fan in Poland, unfamiliar with the German reggae/ dancehall mega stars Seeed. They conquered the world with their vision of amazing live performances and reached the top of commercial recognition in their homeland. The vocalists of the band simultaneously began solo projects.

Gentleman & Ky-Mani Marley Conversations

Stephen Marley The Fruit Of Life - Revelation

Music can be a great form of conversation, a giving and taking. Ideally it fosters deeper connection and communication between two musicians. The value of such a conversation lies in mutual recognition and acknowledgement – with the quality dependent on how much one is willing to share with the other. And this is one reason why the title of the album by GENTLEMAN and KY-MANI MARLEY says so much in its simplicity: “Conversations” is more than a collaboration, more than a combination. The pair have shared a lot together – all 14 tracks on the album are audibly influenced by personal dialogue, tracing the interaction of ideas and feelings. Like any good conversation, the “Conversations” by GENTLEMAN and KY-MANI MARLEY are an invitation to discovery

Multiple Grammy-winning singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and celebrated Reggae producer, Stephen “Ragga” Marley, is set to release his fourth studio album, Revelation Part II: The Fruit of Life on July 22. Revelation Part II: The Fruit of Life pre-order went live on iTunes Friday, May 27, boasting three instant grat tracks – “Rock Stone” feat. Capleton & Sizzla, “Ghetto Boy” feat. Bounty Killer & Cobra and “Scars on my Feet” feat. Waka Flocka.



FANS REACT POSITIVELY TO KYENIE’S 'LOVE MEANS EVERYTHING' VIDEO ‘Wings Of An Angel’ and ‘Rain’ that made it to the soundtrack for the Hit movie ‘Shottas’ staring Ky-mani Marley. The visuals for ‘Love Means Everything’ portray a relationship between a young couple deeply in love and happy, things take a turn to tragedy when the female dies during child birth.

Kyenie’s ‘Love Means Everything’ single has been connecting with fans since its pre release earlier this year, this due largely to the unique visuals for the project. The spiritual yet rebellious artiste who has been recording for just over a decade has seen success for previously recorded material, including his self produced singles

“The video depicts love, heartbreak and strength through tragedy. It defines love in its highest and purest form, unconditional and transcending life or death. There is a saying that it is better to have love and lost than to never have loved at all” Kyenie explained With father’s day a few weeks away, the strong father playing a dominant role in his daughter’s life despite the

June 16th - 30th, 2016

Budding Dancehall Entertainer, N’ Zye, Continues His Journey With Passion

death of her mother is also a strong point of interest.

Jamaica’s major TV Networks and was featured on popular show “FiWi Choice” for 8 weeks straight.

“Real fathers love their kids in spite of the relationship with their mothers. Real Fathers also step up even more when the mother isn’t in the picture at all, that’s real unconditional love” Kyenieadded E to ME_iTUNESThe official music video; shot in various locations in Kingston and Portmore, was directed, produced and edited by Dario Magix-byART, Don Mcgregor, Crawba Genius and the D.N.A team. The ‘Love Means Everything’ single is set for its digital international release in a matter of days and will be available of platforms such as ITunes and Spotify. Kyenie is currently working on the final tracks for his Album ‘Call Me Ky’ which is set for a summer 2016 release.

Toronto based Dancehall Entertainer, N’Zye, released his debut E.P “The Passion” this past September, the project since has garnered media attention across Jamaica, completing interviews island-wide while featured in both the Jamaica Star and Observer. The E.P is a true representation of his artistry, his versatility shining through from street anthem “Street Life” , Romantic Record “In My Arms” to his sensual track “Pillow Talk”. The singjay continued buzzing, releasing his video for one of the E.P’s popular tracks, “Pillow Talk”. Since its premiere, the video has received regular rotation across

Currently N’Zye is prepping for the release of his new single “Badness (All Lives Matter)” where he collaborates with long time legend, Sizzla. The opportunity presented itself after Sizzla listened to the E.P. When asked by his producer, Ricky G if he would like to do a collaboration – N’Zye shares with us his reply, “Of course, Sizzla is one of my favorite reggae artists of all time, If I had an Idol Sizzla Kolanji would be one of them. He inspires me and encourages me to be better at my craft” The collaboration was mixed and mastered by Natty Beats and is expected to release in July and is slated to be one the most anticipated reggae releases from Canada this summer. R & A Communications


Sept 24th - Oct 7th, 2015



Jamaican Sport Minister Issues Statement on Anti-Doping Case and cheer on the athletes as they aim to secure a spot on the national team that will represent Jamaica at the 2016 Summer Olympics. The JAAA/Supreme Ventures Limited National Senior Championships will take place from June 30, 2016 to July 03, 2016 at the National Stadium. Commentary

Sport Minister, the Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange in conversation Managing Director, RJR Communications Group, Gary Allen at the JAAA/Supreme Ventures Limited National Senior Championships 2016 Media Launch. Looking on (from left) President, Supreme ventures Limited, Brian George and Vice President, Marketing, Flow, Carlo Redwood. The event was held at the Spanish Court Hotel in Kingston.

Sport Minister, the Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange says she will be closely monitoring the case in which a Jamaican athlete has returned an adverse analytical result from the retesting programme of samples from the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Minister Grange made the statement today, June 7, 2016, at the JAAA/Supreme Ventures Limited National Senior Championships 2016 Media Launch at the Spanish Court Hotel in Kingston. “As the Minister of Sport, I wish to assure the nation that I will be closely monitoring the situation as it unfolds over the coming weeks. This is not a matter in which the Government or its Agencies has any direct involvement,” the Minister said. Adding

that, “It is understandable that there may be some level of anxiety and concern about this news, particularly as we look forward to the 2016 Olympic Games in just a few weeks.” The Minister noted that, “This is not a matter in which we can afford to be cavalier with the rules and the procedures, it is in everyone’s best interests that due process evolves as it should.” She urged everyone to be patient and calm, as the nation awaits the information and the outcome of the hearing. The Sport Minister also used the opportunity to charge athletes to compete well and always give of their best. “We know that your

profession is one that takes a great physical and mental toll on your bodies. You have to resolve in your minds not to let anyone sway you from your dreams and goals. Do not let them get into your heads,” she advised. Minister Grange encouraged organisers, managers, coaches, mentors, medical and other support personnel to protect their athletes and guard the good name of Jamaica. “Protect your athletes. Look after them. Protect and guard the good name of Jamaica. There will always be nay sayers. Be on the alert for the mental and psychological warfare, because it is real,” said Minister Grange. The Minister encouraged Jamaicans to attend the trials

A Jamaican has tested positive based on a retesting of a sample taken from 2008 from the Beijing Games. This item appears to have been on and off the ban substance list. It is not like steroids etc. So any punishment would not likely be severe. This is not condoning any form of cheating ...but errors do happen as we are not perfect. Some would like to use this to tear down Jamaica’s programme which has integrity supreme. Athletes and their coaches are not always up to date on banned substances. This is no excuse just the facts. We await the B sample test and a court hearing so it is not a done deal yet. There is due process ... the athlete could be exonerated ... we await the final bell. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent for Vision Newspaper Canada.




Reggae Recording artiste Etana has always been vocal about being natural and true to oneself in previously recorded material, But now she is even more direct with this message with the release her brand new single "The Way I Are/ Natural Woman". The single, written primarily by Etana herself and produced by Beatnick and K-Salaam, speaks to women embracing themselves and knowing who they really are on the inside and not being afraid to show it on the outside. This characteristic is clear in the singer’s own lifestyle and outlook. “People ask me; why do you wear makeup sometimes and other times you don't? My an-

swer has always been; if it wasn't for music and image I would wear nothing at all except for my clothes of course! But I understand the role of an artist and even in presenting myself I still have to do it in my own way to be comfortable”. Etana explained. The Roots Reggae princess is already well known for her strong vocal ability and also delivering relatable songs that are socially conscious. This well produced "The Way I Are" single is no different and packs a huge message on a simple track, promoting wholehearted self love regardless of what society stipulates. “The song came naturally to me when looking at all the "hoopla" about black hair, lips and big plastic butts and what women

think men find attractive. I think in all the mess we need to be reminded to love ourselves the way we are and that love is natural, we don't need to try so hard to find it. It all starts from within”. Etana added The single is currently being accompanied by an Instagram competition where fans detail in a one minute video why they believe women should love themselves the way they are. Prizes for the most liked videos include a Samsung Galaxy S7 as well as Etana albums and memorabilia. Details of the competition can be found on Etana's Facebook Page, OneEtana. "The Way I Are" single is also the first release from an upcoming, yet to be titled EP from the artiste. Official visuals for the project are also expected soon. Etana performs next in Jamaica for International Reggae Day on Friday July 1. She is set to take the stage at Clarendon based monthly series Clarendon LIVE, at Fyah Side Jerk and Bar in Tollgate, alongside Duane Stephenson.

June 16th - 30th, 2016

Mr. Lexx’s Bad Boys featured on Fiat’s New International Campaign

The crowned prince of dancehall, Mr Lexx is celebrating as one of his songs was selected for Fiat’s new international campaign. The track, Bad Boys was released last year year and features El Freaky from out of Columbia. Bad Boys is the background song to a very humorous and exciting commercial that was released worldwide on Monday June 13, 2016 and has since been widely received. Mr. Lexx is very excited and had this to say. “I am really ecstatic at this moment, 16 years in the business and I am still making international moves... This is huge.” Expressed Mr. Lexx This is not the first time Mr. Lexx has celebrated inter-

national success. His single Anything Goes featuring Nori and Capone and Wayne Wonder fuelled the Heineken Red Star album to a Grammy nomination in 2006. Only two years later in 2008, his single Hold the Line featuring Santigold, under the Major Lazor production was nominated for an MTV award. Mr Lexx says he looks forward to many more things to come and he will continue to do what he loves and put out more good music. “I was born to do music. It is an incredible feeling when you know your calling and there is no stopping me. Right now, I am busy in the studio working on other projects that I am confident will be a favourite especially among my international audience.” The artiste recent returned from Guyana, where he delivered an epic performance as a part of the country’s 50th independence celebration. Advertisment

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Aries (March 21-April 19) Surprises from unexpected people and sources will brighten you day and put you in a great mood. Even if it’s just a simple gesture of appreciation from a stranger, it will still make you feel great.


insecure or paranoid, so keep their info private. They do trust you though. Leo (July 23- August 22) When days are tough and it’s rough to deal with it, then simply say to yourself “this is temporary, and this will pass.” Leo, life is about lessons, learn from the down days and take the time to rejuvenate self-connection.

Taurus (April 20- May 20) Your finances are looking better now than they have in while. As a matter of fact more money is on the rise and this will increase Virgo (August 23 - Septemyour purchasing power. ber 22) Confusion over love, career or Gemini (May 21- June 20) You magnetic energy will draw even friendships will begin, awesome people into your circle and decisions might be hard to make. Just keep this in mind, and they will not only offer confusion is one of the roots staunch friendship, but they will also bring inspiring energy of negative, so instead of being confused, meditate on your to your world. issue, throw caution to the universe and allow things to unfold Cancer (June 21- July 22) as they always do, and should. Secrecy is important when dealing with people who are

Libra (September 23- October 22) New beginnings will inspire your life. Stick to your plans and keep on keeping on. Scorpio (October 23- November 21) People know they cannot play games with your head, but the odd one does think they can get away with it, they will learn otherwise today. Sagittarius (November 22December 21) People are loving your energy and swagger. Smile sweet Sag, because every time you do you brighten up a room and someone’s day. Capricorn (December 22January 19) Pay attention to health, eat less meat if you can and more greens, or at least more veggies

and flesh. Aquarius (January 20- February 18) Say what you mean and do what you say, unless you’re not permitted to. Sticking to your words is the way to gain respect and earn love. Pisces (Feb 19- March 20) Arguing and fighting gets people nowhere. Take time to talk calmly and if it’s not possible then walk away, hang up the phone, or simply hold your tongue. Some issues aren’t worth battling. Cerise Fairfax Life Coach | (416) 722-5233 | cerisefairfax@gmail. com | | Cerise’s book URBAN PROVERBS: How to create and maintain good karma is available. To order your copy please email. (available in Audio, Ebook and Paperback) Advertisment

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