Vision Newspaper - Issue 08 - 2016

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June 1st - 15th, 2016



Serani featured on Drakes new “Views” album >>page 08

Michael Lee Chin appointed Jamaican Growth Czar >>page 05 Advertisment

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The Caribbean

It was a splendid presentation, comical, factual and eloquently delivered by Finance Minister Audley Shaw. “IMF had concerns about the implementation of 1.5 tax relief.” .”I am announcing a 1.5 million of tax relief to all across the board” 13.778 bil in Revenue Increase to help fund Income Tax benefit. Also those earning $J6 mil up will end up paying 27 percent an effective increase of 2 percent. Revenue Package LPG Special tax , Cigarettes tax, departure tax US$35.00, Special Tax J$7 .00. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie

INDECOM arrests and charges two JCF members

The Caribbean

All Jamaicans must join in the fight against Crime Holness said.

Jamaican Finance Minister Audley Shaw presents 2016/17 Budget

It was a packed Parliament, with students, Diplomatic Community, Journalists and other members of the public.

June 1st - 15th, 2016

June 6 election for St Lucia

In addition, Mr Holness said that all Jamaicans must recognise that while we have made gains much more needs to be done.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness is urging all Jamaicans to join in the fight against crime. The Prime Minister was speaking in the aftermath of the brazen murder of 54 year old Judith Williams, who was attached to the Office of Police Commissioner, Dr Carl Williams. Mr Holness said that he is deeply saddened by Miss Williams’ death and added that his government will not allow criminality to flourish. “She dedicated her life to serving her country and was looking forward to her retirement. Her dream has been stolen by criminals who, like true cowards, pounced on her when she was most vulnerable. This government will not allow this type of behaviour and wickedness to persist” Mr

“If all of us do not join the fight against crime and criminals, Judith's Death might be in vain. The Police and the Government need partnerships with all citizens to combat criminality”, Prime Minister Holness added.

CASTRIES, St Lucia; Prime Minister Dr Kenny Anthony Thursday May 19th announced June 6 as the date for the general elections in St Lucia. In a radio and television broadcast, Anthony said that Nomination Day will be May 27. In the last general election, the ruling St Lucia Labour Party (SLP) won 11 of the 17 seats with the remainder going to the main opposition United Workers Party (UWP).

Commentary We are saddened at the untimely death of Woman Constable Williams who was reportedly shot 6 times by the pillion ruder on a bike as she was walking to get a taxi to work at the Commissioner’s Office, St. Andrew Jamaica W.I. it was 6 am Wednesday. She died after surgery.

“Jamaica Observer”

Audley Shaw speaks to Vision and other media practitioners about new Petro Tax

Despite the recent 32 percent drop in major crimes ... there is still much work to be done. The Prime Minister has vowed to stem “criminality” in a quick response to the brutal killing. Details are sketchy, but killing law officers is not common in Jamaica. Murders are usually caught after such occurrences.

In a recent interview with Audley Shaw he spoke on the governments new petro Tax. The minister said the new tax on petrol will not significantly impact transportation costs or inflation. We have been enjoying very low petrol prices due to world developments in this regard.

We at Vision express our regrets.

Seven dollars per litre was added to petrol as a special consumption tax (SCT).

MP Lisa Hanna Still To Be Challenged … As Turmoil Reigns in PNP …

by Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie

PNP’s Dr. Peter Phillips Bad Mounts JLP Shaw’s Budget

The Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM), this morning, arrested and charged two members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) attached to the Area One Headquarters in Montego Bay, St. James for the shooting injury of a woman in Mount Salem, St. James on January 22, 2016. Senior Superintendent of Police Anthony Castelle and District Constable Rohan McIntosh were both charged with unlawful wounding, unlawful discharge of firearm, and misconduct in a public office. Commentary INDECOM has been appealing to police officers to cease the practice of discharging their weapons when their lives are not in danger. Why shoot at a fleeing car. This practice is dangerous, irresponsible and downright stupid. There needs to be greater respect for life and public safety. Too many innocent bystanders have been maimed or killed in this manner. Commentary by Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie

As the crisis in the PNP refuses to go away Vision can report that Lisa Hanna has not won over her antagonists. She is still seen as aloof and lacking connection with her constituents and constituency team. We caught up with a smiling Councilor Lydia Richards of the Bensonton Division, St. Ann constituency led by former beauty queen Lisa Hanna.

Hanna for the right to represent the constituency …” a smiling Lydia Richards, who spoke to Vision SIC outside Parliament, just after Dr. Peter Phillips made his presentation to the budget as Opposition Spokesman on Finance. By Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie who is Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

Dr. Peter Phillips had harsh criticism for the J$580 Billion presented in Parliament recently and carried by Vision. He labeled JLP/Shaw’s plan as a “Sham” budget. The opposition Finance Spokesman was supportive of the JLP’s Income Tax Plan and new tax on cigarettes. He had no new proposal to offer in the debate. By supporting Shaw’s tax plan he looks stupid … as during the election campaign he was bitterly opposed to the plan. Phillips is now jumping onto the wagon … we call them “wagonists” in Jamaica. He (Phillips) felt that J$13 bil tax income projected is not collectable so there will be a shortfall to fund the budget. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie

“I am still going to rechallenge For advertising enquiries email: or call 647-386-3419 Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Junior Whyte, Senior International Correspondent in Jamaica: Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Squire, Exposing the talent in our communities. Editors: Samantha Deschamps, Marilyn Marshall, Christopher Miller


June 1st - 15th, 2016


Joint statement by Jamaica Prime Minister Holness and World Bank Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean Jorge Familiar

MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica, Prime Minister Holness and World Bank Vice President Jorge Familiar held wide-ranging discussions in Montego Bay today. World Bank Vice President Familiar congratulated Jamaica for its commitment to good macro-economic policies and expressed his conviction that with continued reforms, Jamaica is on the right path for accelerating growth. As part of its country partnership strategy, the World Bank is providing Jamaica with half a billion dollars ($US 510 million over 2013 – 2017) to support Jamaica in changing its growth trajectory and boosting private sector development and competitiveness. It also comes with support in transitioning to clean energy, a regional initiative to provide new skills and jobs for the youth in the animation and digital economy, and efforts to improve social and climate resilience in the country. During the meeting, the Prime Minister and World Bank Vice

President agreed to develop a new project on access to finance to support credit to Small and Medium Enterprises SMEs and on new innovative financing initiatives, including a debt for nature and resilience swap and a policy based guarantee. As part of the government’s active debt management strategy, the World Bank is exploring with other partners an innovative debt swap initiative to improve the country’s debt profile while strengthening environmental sustainability and climate resilience. Prime Minister Holness and World Bank Vice President Familiar also discussed the possibility of using budget support in the form of a policy based guarantee to leverage additional funding from the market. In addition, Prime Minister Holness has asked the World Bank to bring knowledge, expertise and experiences from other countries that have faced similar challenges and had successful transitions to sustainable growth. Concluding the meeting, World Bank Vice President reaffirmed the commitment and support of the World Bank Group to Jamaica in pursuing its ambitions growth agenda. Commentary The Andrew Holness led admin-

Diaspora Corner

istration continues to get great support from our multinational partners who have growing confidence in the way this new government has gone about improving the lives of Jamaicans. This JLP Government is about growth and prosperity and the international observers are watching. They realize that Holness is committed to prosperity for the Jamaican people. Half a billion US dollars is nothing to ignore and we appreciate the renewed confidence. The Small Business Sector is getting a well need boost. Vision applauds this move. Commentary by Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

proportions. We would say “The Mother of all fires” … like a plague has descended on helpless souls. We understand that all 300 Jamaicans living there are accounted for and well. We reach out to our Canadian friends who equally suffered. Our best wishes go out for the broken lives caused by the devastation that has wreaked on the lives of the residents of Fort McMurray whose lives have been shattered by out of control flames which have been raging for countless hours and days. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Minister Johnson Smith have been monitoring events in Canada and have reported “All 300 Jamaicans accounted for and well” a Foreign Ministry release has stated. This emergency is a catastrophe of monumental

We watched with bated breath as the fire spread torching homes and shattering dreams. It pained our hearts. We never abandon our own where ever you are on this globe. Vision reaches out to those who have suffered losses and reminds that “with life everything else is possible”. Like the proverbial Phoenix you will rise up from the ashes. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.



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June 1st - 15th, 2016 News MICHAEL LEE-CHIN APPOINTED JAMAICAN GROWTH CZAR tiatives that are expected to yield economic growth. In so doing the EGC is expected to engage in wide consultation and to take into account, and build on, previous work done in this area;

THE PRIME MINISTER RECENTLY ANNOUNCED THE APPOINTMENT OF MR. MICHAEL LEE-CHIN AS THE GROWTH CZAR. MR. LEE-CHIN WILL CHAIR THE NEWLY ESTABLISHED ECONOMIC GROWTH COUNCIL (“EGC”) that will be set up to advise the Government of Jamaica on the adoption of a framework of “Growth Initiatives” designed to facilitate and catalyse economic growth. Upon adoption of the Growth Initiatives by the

GOJ, the EGC will be tasked to monitor and report on the progress in the implementation of these Initiatives. The Growth Initiatives, once adopted by the GOJ, will be published and will remain in the public domain by clear actions and plans. The EGC will have the following specific duties and responsibilities: · To advise the GOJ on a framework of proposed initiatives along with sub-ini-

· To agree with the GOJ on the final framework of Growth Initiatives to be adopted, from among those proposed by the EGC, along with a timeline for implementation; · To receive update reports from Ministries, Departments and Agencies, (MDAs) on the Growth Initiatives and to monitor their progress in achieving implementation of these Initiatives; · To support the MDAs in

the implementation of the Growth Initiatives, as required; · To update the Prime Minister on progress in attainment of the Growth Initiatives and to raise concerns as required. · To report on a quarterly basis to the Jamaican people on the progress of attainment of the Growth Initiatives; · To support the GOJ in securing investment for Jamaica. The establishment of the Economic Growth Council with Mr. Lee-Chin as Chairman reflects the government’s determination to put the growth of the economy and job creation at the centre of its administration. On announcing the appointment, the Prime Minister remarked, “The Government intends to place a concerted effort on economic growth and the creation of jobs. These are urgent priorities. The appointment of the Economic Growth Council signifies our commitment to these priorities. We expect that Mr. Lee-Chin’s

leadership of the EGC will introduce dynamism and unconstrained thinking to the process of growth policy formulation. ” In accepting the appointment Mr. Lee-Chin remarked, “I am honored to accept this appointment and responsibility. We are a country of immense potential with an abundance of opportunity. I will dedicate myself to ensuring that Jamaica maximizes on its opportunities and achieves its economic potential.” The EGC will comprise private and public sector leaders who have exhibited a strong commitment to national development. The other members of the council will be named shortly. Michael Lee-Chin is the Founder and Chairman of Portland Holdings and majority shareholder in the National Commercial Bank. Mr. LeeChin is widely regarded as a visionary entrepreneur and one who has inspired many through his philanthropic initiatives. Advertisment

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June 1st - 15th, 2016


Perspective: Trials of Black Men… The Jacob Zuma Story hole of racial segregation, apartheid to be exact to now have its leader debased and being humiliated.

So far we looked at Laurent Bgadbo, of the Ivory Coast, Bill Crosby, Tiger Woods and now South Africa’s President Zuma who faced corruption trials and the possibility of impeachment recently. In all the cases we have posted so far there seem to be a common thread … these are all powerful men, men trusted with power and considerable power.

They either betrayed our trust or allowed power to corrupt them. There were cases also of indiscretion as it relates to personal judgment if not morals. Let us look at Zuma for a moment, he has been one of the leaders who have succeeded Nelson Mandela who fought so hard to uplift the plight of blacks pulling them out of a deep

He has spent about 23 million pounds on his Nkandla Homestead … The court ruled that he should pay back some of the money. Opposition wants him to resign, accusing him of being corrupt and not fit to continue as president as he breached the Constitution. The African Nationalist Congress (ANC) has been in power since South Africa’s independence in 1994. We long argued in Vision that some of these trials were self inflicted miss

steps. We certainly thought so in the cases of Tiger woods and Bill Cosby. We can now add Zuma to this not so prestigious list. When placed in a position of trust, Transparency must be your only focus, Your integrity should be robust … Then we put in power people we can trust. Zuma had not all yet … he almost blew it. South Africa is a rich country …rich with minerals and in agriculture. The ANC, if they play their cards right could be in power for a very long time …. creating if you will, a form of democratic dictatorship. It is the largest party, has the seats and has broad based support … all the trimmings that are the right ingredient for solid political support. Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma 73, became President of

South Africa in 2009 and re elected 2014 is from the Zulu tribe, a polygamist … he currently has 4 wifes according to tradition from his tribe. He has inherited much and for whom much is expected. So for Zuma to have allowed greet, licky, licky type behaviour as we like to say in this neck of the woods here in Jamaica W.I. to brought the presidency into disrepute is most unfortunate. This reinforces the widely held, if not and also our view that ‘power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ We hope President Zuma will ponder carefully the awesome responsibility of his office, and most of all his legacy. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada. Picture from





June 1st - 15th, 2016

Reggae in the Fields Celebrates 40 years in Your Ears on CKCU FM 93.1 Under the Distinguished Patronage of Her Excellency Janice Miller, High Commissioner for Jamaica

On June 11, 2016, Reggae in the Fields starts a year long celebration of its 40th year of broadcast on CKCU FM 93.1 FM. Reggae in the Fields is Canada’s longest running Reggae radio program hosted by Junior Smith over the entire period. You are invited to celebrate this occasion. “Jones & Jones congratu-

lates Junior Smith on his accomplishments on his 40th anniversary of broadcasting reggae music in Canada. His program ‘Reggae in the Fields’, Canada’s longest running reggae radio program, sits in a pivotal position in our nation’s capital and has been a significant contribution to the promotion of reggae music in Canada. As founding chair of the reggae category of the Juno Awards, his knowledge of reggae music in the national capital region was instrumental as we gathered data to assist

in the creation of the JUNO Reggae category in 1985″, says President Denise Jones. On June 11th, two events are planned, a day-long family picnic at Vincent Massey Park and a dance at St. Joseph Parish Hall. Family Picnic The events at Vincent Massey Park (Heron Road) begin with a domino tournament from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. This sudden death playoff will crown the “Best Domino Player in Ottawa.” Register your domino team with Nervall at 613 797-4736 by May 22nd. Registration fee is $10 for each player. Between 12 noon and 6:00 pm, both CKCU FM

93.1 and CHUO 89.1 will broadcast live from the park. This will be a double simulcast between both radio stations. This radio marathon will be hosted by O’Shea Adagio, Papa Richie, Junior Smith, Mikey Wizdom and a variety of special guests. Join us on the pitch between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm for a “Soccer Festival” hosted by Rockers United Soccer Club. All children 5-13 years are welcome to participate. Register with Peter at (613) 7695141 by May 22nd. Other activities include card games, prizes and surprizes. Limited edition Reggae in the Fields anniversary t-shirts for sale. Caribbean cuisine available.

Dance The day’s activities conclude with a dance held at St Joseph’s Parish Hall located at 174 Wilbrod Street. Music starts at 9:00 pm SHARP so come early to enjoy a variety of Oldies but Goodies and more recent tunes. David Supersound, DJ Cruss, Music Master, Nebula and Upfront will keep you entertained throughout the evening. Advance tickets are $20 for singles with limited advance only $35 couples’ tickets. Tickets available at the door for $25. Couples tickets may be purchased in advance only. No couples ticket available at the door.


Community What ’s On

June 1st - 15th, 2016

Events Nesbeth & Gyptian

Play Fridays - Vibe 105.5 FM Live to Air

Canada Day Weekend Festival

Lula World


Family & Children

Charlie Murphy

S.O.R. Fest

Venue: Wildwater Kingdom

Venue: Evergreen Brick Works

Date: June 5th, 2016

550 Bayview Avenue Toronto, ON

Disney On Ice celebrates 100 Years of Magic

Every Friday Starting June 3rd

Venue: National Event Venu

Venue: Club Moda

Venue: Sound Academy

Venue: Lula Lounge

Venue :

Toronto Date: June 25,2016

4749 Keele St. Toronto, ON Date: June 3rd, 2016

Toronto, ON Date: June 30,2016

Toronto, ON Date: June 1-11, 2016

Woodbine Concert Hall Etobicoke, ON Date: Thu, 06/23/16 08:00 PM

Exco Levy Reggae on Eglinton

Ceelo Green


Grandmaster Flash

Your Event Here

Date: December 29th, 2015 to August 31st , 2016

New! PA Day Camps at the AGO

Minipreneurs Club: Become a Mini Entrepreneur

Venue: Art Gallery of Ontario

Where: Pleasant View Library, 575 Van Horne Ave Dates: Saturdays April 9- May 28* & June 11

Your Event here $25 Venue: Massey Hall

Venu: The Phoenix Concert

Mod Club Theatre (Formerly Virgin

Velvet Underground

Toronto, ON Date: June 3rd, 4th & 5th 2016


Mobile Mod Club) Toronto, ON Fri, 06/24/16 07:00 PM

Toronto, ON Sat, 06/18/16 10:00 PM

Etobicoke, ON

Date: June 12,2016

To Place your ad here call 647-386-3419 or email

317 Dundas St. West Jan 22, 2016 to Jun 10, 2016

Time: 10am- 11am


Every Friday Starting June 3rd



June 1st - 15th, 2016

Nesbeth release new single “Doing Me” on the Wet Waxx Riddim Premiering to rave reviews, Digital Vibez/ Prizzmatic Wet Wax Riddim hit filled songs are already steaming up the international airwaves from Jamaica to the UK. Breakthrough single “Doing Me” performed by reggae star Nesbeth is becoming a much requested songs captivating reggae lovers.

Kafinal drops lyric video for ‘Crying Out For Love’ Juno-award winning recording artiste, Kafinal is ‘Crying Out For Love’ in his new lyric video for the socially-conscious single, featuring Jamaican music legends, King Yellowman and Ken Boothe. Pre-released on Reggaeville, the visuals for Crying Out For Love depicts the everyday evils that plague society – including crime and violence – but also presents hopeful messages of harmony and peace within the world in order to move said world in a better direction. Kafinal pours out his heart as he states how ‘I just hate to watch the news, to see the evil things they do. They rob and lie and kill and on the innocent they prey’ as news clips play throughout painting grim images of lives lost and fighting in the streets. Yellowman, one of dancehall’s greatest lyricists, talks of how

‘people a dead more than the days inna the year, everyday another soul disappear’ as his verses add more perspective to the song.

The video for Crying Out For Love can be seen via his official YouTube channel, KAFINAL TV, while the single is available for purchase on iTunes. Kafinal plans a big summer ahead, including a live performance at the LulaWorld Festival on June 7th at the Lula Lounge in Toronto. Written by: Marc Parc / Reeva Ann Walker & Associates

Nesbeth “Doing Me” and the full Wet Waxx Riddim can be heard on soundcloud, while Wet Waxx Riddim is now available on iTunes Spotify Rhapsody and all major online digital stores.

Mr Vegas, Demarco, Tifa, Zj Liquid Featured On “Honey Gold” Rhythm by acclaimed disc jock and producer, ZJ Liquid, Get With The Program by premiere dancehall diva, Tifa as well as Gold In Deh by lyrical maestro, Masicka.

Mix in the smooth-sounding Ken Boothe’s call to ‘look in your communities at the faces you will see,’ and see their desperate pleas for love and unity, and it makes for a truly heart-wrenching effort that tugs at the conscience of every listener. This single follows up Kafinal’s #1 hit conscious single featuring top veteran toaster, U-Roy. With the collaborative effort, Nah Complain helped Kafinal win the 2016 Juno award – Canada’s equivalent to the Grammy Awards – for Best Reggae Recording in April, ending the four-year reign in the category by fellow reggae singer, Exco Levi.

“A nuh just now! So we stay from birth, October the second so we balance inna earth, we nuh weak we nuh chase every black woman skirt, music fi life but a nuh every concert we perform inna check the formula, we nuh come ya fi loose we born winna, tsunami storm inna ya cant keep we calm inna, eat good food mek we stamina…up ! up! Up!” -sings Nesbeth on Doing Me.

ZJ Dymond, founder of Jamaican record label, FullChaarge Records, is getting ready to release one of his many slated summer releases. Since the organic growth of his previous projects Promiscuous and Ghetto Bible and both being publicly supported by popular artists, DJ Khaled and Rihanna, the Honey Gold rhythm has been an anticipated release for dancehall enthusiasts and supporters worldwide.

Other artistes on the Honey Gold Riddim include Demarco, QQ, Mr. Vegas, Mr. G, Kalado, Posh, Khausion, Dane Ray and Trinidadian soca artist, Sekon STA(ss). The label went ahead and pre-released a few singles off the project over the last few weeks and it has since been receiving regular rotation across Jamaica’s biggest stations. The Honey Gold Riddim is now available for preorder on i-Tunes, with its official release slated for June 17th. Written by: Marc Parc / Reeva Ann Walker & Associates

The compilation features tracks such as the sensual number, Bumper Roll

SERANI FEATURED ON DRAKES NEW ‘VIEWS’ ALBUM His vocals, from his 2006 hit collaboration ‘Dying’ with Mavado, has been sampled on international superstar Drake’s latest album “VIEWS”.

Kingston Jamaica International recording artiste, song writer and producer, Craig “Serani’ Marsh, is extremely excited about the latest international feature he has received.

Drake’s team followed proper recording rights procedure by contacting Serani’s manager, Julian Jones-Griffith, a few weeks prior to the album release date of April 29. The track “9” is the single from Drake’s Views project that samples Serani’s vocals. “I think he sampled my voice because the hook is very catchy and melodious and it came from a very deep song” Marsh explained

With controversy surrounding acts like Jay Z and local dancehall star Popcaan being removed from ‘Drake’s Views album prior to its release, Serani sees this as an extreme honour that many artistes covet but have not received. “Drake is currently my favorite rapper and I listen to all his music. I met him years ago and we were cool but I did not see this one coming at all. I’m extremely happy right now!” Marsh reiterated Serani is not unfamiliar with international success however, his hit single “No Games” shot him to international notoriety in 2009. This is the first time the artiste has been sampled by an international act though and this achievement can be added to

his extensive list of accolades. “Hip hop sampling dancehall is major for us Jamaicans. It does well for our culture’s promotion internationally too. I would love to record directly with Drake though so who knows what can happen next!” Marsh added Serani recently returned from a European tour and is set to promote recently released singles “Gone” on the Zen Riddim produced by Anju Blaxx and ‘Low Rider’ featuring Renee 6:30. His single “Dance Floor” is steadily climbing charts in Europe including those in Germany.

June 1st - 15th, 2016



Toronto’s New Find, Sandi Patrice, Makes Waves With New Single

DeeWunn Collaborates with Montreal’s Renowned DJ Mohtorious On “Benn Up” [Montreal, Canada] Jamaica’s hybrid sensation DeeWunn been making waves with his hit single “Mek It Bunx Up”. The record has not only been a viral success, reaching over 3 million views on YouTube, but the single has been charting on various Top 40 charts across Europe.

works for some time while we made sure to get a visual to create a greater impact. The single has already been buzzing thanks to the ZJ’s in Jamaica! I have also heard a few remixes that combine both Bunx Up and Benn Up!”

As a follow up to the hit single, the artist collaborated with popular Montreal DJ “Mohtorious” during his first Canadian Tour to release his new single “Benn Up”. The team released an early preview of the single early last year and it has since received a lot of “Street Cred” while gaining radio play on stations like ZipFM and Suncity Radio in Jamaica among support from stations in Japan and Canada.

“Look out for more Banggaz and my upcoming E.P! I have a few special colabs ligned up and a remix for “Benn Up” which will be featured on the E.P and released by my label Hybrid Culture!”

DeeWunn says, “It was a good experience to work with a Canadian producer, “Benn Up” has been in the

He continues to say,

is now focused on fusing his already unique sound with other Canadian talents and aims at releasing his first E.P next January. Stay up to date with the artist via his website www. or follow @ DeeWunn on all social media platforms as he takes on the summer performing at some of Canada’s biggest festivals as well as a Europe tour planned for October 2016.

Toronto’s new find and upcoming songstress, Sandi Patrice, has been making waves with her new single “Real Life”. Carrie Mullings from VIBE105 presented a World Radio Premiere of the song and has since been facilitating comments from listeners and supporters worldwide. “Her sound is refreshing and new” said one VIBE caller. As Patrice takes her first steps into the music scene, she brings her fans and new listeners a powerful song that reminds us that “Real Life” needs to be our main focus. Produced by Toronto based label, Fizzle Productions, the single blends Patrice’s Jamaican roots, a reggae ballad twisted with Canadian urban feel, giving it R&B and Loversrock flavor.

The artist will be doing a media and club tour across the island of Montreal and surrounding areas throughout the month of May. With his recent migration to Montreal, Canada, DeeWunn

Last month, Patrice was invited to perform at Toronto’s Stages (a Monthly industry networking and artist showcase.) the upcoming songstress had the crowd engaged as she took over the stage at Lula Lounge. Planting herself firmly in her musical mission Sandi Patrice, there is no chance in slowing her down. Patrice Continues to promote her new single, with talks of a music video dropping soon. Stay Tuned and Watch out for her next move!

Upcoming Albums

Shawn Storm Word Sound Power

Ziggy Marley Ziggy Marley

I-Octane Holding Firm

Vybz Kartel King of the Dancehall

Rastafarian tradition speaks of the ancient precepts and principles that govern the lives of mankind. Among these is the concept of “Word Sound and Power,” a phrase that refers to the many ways language in general and music & lyrics in particular can bring about change within the lives of those who transmit or receive these words. Shawn Storm’s debut EP, Word, Sound, Power bears witness to the mental, musical and spiritual growth of an artist who remains steadfast despite his incarceration. Distributed by the mighty 21st Hapilos Digital, the EP (which was scheduled for release on May 6) features 10 tracks that received the stamp of approval from Shawn’s inner circle.

Ziggy Marley released his sixth solo studio album, Ziggy Marley, on May 20th through Tuff Gong Worldwide. Recorded in Los Angeles and produced by Ziggy, the new self-titled album marks his first release in 2 years, following 2014’s critically acclaimed Fly Rasta, which took home the 2015 GRAMMY award for Best Reggae Album.

Having just ended his successful School Tour, Chapter 2. “Bringing Di Right Vibes To Di Yutes”, I Octane releases “Holdin Firm” featuring rising artist Rickey Teetz. Produced by popular Full Chaarge Records “Holdin Firm” is out now on iTunes and all major online digital stores via 21st Hapilos Digital. @zjdymondtfc @ realioctane

King of the Dancehall is the latest project to be released by dancehall titan Vybz Kartel. The project is a collaborative effort between Adidjahiem Records and TJ Records in association with Zojak World Wide.The album will be available exclusively to Apple Music subscribers on June 3rd, and available on all music platforms on June 10th 2016.

21st Hapilos



Vybz Kartel, “King of the Dancehall” Promises to be a Success via YouTube and Vevo and on May 20th the ‘Western Union’ track will be available for instant gratification.

King of the Dancehall is the latest project to be released by dancehall titan Vybz Kartel. The project is a collaborative effort between Adidjahiem Records and TJ Records in association with Zojak World Wide. This is great news for the ‘World Boss’ supporters, as the album became available for pre-order on May 6th exclusively on iTunes. Fans can order the full album and receive the first single, ‘Fever’, as instant gratification. On May 6th the ‘Fever’ music video, directed by Game Over/Jay Will, launched

The album will be available exclusively to Apple Music subscribers on June 3rd, the same day the third instant gratification track, ‘Colouring This Life’, will be offered in the iTunes store. Apple Music will offer exclusive streaming one week before the album is available for download June 10th, a service usually reserved for major label artists and a great honour for a Jamaican artist. iTunes will be supporting the album through special marketing and promotions in a manner they don’t typically do for reggae/dancehall.

King of the Dancehall contains never before released tracks from Vybz Kartel, all recorded by the prolific artist before his incarceration. The tracks have been carefully completed by renowned dancehall producer Linton ‘TJ’ White of TJ Records, with whom Kartel has established a solid working relationship over the years. Kartel says, “We’re imploring the fans to go out and support the album, not just for Vybz Kartel’s sake but for the sake of DANCEHALL. Let’s show the world we can still pull some big numbers in our genre too.” Having garnered praise for his lyrical prowess, the true King of the Dancehall, Vybz Kartel, will definitely deliver a treat to his many fans when this 14 track masterpiece makes its way to the world at large on June 10th.

June 1st - 15th, 2016

BET: “Omari Banks showed…. He did not come to play — He came to slay.”

Rave reviews are still pouring in from Omari Banks exciting performance at Moonsplash 2016. From fans and music lovers, to professional athletes and political figures, Omari delighted the crowd with original music, stirring powerful covers and a moving tribute to Prince. Major entertainment media houses were also in attendance covering the 3 days festival, Anguilla welcomed Forbes

and Vibes magazine, Huffington Post and BET among many others. Moriba Cummings for BET described Omari’s presence on stage “Omari Banks, who commanded the stage with a Jimi Hendrix-reminiscent presence. Rocking a multicolored “Rolling Stones” cut-off tee, a bandana, leather pants and his signature dreads, Omari showed, in the revered words of Big Freedia, “He did not come to play — He came to slay.” – Read the full review at



Sept 24th - Oct 7th, 2015


Jamaican Sports, Culture & Entertainment Minister Olivia Grange Congratulates Wes Morgan on Leading Leicester City to Historic Premier League Win Wes Morgan, was integral in creating this moment in history,” the Minister said.

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Tuesday, May 03, 2016 – Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport the Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange, extended congratulations to Jamaica’s Reggae Boy and Captain of the Leicester City Football Club, Westley ‘Wes’ Morgan, on leading his team to claim the coveted Barclays Premier League (BPL) title in England. Leicester, yesterday,

wrapped up the BPL title after nearest rival Tottenham Hotspurs drew 2-2 with Chelsea in the London derby giving them an unassailable seven-point lead with two games remaining. “Leicester City’s story is most fascinating and will certainly be seen as one of the biggest stories in the history of sport ever. It is a special feeling and I am delighted to know that our very own Reggae Boy,

Minister Grange added that she was particularly elated that despite the odds of 5000-to-1 being against Morgan and his team at the beginning of the season, he was able to demonstrate true Jamaican courage and resilience to lead his team home to a “symbolic victory which will forever be etched in the minds of Leicester City fans and more so, in the minds of fans from other major teams who were expected to lift the premier league trophy at the end of the season”. “As Minister with respon-

Canadian Sensation DeGrasse Drops Out Of Jamaican International Track Meet Blake, President of Jamaica Amateur Athletic Association (JAAA). The Jamaican public will be denied the chance to see Canadian track sensation DeGrasse due to reported injury. DeGrasse would be performing in Jamaica for the first time.

Meet director and Olympian Donald Quarrie said “Since 2004 this meet has continued to grow and it is here to stay … it is a step below the diamond league.”

“Some 60 percent of the world’s top athletes will be in action.” Declared Dr. Warren

“We must make it an experience in Jamaica … beyond the walls and let these visitors

want to return” Babsy Grange, Sports Minister. Usain Bolt, Tyson Gay, ShellyAnn Frazer-Pryce, The beast Blake, Asafa Powell to name a few of the world stars who will converge on the National Stadium, Jamaica W.I. for this one day meet which is in its 13th year… this weekend. There will Javelin as a new sporting event for this meet. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

sibility for Sport and on behalf of all Jamaicans, at home and in the Diaspora, I take great pleasure in congratulating Wes Morgan on this significant accomplishment that has been added to his name as a local and international footballer,” Minister Grange said. Wes Morgan will lift the Premier League trophy with his Leicester City teammates on Sunday, May 08, 2016 at the King Power Stadium. Sport Commentary Wes Morgan Made Us Proud For over 100 years Leicester City football Club has never won the Premier league in England. With a Jamaican as captain they have won it. This goes to

show that Jamaicans are very talented and well respected across the world in many fields. Despite our problems, I am proud to be a Jamaican. We are so unique as a people. When I heard the captain was Jamaican I was not surprised … We can be the best and the crudest. That is how we are my friend. Congrats to Leicester and may you grow from strength to strength. It is my hope we will soon get the respect we deserve from all. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada. Photo of Wes Morgan from www.





June 1st - 15th, 2016


Worldwide – Throughout the music world, the name Morgan resonates with music lovers as The Royal Family of Reggae who in 2016 won a coveted Grammy for Best Reggae Album. It is undeniable that the Morgans are a dynasty that spans all facets of life, and the essence and roots of this family stems from The Morgan Queens namely Una, Taliba, Sandra and Takilat Morgan. Since the public has always had a fascination with this multi-talented family, the sisters have united to give insight into their dynamics with a new pop culture web based talk show “At Home With The Morgans”. Geared towards young adults and a mature audience “At Home With The Morgans” #AHWTM is hosted by the four talented biological sisters Una Morgan, Sandra Downie, Taliba Morgan, and Takilat “Taki” Morgan, whom are the daughters of the music legend Denroy Morgan, who had the smashing Billboard single “I’ll Do Anything For You”. They have a captivating spirit, and a bond that is undeniably connected through love. These ladies have much to say to the world and will

bring it to you with class, grace, and beauty. The 12 episode talk show will cover Current Events, Entertainment, Cooking, Beauty and Lifestyle. Six of the 12 episodes will have a segment called “Pajama Talk” in which the ladies will discuss important and life changing topics while enjoying a signature drink. TalibaSpeaking on how the show concept was developed, Taliba explained: “The best way I can explain it, is that it was like a download from the Universe. It came to me as I was sitting on the sofa with my children. I knew that two of my sisters, Una and Sandra were interested in working with me on some sort of level and it took time for it to be revealed to me what project it should be. Hence the saying “divine timing” I then called them up told them the idea and the rest is history.” Sandra added: “The reason I chose to participate in the show is simple…Family + Love. Having a project to work on, at this magnitude, with my sisters, allows us to grow closer and continue a life of building a strong

sisterhood. We have always had a wonderful relationship with each other, but being able to laugh, cry and celebrate life’s milestones with each other is priceless. This isn’t something we thought about lightly, but with serious thought, consideration and of course some bumps in the road, we knew this was something we just had to do. Not just for us, but for our children. “The musical muse, Una Morgan, chimed in by explaining “Taliba knowing my health journey, called me one morning and asked if I would consider being a part of this with my other sisters. I hesitated at first, due to my recovery, but when I thought of the time I had off… I said let’s put it to good use!! I love to talk and this was an excellent way to let my inner journalist out.” SandraAlthough there are several talk shows spearheaded by women, Taliba explains why “At Home With The Morgans” differs from others: “What sets us apart is family. It’s four sisters and amazing personalities, with different walks of life. Even when we have our disagreements the love we have for each

other always works it out, and all of that will be seen through our conversations and hot topics.” “I believe what will set us apart is the fact that we are sisters from a big family having something to say. We are international women ambassadors and we will not keep any topic off limits especially if it has anything to do with women empowerment. We want when people watch this show, they walk way learning something about life they never knew. ” Una “I chose to participate in this show with my three sisters because this is the first time in a long time that I’ve had an opportunity to work cohesively with my siblings. Since the passing of our Mom Pearl Foster in August of 1988, we have had to develop our own individual identities. This show allows us all to remember our roots from which we came, and reignite our sisterly bond that has been created originally from the Almighty God.” stated Takilat. (MPR Consulting)


June 1st - 15th, 2016


Fast Food Could Be Even Worse

Ahh, fast food the delight too many Americans enjoy way too often. What's the problem with a little fast food, you say? Nothing but "too little" isn't the operative phrase when it comes to fast food; it's large portions, eating frequently, replacing nutrient-dense, sensible portions with empty-calories, saturated fat, sodium and sugar. Over time, all that can lead to an increased risk of every health challenge from diabetes to heart disease to cancer. But it gets even worse. Not only does fast food generally bad for you in the nutritional sense; it also may promote the presence of chemicals called phthalates. According to researchers at George Washington University, phthalates, which you'll find in soap, makeup and a variety of other consumer products, are linked to a number of negative health outcomes. caution - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark The study, published in Environmental Health

Perspectives, analyzed dietary information from nearly 9,000 people and urine samples to correlate frequency of fast-food consumption with urine levels of three different chemicals. Participants who reported eating fast food in the previous 24 hours had much higher levels of two phthalates (DEHP and DiNP) than those who reported eating no fast food in the previous 24 hours. The more fast food consumed during that time period, the higher the increase in phthalates as high as 24-39 percent higher for those consuming large amounts of fast food. We don't know how phthalates impact the body yet, but increases research suggests they could be problematic. If nothing else, it's another reason to ensure you eat less fast food as part of a healthy diet. Talk to your doctor for more tips on how to eat right. For more information on health and safety please visit www. and the Ontario Chiropractic Association web site at or call 1877-327-2273. Dr. George I. Traitses of Infinite Health practices traditional chiropractic, advanced nutrition and anti aging therapy and has been serving the Toronto and Markham communities since 1981. You can reach him at 416-499-5656 or www.


Rapper Drake to build luxurious mansion in Toronto’s Bridle Path room. There are also rooms set aside for “important artifacts” and a jersey museum, not far from his linen closet. And that’s just in the basement.

Reports have surfaced through numerous media outlets that Toronto rapper Drake is planning to build a luxurious 21,000-square-foot mansion in the city’s Bridle Path area. It is being reported that the rapper has applied for exemptions to zoning bylaws to construct a dream home complete with a basketball court and a pool in the basement. “I’m obsessed with residential pools. One of my goals in life is to have

the biggest residential pool on the planet,” Drake told Rolling Stone back in 2014. According to reports, the plans, on file with the city of Toronto, include a 44-foot-by-94-foot basketball court, along with a gym, a pool and a hot tub in front of a large TV projection screen, a bar flanked by special chambers labelled “chilled champagne” and “chilled wine,” a music and screening room, and a spa and tub retreat with a massage

Drake himself has not confirmed ownership of the property located at 21 Park Lane Circle, the $6.7 million CAD (approximately $5 million USD) purchase is reportedly registered under a Nova Scotia-based company where one of the directors listed is Adel Nur, a.k.a. DJ Future The Prince’s real name. The abandoned home on the two-acre property is set to be demolished, but Drake still requires the city of Toronto’s approval to build his sprawling two-story mansion with its integrated garage and massive driveway. Today, Forbes estimates Drake at a $60 million USD net worth, replacing 50 Cent this year among hip-hop’s richest.


#Aries (March 21-April 19) Contact someone out of the blue. Say hi or simply set up a time to meet. Even if it’s someone you only know from social media, still reach out to network.



#Cancer (June 21-July 22) Help will come from an unexpected source.

on your self-control. #Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Joyful people will be entering your life soon. Utilize their awesome energy for your benefit and share the benefits with others.

#Leo (July 23-August 22) Cooking with less oil and steaming instead of frying #Sagittarius (November will help to reduce calo#Taurus (April 20-May ries, but also enhance your 22- December 21) 20) Your inner strength and health. Copying others and the discipline will be strong way they do things does today. Use it to tackle not make you an origina- #Virgo (August 23-Sepissues that keep you from tor. Find your true essence tember 22) Your spiritual side will im- being the best you possiand build upon it. ble. press others today. Teach what you know. #Gemini (May 21-June #Capricorn (December 20) 22-January 19) #Libra (September Think about your health Working hard? That’s 23-October 22) first. Cutting down on great. Be mindful to also smoking, drinking etc will Giving into temptation? work smartly. Pushing kick your health into high Be stronger Libra. Work

yourself past the brink is not always beneficial. #Aquarius (January 20-February 19) Keep up the great work. Not only are you loving yourself, you are also being a great leader. #Pisces (February 20-March 20) Love deep, laugh hard, live life your way. Cerise Fairfax Life Coach | (416) 722-5233 | cerisefairfax@gmail. com | | Cerise’s book URBAN PROVERBS: How to create and maintain good karma is available. To order your copy please email. (available in Audio, Ebook and Paperback)



June 1st - 15th, 2016 / Page 15

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