Vision Newspaper - Issue 07- 2016

Page 1


May 1st - 15th, 2016


R.I.P PRINCE >>page 10

Exco Levy gets his star on Brampton Walk of Fame >>page 08

Gully Bop and his new girlfriend Amari plan to get married in August 2016 >>page 08 Advertisment



The Caribbean JLP Parliamentarians Walk down Duke Street for the Ceremonial Opening of Parliament

The Governor General presented the plans for the Legislative year 2016-2017. Term limits, review of the 1966 National Insurance Scheme … for modernisation of the scheme. Improvements to the Pathe Progamme (social Assistance to help the needy). To name a few of the initiatives to be embarked on. Heavily armed soldiers with what appeard to be a M16 Assault Rifle, stood on the roof of Parliament as security was taken very seriously. An estimated 600 combined members of the Police and Military teams converged on the precinct of Parliament for the Ceremonial Opening. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie who is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist was there at Parliament and filed this story for Vision Newspaper Canada.

Red Stripe Wins Round … As US Judges Throws Out Case Against Beer Company

“Building A Partnership for Prosperity”, Jamaica Releases new J$580 Billion Budget another bite at the cherry.

As we look further into the current budget starting with the Ceremonial Opening of Parliament and the Throne Speech presented by General, Sir. Patrick Allen . This Speech outlines the government’s plans and programmes to be implemented entitled “Building A Partnership for Prosperity.” Director of Public Prosecutions, Paula Llewellyn, speaking to journalist who was soliciting her response to the Throne Speech. In particular a new feature that will allow the DPP to seek Judicial Reviews if she feels a verdict did not represent the facts of a case. The DPP’s Office, in such a case can appeal such a verdict. This never been the case . The defence always had this opportunity for

There has always been lingering claims that the prosecution should be able to legally appeal a verdict should there be any doubt that there may have been “Judicial Misconduct.” or possibly errors or failure to present evidence that was withheld or suppressed that could have led to an uncurrupted verdict. There are a raft of other legislative proposals contained in the Throne Speech. The JLP’s new budget it is proposing calls for approximately J$580 billion dollars in expenditure. This newly proposed budget of 10 percent below the original estimates presented for budget cycle 2015/16 by the Portia Simpson Miller led government … is lean and geared for growth. Last year’s Simpson Miller budget was $880. …………………….. The DPP is at right in the image being interviewed.

economy grew negligibly less than an average 2 percent under the PNP.

Misleading advertising is a serious offence in the United States and other civilized countries where consumer protection is given priority and the consumer are viewed as kings and queens. See further upcoming stories on Red Stripe re local Cassava input. . By Hopeton O’Connor Dennie

S. African Court to Review Zuma Corruption Ruling

JOHANNESBURG — South Africa’s High Court ruled recently that state prosecutors must revisit a decision in 2009 to drop nearly 800 corruptionrelated charges against President Jacob Zuma. The move cranks up the political heat on Zuma amid a barrage of other corruption scandals. The High Court’s ruling could clear the way for President Jacob Zuma to again be charged with 783 counts of criminal offenses for alleged kickbacks in a 1999 state arms deal. The recent ruling has caused jubilation from the country’s opposition. “We welcome the fact that those charges must be continued and that Jacob Zuma must have what he has always wanted — to have his day in court in the pursuit of accountability and the rule of law in South Africa,“ said Mmusi Maimane, leader of the Democratic Alliance, the party that approached the High Court with the case. The National Prosecuting Authority originally announced the charges in 2009. But the head of the NPA, Mukotedi Mpshe, then quickly dropped them, saying secret tape recordings had revealed that the timing of those charges was meant to stop Zuma from running for office that year.

Bureau of Standards Jamaica at the forefront of Worldwide Styrophome Ban

This renewed business outlook/ conference is a growth trajectory that looks very good for the Jamaican economy under the JLP.

The company argued that this was not so as this impression was never communicated or implied. The judge sided with Red Stripe. Advertising

The World

The High Court said that decision was “irrational.”

Jamaican Business Confidence Highest in 15 Years The indigenous Red Stripe maintains it’s stripes as a judge in the USA dismissed a case brought against the beer giant from a “trouble maker” who claimed that Red Stripe was engaged in “misleading advertising” when the company gave the impression that Red Stripe contained properties that would render it “indigenous” to Jamaica.

May 1st - 15th, 2016

Business Confidence up 19 percent the highest since 15 years. This is a vote of confidence in the policies of the new JLP Government led by Andrew Michael Holness. Commentary Consumers rejected the lack lustre performance of the PNP led government under the leadership of Portia Simpson Miller. The

History has shown that the Jamaican economy has always grown well under a Jamaica Labour Party government. In the 60s and 70s the then JLP Government grew the Jamaican economy 6 percent or so. Picture shows graph of business confidence Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada. …………………….

There is Worldwide move to ban Styrofoam which is widely used as lunch boxes, plates etcetera. This product is made from chemicals which can lead to respiratory ailments. Also they do not breakdown readily in landfills where they eventually end up. In short they can lead to an environmental disaster. Blocking drains is another no no for the move to ban this product. The Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ) has,been at the forefront in Jamaica W.I. to ban the foam. Visit for other pictures and stories on negatives on the Styrofoam. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada

For advertising enquiries email: or call 647-386-3419 Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Junior Whyte, Senior International Correspondent in Jamaica: Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Squire, Exposing the talent in our communities. Editors: Samantha Deschamps, Marilyn Marshall, Christopher Miller


May 1st - 15th, 2016


Diaspora Corner


Prime Minister Andrew Holness says he is thankful that so far, there have been no reported deaths or serious injuries arising from the magnitude 6.9 earthquake which impacted Barbados and St. Vincent and the Grenadines Wednesday morning. Prime Minister Holness says Jamaica stands ready to provide assistance to both countries in ensuring as speedy as return to normalcy as possible. Prime Minister Holness said: “The catastrophic earthquakes that affected Japan and Ecuador recently, as well as this closer-to-home tremor that impacted Barbados and St. Vincent, bring into sharp focus the importance of disaster preparedness. These events underscore how critical it is to have effective protocols in place to respond and coordinate relief effort in the event

of an earthquake. Given the importance of heightening Jamaica’s preparedness, the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management is being called-in to update me on the country’s state of preparedness and apprise the Government of areas of need as well as the protocols governing response to a major earthquake.” The prime minister continued: “The Government recognizes that while earthquakes are events over which no one has control, a significant difference can be made to how devastating its impact is if there is an integrated and effectively coordinated response protocol in place. As chairman of the National Disaster Preparedness Committee, I am engaging ODPEM to ensure that as far as possible, all the critical first responders and relief agencies are in a state of preparedness and able to function effectively in the event of a serious earthquake or similarly catastrophic event. Public education will also be an area of focus as it is important to inform citizens of steps they can take to better prepare for a

As already published in Vision Newspaper there are plans to put in place legislation to allow for the diaspora in UK, USA and Canada to name a few countries where large numbers of Jamaicans live, to vote in local elections here (in Jamaica).

catastrophic earthquake as well as the role they can play in safeguarding lives in the event there is one.” Commentary PM Holness Provides Leadership Despite our problems locally we have never failed to help in times of disasters. PM Holness has continued the tradition we have as Jamaicans ” by being our brother’s keeper”. “As a people we have always reached out and gave out of our limited resources … that is why God continues to bless us” remarked a Mother named Martha, from a non traditional church who asked not to be photographed or named in full. Vision commends Andrew Holness for this visionary gestures and housekeeping initiative by ensuring our homestead is also in order. We wish the affected countries well and grieve with you in your loss. There is no substitute for sound leadership Prime Minister Holness. Commentary by Hopeton O’Connor -Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

At least two members of the diaspora attended the Ceremonial Opening of Parliament in Jamaica, where the Governor General presented the Throne Speech outlining the government's plans for legislate year 2016/17. The diaspora was not left out in the government's plans ... under the heading:Foreign Affairs and Trade, page 12 ... "The Ministry will: . Leverage our Jamaican Diaspora in diplomacy, investment and trade ... . Strengthen engagement with the diaspora to promote their greatest involvement in national development ..."

The Holness administration of the JLP will not turn its back on Jamaicans living overseas ... "you come from yard, you belong to yard" is the message being conveyed. Ms. Beverly Lindsay and Martin Levermore head of the delegation attended the Ceremonial Opening Of Parliament and said: "it was a balanced approach taken ...the plans outlined will benefit all Jamaicans." They were guests of Minister Grange. Picture shows Ms. Lindsay displaying copy of booklet containing Throne Speech as she posed Vision. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie, SIC & Photojournalist was outside Parliament and filed this exclusive for Vision Newspaper Canada.



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Jamaican Government Committed to the Declaration and Development of Pinnacle process, the Minister said, the new board of the Jamaica National Heritage Trust will lead the process in accordance with the JNHT Act.

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Friday, April 22, 2016 – Minister of Culture, Gender Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange, announced that the Government is committed to the declaration and development of six lots on the Pinnacle lands in Sligoville, St. Catherine as a heritage site for the Rastafarian community. “One lot has already been declared a National Monument by the Jamaica National Heritage Trust (JNHT), while there are four others already identified. We are looking at a total of six lots for acquisition and the establishment of a Rastafarian heritage site and National Monument,” the Minister explained. Minister Grange made the announcement during a visit to Pinnacle on April 22, 2016. In highlighting that everything is a

In calling for unity among Rastas on the matter of Pinnacle, Minister Grange said, “We will all sit at the table to determine what the project will be, in order to secure the appropriate funding and to determine the way forward and how we will sustain what we are going to put in place and how it will benefit Rastafari and Jamaica.” “Today and this week is important to you and it is important to Jamaica because when His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie, visited Jamaica on April 21, 1966, he came at the invitation of my Government and 50 years later it is the same Government that is making a commitment to you, that will be realized in your lifetime; that we will once again restore the glory to this piece of rock we call Pinnacle. But for us to achieve this we must recognize that unity is strength,” said Minister Grange in highlighting the 50th Anniversary of the State Visit of Emperor of Ethiopia, the arrival of his grandson, His Imperial Highness, Prince

Ermias Sahle – Selassie and the commitment of the Government in declaring and developing Pinnacle.

May 1st - 15th, 2016

Govenor General Sir. Patrick Allen, presents the Throne Speech outlining the government’s plans and programmes for Legislative Year 2016-2017


Throne Speech

This disputed piece of land better known as Pinnacle is not beyond us to arrive at a settlement. It is long overdue for an amicable resolution.

Some of the highlights are: Renewed focus on the Diaspora and the establishment of a Tourism College, new sexual offences act,, bill to address Judicial Review of convictions, Full legalization of Marijuana, to replace the Queen with a non EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT.

The former PNP government did not have a clue how to resolve this dispute. Rastafarians have been treated for too long as if they are second class citizens. “Out of many one people” is supposed to be our motto, we dear not continue to give lip service to such a laudable statement and in the next breath, ignore the plight of Rastafarians … let them settle once and for all at Pinacle by granting security of tenure. They have considerable spiritual and emotional attachment to this plot of land to be ignored. To do otherwise would be a downright disgracevif not egregious travesty. Let us finally do the right thing as this is right thing to do. Amen!. Commentary by Hopeton O’ConnorDennie is Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

It was a morning of pomp and pageantry when the world and his wife turned out to witness the Ceremonial Opening of Parliament. Hats, tailored suits were in vogue. It was a spectacle to behold. For security reasons the barriers were widened so supporters from the various political parties were kept at bay. This was a most disappointing development but understandable. These supporters can be colourful, to say the least. The weather was excellent as the military mounted an impressive parade. (See picture).

TO REPLACE THE QUEEN was an unkept PM Portia Simpson Miller promise of some four years ago (2012). In a quick reaction former PNP tourism Minister Dr. McNeill said I am impressed with Throne Speech and Pension Plan for Tourism workers. This plan was a long term dream of mine. It is a continuation of our plans” McNeill asserted. ” Linkages are important” he further said. Advertisment

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May 1st - 15th, 2016


Portia Had An Image Problem ... As Paul Buchanan Broadsides PNP Leader ... Arrogance A factor ... supreme. So to not bring the leader in the communications loop is like committing a cardinal sin. This is what Buchanan is alluding to. she is primus inter pares (chief among equals).

2016, were the main punching bags ... and now Portia Simpson Miller, Party President. Everyone seem to have seen Portia as untouchable ... not so say Paul Buchanan, losing MP/candidate for West Rural St. Andrew.



As the crisis in the PNP deepens, comrades publicly mud sling each other and their leaders ... The latest target is Portia Simpson Miller. Lose lips is a common feature of this deepening crisis. Apart from Vision, other local media have virtually been treating the PNP's fallout as if Ebola. They prefer to put the PNP public fall out in an "isolation tent." We do not hold the view that their messy fallout will "contaminate us" ... we will not fall in bed with them ... we were never cohabiting ... so we will continue to maintain a professional distance. We believe in sound leadership ... hence we are not going to ignore this issue. The PNP is part of the Jamaican government. So far Paul Burke, Gen. Sec., Dr. Peter Phillips, Campaign Director

The defeated PNP candidate and former sitting MP for the PNP in West Rural St. Andrew constituency accepted that he along with the rest of his PNP colleague candidates were beset with "arrogance." This very frank admission was most refreshing, to say the least. Seat Cushion "Dr. Phillips, it could be argued was wrapped up in arrogance due to the seat cushion. We had done so much ... the marginal seats was the key. There were mistakes aplenty. Dr. Phillips failed on his leg. We made mistakes by not treating the PM as primus inter pares. We had some 140 solid pieces of solid achievements." Buchanan was speaking in a radio interview monitored by Vision ... Jamaica W.I. " Phillips must take the main blame as he was the campaign director. The focus should have been leader centred ... Portia should have been allowed to have been seen speaking more on the issues."

"The PNP's manifesto was capitalist while the JLP's was democratic socialist ... this was an astute move on the part of Holness. It was a Michael Manley move of 'no user fee' policy."' Buchanan recounted that the late Housing Minister Anthony Spaulding had conceptualized the idea that eventually led to the establishment of the National Housing Trust (NHT), but it was Michael Manley who took the idea and announced it ... the rest as they say is history. Communications Strategy "I wrote to PNP about the image of the party ... Peter overshadowed the PNP ... Dr. Peter Phillips was campaign director and uneasy is the head who wears the crown ... he must take responsibility more than anyone else." It is a fact that Jamaica is part of the Westminster Democratic system, which operates on a leader centric model. People tend to focus on the leader ... the leader rules

Communications Strategy The PM should have been put at the helm. Did the PM agree with your position? The announcer asked. "Perhaps we may never know what happens in those meetings. Her response to others would tell the true story." Buchanan declared. Claude Robinson, a respected media practitioner said: The JLP ran a superior campaign ... as the PNP was arrogant and over confident ...". The PNP was likely to have been intoxicated with over confidence as they have been in power 22 out of 26 years in Jamaica. They had grown to believe they had a right to be in power as their common slogan is "Jamaica is PNP country." The PNP were likely solidly "constipated" with arrogance ... of elephant

proportions, as a result of this type of "stinking thinking that Jamaica is PNP country." Why not? The fact is they held 42 seats, the JLP held 31 out of a 63 seat parliament ... they felt their performance with having passed 11 IMF tests, for example, was good enough to see them over the winning line, especially as predictions were for a close race. In this my perspective, based on the facts, it is difficult not to conclude that arrogance as Buchanan admitted was the main reason for the PNP's loss at the polls to the JLP. PNP chairman for 24 years Robert Pickersgill is not amused with what he described as "lose lips." He was speaking exclusively to Vision SIC. He was coy about his departure plans. MP Fitz Jackson has publicly declared his intention to replace Pickersgill, often described as "chairman for life" ... to be the new chairman of the PNP, as top Leaders in the PNP are being cleaned out. Will arrogance thwart this renewal process? Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada. Perspective is a special feature of Vision.






Impressions will celebrate leaders in the African Caribbean Kidney Community ral event

Scarborough, ON – Celebrating the people who take action in the field of nephrology will be celebrated by The Kidney Foundation of Canada’s African Caribbean Kidney Association at Impressions. ”Impressions is the premier event paying tribute to Pioneers, Innovators, Leaders and Caregivers; individuals who have placed their unique fingerprint into their contributions and have left an indelible mark on the kidney community,” said Carlene McLean, Co-President of The Kidney Foundation’s African Caribbean Kidney Association (ACKA). The achievements and contributions of Dr. Remi Ojo, the first president of ACKA and a leader in our community and

Dr. Tabo Sikaneta will be celebrated in a special event, on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at St. Peter and Paul Banquet Hall, Scarborough.

ment strategies to raise public awareness of risk factors, and prevention of complications from kidney disease,” added Lewis.

Dr. Tabo Sikaneta, a Nephrologist at The Scarborough Hospital and a member of ACKA, will deliver a keynote presentation on Understanding and Preventing Kidney Disease. “It’s important for African Caribbean Canadians to know they may be at increased risk for kidney disease and understand that there are ways to delay the progression of the disease,” said McLean.

Tickets for this celebration can be purchased by visiting The Kidney Foundation website at or by calling 647-504-9597 or 416 457-1014.

"Impressions will give us the opportunity to not only pay tribute to the work of Dr. Ojo & Dr. Sikaneta but also highlight the important work of The Kidney Foundation in our community," said Paulette Lewis, Co-President, ACKA. “The African Caribbean Kidney Association strives to be a conduit within the African Caribbean community to provide supportive programs to individuals living with or at kidney disease who are in need, and to imple-

-30The Kidney Foundation of Canada is the national volunteer organization committed to reducing the burden of kidney disease through funding and stimulating innovative research; providing education and support; promoting access to high quality healthcare; and increasing public awareness and commitment to advancing kidney health and organ donation. Since 1964, its fundraising campaigns have allowed us to contribute more than $110 million to research, and to provide services to individuals living with chronic kidney disease and related conditions.

May 1st - 15th, 2016

Jamaican Tourisim Minister Meets With Canadian High Commissioner States and UK/ Europe. Commentary

KINGSTON, Jamaica; Minister of Tourism Hon. Edmund Bartlett (right) engages Canadian High Commissioner to Jamaica, His Excellency, Sylvain Fabi in conversation during a recent courtesy call on the Minister by High Commissioner Fabi at the Ministry’s New Kingston offices recently. Among the issues discussed was the need to strengthen relations between Jamaica and Canada. They also examined efforts being made by Jamaica to boost arrivals out of traditional tourism source markets such as Canada, as well as new and emerging markets. Canada remains one of Jamaica’s major markets for stopover arrivals along with the United

Jamaica has always enjoyed an excellent relationship with Canada. May we always stand on guard to protect the gains made over the years. Canadians seem to have a love affair with Jamaica and Jamaicans by extension. The Trudeau’s both father and son have had good friendships with many Jamaican governments over the years. We wish the new Canadian High Commissioner Fabi all the success in his tour of duty to Jamaica. Commentary by Hopeton O’ConnorDennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.


Community What ’s On

May 1st - 15th, 2016

Events Vershon

Beyoncé - The Formation World Tour

Sister Nancy

Lee Scratch Perry


Family & Children

Your Event Here

S.O.R. Fest

Disney On Ice celebrates 100 Years of Magic

Your Event here $25 Venue: Empire Banquet Hall /

Venue: Rogers Centre

Venue: Adelaide Hall

Venue: Danforth Music Hall

Venue : The Hoxton

Oshawa Music Hall Date: May 13th & 14th, 2016

Toronto, ON Date: May 25th, 2016

Toronto, ON Date: May 28th, 2016

Toronto, ON Date: May 14th, 2016

Toronto, ON

Venue: Wildwater Kingdom

Venue: Evergreen Brick Works

Date: June 5th, 2016

550 Bayview Avenue Toronto, ON

Date: April 29th, 2016 08:00 PM

Exco Levy Reggae on Eglinton

Ceelo Green


Grandmaster Flash

Your Event Here

Date: December 29th, 2015 to August 31st , 2016

New! PA Day Camps at the AGO

Your Event here $25 Venue: Massey Hall

Venu: The Phoenix

Mod Club Theatre (Formerly Virgin

Velvet Underground

Toronto, ON Date: June 3rd, 4th & 5th 2016

Etobicoke, ON

Mobile Mod Club) Toronto, ON Fri, 06/24/16 07:00 PM

Toronto, ON Sat, 06/18/16 10:00 PM

Date: April 28th, 2016

To Place your ad here call 647-386-3419 or email

Your Event Here

Your Event here $25 Venue: Art Gallery of Ontario 317 Dundas St. West Jan 22, 2016 to Jun 10, 2016

To Place your ad here call 647-386-3419 or email




May 1st - 15th, 2016

EXCO LEVI, GETS HIS STAR ON BRAMPTON WALK OF FAME The City of Brampton announced that Exco Levi is one of four artists to be inducted into the City of Brampton Arts Walk of Fame. The Arts Walk

of Fame has honoured 11 artists since its inception in 2014. Other world class inductees include actor Alan Thicke and Comedian Russell Peters. The city created the program to celebrate local artists by recognizing those who have had distinguished careers in the arts. Levi will be honoured as a Performing Arts, Singer, Songwriter on September 24th, 2016. The Brampton Arts Walk of Fame is located at Garden Square in down town Brampton.

Gully Bop and His New Girlfriend Amari Plan to Get Married in August 2016 ... After teeth implants On Bop Gully Bop, has apparently dropped his resistances to removing his bad teeth for fear that it could spoil his trademark voice. According to media reports Bop has extracted two teeth and his voice is not affected. Bop we are advised will complete dental work by June and implants should be in place for August for him and Amari to walk up the aisle.

A'mari Lisa has made public plans to marry Gully Bop. She has advised that rumours that they have separated are false. In fact they plan to tie the knot in August 2016.

may recall that it was only recently that she (Chin) went to Bop's defence when his current beau Amari had accused him of impregnating someone and that a baby on the way with Bop possibly as the father. Chin said he was not "guilty" of such an act. Bop's song Delilah speaks of Bun aka cheating. It was allegedly directed at Chin ... YouTube.

It is not immediately clear what has so suddenly turn the tide of events in Bop's favour.

Reacting to the marital news, Dennis Brooks, online Editor and noted Broadcaster with Nationwide News Network 90.3FM Jamaica W.I. said: "I am not surprised, he is a celebrity ... he may not be on the a list ... the story of his (Bop's) romances have been making the rounds. He had an opportunity to fix his teeth but felt it could have impacted his authentic sound" Mr. Brooks asserted.

We have not been able to get a reaction from his ex Shauna Chin. You

"Amari publicly stated on TV that Gully Bop was "greedy and eats well". We

wonder if it is this apparent insatiable appetite for matters commonly referred to as "delicacy" or "saltfish "which may have won over A'mari to Bop. According to the calypsoian most men relish saltfish ... In a parting reaction Brooks was not aware of Bop's gastronomical desires, much less his trademark skills at eating. We wish them all the success and hope with implants Bop's eating skills will not be impacted. That would be a disaster, eh! Will he cause damage by teeth marks? Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada in addition to be a Gully Bop watcher.

DUANE STEPHENSON REIGNS IN NICARAGUA artiste and the area’s second ever international artiste performance, the first being Lucky Dube in 2006. “It was my first time performing in Nicaragua, as Reggae is an immerging genre there in general, and for Corn Island and Puerto Cabezas it was a pleasure being the Jamaican pioneer performer. The response was great for all four events and even with a change of venue for one event the people still came out in large numbers” Duane explained Noted Reggae crooner Duane Stephenson recently returned from a short four performance stint in Nicaragua where he visited states rarely seen by international performers. The artiste sojourned at major events in Managua and Bluefields; while making history in Corn Island and Puerto Cabezas as the first ever performance of a Jamaican Reggae

lot of songs from Jamaica especially Dancehall, it was a really great feeling being there as a Jamaican artiste and seeing our influence” Duane Noted Duane’s Spanish region appearances were not completed with Nicaragua however, as just over a week later he jetted to Costa Rica for the grand Fyah Red event alongside Tarrus Riley. This event also saw Duane performing to tens of thousands of Spanish speaking natives in the capital city of Puntarenas.

With such a successful set of appearances plans are already in place to revisit the Spanish speaking country in June of this year. Duane himself was impressed by the love of Dancehall and Reggae music by predominantly a Spanish speaking people.

Back in Jamaica, Duane is in full promotion mode for his latest video project from his third studio album Dangerously Roots. The visuals are for the single entitled ‘Jah Reign’ which has a fundamental message of hope.

“The people were singing along to my tracks and knew the words to a

“This song is a ‘pick yourself up and move on strong with Jah’ kind of

meditation. A lot of times people fall short and don’t try to pick themselves up, what this song is saying is that you can make mistakes and you can be better because of them. “ Duane Explained The music video for the ‘Jah Reign’ single was directed by Dameon Gayle for Warrior Productions and follows persons taking chances to survive and giving thanks to Jah throughout their challenges. Duane is also currently in studio working on singles for his forth studio album to be released later this year. He also has two brand new singles ‘News For You’ and ‘In Your Space’ that have started to gain momentum on local and international radio.

May 1st - 15th, 2016




Kingston, Jamaica April 19, 2016. Joe Bogdanovich, CEO of DownSound Records (DSR), completed his latest acquisition of a major Jamaican brand, Reggae Sumfest, 3 weeks ago in Kingston. When asked why Summerfest Productions decided to sell the company to Bogdanovich, Johnny Gousoung, CEO, replied that it was out of a number of reasons including the fact that both he and Robert Russell, Chairman, liked the fact that Bogdanovich showed new and fresh ideas to revitalise Reggae

Sumfest. “Over the years his commitment to the the music and to make things happen for the industry, financially is like no other in today’s market”, said Robert Russell. Bogdanovich said that there will be major changes in the next two years for the brand; 2016 will be the transitional year where DSR will be working closely with Johnny Gousoung, Robert Russell and Tina Davis who have developed this brand for 25 years. “In order to make this industry thrive”, said

Bogdanovich, “it’s critical that the home of reggae music gets its house in order. The theme of unity through music is a key factor for success in the festival business. Artists must understand and work together as well as the sponsors and government agencies and accept the fact that Reggae/Dancehall is a natural resource of the country and that it’s the responsibility of the country for it to be developed and protected as other forward thinking countries have done,” he said. JOE2 SumFest 2016 is also looking to launch a ground breaking first by streaming in interactive 360 Virtual Reality (VR), a game changer according to Bogdanovich. Other changes discussed included the re-energising of the brand both in terms of

signing local acts that are more youth oriented and at the same time maintain the foundation of relevant reggae/dancehall music. There will be a restructuring of show nights as well that will compact the live entertainment from 3 nights to 2 nights and with a current international act(s) that is on the cutting edge and what youth want to see. The business model in the next two years will reflect more what is currently working in the international festival market. An international board of Directors who have experience in the business is now being assembled that can help expand this brand into acceptance by major international sponsors

and entertainment power brokers who will help bring business and respect to reggae/dancehall music from Jamaica. This festival has supported Tourism and the city of Montego Bay for 2 1/2 decades and is a fundamental factor that will not change. This new administration will continue to give support with an eye on true international exchange. It has been reported that Reggae Sumfest brought $6 million worth of Tourism last year to the city and this administration is looking to top that annually over the next two years.

Upcoming Albums

Alborosie Freedom and Fyah Alborosie, the Sicilian born artist, who has spent over a decade living in Jamaica, delivers revolutionary songs with deep, heavy roots rhythms that have become his trademark, on his new album Freedom & Fyah. The album scheduled for release on May 20th 2016 has major guest features on the album including Jamaica reggae stars Protoje, Ky-Mani Marley (son of Bob) and many more.

Ziggy Marley Ziggy Marley

I-Octane Holding Firm

RDX Footprints

Ziggy Marley will release his sixth solo studio album, Ziggy Marley, on May 20th through Tuff Gong Worldwide. Recorded in Los Angeles and produced by Ziggy, the new self-titled album marks his first release in 2 years, following 2014’s critically acclaimed Fly Rasta, which took home the 2015 GRAMMY award for Best Reggae Album. A

Having just ended his successful School Tour, Chapter 2. “Bringing Di Right Vibes To Di Yutes”, I Octane releases “Holdin Firm” featuring rising artist Rickey Teetz. Produced by popular Full Chaarge Records “Holdin Firm” is out now on iTunes and all major online digital stores via 21st Hapilos Digital. @zjdymondtfc @ realioctane

Fan favorite dancehall dynamic duo RDX are in the mid of a successful US College tour where they are performing from their impressive hit catalog such hits as their latest “Footprints”. Distributed by 21st Hapilos Digital and produced by Reck It Ralf Music, “Footprints” is available on all major online digital stores such as iTunes. @rdxmusic

21st Hapilos

21st Hapilos




For Immediate Release, Kingston Jamaica, April 20, 2016 - CUJ GOSPLASH promises to be bigger and better for its forth staging in 2016 with new offerings that are sure to please the audience of thousands that emerge every Emancipation day at Sugarmans beach in St Catherine. Action Entertainment, promoters of the event, has added the CUJ GOSPLASH ‘GOT TALENT’ 2016 C0MPETITION to the already trendsetting event. With over one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) in cash and prizes to be won, the competition is expected to attract participants who love gospel music and can either sing, rap or dj. The winner of the competition will receive the CUJ GOSPLASH Talent Trophy as well as a

chance to perform on the big stage at CUJ GOSPLASH 2016. The winner will also have the opportunity to record a single produced by a top producer and a one year renewable Management and Booking Contract with Action Entertainment. Applications are now open for participants to submit their entry and song before Tuesday, May 31, 2016. Entry forms and information on how to enter are available at: www.actionentja. com “This is similar to what we did at the inaugural staging of Gosplash in 2013 which saw Divine HP emerging as the winner” stated Markland Edwards, CEO of Action Entertainment. “They are a lot of talents in church, so this is another platform to show that “gospel got talent”, Markland continued. CUJ GOSPLASH 2016 will be held at Sugarman Beach, Hellshire, St. Catherine on Monday,

May 1st - 15th, 2016

Prince Rogers Nelson, an acclaimed artiste, a illustrious son

August 1, at 10am. The Ultimate Beach Family Fun Day and Concert will feature performances from Grammy nominated gospel singer and songwriter, Deitrick Haddon as well as other top local acts including DJ Nicholas, Jermaine Edwards, Prodi, Jabez and Carey Sales to name a few. The family fun day will offer an array of food booths, non-stop gospel music, games, rides and other attractions to keep patrons engaged throughout the day. Credit Unions of Jamaica GOSPLASH 2016 is sponsored by RJR Communications Group, iCool, KIA Motors, Courts Optical, Courts Ready Cash, Kendell, Love FM, TBC Radio and The Portmore Municipal Council.

It is with deep sadness that Vision has learnt of the death of Prince Rogers Nelson, an acclaimed artiste, a illustrious son. As just Prince, as he was popularly known ... was a musical ambassador who will be remembered for " Purple Rain and an acting stint, a songwriter.

As in the case last year, part proceeds from CUJ GOSPLASH 2016 will go towards the Braeton Primary and Junior High school computer lab.

At 57 Prince was in the prime of his life. ... some people was just starting to bloom in their careers. As life expectancy goes he has died relatively young. We were aware he was not enjoying the best of health, but was not aware he was so bravely ill to the point if death. The Lord give th and the Lord take th ... blessed be the name of the Lord.

For further information, persons may contact 1 (876) 581-3222 or email:

We thank God for having loaned His servant Prince to us and are grateful for this unique gift ... Dennis Brooks Pays Tribute ... Noted radio announcer and former

Jamaican/Canadian has reacted to Prince's death " Well, it came somewhat as a shock to me. I knew he was unwell in recent weeks but did not know he was unto death. While I can't call myself a Prince 'Fanatic' his music had a tremendous impact on my consciousness as a young boy growing up in Toronto and Mississauga. As a child of the 1980s, his music was immense at the time and was a significant part of the soundtrack of my life. The world has lost a truly global musical icon." Prince had 14 no 1 hits, 7 Grammy, 1 Oscar, one Golden globe and 100 million records sold worldwide, In 2004 at the Superbowl half Times performance that was superb. At the time of his death Prince was promoting his latest hit "This is what it sounds like when dove cries." Prince's last tweet: "I am floating in a cloud of intoxicating purple rain" He died at his estate at Paisley Park. USA. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.



Sept 24th - Oct 7th, 2015


Minister Grange Lauds the Jamaica Amateur Softball Association scholarship opportunities available to students and that being exposed to softball can be beneficial. “If we are going to be serious about establishing the game in the psyche of Jamaicans then we must constantly look at empowering our own people in the areas of coaching, umpiring and administration. The GC Foster College of Physical Education and Sport – the only institution of its kind in the English-speaking Caribbean – is a key partner in this drive to entrench softball in our schools,” Minister Grange added.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Alison McLean greets members of the Dunrobin Primary School softball team at the Opening Ceremony for the Jamaica Amateur Softball Association 2016 Primary Schools’ League. The event took place at the Mico University College on Friday, April 29, 2016.

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Friday, April 29, 2016 – Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange has applauded the work being done by the Jamaica Amateur Softball Association (JASA) and expressed confidence that softball can be developed in Jamaica In an address delivered by Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Alison McLean, at the Opening Ceremony for the 2016 Primary Schools’ League on Friday, April 29, 2016, Minister

Grange said, “As Minister of Sport, I am especially elated at the launch of a softball competition. For us at the Ministry, every sport played in this country is very important given the powerful role of sport in the social and economic welfare of our people for more than a century.” The Minister also said she is very pleased by the progress that JASA has made within the last two years and acknowledged the work being done at the high school level. She noted that there are a number of international

“We must insist on getting the sport into the over 800 communities spread across all parishes by way of establishing clubs from which a national amateur league can be promoted and implemented yearly.” In highlighting how much can be gained through the expansion and development of softball in the schools, the Minister said, “not because softball is seen as a “minor” sport should we major in the minor, in terms of our thinking. We must think big and demonstrate to our regional and international partners that we are doing great and wonderful things in Jamaica. In doing so, you are strengthening your position to receive greater support in both cash and kind from our international partners who are keen on spreading the game all

over the world.” Twenty two primary schools will be participating in this year’s competition. There are currently four softball clubs in Jamaica and with an increased popularity of softball in schools, a greater level of competition and heightened school spirit will be developed among students. Commentary Softball is not the most popular sport in Jamaica W.I. but the Primary School students seem to want it as a sport ... it will take on as long as children take to it. At that age 8 to12+ they have a lot of energy so this game will keep them fit and hopefully out of trouble. It is a lovely game that I played in Canada. Softball is a north American game ... very popular in Canada and the USA. It is a close cousin of baseball and we know how popular that is up north. With adequate funding for gears this game will do well in Jamaica. We wish them well. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent& Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada

Vision Exclusive Interview with Mark Martin .. Sports Sponsorship Executive for Digicel QuickStart programme world cup one day even if not in my life time. The writing is on the wall. We wish this programme continued success and would like to use this medium to say that digicel’s investment will reap real rewards for the youths who are our real future. The Dijicel Quickstart programme is an idea long overdue and can only ad to the positive growth and development of the quality of our game. Jamaica has world class players worldwide but just not as a team here in Jamaica. This is a great programme that I think will reap excellent benefits for football in the future. We are going to win the

Youths with the right attitude will do well. This is a visionary move. Congrats! Mark Martin "We have been doing this Quick Start programme for 15 years from we were trading under the name Mossel prior to being digicel . Under digicel for the past 11 years. We tend to help youngsters realize their dreams from

grassroots to greatness ... 14 -16 year olds. There are two success stories to date who readily come to mind. Donovan Dawkins, National Under 20 player and Alex Marshall, who has matriculated into the National programme. We are too happy to help the country that has done so much for Digocel. It is all about putting back" Mark Martin concluded. Graduate Speaking to Vision a graduate of the programme Maliek Howell 17 said: "This January 2016 I now play for the Manning Cup team at Jamaica College ... I play right back and centre forward. We went to England at their football Academy at Man City for two weeks. The training was intense, good

field, etc. accommodation in a hotel. The programme is in 14 countries including Haiti. A great programme indeed ... may it continue for a very long time to come. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.



May 1st - 15th, 2016

Perspective: Diva Nikki Z … Successful … Internationally Acclaimed … Excellent Image …

We salute the internationally acclaimed Diva Nikki Z for her talent and stardom. She continues to be sought after to host big events in the entertainment arena. She seem to have come to prominence by the Hot 20 chart she promotes which has gone TV.

The recent troubles of another notable Jamaican Diva Miss Kitty, cannot be forgotten or ignored at this stage. Of course they are different individuals but they are on the local and other stages so their conduct and performances are of interest to us all. Nikki Z and Miss Kitty are both in the media. They are public figures who are very visible and looked upon by teens mainly as role models to which they would aspire. Miss Kitty has been a rising star and has been doing

very well for herself having been asked to host and judge many high riding events like Sunsplash which is a big show indeed … hosted locally with widespread international appeal. To be asked to judge Magnum Kings and Queens talent show is quite an achievement. It has a viewer ship of over a million based on talk in the streets. One thing not in dispute is that it has mass appeal and support due to the fact that many of the contestants are drawn from the length and breath of Jamaica. Auditions are done at strategic locations island wide and it is the best adjudged contestants

which go forward and are voted on by text island wide to stay or be eliminated. Yanique-and-Miss-Kittybeef Kitty is currently on suspensionn from the Magnum show for an on set outburst with the Host … another Diva herself Yanique Barrett.(both are on suspension over the incident).

higher a monkey climbs

the more him or she exposes themself.” So you need to be extra careful to cover your … A positive image is critical for success in showbiz and the media worldwide. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

We are far from perfect but as we say in Jamaica “the Advertisment


May 1st - 15th, 2016

Are You So Lonely You Could Die?

"I'm so lonesome, I could cry," croons Hank Williams in the famous song by the same name. But recent research suggests loneliness could lead to more than just tears � it could be associated with an increased risk of life-threatening heart problems. The review study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Heart and based findings on an analysis of 23 previously conducted studies involving nearly 2,000 healthy adults, noted an association between loneliness / social isolation and risk of heart disease / stroke. Lonely and isolated people were 29 percent more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease (heart disease or angina) and 32 percent more likely to suffer a stroke. The researchers were quick to note that the former doesn't necessarily cause the other,

and future research is warranted. This isn't the first time loneliness has been linked to health problems, including immune system depression and high pressure. Add in the potential for life-threatening heart problems and it's clear that, as the researchers suggest, loneliness and social isolation should be taken seriously as public-health issues. If you consider yourself lonely and/or social isolated, particularly if it's a long-term state, talk to your doctor about what you can do about it. For more information on health and safety please visit www. and the Ontario Chiropractic Association web site at or call 1877-327-2273. Dr. George I. Traitses of Infinite Health practices traditional chiropractic, advanced nutrition and anti aging therapy and has been serving the Toronto and Markham communities since 1981. You can reach him at 416-499-5656 or www.



Kingston Jamaica Dancehall’s dominant female, Ishawna, has launched her infamous ‘Legendary T-Shirt Dress"’ just in time for the summer. The controversial T’Shirt dress that turned heads and made headlines last year is now available in stores in Kingston. Ishawna, signed to mega label Downsound Records, first wore the simple yet sexy white number to guest host an episode of Season 8 of the Magnum Kings and Queens of Dancehall Reality Show. She has been turning heads consistently with her style over the years and recently won 'Fashion Icon of the year' and Young Hot & Hype Female in this February’s staging of the 2016 Youth View Awards.

“This dress represents my style and flavor, bold, fun and risky. I like to push the envelope with my music and my style and the dress is an example of this, Raunchy and Stylish” Ishawna shared. The Legendary T-Shirt Dress line is available in Jamaica in Black, White and Gray, and can currently be purchased in Kingston at Shop NecessiTs, Bargain Mall in Clock Tower Plaza, Half Way Tree. Islandwide delivery is also available, persons can call 1876-354-5626 for details or information. The dress will be available for purchase online very soon. Outside of the Legendary T'Shirt Dress line, Ishawna will be releasing the official videos for her ‘Abay’

and ‘Ooh La La’ singles in the coming weeks. Singles ‘Long Fingernail’ and ‘School Gyal’ have also received great feedback and rotation thus far; she has also released a brand new single called "The Message" produced by Majah Label Music Group and will be releasing singles produced by TJ Records and Notnice in the coming weeks. Ishawna is also preparing for performances in the United Kingdom in July and the Cayman Islands in August. The Ishawna World Tour is also being finalized. Fans can stay tuned to her social media pages or her website for updates -www.


Aries (March 21-April 19) Say thank you with true gratitude. Not only will your gratitude express appreciation, the person on the receiving in of the thank you will truly be grateful for your sincerity. Taurus (April 20- May 20) Good karma is on the rise. Do not fret about the past, it is gone. If the dust is flying then close your eyes until it settles. Gemini (May 21- June 20) This too shall pass. All tough situations and rough circumstances come to pass as long as you work diligently on a resolution to make it end. Cancer (June 21- July 22) Things might seem difficult now, but with time and en-


ergy, patience and love, you will get past this complicated process like loosening a knot.

Leo (July 23- August 22) You are not one to be taken advantage of. You do not like it when someone takes your kindness for foolishness, and this week that will not change. When someone tries to override your commonsense you will step up and speak out, and boy oh boy they will step back with respect.. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) A surge of energy will build up around you this week. Use this energy to get unfinished tasks done, and to encourage others. Libra (September 23- Octo-

ber 22) Eat more lean meats if you’re a meat eater. If you can, maybe even fast from meat for a day or two. At least eat more leafy dishes. Scorpio (October 23- November 21) This week you will be a great source of inspiration to kids, single parents, and people with mental health concerns. Sagittarius (November 22December 21) You will shine like the beacon you are and this week others will love your glow. Capricorn (December 22January 19) Make a plan for the future and stick to it. Success is on the rise and you will be

thrilled with the results. Aquarius (January 20- February 18) Do not settle for less. You know what second best is and if someone is giving you less than you’re worth then perhaps you should consider exploring newer options. Pisces (Feb 19- March 20) Reach out and say to someone who you desire, respect and adore. Cerise Fairfax Life Coach | (416) 722-5233 | cerisefairfax@gmail. com | | Cerise’s book URBAN PROVERBS: How to create and maintain good karma is available. To order your copy please email. (available in Audio, Ebook and Paperback)



May 1st - 15th 2016 / Page 15

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