Vision Newspaper Canada (November 5th - 18th, 2015

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November 5th - 18th, 2015

JLP Opposition Leader Andrew Holness ask for resignation of Health Minister Dr. Ferguson after 19 babies die in Jamaican hospital STORY ON PAGE 3

Morgan Heritage’s notable Kenya Journey, Onward to sold out European tour >>page 07

Jelani Daniel


US first lady Michelle Obama aarives in Qatar for ALL CREDIT APPROVED speech on TYPES girls education >> page 02 Advertisment

Jelani Daniel




November 5th - 18th, 2015

The Caribbean Venezuela president pledges Petrocaribe investment in eastern Caribbean

KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent _ Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is pledging more resources for the eastern Caribbean under the Petrocaribe program during a one-day visit to the nearby island of St. Vincent. Maduro said Monday that he was seeking to find a regional hub that would serve as the centre for the construction of 50 homes financed by a Venezuelan program that provides fuel at generous financial terms to Caribbean and Central American countries. Maduro said the pilot project could serve as a model for future investments in St. Vincent. He did not say how much construction of the homes would cost or provide any other details as he praised the program. Venezuela is struggling with a tanking economy and has the world’s highest inflation. The Associated Press

Haitians flow into cemeteries to mark Voodoo festival of the dead

US first lady Michelle Obama arrives in Qatar for speech on girl's education, air base visit Wednesday on her Let Girls Learn initiative at the 2015 World Innovation Summit for Education, sponsored by the Qatar Foundation. The foundation is chaired by Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser al-Missned, former ruler Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani's most high-profile wife. Ahead of her speech, The Atlantic published an article online Monday by Obama, in which she said cultures, as well as funding, needed to be addressed to ensure girls are educated. DOHA, Qatar _ U.S. first lady Michelle Obama arrived in Qatar on Monday as part of a two-country Mideast tour, with plans to visit a crucial air base in America's war against the Islamic State group and give a speech on the importance of girl's education. Obama touched down in Doha, the Qatari capital, on Monday night, the state-run Qatar News Agency reported, without elaborating. While in Doha, she'll visit the al-Udeid air base with comedian and late-night talk show host Conan O'Brien. The base hosts the forward headquarters for U.S. Central Command, as well as aircraft involved in the campaign of airstrikes targeting Islamic State militants in both Syria and Iraq. Obama is scheduled to give a speech

Other Haitians on Sunday remembered dead relatives and asked spirits to grant favours or provide guidance. Voodoo is a blend of African spirituality and Christian tenets that slaves created centuries ago. This year’s celebration comes shortly before authorities are expected to announce the top two finishers in a presidential first-round vote. Voodoo priest Pierre Saint Ange cracked a rope whip and told onlookers not to ``fight with guns or burn tires.’’ The Associated Press

``Scholarships, bathrooms and safe transportation will only go so far if societies still view menstruation as shameful and shun menstruating girls,'' Obama wrote. ``Or if they fail to punish rapists and reject survivors of rape as 'damaged goods.''' From Qatar, Obama will travel to Jordan and visit a school supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development with Queen Rania. She also plans to visit Petra, an ancient city hewn from rose-colored rock that's a UNESCO World Heritage site. Obama is travelling without the president, her daughters or other immediate family members on this week's trip. The Associated Press

The World Prince Harry to promote sporting event for wounded servicemen with Michelle Obama in Virginia

LONDON _ Prince Harry will join U.S. first lady Michelle Obama and Jill Biden in Virginia next week to promote next year’s Invictus Games. Harry spearheaded the Invictus Games, an international sporting competition for injured armed service personnel. The first games were held in London last September, and the event in Orlando, Florida, is planned for May 2016. The prince’s visit on Oct. 28 aims to highlight the mental health and wellbeing of service personnel. Officials say he plans to visit Fort Belvoir military base with Michelle Obama and Jill Biden, who is U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden’s wife, to meet wounded servicemen and women. Harry will also attend a reception at the British ambassador’s house in Washington. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

Wreckage believed to be cargo ship El Faro located in 15,000 feet of water

Haiti council needs more time to issue preliminary results from presidential vote to reconcile complaints of fraud submitted by various quarters in recent days. Out of a total of 162 complaints, 43 have been evaluated as admissible and forwarded to a tabulation centre.

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti _ People have been streaming into cemeteries across Haiti bearing candles, food offerings and bottles of dark rum to mark the country’s Voodoo festival of the dead. At Port-au-Prince’s national cemetery, priests and priestesses dressed in white gather around a blackened monument that is believed to be the oldest grave. There, they evoke spirit Baron Samedi, guardian of the dead.


PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti _ Haitians will have to wait longer for official preliminary results from last month's first-round presidential election. The leader of Haiti's Provisional Electoral Council said last week that the top two finishers in the Oct. 25 vote would be announced Tuesday. The council now says it will issue preliminary results on Thursday.

Haitians had to grapple with an unusually long ballot featuring 54 presidential candidates when they cast their votes. International observers said balloting went relatively smoothly. But some political factions claim votes have gone missing, among other fraud accusations.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. _ The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board says in a statement that a search team has found the wreckage of a vessel believed to be the cargo ship El Faro, which went missing with 33 crewmembers on Oct. 1 during Hurricane Joaquin. The federal agency says a search team aboard a U.S. Navy ship using sonar believes it located the ship at about 15,000 feet around its last known position. It says the identity of the wreck must still be confirmed with a deep ocean remotely operated vehicle. The statement says the sophisticated sonar system detected the wreckage about 1:36 p.m. EDT Saturday. The 790-foot-long El Faro’s captain called in before the vessel disappeared saying the ship had lost its engine power during its voyage from Jacksonville to San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The Associated Press

The Associated Press

It says the additional time is needed

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Exposing the talent in our communities.

Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Junior Whyte, Correspondent in Jamaica: Darien Brown Contributors: Christopher Miller Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Squire, Editors: Samantha Deschamps, Kelly Deschamps, Marilyn Marshall, Photo credit: front cover Hopeton Dennie


November 5th - 18th, 2015


Andrew Holness, opposition leader has called for Health Minister Dr. Ferguson to go, in light of the deaths of 19 babies in Hospitals. audit report. The Health Minister has released a summary of the report .... claiming that to release the full report could negatively impact confidence in the system as a whole. Civil Society Pressure Mounts

The opposition has accused Dr. Fenton Ferguson of lying about when he knew that babies died from bacteria outbreak. Health Minister Dr. Ferguson admitted in Parliament that the deaths from the outbreak of the deadly bacterias impacted some 42 mainly premature babies in two of the Island's premier hospitals. The University teaching hospital and the Cornwall Regional Hospital in our second city of Montego Bay, located in the western end of the Island. Jamaica has an estimated population of two and a half million inhabitants. Some 19 babies died within five months at these two largest health facilities in the Island. The Portia Simpson Miller administration has been

rocked with this scandal since local media broke the story in mid September. Two top administrators have resigned so far from the University, with deafening calls for Health Minister Dr. Ferguson to resign or be fired by PM Simpson Miller. PM Simpson Miller broke her silence for the first time in Parliament, last Tuesday, expressing her regrets at the deaths of these 19 babies in the care of the State. Interal Audit Report If the death of the babies was not enough, the refusal of the Health Minister to release an audit Report on the health system nationally, has irked stakeholders who have been lining up to demand a release of the

There has been loud calls for the audit report to be released by the powerful Jamaica Manufacturers' Association (JMA), The Private Sector Organization Of Jamaica (PSOJ). and the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce. (JCC) Speaking on the very popular "Cover Story" on Nationwide FM 90.3 with Dennis Brooks and Cliff Hughes, the former Small Business Association President, Edward Chin-Mook has echoed calls for the audit Report to be released. Audley Shaw, opposition Spokesman on Finance said Minister Ferguson knew long before he publicly said he knew of the first outbreak that led to 19 deaths of the premies (premature births). Shaw's stridency suggests that he has or or has seen a leaked copy of the closely guarded audit Report into the health sector. Joyce Hewett,, of Women Inc. a leading advocacy group who focusses on women’s issues had backed calls for

the release and full disclosure of Audit Report into the health Sector. “This lack of transparency is unacceptable ... “ stated Hewett. ... we have publicly called for Report to be made public” as she walks her blind dog. The Cabinet met today (Monday) and we await the outcome of their deliberations. The Health Minister Ferguson has issued an apology after saying that these are not “really babies” .... This followed loud out cries for his sacking.... many felt this was insult to injury. University Hospital Board Chairman, Sterling Soares said two new appointments have been made to fill vacancies left by two recent resignations following 19 dead babies Scandal. The University Hospital has promised to expand and improve facilities for neonatal care. PAHO has been contacted for advice and help. This story is not going away expect a sequel in the ongoing drama ...a human tragedy indeed. By Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie, photojournalist & Senior International Correspondent reporting for Vision Newspaper Canada. Advertisment




November 5th - 18th, 2015

Governor Eyre found "Guilty" for Morant Massacres of 1865. natives could take no more oppression by an insensitive and uncaring elete, headed by Govenor Eyre, who took instructions from his British bosses. This aloofness and lack of sensitivity angered even the moderates, including Deacon Paul Bogle and William Gordon of the planter class.

Rastafarians turned out in their hundreds and helped to fill up the Court Yard in Morant Bay, capital of St. Thomas at the Eastern end of Jamaica some eighty (80) Kilometres from Kingston the nation's capital city.... to witness the mock trial of Governor Eyre. It was on the 24th of October 1865 that the exections began ... this Is the 150th Anniversary of this execution/ rebellion. Slavery was abolished In Jamaica in 1838 after being granted Emancipation in 1834. These fully freed slaves were by and large landless and mainly unskilled. Jamaica was still under British rule and white colonizers owned sprawling acreages of the most arable lands. It was a time bomb ticking ... the only unknown was when it would explode. Agitation was growing and discontent like wine was fermenting. The 64 million dollar question was, when would the steaming pot boil over. The 1865 uprising/rebellion was bound to happen

A delegation led by Baptist Deacon Paul Bogle went by foot to Spanish Town, the then Capital of Jamaica to see the Colonial Govenor. Gov. Eyre refused to see the delegation. Frustrated and hungry the peacemakers returned by foot some 150 kilometres through thick bush and threaterous terrain back to Stony Gut some twelve kilometres from Morant Bay. The seeds for the uprising were sewn. The succeeding events were later referred to as the Morant Bay Rebellion. Many lives were lost. This mock trial meant a lot to Jamaicans as untold atrocities occurred not only during the rebellion but its aftermath, as reprisal attacks by unprofessional elements in the security forces (militia) at the time. This British force got strict instructions to crush this uprising at all costs as it was a threat to the status quo. Observers opined that the share brutality that followed was their latent racist attitudes that was coming to the fore. Over 1000 homes, huts were torched with Maroons (runaway ex slaves) collaborating as traitors to assist the British to put down the uprising. Some 439 were rounded up, tried and

Skilled in guerrilla warfare, the Maroons were an invaluable asset to the British as they were very familiar with the rugged terrain of thick bush, tracks, caves etc.

held. He was charged for 4 counts of conspiracy to murder for the deaths of Paul Bogle, William Gordon, Letetia & Charles Geoghan, gleaned from historical records .... the Jury deliberated for only three minutes and found the bastard guilty on all counts as charged. A large crowd filling two tents and spilling out from the courtyard into the main road running through the town of Morant Bay witnessed this historic event. The Court Room was filled to capacity with media houses taking up a lot of the small space.

In 1734 they had signed a Peace Treaty with the British in exchange for large parcels of lands in various settlements (semiautonomous governments within the Island). Accompong Town, Maroon Town and Charles Towns. No land taxes to be paid.

We then came to Mandela Park for a reasoning and “groundation” at 2: 30 PM. I was asked to do a poem which I wrote entitled “Respect” .... in which PM Cameron was condemned for his disrespect of Jamaicans for refusing to apologizing for the atrocities of slavery.

Did the Maroons felt obliged to repay the British for recognition?

Cost of Trial

or summarily executed. It was Maroons who captured Paul Bogle and handed him over to the British to be tried and subsequently hanged. Maroons

The trial of Gov Edward George Eyre was an attempt to bring some closure to this lingering feeling that unpunished injustice had gone without criminals being brought to book. Eyre’s conviction on all counts, was met with mooted response by some onlookers outside the court room, mainly women .... openly wept. An unwarily hushed silence was evident. Reports are there was cheering inside the court room when the guilty verdict was read out. This account cannot be independently verified as this writer was on the outside due to space. It would have been a gross travesty of “justice” for this “trial” not have taken place ..... symbolic as it was ... it was necessary. In Morant Bay, St. Thomas my birth parish, the trial of Govenor Edward John Eyre is being

A source who cannot be identified, said the cost of the mock trial is 11/2 million dollars Jamaican. The play was written by Burt Samuels, a lawyer and his team. It was well presented. It was an historic day. Justice Minister, Senator Mark Golding, Verene Shepherd, Sir Lord Anthony Gifford, Miguel Lorne, human rights activist, Susan Goffe, Dr. Rosalea Hamilton, former Town Clerk KSAC Errol Green, and media personality dub/poet Mutabaruka, to name a few .... were among the noted public figures in attendance. Susan Goffe, a noted social activist said she was there in her personal capacity. Justice Minister, SENATOR Mark Golding SAID “I GAVE PERMISSION FOR THE COURT ROOM TO BE USED. “I felt it was important for this trial to have taken place” He echoed the view that the trial was “historic”. by: Hopeton Dennie.


Jelani Daniel




November 5th - 18th, 2015


What ’s On


Family & Children


Conscious Kings



Dom Kennedy

Sleeping Beauty On ice

Venue: The Danforth Music Hall

Venue: Ace of Hearts

Venue: Sound Academy

147 Danforth Toronto, ON Date: November 20th, 2015

4000 Steeles Ave Toronto, ON

11 Polson St

Venue: Revival 783 College St

Toronto, ON

Venue: Sony Center For Performing Arts Toronto, ON

Venue: Ally Catz 2409 Yonge St Toronto, ON

Date: November 14th, 2015

Date: November 27th, 2015

Toronto, ON Date: November 7th, 2015

Venue : The Phoenix Concert Theatre Toronto, ON Date: November 9th, 2015

Date: November 20th, 2015

Date: October 23rd - November 20th

Mr Vegas & QQ

Russell Peters/ Dj Starting From Scratch

Unsung Heroes

Cedric: The Entertainer

Shabba Ranks

Fancy Nancy

Bubble Guppies Live


Venue: The Phoenix Concert

60 Interchange Wayl Toronto, On


Venue: Jamacian Canadian Assocation 995 Arrow Rd

Venue: Air Canada Center Toronto, On Date: October 23rd, 2015

Venue: Sound Academy 11 Polson St Toronto, ON Date: November 13th, 2015

Venue: Lower Ossington Theatre 100A Ossington Av

Venue: Sony Center For Performing Arts

Toronto, ON Date: Nov 7, 2015 to Jan 31, 2016

Toronto, On Date: November 28th, 2015

Date: November 20th, 2015

Toronto, ON Date: Novemeber 21st, 2015

Toronto ON Date: November 8th, 2015

Uptown Soul




Glendevon Records On a Mission with a dream, that dream was later materialized into what is now, Glendevon Records.

Rising Record label, Glendevon Records based in the UK has been tirelessly working with only one goal in mind and that is to become one of the biggest recording labels in the world. The movement started when two young minds Baby and Tahz aka Oxygen decided to team up musically with the intention of making a difference in Jamaican music. Then, they were just youngsters attending the Glendevon All Age School

“It was always a dream of ours to put the community of Glendevon on the map, and this was our way of doing that.” Shared Tahz Though the label has been around unofficially for a while now, it wasn’t until this year that certain plans were put in place to make it official. Clendevon Records currently represents artistes such as Smoodface, Lil Dainty, Jucky, Future Kid, Kutti and of course Tahz. The record label has put out quite a number of notable works over the years including their latest project Love Potion Riddim which was released earlier in the year. The riddim features Smoodface with “Blow My Mind”, Vershon’s “Seh Mi Too Hype”, Lil Dainty’s “Long-

time”, Future Kidd’s“Turn The Lights Off” and Kutti’s “One” The reception for the riddim has been very good and the team’s getting a lot of positive feedback about the label, artistes and the music that we’re putting out”. Expressed Baby Glendevon Record have also worked with notable artistes to include Stonebwoy who recently copped his first BET Awards this year, Keisha White who is known for her rendition ”Weakness in me” In the very near future, the record label will be putting out many more hit songs and riddims so look out for Glendevon Records.

November 5th - 18th, 2015

Tiffie, Misik Muzik Colab For “So Into You” video side of her musical abilities, her voice soft, creating a sensual feel that match her lyrics.

Toronto’s pop, dancehall diva, Tiffie has created a buzz once again, her latest record “So Into You” receiving support from across the globe. The new single, produced by Misik Muzik, a Jamaican label spearheaded by Ward 21’s “Suku Ward” demonstrates the versatility of one of Canada’s household female dancehall artists . Suku’s beat merges a new age R&B sound with Pop/Dancehall elements that have been present throughout the last few years of Dancehall, while Tiffie explores a different

With the success of the single thus far, Tiffie and Suku are working on a next single for the New Year. Over the next month, Tiffie will be hitting the streets with promotional copies of the record, as well as completing interviews across Toronto and the rest of Canada. Tiffie celebrated her single and video launch this past weekend at Toronto’s prestige Dancehall event “Fluxx Sundays” at Luxy Lounge. “So Into You” is Distributed by Zojak Worldwide, the single is now available on I-Tunes. Empowerment Media Group



November 5th - 18th, 2015


Morgan Heritage's Notable Kenya Journey, Onward to Sold Mr. Vegas Drops Second Single From Lovers Rock & Soul, Album Out European Tour

"Africa doesn't feel like home, Africa is home" Morgan Heritage. Truer words were never spoken as the Royal Family of Reggae, Morgan Heritage reflects on their prosperous journey in Kenya. The legendary siblings performed at this year's Extravaganza at the Kenyatta International Conference Center in Nairobi, Kenya. Welcomed with opened arms and celebrated by all, Morgan Heritage delivered a memorable performance

to the eager crowd attended by music lovers, fans, politicians, dignitaries and members of the African music fraternity who boisterously sang along to the band's greatest hits. While in Kenya, Morgan Heritage known for their many philanthropic endeavors took part in the Miss Koch Kenya program that is currently assisting with sending 40 kids to school through forms 1-4 in one of the Nairobi slums called Korogocho. The band also joined forces with the

Chairman of the Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF) and took part in the "10 Minute's of Your Time " program at the University of Nairobi sponsored by the YEDF. The program aims to inspire the next generation of African leaders to not only find their role in the modernization of Africa by Africans without loosing our culture, but to also let them know that "Our CTBC Nation is about changing a generation". stated the band. Morgan Heritage also took time for their fans, visited television and radio stations and even performed at Miss World Kenya. "The love we felt and received from everyone was definitely humbling, as much as we gave, we also received. Asante sana". - Morgan Heritage Advertisment

Dancehall star, Mr. Vegas is without a doubt one of Jamaica’s most versatile recording artistes. Throughout his career Vegas has made his mark on the international music scene by consistently serving up an eclectic mix of Reggae and Dancehall hits. His impressive discography that includes musicals gems such as Do You Know, Heads High, Love Your Self, I Am Blessed, My Jam, and Thinking Out Loud has earned him a place in the annals of Jamaican music. As fans eagerly await the release of his of his upcoming album titled Lovers Rock & Soul the hardworking artiste/producer is on a promotional binge. “The album is getting great support from DJs all over the world, and the response from the fans has been fantastic. The pre-sale orders are very good, and the album is also getting a lot of buzz

on Social Media,” said Vegas. Yesterday Vegas released his second single of Lovers Rock & Soul, kicking off the release of the new album. The song he has chosen is none other than his emotionally charged cover of Cyndi Lauper’s 1983 smash hit "Time After Time". “This is the song on the album that everyone is talking about, the feedback I’m getting about it is overwhelming. From all indications, it’s a fan favorite, so I’ve decided to run with it as the second single. I recently released the video for Time After Time on Youtube, and it's getting a lot of positive feedback.” Lovers Rock & Soul releases Today, Friday, October 30th, 2015. “The album is now available on Itunes and all the other popular online music platforms and CD. I know that a lot of people in Jamaica do not buy music online, so I have made arrangements to make the album available on CD at all the record shops in Jamaica.”



November 5th - 18th, 2015


PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) -- The Haitian presidential election has become a battle of the pop songs, with Wyclef Jean (ZHAHN) of The Fugees

Stevie Wonder, Usher, Lenny Kravitz, Lovato to honour Lionel Richie at Feb. 13 MusiCares event

NEW YORK _ Stevie Wonder, Usher, Lenny Kravitz and Demi Lovato will honour Lionel Richie when he's named MusiCares person of the year in 2016. John Legend, The Roots and Zac Brown will also pay tribute to Richie at the Feb. 13 event in Los Angeles, the Recording Academy said Tuesday.

Former music video vixen Karrine Steffans takes on domestic abuse in latest ‘Confessions’ book NEW ORLEANS _ For years, Karrine Steffans was one of the most sought after video vixens in the hip hop industry. In the late ‘90s and early 2000s she had roles in more than 20 projects by multiplatinum-selling rap artists, appearing alongside the likes of Jay Z, Puff Daddy, Mystikal and R. Kelly. Then in 2005, she harnessed her celebrity status to write “Confessions of a Video Vixen,’’ a stark account of her hard life growing up in the U.S. Virgin Islands with an abusive mother to her days atop the music field and the abusive relationships she had endured throughout. She also chronicled her trysts with several of the artists she worked with, landing on The New York Times Best Seller list as two more books followed.

Richie has had massive success as the lead singer of the Commodores and as a solo artist, with hits ranging from “Three Times a Lady'' to “All Night Long (All Night).'' The Associated Press

In June, the 37-year-old published “Vindicated: Confessions of a Video Vixen, Ten Years Later,’’ her latest memoir. The book newly explores her personal journey, this time in a more toned-down manner. And it focuses on her on-and-off relationship with her famous child star ex-husband and the continued cycle of abuse she said she withstood. “This is not a metamorphosis,’’ said Steffans in an interview with The Associated Press during a recent visit to New Orleans. “I haven’t morphed into an advocate against domestic violence. I’ve always been this way.’’

Pharrell Williams to perform with gospel choir at South Carolina church where 9 were killed

Previously announced performers include Pharrell Williams, Luke Bryan and Lady Antebellum. The event, scheduled two days before the 2016 Grammy Awards, will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Nowadays, Steffans no longer performs on a video set. She stands at a lectern, telling her story to students on college campuses, hoping this time around people will look beyond the celebrity and hear her out about the ongoing fight against domestic violence and abuse.

Williams plans to speak with community leaders and others affected by the June 17 shooting at the church.

CHARLESTON, S.C. _ Pop superstar Pharrell Williams is scheduled to perform with a gospel choir Sunday at the South Carolina church where nine black parishioners were shot and killed. Multiple news outlets report that Williams' appearance at Emanuel AME Church is part of a program on race relations being produced by A+E Networks and iHeartMedia.

The two-hour “Shining a Light: A Concert for Progress on Race in America'' program is scheduled to air November 20. It will also feature a concert to be filmed Nov. 18 in Los Angeles. A goal of the program is to raise money for the victims of racial violence and for organizations around the country working to promote racial equity.

weighing in. Jean was a big supporter of outgoing president Michel Martelly but has chosen to support Jude Celestin rather than Martelly’s chosen successor, Jovenel Moise. Martelly’s son, Olivier, is also a Haitian singer, and he’s rushed out his own song in favour of Moise. Several candidates are running in Sunday’s election, and the two highest vote-getters will have a runoff on December 27th. Jean himself ran for president in Haiti five years ago but was disqualified for failing to meet residency requirements.

Fetty Wap, recovering from motorcycle accident, performs from chair at Powerhouse 2015 concert

BROOKLYN, N.Y. _ “Trap Queen'' rapper Fetty Wap was a bit of a trapped king at a concert last Thursday night: The performer, who is recovering from a motorcycle accident, performed sitting from a throne in New York with his foot held up. Despite that, Wap was energetic throughout his set at the Powerhouse 2015 concert at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York. He apologized for being confined to sitting, and thanked the crowd for supporting him since the accident occurred last month in his hometown of Paterson, New Jersey. Wap, whose real name is Willie Maxwell, stood up at the end of his performance with two of his friends holding him up. He said he hadn't performed in two months or walked in a month. “I'm a stand up for y'all. I appreciate y'all for having me,'' he said. Rocker Dave Grohl performed similarly this summer on his Foo Fighters tour after breaking his foot at a show in Sweden. “This (accident) was real scary, you feel me, I ain't going to even lie,'' Wap said. “If I (mess) up, don't worry about it.'' The rapper has had a breakthrough year with multiple hits, including the pop smash “Trap Queen.'' His self-titled debut came in at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart earlier this month, and his other Top 10 pop hits include “679'' and “My Way.''

The Associated Press The Associated Press

November 5th - 18th, 2015



Upcomming Albums

Church in these Streets Jeezy The countdown is on to Jeezy’s new album Church in These Streets. The Atlanta rapper has been teasing with his weekly #SundayService series as he gears up for the Nov. 13 release. Now the tracklisting has surfaced (via HHNM), and reveals the 19-song lineup, which includes the previously released “Gold Bottles,” “Hustlaz Holiday,” and “GOD.” Janelle Monáe guests on “Sweet Life,” and Monica lends her vocals to “Forgive Me.” In anticipation of the album, Pastor Young is bringing Church to a city near you. The six-date tour kicks off Nov. 12 in New York before traveling to Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, New

Mudface Redman

Heart Blanche

Diamond Sox Iba Mahr

On November 13, Redman will join the likes of Logic, Jeezy, and Ty Dolla Sign when he releases his eighth studio album called Mudface.

CeeLo Green is known for his unconventional style, but he’s almost unrecognizable on the cover of his upcoming album Heart Blanche. The soul crooner took to social media to unveil the artwork, which shows him covered from head to toe by flowers while seated in a chair. A child sits next to him gazing up in wonderment.”

Debut album “Diamond Sox” from Iba Mahr, one of the stars of Jamaica’s roots rebirth movement, will be available in stores November 20th. Diamond Sox the album includes the original title track and the remix version of the 2014 YouTube video hit (with over 500,000 views combined.) The album features appearances from Tarrus Riley, Jah 9, Jah Mali, Dean Fraser and Capleton. Iba Mahr’s successful 2014 -2015 performances at Reggae Sumfest, Rebel Salute, Sting, Western Consciousness, Air Jamaica’s Jazz and Blues Festival have made him an in demand live act within the Caribbean, USA and European touring circuit.

To amp up the promotion, Red decides to come through tonight and share the album’s official artwork on his IG page. And fittingly enough, the cover finds a cartoon Redman covered with marijuana buds all over him, a shotgun in hand, and mic in the other.

Orleans, and Atlanta.

Led by the previously heard single “Dope Man,” Mudface will be available for pre-order purchase starting 10/30, aka the eve of Halloween.

Ceelo Green



Frank Wood to join Forest Whitaker this winter in a revival of Eugene O'Neill's 'Hughie'

Comedian filmmaker Chris Rock to host ABC's Oscar broadcast next year Rock is the only non-white Oscar host to helm the show since that appearance 11 years ago. The film academy has visibly increased its diversity outreach efforts since it was derided earlier this year for its all-white slate of acting nominees.

NEW YORK _ Frank Wood will join Forest Whitaker this winter on Broadway in a revival of Eugene O'Neill's “Hughie.'' Wood, a Tony Award-winner whose stage credits includes “Side Man,'' ''Angels In America and ''Clybourne Park,” joins the production directed by Michael Grandage. Previews begin in February at the Booth Theatre. Whitaker will play Erie, a small time hustler who tells his tale to a sympathetic night clerk in a rundown hotel lobby. He misses Hughie, the fleabag hotel's previous desk clerk who has just died. Wood will play the new clerk. The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES _ Chris Rock is coming back to host the Oscars for a second time. The show's producers say the prolific comedian-filmmaker will be at the helm for the 88th Academy Awards on Feb. 28 at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. Producers David Hill and Reginald Hudlin called Rock “the MVP of the entertainment industry.'' The 50-year-old entertainer posted a photo of himself with an Oscar statuette on Twitter Wednesday with the caption, “Look who's back.'' More than 42 million viewers tuned in when Rock hosted the 77th Academy Awards in 2005, compared to 37 million for this year's show.

Hollywood is “a white industry. Just as the NBA is a black industry,'' Rock wrote in a much-discussed essay late last year. He said that even though some things are changing _ “not only are black movies making money, they're expected to make money'' _ there are still too few people of colour on both sides of the camera. Rock has won four Emmy Awards for his comedy series and specials. He recently directed the comedy special “Amy Schumer: Live at the Apollo'' for HBO. In 2014, he wrote, directed and starred in the feature “Top Five,'' and in 2009, he produced, wrote and starred in the documentary “ Good Hair.'' The Associated Press

November 5th - 18th, 2015

Aretha Franklin is sued by condo managers over unpaid fees; she says she's been 'overcharged'

BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich. _ Aretha Franklin is being sued over unpaid homeowner fees at a condominium in suburban Detroit. Hills of Lone Pine Association says it's owed more than $11,500. The Detroit News reports ( ) that the association has filed a lawsuit to try to foreclose on the Queen of Soul's property in the gated community in Bloomfield Hills. The lawsuit names Franklin and two companies that hold mortgages on the $700,000 condo. Franklin tells the newspaper that she owns the condo but doesn't live there. She believes she's been “overcharged for years'' and has paid only what's “credible and legitimate.'' Franklin says her attorney is working on the dispute. The Associated Press


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Sept 24th - Oct 7th, 2015


Pitching following dad's death, Edinson Volquez holds off Mets just enough as Royals win title “My mom wanted me to pitch, and my dad would want to see me pitch,'' he said. “It was hard in the first inning for me to stay under control and to not think about my dad.''

NEW YORK _ Edinson Volquez inscribed his father's initials on the back of the mound and on the inside of his cap. He pitched for himself, the Royals, all of Kansas City _ and his late dad. Volquez was good enough to keep Kansas City close for six innings, and that was good enough for the Royals, who rallied to beat the New York Mets 7-2 in 12 innings early Monday morning for their first World Series title since 1985.

“I felt my dad when I was walking to the bullpen, like he was walking behind me, and in the first inning, my feelings were there, like my dad was watching the game,'' Volquez said. “But I was able to calm myself down and do what I was supposed to do.'' Volquez hung an 87 mph changeup to Curtis Granderson on his third pitch of the night, an 0-2 offering, then allowed Lucas Duda's sixth-inning sacrifice fly that gave New York a two-run lead.

Matt Harvey suffocated the Royals' offence with four-hit shutout ball through eight innings. But Eric Hosmer hit an RBI double that chased Harvey in the ninth and scored the tying run as first baseman Lucas Duda threw home off line following Salvador Perez's grounder to third. Kansas City's bullpen held the Mets scoreless over five innings and pinch-hitter Christian Colon singled in the go-ahead run in the five-run 12th “Volky was unbelievable,'' Royals manager Ned Yost said.

Tiger Woods has follow up procedure on back to ease pain

The pitcher's father, 63-yearold Daniel Volquez, died of heart failure hours before his son started the opener Tuesday night. Volquez said he got the news after Kansas City's 5-4, 14-inning win. He flew home to the Dominican Republic, then rejoined the Royals on Saturday just before the start of Game 4. “Everything we do tonight is for Edinson Volquez,'' said Perez, the Royals' catcher and Series MVP. Volquez struggled a bit with his control, walking three leadoff batters in six innings and starting just nine of 24 batters with strikes (37.5 per cent). That was the lowest percentage of any big league starter this post-season, according to STATS. But Volquez allowed just two hits and two runs, one unearned. After loading the bases with

no outs in the sixth on a walk, single and error, he allowed just one run. ÈHe did what he did so well all year long, is he limited the damage,'' Yost said. “It was a phenomenal performance by him.'' On the eve of the start, Volquez remembered how his father “bought me my first glove and my first spikes, brought me to the field. He knew that's what I want to be.'' While he did not get the win, he will get a jewel-filled ring, one that always will remind him of his father. “It's hard to describe the feelings.'' Volquez said in the Royals clubhouse. “We're going to enjoy the moment.''

Serena Williams to face pal Caroline Wozniacki in exhibition match at Madison Square Garden

er microdiscectomy Sept. 16 that ended his year.

JUPITER, Fla. _ Tiger Woods says he had a follow-up procedure on his back to relieve discomfort. Charles Rich, the neurosurgeon who performed the procedure Wednesday in Utah, said on Woods' website that he was doing well

and a full recovery was expected. He did not say what the procedure involved. Woods first had a microdiscectomy a week before the 2014 Masters that kept him out three months. He later said he returned too early. He had anoth-

Woods said on his website that ``it's one of those things that had to be done.'' There was no timetable on his return. He cancelled a press conference Wednesday for his Hero World Challenge, though he still plans to attend the Dec. 3-6 event in The Bahamas. The Canadian Press

The Associated Press

NEW YORK _ Serena Williams will play her good friend Caroline Wozniacki in a rematch of last year's U.S. Open final, and Stan Wawrinka will face Gael Monfils in exhibition matches at Madison Square

Garden on March 8. Williams, who came within two match wins of completing the Grand Slam this year, will be participating in the BNP Paribas Showdown for the third time.

The 34-year-old American has won 21 Grand Slam singles titles, including three in 2015, and is currently ranked No. 1. Wozniacki is a two-time major finalist and former No. 1. Wawrinka owns two major titles. Tickets for the event go on sale on Nov. 1. The Associated Press



November 5th - 18th, 2015

Will Smith quells 'Concussion' controversy, teases new music at the Hollywood Film Awards his work in “Concussion.'' He plays Dr. Bennet Omalu, the forensic neuropathologist who uncovered the fatal effects of head trauma in football.

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. _ Will Smith is not expecting any pushback from the NFL over his new football drama “Concussion.'' “I don't think it's going to generate too much controversy (with the NFL). There will be a little difficulty in swallowing it, as it was for me. I'm a football dad, you know,'' said the 47-year-old father of three. Smith was honoured Sunday at the Hollywood Film Awards for

“You don't want it to be true,'' Smith said on the red carpet. “I think that the science is really irrefutable and the story of Dr. Bennet Omalu is such a powerful story. I think that it will be difficult at first for some, but I don't think that it's going to be that big of an issue. It's something that we have to accept.'' “Concussion'' made headlines after the New York Times reported that the film was altered to placate the NFL, a charge director Peter Landesman and Sony have denied. The Grammy-winning rapper, who recently appeared on the remix of Bomba Estereo's song, “Fiesta,'' also discussed his return to music after a decade-long hiatus. “It's such a new exploration for me.

Former N.W.A. manager files defamation lawsuit over ‘Straight Outta Compton’ film

The most fun that I have. There's nothing that compares to being on the stage with a hit record. So you know I've been performing a little bit with (DJ Jazzy) Jeff. We've been sneaking out and going to places and working out a little bit. So I think it's going to be magnificent.''

time with everybody to like work together.''

Another hot-button honoree Sunday was Quentin Tarantino's “The Hateful Eight.'' Police associations have urged boycotts of Tarantino's movies after the filmmaker said he was “on the side of the murdered'' during a recent rally against police brutality in New York.

Still, honorees including Robert De Niro, Benicio Del Toro, Jane Fonda and Amy Schumer turned out for the glitzy gala in Beverly Hills hosted by James Corden of ``The Late Late Show.''

“We all have a tremendous respect for what police do every day, putting their lives on the line, OK? And I know Quentin feels that way too,'' said Kurt Russell, who stars in Tarantino's western, out December. “Now when it comes to his comments on policeman, that's his to comment on,'' continued Russell. “You don't have to agree every

LOS ANGELES _ Halle Berry and actor Olivier Martinez are ending their two-year marriage and say they want to proceed with the best interests of their young son in mind.

Representatives for NBC Universal and Ice Cube declined comment. A publicist for Dr. Dre did not immediately return an email seeking comment.

The actors released a joint statement announcing the divorce on Tuesday, a day after Berry filed a divorce petition under a pseudonym. Martinez filed his own petition on Tuesday, and both cited irreconcilable differences for the breakup.

Heller is suing Tomica Woods-Wright because he claims the film, which she helped produce, violates non-disparagement clauses in a settlement he reached with her in 1999. WoodsWright could not be reached for comment.

“Straight Outta Compton’’ was a hit, earning nearly $160 million domestically in the first six weeks after it was released in August.

Heller is seeking more than $110 million, although a jury would determine any damage verdict.

“It's an important film for people to see and to understand what women went through for us to have a vote,'' she said. “All of this award stuff is very good because it means more people will go and see it.''

joint statement. “We move forward with love and respect for one another and the shared focus of what is best for our son. We wish each other nothing but happiness in life and we hope that you respect our and, most importantly, our children's privacy as we go through this difficult period.''

``The film is littered with false statements that harm the reputation of (Heller) and aim to ridicule and lower him in the opinion of the community and to deter third persons from associating or dealing with him,’’ the lawsuit states.

Heller, who is portrayed in the film by Paul Giamatti, sued former N.W.A. members Ice Cube and Dr. Dre, the widow of rapper Eazy-E, and NBC Universal, which released the film in August.

Carey Mulligan, who received an award for her historical drama “Suffragette,'' hoped the attention will help at the box office.

Halle Berry, Olivier Martinez to divorce after 2 years of marriage, 1 child together

Heller claims the film portrays him as a villain who led to the breakup of N.W.A., which launched the careers for Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, and sparked the rise in popularity of gangster rap. The film is uses elements of a script that Heller commissioned, and violates his copyright in a memoir that included his description of key moments depicted in the film, the lawsuit states.

LOS ANGELES _ Former N.W.A. manager Jerry Heller filed a multimillion dollar defamation lawsuit Friday over the hit film “Straight Outta Compton,’’ claiming it portrayed him as a villain who led to the breakup of the gangster rap group.

The awards show, which has raised eyebrows for giving honours to unreleased films, was not televised this year after dismal ratings in 2014.

Both actors are open to joint custody, and Berry's filing repeatedly requests that a judge enter orders that are “in the best interest'' of their 2-year-old son. “It is with a heavy heart that we have come to the decision to divorce,'' the actors wrote in a

Berry and Martinez met while making the 2012 film “Dark Tide.'' They married in July 2013. The actress' attorney filed for divorce by listing the name as “Hal Maria'' and identified Martinez as “Oliver Martin.'' The filing states the pair have a prenuptial agreement that does not entitle Martinez to spousal support. She is also seeking to avoid child support payments, writing: “Each party to equally share the cost of raising their child.'' Berry won a best actress Academy Award in 2002 for “Monster's Ball.'' She has been married twice previously and has a 7-year-old daughter from her relationship with model Gabriel Aubry.


November 5th - 18th, 2015


"Respect" Proud to be a Jamaican Not ashamed ...of pigmentation. More concerned of contribution .. To building this Island nation

For the inhumanity of slavery Wow! Is indeed an atrocity ... This is no time for complicity ....

Their economy benefited ..... Let us show respect .... This is what our elders From wealth exploited ...... expect. Along with their armed forces ... Let us press our cause .... This is not a time to They exploited our resources ... pause .... Slave masters got recompense .. The momentum is on our side.... A pause may Give ancestor dollars cause a slide not cents PM Cameron is off line We will start with an apology ... .... His lack of apology is ... For this untold atrocity .... not fine Cameron's failure to say sorry

by Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie


Aries (March 21-April 19) Smile. Your energy is shinning and character is getting attention. If you are in the music industry or acting industry look out, because good things will be unfolding for you soon. Taurus (April 20- May 20) Get some exercise, sleep well, and place any addictions high on the list to deal with before Christmas hits.


tor oil or cod fish oil. Cancer (June 21- July 22) Miscommunication will be easy this week, so to prevent any conflicts be sure to listen attentively and speak clearly. Leo (July 23- August 22) Save your cash, you will need it for the first two weeks in January.

others to prevent you with their discouraging words and outlandish suggestions of failure. Scorpio (October 23November 21) An old friend will disappoint you. Try not to overreact. Sagittarius (November 22- December 21) A new person in your life will make an impression that will last.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Laugh and dance. It is better to celebrate by yourself Capricorn (December as opposed to sitting in 22- January 19) Gemini (May 21- June gloom. Someone will lie to you, 20) but they will eventually Eat healthy foods. Try to Libra (September 23- Oc- confess. When they do tell cut down on meat if you tober 22) the truth try not judging are meatatarian, and try to If you want to do it then them too harshly. Instead oil your insides with casdo it and do not allow of being too hard on them,

be respectful that they at least confessed and take it from there. Deal with things with commonsense and not emotional resentment. Aquarius (January 20February 18) Be the type of friend you would like to have. Pisces (Feb 19- March 20) Give yourself a break from worrying about love, health and finances for at least three minutes. Have faith not fear. Things will work out as they should. Cerise Fairfax Life Coach | (416) 722-5233 | | www.cerisefairfax. com | Cerise’s book URBAN PROVERBS: How to create and maintain good karma is available. To order your copy please email. (available in Audio, Ebook and Paperback)


November 5th - 18th, 2015 / Page 15

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